Ok, so far I've dumped the ROM and uploaded the kaiser-HardSPL and all was going lovely. However, after most of a day of pretty much inactivity I find the device suddenly goes very slowly. By which, I mean it can take several seconds to draw the screen.
Thinking this might be a rogue application using up all the processor cycles, I poked it up the bottom with the stick. (While doing this the first time, I held in power and camera just to see the boot loader text, but then I did it again with no buttons held.) It's a Vodafone device but it sat on the Vodafone splash screen for about 2-3 minutes then spent longer than that on the Windows Mobile screen before eventually dropping me into normality.
Except it's incredibly slow normality - I clicked on "start" and after a minute, it's not done anything yet.
Next step is a hard reset unless anyone has any better suggestion?
I assume you've pulled the battery?
Never assume anything... The full answer is, "No, but I have now"... I'm not sure that's going to do anything more than a soft (poke up the bottom) reset though. I'm now just waiting for the splash screen to subside while I'm typing this.
Having left it half an hour, while it went into standby and after noticing that the clock had stopped updating, I'm of the opinion that the already slow device has got slower...
Ok between 1 and 2 minutes to move from the splash screen to the "Windows Mobile" screen.
Now there's a turn up... After a further minute or so, I get a message, which has now cleared and gone back to the "Windows Mobile" screen before I had chance to copy it here. Basically it said that it had failed to boot either because I'd turned it off improperly or I'd installed something that it was opposed to. I should press send (I guess the green button) to reset to manufacturer's defaults.
Since that's my next stage anyway, I'll re-poke it with the pointy stick and press 'send' when it pops the message up. I'll put my trusty old Nokia N73 into flight mode and take a picture of the message so I can transcribe it here for everyone's amusement.
More news as it breaks.
I've now hit the 'send' button so it's doing a hard-reset. Meanwhile, here's the text it showed me:
The device is unable to boot be-
cause either you have turned off
the device incorrectly or tried to
install an application from untrusted
source. Press SEND to reset your
device or press any other button
to cancel. This operation will delete
all your personal data and restore
the device to its factory default
Nice. Ok, I'm at the 'tap the screen to set up your device' screen now.
Wonder what triggered all that nonsense then...
If you're like the rest of us and tooling around the all the fun programs in this forum, there's no telling.
I tell folks on computers, "Every piece of software you put on a machine is a liability to the operation of that machine." We can say that applies to this nifty little devices too.
I've had my phone experience the same symptoms you have posted here. Luckly for me a battery pull fixed mine. Sounds like the luck didn't spread much. Sorry.
Keep at it though. And don't fret the crashes. They do happen from time to time when you play hard.
So, a hard reset and a restore of a backup (Yes, I made a backup a few days ago even though I've been in the trade 20 years!) later, I'm back to normality. All I've done that's weird is install pof's loader and I can't see that's anything to do with it. What I was doing at the time of the slowdown was trying to connect to the wifi network at work. I thought the networking had just got itself tied in knots somehow but as the machine was even mega slow to boot, I can't really see that. At least I can still get back to square one at the moment.
I just need to create a .nbh out of the rom parts I dumped yesterday so that I can recover from anything more major...
Meanwhile, if you do a 'boot loader reset', would you expect it to say 'serial' if the USB isn't plugged in?
I'm starting to wonder if there is a major bug in the WiFi of the Tilt. There are some other threads on AT&T's site about this, and my work with WiFi on this unit has been dicey. Hmmmmm...
I just started having this "bug" yesterday. Basically, what happens (randomly) is that when I press the power button, remove the stylus, or slide the phone open to wake it up I'll be met with a black/blank screen. The backlighting will be on, and the phone is responsive (can receive messages, make calls, sounds/notifications work), but I won't be able to use the screen. If I use the power button to turn the screen back off and wait a few seconds, the screen might start working again. This is completely random and I cannot duplicate it with any guaranteed process, but it seems to be when the phone is waking up from standby. After a soft reset, probably half of the time I'll be met with this same delima, which leads me to believe it's hardware and not completely software.
At the same time the phone is also struggling to re-paint the screen from the change of Landscape-to-Portrait and visa versa. Also opening and closing windows to get back to the today screen also cause a problem. I've disabled TF3D to see if that makes a difference, it doesn't. I have a blank today screen with no plugins to free up the system resources, and am still having this issue.
I'm using JD's Rom (probably around 1.3, it's been running fine with no issues up to this point).
I'm also using S2U2 1.35 (if that makes any difference, haven't had any problems until recently)
The phone has never been dropped, it's in InvisibleShield, and normally sits on my desk charging all day.
This started happening last night for no apparent reason and it's really starting to irratate me.
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Re the black screen:
Sounds like its software related. For example, I sometimes have this if I leave PocketTwit in the foreground and turn off phone. What software did you install yesterday? Also, do you try to press the home key and see if that clears the screen?
After more testing..
After some more fiddling around with the phone I'm about 90% certain it's a hardware issue. I noticed that when I slide the keyboard out if the slide portion is past the number line then the screen will stay on, but not update. I don't know how well I can explain it. If I'm typing and hold the screen to keep it from opening all the way then I can see the letters/words appear (in txt msg/email), but if I let the screen goes and it slides all the way open then the screen will stay on and only show what has already happened, any more typed characters will not appear, but if I move the screen back to the number row then the screen will re-draw and update what has happened.
Is this something that Sprint should fix no questions asked?
lulugirl896 said:
Re the black screen:
Sounds like its software related. For example, I sometimes have this if I leave PocketTwit in the foreground and turn off phone. What software did you install yesterday? Also, do you try to press the home key and see if that clears the screen?
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The last piece of software I installed was Gyrator 2 on Friday-ish. Thinking that it was the problem, I removed it using MemMaid. I'm going to give the phone a flash tonight and see if it is software related (hoping for the easy fix) but as the post above says, I'm almost certain it's a hardware issue. I just wish I knew how it happened. . . So much for that time putting those InvShld on.
Final Update (this can be closed)
I took it into a Sprint store and they replaced the "flip" on the top for free (I have insurance).
Point of the story/thread, this can be closed, it was a hardware issue, and now it's fixed.
I hope someone can help me, I have a Sprint Touch Pro2. Last night it randomly started rebooting itsself, i was not loading a new rom, i was not installed any software, i wasn't doing anything other that texting and IMing people. After i removed the SD Card, there were a few times i got it to load to the unlock screen, but once i got passed that it would say "starting device activation..." or something like that. Then i got it loaded but Touch Flo 3D would not automatically start. So i removed the battery and restarted it again and i went to bed and left it charging, and it kept restart itself again, when i woke up it the phone was dead, and will not turn on. The charging light is on but it will not turn on.
This happenned to me, i ended up having to exchange the phone.
have u tried a hard reset. U can do this by holding power button and call and end keys.
Phone must be off and it will completely erase your data
this sounds like what my phone is doing. is there a fix? i think im sol because i didnt buy it though sprint.
Not Hopeless
This happened to my Sprint TP2 I soft and hard-reset it but it still went back to the reboot loop.
I put it in the tri-boot screen and re-reflashed the stock ROM and all was well.
Same here
The same thing is happening for me right now. Soft-resets aren't helping. It's sporadic, however, sometimes saying it successfully activated and needs to reboot (then going into activation right away), sometimes saying it failed, and sometimes not coming up at all (but I'm pretty sure it's running in the background, even if I hit cancel, because the phone is very warm and the battery drains very quickly).
I took it to Sprint and they confirmed it was already activated. They tried manually activating it, succeeded, and it still kept doing it. However, both them and I were able to place a phone call, text, and visit a website... so basically it was working. But, like I said, this constant nagging of activation was running in the background sucking juice and killing performance. Their diagnosis was "it's acting weird". The main home screen clock has also been stuck at 0:00 ever since this started (though the lock screen clock and clocks in the World Clock screen are correct).
They said I could go to their service shop and do a diagnostic and backup/wipe/restore or they'd replace it under warranty if it still didn't work.
I figured I'd just try the hard reset myself tonight. Will post how that goes. I'm not sure what this "tri-boot" screen is, but I'll do some searching and check that out too.
A bit of info to start off:
AT&T Fuze running an Energy ROM (March 10th I believe). No problems with the ROM and nothing changed on the phone before this.
Earlier today I felt my Fuze vibrate in my pocket. I figured it was a text and, because I was in the middle of on conversation, I ignored it. A few seconds later and it did it again. And again. And again. It was putting out these 1 second long vibrations every 2-3 seconds. The screen was black and it wouldn't respond to any buttons at all. Not even the soft reset. I had to pull the battery.
Now when it boots it seems to stay on the AT&T screen a bit longer than normal and when it finally boots up it makes it about as far as the HTC animated screen and then reboots instantly.
I tried a hard reset. It hard locks at the screen that says it is configuring, please wait. Have to pull the battery here too.
I get home and drop it in to the boot loader and try to slap the same Energy rom on it. This time it makes it to the same "Please Wait" screen then reboots. It is stuck in an infinite reboot cycle.
I figure I should try the stock rom and it does the same thing. It gets to the green Windows screen that says it is configuring TouchFLO and then it reboots. As soon as it gets back to that screen it reboots again. Infinite reboot cycle.
I tried the updated Energy ROM. Same issue. At this point I figure it is a hardware issue and it is probably dead. Before I throw it into a wall do you fine folks have any suggestions?
I had that once, too.
Second or third ROM after a hard reset every time worked.
There seems to be something wrong with the ROM you flashed.
Try running task 29. Just put a splash screen in the task 29 folder, run it, then re-flash the nrg rom (or any other rom of your choice). It should fix the problem. There's a task 29 thread in the raph rom forum.
shadow# said:
I had that once, too.
Second or third ROM after a hard reset every time worked.
There seems to be something wrong with the ROM you flashed.
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I'm on ROM eight or nine now. Same thing. Even the stock ROM. At this point I'm almost convinced it is a hardware issue. Ah well, it was good while it lasted. At least I still have my backup HTC Wizard. That thing is a workhorse.
Farmer Ted said:
Try running task 29. Just put a splash screen in the task 29 folder, run it, then re-flash the nrg rom (or any other rom of your choice). It should fix the problem. There's a task 29 thread in the raph rom forum.
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Would this be any different than flashing a new ROM at the bootloader?
Taelon said:
Would this be any different than flashing a new ROM at the bootloader?
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Task 29 wipes the OS partition clean, so you no longer have an OS rom. A re-flash will give you a clean rom, and possibly the bugs will be gone.
Farmer Ted said:
Task 29 wipes the OS partition clean, so you no longer have an OS rom. A re-flash will give you a clean rom, and possibly the bugs will be gone.
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Click to collapse
Excellent, thanks for the info. I'll give it a shot momentarily.
With Task 29 I make it to step 7. and then I can't progress because my reset button is not responding. If I pull the battery and then enter the bootloader I can flash a new ROM but I still have the same problem.
If I use the stock ROM it makes it to the green Windows Mobile 6.1 logo screen that tells me to wait while it sets up TouchFLO, hangs there for a few seconds and then reboots. It makes it to that screen again and reboots. Infinite cycle.
If I use the newest Energy ROM it makes it to the Energy version of that screen and locks up and no buttons, including reset, respond.
Ok, let me get this straight-you ran task 29, and it worked? If it worked, then the device should've flashed, and then re-booted and just hung on the splash screen (no red numbers or anything appears). Then, you were able to re-flash a new rom. Is that correct? But, you run into issues because your reset button isn't working. Well, it sure sounds to me like you've got a hardware (not firmware) problem (edit-duh, just re-read your first post, and that's what you concluded a while ago). Maybe your reset button is stuck. Did you drop the phone recently, or get it wet? Try looking in the hole of the reset button and see if anything is stuck there.
If worse comes to worse, flash back to stock rom and then spl and return for warranty (may be too late for that, I guess) or repair.
Yup, it does look like a hardware problem. I was just really hoping it wasn't. The phone itself hasn't gone through any major drops and has never been wet. The reset button looks clear of debris and I can feel the button push in. Sadly, she is out of warranty. She was a refurb to replace one that had the screen go about a year ago. She was a good girl, I'm gonna miss her.
what do you mean by task 29 ?
where can i find task 29?
Look in the rom forum, just like it says above. Or, and I know this will sound crazy, try searching "task 29".
Same exact thing happened to me. Not sure what causes this...
I was at Bestbuy when I felt my phone vibrate, took it out of my pocket but it was off so I turned it back on and put it back in my pocket. Felt it vibrate again a few seconds later and figured the battery must have died so I took the battery out and didn't turn it back on until I got home. That's when I found out it was doing the same exact stuff as yours, constantly rebooting no matter how many times I flashed it. After many many hours of tinkering I was at least able to get a stock ROM and after even more hours, a stock SPL and call ATT for replacement. $50 and 1 day later, new Tilt 2 at my doorstep
[Q] HTC Desire "appears" as if it has the home button stuck, since a recent update
One of our HTC Desire is exhibiting very weird behaviour since a recent update (couple of days ago). It only affects one of the phone, the second one is working fine, both were updated within the same day.
** I will try to post the software version on the next post, I think it's triggering the "No outisde link for new user" error, even though there is no outside link!
This phone only started playing up about a day after the update, not immediately. It sometimes wake up on its own and bring up the "Recent Apps" screen, as if you have long-pressed the Home key. It then switches wildly between that screen and the zoom out (helicopter view?) view of all the home screens. Initially I thought it is hardware problem and the phone is 'screwed' but I think it's more software problem, since it can work normally sometimes.
The wild screen switching made it impossible to use the phone and because it is working constantly, it gets hot and drains the battery. The problem started to get worse when we plugged it into a PC to sync and it started to go crazy. Since the screen switching so wildly, I can't get into the menu to soft reset or turn off the phone properly. So had to hard reset it, and done that more than half a dozen times.
We did have an issue when we first downloaded that recent update, both phones didn't have enough space, so the install crashed out. We freed up more space and both phones appear to have installed the update fine. Well, until a day or so after, one of the phone started playing up.
At the end, I found that if I held down the optical cursor button (very hard work), it seems to hold off the wild screen switching. I can then sort of use the phone as per normal, so that I can join WiFi and change settings & install apps etc.
I noticed that the Rosie Utility is always showing on the "Recent apps" screen. I've never seen that on a normal "Recent Apps" screen before. Not knowing what it was, I googled and learnt that it's the SenseUI. I then compared the SenseUI info with AppKik and the crazy phone is showing a different size 1.9MB (laterly 2.0MB) whereas the working phone is showing 3.0MB, althought both said HTC Sense Version 1.0
So I figured something must have gone wrong with the SenseUI Launcher and hence it's doing crazy thing. So I downloaded couple of other launchers, LauncherPro and ADW Launcher. They initially seem to work then all of a sudden the crazy screen switching will start and they will get worse. It seems worst if I left it on the main home screen, if I was in an App, it sometimes stay calm for a while.
In frustration, I thought I will backup my SenseUI (rosie.apk) from the working phone using Appkik and then install it on the faulty phone, but the install failed. Probably because it's being used. Tried switch the default launcher to LauncherPro, still the same. May be it needed Root access to replace? So I rooted the phone with UnRevoke3 (after a long struggle getting the correct ADB working) but still can't install the rosie.apk.
Anyhow, after rooting the phone, it mysterously settled down. I could use the phone normally for quite a while, then it started again. Although not as crazy and only intermittently. Haven't used the phone later part of today, so not sure what it's doing at the moment. When I tried the phone this morning, I stumbled across an option to un-update the senseUI, so it's now supposedly switched back to the factory default (Eclair 2.1??) version? The info from Appkik is stil lthe same though.
My question to the experts are ...
1. Can I 'update' just the latest Rosie.APK since the phone update said I already got the latest and no more updates available. ? If so, where and how?
2. If not, can I download a working copy of Rosie.apk from somewhere, and how do I write that over the existing 'possibly' faulty version?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
HTC Desire "appears" as if it has the home button stuck, since a recent update
Attached is the TXT file containing my HTC Desire Software Version details.
For some unknown reason, it won't accept my post if I had the text from this file in the body of the post. It keeps bringing up the error about no 'outside' link for new user.
Update: If I "Cleare Default" on SenseUI in the App2SD settings, then it appears to stop the Screen Switching, but the Home button stops working altogether, the rest of the home screens appear to work normally though. Very weird. I think the problem is definitely to do with corrupted Rosie.apk ( .
In case it helps anyone else, my home and menu button on an hd desire became intermittently broken in that they would stop working for days.
I followed this and did a clear data on the rosie utility and they work fine now.
Whoop whoop!