FUZE 3g - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Ok - Before everyone goes nuts, I have already done the tweaks in advanced configuration utility for the icon plus the changing of the hsdpa disabled in the registry. I wound up backing everything up with sprite backup, hard resetting and restoring and I checked both settings and they appear to be correct but I'm not getting the correct speeds and my icon is still 3G. Any advice?


[Q] Help! 3g stopped working

My 3g seems to have stopped working. Wifi works fine, and 3g works for a few seconds during startup, then the icon disappears and there's no 3g. The icon always disappears just before the second media scan (does everyone's phone do two media scans during startup?)
I've tried uninstalling or disabling various apps, but every time, the 3g is disabled at startup. It initially stopped working while using Google Navigation. One second it was working, the next, no data, and it hasn't been back since, bar a few seconds during startup.
I'm in a major metro area with coverage, that's not the issue. I tried resetting the ATT WAP to default. That didn't help.
I'd really rather not do a factory reset of my phone.
Can anyone think of any options? Thank you in advance!
Have you tried toggling it into Airport mode and back out? FWIW a similar thing happens on my Nexus One and Milestone. I will have a data connection then it just goes away. The only way for me to get it back is a reboot, toggling data off then on, or toggle airplane mode. I haven't figured out the cause as it happens across multiple devices and multiple ROMs. It may be my SIM card.
Thanks, I tried that. No dice.
So I got it fixed. I'll post this in the hopes that it might help others.
On a whim I downloaded several apps that toggle 3g. Both APNDroid and Quicksettings showed that APN was on. Toggling them off and on didn't help.
But Smart Bar showed that APN was off. Clicking APN on immediately made the 3g icon appear, and it worked. Thank you Smart Bar!

No 3GFunctionality after complete restore to fresh orig ROM install

I installed the 1Click ROM update on my phone (won't go into the gory details of why), and did a complete restore using Titanium.
I had a few issues, all of which I have worked out except I have no 3G connectivity. WiFi works, but no 3G. I thought maybe Juice Defender may be messing it up, so I uninstalled that. I can go into Network Settings, and then Network Operators, and the Default Setup is greyed out.
Any suggestions?
I found that the Quick Settings app had APN toggled off. I don't know...maybe I had it toggled for some reason at the time it backed up. I typicallyi don't do that, but am learning/playing with things.

[Q] Mobile internet does not work after CM7 Flash

Hi fellas
Upon flashing my G2X with the CM7 nightly build 123 & 124, I've found that mobile internet no longer works.
On the stock 2.3.3 gingerbread rom, it worked - so I can confirm that mobile internet definitely works on my phone, paired with my sim.
And yes I am using the same APN settings as before.
After installing build 124, i bumped into the notorious disappearing APN settings and thus tried flashing build 123.
Build 123 saves the APN setting - but for some reason the mobile internet just doesn't work. The 4G icon at the top doesn't show but i can still send and receive sms and calls etc.
I tried a restore to the stock rom and mobile internet works.
Does anyone have any idea what i should do?
If you do that would be great
(First time android user here - so i may have missing something very simple... so blurt out every possible solution you know)
EDIT: yes i do full wipes before each flash as well as a cache wipe, dalvik wipe and a fix permissions.
Also realised that after turning on airplane mode for a minute and then back off, that the apn setting disappears for build 123 as well.
never mind
got it to work. the solution makes no sense at all and the logic that i placed all my pride upon has been crushed.
If this helps anyone in the future, i may as well post it.
Here are the steps i took.
Connected phone to wifi and downloaded an app called 'APNsBU (ROOT)' (Search for 'apn backup' in marketplace and it should come up on the list)
Then i set some apn's which disappeared and opened APNsBU (ROOT).
Set an apn backup within the app and then press restore (this will reboot your phone)
On reboot i went to the APN list again and found the apn that i had insisted should work.
Went to 'Network operators' and selected a network that it found which somehow registered. (It wasn't even the same network as my sim.. derp)
Searched online for the apn settings on the network that 'somehow registered' and entered them in and saved.
Press the holy green dot for the new apn setting.

no data on CM7

On CM7, data does not work at all. I have a cellular signal, I can do calls, text messaging, wifi, and wifi calling works fine. I have tried toggling various settings under wireless settings, so it does not work regardless of GSM, CDMA, or both/auto. I have tried 2G only, which does not work. I have tried disabling any service controlling data, rebooting, toggling on/off.
I followed the guide in the dev forum on installing CM7, every detail. I used the recommended radio. The one thing I was not able to figure out is the APN settings. The APN panel is completely blank, and when I click add new APN literally nothing happens. Resetting to default and repeating does nothing.
I searched the forums to no avail. I'm currently trying various combinations of backups to see what else happens, but I may have to go back to stock.
On another note, I tried flashing the radio again and now I'm in a boot loop. I can't get into recovery because it checks for pg58img.zip and when I select no it just reboots the phone again. I'm away from my sd card reader at the time and obviously can't connect the phone for usb storage. So I'm currently phoneless as I'm writing this.
Edit: I finally cleared the system data for SMS MMS APM Dialer Storage and the APN showed up. Now it is working. This should be somewhere on the CM7 Sensation guide.

VZW Trophy lost internet

For no apparent reason, my Trophy no longer has internet via Verizon. I do not have HTC Connection installed. USB and wifi work, but getting the 80072FA8 error in outlook, and page not found in IE. 3G indicator gone from title bar. Did *228, popped battery, changed time zone, everything I can think of, including calling verizon to make sure the data connection was still active... Zune still works, but I can't get the 4.8 and backup util to work together...
I would hope there is a way to reset the radio? other than resetting the phone..
Or is there another backup util besides the v1.9 that will work with 4.8/mango?
UPDATE: I backed up using this tool, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1346276, and then reset the phone.. Internet was back.. restored, and the problem was restored as well..
is there a way to reset the internet connection? or manually rebuild the APN? It's like it doesn't know the cellular nic exists... UGH
Does anyone know the APN settings for Verizon?

