I've been trying to do this since I had TouchFlo2D. The music tab grabs all the music files from my SD card. Even ones that are for games, applications and other things. Is there a way to hide or exlude the Music tab from scanning every single folder on the SD card? All my audio notes are showing up as well. I did try to make the folder hidden but stills pulls them up.
Is there any way to control which mp3's are shown in the touchFLO 3D's music tab? It seems that there's no connection between WMP's library and the one that opens up from the music tab, as I already tried deleting my (mp3) ringtones from there and they still showed up on the music tab's library.
All of my music is on My Music -folder (under My Documents on the memory card) and the ringtones are on the My Ringtones -folder.
..I guess I could edit the tag information of all my ringtones so they'd all be under the same artist/album name, but I'd really rather exclude the whole folder from the TF3D's library..
I have the same question too. Any help?
I've got a ringtone in \My Documents\My Ringtones on the internal storage and it doesn't appear in TF3D's music library.
Perhaps try moving your ringtones off the storage card and into the internal storage, and see if that helps. It may be that TF3D's library builder doesn't look in there. Worth a go!
Well I'll be.. worked like charm!
Thanks a million!
..now to get rid of those samples that came with the phone..
Hello everybody!
I ask for your help, because I tried all possible solutions, but unsuccessfully.
I can't make TF3D music player to play my MP3s on the SD card.
When I had HTC Universal, I had MP3s on the SD in the "MUSICA" folder.
I copied all the folder to the new MicroSD for the Touch Pro.
Inside there are other sub-directories, as MIX, ARTISTS, etc...
The first time I open TF3D music player, it searches for music in the internal memory and in storage card.
They are a lot of files, about 3Gb, so it takes a long time to finish.
When it finishes catalogation, I find the list of all MP3s, someone with the album art.
But when I try to play one, it doesn't start.
Someone starts playing after 10s I pressed the play icon, it plays for 7-8s, then playing stops.
I can't change MP3 file with the up and down arrows near the play icon.
If I open the catalog to select another MP3 on the list, it doesn't select it and it returns to the music player showing still the previous MP3.
I read in some threads to try to stop TF3D and delete the catalog file (AudioManager_Eng.vol).
I did it, the catalog regenerated, but still the same problem.
I tried to rename the folder "MUSICA" in a more stardard "Music" or "My Music" and relaunched a new catalogation, nothing changed.
I tried also to move all files from the sub-folders to the "main" folder "My Music", nothing changed.
I had this problem with the shipped WWE ROM, but also with my actual ROM, a reconstructed ITA ROM.
I noticed that after a hard-reset, without the SD inserted, TF3DMP plays correctly the sample MP3s inside "My Music" in internal storage.
I will try to move some files to "My Music" on the internal storage to see what it happens, but it's not the solution.
I can't copy 3Gb of MP3s in the internal storage!
I saw that people can play MP3s on SD card with no problems with the TF3DMP.
So what's wrong?
I don't know what other tries I can do to try to find where's the problem.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi, that means you have something wrong - for htc's music player - with some of the mp3s on your sd card, and that the ones you chose to put in the device's memory are OK.
I have run into the same kind of problem, with a much smaller amount of music, because some of my files didn't have correct meta data (artist / album).
The best way is to try putting the albums one by one and test - or to use another music player. Personally I'm wondering if I'm not goint to switch to pocket music player, less eye candy, no album covers, but no bugs, instead of a library sorting you can chose to play a directory - I didn't find a way in HTC's player to just take the songs of a directory instead of scanning everything, in order to prevent this kind of bug...
I haven't really used my phone as an MP3 player, but now I have a nice, big SD card in it and have decided to copy some songs over.
When I load up Media Player (I like it. So sue me.) and tell it to update the library, it doesn't see the MP3s I put on the storage card. I tried putting them in the My Documents/My Music folder on the card and I even tried putting them in the same folder as that stupid Dogbark file in the main memory and the library NEVER finds them. Is there a trick to make media player see MP3s or what? I can open the files manually and Media Player will play them just fine.
I wanted to mention that, when I do 'Update Library', the phone says it found 40+ files, but the device library only shows 4 files (dogbark, mommy, allouete and ding) and the storage card shows nothing.
Did you switch to Storage Card (Next to the Library button there is a drop down menu)?
My HD2 just searches all storage card for any music files and puts them into library.
Some of them are ringtones and other useless stuff. So I don't want them to be in my music library
Is there a way to choose folder where audio manager should search ?
I'm not sure why your library is showing ringtones. None of mine ever end up in the library.
I had Fring and Talkonout installed on storage card. I both have mp3 files for ringtones.
I deleted them both from storage card and files disappeared but that is not a solution :/
Is there a way to choose music folder ?
marcio123 said:
I had Fring and Talkonout installed on storage card. I both have mp3 files for ringtones.
I deleted them both from storage card and files disappeared but that is not a solution :/
Is there a way to choose music folder ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i got the same problem. all music files show in my music library when i pressed update library. +1 on how to choose music folder and disregard the rest.
mine does the same. My HD2 came preinstalled with Who Wants to Be a Millionaire game. The manila audio manager displays all the acc music files that came preinstalled... what a pain....
you can make HTC album to ignore some folders. Do the following:
Go to HKLM/Software/HTC/HTCAlbum/Ignore
and add a sting value with a name (choose whatever you want) and string (here you put the location of a particular folder)
So if I want HTC album to ignore My Music folder on my Storage card, I will add a new string value: name-My Music and string-\Storage Card\My Music
hope this helps
ah forgot to mention soft reset after that
Am I doing something wrong? I did a soft reset and still no exclusion from the folders I specified here:
Ignore not Ignored
Oh, should I rename that folder to ignore? Because my HD2's registry came like that with that folder called ingnored.
Maybe the TMOUS HD2 has the d added? Not sure why they would have done that.
marcio123 said:
My HD2 just searches all storage card for any music files and puts them into library.
Some of them are ringtones and other useless stuff. So I don't want them to be in my music library
Is there a way to choose folder where audio manager should search ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Tap Library - Playlist - New playlist (for example playlist 1)
Tap playlist 1 - Add songs - All songs (on bottom of screen) - select all songs you need - Done
Tap 1 song in playlist 1. Music player will play that song and library will update to playlist 1.
I'm sorry about my English, I'm Vietnamese.
Good English! I understood great.
But, I did what you said about adding a playlist & adding songs and it seemed to work great, but then later I went back to play the playlist & nothing played at all. It is strange that this default player doesn't work anymore since I tried the playlist trick. In fact, when I try to find anything to play, the "Music Tab" just hangs and never populates with MP3s at all. I think I bricked my Music Tab of my HD2 (I don't know if I said that right but it sounded good ). Well, at least I didn't brick the entire phone! Now I am forced to use Windows Media Player for all music, which I don't mind at all, but it was nice to use the other player while on the road.
I may end up trying what they say here:
ruscik said:
Well a lot of people noticed a problem with HTC Music tab. Library shows not only music but ring tones and other sounds. One way to stop it is to hide offending folders. One problem with that is if you hide for example ring tone folder you can not select your ring tones as they are hidden as well.
What I did is as goes. I have music on SD card, also there is tomtom, copilot and some other apps. I have hidden all of the apps that might have sounds so they do not show up in library. Obviously left folder with music not hidden.
That will take care of SD card.
For My Device sounds do steps below:
1. Start from removing your card and then going to music tab so it rescans and states no music found. (Skip to step 3 if you are starting from clean rom)
2. Go to registry editor of your choice and navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\AudioManager_Eng (for german it will be AudioManager_Ger)\Information
Delete all items in that folder. You will not be able to delete Information it self.
If you are on clean rom you will not even have that folder it is created 1st time when music tab finds music.
3. Navigate to:
In there change:
"device_scan_path_path" from what ever there is to \Windows
"device_scan_path_path_0" from what ever there is to \Windows
"ring_tone_path" from what ever there is to \Windows
What this will do is exclude all files in windows folder. If you have any files in my documents they will show up. I assume if you just put "\" instead of "\Windows" it will exclude entire my device but did not test it.
4. Soft reset, insert your SD card and enjoy.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I didn't want to do it that way, but it looks as if I may have to. I liked the first way better (...HTCAlbum > Ignored...)
(I removed "Music" from my Home Screen Tabs as there was no reason to have it there anymore)
I just create playlist and do nothing else. I needn't edit registry.
I recently added all my music (roughly 90GB of music) to a Sandisk 128 GB Class 10 microSD. I put this microSD into my phone and my music players were unable to locate all the music. I don't know how, but at one point, all my music was finally scrollable. After some tinkering with the ".nomedia" file, all my album artwork showed up in my gallery. I've since then installed QuickPic to deal with that annoyance. However, I have been unable to look at all my music again. The majority of my music are in one big folder with no name, or in Shuttle, every song in it is called "null - null". How can I restore my phone's ability to view my entire library of music?
I've yet to try deleting everything off the card, and then retransferring, but that's a real pain in the butt and I would rather do that as a final option (though I don't know if that would even help).
I have tried deleting my music players' data and uninstalling/reinstalling and restarting my phone and unmounting/mounting my SD card, but still no luck.
Oh, and I am rooted on QF6 Hybrid Nougat ROM.
Sounds like the files are corrupt. To test this plug your phone into your pc and try playing the music with a media player on your pc. If the music plays, then it is not corrupt.
I had a similar issue a while back and it was because my music didn't transfer correctly and some of it wouldn't play.