Newbie from PalmOS, what to look out for? - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Hi everyone,
I have always had PalmOS devices and only PDA's, never any smartphones. I've decided that is time to get a smartphone and start carrying only one device, not numerous.
I am going to purchase a ATT Fuze very soon, within the next few weeks. Being someone who has only owned PalmOS devices and only minimally dabbled on WinMo devices, does anyone have any tips for a newbie? Anything I should look out for?
I already know the first thing I have to do is get used to actually "closing" applications. PalmOS doesn't multi task at all.
And one last question, does anyone sync there Fuzes/Touch Pros with Evolution on Linux?
Thanks. I am very excited to be joining the WinMo and HTC community.

I have switch from Palm TX to HTC Touch Pro one week ago. It was not easy, because everything is so different and so slooow. The first 3 days I was at the edge throuwing the pda out of the window.
Now many things are functioning. But some main things aren't.
The keyboard isnt that good as my faltable minikeyboard for the TX. But I get used to it. It is now a little better than tapping with the stylus.
Internet on the road is quite good after years of blazer browser, But it is not that good as on the Iphone.
Imap wont synchronising folders wich arent the main folder, dont know why.
Dates and todos were deleted on the PDA. Dont know why exactly. Think it is becaus of the feature of letting one device rule on conflicts instead of copiing them. What a feature.
The small screen is really small for working comfortly.
But after solving some problems I am getting used to some nice things:
that are the highlights so far.
If anybody knows how to sychronize subfolders via IMAP I would be happy for some tips...
LG from Hamburg Olaf Bathke

Are you located in Hamburg, Michigan?
Anyways, thanks for the tips. I'm a little confused about the dates and todos that you mentioned. Could you explain it a little better? I went and looked at the Fuze in an ATT store the other day. My main goal was to check out the size of that screen because the screen on my Lifedrive is huge compared to it. I decided the hi-res of the Fuze made up for it being 75% as big as the Lifedrive's screen.
When I played with the keyboard, it seemed to feel very nice and easy to use for me. I think it because I previously owned a Sony Clie prior to my lifedrive and the keyboard on that was miserable. I also think it is better then the keyboard on the 8125 and the tilt. Just give it some time, I think you'll get used to it more and more. I can learn on a keyboard with just practice. I used to type on my onscreen keyboard with my thumbs on my lifedrive. All of those just take practice.
Which twitter client did you end up using?
Thanks again,

There is a feature synching: If you have one ToDo sychnt on 2 devices (PC & PDA) and both are changed. One Device keep it. I am not sure if the other device deleted it. I have lots of ToDos being dissapeared on my HTCTP. But I could change the ToDos a little (hit space in title) to let them synch on the PDA again. Maybe you can translate this link via bable fish:
I use tinyTwitter but I am not sure if its the best out there. Do you have a better tip?

I will definitely take a look at that link when I have time. I actually speak a moderate amount of German. It is a little rusty though.
On palm I used something called MoTwit. It doesn't appear to have a WinMo version.
I'm going to take a look and see if I can find one similar to that. If I do, I will let you know.
How did you like browsing with Blazer on your T|X? It seems the opera browser is far superior to Blazer. How well does the Opera browser download files?
Thanks for all the responses!

yes let me know.
The blazer ia a piece of #~+-=9


The ole upgrade...

I current have a old Sony a Cingular it...when it stays on
Im getting my im elgible now...
I want a smart is my list
ATT 8525 129.99 Refurb
BB Curve 99.99 Refurb
Palm Centrino 99.99
Palm 750 199.99
Palm 680 149.99
I am only 16....text i want good texting...My friend has a palm 680(that was supposed to be mine) and i love the threaded text/chat freature that it has. So i found an app for wm5/6 that can do the same. I want to mod my that gives a lean to wm. I like wm b/c of the similarity to my computer. BB seem to be very stable compared to the wm devices. and i hear palm has an outdated os...but thats pretty irrelevant to my But the 8525 has wifi...and i would love to have that...but which route would yall go?
anybody...i need some opinions...
Those are pretty much the same phones I looked at when deciding what to buy.
My thoughts were, Blackberry - add on software to expensive and little of it.
Palm OS, Not multitasking
Treo with Windows Mobile, ok, but I have large hands and keyboard kinda small.
HTC 8525, my choice. Best of all worlds. Not perfect, but close for me.
My son just got a blackberry perl, and he loves it. Does lots of texting, but keeps asking me where he can get the games and stuff I have on my 8525. Most aren't even available.
I text quite a bit too, but not like my son, and most of the time I don't open the keyboard to do it. I use a program called Calligrapher, and just write on the screen and have it converted to text. Works great.
Final choice is up to you. Go to a few of the stores in the area, and see how each device feels in your hands. That will help you make the best decision.
Good Luck.
Thanks...and can somebody explain to me how to mod this device...because i just want to put a couple of apps on it..maybe a few games and such...nothing major...i wanted to do some iphone similar interfacing mods...but i probably wont.
so can somebody explain how to upgrade to wm6...and what all this ROM stuff means to me and the performance and customizability of the device?
anyone else
Installing apps and games is very easy. You have 2 basic methods, you can download a cab file directly to the phone and install from there or download a windows installer and install to your phone from the PC through the activesync connection. Most of the applications or interface customizations you talked about would be done in one of these two manors.
Upgrading your device from WM5 to 6 will require to to flash a new rom on the phone. You have many options to choose from when picking a new rom. You can use the generic version from HTC, or go with one of the many custom cooked roms on this site. You just have to read each of the threads for each of the roms to see the pros and cons of each. Just like the phones, there is no perfect choice and you are the only one who can decide which rom is right for you.
These phones can be as easy or as complicated as you want them to be. If this is all new to you, try starting off with the Generic HTC rom, or the official WM6 rom from your carrier, if one exists.
To get started, read the wiki for the hermes and start reading the posts in the hermes forums, and as always, ask questions, but try searching first.
Hope this helps!
anymore opinions as i am very close to my purchase...

HTC HD2 versus iPhone, Blackberry Storm 2

I have been recently thinking about changing my HTC Touch Cruise for something newer. To my mind obviously came: HTC HD2, iPhone, Blackberry Storm2.
I know that specifications-wise, HTC wins. BUT...
I have recently experienced the new Blackberry and realized that: the operation system works much quicker and nicer than Windows which HTC uses. It also seems to have less problems -> my current HTC needs a good hard restart once a week or so, because it freezes on more demanding films or some music.
I thought that Windows has much more applications available - well, I am not so sure any more once I realized that produced their dictionaries for... iPhone and Blackberry. Windows has lost its market and is not taken into account by the newest developers.
I am also wondering whether 4.3'' isn't a little bit too much -> I won't be able to put it into my pocket any longer!
What do you think? HTC seems to have created a very beautiful palmtop, full of great specifications but it has also committed one crucial mistake - it used Windows...
I would be grateful if you could share with me your opinions. Maybe my fear is unjustified and the newest HD2 works perfectly in all the aspects easily beating the competition?
I have to agree with you.
I have been a WM fan for the last 5 years or so and have become disilusioned with the OS. I too was looking for a change and had been watching the LEO. This is indeed a good hardware spec, but imho let down by WM6.5. I decided that I was after a better consumer experiance and opted for the iPhone. Everyone raves about them for a long time now so I decided (after much researching) that I would try one. I have not been let down by it yet. Mind you, I've only had it 3 weeks. I'm taking a punt that in 18 months or so, WM will have caught up or Andriod will have matured, but until then, I'll take a walk on the dark side.
So far I'm loving the fact that is just seems to work and it integrates with my car hifi perfecly. I can now play music and do hands free over Bluetooth. Under WM I could only do handsfree. Surfing the internet is now almost as easy as on my desktop. Safari browser beats anything else I've tried so far. The on screen keyboard was a worry at first, but it's easy to use, especialy in landscap (I have big thumbs). As a music player, well it beats WM any day of the week.
I know I will eventualy hit it's limitations, and when I do I'll consider jailbreaking, much like using custom ROMs from here realy. Untill then I'll keep an eye on the mobile development and look forward to seeing what happens in 18 months.
Good luck with your search, for now I have found my answer, I hope you find yours.
Personally I'd go for the HD2, as I rank spec more than software. The iPhone is a but too common and its pricing is a far too high for what you get (mins and txts etc). Blackberry has the same problem its too common, I know loads of people with Blackberrys who only use them for Facebook, but if your the kind of person who send and receieves loads of e-mails get a BB as they do it better than WinMo and iPhone.
Here we go again..........
Leo of course
Well I have been WM for several years and thought I would give the iPhone a trial. A BIG MISTAKE. Its dredful and im getting a HD2 next week.
I thought i'd add my comments to this, i've been predominantly symbian s60 / win mob for years now due to the fact that they "do" everything. But i think its fair to say that windows in all guises comes with the fact that as soon as you start to ask a bit of it, it sticks it's fingers up at you and stops working (symbian too, but to a lesser degree). Usually resulting in a reboot. I recently had an upgrade to do so i started researching into what i might get. In the end, after a spate with symbian, i v much wanted a win mo device but was ever so curious about the iphone. So many ppl couldn't be wrong, right? I was also deeply tempted by the blackberry bold too. I ended up going for the iphone as the upgrade and bought a TP2 as well. I just couldn't do the iphone thing on its own in case i hated it.
Pleasingly, i don't. The iphone is everything a win mo phone isn't, and vica versa. The iphone is completely dependable, never misses a beat, does what it does do perfectly and apart from some of the crazy apps, completely dull. It is frustratingly good. Even multitasking isn't really much of an issue due to push notifications and the like. I'd love to say the screen res is an issue but it never is. Safari is in a league of it's own. But it is dull. I use it as my everyday phone because it's dependable, but i use my TP2 to mess about with, i've had that many different ROM's on it it's silly, i follow forum progress with different things going on with bated breath, excited to see if they can pull this new rom off, or a linux port. It's exciting, i can modify the hell out of it and personalise it my way. I can send files via bluetooth without having to jump through hoops (unlike the iphone).
So, it comes down to what you want it to do, and if you can put up with less or more customization. There is a lot to choose from out there now and it's hard to decide. Look at the palm pre, and droid, and what about the n900 0n maemo?? Whatever you decide, you'll end up with a really good bit of kit, cos the mobile world it going potty with new stuff at the mo.
Just one last note, in defence of win mo, it may be getting a bit left behind in terms of bling, but it still remains one of the most functional os's out there, it's just that the young guns have caught up now.
Hmmm as I don't like iPhone (because everyone has it) and I wouldn't go Sony Ericsson (because I don't believe in their great ability of doing palmtops), I am personally trying to find reasons for continuing with HTC.
1.Is Windows 7 going to be released "soonish", so that if I buy HD2 now I might get some (hopefully) acceptable o/s?
2.There is also Droid Eris / HTC Dragon / HTC Passion / whatever it is called. If it is "HD2 on Google Android 2.0" then the question arises:
------is it just the case of software? If yes, I assume xda-masters will sooner or later allow easy migration between these two systems, or are there any technological obstacles? If this were true then this would be the best option -> One phone if you get bored - you can always swap to another o/s...
3. What was the market response to Android 2.0? What do you guys think about it, as compared with Windows?
I'm using Android at the moment having used WM for the past few years. It's version 1.5 and I'm loving it. Can't wait for 2.0 to come out for the Hero.
It hardly ever needs a reset - it 'just works'
The HD2 is one bad boy! No one knows when Windows 7 going to be released...maybe 3rd Q of 2010. But WM6.5.1 should be a lot sooner for the Leo...
I think its funny that every ppc that htc release, we seem to have this debate "blah" vs iphone, or is "blah" the iphone killer, this has been going on since the touch diamond, personaly i dont think any ppc can be compaired to the iphone, as ppc's are tools with functionality where as the iphone is a toy, it has no real functionality, yeah it looks good and there are lots of apps availble for them but how many of them are useful? and as for "killing" the iphone its clear by now that it has a far too big a fan base to be killed off, anyway thats my 2 cents lol
mancsoulja said:
I think its funny that every ppc that htc release, we seem to have this debate "blah" vs iphone, or is "blah" the iphone killer, this has been going on since the touch diamond, personaly i dont think any ppc can be compaired to the iphone, as ppc's are tools with functionality where as the iphone is a toy, it has no real functionality, yeah it looks good and there are lots of apps availble for them but how many of them are useful? and as for "killing" the iphone its clear by now that it has a far too big a fan base to be killed off, anyway thats my 2 cents lol
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Well said!
+ 1 for this!
Every new phone and threads start with comparatives...
Very, Very UNFAIR comparison!!!
Seriously, HD2, go against someone ur OWN size (aka Xperia X10, i8910 HD, Motorola Milestone, N900, Acer F1)!
Leave iPhone alone! It's NOT even a smartphone (moreover not even a basic phone as it still lacks some basic phone functionality that people had for over a decade) as it doesn't even do multitasking...
What's "blackberry"?

Phone & PDA in one

Hi all, newbie here looking for advice and opinions.
I currently have a phone and a separate PDA, a Palm m515. The PDA is reaching the end of its (useful) life now, so I am considering a combined phone and PDA, I use the PDA for taking short notes such as shopping lists, price lists and things to do.
I have sought advice from Vodafone shop and Carphone Warehouse but the staff seemed pretty clueless as to what would meet my needs,
I have been thinking about one of the HTC phones, but obviously am open to suggestions. Also ideally I would like to back up (sync) the notes to my pc.
Welcome to forums
What about this?
Nice but bulky, although very impressive
I would prefer something smaller which is why I was considering something from HTC or similar. Often carry a laptop anyway so UMPC functions aren't needed, just something for quick note taking.
Then Shift, Athena, Universal or Rhodium...
I would of course recommend the Rhodium, but if you really only need the device to jot down notes with a stylus, probably should get something without a hardware keyboard.
hexpert said:
Hi all, newbie here looking for advice and opinions.
I currently have a phone and a separate PDA, a Palm m515. The PDA is reaching the end of its (useful) life now, so I am considering a combined phone and PDA, I use the PDA for taking short notes such as shopping lists, price lists and things to do.
I have sought advice from Vodafone shop and Carphone Warehouse but the staff seemed pretty clueless as to what would meet my needs,
I have been thinking about one of the HTC phones, but obviously am open to suggestions. Also ideally I would like to back up (sync) the notes to my pc.
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Welcome to the forums
Just about any Windows Mobile device currently on the market fits your needs. What you need to consider (and tell us your opinions on if you want us to give you recommendations) are things like your price range, whether or not you want a physical keyboard and what else you would want to do with it (ie. WiFi, 3G etc.).
You might also want to think about Android, which many people now prefer to WM (although synchronising notes to Outlook wouldn't be easy, if at all possible).
orb3000 said:
Then Shift, Athena, Universal or Rhodium...
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Thanks for the replys.
ORB3000, below are the phones offered by providers here.
HTC Touch P3452
HTC Touch Pro2
HTC Legend
HTC Desire
are the only HTC phones stocked here and available to me on contract.
Will probably use GPS on occasion, want WI-FI if possible, not worried about hardware keyboard.
Going to look at them again today so will update later on tonight.
How important is having a stylus to you? If it is not important get the HD2.
MooGoo said:
How important is having a stylus to you? If it is not important get the HD2.
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Stylus isn't vital, but I do find it easier to type with, although in my case I always use the M515 on-screen keyboard as the Grafitti function is a pain to use.
hexpert said:
Stylus isn't vital, but I do find it easier to type with, although in my case I always use the M515 on-screen keyboard as the Grafitti function is a pain to use.
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Well, from what I hear at least, typing on the HD2 is quite easy because of its big screen. But since it is capacitive stylus's don't work with it.
If those phones you listed are your only choices, then this should be easy.
Forget the HTC Touch P3452, it is too old to be seriously considered at this point.
If a stylus is important to you, and especially if you think a hardware keyboard might come in handy, get the Touch Pro 2.
If you don't care about those features, then the only choice you need to make is whether you want an Android phone, or a WinMo one.
If Android, get the Desire.
If WinMo get the HD2.
Darn !! Had my decision made, now I find out android 2.2 is coming out soon. Anyone know if I can buy the phone now and then upgrade (for free) later on?

WM or Droid?WM fan needs help choosing new all around ppc

I need help choosing a new PPC.
With Android available and WM seemingly not keeping up I am not sure I should stay devoted to WM.
I have been a WM user for years (Blackjack, Kaiser) and here's what I enjoy about the platform.
>Modification (Love to tweak reg etc)
>Exchange Sync (Calendar, notes, and contacts not email at this time)
>Apps (Bittorrent, good browser? I don't really care about flash but its fun to have )
>Office Mobile Pro (Is there a Open Office for Android or other *.doc *.xcl editors?)
Is Android an option for a universal user (business minded with pleasure added)
My criteria
I would prefer a hardware keyboard as I have never used anything else and think the switch to a touch screen keyboard would be painful as I enjoy the tactile feel of a button and a qwerty keyboard. Is the switch hard, does the onscreen keyboard minimize what you can see on the screen or other quirks or if I was at home would a blue-tooth keyboard be an option etc..?
Good Stereo BT (still stack issues? with both?)
Wifi hot spot
4g (I live in Bethlehem/Allentown Pa 40 minutes north of philly and 50 minutes south of NYC, its not available yet but this area is stuck in the middle)
Carrier isn't an issue, I will go with any.
Cost is not an issue.
HTC fan but it doesn't really matter.
Gyro whats? d.n.a. or should it?
Gps? d.n.a
thanks for reading and hope you can help
Well you are in the middle of Verizon country. The X is looking pretty nifty as well as the Incredible. I am so far from my 2yr. (may 2011 ) But you can play with them for 30 days and decide.
good day.
Thank you for your reply.
I am a little confused on the being in Verizon country comment though since I just moved here so...
Special circumstances...
I work a 6 day week @ 65 hrs plus driving time + 6hrs (thats a bicycle actually) so my time is very limited and getting to a store is harder than it should and why I was asking for help and purchase something online instead making it very hard to return or physically try before.
I have a mini-laptop so maybe exchange sync isnt that important but not having a hardware keyboard does make a difference as well as moving to android, scary.
kltsin said:
Thank you for your reply.
I am a little confused on the being in Verizon country comment though since I just moved here so...
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With all the traveling I have ever done on the east coast service was always better than my home town. Just always seemed to be VZW heavy in that part of the country.
I myself am going to wait to see how the WP7 pans out being a winmo guy myself.
First I would edit the title of your post to recommend a device or something to that nature.
Next check the sites of carriers for devices offered. I would find it real hard to get a device without having it in my hand. And speaking from experience any carrier's corporate locations are much better to deal with than an "authorized retailer".
Also THIS SITE has a lot of great videos and current device reviews.
good luck in the hunt.
good day.
Again Thank you, I don't know what happened to my title....
I bought my at&t tilt from just reading reviews and satisfied 100% percent with what I expected except its weight.
I am going to have great service from any company because where I live as I stated prior. Though my blackjacks radio was strong the phone wasn't very loud voice wise and both wm devices (the tilt) had a terrible time with my different stereo bluetooth headsets when it came to calls but music never had an issue.
I paid for allot of software for wm as well and hate to see them go to waste, (Resco explorer, yes I bought Opera mobile too pre beta/pre knowing about cooked roms...), but if droid can do the same with no need then it doesnt matter.
Keyboard and office Mobile and bluetooth are still an issue I have to consider with help hopefully.
Well I have been using a wm device since the 8125 and hve had most of the HTC wm phones available up to and including the tilt 2. Along the way I did see lots of growth and customization on this OS. we also saw improvements and new features along the way, however we also saw a lot of issues. With each new phone and or update to the OS I prayed that maybe they got this one right. I was almost always disappointed, sometimes things just would not work. Sure wm devices had the best feAtures but what good are they if they aren't reliable?
I spend months customizing my phones and you can do this on android, just not to the extent thAT you could with wm, But everything works.
I have had slide out keyboards for years, and tilting screens to boot, for the last 2 years or so, so I am still getting used to this on screen kb, but its easier than I thought it would be.
Also getting all of your outlook info synced with android is proving to not be straight forward. Not to mention all the calendar options seems a little confusing and lacking, but I just got my evo 2 weeks ago.
The gps and Google maps and navigation that were built into my phone seems much faster and accurate then my experience with past phones, I get a fix in less than one second everytime.
I wasn't going to let myself get talked into wm7, there's lots of reasons why it might be the worse wm to date, but all my info on wm7 is second hand. I loved my tilt 2, I never stopped customizing it and I still want to use it, but I am going to make my self forget about it and give this evo a shot, love the screen BTW.
On a side note, android doesn't seem to support Bluetooth keyboards wich is a huge setback for me. I'm on the road a lot too and I put a lot of effort into making my mobile devices replace my laptops.
Way off point, but I bet us power users users get more work done on these mobile devices than the averAge desktop user, and its kinda nice.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I see the droid 2 has a hardware qwerty keyboard...?
I am to tired to think after nearly 70 hr work weeks and trying to grasp each of these devices.. Reviewing allot of devices
On a side note I see the 2 year plan requirements, does that have to include the unlimited data, at&t screwed us on that one (Iphone users got theirs for $29 per month and all other smartphones were $10 bucks more) now they changed their data plans...

[Q] TP2 => . . . . . (advise please)

Hi all,
I am using my Touch Pro 2 for more then a Year now and I come to the conclusion that I am sick of upgrading while not using the phone for more then the basics anyway.
-I use my phone as phone, for synchronizig with our exchange server, browsing (but seldom), alarm (SPB Time) and watching the daily traffic queues around Moscow.
-Internet Sharing is not used often but MUST be working in case of need
-Gimmicks like SPB Weather, SPB Backup, SPB Wifi Monitor, Games, Resco Explorer, Resco Picture Viewer etc. are nice, but not often used.
What is the next phone I should be going to :
-Android's HTC Desire HD
-WM7's HTC HD7
-Android's HTC Desire Z (to keep the keyboard)
I'd like speed, but stability (never loose a call anymore) is more important for me. I am willing to part with the gimmicks and hoping to part with flashing to cooked rom's.
Any input to help me choose the right direction is highly appreciated.
Desire HD or HD7 on your choice since one is windows and other Android
Hi Diamond dawg,
thanks. I know the big difference. I also know that none of these two is WM6.5. As said I'd like to go for a phone who does the basics and does them well, not minding having less functionality then I have now.
Any plus or minusses on any of them ?
If you are coming form a large tradition of real keyboard devices you may find not so comfortable the virtual kb´s, I find it hard to get used to my Leo even after 6 months with it and still miss a kb!!
Said that if you don´t mind to have Android only, your best shot by now will be Desire Z or wait a bit for the Touch Pro 7.
Hi orb3000,
as You correctly saw on my signature, I have some experience with real keyboard devices after I had some iPaq's with only on screen keyboard. So yes, I have a hard time deciding going the on screen keyboard way. Some of my colleagues are using iPhone and claim that they have no problem, but I am not sure.
I am writing a lot of mails per day, not so many sms's, but still each mail is text.
And I am still unsure if all that I need from a phone will be delivered by Android. Sync seems to be possible, but sync through GPRS or 3G will have to be purchased. Same for office file editing.
Guess I still have to do some more research.
Thanks again,
No prob mate, please let us know what you finally decided
Ruud Westerhout said:
Hi orb3000,
as You correctly saw on my signature, I have some experience with real keyboard devices after I had some iPaq's with only on screen keyboard. So yes, I have a hard time deciding going the on screen keyboard way. Some of my colleagues are using iPhone and claim that they have no problem, but I am not sure.
I am writing a lot of mails per day, not so many sms's, but still each mail is text.
And I am still unsure if all that I need from a phone will be delivered by Android. Sync seems to be possible, but sync through GPRS or 3G will have to be purchased. Same for office file editing.
Guess I still have to do some more research.
Thanks again,
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Go for windows then, as Windows is more business orientated, BTW dont wait on the touch pro7, reason being its CDMA not GSM
According to gsmarena both models will arrive: GSM and CDMA
Diamond_dawg said:
Go for windows then, as Windows is more business orientated
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My little research is telling me that all these WM7 phones do not have a card-slot. I strongly dislike that idea. I am using the cardslot atm for creating backups (yeah I know, WM6.5) so if the phone would break I am able to do a restore.
I have no experience with Android, do not know if it has a backup function at all (bu guess so), but I would surely not go for a phone where I won't be able to do a backup, not even in the future.
So WM7 is off for now.
Leaving the DHD and the DZ in the race.
DZ is thicker, but has a keyboard, a little slower and I do not like what I read about the keyboard.
DHD is probably more to my taste concerning form. I am told that living without a keyboard is possible. Choice, choice, aaah....
By the way, i am not seeing any stylus on these phones anymore, also no mentioning about a reset "whole", are these not available anymore ?
Ruud Westerhout said:
My little research is telling me that all these WM7 phones do not have a card-slot. I strongly dislike that idea. I am using the cardslot atm for creating backups (yeah I know, WM6.5) so if the phone would break I am able to do a restore.
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Okay, the first thing you need to understand about WP7 is that it is not 6.5, and you need to stop thinking like a 6.5 user when you consider WP7.
WP7 is built around syncing data to your associated windows live account and to your PC through the zune client. It does all of this silently, like a ninja, with basically no effort past initial setup. I've got mine set up to sync everything automatically over wifi, which it does all by itself when I plug it in to charge right before I go to bed.
Further, for things like pictures, you don't even have to wait until you get home. It has the option from within the camera to send pictures straight to the free 25 gig skydrive that comes with your windows live account.
Have you seen those "To the Cloud!" commercials? Been wondering what that was all about? This is it.
Backups are *not* a concern.
Of course, that doesn't change that you can't use a WP7 device as a storage drive. That does suck, and is something that I miss about 6.5. Honestly, going through all of the crap that I had on my storage card from my Tilt2, anything that wouldn't sync through zune was a massive conglomeration of backup and hacking files for the phone, which I no longer need at all. However, just having the option to use it as portable mass storage was nice, in theory.
Ruud Westerhout said:
Leaving the DHD and the DZ in the race.
DZ is thicker, but has a keyboard, a little slower and I do not like what I read about the keyboard.
DHD is probably more to my taste concerning form. I am told that living without a keyboard is possible. Choice, choice, aaah....
By the way, i am not seeing any stylus on these phones anymore, also no mentioning about a reset "whole", are these not available anymore ?
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If i had the money i would have gone for the DHD, Z is not that great, i would stick to a touch pro2 then get that. also Touch pro2 has a resistive touch screen which means you need a stylus, Android and WP7 have capacitive meaning you can use your finger
Diamond_dawg said:
If i had the money i would have gone for the DHD, Z is not that great, i would stick to a touch pro2 then get that. also Touch pro2 has a resistive touch screen which means you need a stylus, Android and WP7 have capacitive meaning you can use your finger
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I am tempted to the DHD as well. I do not hear that great info about the DZ keyboard. I am thinking "bigger screen, better for my eyes", "bigger screen means bigger keyboard", "thinner".
Thanks for the info about the stylus !!
orb3000 said:
No prob mate, please let us know what you finally decided
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Just to keep You informed.
Took a DHD yesterday, VERY nice. No problems except the 'me not knowing Andriod', but that is something I hope to cope with in time.
Very nice device.
Thanks all for helping comments, highly appreciated.
(Now I should be changing that signature, shouldn't I )
Thanks and congrats!
Nice device indeed, shame no keyboard on it

