Tasks - Touch Pro, Fuze General

How do you get the Tasks application to keep reminding you that a task is set and that it needs completing.

you need better PIM software
try Pocket Informant (or maybe Agenda Today... I would suggest Agenda Fusion first but it's been a year since they last updated it)

For some reason I can't seem to find a simple app that isn't so compliated. For example I just was a little note on my Today screen that has bulleted tasks. such as.
-Meeting 10/22/09
-Call Jane
-Buy Dad birthday gift
I can't seem to get that to work with these programs.
The idea I'm thinking of is sort of like Post-it app...
Does anyone know of one that does that?? If Tasks and these other programs do it, How?
Because I set up an appointment for the 22nd of october, and it doesn't show anything on my today screen, not sure why?. Please let me know.

Anyone?? Please?

I really like SPB Diary (free demo), but on the totally free side of things, there's Today Agenda.
SBSH Breeze is like diary, but more customizable (i found diary as customizable as i needed, breeze was just too many options)


An organized life with your Pocket PC

Hello PocketPC guys !!
I was wondering how I could get my life more efficient using my Pocket PC. A Pocket PC is a great way to organize one's life, isn't it ?
How to use your Pocket PC to help you in daily work ? What tool do you use ? What tool would you like to use ?
Personally, I am using my PocketPC for this:
- As a task manager: I use Pocket Informant. I like the fact that you can have it sync with Outlook, but I am not happy with the fact that you can not make hierarchical tasks.
- As a diary: I use Pocket Informant
- to track my personal finance: with Cash Organizer. I have used Spb Finance for a long time, but I had lots of problem with it, so I moved to Cash Organizer, and I am pretty happy with it. I have seen that there is a new Spb Finance version, which works with Windows Vista, but I wonder if this version is stable because the previous one was not stable.
I do not use it for reading my emails, I think I should subscribe for a MS Exchange 2007 account, but I haven't found which one.
pretty much just pr0n jk
use it as music player
phone of cause
reading books
keeping track on peoples birthdays
a bit of tasks and calander too
Interesting question. Let's see:
1. As a journal for projects (Outlook Tasks, project = category)
2. Password / account info / etc. storage: (Outlook Notes, easy to lookup any info on desktop version)
3. Music Player (Pocket Player + HT820 or Monster's FM transmitter on car)
4. Financial manager (also Cash Organizer)
5. Internet Sharing at home.
6. Email / Chat (Outlook / Yahoo! but will try Fring...)
7. Agenda (Outlook Calendar Today plugin)
8. Camera
9. Gaming (mainly chess and FinalBurn)
10. Astronomy Map on observation nights (Pocket Stars)
11. Some Web Surfing (Opera and PIE+PLUS)
12. Alarm clock (Gentimer)(Yes, I actually threw out my old clock!)
13. Calculator (HP48 Emulator)
14. Phone!
dgaud007 said:
Interesting question. Let's see:
1. As a journal for projects (Outlook Tasks, project = category)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I haven't yet found a good hierarchical task manager. Although I would love to manage my tasks via Outlook, I find it too much limited: I need a way to organize them in a hierarchy. Are your project organized in a hierarchical order ? or is it a list of flat tasks linked to a project ?
dgaud007 said:
2. Password / account info / etc. storage: (Outlook Notes, easy to lookup any info on desktop version)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You are like me, you probably haven't be satisfied with the password managers (flexwallet, Spb Wallet, eWallet, ...). I hate the way they are organized: I don't need to have a screen displaying a credit card to understand that this is my credit card number ! just having nice fields that I could customize the way I want would be better.
Anyway take care that no one as access to it.
dgaud007 said:
12. Alarm clock (Gentimer)(Yes, I actually threw out my old clock!)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have tried Spb Time but wasn't happy with at all: the way to set an alarm is such a crap. I just had a look on the Web about Gentimer, seems to be nice. I will have a look at it. Currently I use the default Windows Mobile clock (!)
dgaud007 said:
13. Calculator (HP48 Emulator)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cool ! a HP48 guy !! I had a HP48GX, I still things it was a great calculator.
Rudegar said:
reading books
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What application do you use to read books ? I would love to read pdf on my PocketPC, but the pdf readers I have tried so slow and so badly done (often no fullscreen mode, so when you have a QVGA screen it could useful).
Hello Chris247,
1. You are right, my tasks are just listed under a particular category which is the project. The only other classification is the status of the task. However, I just need to able to search for keywords to find tasks and info, and see which ones are due (red color) in my calendar view.
2. The other problem for me using those password managers is that I need a separate desktop program tp lookup stuff, yet, using notes I can just use the search function in Outlook and get my info FAST! And yes, sometimes I worry about the security of the information...
So the bottom line for me is being able to input the information fast and easy on the ppc, and then be able to search for it fast and easy with the desktop computer and/or the ppc. I use to love my Palm IIIxe from years ago, but at some point I was handling more than 15 projects at a time, which exceeded the maximum categories supported by the palm OS. I even called them once to complaint about it. Back then they said they didn't have plans to change it. LOL! I wonder if they ever did fix that...
i too use hp48 emulator both on my pda and my pc
i just read ebooks with ms's reader it got bookmarks which bothered me that old adope 2 dident
when books are in pdf i got a pc tool to convert it to lit
About the away you manage tasks, maybe you could benefit from PlanPlus for Outlook, I read that they do support hierarchical, I haven't tested it yet.

Regenerate Tasks not showing in PPC

All - I have a question. If you have regenerating tasks in outlook, do they sync to your phone?
Thanks in advance.
i would suspect that they do, but why don't you just try it?
They dont for me which is why I would someone else to confirm.
I use Outlook '07, and it works for me, just to make sure, you are talking about recurring tasks, right?
Recurring tasks works fine, auto regenerate tasks is where Im having problems. I also use Outlook 07 but I this used to happen with my 03 as well.
I'm not exactly understanding what you mean by "auto regenerate" tasks. Could you be more specific?
So in outlook, create a new task, and click on the Recurrance button.
On that popup you will see "Recur _ week(s)"... under that you will see "Regenerate new task _ week(s) after each task is completed". If you select that, your task will not be shown on your phone.
Hmmmmm...never even knew that was there! Just from a guess, until Outlook itself regenerates the task, it won't be shown. Or is it already regenerated?
The task is generated with the due date you specify. Once completed, it regenerates.
samp27 said:
The task is generated with the due date you specify. Once completed, it regenerates.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Right, but is the problem with your device not regenerating it?
It should happen like this:
Complete task (Device) > Sync completion with Outlook > Outlook regenerates > Outlook syncs new task to device
Regenerating Task Support in Pocket Informant
It is possible to have regenerating tasks on a WM device using Pocket Informant, although they are not able to be synced with Outlook, ie the version that appears in Outlook is not regenerating.
I was actually wondering if anyone has written a simple application just for handling regenerating tasks. PI has a lot of overhead, and since I use it principally for the regenerating tasks I would like to free up memory and resources by using a dedicated app instead.
This is ****ing crazy. Every damn day I find another thing that Microsoft has screwed up in their products.
Dont they use their own products?!?!?! How could this be in every single version of windows mobile since the dawn of time and not be fixed?!?!??????
I have a task with a due date and a reminder set for today. IT is programmed to automatically regenerate 1 day after its completed.
So yesterday, on my phone the alert goes off. Great!! I mark it complete and go on with my life. Today ... it was supposed to remind me at the same exact time with the same reminder. Did it ? No. The task remains COMPLETED in my outlook, the recurrence I had programmed did not happen, and I'm clueless as to why.
I really ****ing hate microsoft and I will not put up with this **** anymore. Cant wait to get an iphone
Still sitting here over a year later with the same damn problem.
Not only do they screw up with this feature .. because apparently not one employee in the entire microsoft company uses their own products with the regenerate task feature.... but they also screw up the FIXING of this feature .. AND can't even just admit publicly that this is a bug / known problem. I would love a fix but I would also love to win the lottery , and probably have the same chance at obtaining both.

upgrade calendar in touchflo?

I recently bought the Touch Pro (my first WM device after using Palm for years), and I am happy with most of it. What I just do not understand is why the calendar is so limited. You can merely view the month and scroll through months. To actually view appointments or change them you have to open the calendar app. This is totally ridiculous! The calendar screen should be the interface to reading your appointments and interacting with them. I have searched the forums to see if anyone has added this capability but have found nothing. I would be happy to pay for a PIM that truly integrated with the TouchFlo screen. I appreciate the modifications that you guys have done to the appearance (changing dates, adding themes etc), but I do not understand why someone cannot modify the calendar page so it shows the live calendar app as it were. If someone has done this and I have not found it, then sorry for making this comment - please direct me to it. If this cannot be done, then there has to be a better launcher than TouchFlo out there, and I would appreciate someone directing me to it.
With thanks from a complete beginner...
The app you need to replace the calendar with one of your own in TF3D is here:
I too have used Palm and Agendus for many years.
I tried Agendus on WM but was very disappointed at the performance.
I am now using Pocket Informant.
Thanks for this. I successfully ran the program and now when I click on the word 'Calendar' on the home page, PocketInformant opens (thanks for the tip, taninu, it looks really good).
But this is not really what I meant. On my Touch Pro, I have a tab which displays a static calendar (if I edit using DiamondTFD, it is called 'unknown' so maybe this is not standard in Europe?). It is this calendar that I would like to display PocketInformant. I noted the below post, which I wonder is maybe referring to the same question? In any case, do others have that calendar tab? (same level as home, people, weather, MP3, mail, internet, call history, SMS, settings, programs, photos - 12 in all).
Originally Posted by Oumpahpah (Post 2406149)
Another point we're all looking for, is to change the calendar elements management on Home tab.
Can't wait for your next release.
I was searching now 2 days for it. Finally I found that the element-management is damn hardcoded:
- 1 AlldayElement
- 1 CurrentElement
- 1 NextElement
Patching smt like this is some level too high for me.. I'm sorry..

Best note taking app??

I need to grab some sort of note taking app. Something for grocery lists, to-do lists, that sort of stuff. Preferably free but possibly a couple bucks. The only one I've heard of is 3banana.
Anyone have recommendations for me??
Evernote is good, also Color Note.
Color note is sticky note you can post on home screen so you are always reminded with them.
Evernote save them on a website, so if you have to hard reset/flash a ROM they are allways there when you log in.
i use springpad. I prefer it over evernote because evernote was too complex. it did too much for me and i found it difficult to find the notes i had already written, i had to literally do a search for them. springpad also backs everything up online but it is simple to use- you open the app and have a list of all your notes along with a plus button at the top. you can add a note with just text, by taking a picture, or scanning a barcode if it is a product you want to remember. i use it mostly just for quick text notes i dont want to forget. You can also add a folder to your homescreen of your recent notes to get to them quickly. There is no widget to quickly add notes "sticky-note style" though.
Love color note.
Sent telepathically via my Evo.
evernote is great if you install the client on multiple machines. add the note once and it is available on your other devices (ie: work or home pc).

[Q] SPB Finance & Money Plus Sunset Deluxe

Does anyone know if SPB Finance syncs up with MPSD? Or any other easy to use mobile finance software that will sync with this?
Or for that matter, any other pairing of Mobile/Desktop software that sync with each other?
I have an old Money 2006, which i don't like (mainly because it requires a windows live account (ie connecting online) and i hate the idea of connecting my financial records online in any way. I was glancing at Quicken, but its 60 bucks, and while that might be a good desktop software, the lack of Mobile support turns me away from it. I know SPB worked with older versions of money in the past, but curious if its been updated of if it works as is now with the newest Money (free) version..
(MPSD is found HERE btw.)
Thanks in advance.
So i guess nobody's tried this hua?
Still looking for recommendations on this. Basically, id like to be able to enter in expenses/deposits on my phone, so i dont necessarily have to carry a receipt, then take it home, and sync it with my pc. Which i can then export into tax software when the time comes.
I know if it comes down to it, i can just keep doing what i am doing, keeping receipts and entering them all in once i get home, but i have a smart phone, i want to make it actually work and use its power for more than just texting and calling.
I've no problem with Money 2007 Home & Business edition and SPB finance. Just untick all boxes in Tools/Online settings menu to prevent Money on line.
Another option is to use the latest Money sunset edition (free from microsoft) and inesoft cash organizer 2011 instead of SPB finance.

