Tmobile wing Hard SPL - General Topics

NOOB here, I have a chance to buy a used hearld p4350 Tmobile wing, the description states, Currently the wing is hard spl with version, is this worth buying and what is it? Should I just buy a new wing and mod it myself?
Hope Im in the right thread.

i would not buy a had about one-third the on board memory of a Kaiser for ATT. You can't do much with...Two guys I work with have wings after adding a few cabs we could not put anything else on it


Torn between two!

Hey everyone im new to the site, excellent information and tools lying around for these awesome HTC phones! I have a dilemma at the moment im due an upgrade next month with my carrier T-Mobile, im eligible to get any phone so I am trying to decide which would be better out of these: MDA Vario II (Hermes) or the MDA Touch (Elf)? Size and weight between the two if anybody knows would be helpful, also I am aware the Elf has the same 64MB of RAM but can anybody inform me as to which CPU the Elf makes use of or wether it is the same as the Hermes. I am curious to know if the upgrade from WM5 to WM6 has broken any applications in terms of compatibility. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Let me know what you think guys, this place is a fountain of knowledge

T-mobile Wing AKA...?

I haven't been on a while and just upgraded today from the Wizard/MDA to the Wing..
I was looking to see where I fit in now, but wasn't sure what the Wing's other name is.....?
Is there a whole new forum for it?
i think it's the herald also the htc p4350. hope i'm right
Great! Thank you! *making my way over to the Herald forum*

Debranding the Kaiser?

Hi guys,
I've just received my T mobile branded Kaiser. It's called the Vario 3.
As i am not looking to use the device with tmobile. Is it possible to debrand this device? If so, please explain how. My assumtption is that i'll need to upload a generic rom to the device.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Please read the forum first, before you post a question...
Especially the sticky threads...
To be short:
We know it's called the Vario 3 / Vario III
You can probably unbrand the outside by rubbing some sugar against the logo's (I don't take any responsability for this, but it's known to be working on a T-Mobile MDA Vario I).
Th 'inside' is also known as the ROM an can't be unbranded yet...
Just wait untill we are able to CID-unlock it, so you can flash the ROM with an unbranded one...
For now you can hard-reset (format) it and jst after the screen alignment when it's counting down for customization soft-reset it by pushing your stylus up the little hole in the bottom of your device...
Good luck...
Oh, and...
Welcome to the Kaiser forum
Sorry for not reading the sticky stuff, i'm just not that familiar with the technical terms for these devices so i thought me asking 'again' novice-style may be cool. Thanks for your help on this mate.
No problem...
I started out this way too, so...
I can tell you it's really worth it to dive in to this forum...
You can learn a lot if you check the threads once in a while...
Be carefull with advanced adjustments to your device, especially when you haven't got the right ROM for backup...
On the other hand, don't be scared to try out some stuff, because it's very hard to brick a device...
Bricking means you screw up youre device so terribly (beyond repair) that it's turned in to a brick / expensive paperweight...
Just tried putting in my vodaphone sim into the Vario 3 and it says SIM LOCK code needed....Any advice where to get one from apart from t mobile?
I guess you'll have to wait...
pof is working on a CID-unlocker and probalby on a way to SIM-unlock it too...
I heard it's a difficult procedure, because the way it's simlocked is 'new'...
Maybe you can try
It's a paid service...
Decide for yourself if you're willing to pay, or have the patience to wait for a free solution...
I'm definatley sticking with the last one...

Why no cooked iMate Ultimate series rom?

Is the device that difficult or that those that know how to do it does not have the device? I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind helping to dump the rom, especially the beta wm6.1 rom.
sooby77 said:
Is the device that difficult or that those that know how to do it does not have the device? I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind helping to dump the rom, especially the beta wm6.1 rom.
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I think it`s because some I-Mate models are non HTC manufactured as this forum specializes on HTC, but a Mod or Admin could give a better answer.
Good day
sooby77 said:
Is the device that difficult or that those that know how to do it does not have the device? I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind helping to dump the rom, especially the beta wm6.1 rom.
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i have an imate 8502 as well as samsung i780, there is an 6.1 upgrade on this forum for the imate... and i am very happy with it...
just to let you know imate is in truble with money...
I actually knew that iMate is in trouble financially, but that doesn't mean we can have cooked roms. I was hoping that there would be some cooked rom that would free up more program memory and remove some of iMate's bloatware.
sooby77 said:
I actually knew that iMate is in trouble financially, but that doesn't mean we can have cooked roms. I was hoping that there would be some cooked rom that would free up more program memory and remove some of iMate's bloatware.
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Donate me an iMate and I can cook Ulitmate WM6.1.
I already have i780 & HTC Niki and would love to do the same for iMate
sooby77 said:
I actually knew that iMate is in trouble financially, but that doesn't mean we can have cooked roms. I was hoping that there would be some cooked rom that would free up more program memory and remove some of iMate's bloatware.
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i got it for free thats why i am using it, if you ask me to buy a product which may not have support in near future i will not buy it... and u are right about the things imate have loaded on it are useless to most of us... i hope those could be removed..
i'm selling my imate 9502 when i get my X1 !
I ordered this nice and almost unknown device, and hopefully it will be in my hands tomorrow.
I already looked at the ROM, and I noticed that the image is in it's own format.
Now I'm not so skilled in the low level work needed to dump the image and to reassemble it in a flashable format.
But I hope in the help of a guru (maybe EFN ?) here.
Thanks in advance.
I'll be getting mine in about a week from Australia. I'm also willing to help out if anyone care to provide guidance. I just needed someone to point me to the right direction. "EFN, boleh tolong tak?"
I-mate is the Worst PPC in Milky Way Galaxy
I-Mate Ultimate Series = the Worst PPC in Milky Way Galaxy + No Support + bad Results + Low CPU Speed .....
I trying to say its good BUT its Worst ..its Worst ..the only thing that i can say : its Worst PPC
there is no builtin software in officail rom from I-mate .. when u buy HTC u have many amazing software from HTC but in I-mate there is no software ...
when I-mate SAID the new series of I-mate is on the way i waited about 1 year for I-mate 7150 but where is 7150 ??? it was a lie ....
i have i-mate Ultimate 6150 = shame to say what i have
i have to buy my imate ultimate 6150 about to 1 $ and buy a HTC

How Do I upgrade to WM6.5 on HTC 8525

I have a ATT 8525 and I want to upgrade from the 6.0 WM ROM to the 6.5 or even 6.5.1 I have read that 6.5.1 can be installed also. I am new to this and I really need to know exactly how to do this. I realize it can be dangerous but I have to do it as some of the functions on my phone are no longer working because I think I removed some files from wm6. In anycase Id like to upgrade anyway. If anyone can steer me in the right direction Id love to know exactly how to do this. Thanks in advance for any help
Long Island
You need Hardspl & to do some upgrade reading (Stickys, WiKi, Chefs Roms) on the Hermes section:
Happy Flashing
Thank you
Thank you for the support. I will definitly attempt to educate myself on this long before I try anything. I was able to find on my phone spl-2.03 is that the hardspool or do I need another. Again I am not touching anything with this phone without knowing what Im doing thanks for the help

