[COOKERS] Management & Development ROMs - General Topics

Greetings Pals, cookers and development fanatics!
I came up with this following discussion after I had attended a Microsoft event down here in Brazil. I talked personally with a Microsoft .NET programmer about what we do with ROMs and the development part of this field. The point of this conversation is to know from all cookers and specialists what exactly ROM management is in terms of a professional career. For instance: What we know and do when dealing with the cooking and develoment processes is in any way possible to be profitable?
Can we make money or work in a professional way by doing this kind of thing?
I'd like to open two points of view:
1.) ROM development - What and where exactly a cooker lives? Behind a architecture guy? What is the context behind ROM development? What processes are involved? Following all these concepts, the idea is to know where a guy like us really live during the whole development phase? I could say that a cooker is hired before or after what? How?
2.) Specialist field - Can we survive development ROMs? In a professional side? How can we explore our skills and knowledge when discussing such things? Is it possible a cooker be hired by a System/or software development company? How's that?
How you all see these things?
Just use this thread as a brainstorm tool and a way to clarify points out of the technical scope we usual deal here.
Thanks for sharing!

Why no comments!
Thought that this topic would pop-up some discussions over here....really would like to know what cookers or even others think about it!
Let's share!


Developing Debate

Okay, so I'm starting to develop apps for my XDA2 and having come from a standard PC development background I was always told that software should uphold the basic principles of software quality IE reliability, reusability, maintenance and so on
I thought it would be an idea to here from people that develop for the mobile platform weather they feel it is possible to develop apps with these software engineering fundamentals.
Do we have to abandon object orientated programming, and go back to the procedures in order to develop?
Sorry if this is a, a silly debate, or b, been talked about before
lets have ya
first of all this post would prob belong more in hacking it being that thats where most the devoleping stuff is being adressed
other then that some people use gcc some people use win stk
where you have to make oo from the buttom if you want being that both are c++ it's by far impossible
and some program mfc and .net where oo is very much a part of the way things are don of cause using these tech's you can still program without following the guidelines of oo
i think the name of this forum confuse many people
even though it's xda developers few people here develop software for these devices
most people talk about spc xda stuff and how to upgrade and general pda stuff
hacking it is where most the software stuff is at
Hello Rudegar
Thanks you for the tip, Have no doubt that I shall be taking that on board and be re-posting my message in the hacking it forum (Hope that I am not breaking any rules by doing this, we don't want to do that! ).
nop it's not a forum rule or anything it's just that your post will get pushed out of the view before many people will read or answer it in this part of the forum
the development environment for pocketpc provides you with all the same tools as you would use under 'normal / win32' circumstances.
if you are used to using your own oo wrappers for most microsoft api's you can probably port them without much effort to the ppc platform.
the boost libraries work fine with embedded vc++.
don't know about stuff like qt.

Application Development Ideas

I have a few Ideas for some applications I would like to create. I Was going to post this on the the developer page, however, it said only for developers and hardcore techies. since I am neither i figured The General forum should do. what I am asking is for some guidance and direction id developing these apps. like programming language, platform, framework, etc. i downloaded basic4ppc and was wondering if that was a good place to start? i guess I am looking for collaboration more than anything. just some ideas that i thought people might enjoy, benefit from and expand upon. any and all help is welcome!

Idea for WM UI development

After being disappointed by most alternative WM uis and interfaces,
i wondered if gathering a group of developers for developing a new shell/ui would be possible.
Many ideas exist out there that would make wm devices really friendly and more innovative,
so i humbly ask anyone with sufficient programming knowledge and power of will that is
interested in the exchange of ideas and developing such a software, to reply and share his vision.
PS. I am really inexperienced regarding programming
PointUI 2 looks very nice, you might like that.
Mod Edit : Post Moved to Question & Answer's Section
My apologies, please move this to the more appropriate section.
Thank you.

Looking for Developers for project

I'm looking for developers willing and able to help with a project.
I'll start by saying, this is a Atheist oriented project focused on atheist related issues. You don't need to be atheist to help, but at least opened minded to others beliefs, or lack there of.
I'm heading this project for the time being. Its my idea, but its beyond my depth. I don't have the skill set to pull this off on my own. I'll take a step back and allow someone who's capable of heading this, once I find one. I can help in other areas, mostly design.
I have two other developers on board already. Capable of developing Android and WP apps. I have done some Android developing on my own, but I'm a amateur at coding.
We'll be building a website, paired with some mobile apps. Focused on help and information forums, local community forums, Atheist related news articles, Articles on atheism, etc without getting into it to deeply on what we're trying to do. Its open for discussion.
If interested on helping, IM me. We could talk further on what we're trying to achieve, and I can direct you to the facebook group.

What programming language should I learn?

There is a lot of question's to be answered after get something from the main one, but this question might be answered by someone with experience and probably went thought this. I've learned some programming languages in high school, not too deeply, but I understand some concepts of it.
The course that I've made was Computer Management and I start learning the famous Pascal language and then Vb.Net, Html and Php but unfortunately the my teachers were not too good as we expected. Basically, we had too learn by ourselves. Long story short I improved my skills when I start develop the final project which was built in Vb.Net.
Obviously we have to think about the future and choose something which allows us to grow on our jobs. I've read some good articles related to this content and there is a bunch of acceptable information out there.
There are a couple of paths to go and you have to pick one of them: Mobile Development, Website Development or Desktop Development and if you wanna get results and grown on it you have to select one. After that hardly pick you have so select a language to learn and focus your precious time on it.
So, I am in that part of the process. Desktop Development is the main path and where I wanna improve my skills. The question is, what language should I learn inside of this Desktop Development?

