Looking for Developers for project - General Questions and Answers

I'm looking for developers willing and able to help with a project.
I'll start by saying, this is a Atheist oriented project focused on atheist related issues. You don't need to be atheist to help, but at least opened minded to others beliefs, or lack there of.
I'm heading this project for the time being. Its my idea, but its beyond my depth. I don't have the skill set to pull this off on my own. I'll take a step back and allow someone who's capable of heading this, once I find one. I can help in other areas, mostly design.
I have two other developers on board already. Capable of developing Android and WP apps. I have done some Android developing on my own, but I'm a amateur at coding.
We'll be building a website, paired with some mobile apps. Focused on help and information forums, local community forums, Atheist related news articles, Articles on atheism, etc without getting into it to deeply on what we're trying to do. Its open for discussion.
If interested on helping, IM me. We could talk further on what we're trying to achieve, and I can direct you to the facebook group.


Application Development Ideas

I have a few Ideas for some applications I would like to create. I Was going to post this on the the developer page, however, it said only for developers and hardcore techies. since I am neither i figured The General forum should do. what I am asking is for some guidance and direction id developing these apps. like programming language, platform, framework, etc. i downloaded basic4ppc and was wondering if that was a good place to start? i guess I am looking for collaboration more than anything. just some ideas that i thought people might enjoy, benefit from and expand upon. any and all help is welcome!

Android-x86 is dying - A plea

Android-x86 is a project to get android up and running on x86 architecture. It is currently ran by just two people, and 1.6 is more or less completely functional on Eeepc and Dell Mini's.
However, progress has slowed, and the developers are beginning to lose interest due to the current community following. A large amount of the followers of the project demand things, and give little back, often getting angry if they are not instantly provided what they want. This is a scourge of most opensource or hack projects, but especially so here, as the project has had little interest from other devs, leaving them on their own.
Whilst I do not have the ability to give a whole lot of help myself (yet), I desperately think this project should succeed, and am asking any able developers with free time who are up for seeing Android up on a new platform to give it a go.
The google discussion group is here: http://groups.google.com/group/android-x86
The homepage is here: http://www.android-x86.org/
Thanks for reading, and thanks for any support you are able to give these guys.

Concept Idea

Hello Everyone,
I you all are doing great, I am looking for a few individuals to talk to. The few people need to have 1 or 2 of the following skills.
Expert Android Developer
Expert iOS Developer
PHP Developer
Java Developer
APIs and Custom Frameworks
If you have skills in any of those I would love to talk to you! I would not consider this a Job posting as of yet. I am right now trying to find some people to see if my concept is possible, but I don't want to share it with just anyone and everyone, need to protect my ideas. When I figure out if this can be done I will probably post again (if the people that reply cant assist with the project). Ultimately we will probably be looking at a team of 10 people to get this project done if it is do able. So please anyone and everyone reply to this post if you are interested in the idea, as long as you have 1 if not 2 of those skills listed above!
Thank You
Darley Web Design

[Q] Seeking development group to help

I'm looking to get into Android development, and thought it would be great if there were any projects out there that were looking for help. I'm familiar with some of the Android API's (such as location services) and know the basics of Android programming. Still, I wanted to join a project to understand what the development process is like. I'm still in college and work a part-time job, so I don't know if I could devote a full 40, or even 20 hours a week. Nonetheless I would like to try to help develop if I can.
Are there any groups that are looking for help on a project, or any sites that cater to this type of request?

Interested in development.

I've been browsing the fourms for some time looking for where I could nest this post. I have become extreamly interested in development on the android platform. Myself I have a strong backround in Linux command line, server administration, and for the most part have a solid understanding with programing languages. I decided to post here to see if anyone would be interested in mentoring me or pointing me in a direction on where I can get some solid infromation on how to create and deploy my own ROM's. I have a multitude of ideas that I would like to deploy to the android community its a matter of getting the working tools and basic understanding on how to edit and develop the code that would be used. If you can help me out in any way at all I would greatly appreciate it. If you would like to talk to me a little more you can also message me via my inbox and we can move forward from there. Thanks again for your support ahead of time.
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