COM Ports - General Topics

I have a bluetooth GPS reciever and i want to connect it on COM port 9 but in the bluetooth settings it only allows me to use 6 or 7, does anyone know how to change this?
Im using the HTC Vox if that makes a difference?

When you say "Bluetooth settings" are you referring to the settings in the GPS software (TomTom, Garmin etc) or are you referring to the bluetooth settings in your phone settings?
When you first pair your device with the external bluetooth device, you need to set up and outgoing port (COM5 on a Himalaya, not sure what Vox would use) and also go to the advanced bluetooth settings and chose "serial connection". The com port should then appear in your GPS software bluetooth selection choices.
Let us know if this helps.

Ports :S
Thanks Jadel for the reply, i was referring to the bluetooth settings in the phone not gps software. i have paired it and and selected serial port and then it gives me a selection of ports to use: 6 or 7, but i already have things connecting to those ports and want to select another one to use? Any ideas?
the guide may not be using the latests wm version but still it should
give you a clear picture as to where on the PC you handle the activesync comports
rather then on the pda which dont use comports for activesync at all


MDA PRO and TOMTOM problems.. please help :(

I'm hoping someone out there will be kind enough to help and solve this problem before I rip all my hair out!!!
I've installed tomtom (V5.00) on my mda pro, but I can't get it to recognise my bluetooth gps receiver.
I've set up a bluetooth partnership with an outgoing COM port. My MDA allows me to choose COM0 ,COM4,COM8
When I select other Bluetooth device from Tom Tom configuration, it gives me the options:
QCT Data Interface
Serial Cable on COM1
Infrared Port
Ir on COM3
I can't seem to align the software and the bluetooth to get it working correctly. Please help
Update your application to at least version 5,21 to get this working, have a look at for the software - Mike
Apart from the 5.21 and above (current is 6.03) software requirement, many users also have to set a COM port your MDA offers you (i.e. COM0) manually in the navigator.cfg (or was it .dat, don´t remember,try) file where the COM is stored that TT is using. Just change to navigator.txt, edit and change back to .cfg Good luck.

GPS in wm6

I'm struggling to get my GPS software and bluetooth receiver to work together in Faria's REAL THING ROM. I've paired the devices, used the wm5gpsfix.exe and all the settings under the sun but I still can't get my software to see the gps receiver.
The software is Destinator Lite (for the moment, until I can make sure everything's working fine and then I'll buy a better one) and the bluetooth GPS is a Navman something-or-other.
Is there any difference between wm5 and wm6 that would make the fix for wm5 not work any more? Has anybody else had any problems using GPS receivers and software in wm6?
No problems here. Have you set an outgoing port?
I've paired the phone to the receiver, and set the outgoing port to 5. Then, using the GPS settings in wm6, I have set the hardware port co COM5 and the program port to COM4. Destinator Lite will only let me select 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 for my COM ports, but I can't select any of those for the outgoing port which is why I'm using the GPS settings bit.
Does anyone know if the button on the receiver is supposed to do anything other than double-flash all the time and then turn off?
myk_83 said:
I've paired the phone to the receiver, and set the outgoing port to 5. Then, using the GPS settings in wm6, I have set the hardware port co COM5 and the program port to COM4. Destinator Lite will only let me select 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 for my COM ports, but I can't select any of those for the outgoing port which is why I'm using the GPS settings bit.
Does anyone know if the button on the receiver is supposed to do anything other than double-flash all the time and then turn off?
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I don't think all programs work with the GPS manager thing, I think they have to be written to that specific API. I have TomTom 6 and although this lets me select the GPS program port I have configured (COM7) it doesn't see the GPS. If I reconfigure it to work with the GPS hardware port (COM6) it works fine. I also have Pocket Streets 2006 installed and this works with either. Strangely If I start Pocket Streets first and minimise it then load TomTom it works with the GPS software port. I assume Pocket Streets kick starts something that activates COM7, whereas TomTom doesn't do this automatically.
Thanks for your help! Unfortunately, I can't set my outgoing port in bluetooth settings to any of the numbers that my program will accept. Is there any way of freeing up any of the others? At the moment, it just says "COM port could not be created. Check your settings and try again."
GPS manager sucks
I never got the gps manager working. I go direct to the GPS port and it works fine. Never applied any fixes either ... ?
I had to change my port from Com7 under WM5 to Com6 in WM6 in order for my software to "see" the bluetooth receiver. I'm using OnCourse Navigator6 with WM6 and was using their Navigator5 software with WM5. Not sure if there's a difference with the actual ROM or the software, but COM6 is the only one that works for me at this point.
However, under WM5, if I tried to pair map4pda with the bluetooth receiver, it never would detect it. But, with WM6, it found it using the COM6 port that I use with OnCourse. Strange. . . but, as long as it's working now, that's all I care about.
Working... somehow
Ok, I now have my receiver picking up through bluetooth and my program can find it. Not quite sure how it works, cos to me it looks like it shouldn't. But anyway, here goes.
First, I searched through the registry on my wizard for all references to COM3, which was one of the ports my GPS program could see but that I couldn't set as the outgoing port for my receiver. I changed all the (2) values to COM5, as COM3 is for IR which I never use.
Then I paired my receiver, and tried to set the outgoing port as 3, which still didn't work, so I went for 5, which did. Then used the GPS manager thing to set the hardware port as 5 and the program port as 3. (I don't think the GPS manager is working with my program though)
Then in my sat nav software COM5 was available, and now COM3 has disappeared (before there were 0,1,2,3,4,9 available) so now I can choose 0,1,2,4,5,9. So I selected 5, and it found it!
So now it works, but I'm not sure if this is an ideal way of doing it (messing with the registry ) and I don't know if I'd be able to use my IR port for anything now. I was thinking of playing with some of the "universal remote" programs that are knocking about, so I guess we'll see. But for now, at least my GPS is working!
Now I just need some better software...
I noticed that some programs see gps wehen it is paired and others when not paired.
I use TT6 with my Holux GPSlim 236 (both WM5 and WM6) and I set the outgoing port (in bluetooth setting not GPS setting) to COM6. Then TT6 sees the COM6 in the "Other bluetooth GSP" setup so I could select the port.

Problems setting up bluetooth GPS to device.

Hello to everyone.
I have wm 6 crossbow , tomtom and a bluetooth gps revceiver (EVERMORE BT-R700).
I can connect it to the device, with password 0000 but I can't manage for TOMTOM to find it. I saw smth in settings like external gps settings. If I have to setup any com port, how can I manage to find the right port and baund speed of this gps device.
I have to say that on bt manual it doesn't say those specifications.
thank you in advance guys
hi There
i got these from some other forum
15. Using File Explorer, navigate to the .CAB file you copied to your SD card and install R-Edit
on your Pocket PC. R-Edit can be acquired from
but you can also Google for any other Windows Mobile 5 Registry Editor.
16. Run R-Edit from the Programs Menu.
17. Within R-Edit, navigate to the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings"
18. Within the registry key, delete the DWORD entry marked "Hide"
19. Add a DWORD entry called "Group" and give it a Value of "2"
20. Soft reset your Pocket PC.
21. On your Pocket PC, go to Settings > Connections to ensure that the GPS icon is there.
If it is not then I can only apologise but it may not be possible to get TomTom working with
your GPS device. It is necessary for TomTom to see a specific GPS serial port that can
(as far as I can tell) only be set by this GPS connection program. After you have paired
with your Bluetooth GPS device you could try setting an Outgoing port to COM7: as that is
a default COM port that TomTom Navigator can connect to. Do step 22 then skip to step 26.
22. Turn on your Bluetooth GPS and stick it in a location that it's likely to get a signal.
On your Pocket PC, enable Bluetooth and search for new devices. Establish a bond (pair) with
your GPS device and ensure you check the "Serial Port" option.
23. Go to Settings > Connections > Bluetooth. Create a new Incoming COM Port. I chose COM8 for this.
24. Other guides on the Internet tell you to also create an Outgoing port and setting it
as COM7 but doing this would not work on the PPC that I was using so I had to create the
Outgoing COM port on COM0. Either way you need an Outgoing COM port to be set.
If you can set it as COM7: then you should do so, if not, use COM0:
25. Go to Settings > Connections > GPS. Set the GPS communication port to the same
Outgoing COM port that you set above. For the PPC I was using,
I had to set it as COM0: above so will set it here as COM0: also.
The "Manage GPS Automatically" checkbox should already be checked but if it isn't, check it and OK out.
26. Start up TomTom Navigator using the Programs menu and run through the setup procedure as
normal but select "Other Bluetooth GPS" when asked to select a GPS device.
27. TomTom will ask you to now pair your GPS device with your Pocket PC.
We've already done that so click Continue.
28. You will be given a list of ports that your GPS device is likely to be on.
Remember that this is the Outgoing port that we created earlier in steps 24 and 25.
Basically the COM port you set here must be the same as the one you set in step 24 and 25.
29. Select the relevant COM port and then click Next. You will likely be taken straight
in to the map view and with any luck your Pocket PC and GPS device will start communicating and your Pocket PC will show your position on the map.
30. If you made a mistake in setting the COM port that your GPS device lives on,
simply tap anywhere on the screen. Tap Preferences, tap Next three times until you
see an icon that looks like a satellite labelled GPS status. Tap that icon and then tap configure to change the COM port.
Kind Regards
What version of TomTom are you using? I had exactly the same problem using TT5.0 but when I upgraded it to TT5.21 the com port became visible in the TomTom settings.
Sheepdip said:
What version of TomTom are you using? I had exactly the same problem using TT5.0 but when I upgraded it to TT5.21 the com port became visible in the TomTom settings.
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I use TOMTOM 6.0
"external gps" icon is enabled on my settings/connections, this means I didn't had to setup that registry entries and I have 2 tabs to setup there.
"GPS program port" and "Gps hardware port".
I did com 7 at program port and also i've spent several hours choosing different ports in both different tabs but without results. At gps whardware tab, there's also a baund rate which I tried to search wich speed my gps
device has but I failed with google searching manuals/specs.
Also I tried emt gps view, to get the hardware settings but I failed on finding the right baund rate
I got the same problem with the Crossbow reload 1.5 and TomTom 6.
With Navigator6 I use no COM but Bluetooth setting and I got no problem.
With Beeline GPS I use com7 (Hardware COM) without any problems.
I tried COM7 and any other COM's (logical COM) with TomTom 6 without any success :-(((
please help
OK I got it...
QTEK was in flightmode. TomTom6 do not work in this mode.

HTC Touch Pro - Active Sync with Vista via Bluetooth

I love the phone but I cannot believe that its so hard to sync with Vista via Bluetooth. It has the latest mobile software and vista is the new OS, how can they **** things up so badly?
I know there are some issues with the Sony Vaio Bluetooth stack. Its super confusing and the Bluetooth settings are hard to find.
Is it actually possible to Sync with Bluetooth to vista from WM6? Has anyone got this working?
Thanks, even a yes or no would be great here, so that I know if I'm wasting my time.
I did. After connecting my TP to the PC via bloetooth, i synced them, but using the phone's ActivSync, and not the Windows Mobile Device Center.
You need to go to your phone and instruct a "bluetooth activesynce".
It worked fine for me and my Vista SP1, using a dead-cheapo USB-bluetooth adapter.
Got it working too. Paired the 2 devices and entered passcode. Then started AS on the phone and selected Connect using BT and off it went. No problems what so ever.
Its good to hear that it works for people.
I think its an issue with the Sony Bluetooth stack. I can pair the devices but the device doesn't show that the laptop has activesync, just wireless stereo. I think I might hate Sony more than Microsoft, Mac next time for sure, so so sick of Vista and spending a week online working things out.
Its a long shot, but I don't suppose anyone has it working on a Sony Laptop with Vista?
Thanks for the replies and listening to me moan.
Indeed, having the same problem with Toshiba Bluetooth Stack. No Activesync profile when searching for available profiles. Is the any solution on how to add the "Activesync profile"?
my phone found the desktop with bluetooth and i checked activesync and on the phone i hit connect bluetooth it works fine but i hit sync and nothing happens?
remmyhi said:
Indeed, having the same problem with Toshiba Bluetooth Stack. No Activesync profile when searching for available profiles. Is the any solution on how to add the "Activesync profile"?
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Did you try this
I had the same problem with my VAIO TZ and my Tytn II, didn't try with the TP yet.
Apart from replacing the drivers, I seem to remember there was a trick related to changing the COM Port or something (the default port was incompatible with Activesync) but I'm afraid I don't remember. I'll give it a go when I have time to connect both, but it may not happen until I getmy new laptop.
EDIT: forget the above, that's the trick I half remembered (and used):
i have the same problem with Toshiba laptop..i have tried everything
remmyhi said:
Indeed, having the same problem with Toshiba Bluetooth Stack. No Activesync profile when searching for available profiles. Is the any solution on how to add the "Activesync profile"?
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If this is the case, try adding comm port for both your laptop and tp. Outgoing for TP and incoming for laptop. Then you need to set Windows Mobile Center to connect via COM?? (?? is the number you've chosen)
ActiveSync connection (via bluetooth) is actually a comm port connection.
lbhocky19 said:
my phone found the desktop with bluetooth and i checked activesync and on the phone i hit connect bluetooth it works fine but i hit sync and nothing happens?
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Try removing the pairing and rebond.
It also works fine for me with Vista (non-SP1), newest version of Mobile Center, and a Bluetooth dongle with Microsoft stack.
This worked for me
I used many websites, a lot with very similar advice, but none specific to the HTC touch Diamond conundrum.
However, this is a very useful step by step guide:, which although provides advice for WM 5, is still the same principle.
The advice below is device specific
I use:
HTC Touch Diamond (with WM 6.1)
WMDC 6.1
Bluesoleil V6 Bluetooth Dongle
Although I had found the above advice on previous websites, and it had not worked I remained persistent.
I was able to find 'Activesync' as a service when, on my PC, changed the WMDC connection settings to COM 3.
However every time I tried to 'connect via BT' on my device, it said 'no partnership existed......'.
I therefore established some more com ports on my computer (in addition to COM 3, COM 4, COM 5 which I had taken authorisation off of):
COM 7. Both without authorisation.
I then used the trial and error method to find which com port would broadcast 'activesync' to my device. It was still COM 3.
However, on trying 'activesync via BT'on my device this time, it began to connect!!!
I am not sure whether opening up the extra ports (COM 6 and COM 7) or whether my computer/device decided it was now the time to play ball since it realised I was about to take a cricket bat to it worked but it now syncs fantastically.
NB: There was no need to reinstall any software or windows operating system (as some other posts on other websites have suggested)
I still cannot get this to work. I couldn't on my Sprint Touch and now I can't on my Touch Pro.
I have Vista Home Premium SP1 with WMDC 6.1
Computer was formatted to factory settings today. Touch Pro is new as of yesterday.
I paired the phone to the computer and the computer to the phone. ActiveSync was a profile available for the computer and I made sure it was ticked.
I plugged in the phone via USB and set up the partnership. All is good there.
When I open ActiveSync on the phone and click "connect via bluetooth" it tells me it cannot open the port.
This is the exact same problem I had with my Touch. The computer is newly formatted and isn't communicating with any other bluetooth device at all. How can the port not be available? I've tried the regedit. Tried making incoming ports on the computer. No avail. However, I cannot make new outgoing ports on the phone. The tab is there but no option to do so.
Any help?
Thanks in advance
EZ Solution
I just found an easy solution for u guys who using Toshiba Bluetooth Stack ...
U guys no need to remove anything ...
All u need to do is verify the COM port of ur bluetooth ...
1. Go to the “Bluetooth Local COM” Applet in your Control Panel
2.Open “Bluetooth Local COM” applet where you will see a list of Ports
3. The Corerct port you need to use is
“COM7 Toshiba BT Port (COM7) LocalCOM-Server[SerialPort(TOSHIBA LocalCOM)]
and not “COM6 Toshiba BT Port (COM6) LocalCOM-Client”
From this guy here ... << >> TQ sir ...
Then ... u guys need to use ur REGEDIT to find this ...
Notice there is SerialPort ?? yes ... JUST CHANGE THE string 'Bluetooth' to COM7 ...
After this just pair ur wat ever PDA u've got & thats it ... u got the ACTIVESYNC in the advance option of the services available ...
Hope u guys enjoy !!!
P/S :- BTW i just bought my HTC TP 2 weeks ago ...
woks perfectly!!!
many thanks.

Problems Connecting to External Bluetooth GPS

So I picked up an external GPS receiver off ebay. It's the Globalsat BT-359C ( Turned it on, everything went fine as far as my fuze finding it. I'd goto add new device, it'd pull up "BT-GPS371D88", i'd select it, put it the four "0" 's, and it'd give me the message "your pocketpc is now connected with BT-GPS371D88". It comes up in the list but under disconnected. So i'm like eh whatever, and setup the outgoing com port to COM0 as per the instructions, and make sure its unsecure.
I go back to devices, highlight BT-GPS371D88, click it. Check off "Serial Port" in select services to use, and save. Then heres where everything goes wrong, I hit connect, and it gives me the following message "Your device did not connect with BT-GPS371D88. The connection failed or the passcode is incorrect." I've been tinkering with it all day, searching various forums to no avail. Even downgraded my 6.5 rom to 6.1 thinking it was maybe incompatible with something so new.
Now i'm stuck, I really want to get it working so i can use it for a trip thats coming up in a few days. Has anyone else had such a problem? is there like a quick fix that i'm over looking, or is it simply not compatible with the fuze? I managed to get it paired up and connected fine to my blackberry curve just to see if the gps unit was defective (did buy it off ebay). Any Ideas guys? Not sure where else to turn now.
Oh yeah btw my current rom that i'm using is
At0mAng Fusion Power V 5.X ROM Series
Windows Mobile 6.1 (Build 21051 1.6.4)
Located @
jimshepp said:
So I picked up an external GPS receiver off ebay. It's the Globalsat BT-359C ( Turned it on, everything went fine as far as my fuze finding it. I'd goto add new device, it'd pull up "BT-GPS371D88", i'd select it, put it the four "0" 's, and it'd give me the message "your pocketpc is now connected with BT-GPS371D
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have a BT GPS for my Dell axim x51v, got some trouble too getting it to connect, but eventually did
here are some pointers:
1) Delete all pairings and com port pairings on the device
2) Pair the device (make sure that you put 'request authorization' or something... this ensures that you need to put the 0000 code to connect)
3) you need to set up at outgoing port on your device, to the BT GPS... COM 8 is norm
4) External GPS setting in the Start>Settings tab
hardware port is where you put the outgoing port in (3)
software port is where you put for your GPS software... COM4 is norm
third column where WinMo will manage GPS, say yes
This worked for me:
I have a Hermes (WM6.5) with a holoux bluetooth GPS, but the GPS was not connecting for me properly either. It seems to be a problem with the way WM6.1 pairs with bluetooth devices.
I managed to get mine to work without reflashing by downloading this alternative bluetooth manager:
Hope this helps.
Not trying to bump up an old thread for no reason, but I figured this info would be helpful for people utilizing searches.
After lots of research and frustration the past week I have gotten my external GPS (USGlobalSat BT-368i) to work with my HTC Fuze! Below are the steps I followed that have worked for me. Note that I still have the phone configured to use the internal GPS if the program is set to "Let windows manage GPS settings".
1. Pair the device using Bluetooth.
2. Under the devices tab select your external gps device, and check the box to use "Serial Port". Then choose Save.
2. Under the Bluetooth settings choose "COM Ports" tab.
3. Choose "New Outgoing Port", and then select your device and click next. Choose your port and preferred "secure" option. Then click Finish. (I have configured mine to use COM0 & Secure Connection)
The device will still show as "Disconnected", and you will not be able to connect it under the Bluetooth manager. It will give you an error saying unable to connect.
To use the external GPS device you can simply select the outgoing port you configured above in your program, and most likely you will use a baud rate of 4800. Once you enable the GPS in the program it should connect itself via Bluetooth to your device and begin using it.
You should also be able to configure it to automatically use your external GPS instead of the internal one under the "External GPS" settings, but my current ROM has the hardware portion of External GPS manager broken @ the moment. Therefore I have not configured this, and cannot confirm it.
Hope this helps someone!

