Switch off Static Navigation - Touch Cruise General

Hi everybody.
Since a few days i am a happy owner of an Orbit 2.
I read that the built in gps has a "feature" called static navigation. As far as i know this is very useful while using TomTom in a car but not when walking around slowly. I like to use it for geocaching which means that i will not drive but walk slowly.
If i'm standing around and then do some steps in some direction the device seems not to notice (because of static navigation!?).
i tried to find something about this but didn't find a way to get rid of this setting.
i hope someone has an idea...

Novas said:
Hi everybody.
Since a few days i am a happy owner of an Orbit 2.
I read that the built in gps has a "feature" called static navigation. As far as i know this is very useful while using TomTom in a car but not when walking around slowly. I like to use it for geocaching which means that i will not drive but walk slowly.
If i'm standing around and then do some steps in some direction the device seems not to notice (because of static navigation!?).
i tried to find something about this but didn't find a way to get rid of this setting.
i hope someone has an idea...
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Tomtom supports walking speed too.

it works when i keep walking.
the first 10 or 20m nothing happens. after this distance the program (BeeLineGPS for example) tells me where i am, how fast i am, how far away the next waypoint is and so on. even if i am walking 4km/h
but if if stop for some seconds and then start walking again it doesnt notice that i'm moving. but for geocaching i need feedback asap. if it says i am 10m away from the waypoint and i try to get closer it is annoying if you have to walk 15m before you get position updates.
i think this is because of the static navigation which stops calculating new positions under certain circumstances

Actually "static navigation" is a setting at the firmware level of SiRF receivers http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=25575, what you're seeing is the lower performance of the Qualcomm/Antenna design of the Cruise/Kaiser, I wrote a detailed article on the Kaiser here -> http://www.gpspassion.com/fr/articles.asp?id=237&page=4

Thanks for your reply.
So you're saying, that there is no Sirf in my Orbit and thus there is no static navigation which means that i can't switch it off? Did i understand this right?
this is somehow...
well i guess i will need to get an extra device for geocaching then...

Correct, two problems, chipset and physics (small antenna) and yes you can get an excellent SiRFstarIII bluetooth receiver, with a datalogger to record where you've been, I quite like the BT-335 http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=97988

thanks again for your reply.
i think i will buy a garmin device for geocaching then. this has the advantage that they are waterproof and i don't have to play around with my nice and shiny orbit in the woods


Tom Bloody Tom

I am using XDAII and TomTom Nav 2.24 Took a trip to deepest darkest Wales over the weekend, and it really struggled.
First stop was Rhaedyr, this is up by Llandridnod Wells, and it failed totally by taking me to Crickhowell and insisted I had arrived!!!!
Then, off to Aberystwth, and although we were in the centre of town, it insisted I stil had another 20 miles to go!!!!! Pah!!!!! Not good
Anybody else had problems like this????
Also, I really want to be able to enter a postcode, which TT2 or 3 cannot do. Is there software out there that I can use which does do this?
I would say thats down to your receiver mate, I went to the rally in wales and used the GPS & Tomtom to navigate between stages and through the forests no trouble..
you might want to try this postcode system for tomtom
The Pilgrim :lol:
TT3 can actually do it with postcodes.........
TT3 and postcodes
I have TT3
I use a fortuna BT GPS and have had no problems with speed. The only problem I had with a wired GPS that only supplied data at 9600 Bps.
Postcodes, TT3 does take postcodes, but I still prefer to use the addon database as is much quicker and easier.
tested the post code program
tested this program its very very good you just have to wait a bit for tomtom to load
thanks rob

Tomtom 5 errors in navigation...

Tomtom 5 seems to have a few bugs, on two roundabout near me (yes I've been sad enough to test it everywhere I go) it tells me to pull up to the roundabout and then turn right... but drive round the wrong way to get to the exit!!!
Anyone else found this?
I once had an error (before the patch) where I was on a motorway, took a turnoff as per the instructions, went round but missed it cos I wasn't looking where I was going. Ended up for some reason back on the motorway going the other way. It didn't update to tell me the revised route ie turn round you d**khead. In fact I don't think it even carried on once I did manage to get back to the same point, even though the GPS position WAS updating.
Had to soft reset it. Was late for a show me and my girlfriend were going to as well so it was a stressful few minutes.
Maybe your copy of TT contains some European files or something which are making the navigator follow European codes? Does it happen on all or just some? Is it only right hand turns on roundabouts or left ones as well?
There will always be errors in this kind of program, my tomtom tells me to turn left into the raised emankment on the road leading from junction 11 a of the M5, on the way back it tells me to turn right across the central reservation and up a hill into fields.
yeah tomtom will always have issues ,in fact just about all of them have issues just different ones to tomtom ,but on the whole tomtom is good ,what you have to remember is it is a guide and you can't always rely on it 100 %

[PROB] TouchPro GPS lag problems

A lot of people have problems with the TouchPro GPS especially for pedestrian use...
From stock the TP GPS is quite unsable in car especially with TomTom 7 and totally unusable for pedestrian use.
After 2 weeks of reading and testing tweaks, here are the results of my tests and the applied tweaks to enhance the GPS performance
A. With Advanced config 3.2 http://www.touchxperience.com/fr/ou...ads/9-advanced-configuration-tool-32-cab.html
1. disable A-GPS
2. disable GPS logging
3. logfile name must be empty
4. old logfile name must be empty
5. maximum size of logfile must be 0
6 delete the files : \windows\GPSLogFile.txt and \windows\GPSLogFileBack.txt
7. it seems that if TomTom is installed on a fast microSD decrease the lag(have to test to be sure)
With those changes car usage will be quite perfect
B. Then edit registry with TotalCommander http://ghisler.fileburst.com/ce/tcmdpocketarm.cab
Under: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\
- Drivers\GpsOneDevice\PollInterval -> 100 (default is 1000)
- Drivers\InputBufferSize -> 512 (default is 4096)
- Drivers\OutputBufferSize -> 512 (default is 4096)
- Drivers\SleepOnNoData -> 100 (default is 1000)
- Multiplexer\MaxBufferSize -> 512 (by default not present, you have to create it)
Tests to be done with buffers at 256...seems to be a little better
Tests to be done with other PollInterval value...seems to "drain" battery
With those tweaks pedestrian usage will be much better but not perfect...I explain.
You have to walk for a least 250m in order to have a reposition with mouvement on the map (before that, speed is always 0km/h) and then if you continue to walk there is quite no lag...and the speed reflect reality
...BUT if you stops you have to walk again for a least 250m in order to have a reposition with mouvement on the map and then if you continue to walk there is quite no lag...
Very strange indeed...
I hope this will help people...please test and feedback.
PS : tests were done with
GoogleMaps -- http://www.google.be/gmm/GoogleMaps.CAB
GPSTuner 5.4 -- http://www.gpstuner.com/download/GPSTuner_v5.CAB
I noticed GPS problems yesterday with Route66. Havent have time to test GPS lot before, just checked that it can find satellites and really works with Route66.
First while driving, Route66 got fix to satellite pretty quickly, but drop it then after couple seconds. Then couple secods of lag, again found satellites, couple seconds ok, drops again. This keeps going over no matter what, moving or staying stopped.
I then did soft-reset, no help. Then tried Google Maps with GPS, that worked no prob. After using Google Maps I returned to Route66 and strangely satellite fix was ok...
This might be just random satellite fix problem, but strange enough
Taajuus said:
I noticed GPS problems yesterday with Route66. Havent have time to test GPS lot before, just checked that it can find satellites and really works with Route66.
First while driving, Route66 got fix to satellite pretty quickly, but drop it then after couple seconds. Then couple secods of lag, again found satellites, couple seconds ok, drops again. This keeps going over no matter what, moving or staying stopped.
I then did soft-reset, no help. Then tried Google Maps with GPS, that worked no prob. After using Google Maps I returned to Route66 and strangely satellite fix was ok...
This might be just random satellite fix problem, but strange enough
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Many of us have/had that issue so I can confirm you Its a device issue, not a satellite situation. The registry tweaks minimize that problem but I hope HTC solves the problem in his next driver/radio rom/... and the users hasnt to tweak their devices (95% of the users probably will never read this forum and they dont know how to "tweak" their devices
Thanks for sharing. I 'll check it.
Thank you!
I applied all the patches, my TP still doesn't want to find the sattelites...
F.....g hell!!! I tried anything,and morning I've got a fix with 5 satellites in 20secs,so it looks nice(yesterday evening I did the tweaks). But after 4 hours it can see 1-2 satellites,sometimes 3,very rarely 4 under blue sky. So 2 hours of my travelling from city-to-city I didn't get a fix! Co do pici s tym je!!??(sorry for slovak lng,but I cannot speak it english,because so wrong words english language doesn't have). I bought an useless technology and HTC is rolling on the floor laughing,how the customer is stupid. F..k them all with their technologies. Another thing is wifi...no comment is better. I will maybe buy an crazy Eten with Sirf3 and HTC with their stupid Qualcomm can go to hell. For what are all the technologies here,when they are working <20% of time? I am so angry on HTC,so when my kind of device will appear,I will immediately sell the Raph.
Flippy_TK said:
I applied all the patches, my TP still doesn't want to find the sattelites...
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Same here... Don't know what else to do...
I believe I will never be able to use the GPS...
Ain't that a shame
But I don't get it, it used to work the first days...
Flippy_TK said:
I applied all the patches, my TP still doesn't want to find the sattelites...
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i can confirm
Kevlar-Source said:
Same here... Don't know what else to do...
I believe I will never be able to use the GPS...
Ain't that a shame
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for such an expensive device it is...
For those how have still problems
1. Hard reset
2. Applied the tweaks
3. Download last QuickGPS
4. Install TomTom
5. Have a little more patience...
Gook luck.
omega01 said:
For those how have still problems
1. Hard reset
2. Applied the tweaks
3. Download last QuickGPS
4. Install TomTom
5. Have a little more patience...
Gook luck.
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Did all that and the bloody phone is still not getting a fix on satellites...
I am confused in other way...
Why it does lock the satellites in 30seconds and it sees 8 sats.and few hours after it has problem with seeing 3 of them at the same place with same weather conditions? I believe,that tomorrow(when I will not needed to have the fix,anyway I will try it) will fix the satellites ASAP. Do the Raphael have a status-sensor,that knows,if I need it right now or not? That's my opinion,while it doesn't work,when I need it and works when I testing it...
I will s..t on whole GPS technology and I will trust the plain maps as before(unfortunately,that costs me some money/energy that I spend for that).
Totally amazing
This is just amazing. Thank you!
Now I get a fix in 10-15 seconds. Earlier it took several minutes... totally amazing...
omega01 said:
For those how have still problems
1. Hard reset
2. Applied the tweaks
3. Download last QuickGPS
4. Install TomTom
5. Have a little more patience...
Gook luck.
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tried this also and been driving around for almost an hour without results is that enough patience?
hmm, my gps was working normally, applied these patches and nothing changed..still working normally (no lags etc.)
Applied all the patches except one (I kept A-GPS on), and after testing with iGo it's working like a charm. With the latest QuickGPS data downloaded, it can still take - seconds to get a fix, but the positioning is accurate (no more 100-200m lag), the devices sees 4-6 satellites in the Belgian sky, and the navigation is finally usable on the Touch Pro. I'll make regular checks in the coming days and I'll report the results. Thanks for the tweaks!
With A-GPS enabled the GPS works great. I had it in my pocket with GPS tuner running while running in a forrest and he didn't lose my position and no lag. The problem: with A-GPS enabled TT7 loses the fix every second. Like 1 sec there is a fix, next there is not. And it keeps doing that. When I disable A-GPS it takes way longer to get a fix with TT7 but it holds the fix.
Tip: driving around makes it harder for the gps to get a fix.
gps problem
hi, i recently bought htc touch pro & i am facing problem to download gps on my phone could someone help me regarding this matter step by step.

Vzw tp2 gps issue

Gps doesn't work on my phone. Do I need to return it? Google doesn't know where I am and waze also today does the same thing now. Says no gps, go outside when I am outside. I had the storm for a few weeks just before I got the tp2 and it had no problem. Google maps knew where I was. On my tp2 it's set location on.
I don't know what to do. I have alot of anxiety over this now.
I hope someone will be able to please help me.
Thank you so much.
Did you:
1) SEARCH the this forum first?
2) Set your phone's GPS option to always on instead on 911 only?
3) Update the "Quick GPS" Program?
4) Select the "Use GPS" option in Google maps?
if you answered "No" to any of these, please return your phone and get your storm back.
Yes I did all that.
hmmm... does Google maps day "GPS active" or "Seeking GPS Satellites" up in the top right corner??
It said seeking.
I did not click the gps button in google maps. I thought I did click it. Sorry
it then said it found no gps hardware after j enabled the gps. So I did a memory, storage button and erase back to factory. So I'll try again. But, what is the google.com URL to use to get google maps for my phone? Only thing is one place said google maps is not available for my phone. I forget what site said this.
Google hates Opera Mobile for some odd reason, try going to m.google.com in pocket IE or whatever it's called and select Google Maps from there.
Ok. Great. Thanks. Yes I was using opera.
I just think of it as IE. Don't know what pocket pc means really. So I'll use the built in IE mobile and try m.google.com and report back. Thanks so much.
don't forget to do steps 2 through 4 in my first post.
I just got back from a walk to test the gps. It worked awesome with google maps. I installed it first to sd card. I tried to run it and it would not work. It popped up some sort of error. Like runtime maybe. I forget. I went to remove programs and it wouldn't remove it giving same error or something. I forget the error. So I had to manually delete the new folders on the sd card. Then I installed to main storage and it worked.
It says gps 10 in the top right. What does this mean?
It was dead on accurate. It was literally exact and when not probably within 20 feet or less. I thought it was funny when I would walk into the middle of the street the blue ball followed me and when I was in the middle of the street it was too. Kinda eary like lol. It was awesomely accurate.
Does google maps have turn by turn directions? My cousin who has iPhone says it does. I know it won't talk to you .
Can you guys recomend other free gps apps/services? Waze doesn't work good since alot of times it looses connection and won't try to reconnect. I also doesn't have good coverage which I don't understand. It's using gps so how can it not know where I am?
I just can't afford money cus I'm on disability right now and don't work. I have a huge visa bill I'm paying and now I have to have a tooth replacement which will cost me upwards of $3000-$4000. This range is possible. So free is preferred of course. However if there's a free trial of a good one I don't mind trying one.
What is the use for gps device with this phone? The phone has external gps settings. What's this for?
Sorry for all the questions.
The "10" at the top means that 10 satellites got a lock on ya (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) And yes, you can get turn by turn directions, but sometimes, even google makes mistakes with it's addresses, so be careful. I'll leave the rest up to anyone else that has some good suggestions or answers...
Also... everything is free on the piratebay...you know... just saying...
buggs1a said:
Does google maps have turn by turn directions? My cousin who has iPhone says it does. I know it won't talk to you .
Can you guys recomend other free gps apps/services?
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Also try Windows Live Search Mobile, or Bing mobile, whatever it is called.
It does routing a bit better then Google IMHO, and has a warning tone just before a turn. Though still no speech.
The only problem is that it expects to have a D-Pad for zooming in and out. The TP2 doesn't have that, some zooming in and out is a pain.
IGO 8 is a great GPS software at least IMO. It has very little lag during navigation and so far I have found it to be one of the most accurate as far as the maps are conerned. I have used just about every GPS software there is whether it is free or paid subscriptions and IGO 8 it the only one that actually show the front entrance to my community on the maps. According to all other GPS softwares it does not exist. I have used all the current versions and IGO 8 is the only once showing this. Every once in a while it will take me on a longer route when I know there is a shorter way, but so far if I do not know where I am going it will get me there. It's not perfect but I find it the fasetest and most accurate for what I use it for. I am sure others will have different opinions.
Google it.
Google Navigator
Google maps works okay by itself, but it apparently works better with this and its also free. Make you wander how anyone will be able to charge for navigation in the future if it works well. Looks as good on screen as any commercial product.
Never mind this suggestion. Upon further looking around it actually costs $59 bucks. Not what you are looking for. The trial does not even allow actual navigation to start.
I have a VZW TP2 for about two weeks. I put Bing and Google Maps on it and the GPS appeared to work OK. Then it stopped.
For over one week no GPS. Right now I put it in the back yard on a table. Clear view of the sky. No luck.
My TP2 does not have QUICKGPS. I have been told that is standard on all TP2's. Verizon said to do a hard reset to get it.
Are those of you having success using QUICKGPS? Any idea how to get it without doing a hard reset and hoping it populates on the device???
Thanks for the responses so far. I appreciate it.
Quick gps should be in the phone. If not there's only hard reset back to factory. However you got it that way and it should be on the phone. If it's not then return it for another. That's what I'd do anyway.
buggs1a said:
Thanks for the responses so far. I appreciate it.
Quick gps should be in the phone. If not there's only hard reset back to factory. However you got it that way and it should be on the phone. If it's not then return it for another. That's what I'd do anyway.
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I did the hard reset. Quick GPS was there! I have quite a few hours of work to reset the phone and reinstall the programs that I had.
I would estimate 4-5 hours to get the phone back to where it was. This sure seems like a lot of work to get one silly file on the TP2.....
I can't find that Microsoft maps app nor this igo thing.
buggs1a said:
I can't find that Microsoft maps app nor this igo thing.
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Are you talking about Live search? If so, just google it or go to msn.com and go from there.
Horrible lag
You huys are telling me you have no lag in your gps??? I can lock in seconds no problem but when I use any nav software is has a 10-20sec lag! It blows..... I have a solid 8-13 sats and same thing. I went as far as doing a hard reset and installing nothing but googke maps and it still lagged........ Any help?!?!?!
Tp2 comes with live search already. I thought it was search only so I never opened it. Well I did finally and it's better then google maps because it shows the directions on the bottom of the map screen while you move. And I heard it beep at me on my driveway which I just was testing it. Kinda neat but it sucks cus it's your system beep I think and volume is far too soft.
So I updated to the new version which is bing and installed it to my sd card. I haven't tested it yet though. Oh yeah. Picture quality in live/bing is the WORST ever!!!! It sucks balls. It's blurry and hurts my eyes to look at it. Any other map app I'm sure is a kazillion times clearer like google maps has an awesome clean clear crisp picture. F ms I say. Since it's such a Terrible picture.
Or is there something to set to make it not so crummy I wonder?

[APP] Navigon MobileNavigator for Android

I know there are a few Navigon threads but they are for other phones than the Nexus and quite old. The Navigon site says there is a try and buy, but it doesn't show on the market. Not sure if it's because I am rooted. Whatever, I have bought the app anyway because I have had good experiences with the Navigon units here in the states in the past.
So far the app has installed and when running it for the first time, Navigon says it will download about 2gb's of data (thank god I just bought a 16gb microSD lol). Also it is recommended that the phone be in a charger and connected to a wlan so a constant connection can be held to download such a large file. Also danger of being throttled lol by tmo lol...but thats another thread altogether.
So far so good downloading but it's 15% done with 36 min to go on the download. Thank goodness my boss just installed a wireless router in the office!
I'll update with any new news on the product once downloaded.
Went home for lunch and used Navigon for the first time. Out of the box, the voice prompts are WAY to low. I could hardly hear anything. I maxed out the app volume and no change. I then went to the sound settings and maxed out everything, prior, I had my notifications tone set pretty low, but once I maxed the notification sound, the Navigon came to life!! Kinda silly IMO. Not media but notification volume!?
Next I figured I turn on my bluetooth and connect to my blueant S4. I have the 1.5 software (downloading the 1.6 update now). And the Navigon does route to the S4 but also the handset itself! I'll update if the blueant update fixes that or not.
Now using it as a plain jane navigator, I think is on par with the Navigon products I have used in the past. It works pretty well, but the newer roads have not been updated as of yet, but google maps have the updated/newer roads. I am in San Antonio, about a half hour from the downtown area so there is a lot of new roads being built.
The short and dirty of it is that the Navigon is pretty steep in price (~$39.98USD) for the first two weeks and then increases in price to a whopping (~$59.98USD). Is it worth it? I'd say try co-pilot first because 1. it's cheaper even with the traffic add-on and 2. You can always try Navigon after you decide if co-pilot doesn't jive with what you want to do.
The only other plus is that if you cannot get a cell signal to run the navigation (a la google nav), you can use the downloaded 2gb file as a guide and the app will reconnect once it receives a signal.
how does it handle music apps. I mean if you have music playing on, does it pause the music (or reduce music volume) during voice guidance?
arkavat said:
how does it handle music apps. I mean if you have music playing on, does it pause the music (or reduce music volume) during voice guidance?
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Haven't tested that part out yet. Will report back once I do. Thanks for reminding me, even though I do not really use the music player in the car all that much.
Music a no-go...
...when used with Navigon. Both are on at the same time and no volume lowering is done on the music side when the prompts are spoken.
kpjimmy said:
Next I figured I turn on my bluetooth and connect to my blueant S4. I have the 1.5 software (downloading the 1.6 update now). And the Navigon does route to the S4 but also the handset itself! I'll update if the blueant update fixes that or not.
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Hi, I was wondering if you got a fix for this or not? I'm getting the same problem with my Desire HD - I'm not sure if the problem is the phone, the S4, or Navigon. The S4 came with 1.6 firmware so there's nothing to upgrade to. I've emailed both Blueant and Navigon support, but my 24 hour trial period is up, so I've uninstalled for now.
Hope you can help! Thanks.
preacher65 said:
Hi, I was wondering if you got a fix for this or not? I'm getting the same problem with my Desire HD - I'm not sure if the problem is the phone, the S4, or Navigon. The S4 came with 1.6 firmware so there's nothing to upgrade to. I've emailed both Blueant and Navigon support, but my 24 hour trial period is up, so I've uninstalled for now.
Hope you can help! Thanks.
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No same issue when updated to 1.6 on the blueant. Currently Navigon is my backup navi.
Thanks. I emailed Navigon, who said they don't support A "Bluetooth audio only" option, but CoPilot handles the audio perfectly. Unfortunately it doesn't seem nearly as good at finding routes.
Do you know if this is this specific to the S4?
preacher65 said:
Thanks. I emailed Navigon, who said they don't support A "Bluetooth audio only" option, but CoPilot handles the audio perfectly. Unfortunately it doesn't seem nearly as good at finding routes.
Do you know if this is this specific to the S4?
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Not 100% but I found that the Navigon uses the same tones from the notification settings. Meaning one needs to increase the volume on the notification settings to hear the voice prompts rather than media, which I think would best fit. If they did that, the navigon software may work via bt audio, but I am no coder, but just speculating.
I am now using this as my backup navi because in some areas in TX, there are very spotty territories for 3g even edge coverage for tmobile usa, so having this is a plus in my opinion, but was it worth the hefty pricetag? I have to say no if you are looking for this as a primary navi software. I would rather pay some additional cash for a dedicated gps unit.
BUT, using this had me thinking back to my Sony Ericsson days where I used a gps puck to use as a gps navi. amAzegps.com First off its friggin free lol, worldwide coverage, multilanguage support and pretty accurate for a free gps. I haven't used this in a few years but I am glad it is still around. It is a nice proggy. I would suggest all who cannot use google or want to try an alternate navi program.
Thanks, that's interesting. I noticed that CoPilot's changelog specifically listed fixes for BT handsfree, so I guess they are more interested in compatibility with different BT devices. I can understand it's hard for Navigon to ensure compatibility with every bit of hardware, but this particular problem does seem to be due the way they stream the sound to the BT device, so must be fixable.
I'm using CoPilot now, and it works well enough, but if I choose to go a different route to the one suggested, rather than calculating a new route, it keeps telling me to do a U-turn around and go back. Still, I don't use the satnav every day, so it's probably good enough for what I need.
Just got an update on the Navigon. Not sure what the update was. No changelog I can find and I could not find it in the market anymore for some reason.
On vacation right now attending my brothers wedding out of state. So I'll report back if there were any changes.
Anyone else?
Unfortunately I gave up and switched to CoPilot, but I did learn here that the CarUI app on the market has a fix for the bluetooth issue, if you start MobileNavigator from CarUI.

