GPS + MapKing - Touch Cruise General

Hi guys! I can't seem to get a GPS signal on my touch cruise using Mapking!!
Is there any programs out there to check if my GPS device is working fine ?

I think my GPS unit is spoiled! How come ?!
Anyone have this problem before ? I even downloaded a separate program call GPS Viewer and it didn't seem to get any signals at all!

Daft question, but have you gone through the setings to make sure the gps is turned on.
Also go outside to get a lock on the gps, its works better.

Did you check the GPS settings in the control panel?
You have to set and then provide the correct COM port in order to get any GPS software to work with an in-built GPS device.

its on auto detect. And previously i was using it perfectly well! it just happened today! Then i have no idea why...

Did you update QuickGPS? Unless its broken, the GPS unit will eventually find a signal. It just takes a while (up to 3 minutes) which might be longer than the timeout in the app. If you update QuickGPS, then it will find a signal within 30 seconds usually. Perhaps your QuickGPS download is past expiration date. Usually, its set to get new QuickGPS data everytine you active sync by default. maybe you havent' activesync'd in a while (last week or so) or you need ot manually update it.

Mapking Fix
Look on Mapking's website:
They're reporting a bug and a link to a fix for the gps in HTC units that shipped with their software bundled.
Hope this helps.

I'm using MapKing 2007. Not the MapKing R12 that came bundled with it...
And i try to use with GPS Viewer that has nothing to do with Mapking and it also didn't detect any signals.
Could it be the hardware has spoilt ?


GPS Issues?

Having fixed my SMS problem, I now have another question.
Should the GPS work out of the box? I have added the googlemaps app but can't seem to pull up my location.
Should I try hard reboot? Any suggestions on how to get this working?
No, don't try a hard reset. First download the satellite updates from Quick GPS and then your device should pick up a GPS signal.
I had to set mine to com port 4 before it worked. Any slow baud rate seems to work.
My first fix took me over 20 minutes, now it's faster, but nothing compared with my HTC 3300.
Yer the GPS takes the longest to get the first fix...same with most devices....if its been offline for a while again it takes a little longer.
For example my holux bt321 says it will get a fix in 6 seconds....but the first fix was around 4 minutes.
On the Touch Pro I also had the same problem, I switched to the GPD1 port (???) and then I got a fix in Google Maps. The location indicated was a good 100 - 200 meters away from where I was though, so could the GPS be wrong? I had already downloaded the QuickGPS data before leaving the house 15 minutes earlier, so that should not be the issue.
What are the GPD ports anyways? On which port does/should the internal GPS communicate with WM6.1 / GoogleMaps?
Also, is there somewhere to enable or disable the GPS in the first place (not in the navigation software that is?)

Quick GPS Help

Hi,For some odd reason my quick GPS does not work anymore. My TomTom is non functional as well. I have checked my data connection and it is active. Can somebody help please.
Thanks in advance.
Can somebody please assist? I have checked my data connection and it is working. I have internet connection, for some strange reason Quick GPS and TOMTOM is not working. Is there a setting somewhere to activate this?
Can somebody please assist, I really would appreciate a fix to this issue.
I am having an issue with my GPS, except I got my unit 2 days ago, and can not get the GPS to work at all, with OEM rom or with any other custom rom. (it wont work with garmin xt, google maps, HTC GPS, or GPS tweak tools).
I hope I dont have a bad unit.
Strange thing, mine worked fine for about three weeks and all of a sudden it stopped working.
did either of you notice the unit getting *really* hot just before it went out? in I-stuck-it-in-my-pocket-and-now-I-have-crotch-scars kind of hot?
zahbaker said:
Hi,For some odd reason my quick GPS does not work anymore. My TomTom is non functional as well. I have checked my data connection and it is active. Can somebody help please.
Thanks in advance.
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When you say that quickGPS is not working, what do you mean? It doesn't display the page with the "Download" button? You press the "Download" button and it can't connect? It connects but never finishes downloading the data? What are the specific symptoms you're seeing?
I see the quick gps download button, when I click download, the message that I get is connection failed. My tomtom as well does not work anymore. I do have inetrnet connectivity, it's just the quick gps and tomtom that is not working. Please assist. Thanks
equinox2355 said:
I am having an issue with my GPS, except I got my unit 2 days ago, and can not get the GPS to work at all, with OEM rom or with any other custom rom. (it wont work with garmin xt, google maps, HTC GPS, or GPS tweak tools).
I hope I dont have a bad unit.
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I've had my TP for 3 days now. As with the Kaiser and my hermes Holux bluetooth device it takes approx 5 - 10 mins to get the initial fix on satellites after that it appears to be working fine. Google maps, my old TTv6 all working fine. Takes about 30secs from startup to pickup Sats and shows about 5-7 sats everytime.
So just be patient with the initial startup. It should come.
zahbaker said:
I see the quick gps download button, when I click download, the message that I get is connection failed. My tomtom as well does not work anymore. I do have inetrnet connectivity, it's just the quick gps and tomtom that is not working. Please assist. Thanks
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What are the values of the registry keys HKLM\Software\HTC\QuickGPS\SNTP\Server1, Server2, and Server3? (I have values like What happens if you type that address into Internet Explorer or Opera?
When I type the address in internet explorer I get to the RX Networks webpage.
My internet is working fine, it's the gps thats not working.
zahbaker said:
When I type the address in internet explorer I get to the RX Networks webpage.
My internet is working fine, it's the gps thats not working.
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Well, QuickGPS is an Internet app, not a GPS app. All it does is download a week's worth of satellite ephemeris data from one of those servers. When you reported "connection failed" as the problem you were seeing in QuickGPS, that seemed to indicate that you weren't able to connect to the server.
So if you can get to the server, as it appears, maybe the message is about connecting to the GPS unit (to transfer the ephemeris data? Not sure about the architecture of the GPS here). What values do you have in the "External GPS" pages on the System settings tab? Have you tried the GPSTest tool? Is it able to connect to your GPS unit after you put the appropriate values into its "GPS Settings" page?
If GPSTest isn't able to connect to the GPS unit, then I think you probably have a hardware fault and should exchange your phone for a new one.
Can Someone tell me what is the exact job of the Quick GPS which is in Programs ? for me was expired and i just update through gprs and then show me some valid days remaining.
is it help to connect to satellite faster or something else ? and what happen if i don't update it? thanks.
When using WiFi, QuickGPS seems not to work if it's the first program to use the connection. If you make an Internet connection with some other program first (e.g. PIE), QuickGPS will work over WiFi. At least that's my experience with the stock AT&T ROM.
This problem doesn't seem to occur with GPRS/3G/HSDPA connections, only with WiFi.
P525Lover said:
Can Someone tell me what is the exact job of the Quick GPS which is in Programs ? for me was expired and i just update through gprs and then show me some valid days remaining.
is it help to connect to satellite faster or something else ? and what happen if i don't update it? thanks.
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Yes, QuickGPS reduces the wait for getting your position when you first start up a mapping program.
The way GPS works is that the GPS receiver uses the positions of the satellites and the distance to those satellites to calculate its own position on the Earth. That requires knowing very precisely where the satellites are at any given time. The satellite position information is called the ephemeris.
Each satellite, in addition to broadcasting time signals (which enable the GPS receiver to determine the distance to the satellite), transmits its own ephemeris. A GPS receiver starting up from scratch has to receive the ephemeris data from each satellite it will be using before it can figure out its own position.
QuickGPS eliminates the need to receive the ephemeris data from the satellites by sending a week's worth of ephemeris data over the Internet. The GPS receiver can use that immediately instead of getting it from each satellite in turn. That significantly reduces the TTFF (time to first fix), i.e., the initial wait before you can start using a GPS-based map program.
The "expiration date" is simply the last point in time that is covered by the ephemeris data sent by QuickGPS. After that point, you have to get more data, either from QuickGPS or from the satellites.
wmm said:
Yes, QuickGPS reduces the wait for getting your position when you first start up a mapping program.
The way GPS works is that the GPS receiver uses the positions of the satellites and the distance to those satellites to calculate its own position on the Earth. That requires knowing very precisely where the satellites are at any given time. The satellite position information is called the ephemeris.
Each satellite, in addition to broadcasting time signals (which enable the GPS receiver to determine the distance to the satellite), transmits its own ephemeris. A GPS receiver starting up from scratch has to receive the ephemeris data from each satellite it will be using before it can figure out its own position.
QuickGPS eliminates the need to receive the ephemeris data from the satellites by sending a week's worth of ephemeris data over the Internet. The GPS receiver can use that immediately instead of getting it from each satellite in turn. That significantly reduces the TTFF (time to first fix), i.e., the initial wait before you can start using a GPS-based map program.
The "expiration date" is simply the last point in time that is covered by the ephemeris data sent by QuickGPS. After that point, you have to get more data, either from QuickGPS or from the satellites.
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wow, interesting, lots of new and useful information for me that i didn't know that before. thanks man.
Not seeing any 10 minute delay like you saw. Are you updating current sat location data with QuickGPS? I notived using GPStest and MS Pocket Streets that Sat connections go up and completely down all the time. Nice thing is, GoogleMaps ignores the quick downs so it LOOKS like a good connection that never disapears. don't know if this is intentional on Google's part, but it works, even standing still/walking (once connection is made). Lovin the Sat view whilst I use GPS for directions.
Same here: Quick GPS cannot connect... What is this? Maybe a server fault, or do I need to Hard Reset?
LE: Fixed it: I just run Connection Setup again, then it suddenly worked.
i just did a hard reset and quickgps will connect only after i open up a browser and googlemaps sits at seeking gps sats. i had it working 2 days ago and then my battery died and it hasnt worked since. i did notice that the phone was really warm though.
quickqps hasnt worked for me for a couple of weeks now...and i still havent fod anything to fix it

O2 XDA Serra (Touch Pro) - more GPS problems

Sorry - not a development issue as such but I'm hoping you guys can help with another HTC Touch Pro (A)GPS query. I have read a number of other posts on this but they appear to be inconclusive and I'm not sure if the problems widely reported elsewhere are supposed to have been resolved in the latest shipped ROMS.
I'm experiencing very long acquisition times with the internal GPS on the O2 XDA Serra (just released in the UK), to the point where the GPS is virtually unusable. Cold lock can take anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes, even in open ground in good weather with a clear view of satellites. By comparison, a Garmin eTrex Vista in the same location gets a lock in seconds. I never expected the XDA Serra to equal the performance of a dedicated handheld GPS but I would have expected it to get an initial lock in less than 5 minutes in clear sight.
If and when a lock is acquired, it seems to hold OK and I've experienced no major lag problems.
I'm using Tom Tom Navigator 5, Memory Map Pocket Navigator OS 5 and Google Maps. I've also installed a couple of GPS utilities from this forum - Chartcross GPS Test 1.04 and the HTC GPS Tool v1.1.1.0. These are all configured to point to COM4 at 38400 baud (as per advice in this forum), and I've never had a problem detecting the GPS.
What is bizarre and frustrating is that there is absolutely no mention of GPS functionality in the supplied O2 manual, other than a brief warning about not operating a GPS while driving. The XDA Serra is not supplied with any GPS software or utilities out of the box other than an "External GPS" utility in the System folder, which is completely undocumented. I'm unclear in what circumstances you are supposed to use this utility, but I'm assuming it allows you to set a hardware COM port for an external GPS device (presumably bluetooth?) and select whether or not it is managed by Windows. I've tried turning this off but it appears to make no difference.
I'm aware that the XDA Serra is AGPS capable but I'm unclear exactly what this means in this context (i.e. which particular AGPS technique it actually uses), and how - in the absence of an explicit Program or System setting - my installed GPS applications are supposed to invoke it. I have checked the relevant registry settings in HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL AGPS:
EnableAGPS 0x00000000 (0)
GPSMode 0x00000002 (2)
Number Fixes 0x3b9ac9ff (9999999999)
QoS Accuracy 0x00000032 (50)
QoS Performance 0x00000059 (89)
Server IP
Server Port 0x00001cb6 (7275)
TimeBetweenFixes 0x00000001 (1)
... and can see that the AGPS function is currently disabled (the default), but is this supposed to be enabled programmatically by the GPS application, or do you have to set it explicitly? If the latter, how can you do this other than by hacking the registry?
I have followed advice in this forum about disabling GPS logging (it was disabled by default) using the Schapman Advanced Configuration Tool v3.3.0.0. I have tried enabling the AGPS function using a registry editor, but again it appears to make no difference. In addition, I could see no evidence of it having downloaded an emphemeris file anywhere (unless it's hidden in system ROM), which I presume is how it is supposed to work? If I enable it, doesn this necessarily mean that any of my GPS apps will actually use it?
I have tried using SeaSGEE to download emphemeris data to no avail - it downloads what looks like a good file OK but it makes absolutely no difference to performance. I have since uninstalled this and deleted the //windows/ file.
Finally, if I connect an external bluetooth GPS adapter (the Emtac BTGPS) on COM6 I generally get a good cold lock in less than a minute. I used this all the time on my old XDA Mini S (HTC Wizard) and never had a problem.
So, basically, I'd like to understand how native AGPS works on the Touch Po, how it is supposed to be invoked by GPS applications, and whether there are any tweaks I can try to improve performance over and above the ones I've already tried. Is this a problem that is likely to be improved in subsequent ROM or Radio versions or is this simply a fundamental limitation of a crappy internal GPS chip?
Any advice greatly appreciated.
AGPS is basically a utility for operator to be able to track your device for various local ads etc. It uses servers to track instead of GPS.For example Google maps would be able to track your position inside building but with tolerance of a few miles (I guess it is your closest tower) Seems to be some kind of bug when operating with regular GPS (in my case it shuts off GPS every 10-15 seconds making Tomtom unusable.You should see settings for AGPS at Settings-System-AGPS. Disable both tabs. On tomtom use other wired GPS receiver at Baud rate 38400 com port 4. restart after setting AGPS. It did work for me.I have Fuze - same as HTC Touch Pro. Let me know if it works better.
This is exactly how the Fuze is acting. Cold locks (after a soft reset or power off/on) take up to 30 minutes to get. But once you do get a lock, things work as they should. Even AT&T sales reps sat there with me, with 3 different Fuzes and witnessed all three phones doing the same thing. It must be the built in GPS chipset. The Sprint Touch Pro I had for a week, never had any cold lock issues.
I was worried that O2 had modified versions without the GPS module becuase I have never managed to get a lock with the device. Nomatter what I do GPS doesn't seem to work.
It is annoying as I've managed to fix every other problem the Serra ships with. Including getting rid of the default home page for opera when launched vial TFL3D. That was a huge pain in the ass as the XML file cannot be deleted or modified easily, it is an undying file. Damn file protectiona and access rules on WM devices.
is there still isues with gps on this phone?
i'm due an upgrade, currently using a diamond, and find gps is fantastic, locks in a couple of seconds nearly everytime, even after not using it for week still seems to get a fix in under 20 seconds, was looking at the touch hd as i thought it was essentialy the same phone, buf beefed up a bit, but i use gps 3-4 hours everyday, so far this phone seems perfect apart from the gps issues..
i've tried searching but can't find any clear information about it, seen various tweaks but no one can confirm it definatly works, my phone's primary use is gps, would i be a fool to upgrade to the serra?
Tyr said:
I was worried that O2 had modified versions without the GPS module becuase I have never managed to get a lock with the device. Nomatter what I do GPS doesn't seem to work.
It is annoying as I've managed to fix every other problem the Serra ships with. Including getting rid of the default home page for opera when launched vial TFL3D. That was a huge pain in the ass as the XML file cannot be deleted or modified easily, it is an undying file. Damn file protectiona and access rules on WM devices.
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OK. I had the same problem, never got locked on GPS.
It is ALL software issue. Flash different rom, new radio (recommend 20M1) and use tomtom7. Older tomtoms for some reason do not invoke gps receiver on touch pro. GPS on serra works perfect, on mine it takes about 20-30 seconds to get satellite lock. Relax Just flash rom different that the o2 one.
The GPS is rock solid on my XDA Serra with fast GPS start-up times with the PROven ROM -
I did have GPS problems with the standard O2 ROM, as others have said it's a software issue.
All issues have been SOLVED
Hi. just go to this post and you will have a gps lock in a matter of seconds. enjoy. thanks
Go to to download the latest software updates for every O2 XDA mobile!
Yes I just updated my ROM and the difference is HUGE. Almost instant connection with my GPS.
Yes, apparently O2 removed QuickGPS because at some point they planned to enable their own AGPS servers, but did not get round to it and forgot to add back QuickGPS.......
The Avatar said:
Yes I just updated my ROM and the difference is HUGE. Almost instant connection with my GPS.
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hi the avatar
which ROM did you go for on your serra, i am having similar probs
just when i thought i had sorted it following other suggestions on this forum, beginning to think the gps was single use

GPS Lock Times

I know there are MANY threads to the GPS issues and I am not having problems with GPS lag. I have searched and read and already have the tweaks installed (running the Elite rom rc2 which already had all the tweaks setup) and changed the no data sleep timeout to 1.5 seconds. I also tried on my original radio version, 32 and now have 28 and see no difference in GPS lock times. It will never lock on using Google Maps or iGuidance. In google Maps it says "seeking gps satellites (0)..." for about 5 min then says your gps receiver is having trouble tracking satellites etc. The only way I can get it to work is to use GPS Test, let it get a lock which usually take 5-10 mins, then close GPS Test and open either Google Maps or iGuidance and it will then work fine.
What is also strange is that when using GPS Test, the only way I can get it to work is to have the GPS info set to auto. It will scan then find the gps on com port 4 and 9600 baud. Then it will start up and try to lock on. The next time I run it it will already be on com port 4 and 9600 baud but won't find the gps device. I have to set it back to auto, and restart GPS Test, then it finds it.
There has GOT to be a way to fix the gps lock time on this thing. I have tried with A-GPS on and off and tried with quick-gps and saw no difference in lock speeds. Interesting thing though, I guess Google Maps will using cell tower location to identify where you are? When I use it without gps being turned on, or while it is searching for satellites, and I click "my location" it gets a fairly accurate location on the map.
It seems to me that the issue is with the com port and communication. Almost like the gps won't come out of sleep mode or something and gps test is the only program that can "wake" it.
Thanks for any info.
I am in the exact same situation as you. My TP fails to lock satelites 98% of the times i try.
I have read everything posted about TP GPS on this forum, i have tryed most ROM's and almost all available radio's, i have tryed most tweeks and all that in different set-up.
And after all that my GPS lock's rarely (2-5% of the times i try), and most importantly it doesent seem to be related to the radio nor to the ROM. At this moment i tend to think that i was unlucky with my TP that perhaps is from a lot of TP's with retarded GPS module.
From the forums it seems that most of the ppl dont experience this extrem problem with the GPS, it seems that most of the ppl around only experience laggy gps module update.
Atm i am still waiting for Elite RC3 hopeing that perhaps they'll bring a new gps driver, that will solve my problem.
In case Elite RC3 doesent help i will revert to stock hard-spl/radio/ROM and ill take it to the warranty service.
Sadly this problem with the GPS from my TP blackens my experience with it.
Are you guys sitting in your homes trying to get a lock? because then it is very unlikely you'll ever get a lock.
I have to go outside and wait about 1 minute to get a lock and then its fine. However, I DO have to use the HTC gps tool to get a lock before I can use google maps or any other gps program.
I am outside with no obstructions. I did find this app and may play around with it. So far I havne't been able to get it to get a lock unless I use GPS Test first.
My Telus Touch Pro locks in 3-5 seconds every time after modifying the GPS and adding the correct IP settings for Telus' AGPS. This combined with OCN8 makes for an excellent GPS device.
The guide for the GPS hack was from this forum, just can't recall where.
I have the same problem with GPS Test as you all described. I am now running qsqa's PROven ROM and I noticed following: GPS Test often fails to start-up the GPS receiver, but VisualGPSce worked every time I tried. It is a free software, included in the PROven ROM. If u use a different ROM, you can download it from here:
Give it a try, it sure helped me!!!!

Does GPS work, or does GPS not work?

I am currently following a few websites to keep my news upto date with my ATT fuze. I have tried just about every single possible solution to get my GPS to work. Disabled aGPS, tried GPSTest, flashed various ROMs, tried various GPS programs, change poll interval to 500 ms, etc, etc.
I have owned this phone for 4 months now and I have yet to get a satellite lock to work. The closest I ever got was GPTtest running showing 6-7 different satellites in view, trying to connect to about 3 of them. I left that running for nearly 2 hours, and no luck. Whats the deal?
Please do not tell me to use the search function because I have searched XDA as well as google, and they all end up in the same place of speculation on why the GPS might not be working, but none of the said methods actually make it work.
It works man. I ran 6.5 beta with Google Maps installed. Took me to a location I've never been to and back.
xgm541, before using AGPS, do you have the right gprs settings for your phone? Have you confirmed that your gprs works?
Anyway, for the gps, read up on my thread about me finding an alternative way to get a better fix.
Also, make sure you flash your radio if possible. Read up on the radio thread and i am sure other ATT users have posted the performance of GPS based on the Radio.
I am not an ATT user, as i am from Malaysia. So i am unable to help you on the AGPS part.
I second arvin's suggestion on flashing a radio. If you're in the US, I highly recommend, I have AGPS and GPS logging disabled, use GPS Test and always get a cold fix in less than a minute outdoors.
yeah ive got no issues with it, used it last weekend in the car and worked perfectly.
GPS definitely works. Flash the latest leaked AT&T rom, and just try it out. Don't flash cooked ROMs but the stock leaked ROM. If GPS doesn't work in that ROM then something is wrong with your particular phone. I'm in California and I get locks in under 7 seconds, and I'm using wm 6.5
GPS is about all that im unhappy with, on my fuze.
It does work, i placed a 3 stage multicache using only my fuze with googlemaps/GCz last week and everyone whos found the cache say my coords. were almost dead on. (coords were an average of around 20 readings at each site)
My trick (doesnt work fast but it works) is to turn on gmaps let it sit there for
1 min while it gets a lock, then switch to my gps (geocache) program and i have nps. I cannot get any other programs to lock or hold the gps without first running the googlemaps program. And everyonce inwhile as soon as i turn it on ill lock up 10 birds. Doesnt make much sense, and i too have played with all i could find (agps,baud,comport, windows settings etc)
good luck
I am using the standard HTC-ROM. All of these settings have been extensively tested in Europe the Netherlands. These are really the optimal, after testing many buffersizes, pollintervals etc. The most crucial one is PollInterval and SleepOnNodata needs to be equal or larger than PollInterval. Disabling or enabling windows GPS logging does not matter, as it is only used for debugging according to MSDN. If you start using AGPS (I Don't!) then make sure all settings are correct to download the info from your provider (mine does not support this and thus it is turned off in these settings).
0) Assuming that the hardware is still OK do the following:
1) Go to settings > System > external GPS.
Check if all options are still normal.
Program port is COM4.
Hardware port : none.
Baudrate : 4800.
Access: Check automated GPS control.
NOTE that an external connected GPS (e.g. Bluetooth device) unit will have a baudrate of 4800. The internal which resides at Com4 has a standard baudrate of 57600. These settings need to be checked to make sure they are still this way and it will also give Windows automated control of the GPS system.
2) You need to install Advanced Config 3.3.…ol-32-cab.html
With Advanced config 3.3 under GPS:
1. disable A-GPS
2. disable GPS logging
3. logfile name must be empty
4. old logfile name must be empty
5. maximum size of logfile must be 0
6 delete the files : \windows\GPSLogFile.txt and \windows\GPSLogFileBack.txt
After these settings the tool will soft-reset your mobile.
3) Then edit registry with TotalCommander
Don't make any errors here, check your steps carefully.
Under: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver\
- Drivers\GpsOneDevice\PollInterval -> 100 (default is 1000)
- Drivers\InputBufferSize -> 512 (default is 4096)
- Drivers\OutputBufferSize -> 512 (default is 4096)
- Drivers\SleepOnNoData -> 100 (default is 1000)
- Multiplexer\MaxBufferSize -> 512 (by default not present, you have to create it, make a Dword value)
After these settings are in place, restart / soft reset your device.
4) Run the program QuickGPSfix and download the new data.
This step needs to be repeated anytime it is outdated.
5) Download and install the HTC GPS Tool.
Upon starting it should show COM4 and a Baudrate of 57600.
Go outside the house, preferably with good weather.
Hit the "Open"
Hit the "Nav. Int."
Leave all as is, no need to change the options.
You should now start to see the GPS data flow over your screen in the grey area. Wait patiently, the first fix can take up to 10 minutes (afterwards it wil go faster). If it fails it sometimes seems to help to move around a little bit and to reboot your device if it takes way to long (+10 mins).
See if you have any red bars below the satellite numbers (signal strength per satellite) When you get a fix, the bars and satellites to which it is connected will show up green. If there are no red bars here, no data flow etc then there is something wrong with the ROM / radio combination and your phone.
Close this program if you have a fix.
6) Start-up Google maps. Wait for it to download the basic map information, so you don't have any interference from the "now downloading data" message. Then start the GPS use. Fix should now go fast. Once it has a fix you can start moving towards your destiny.
From now on use HTC GPS tool to get a fix.
Close this program, start the program with which you want to use GPS.
Good luck, Jouke.
GPS works good enough.
I definitely suggest radio 1.11 or later.
Of course best to get the whole 5.05 ROM.
Work great! To nearly perfect location!
I'm using the ATT test ROM and google maps with street view.
Works better than any phone I've ever owned when the test ROM or a derivative is running the show. Matching radio must be used. I've tested the Ralphael (shipped with test ROM) and the Blackstone so far.
Messed around a bit more and got instant 10 sats after changing to
baud rate of 9600 on com4... i guess the windows management of the gps is most of the problem (?).
I had the same exact problem as you. I couldn't get a lock no matter what I tried, I was thinking of going back to the Kaiser. I then decided to change my radio from the .32 to the 1.12, left GPS Test running for about 30 minutes, still no lock.
I was standing on the balcony of my apartment....
Then..... when I got into my car I tried again and I got a lock in under 30 seconds..
Not to insult your intelligence by any means. BUT, are you outside in the open?? Because once you have set those settings that everyone here has asked you to do. It should work.
Here is what I did.
Change the stock radio. I believe this to be the main culprit. 1.12 works good. then set your standard GPS settings to Baud 96**** and to COM 4. Run GPS test in the open, outside.
It should work. I sometimes mess around with the AGPS settings. I mainly leave it off because I honestly have no idea what it is.
I get a lock in under 1 - 2 minutes every time. However, I am having a problem with the speed of the GPS. I use TomTom 6 and sometimes my triangle cursor wiggles oscillating from left to right. I don't know why. and also sometimes it is delayed.
I have yet to find a fix for this, I would be glad if someone can please help. I'm not sure if this is a video problem or a GPS problem.
Worked Both Ways
I've had my Fuze since just before ATT released them, and the GPS worked fine for me, once I could get a signal, obviously a big issue. I followed all of the GPSidfix cab etc and they helped, had to load GPS Test to prime, once it got a full lock and said running I could use Google, TomTom 6 or Livesearch and get instant locks.
I don't flash ROMs, but finally broke down and put the ATT Leaked Rom on my Fuze, and bammmmmm. GPS is almost instant in every single one of those applications, we're talking 2 or 3 seconds when I'm outside. I get locks in my house when I'm by the windows as well.
I haven't driven today, so I can't speak to lag etc or other issues, but once I knew the lag it never bothered me that much. Overall, the new ATT Leaked ROM has been awesome for GPS.
i never changed my radio, am using the stock radio on a fuze bought 1 1/2 months ago, i disabled agps and am using com4 baud 9600 super fast gps now.
GPS Position Lag w/ internal (built-in) GPS receiver
freekquency said:
i never changed my radio, am using the stock radio on a fuze bought 1 1/2 months ago, i disabled agps and am using com4 baud 9600 super fast gps now.
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I can second or third... that.
Firstly, I don't mean to invalidate any previous comments, posts or fixes, or insult anyone's intelligence. I just merely report my VERY UNSCIENTIFIC findings.
I've had my ATT Fuze (HTC Touch Pro) for about 3 months now, and I've tested various GPS apps in the quest of finding out whether the hardware is the one to blame for the GPS POSITION LAG. I'd like to share my personal findings so that it may help others.
The ONLY GPS application that I can say that come very close to NOT having GPS POSITION LAG is Mobile Navigator 7.3.1 (build 137). On top of that, this version of Mobile Navigator is the only one so far to be ALMOST right on when the destination is reached. Other applications that I've tried always show the destination is 2 or 3 houses down the street.
The following applications I've tested all have position lag: one previous version of MN7, IGo8, TomTom 7, iGuidance, Garmin XT, and NDrive.
Did I use the registry tweak as suggested in previous post and did it resolve the lag?
Yes, I did try the tweak. But personally, I don't think it solved the problem.
Did I change to different ROM or Radio?
No. Everything on the phone is stock ATT Fuze.
So, is the hardware or HTC the one to blame for the lag?
Sorry! YOU have to come to the conclusion on this one.
I have a related problem, with the GPS device freezing (?) at high speed. I drove recently in Germany, and up to 120km/h my navigator (HTC-TP + Destinator 7) worked fine. When I drove faster it just stopped tracking, and resumed when I slowed down below 120km/h resumed.
Anyone experienced that or has an idea how to fix it?
Kepela523 said:
I had the same exact problem as you. I couldn't get a lock no matter what I tried, I was thinking of going back to the Kaiser. I then decided to change my radio from the .32 to the 1.12, left GPS Test running for about 30 minutes, still no lock.
I was standing on the balcony of my apartment....
Then..... when I got into my car I tried again and I got a lock in under 30 seconds..
Not to insult your intelligence by any means. BUT, are you outside in the open?? Because once you have set those settings that everyone here has asked you to do. It should work.
Here is what I did.
Change the stock radio. I believe this to be the main culprit. 1.12 works good. then set your standard GPS settings to Baud 96**** and to COM 4. Run GPS test in the open, outside.
It should work. I sometimes mess around with the AGPS settings. I mainly leave it off because I honestly have no idea what it is.
I get a lock in under 1 - 2 minutes every time. However, I am having a problem with the speed of the GPS. I use TomTom 6 and sometimes my triangle cursor wiggles oscillating from left to right. I don't know why. and also sometimes it is delayed.
I have yet to find a fix for this, I would be glad if someone can please help. I'm not sure if this is a video problem or a GPS problem.
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TomTom7 also isnt working perfectly for me. It seems to be about 3-5 seconds too slow. It shows me at the street after I have already passed it. I made the registry setting changes that were posted earlier and will test the lag this afternoon ( it may be the Polling Interval being set to 1000 vs 100 i hope. I will report back to say if it has helped

