Multiples Email related questions on PPC - General Questions and Answers

I have few questions regarding the way email works in Pocket PC.
(1) Does Outlook mobile has HTML mail enabled by default or it has to be enabled by registry edit?
(2) Lets say I have multiple email addresses registered in Outlook mobile. I receive an email on 'A' but I want to reply it back using 'B'. Is it do-able?
(3) How is FlexMail 2007 in comparision with the default Outlook mobile?


Auto-delete emails?

Hello Everyone,
I have a T-Mobile USA SDA and had a problem with emails on the device.
Not sure if it is working as designed or if there was a blug, so I thought I would float it by you guys.
Mail client on T-Mobile USA SDA
Configured manually to check pop and send smtp with my gmail account. It is set such that the message headers are downloaded first.
I connect WIFI and send/recieve
I receive a header I had sent myself for testing
I click on it and select to download the message body.
I go back to the inbox.
I do send and receive.
I receive the message body.
I read it.
I go back to the inbox.
I do send and recieve.
The message is removed without a trace. it is not put into deleted items folder, nor does it remain in the inbox folder.
Is this expected behavior? I am not allowed to store mail on my device? Is there a registry setting to change this behavior? There is no options within the application. Is there a registry setting to change wheremails are stored in general? thanks for seeing the barrage of questions!
Yes I got the same result with you. Mine is a Dopod 577w (Tornado in Taiwan). This behaviour also happens to other mail servers.
ni hao,
I had searched a bit about it and found some places explain it. The explanation sounds weak, but it looks like something we will have to live with until either gmail or ms changes their server or client software.
Sat, Mar 4 2006 7:24 am
The problem is with the default behaviour of Gmail - it will "hide" all the
already-downloaded mail. Unfortunately, it seems not even now that the beta
phase is long over can you effectively override this behaviour - the POP3
radio buttons just don't stick in the Settings window.
Therefore, the best solution IMHO is switching to an alternative e-mail
client that doesn't remove the messages that are not available online any
more from the local view. The alternative mailer clients FlexMail and Qmail
are like so - see the row "Does it only display mail that is still on the
server? " in the comparison chart of my mailer client roundup at . Of the two,
FlexMail offers scheduling capabilities.
PocketPC MAG:
Does it only display mail that is still on the server? : one of the most-criticized problems with Messaging is that it does not show older messages (messages that have been deleted in the meantime) in the Inbox unless you explicitly (mass-)move them to a separate folder. As can be seen, it's, in addition to Messaging, only nPOPw that deletes the messages from the local view that don't exist on the server any more. The other mailer applications don't.
I might just write a pop/smtp client software myself. Much easier to tweak it to do what I need it to do, and in my previous job I worked for an email client so I know those protocols well. I probably won't add advanced functionality or IMAP/Exchange, because I have no individual use for those.
Very Useful info.
My current solution to this issue is Outlook & ActiveSync. Just download your mail to PC and sync. Mail in mobile Outlook account will not disappear unless you delete them.
By the way, I think Gmail mobile website is also okay for mail browsing & composing.
(it is not a good experience posting reply here using Pocket IE)
I'd like to write a mail client using .NET CF just for fun if I have time. I'm not a C++ guy.

WM5 Messaging -- Can someone hack it to send from multiple addresses?

I love my Hermes but it falls seriously short in one area: I am unable to take full advantage of my Tuffmail hosted IMAP mail functionality (eg multiple folders, each with its own email address). From what I read about Chattermail on the Treo/Palm OS platform it seems to be a much better IMAP mail client than the built in WM5 Messaging application because it supports IMAP IDLE and (very important) allows you to send from multiple email addresses intuitively. I have been trying FlexMail 2007 as an alternative but find it so unreliable and such a memory hog that it is a chore just keeping it running.
Query: Has anyone figured out a way to hack the WM5 Messaging application so that it is possible to change the Sent From email address easily without having to reconfigure the account each time? What I am currently doing with FlexMail is using only one email account linked to my IMAP server but changing the From address as required by using DinarSoft TapText to type in the right Display Name and email address with a single keystroke. My preference would be to go back to WM5 Messaging if I can figure out an easy way to change the From account when I compose a message.
Edit: Another acceptable workaround would be to create send-only accounts within the WM Messaging application. Unfortunately there is no Send All command (only Send and Receive), and garbage incoming mail servers results in an error message before any message is sent. Other suggestions would be welcome.
I would also like to know this. I host my own webserver, and use it with multiple emails, all of which go to the same account:
[email protected]
[email protected] etc all go to my main mailbox, which i sync through directpush to the phone.
What I want is to be able to hit "from" and change it to "[email protected]" or "[email protected]" or whatever, depending on who I am emailing.
I am also running a Hermes with WM5, and using the core outlook email client software.
Any ideas?

Activesync HTML Email issues

hey ppl
big thx to Ivan!
Im using his V3 orig ROM, and cant get Pocket Outlook to display HTML Email from Activesync.
it is happy to display HTML from a POP3 account I have set up
however the option to choose HTML is greyed out for the activesync outlook whenever email is selected under Activesync connection settings. When I disable email, it will let me choose HTML, but re-enabling it looses the change
According to this:
ya should be able to view HTML email msgs synced from the PC
I was wondering if anyone could kindly please help.
w00t!! Microsoft released an update to Device Center that just appeared in my Windows Update list 2 days ago.
It has some small UI improvements, including the ability to change delivery format of Outlook Activesync email to HTML.
Im a happy camper now

Yahoo Mail IMAP4 help

guys, does anyone here knows how to manual configure right the MS Pocket Outlook (windows mobile 5) for Yahoo Mail? ... Im always stuck in the Incomming Email Password window (UserName, Password & Domain Entry).. and the Auto configuration (Email Setup 2 of 5) is not reliable.. compare to windows mobile 6 Pocket Outlook Auto Configuration for Yahoo Mail, it works well. I use XDA atom(WM5) and Dopod 838pro(WM6).
These are configutations i copied from my Dopod WM6 phone to my Atom WM5 phone:
Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server:
Outgoing Requires Authentication: Yes
You can't connect to with pocket outlook from WM5.
To connect to, the mail client MUST send the device ID before the credentials. This has been implemented in Wm6.
Good luck !
details here :
thank you very much...
That would actually explain a lot.
I have no problems accessing Yahoo Imap thru Pocket Outlook (default settings), but when entering the same settings in Flexmail, I get authentication errors.
Is it possible that Flexmail doesn't send the Device Id first, and if so, does anyone know if that can be changed?
How to my phone SDAT-Mobile ( HTC Tornado ) can't creat 2 yahoo mail account . i can't creat .

Outlook email without activesync?

I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I was wondering if it was possible for a private individual to send emails while out and about using "Outlook Mail" in WinMo (currently 6.5).
In other words, what I did was tie a gmail account to Outlook on the pc, then using activesync to get it on the ppc. Thing is, if I try to compose an email on my ppc using that account it just sits in the outbox until I get back to my computer and use activesync.
What I'm trying to do is easily be able to send out vCalendar/ vCard etc from my phone and/or not have an "empty" Outlook email option under messages. I've already tied my school's email and Yahoo email to the phone.

