Warning! Update Radio Version before using newer WM6 roms - XV6700, PPC-6700 ROM Development

Just as a warning to all, I had the original WM6 rom release (not sure what version # that was) operating fine on my PP6700 from Sprint.
I decided to upgrade to the latest release to find that the signal would drop every 40-60 seconds, whether in data or voice.
After lots of panic and much testing I realized that I had an old radio version on my phone (R 1.12.00), which was giving me all my grief.
To correct this, visit http://www.utstar.com/pcd/ to get the latest version of the correct carriers ROM (for verizon users you will have to downgrade your bootloader again re-flash the WM6 rom). The newest ROM will have the latest Radio rom. My radio version is now 1.27.00.
From there, hard reset, download and install the latest wm6 rom from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=325880.
Hard reset again and enjoy a working phone/data device!

errrr, I upgraded to VZW's latest radio/aku and have radio version 1.43.......and bootloader 1.04v. I've never heard of 1.27.00
PS and thats not the latest WM6 rom, this is- http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=11074 dated Nov 17th, 2007

Well, I installed WM6 several weeks ago and I still have the 1.03 Radio Version on my PPC-6700 phone and have no problems.

I am using Sprint, not VZW. Could be a reason for the radio difference.
It was weird, I had a previous version of WM6 installed fine, but when I upgraded to a later version I had to upgrade my radio as well to get it to work.
Not sure what the difference in WM6 builds would have triggered this.


Answering Problems - Any advice?

I'm using Faria's WWE WM6 and when I try to answer a call with either the send key or the left button (above the send key), it will not answer and send the call to voicemail. This happens 60% of the time I try to answer a call.
I was originally using the standard T-Mo USA Radio ROM and decided to switch to the UK 2.19.11 to see if it made a difference. It hasn't. Anyone else seen this issue?
IPL 2.26
SPL 2.26
GSM 2.19.11 (T-Mo UK)
Carrier: T-Mobile USA
i am currently running faria's ROM and plan to switch to xplore 2.0 and i also had the standard t-mobile radio ROM. But i am not having any issues with my G3 MDA. Did this happen after you changed radio ROMS or always?
It is happening with both ROMs.
Did this happen before u upgraded to WM6 or only after? if after try reflashing the ROM, or flashing a different one, like Xplore 2.0. I am not to good with all this stuff (im still a noob ), so wait till other people post to actually take action. Just trying to help.
wait do you flash the radio rom before the main os rom? or after?
THeCrazzyman said:
wait do you flash the radio rom before the main os rom? or after?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I flashed the radio rom after the wm6 rom was installed.

Kaiser (ATT Tilt 1) ROM/Radio question

I was reading the Wiki/FAQ and found this thread and still have some questions on the ROM Radio configuration.
I have a tilt I got from work and the reception is attrocious, so I am under the impression that the ATT ROM and Radio have more affinity for the ATT network than Tmobile (which is my guess because my old Wing had much better signal). What I notice from the list of Kaiser ROMs (on the Wiki) is the only official Tmobile ROMs are for the Netherlands and the UK. My guess is that I wouldn't want to load those since I live in the US, plus the official OS build is 19124 in the ATT tilt instead of 19212 in the other builds.
My question is: Can I mix other Radios to better work on the Tmobile network? Do I need to clear my ROM from the official ATT to another HTC ROM? Does the ROM clear the Windows build so there wouldn't be a compatibility issue, or does it only work for the cell phone service (device communication portion sort of like a DOS on windows 98) and therefore the OS build is independant of the ROM and Radio? Do ROMs and Radios need to be properly paired or can I trial and error it?
I've been looking for some of the answers but the weren't overly appearant from the FAQ and Wikis. Hopefully I didn't gloss over the easy answers somewhere on the site.
Any thoughts? I can start doing the trial and error method, but if I can get some confirmation that I won't brick my phone that would be awesome. Also, if there is any general "method to the madness" in terms of trying the Radios out, I would appreciate it.
This is where you should start:
Flashing Your First Kaiser Rom
The most important consideration for flashing any phone: MAKE SURE YOU HARD SPL (if you are using a Tilt, I recommend 3.56 as that is what AT&T officially used in their last ROM). That way, if you screw up a flash, you can just flash to another radio/ROM without worrying about bricking your phone. Press the Camera+Power button+use your stylus to reset the phone to bootloader to see if your phone is already Hard SPL'd. You should see a 3.28, 3.29, 3.34, or 3.56 at the top left of the screen when the tricolor screen pops up; you can just reset your phone after looking to get back to your OS). If, and only if, your phone is Hard SPL'd, read on...
>Can I mix other Radios to better work on the Tmobile network?
Of course. For example, I am using the emobile radio ( on my Tilt. See: The Ultimate Radio Thread for more.
>Do I need to clear my ROM from the official ATT to another HTC ROM?
No, you can flash the radio only if you want.
>Does the ROM clear the Windows build
Not if you're flashing just the radio.
>...and therefore the OS build is independant of the ROM and Radio?
The OS build is independent of the radio. Best to think of the ROM as the OS, and the radio as how your OS communicates with your phone...
>or can I trial and error it?
That's the whole point of flashing just the radio--finding which one works best for you.
Thank you for the information. I verified the Hard SPL (3.56) so it looks like I am good on that front.
I just want to verify something you said before I actually do this (since the RUU tutorial told me ROMs can brick my phone and you mentioned Radios are similar in that fashion). The radios listed from the Ultimate ROM/Radio Thread are listed by WMx.x version, not by the associated ROMs. Since I am using the officially released ROM from ATT my version of WM is 6.1, therefore any of the Radios under the 6.1 header are available for flashing to my phone.
Is that correct?
Thanks again and in advance.
Anyone know of a new link for the latest Hard SPL 3.56? I keep on trying to download on rapidshare and I am denied (cause I am a non-subscriber). If there is a mirror that anyone knows of I would appreciate it. I keep searching around and cannot find one.
blackie_chan said:
Anyone know of a new link for the latest Hard SPL 3.56? I keep on trying to download on rapidshare and I am denied (cause I am a non-subscriber). If there is a mirror that anyone knows of I would appreciate it. I keep searching around and cannot find one.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I just DL this and uploaded it for you 3.56
Zelendel you are awesome. Thank you very much.

Radio versions - any difference between H and U?

I just got finished with rooting my phone and installing HardSPL, but I've noticed my baseband / radio version has changed since I manually flashed it. Following the directions on the CyanogenMod wiki, it specifies to flash to 62.50S.20.17H_2.22.19.26I (which I did). Now I haven't tracked when or where along the line this changed, but looking at my baseband version now (after installing HardSPL) I now see my baseband version as 62.50S.20.17U_2.22.19.26I, which I understand is the development version of the "H" rom listed above. This would make sense since HardSPL is based off of the stock dev SPL.
Are there any differences between H / U which would make it worth flashing back, or should I leave well enough alone and be glad I didn't brick this thing?

Will Sprint Hook up a TP2 w/ Custom Rom

Hello All,
I have a TP2 I am going to hook up that was just taken off the network. It is fully unlocked with a custom rom & 2.23WU radio.
Question is will they hook up a phone with a custom rom if I call them? Also, if I need to flash it back to stock rom will I loose the unlocked GSM radio? Reason I ask is the stock rom has 1.96WF radio in the title which I know is a locked version.
i would think as long as it's a sprint phone with a clean esn, it wouldn't matter which rom it's running.
All you need to give them is your esn #, i don't see how they can tell what rom you are using or if the gsm sim is unlock or not. Just go ahead and try, i don't see the harm.
Cool, Thx guys
One time I had a TP1 and sold it on ebay and the guy said sprint was having problems hooking it up, I know it had a clean ESN,
He flashed to stock and they hooked it up NP.
They may ask you to use the "Update Profile" software that comes in Sprint stock roms, and depending on your custom rom, that software may not be included.
Never mention is has a custom rom to them. They won't honor the warranty if you do
NEVER mention to any service provider that you "hacked" your phone, as stated this will guarentee you A voided warentee. I would also guarentee they will certainly not hack it for you.
just make sure when you hack it to backup your stock rom. that way if something were to go wrong and your Rhodium would need serviced you can stock-ah-fy (yeah, I said it) it. One look at a flashed Rom and they will tell you that you're S.O.L.
So they hooked up the phone and sure enough just like the TP1, the voice works, but no data works.
It is running latest NRG Rom 2.5, Same thing happened with Mighty rom on the TP1 a year or so ago.
Any ideas, maybe use the provisioning app on it?
Yes, you should run the provisioning app located in the Start Menu\Programs\Tools folder.
There was a new NRG 2.5 Sense Cookie HomeTab ROM released on June 27th. I'd suggest you reflash to ROM to the newest one on your phone rather than relying on something the previous owner flashed.
Also it's advised to do a Task29 clear. (Search for it in the PPC Geeks thread dedicated to the Touch Pro 2 CDMA NRG ROMS: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=86489 )
Plus the recommended unlocked radio for the CDMA Touch Pro 2 is the 2.32.00WU version found in this thread http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=106571 on PPC Geeks.
I've found that PPC Geeks is where the best support for the NRG ROM and unlocked radios for the CDMA Touch Pro 2 are found. Whereas I prefer xda-developers for most of my apps.
PS I run the Titanium version of the Touch Pro 2 CDMA NRG ROM's so don't have first hand experience with the Sense versions.
I'm still running an ancient version (Late May) of the NRG ROM and it didn't have any of the sprint PRL and Profiler update apps. I found a cab that will install them in the MR. X ROM thread: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1563450&postcount=4

[RADIO SPARK_W] SparkW Radio Collection (Verizon Trophy CDMA) [Updated 04-14-2012]

The following radios are for Spark_W (Verizon Trophy CDMA) only. Do not attempt to flash these to a GSM Trophy (meaning any Trophy NOT branded by Verizon Wireless).
To flash these radios, you must already have HSPL installed! Click here to find out how!
You only need to pick the radio you want, and flash it. That is all that is required.
I have been able to successfully extract the original shipping radio, and the radio update for Mango (v1) to files that can be flashed to the Spark_W (Verizon Trophy CDMA) without flashing an entire rom. This is really nifty for when you downgrade your SPL to 1.03 using the method described in my downgrade thread, and you are forced to use the shipping radio. Now you have the option to flash a newer radio (and for myself, the v1 Mango radio works much better than the shipping NoDo radio).
To check what radio you currently have installed on your phone, you can either enter the bootloader by shutting down your phone, then pressing vol-down + power when starting the phone, or by navigating to Settings=> About Phone=> More info.
In my own personal testing, I did not get any factory reset by flashing these radio files. If your phone factory resets flashing these radios, navigate to Settings=> About Phone=> More info and post what hardware version you are using. All testing on my own phone was done on hardware revision 003.
The flashing software included with these radio's is a newer version that doesn't ask a bunch of questions! Once you have put your phone into bootloader mode, run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe and it will automatically start flashing the radio to your phone!
Spark_W Radio list (last updated 04-01-2012)
[B]Original shipping radio with NoDo.
If you used the SPL downgrade method, you will probably have this radio.[/B]
[B]First Mango shipping Radio. ([U]Mango v1 Radio[/U])[/B]
[B]Second Mango shipping Radio. ([U]Mango v2 Radio[/U])[/B]
[B]Third Mango shipping Radio from official 8107 rom. ([U]Mango v3 Radio[/U])[/B]
I hope for those of us already testing custom HSPL roms on Spark_W that this will be a huge help. I personally get much better reception all around with the later radio (at least in CDMA). Please feel free to comment on CDMA/GSM reception of each radio, etc!
I am surprised no one has created a thread like this for Spark GSM radios. The method of extraction is simple. (Use OsBuilder to extract rom image. In settings put SPAW1000 ID and check radio.nb and uncheck os.nb. Build rom.. on other phones you'd replace the ID with whatever is required).
Now, get testing these radio's out and give feedback!
*edit* I'm not sure if Mango v2's drivers included a radio update. I will have to flash back to stock and confirm sometime this week, unless someone running and up-to-date stock rom can tell me?
*edit 2* [04-01-2012] It's not joke, I added Mango v2 radio. Best radio I have used so far.
*edit 3* [04-14-2012] Added Mango v3 radio from 8107 official Verizon rom (RUU_Spark_W_S_VERIZON_WWE_2.04.605.02_Radio_NV_0215_NV58008_RELEASE.exe available in football's rom thread). Yes, I know the version number is lower and it isn't a typo this time! That is the reported version! It's also notable that this radio is larger in size then previous versions!
Yes there is a newer radio with the Mango V2 Drivers.
OS Verison: 7.10.7720.68
Firmware revision number: 2305.13.20110.605
Hardware revision number: 0003
Radio Software Version:
Radio hardware version: 3.23.D4
Bootloader version: 2.1.230513.10
Chip SOC version:
It's no joke, I added the v2 Mango radio today. I didn't realize that Football had released a Mango v2 official rom, so I extracted it from that.
Thanks for these. Bumped my phone up to Mango v2 yesterday without any problems. Whether my reception improved or not, I can't tell, but it certainly didn't get worse so hooray!
Minor thing: you typoed the version number of the Mango v2 radio. It's 1.53..., not 1.52...
Fixed on both link and filename on mediafire. Thanks.
football just released a brand spankn' new stock rom. I'm going to see if it has a new radio (Mango v3 radio?).... lets see.
SPL downgrade
If you do the SPL downgrade, do you have to install the radios in order or can you jump right to mango v2?
The radios' flash just like roms, so you do not need to install each one at a time. Pick the radio you want and install.
As a side note, I have attempted to install the Mango v3 radio using this method recently, but no luck. I'll have to take a closer look this weekend when I have time.
Newest Mango v3 radio posted from official 8107 rom. I have no clue why the versioning is a lower number, i checked and rechecked to make sure it was correct!
My personal experience so far, is that this radio performs similar to Mango v2.
Yeah, I saw that lower number and wondered why I would want that, but if it's from the official release, I guess I'll try it. Thanks for your work.
Yeah, worst case scenario is that you can switch back. Since flashing a different radio is easy, no biggie. I'm glad we have THIS many choices for radios even though only one carrier carries SparkW.
Thanks for this !!!!
I would like to add that Manga v3 radio may also be part of added support for CMAS or Commercial Mobile Alert System. CMAS was added to the operator package of the Verizon Mango v3 driver:
From: 438ABF0C-B691-4259-A742-1F224FA3B5BA.rgu
These are the new registry settings, and they did not exist before. might be required for this to work, but I have no idea how to tell. It's an interesting feature so you'll need to check your registry to see if it is enabled. I know DFT Freedom doesn't have it (yet), I'm not sure about ansar's roms since I haven't tried it yet.
I updated my wife's park_w to Tango via Zune (bone stock phone) and she has a even newer radio on it, in-case you want to find it and add it to the list
Still no official stand alone rom from Football. Unless he or someone else releases one, I have no easy way to extract radios.
I looked into finding the radio files in the rom update.cab files... but its a bit dangerous even if I could find it. :/
My phone is Verizon Trophy with locked sim, If I flash any of those radios will I get carrier unlock?

