Bare Bones AT&T Rom - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Windows Mobile ROM De

I've ran into a couple connection / GPRS-3G issues with other Non-AT&T ROMs, I'm sure with alittle patience and time I could work them out and move on..
Only thing is, I have neither currently. Is anyone working on a Stock AT&T BareBones ROM, with all the junk ripped out? PTT, GetXpress Mail, Trial Ware etc?
I'm possibly going to work this week and next on making one if no one else has the time, unless of course I end up doing 1 of 2 things
1. Using Helmi's AKU Bare bones ROM, and getting ALL the AT&T wireless functionality working as expected
2. Stripping down the AT&T rom to a bare bones state
Any assistance etc is welcome...
Some issues I've seen with other HTC roms are things like...
After Installing MobiTV2 and trying to load, it dials a GPRS/3G connection, then says it failed to connect please check settings, and MobiTV never loads, yet I can browse webpages on 3G speeds

vp3G will make a rom as soon as he gets a Tilt.. Ive used his roms before with my 8525 and they were very nice stable fast roms!

tiptoekirk said:
vp3G will make a rom as soon as he gets a Tilt.. Ive used his roms before with my 8525 and they were very nice stable fast roms!
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agree with the vp3G statement... love that guy.
Palmore said:
After Installing MobiTV2 and trying to load, it dials a GPRS/3G connection, then says it failed to connect please check settings, and MobiTV never loads, yet I can browse webpages on 3G speeds
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As for your connection issues... when you first load the HTC ROM, don't let it autoconfigure your network settings. If you manually create your ISP settings it will work. I had the same issue you're describing with Avot...
MEdia Net
modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access Point Name: wap.cingular
user name: [email protected]
Password: CINGULAR1
Domain: <leave blank>
that should get you set up... fyi, if you've done the autoconfigure, you can't just delete the settings and start over, I didn't dig into it but I just hard reset and told it not to do the auto part...
Good Luck.

tiptoekirk said:
vp3G will make a rom as soon as he gets a Tilt.. Ive used his roms before with my 8525 and they were very nice stable fast roms!
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+1 on the vp3g solution. I also used his ATT based 8525 ROM and it was great. Here's hoping he gets a Tilt soon!

Until we get a ROM from VP3G just do a hard reset. When you get the message device will restart in 3 sec. do a soft reset. It does not install trial, and extra crap also internet sharing icon is in the programs folder also all MMS, and internet settings are set up. The only thing you need to do is tweak the registry

What registry tweak are you referring to? I just did this to my ATT tilt!


at&t Internet Settings - WAP Media Net and MMS

The reason I am posting this in ROM development is due to the high number of posts I see in various ROMs asking about at&t internet and MMS settings.
When I upgraded to WM 6.1 I had to find out the hard way that the HTC autoconfig program that starts after a hard reset works, but causes various issues. When I tried to fix the issues, I caused different problems and could never get my email to send and receive until after it had done so on an automatic schedule, which is weird. Along with other anomalies.
I apologize for the redundant thread, but it might cut down on even more threads if more people on at&t were told not to use autoconfig and instead used this simple cab file:
at&t and MMS
-thanks to whoever developed this, works perfectly
Note: this cab may not fix problems that already occur, even if the settings are deleted before installing. If you ran the autoconfig instead of disabling it, then it might be time to have fun with a new ROM and/or setup
It's hard to keep all of this info organized and XDA does a great job. I hope that if this info is mass distributed, as it already is in the beginning posts of some ROMs, that it might save time for more important things.
I have never had any issues with HTC's Autoconfig not working perfectly for me on AT&T's network. The only network feature I don't use on my Tilt is Blackberry Connect.
could this be why my phone gets no service on 3G mode? i have tried everything but nothing is working. But the weird thing is that on edge it works perfectly fine. does anybody have a solution for this.
It really doesn't take long (a few minutes at most) to manually do the settings .. And this way you know and learn what your device is really set up for instead of relying on others.
MEdia Net:
pro, I don't think the internet settings are why you are dropping calls.
It is a setting in kaiser tweak. I could be wrong, but I think it is caused by a fast sleep option. I know I read it somewhere, but ages ago.
i dont have kaiser tweaks installed.. do you know what thread you read that in?
no, I am sorry but I have no time to help tonight. I would recommend a hard reset that will delete everything on your main device and restore it to factory default. Activesync should save your contacts. This will let you know if you have a possible hardware issue.
Read the wiki for directions, and then read some more. I'm always learning more about this phone.
IF you have hardspl and know how to flash a rom, you could try a different setup (ROM). If it doesn't work, then you need to revert your phone back to normal and send it in for warranty.
do this at your own risk, good luck
*before doing this, try the kaiser tweak setting, simple search and easy to use program
when it comes to att, ive noticed:
as long as you are using wap.cingular as your APN and [email protected] password1, it works.
When I flashed my rom, it auto detected (laurenitis26's v2) it put in isp.cingular as the apn, which as memory serves me right is the tethering portal, so if you don't have tethering set up, you will have issues. if you do have tethering, WAP.cingular is unlimited internet, isp.cingular is 5gb per month.
First post! yay ive actually contributed. don't know how helpful it is.
ezmonee said:
when it comes to att, ive noticed:
as long as you are using wap.cingular as your APN and [email protected] password1, it works.
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Actually you can now leave the username and password fields blank. ATT changed their settings and its no longer needed (but it still works with it if you choose). Its even documented in the KnowledgeBase article I posted above.
ezmonee said:
when it comes to att, ive noticed:
as long as you are using wap.cingular as your APN and [email protected] password1, it works.
When I flashed my rom, it auto detected (laurenitis26's v2) it put in isp.cingular as the apn, which as memory serves me right is the tethering portal, so if you don't have tethering set up, you will have issues. if you do have tethering, WAP.cingular is unlimited internet, isp.cingular is 5gb per month.
First post! yay ive actually contributed. don't know how helpful it is.
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to be more specific the isp.cingular connection is the PDA connection is the straight connection not behind a proxy. WM is smart and some things it needs a connection without a proxy but Att offers media next cheaper than the PDA connect so most users (myself included) have to use wap.cingular otherwise the phone won't connect .
This isn't really a problem so much as really irritating, I'd like for ATT to come down on the price for the PDA connect....
gbothepro said:
i dont have kaiser tweaks installed.. do you know what thread you read that in?
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Here you are.

AT&T Tilt Internet Problems on other carrier

Hello Everyone...
I want to first than everyone in the forum for all your posts.. With your help I have SIM unlocked my AT&T Tilt phone to work with my carrier (Einstein PCS).
I am not new to Smartphones.. My first being a Motorola MPX220 that I used a modified rom to have 2003... After that I had a iPaq 6515.... Now I have my Tilt.. I did a hard reset when I got it and rebooted near the end to precent all the installation of much of the AT&T bloatware... I got the settings I needed for my carries internet... But it seems to only work sometimes.. If I am simply web-browsing it is great, or using software like IM+... But when I try to run updates, or TomTom Traffic (among many other things) it does not work and seems to try to be connecting to AT&T or something to that effect. If I am connected via Wifi everything works fine. This becomes very irritating as I can't be connected via Wifi and be driving around... I loose the signal and there aren;t always Wifi hotspots available. We have bad traffic problems in this area and the TomTom Traffic usually helps reroute it well. Any suggestions? As I said, some stuff works, other stuff doesn;t. I will include the settings I got from my provider below. I also manually delelted the AT&T settings in the conenctiuon manager thinking that would help.. it did not.
under proxy settings check: this network connects to the internet
check this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet
proxy server should be :
click advanced
secure wap:
socks (blank)
under modem, your access point name should be : apn
name and password blank.
under advanced check use server assigned ip address
Those are hthe instructions given to me by my provider.. ANY help would be greatly appreciated! My carrier chargs me about $50 a month for unlimited Voice, TXT, and Internet, so I want to stick with them. (BTW< I am also having problems using MMS messaging).
First of all, you might want to look into installing the OEM htc rom... The ATT rom has hidden proxies that might be causing you issues, besides, you dont really want all the ATT bloat to begin with since its not going to work with your carrier!
Thanks for the advice.. but I had read people are having problems with the GPS chip when they do that.. is that correct? I downloaded a few of the roms, but not sure on how to install them, or to even know which would be best for me.. Any suggestions? Also, any step by step walk through on how to install them exactly? Preferabley something that will work with Vista as I run x64 ultimate... IF not I can get acess to an XP machine.. but not as easily... Thanks in advance
Teej53214 said:
Thanks for the advice.. but I had read people are having problems with the GPS chip when they do that.. is that correct? I downloaded a few of the roms, but not sure on how to install them, or to even know which would be best for me.. Any suggestions? Also, any step by step walk through on how to install them exactly? Preferabley something that will work with Vista as I run x64 ultimate... IF not I can get acess to an XP machine.. but not as easily... Thanks in advance
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Many people, myself included, are using unlocked Tilts on other networks without any problems. It's hard to say which rom would be best, it's really a matter of opinion. No doubt, you will have to read...and I recommend you start with the wiki. All the info you are looking for is covered there.
Teej53214 said:
Thanks for the advice.. but I had read people are having problems with the GPS chip when they do that.. is that correct? I downloaded a few of the roms, but not sure on how to install them, or to even know which would be best for me.. Any suggestions? Also, any step by step walk through on how to install them exactly? Preferabley something that will work with Vista as I run x64 ultimate... IF not I can get acess to an XP machine.. but not as easily... Thanks in advance
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start here
this will give you a link to the official HTC rom
The people you read about with problems on anything are usually using cooked roms or using an incompatible radio. But for YOU, i would suggest using the OEM rom which is linked in that thread i gave you..

AT&T Fuze and Rogers Wireless - What's needed?

Is there anything that needs to be done for the Fuze to work with Rogers?
Can I simply put the Rogers simcard in and all will work fine?
Does it need to be unlocked, or flashed with a different ROM?
Is it better to wait until Rogers gets something very similar?
Any ideas what would be best to do?
Thanks in advance for your input/advice.
Slingbox said:
Is there anything that needs to be done for the Fuze to work with Rogers?
Can I simply put the Rogers simcard in and all will work fine?
Does it need to be unlocked, or flashed with a different ROM?
Is it better to wait until Rogers gets something very similar?
Any ideas what would be best to do?
Thanks in advance for your input/advice.
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you need to unlock the phone first of course. you can find the relevant information on this forum if you search for it. You don't necessarily have to flash it, but you prob don't want all the AT&T bloatware.
As far as I know, Telus is going to be the only carrier with Touch Pro, so you're better off buying a Fuze from the states and "smuggle" it across border (or you can always pay the tax at border )
Unlocking the Fuze
SlingPlayer Mobile is installed on the Fuze...
However, despite the 3G symbol being there, "Cannot Connect" shows up.
It leads to Settings for Connections.
Rogers Wireless 3G settings...Is there a tutorial?
Is there a step-by-step tutorial on setting up the Fuze with Rogers Wireless so that SlingPlayer Mobile works with 3G, instead of getting "Cannot Connect"?
not exactly but its really simple, first off, what have you done to your phone thus far? are you using a stock rom or custom rom? etc
I am also going to assume you have entered your slingbox info into the application.
I am using fuse on rogers network with NATF rom with Dara Plan, and nothing realy needed after i poped the sim in, it found anything there is to be found, and Ta-Da! It's working flawlessly so far.
What I did so far....
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
Slingbox said:
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
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Nice you found lurch's cab. install it anyways so you have mms working. I thought auto configuration was installed on the fuze by default, but it was a while ago. for internet you need to disable the proxy that is on the fuze (set up for AT&T users)
First on the overall end with the disable proxy cab
and then you need to do it in opera, since you clearly have made a decent attempt at using the search function, i will just attach the cabs here, let me know if it works
Slingbox said:
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
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depending on how you unlocked the phone, you may have already lost the warranty. if that's the case, flash away~
oh...and even after you flash it, you can always reflash it back to stock rom
OK...first, about the warranty, the place I bought it from unlocked it and said 7 day replacement, 1 year servicing. I've never used the HardSPL, etc...I think I want to wait before I go that way until after the year is up.
Progress report:
Good news! Installing only "" (and not the VPN one) plus the two posted earlier in this thread did the trick. Everything works.
Next, learning how "Microsoft Direct Push" and "hotmail" work, and if they can work together. I got my hotmail addy working, but I have to go in and "Send and Receive" to get it to show new e-mails. I want it to do that automatically. Then, to get "Messenger" (IM) working. It just keeps saying "Signing in..."
I want to thank all who have been helpful thus far. It's a sweet phone to play with. Thanks
did you ever have any luck with getting Messenger to work, and hotmail to be pushed? I just got my Fuze today but it didn't come with a USB, so theres no way to get the cab file to my phone . I also now have to wait to flash the ROM, boo lol

Internet woes

So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
hah2110 said:
So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
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I just noticed this same issue with Internet Explorer. I never see the H - only G and E(dge). I'm on the original ROM. The last registry change I did was to re-map the PTT button. Before that, IE was working and the only changes I did were the top two performance tweaks from the tweak thread here.
hah2110 said:
So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
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Same here. Absolutely horrendous speeds, usually it actually times out. I still have a Samsung BlackJack II and also a Moto V3XX and I have tested sitting right in the same location, put my SIM in each of those other two devices and go to the same websites, everything works just fine, fast and normal. Then I put my SIM back in the Fuze and it's so slow it's literally unusable.
Going to try going back to the store and getting a replacement but I am afraid this might be an issue with the ROM. But I don't want to flash to a cooked ROM in case ATT won't take it back.
DrunkenOstrich said:
Same here. Absolutely horrendous speeds, usually it actually times out. I still have a Samsung BlackJack II and also a Moto V3XX and I have tested sitting right in the same location, put my SIM in each of those other two devices and go to the same websites, everything works just fine, fast and normal. Then I put my SIM back in the Fuze and it's so slow it's literally unusable.
Going to try going back to the store and getting a replacement but I am afraid this might be an issue with the ROM. But I don't want to flash to a cooked ROM in case ATT won't take it back.
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You can always undo what you flashed back to the stock roms/SPL.
HardSPL -
Stock/Shipped ROMS -
Search for more information.
bfspider said:
You can always undo what you flashed back to the stock roms/SPL.
HardSPL -
Stock/Shipped ROMS -
Search for more information.
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Thanks much!
I noticed there are four different versions of the ATT ROM for this device. Since some people are having big data speed issues and some are happily working away, I wonder if some of the stock ROM versions have issues and others don't?
DrunkenOstrich said:
Thanks much!
I noticed there are four different versions of the ATT ROM for this device. Since some people are having big data speed issues and some are happily working away, I wonder if some of the stock ROM versions have issues and others don't?
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I'm not too sure because I haven't played with the stock ROM at all. I jumped on the cooked ROM band wagon and I am now using ROMeOS at the moment. Later, when I get a moment, I'll try out the Cooked ATT ROM that NATF has put together.
One of the major complains of the stock ATT ROM is that HSPDA was shut off and that only 3G was being used. I know when I get a decent H signal, the Internet is pretty snappy. This is on the ROMeOS ROM.
hah2110 said:
So my FUZE won't connect to the internet with certain programs (E.g. Internet Explorer). Everything else works fine, opera, mms, etc. When I go to IE, it immediately loads a popup and says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap settings". Any advice? My 3G speed is also terrible. I have an H icon and tested my speed and got 81kbps... Any advice on that?
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I had this problem. Navigate to Programs>Tools>Proxy Manager. Once there tap on "Restore Proxy" This did the trick for me.
bfspider said:
I'm not too sure because I haven't played with the stock ROM at all. I jumped on the cooked ROM band wagon and I am now using ROMeOS at the moment. Later, when I get a moment, I'll try out the Cooked ATT ROM that NATF has put together.
One of the major complains of the stock ATT ROM is that HSPDA was shut off and that only 3G was being used. I know when I get a decent H signal, the Internet is pretty snappy. This is on the ROMeOS ROM.
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How fast? My phone shows 3G and using Opera I got the following from DSL reports speed test:
1345 kbit/sec
0.32s latency
6.363s d/l time.again.
And that was after it forced me to do the 1MB download because it wasn't able to calculate the test at the lower file sizes.
Seems like I'm pretty much in line with other posters speeds who show the H, no?
nthdgreee said:
I had this problem. Navigate to Programs>Tools>Proxy Manager. Once there tap on "Restore Proxy" This did the trick for me.
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Yup, that fixed my IE. Thanks!
And my Opera still works.
Must be an INI file or something for IE...
Right now I'm at home, so no 3G for me (Edge if I even get a signal at all usually) so I can't tell if it's (opera) slower.
Will this negatively impact tethering? Haven't tried it yet, but will soon.
I just did a bunch of testing between my Fuze and my Blackjack II for comparison. Others with the speed issues are in another thread, I posted a lengthy post with lots of test data in there. Please check it out and add to it what you can.
Where do you guys test your speed? The only DSL reports mobile speed test are up to 100k and that is too small. All the other tests I can find (anywhere) are either flash or java based and those applets never load on either Opera or IE.
I was able to get a toast blue angels test to run. Got 1809k WOOHOO. And IE works now, thanks!
FuzzyLogic_FC said:
Yup, that fixed my IE. Thanks!
And my Opera still works.
Must be an INI file or something for IE...
Right now I'm at home, so no 3G for me (Edge if I even get a signal at all usually) so I can't tell if it's (opera) slower.
Will this negatively impact tethering? Haven't tried it yet, but will soon.
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Glad that did it for you. I've never tried tethering before so I'm not qualified to answer your question. Post your results when you test.
FuzzyLogic_FC said:
How fast? My phone shows 3G and using Opera I got the following from DSL reports speed test:
Seems like I'm pretty much in line with other posters speeds who show the H, no?
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Hmm, maybe it's just me, but it really seems as if 3G speeds have been getting slower for me. I did the same test and got the same speeds as you (and occasionally, it has been falling to 500-600Kbps), but this really does seem slower than before.
One may say it's my imagination, but I have noticed it while watching Youtube. I use the HTC Youtube app and I always watch in high quality. Now I'm forced to watch in low quality simply because downloading high quality videos takes far too long (as long as 15-20 minutes depending on video length). Even the low quality videos takes quite a while to load.
To a smaller extent, web surfing has also slowed down noticeably. Unfortunately, I don't visit enough data-heavy website to be accurate about this.
I've performed numerous tests (different websites, ROMs, browsers, radios, etc), but it all turned out relatively the same. I was able to achieve higher speeds in some cases, but not significantly higher. Overall, though, it seems to me that there have been a large speed drop in AT&T's 3G.

[Tweak] ULTIMATE!! aGPS cab (GOOGLE or NOKIA server!) Generic UPDATE 06/08/10!

What people are saying:
patcat007 said:
I must say this is one of the most useful cabs floating around. The GPS locks in about 5 secs. Its almost as if Big Brother is watching you. Thank you Fone Fanatic your cab was of great help.
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allthatinny said:
after installing this my locks were almost instantly, seems like this is the cure for all our GPS problem...
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Here is my own aGPS settings cab.
Created originally for my Raphael, but works perfectly fine on my Rhodium (Touch Pro 2) and should work on any other WM6.1/5 aGPS capable device.
This replaces the default aGPS server to the one GOOGLE aGPS server. This has been found to dramaticaly increase GPS lock speed! After applying this cab i get cold Locks in about 20 seconds and warm gps lock in under 15!
Don't be scared to try it out as its easy to revert to defualt settings!
Try it out and report your results!
I created this so I can just add it to my UC list making life easier in setting up a rom after flashing and thought others might benefit from it.
Feel free to comment, hate, or appreciate
If there is a demand, i can easily delete the At&t bit and so its more generic, also if you want this adapted for your provider, reply with your APN and GPRSConnection and i can create the cab for you
It sets the following in the [HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL aGPS\] Registry
DynamicURL to (searched on the internet and many people claim much faster locks than the default
EnableAGPS 1 (so aGPS is enabled in settings)
EnableLocInfo 0 Unchecks "Enable AGPS loation information to network services. Operator can get your location information." From the Privacy tab of the AGPS Settings
ServerIP to
ServerURL and TLSHostName to
Decided to just make a Generic one that sets the nokia aGPS server, enables aGPS, disables Location info and no network configuration.
[UPDATE: The cabs are the SAME as the previous ones titled FF ATT/Fido/Generic Nokia aGPS Settings, I just changed Nokia to Ultimate because I was getting PMs on how to install them on nokia devices]
update 3/30/10: updated the cabs to use the google supl which is provided on android devices!
There is no need for carrier specific settings, they should automaticly fill in from info already on your device. If you go to HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL aGPS\ and APN, Network, and GPRSConnection are empty after you've installed the cab and soft reseted, then post here and i will make carrier specific cabs.
[06/08/2010] Re-attached the cab as requested. Please test and compare to the newly attached "FF Ultimate aGPS" and report your results.
When i ping requests time out leading me to believe nokia's servers are down, or they changed them to something else.
[size=+2]With FF Ultimate aGPS i get a lock in under 15seconds, even after hard reset!![/size]
does this speed up gps pick up time?
breezethrusd said:
does this speed up gps pick up time?
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fone_fanatic said:
DynamicURL to (searched on the internet and many people claim much faster locks than the default
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fone_fanatic said:
Here is my own aGPS settings cab. Which does the following.
I created this so I can just add it to my UC list making life easier in setting up a rom after flashing and thought others might benefit from it.
Feel free to comment, hate, or appreciate
If there is a demand, i can easily delete the At&t bit and so its more generic, also if you want this adapted for your provider, reply with your APN and GPRSConnection and i can create the cab for you
It sets the following in the [HKLM\Software\HTC\SUPL aGPS\] Registry
APN to wap.cingular
DynamicURL to (searched on the internet and many people claim much faster locks than the default
EnableAGPS 1 (so aGPS is enabled in settings)
EnableLocInfo 0 Unchecks "Enable AGPS loation information to network services. Operator can get your location information." From the Privacy tab of the AGPS Settings
GPRSConnection and Network to MEdia Net
ServerIP to
ServerURL and TLSHostName to
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I would really appreciate a cab for Fido.
All I put for internconnection is
Name fido
user fido
pass fido
Let me know if you require anything else.
finch said:
I would really appreciate a cab for Fido.
All I put for internconnection is
Name fido
user fido
pass fido
Let me know if you require anything else.
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check first post, and don't know if it'll make a difference or not but set it to the connection name to Fido, capital F
Great work!
Pure awesomeness!
If you could, please make Rogers or unbranded version of this greatness!
Xaaran said:
Pure awesomeness!
If you could, please make Rogers or unbranded version of this greatness!
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Generic/unbranded version added to first post!
fone_fanatic said:
check first post, and don't know if it'll make a difference or not but set it to the connection name to Fido, capital F
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Thanks a million!
after installing this my locks were almost instantly, seems like this is the cure for all our GPS problem, i also got FusionGPS installed to get a lock after i soft reset my phone and i get looks btw 20-30 sec out door and 30-80 sec indoor
finch said:
I would really appreciate a cab for Fido.
All I put for internconnection is
Name fido
user fido
pass fido
Let me know if you require anything else.
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Finch, did you try the cab? what's the feedback on it working with Fido?
Now only thing left is to find a way to trick the phone into thinking it's on Roger's instead of Fido and get rid of that roaming problem.
tjex said:
Finch, did you try the cab? what's the feedback on it working with Fido?
Now only thing left is to find a way to trick the phone into thinking it's on Roger's instead of Fido and get rid of that roaming problem.
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If you don't want to try the fido cab, go ahead and try the Generic cab which doesn't touch any of the apn/data settings.
Report back with your results
Auto Connect?
Hi, I have installed the generic cab. But one question: do I have to establish the data connection by myself manually? I mean, applications like explorer or email do connect automatically once they need it. Apparently AGPS doesn't.
Further, as far as I understand, the generic cab should work everywhere if not limited by your carrier, right? I wonder if it works in Singapore though. Any ideas?
tjex said:
Finch, did you try the cab? what's the feedback on it working with Fido?
Now only thing left is to find a way to trick the phone into thinking it's on Roger's instead of Fido and get rid of that roaming problem.
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Fido seems to work well. Initial fix can be slow but pretty damn fast afterwards.
Thank you very very much
enables aGPS on my T8285 in USA
clausg said:
Hi, I have installed the generic cab. But one question: do I have to establish the data connection by myself manually? I mean, applications like explorer or email do connect automatically once they need it. Apparently AGPS doesn't.
Further, as far as I understand, the generic cab should work everywhere if not limited by your carrier, right? I wonder if it works in Singapore though. Any ideas?
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Not 100% sure if it is supposed to activate the data connection or not. If it doesn't, just fire up internet explorer before you decide to use your GPS to have a data connection.
And the generic cab is without data settings, so yes it should work in singapore or with any carrier
Sir.B said:
Thank you very very much
enables aGPS on my T8285 in USA
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Your welcome
I applied the Generic Cab of GPS settings to my Touch Pro using an Energy ROM Build 6.5 21864 and Radio I must say this is one of the most useful cabs floating around. The GPS locks in about 5 secs. Its almost as if Big Brother is watching you. Thank you Fone Fanatic your cab was of great help.
patcat007 said:
I applied the Generic Cab of GPS settings to my Touch Pro using an Energy ROM Build 6.5 21864 and Radio I must say this is one of the most useful cabs floating around. The GPS locks in about 5 secs. Its almost as if Big Brother is watching you. Thank you Fone Fanatic your cab was of great help.
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your welcome
and about the big brother comment, thats why this cab does the following
EnableLocInfo 0 Unchecks "Enable AGPS loation information to network services. Operator can get your location information." From the Privacy tab of the AGPS Settings
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so this doesn't let big brother follow, although, if he did want to he really could and we can't do anything about that
glad this helping people out as it did me!
So wait, we can use any of them on any carrier or....
Which one do i use for tmobile>?
I installed the generic one on my TP which is on T-Mobile UK.
It did not seem to get a quick lock when I had the data connection disabled.
I enabled the data connection and it seemed to get a quick lock.
So I take it that the generic one will not fire up your data connection itself, but if you get an operator specific one it can?
If so, could I have a version for T-Mobile UK please? I am not sure what the password is, these are the settings I can find on my phone:
User: T-mobile
Pass: ??? (Starred out)
Is there not maybe some way of taking this info from the phone or automating this process so you dont have to make unique versions of this app?
And what about QuickGPS, does this make it redundant?
What about touch pro cdma? Should this work for CDMA? I see no APN key in registry. How could I make it work?

