i can't find the cab of Network Plugin 1_0_29714_1
does anyone have it for me???
attached bro
this one support the most networks, have a nice day
its right said:
attached bro
this one support the most networks, have a nice day
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I have searched without success, so please dont flame me, but
What does Network Plugin actually do?
I believe it does an auto setup of the configs for your networks, dependant on the carrier and region that it has the setup info for. Those are settings like GPRS, for MMS. If I'm wrong, someone please post it.
slod said:
I believe it does an auto setup of the configs for your networks, dependant on the carrier and region that it has the setup info for. Those are settings like GPRS, for MMS. If I'm wrong, someone please post it.
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No, that one is the Network Wizard. The Network Plugin should show your LAN shares (or smb mounts) in File Explorer.
risidoro said:
No, that one is the Network Wizard. The Network Plugin should show your LAN shares (or smb mounts) in File Explorer.
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Yes, i realised this when i installed the cab...
so my question still stands can i have the cab, please?
sorry for the mistake bro
i don't have the time for testing because i did it very fast, but it should be work (restart needed)
i have to leave and see your results tonight
risidoro said:
The Network Plugin should show your LAN shares (or smb mounts) in File Explorer.
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Thanks for replying.
I already have this functionality with Total Commander , I was hoping that Network Plugin would allow me to share a folder on my Wizard which would then be accessible over my LAN.
its right said:
sorry for the mistake bro
i don't have the time for testing because i did it very fast, but it should be work (restart needed)
i have to leave and see your results tonight
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Sorry for the late answer.....
just installed and works perfect!!!!
reguardless of what WM6 rom i flash to i cant use IE
I get that error 502 bull, if i use a wm5 rom i can fix the error 502 by going into the connections and changing the IP/port etc but the WM6 roms dont seam to have the "Edit my proxy server" to put in the IP and the port etc.
peeonu25 said:
reguardless of what WM6 rom i flash to i cant use IE
I get that error 502 bull, if i use a wm5 rom i can fix the error 502 by going into the connections and changing the IP/port etc but the WM6 roms dont seam to have the "Edit my proxy server" to put in the IP and the port etc.
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A little info please... phone...carrier...
badbert said:
A little info please... phone...carrier...
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t-mo MDA G3
ive read a couple things about t-mo having issues with their internet access. but its just 1 option thats disapearing.
Do you have this problem when you use the carrier ROM?
start>settings>connections>connections>set up my proxy server>check the box that says "This network uses a proxy....etc" when the advanced button lights up click it. Click on the type of proxy you need to setup......
badbert said:
start>settings>connections>connections>set up my proxy server>check the box that says "This network uses a proxy....etc" when the advanced button lights up click it. Click on the type of proxy you need to setup......
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see thats the problem. in WM5 the option to edit my proxy server is there, but in WM6 the option is gone. i have;
"add a new modem connection"
"manage existing connections"
i have an option to edit the proxy in which my work network runs off of, but that doesnt help me.
the option isnt there when u use My ISP and change the name.. you need to create a new one and then input all of your settings. it will then have the option for the proxy
nstefanelli said:
the option isnt there when u use My ISP and change the name.. you need to create a new one and then input all of your settings. it will then have the option for the proxy
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well that hasnt effected it... but i just set it up so that the thing that automaticly connect to GRPS do it though my work network... "my isp" is now useless humm... ty for the help and suggestions people.
the option wasn't there when you created a new one?
nstefanelli said:
the option wasn't there when you created a new one?
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no it was not. also you have a link to a decent AIM?
When you flash a custom vanilla ROM, you won't have any GPRS settings for your carrier. If you look around, you'll find instructions on how to set up your T-Mobile stuff. Try the Crossbow Reloaded thread, as I remember seeing a link to the instructions there.
kegobeer said:
When you flash a custom vanilla ROM, you won't have any GPRS settings for your carrier. If you look around, you'll find instructions on how to set up your T-Mobile stuff. Try the Crossbow Reloaded thread, as I remember seeing a link to the instructions there.
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that wasnt the problem... it wasnt possible for me to put in the proxy for my ISP.
peeonu25 said:
no it was not. also you have a link to a decent AIM?
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lol i dont have a link.. i can give u the cab for the actual AIM, the only problem is that it doesnt connect by itself.. so u just have to open IE or somethign first... i'll also attach verichat.. they are both good programs.. i tend to use verichat more..
oh and if you have cingular, this is the cab for the OzIM program
sorry.. DUH.. u have T-Mobile.. here is the cab for the OzIM for T-Mobile
peeonu25 said:
that wasnt the problem... it wasnt possible for me to put in the proxy for my ISP.
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Actually, that is the problem. Like I said, vanilla ROMs don't have carrier settings. You have to either install a CAB that contains the necessary registry settings or you need to tweak them yourself. The thread I recommended contains a link to the necessary T-Mobile settings. Lucky for you, nstefanelli was kind enough to provide the CAB, but since I have Cingular I have no idea if they configure your phone for GPRS. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually.
kegobeer said:
Actually, that is the problem. Like I said, vanilla ROMs don't have carrier settings. You have to either install a CAB that contains the necessary registry settings or you need to tweak them yourself. The thread I recommended contains a link to the necessary T-Mobile settings. Lucky for you, nstefanelli was kind enough to provide the CAB, but since I have Cingular I have no idea if they configure your phone for GPRS. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually.
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ok, for some reason youre not understanding the situation, i know the settings i needed to put in, again that wasnt the problem.
Start>Settings>Connections>Connections>Add a new modem connection>Enter a name>Cellular Line (GPRS)>Next>wap.voicestream.com in the Access point name field>Next>Finish.
this is where my problem was. there should be a "Edit my proxy server" in the menu, but for some reason its not there. it has nothing to do with my carrier or anything like that. what Nset' told me to do didnt fix my problem.
nstefanelli said:
sorry.. DUH.. u have T-Mobile.. here is the cab for the OzIM for T-Mobile
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oh and ty for that attached file.
lol no prob
peeonu25 said:
ok, for some reason youre not understanding the situation, i know the settings i needed to put in, again that wasnt the problem.
Start>Settings>Connections>Connections>Add a new modem connection>Enter a name>Cellular Line (GPRS)>Next>wap.voicestream.com in the Access point name field>Next>Finish.
this is where my problem was. there should be a "Edit my proxy server" in the menu, but for some reason its not there. it has nothing to do with my carrier or anything like that. what Nset' told me to do didnt fix my problem.
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I understand it has nothing to do with your carrier. This is my point: if your phone works when you use the default ROM, then the problem lies with WM6. You are missing key settings that prevent WM6 from connecting via GPRS to any network. I've installed WM6 quite a few times on my 8125, and each time I was unable to connect to anything until I installed a CAB provided in the Crossbow Reloaded thread. After that, I was able to enter the necessary proxy.
Now, if you've already visited the reloaded thread and tried the T-Mobile stuff that's provided there, then I apologize. However, I get the distinct feeling you haven't done that yet. If you just can't get WM6 working, then revert to the default 2.26 T-Mobile ROM.
Are there any software that allows me to share WIFI internet? I'm having trouble with my pc WIFI... I'm currently using "internet sharing", but it only allows me to share WAP....
First thing u should do is a google search. I know you haven't done so because its all over the forum. clue:chainefire.
hankster said:
First thing u should do is a google search. I know you haven't done so because its all over the forum. clue:chainefire.
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I just read the cleanfire thread, but isnt it same as internet sharing except it allows to share dial-up connection via WIFI? different from what I want to do... I want to share my WIFI internet connection via USB.
tak.japan said:
I just read the cleanfire thread, but isnt it same as internet sharing except it allows to share dial-up connection view WIFI? different from what I want to do... I want to share my WIFI via USB.
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So you're looking to make your Kaiser into a WIFI adapter? Wh?
BulldogXTRM said:
So you're looking to make your Kaiser into a WIFI adapter? Wh?
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sort of... to give a back ground info, my university uses somesort of software to check if my pc is updated, but because I'm using work pc, the software gives me an error message.... Pocket PC can bypass the software check, so, I'm wondering if there is a cab that allows me to go on internet through ppc so that I don't get the stupid update check.
tak.japan said:
Are there any software that allows me to share WIFI internet? I'm having trouble with my pc WIFI... I'm currently using "internet sharing", but it only allows me to share WAP....
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I think you should share the connection of Internet to the Wifi network interface on your PC, not on your PDA.
Isn't this what you are after???
1-install the attached cab.
2-change HKCU\Software\Melodis\Midomi\midomiGU IDType from 3 to 1
3-soft reset
It works like a charm on my Topaz.
NB: don't click on menu of the application, it closes it!
Cab available here: http://www.mediafire.com/?hqjnydoy23m
Cool, it works very well!
Thank you very much for this gem, I was looking for something like this since musicid is not working on wvga, works like a charm, have you tryed to find a song by singing? I can just say WOW
Thanks, works very well
Here's the needed registry change as a CAB file, for those not wanting to mess with the registry. Apply after installing Midomi.
This works great, for those of us that aren't tone deaf...
It does what it has to, And even music none ever heard about, it finds
I listed this on the rollupthread
shamus said:
Thank you very much for this gem, I was looking for something like this since musicid is not working on wvga, works like a charm, have you tryed to find a song by singing? I can just say WOW
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MusicID DOES work, there is a version that supports VGA (and WVGA). If you search the forum, there is a post somewhere with the relevant link.
I would be curious how does Midomi compare with MusicID in terms of successful finds. Does anyone know?
TinTin said:
Here's the needed registry change as a CAB file, for those not wanting to mess with the registry. Apply after installing Midomi.
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Thank you thank you.. Guys like me cant get registry editing down so this is great. Keep up all the great work guys.
Install anywhere, No need for registry edition
TinTin said:
Here's the needed registry change as a CAB file, for those not wanting to mess with the registry. Apply after installing Midomi.
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Try my version on my signature.
No need to modify the registry.
You can install on Device/Storage Card/Internal Storage/RAMdisk as your choice.
shiranmotha said:
Try my version on my signature.
No need to modify the registry.
You can install on Device/Storage Card/Internal Storage/RAMdisk as your choice.
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Can You make an oem version?
Vernox701 said:
Can You make an oem version?
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I'll do in a short time after my final MBBS exam.
I fixed the data connection setting in the original installation package, you can get it here. No need to mess with registry or patches after install.
moonman said:
I fixed the data connection setting in the original installation package, you can get it here. No need to mess with registry or patches after install.
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Missed this post, but did have success with my Touch Pro 2 after changing the registry setting mentioned in the OP.
Hey, I installed the .cab manually did the reg edit. However, it wont identify the song, it gives me a network error.
It works when using wifi
Any suggestions
(p.s. that link in the post above about data connection does not load)
Man. said:
Hey, I installed the .cab manually did the reg edit. However, it wont identify the song, it gives me a network error.
It works when using wifi
Any suggestions
(p.s. that link in the post above about data connection does not load)
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Same here. It works fine with wifi but not with 3g.
If you follow the instructions, change the key, it'll work on 3G. It does for me.
mrmckeb said:
If you follow the instructions, change the key, it'll work on 3G. It does for me.
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I have changed the key, but it doesn't work. It tries to connect, but when connection is established it disconnects and the 'searching' screen shows up.
After that nothing happens..
Did not work for me on 3g, worked on wi-fi. However this one works on both
thepeoplesclub said:
Did not work for me on 3g, worked on wi-fi. However this one works on both
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Is the programa suppose to estabish a 3G connenction by itself?
When I use it it tries to establish a connection but it stops after 2-3 seconds and it doesn't establish a connenction, meaning that no song can be found obviously.
If I establish a 3G connenction manually and then start up the program it does find the songs.
Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a fix for this? As in, that the programs itself establishes the data connention automatically?
Curious about your answers......
Just got the message also on my phone too, so I guess they don't support Australia either
Not sure if this affects Android phones... I hope not!
Don't worry.
We can use the Skyfire by proxy server.
In our country.Skyfire for WM was blocked has long time......
Because this browser can visit youtube,facebook and many overseas websites...
Really am feeling quite helpless......
"cannot provide service in your country at this time."is that so?
visit this URL:http://www.dbank.com/download.action?t=40&k=MjY0MjI1ODM=&pcode=LCw5NzczNCw5NzczNA==&rnd=4
download this file,then replace the APPLICATION DATA/SKYFIRE/prefs.
Starting Skyfire...OK!
子非鱼 said:
"cannot provide service in your country at this time."is that so?
visit this URL:http://www.dbank.com/download.action?t=40&k=MjY0MjI1ODM=&pcode=LCw5NzczNCw5NzczNA==&rnd=4
download this file,then replace the APPLICATION DATA/SKYFIRE/prefs.
Starting Skyfire...OK!
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downloaded and copied, still get the same message !!!!
子非鱼 said:
"cannot provide service in your country at this time."is that so?
visit this URL:http://www.dbank.com/download.action?t=40&k=MjY0MjI1ODM=&pcode=LCw5NzczNCw5NzczNA==&rnd=4
download this file,then replace the APPLICATION DATA/SKYFIRE/prefs.
Starting Skyfire...OK!
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may be we need prefs of a country that is subscribed at skyfire service , any help here
Have to give a shout to the Chinese that are working for freedom of information. Brave people!
hoss_n2 said:
may be we need prefs of a country that is subscribed at skyfire service , any help here
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Here's mine if you want to give it a shot, it's from a US HD2.
sirphunkee said:
Here's mine if you want to give it a shot, it's from a US HD2.
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I just used your prefs but there's the same message of skyfire not working after july 1st. what the hell are we gonna do? one of the main 2 reasons i'm using my wm phone is for the internet and skyfire was the best for me because it plays flash (youtube, some radio stations flash player, flash sites, etc...) i tried Opera 10 and it was a total fiasco! no flash!!! also UZard and it didn't work for me!!! Help!!! what can we use on windows mobile as a browser with descent flash???? any suggestions???
Try to use mach5 browser.
The browser also support to flash10.1......
A working simple solution (at least it worked for me):
Delete "pref" file on APPLICATION DATA/SKYFIRE/prefs.
Then start skyfire using a wifi connection.
It works again, for both 3g+ and wifi connection.
I use a Htc Hd.
no it's not working on wifi deleting prefs
子非鱼 said:
Try to use mach5 browser.
The browser also support to flash10.1......
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A working simple solution (at least it worked for me):
Delete "pref" file on APPLICATION DATA/SKYFIRE/prefs.
Then start skyfire using a wifi connection.
It works again, for both 3g+ and wifi connection.
I use a Htc Hd.
Delete "pref" file on APPLICATION DATA/SKYFIRE/prefs >> HOW YOU DO THAT ? sorry I dont know what to do and I need skyfire in NEWZEALAND please help
can someone please help >(j)<
There are some open issues in android that states the lack of proxy support for Wifi connections.
I know, and the majority of Android users might also know, that there is a way to "hack" the android browser to use proxy. It's done via sqlite.
But I think, as many other users, that this is no solution. The "hack" is only for the bowser, so exclude market, gapps, etc.
Now, someone from google said that:
Comment 8 by [email protected], Jul 07, 2010
There was a bug in how the browser used the http proxy - it was fixed for the Froyo release.
Other applications may still fail though - only the browser even attempts to use the http proxy. In the future we plan to move the proxy-awareness into http stacks, but it's unclear when that work can be done.
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So, as you can see there are no plans whatsoever for implementing proxy support.
What I would like to start here, is some sort of list of kernel/modules/coding requirements, to start a possible development.
To anybody out there that has some know-how on this subject, please speak!
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Just adding my support to this. It's a much needed feature!
Can you teach me how to use the sqlite with android for browsing via proxy... I just want to browse atleast in my university!! Help me out!!
Hello again,
I was thinking the most quick way would be to have a local proxy client (where we would configure our proxy server settings) and redirect/forward all traffic with iptables rules to that local port.
Sort of a transparent proxy.
We have some netfilter modules included in the custom kernels that comes in most custom roms.
No, what proxy client could we use? Is there a busybox proxy client we could use?
sweetheater said:
Can you teach me how to use the sqlite with android for browsing via proxy... I just want to browse atleast in my university!! Help me out!!
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First link in Google :S
I checked it... Is that working ??
sweetheater said:
I checked it... Is that working ??
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Yes it works. I tested with a proxy without authentication and I could access to external websites.
Thanks mate...I have a HTC desire phone...How do I start doing it...I dont have any prior coding knowledge with android or squilt.. please help...!! My University has a proxy setting... I am desperate!! My phone is useless without it
sweetheater said:
Thanks mate...I have a HTC desire phone...How do I start doing it...I dont have any prior coding knowledge with android or squilt.. please help...!! My University has a proxy setting... I am desperate!! My phone is useless without it
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Have you tried opera mini? That appears to get through most proxys with no configuration using "socket" method and seems to be a good solution if you just want to be able to browse the web.
mistahd33 said:
Have you tried opera mini? That appears to get through most proxys with no configuration using "socket" method and seems to be a good solution if you just want to be able to browse the web.
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Hi...I have Opera mini...Could you teach me how to do that...What setting should I have to specify..Help me out!!
sweetheater said:
Hi...I have Opera mini...Could you teach me how to do that...What setting should I have to specify..Help me out!!
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Opera Mini -> Settings -> Advanced -> Protocol -> set to Socket. That works for most people.
mistahd33 said:
Opera Mini -> Settings -> Advanced -> Protocol -> set to Socket. That works for most people.
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I tried its not working for me...Is there any other way
sweetheater said:
I tried its not working for me...Is there any other way
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Only way that I know of is to set up a transpararent proxy on a computer.
Sorry for my absence.
I've been investigating a little bit and found a great piece of software called Tor - http://www.torproject.org/docs/android.html.en.
It's a privacy and security tool for browsing the Internet. It's also a local transparent proxy!
I have tried this tool at work (we have a proxy to get out to the Internet) and I managed to get Google Email syncs and Google Talk even without configuring anything even close to a proxy!!!
So, great news! I'll do some more research, hope you all can help.
Best regards,
Hi again,
Yesterday I went to the tor irc channel and talked we some nice folks there
Their recommendation was to look for a solution with iptables (what I said in the beginning).
I searched a bit more and found this: http://proxychains.sourceforge.net/.
It seems to be possible to chain the entire "system" and not just an application.
Will try to build this using Android NDK. Don't know if it will work...
Any recommendations?
Best regards,
Thanks a lot buddy...Keep us posted about the updates...I am also trying this orbot... will post the updates!!
And sorry for asking more questions... phone needs to be rooted for using orbot??
See the "Platform specific notes": http://www.torproject.org/docs/android.html.en
Thanks...Will give it a try..and post tomorrow!!