I used to hear ring inside bluetooth handset and not hearing it anymore. I use NBD WM6 (not sure if it matters or not). I do hear "disconnect" beep though after incoming call went through.
How can I troubleshoot this?
Try not to use NBD rom.
My i.Tech Clip S doesn't work with it (No sound at all)
hi there...
does anyone know how to make voip work with the correct (internal) speaker?
I installed the voip package as described in the wiki and works except for the problem that the sound comes from the speaker on the back of the phone...
did anyone get this to work with the vox phone?
i'm wondering if it's possible. i did manage though to get the volume lowered on Custel's Voip cab to the point where it doesn't "really" produce the echo. I'm thinking that's probably as good as it gets. Flip the phone around and use the 'volume lowered' speakerphone as the earpiece.
Seems to be an hardware issue.
When I use a bluetooth headset everything works fine.
I think that it works fine, because if you have connected your headset, everything comes to that headset, sound from earpiece and from speaker too.
When I use my headphones, sound goes out from the speaker AND headphones, at the same time. Boring, but what can we do...
didn't really see a thread....mod's if this needs to be moved, please do so.
I've noticed a quark in the way the Bt audio gateway works on my fuze.
Does NOT matter which headset I use, but, 99% of the time, if someone
calls me, I hear the phone ring, activate the BT, they can hear me, but I
cannot hear them. If I shut the headset off, turn it back on and let it
connect, I can hear them & they can hear me. This ONLY happens on incoming
phone calls. On outgoing, everything works.
When connected, if you look at the BT icon, it shows the BT icon, with what
looks like a STEREO headset. If you click on it, it says connected to a STEREO
headset, which my JB2 or any other BT is not.
Is it possible that the fuse is using the mic, but the sound is being directed to
a non existent "stereo" headset, which would be the other ear?
Happy Thanksgiving! Everyone have a nice Triptophan (sp) nap?
Do you have MSVC set to announce incoming calls? If you do and you answer via the headset, you can't hear the caller. Disable announce incoming and it'll work just fine.
It's a known bug and we need to complain about it (and the rest, like the left/right dpad) to AT&T and HTC.
MSVC set to handle BT, announce incoming.
When I hit the button on the headset, the incoming ring/announcement stops,
the phone says it is connected, and the caller can hear me, but I cannot hear them.
I was wondering if anyone using a NON stereo BT headset, when you are connected, it says if you click on the BT icon, "stereo headset".
Just in case you missed it - you can't have MSVC announce incoming calls OR IT WILL MUTE THE CALLER.
Turn the announce off and it'll be fine until MS/HTC/ATT fix their stinking problem...
oh and don't forget to complain...
Oh, I have complained....never had that problem with the tilt.
I guess I'll go back to just having unique ringtones for everyone, so I can tell
who's calling...until MS fixing the #%@#^ problem. Thanks for the
clarification. This was driving me nuts! They could hear me, but I couldn't
hear anyone.
pkley said:
Just in case you missed it - you can't have MSVC announce incoming calls OR IT WILL MUTE THE CALLER.
Turn the announce off and it'll be fine until MS/HTC/ATT fix their stinking problem...
oh and don't forget to complain...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I noticed recently that I can make a phone call out using my BT headset and MSVC and when it connects, the BT drops the call and my phone becomes the reciever. Annoying when I'm waiting for the call to connect, and the person is already there on the line going "hello?hello?"
I also noticed that when I get a call, sometimes the same thing happens. My phone rings, when I press my headset to answer sometimes, it goes straight to phone.
Sounds like the BT is loosing connection...
Same here. I hear nothing on BT and I bring the phone up to my ear and the person is going "Hello?" "Hellloooo???" It is kind of annoying. I am using a Jabra BT8010 headset.
Hello everybody,
I have a htc x7510 with windows mobile 6.1 on it. I also have the jabra bt3030 bluetooth stereo headset for a while which allows me to listen to music and to call with the headset.
The problem is, when somebody calls my the ringtone will come from my phone AND headset which is perfect. But when i receive a sms it doesnt notify my on my phone, i think its making that sms sound in the headset but im not sure about this.
Anybody knows how i can make the sms notify sound also come from the phone?
As far as i know (and i could be wrong) you cant if your phone is connected to ur headset as a handsfree but you should have the sms notification sound coming through your headset if you have set a sound for sms.
I don't know what I changed, but I can't figure this one out.
Typically, when I have my plantronics headset connected, when the phone rings,
I hear my default ringtone (unless it is someone I have a specific ringtone attached)
When my bluetooth is OFF, the ringer is correct.
When I turn on and connect my plantronics voyager 5200, I get a very obnoxious LOUD
generic ringtone coming from somewhere.
I've uninstalled anything I can think of, that might have messed it up (Truecaller, plantronics
app, Contacts +). I don't know what I changed, but I'd like to get it back how I had it.
Any ideas??
Figured it out finally.
Phone dialer, settings, turn off VOICE BROADCAST OF INCOMING CALLS. Only when headset is connected.
Mods, feel free to kill this thread.