I have built lots of ROMs and every so often the Camera doesn't work. I have seen various OEM packages for the Camera application and I thought the 'Camera=3_00_25498_AKU20' was the final, fixed version. I have used this on a couple of ROM's previously and it worked fine. I have just built another ROM with the same OEM Package and bang 'Camera' is not a valid Pocket PC application', grrrr I have tried this several times now with different Camera OEM packages (usually having to remove duplicate files from other packages).
Apart from that the ROM I have built has everything else working fine - HTC Audio Manager, HTC Recorder, Streaming Media etc. All of these use some of the components needed for the camera. Can anyone point me in the right direction before the Wizard gets a trip through the window....
check the initflashfiles.txt of the camera
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-File("Camera.lnk","\Windows\HTC_Camera.lnk")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("happybirthday.gif","\Windows\happybirthday.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Holiday-scene.gif","\Windows\Holiday-scene.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("love.gif","\Windows\Holiday-scene.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Mirror-effect.gif","\Windows\
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Monkey.gif","\Windows\Monkey.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Painting.gif","\Windows\Painting.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("smile.gif","\Windows\smile.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("softener effect.gif","\Windows\softener effect.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("stage.gif","\Windows\stage.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("TV-scene.gif","\Windows\TV-scene.gif")
its right said:
check the initflashfiles.txt of the camera
Directory("\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"):-File("Camera.lnk","\Windows\HTC_Camera.lnk")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("happybirthday.gif","\Windows\happybirthday.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Holiday-scene.gif","\Windows\Holiday-scene.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("love.gif","\Windows\Holiday-scene.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Mirror-effect.gif","\Windows\
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Monkey.gif","\Windows\Monkey.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("Painting.gif","\Windows\Painting.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("smile.gif","\Windows\smile.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("softener effect.gif","\Windows\softener effect.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("stage.gif","\Windows\stage.gif")
Directory("\My Documents\Templates"):-File("TV-scene.gif","\Windows\TV-scene.gif")
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Yes, that's all there. I think this is either files missing or incorrect versions of some files, however I don't know what....
Check the package that I posted on the second page of this thread:
The files in the application folder are the only ones necessary for the camera to work. The rest of the files in the 'video filters' folder are only required for windows media player to play back videos recorded in the camera.
Note I have only tried this in 1413. Nobody has really ever told me if my package works for them.
jruser said:
Check the package that I posted on the second page of this thread:
The files in the application folder are the only ones necessary for the camera to work. The rest of the files in the 'video filters' folder are only required for windows media player to play back videos recorded in the camera.
Note I have only tried this in 1413. Nobody has really ever told me if my package works for them.
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Downloaded the package, rebuilt the ROM and hit the camera button or try to start it from the icon and:
'Camera' is not a valid Pocket PC application
This is getting really frustrating........
fixed it.....
I managed to fix the problem but I am not too sure how....
I re-dumped the original ROM (Whiterat's latest released WRX) and went through the same process of moving files about, deleting some packaged, editing the initflashfiles.dat and creating the individual initflashfiles.txt for the various packaged before adding my own stuff. I have no idea why but now when I cook a ROM the camera works.... I can only assume there was either some corruption somewhere or some files were missing (accidentally deleted?).
Anyway, panic over......
Is there any way to make the htc camera album the default viewer???
try going into the registry and navigating to
and changing the entry "default_viewer" from 0 to 1. I haven't tested it out myself, but seems like a logical choice, lol.
tried that before. it doesn't work. I also even tried changing the :MSPIMG registry entry from pimg.exe to htcalbum.exe. that doesnt work either. THe only way so far has been to use Resco Explorer to overwrite the pimg.exe file in the \windows directory. But since you can't back that up easily or rename it, you would essentially have to "lose" your original pimg.exe. i'm not willing to try that yet. so i can't confirm it even works. but someone in the Kaiser forum said they did it and it worked.
Have you tried Schaps Advanced Config Tool ?
On the tab "file associations" set the program to open jpg files to the HTC camera album program.
Worked for me ;-)
This doesn't make it the default viewer within the camera app however. It seems that pimg.exe is hardcoded in the camera software.
Also, I believe that unless the images are in the image directory that the camera is set to save in, having the .jpg associated with HTCAlbum.exe will not open the images located elswhere. At least that is what I have found.
how do i gt the latest camera album for my touch p3452
moved to Q&A
Does anyone have an OEM version of the camera app found here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=356621&highlight=Camera+5 ? I tried to make one with the ROM kitchen, but I keep getting errors.
Ok have a try of the OEM package I made on this.. let me know how you get on?
I get the same error. "The file 'Camera' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file." I am not sure if it is some problem with an OEM install, or if it has to do with what I pulled out while I was cooking my ROM, but I would love to hear how its working for you guys.
Edit, I just tried to just install the cab on my phone, and it still doesn't work. Considering that it worked under XDA-Live, this leads me to believe that I must have pulled out something critical. Now I guess I have to track down whatever that is.
That error could mean:
1. The camera.exe file doesn't exist
2. The shorcut to Camera is incorrect.
3. For the CAB installation, the file failed to replace the original file in ROM due to lack of authority. You need to install the SDKCert.CAB to solve this issue.
4. The camera.exe file is hacked and need to be digitally re-signed.
if you reinstall cab camera work? Which album have you installed?
Here is my Camera OEM package you can try it... For me work normal...
Interestingly enough, it still isn't working. I am gonna try and diagnose it a bit myself, but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.
Shadow7789 said:
Interestingly enough, it still isn't working. I am gonna try and diagnose it a bit myself, but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.
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So then must be problem somewhere else...
Yeah. I am fairly sure that it requires some file that is in OEMAPPS, but I have no idea what. My goal with my ROM was to strip the entire OEMAPPS folder out of the OEM folder and just readd the programs back when I cooked my ROM, but aparantly that is not working. Does anyone know either what file from that folder (or maybe even one of the other OEM folders) is being referenced by the Camera package? Also, does anyone know a good program to sort through the OEM folder and pull out all the apps that are contined in it into individual folders (or any way to sort through the built in apps for that matter)?
you find what you do wrong?
Some info about HTC Camera:
Almost all HTC app's depend from each other
And HTC Camera is not and exception
Here is some HTC app's depend list:
(-- means that upper app depend on what is after --)
HTC Camera:
HTC FullScreenPlayer
--HTC Album
HTC Album
--HTC Camera
HTC VoiceRecorder
So, check up if you installed all needed depend's
Where is more information like this?
I mean about all packages, not just the camera
Nusferatu said:
Some info about HTC Camera:
Almost all HTC app's depend from each other
And HTC Camera is not and exception
Here is some HTC app's depend list:
(-- means that upper app depend on what is after --)
HTC Camera:
HTC FullScreenPlayer
--HTC Album
HTC Album
--HTC Camera
HTC VoiceRecorder
So, check up if you installed all needed depend's
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i get
i get the same error,but i deleted all the AOEApps folder,and i tryed to copy back the camera files,but i get the same error...then i tryed to install a EXT package with the camera but i get the same error.One more thing i'ved noticed,that the icon,the shortcut of the camera doesnt change with the new one...of the updated camera.exe
but the problem is :1) Dependency 2) Some missing .DLL's
Here is my camera ext pkg...with all the .dll's
I have a folder on my SD card that I don't want images to appear from. Is there a means to exclude certain directories?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA Premium App
Put an empty file called .nomedia in the directory.
This one works well for me - makes the process easier:
What kind of images don't you want to show up in your gallery?
The .nomedia method should work for you, if not you can always rename the folder with a "." at the beginning to make it hidden
Folder name examples:
.pr0n / .dontlookhere / .ignore
kyouko said:
What kind of images don't you want to show up in your gallery?
The .nomedia method should work for you, if not you can always rename the folder with a "." at the beginning to make it hidden
Folder name examples:
.pr0n / .dontlookhere / .ignore
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.nomedia works for me, as far as keeping stuff out of the gallery. Being all grown up in my computer usage, I choose to not let my computing devices hide stuff from me, so that .folder thingy doesn't work for me (and pictures in those .folders without a .nomedia file still seem to make their way into my gallery).
I do have a .stuff folder for my .porn though... Keeps it up near the top of the list...
how about the hideitpro app from the market? it's actually pretty cool. opens up as an audio manager, then you put in a password and there you have all the hidden files you want. not just pics...just an fyi
Install the app Just Pictures and ignore the folders you don't want to see.
The .nomedia "solution" prevents the album art to display in the media players.
I use the app QuickPic from the Market, and in the app you can choose which folders you want include and exclude. Pretty useful. You don't have the pretty 3-D effects from the default Gallery app but it's so much faster.
You can do the same thing with Fishbowl Gallery. You can set default albums, as well as hide albums. However, this still doesn't prevent someone from stumbling upon the default gallery app. The best solutions are either .nomedia, or do not have media on your phone that you do not want prying eyes to see. Alternatively, while cumbersome, you can use androzip or unrar pro to zip the material in question. Of course, by zipping your files, you can add the additional layer of security by encrypting it, if you're the paranoid sort.
Sent via Tapatalk on CM7.0.0-Vision Stable.
I remember this method. Any one know if the older file deletion ever got fixed with 2.2.1 or later?
If you don't know what I'm talking about here's a quick rundown.
You put the .nomedia file in a folder with pictures, upon reboot all those pictures are deleted. This had something to do with them already being scanned once and them being older than the .nomedia file so instead of ignoring them it deletes them. Something along those lines (anyone have the link to the original bug report from back in '08 or '09?).
Anyway, if it hasn't been fixed you've been warned, you stand a good chance of losing all media in those folders. So backup those files - but you knew that already
The easiest remedy to this is to remove the files, rename the folder to .whatever or insert the .nomedia file. Reboot. Then throw the files back onto the sdcard. That should eliminate any issues.
I've used the .nomedia solution awhile back to get icons, cover art, etc out of my gallery and it worked just fine... nothing was deleted (Droid X).
IIRC, I did have to clear the gallery app's cache to get it to "forget" about media that it had already found; on first lauch after clearing it's cache, expect it to be slow as it re-scans your device / sd card (..rebooting didn't work to clear the cach on my device... had to clear it via settings > application > manage apps..)
.nomedia file solution works
KCRic said:
I remember this method. Any one know if the older file deletion ever got fixed with 2.2.1 or later?
If you don't know what I'm talking about here's a quick rundown.
You put the .nomedia file in a folder with pictures, upon reboot all those pictures are deleted. This had something to do with them already being scanned once and them being older than the .nomedia file so instead of ignoring them it deletes them. Something along those lines (anyone have the link to the original bug report from back in '08 or '09?).
Anyway, if it hasn't been fixed you've been warned, you stand a good chance of losing all media in those folders. So backup those files - but you knew that already
The easiest remedy to this is to remove the files, rename the folder to .whatever or insert the file. Reboot. Then throw the files back onto the sdcard. That should eliminate any issues.
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The .nomedia file solution works fine for me on Android 2.3.3.
The issue you mentioned is therefore fixed (nothing file was deleted unexpectedly).
Reboot was also necessary so that the native photo gallery app does not display the icons/pics any longer for the folders where I added the .nomedia file.
Furthermore, this works also for the music files.
(I use also TapeMachine app, and wanted to avoid that the sounds I recorded are listed in the Music Player).
If I place a .nomedia file in a directory, does that exclude all of its subdirectories from the gallery, as well?
Yes, it does. I just placed a .nomedia file in my /Music folder on my extsdcard and all the pictures in my albums are gone after a reboot.
UPDATE: I just tied this on my tablet (running 4.4.2) and it did not need a reboot. Gallery adjusted automatically. It was a folder on the extsdcard - and since 4.4.x restricts access to the sdcard, it stands to reason it saw the file placed and adjust the library automatically.
NiveusLuna said:
If I place a .nomedia file in a directory, does that exclude all of its subdirectories from the gallery, as well?
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I used to be able to do it on 2.2, 2.1, etc. Just create a directory with a dot in front of it ".temps", and use astro to find the files, but maybe something is different with honeycomb? I'm doing the same thing, but gallery still sees all of my files. Thanks.
*Can't figure out how to delete this post, but go ahead and delete it, my mistake.*
maybe just use a specific micro-sd card for your porn.
toddmp said:
maybe just use a specific micro-sd card for your porn.
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lol - that's what we were all thinking!
lockheedload said:
I used to be able to do it on 2.2, 2.1, etc. Just create a directory with a dot in front of it ".temps", and use astro to find the files, but maybe something is different with honeycomb? I'm doing the same thing, but gallery still sees all of my files. Thanks.
*Can't figure out how to delete this post, but go ahead and delete it, my mistake.*
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.nomedia file in the directrory
toddmp said:
maybe just use a specific micro-sd card for your porn.
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Clear cache and reboot -
Ya yesterday I googled this and found some said make a file called .nomedia in the folder and others said to put a . in the folder name so I did both and it didn't work, but then I reboot the TF and then it worked so not sure which one actually did it or if both did.
.nomedia does work. The thing is the media scan only run when you rebooted. I think DevTools or SpareParts (don't have my TF with me right now) has an option to force a media scan so youdon't need to reboot.
I have a similar question, but it might be different case though.
Anyway, I have a lot music folder containing mp3 songs and in each folder there is a file called folder.jpg. I created those folder.jpg files manually to assign each music folder a cover picture. They are all shown up properly in the Music player.
(I had this for long time already for my Windows phone, Android phone, Windows PCs).
The problem I have is that, those folder.jpg files are also shown in the Gallery (for Pictures) and I do not know how to exclude/hide those folder.jpg files from the Gallery.
Any clue will be appreciated.
Spawned a good idea. Given .nomedia is supported, the android devs should expand the idea to help you solve your problem. Something like .nophotos in any music folder you don't want photos to be noticed in, and .nomusic, .novideos, .nodocuments, etc..?
When you say reboot, do you mean power off/on? I use Quickpic to browse photos since it doesn't include album art, but I like the default pic viewer and would like it exclude album art as well. I added the *.nomedia to my /music directory and it still shows album art.
Try changing the name of file from folder.jpg to albumart.jpg. It worked on Android 2.x
I have a folder called .face it has thousands of files residing. I opened a few of them in the text editor and did see a jpg header. I copied and renamed them to *.jpg. they seem to be resized thumbnails of some sort. Can anyone tell what is generating these files, and is there a way to stop future creation? Is it safe to delete them?
Thanks and regards,
Sounds like caching for an image gallery type app...
blud7 said:
Sounds like caching for an image gallery type app...
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Indeed. Searching for a setting option in Gallery and quickpic still no luck at this time.... thanks.
GalaxyBill said:
I have a folder called .face it has thousands of files residing. I opened a few of them in the text editor and did see a jpg header. I copied and renamed them to *.jpg. they seem to be resized thumbnails of some sort. Can anyone tell what is generating these files, and is there a way to stop future creation? Is it safe to delete them?
Thanks and regards,
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How long have you had your GNote 19.1? I have had mine for about 2 months and I only have 2 files in the .face folder.
.face folder
I've 110 files in the .face folder, almost all dated at the first days I had the GNote.
Couldn't it be something related to the "Smart Stay" function?.
Maybe they are sort of pics taken from the front camera to help the GNote identify your face and your eyes. Someone has not activated this function and so, for him, there aren't much files in the folder.
Just a supposition...
donec said:
How long have you had your GNote 19.1? I have had mine for about 2 months and I only have 2 files in the .face folder.
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About 6weeks for me...
sphere314 said:
I've 110 files in the .face folder, almost all dated at the first days I had the GNote.
Couldn't it be something related to the "Smart Stay" function?.
Maybe they are sort of pics taken from the front camera to help the GNote identify your face and your eyes. Someone has not activated this function and so, for him, there aren't much files in the folder.
Just a supposition...
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I was going there as well. Until i found many of the pic's are from my customer folder (on my exrSD) that were not taken from the GN camera.
GalaxyBill said:
I was going there as well. Until i found many of the pic's are from my customer folder (on my exrSD) that were not taken from the GN camera.
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I've examined my files.
They are thumbnails of (mainly) some of the photos I took with my camera. From these photos it seems that only the face has been thumbnailed.
Anyway there are also faces coming from the few pics I downloaded from Internet.
I wonder what's the use for all these thumbnails...
Now I'm very curious...
The files are from the facial recognition feature the camera has, you can turn this off in your camera settings if you choose .
Granna said:
The files are from the facial recognition feature the camera has, you can turn this off in your camera settings if you choose .
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Why then there are faces from pics not taken with the camera (i.e. saved from internet)?
It recognises any face in the gallery even downloaded images... you can then tag them from your contacts
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
extrememonkey said:
It recognises any face in the gallery even downloaded images... you can then tag them from your contacts
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
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Thank you. That makes sense...
Can i delete them with doing any harm?
This .face folder is driving me crazy.
The system settings for face unlock are all off, the Face Unlock apk is disable but the .face folder keeps being created, also it keeps growing with new files. I don't know what else to do.
What is the apk that creates the folder and also creates new files in it? Hopefully i will be able to disable if i ever figure this out.
I hope anyone here can point me into the right direction, cause I can't, and google hasn't help me either.
Same here on Note 2 N7100
Went to Camera settings but no where to turn it off.
Anyway is it safe to remove the folder? I mean maybe next time I wanna re-enable the face tagging again who knows
Ok... I guess I might have found out what causes the .face folder filling up wih files! It's "Gallery" application's "Tag Buddy" feature... as soon as I disabled it, it didn't re-create those thousands of files.
I had deleted them all and periodically checked if they would be recreated after opening any new application. I hadn't opened "Gallery" in a while, but it opened automatically when I reviewed a photo I had just taken... and guess what: as soon as the application started, the files in the .face folder started to reappear! After stubling around the settings and sub-menus and force-closing the app a few times to verify it as the cause for the .face folder choking up with thumbnails, I isolated the cause: "Tag Buddy"... a feature that I don't even know what it does! ...and for me, having a few thousand photos in the phone's tsansflash card (actually I have a Note II phone, but I guess some apps are on both devices... if not on even more Samsung tabs and phones) generated something around 28000 files in the .face folder, choking up the file system and therefore effectively even slowing down file operations!!!
taltosgr said:
Ok... I guess I might have found out what causes the .face folder filling up wih files! It's "Gallery" application's "Tag Buddy" feature... as soon as I disabled it, it didn't re-create those thousands of files.
I had deleted them all and periodically checked if they would be recreated after opening any new application. I hadn't opened "Gallery" in a while, but it opened automatically when I reviewed a photo I had just taken... and guess what: as soon as the application started, the files in the .face folder started to reappear! After stubling around the settings and sub-menus and force-closing the app a few times to verify it as the cause for the .face folder choking up with thumbnails, I isolated the cause: "Tag Buddy"... a feature that I don't even know what it does! ...and for me, having a few thousand photos in the phone's tsansflash card (actually I have a Note II phone, but I guess some apps are on both devices... if not on even more Samsung tabs and phones) generated something around 28000 files in the .face folder, choking up the file system and therefore effectively even slowing down file operations!!!
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Face is part of Android 4.1+ camera app. On a Samsung phone this is how it is turned on and off.http://skp.samsungcsportal.com/integrated/popup/HtgDetailGuide3.jsp?seq=10370&cdsite=in
Its just a cache for the face recognition feature of the Galaxy series on the camera on the gallery. just by opening the gallery and it find a face in a photo it will make the cache.
What i did was DELETE the ".face" folder and then create an empty file named ".face"
Android wont be able to create a folder with the same name and just give up.
thanks for the .face file idea
zemoxuni said:
What i did was DELETE the ".face" folder and then create an empty file named ".face"
Android wont be able to create a folder with the same name and just give up.
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I tried that and just a file didn't work. My wife kept creating folders. I laughed a little at her and explained if she creates a folder there is really no point in deleting it. Then she goes and shows me up and does something brilliant. She opens up the burstly image folder and copies one of the cache files to the root directory deletes the .face and renames the cache file .face and damn it she did it. A .face file not a folder...no more face data for Samsung.
Burn your house down, the feds are on to you. Also, lawyer up, hit the gym, etc...