Does anyone have an OEM version of the camera app found here ? I tried to make one with the ROM kitchen, but I keep getting errors.
Ok have a try of the OEM package I made on this.. let me know how you get on?
I get the same error. "The file 'Camera' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file." I am not sure if it is some problem with an OEM install, or if it has to do with what I pulled out while I was cooking my ROM, but I would love to hear how its working for you guys.
Edit, I just tried to just install the cab on my phone, and it still doesn't work. Considering that it worked under XDA-Live, this leads me to believe that I must have pulled out something critical. Now I guess I have to track down whatever that is.
That error could mean:
1. The camera.exe file doesn't exist
2. The shorcut to Camera is incorrect.
3. For the CAB installation, the file failed to replace the original file in ROM due to lack of authority. You need to install the SDKCert.CAB to solve this issue.
4. The camera.exe file is hacked and need to be digitally re-signed.
if you reinstall cab camera work? Which album have you installed?
Here is my Camera OEM package you can try it... For me work normal...
Interestingly enough, it still isn't working. I am gonna try and diagnose it a bit myself, but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.
Shadow7789 said:
Interestingly enough, it still isn't working. I am gonna try and diagnose it a bit myself, but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer.
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So then must be problem somewhere else...
Yeah. I am fairly sure that it requires some file that is in OEMAPPS, but I have no idea what. My goal with my ROM was to strip the entire OEMAPPS folder out of the OEM folder and just readd the programs back when I cooked my ROM, but aparantly that is not working. Does anyone know either what file from that folder (or maybe even one of the other OEM folders) is being referenced by the Camera package? Also, does anyone know a good program to sort through the OEM folder and pull out all the apps that are contined in it into individual folders (or any way to sort through the built in apps for that matter)?
you find what you do wrong?
Some info about HTC Camera:
Almost all HTC app's depend from each other
And HTC Camera is not and exception
Here is some HTC app's depend list:
(-- means that upper app depend on what is after --)
HTC Camera:
HTC FullScreenPlayer
--HTC Album
HTC Album
--HTC Camera
HTC VoiceRecorder
So, check up if you installed all needed depend's
Where is more information like this?
I mean about all packages, not just the camera
Nusferatu said:
Some info about HTC Camera:
Almost all HTC app's depend from each other
And HTC Camera is not and exception
Here is some HTC app's depend list:
(-- means that upper app depend on what is after --)
HTC Camera:
HTC FullScreenPlayer
--HTC Album
HTC Album
--HTC Camera
HTC VoiceRecorder
So, check up if you installed all needed depend's
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i get
i get the same error,but i deleted all the AOEApps folder,and i tryed to copy back the camera files,but i get the same error...then i tryed to install a EXT package with the camera but i get the same error.One more thing i'ved noticed,that the icon,the shortcut of the camera doesnt change with the new one...of the updated camera.exe
but the problem is :1) Dependency 2) Some missing .DLL's
Here is my camera ext pkg...with all the .dll's
Is there any way to make the htc camera album the default viewer???
try going into the registry and navigating to
and changing the entry "default_viewer" from 0 to 1. I haven't tested it out myself, but seems like a logical choice, lol.
tried that before. it doesn't work. I also even tried changing the :MSPIMG registry entry from pimg.exe to htcalbum.exe. that doesnt work either. THe only way so far has been to use Resco Explorer to overwrite the pimg.exe file in the \windows directory. But since you can't back that up easily or rename it, you would essentially have to "lose" your original pimg.exe. i'm not willing to try that yet. so i can't confirm it even works. but someone in the Kaiser forum said they did it and it worked.
Have you tried Schaps Advanced Config Tool ?
On the tab "file associations" set the program to open jpg files to the HTC camera album program.
Worked for me ;-)
This doesn't make it the default viewer within the camera app however. It seems that pimg.exe is hardcoded in the camera software.
Also, I believe that unless the images are in the image directory that the camera is set to save in, having the .jpg associated with HTCAlbum.exe will not open the images located elswhere. At least that is what I have found.
how do i gt the latest camera album for my touch p3452
moved to Q&A
Can anyone tell me how I can make WMP the standard player on the Cube instead of Audio Manager?
Actually I would rather use Audio Manager but it doesn't work.
Until yesterday, i was running the original 6.0 on my Touch Dual. I could never get audio manager to work - it only found one song - and it couldn't be played because of a broken path/link or whatever. Yesterday I upgraded with the original 6.1 from HTC - and figured that audio manager would then work.
But it's almost the same problem. Audio Manager now finds 2 stadard win 6.1 songs - but none of my own songs. There's just a search icon running in the top right corner. I have tried to let it search for over an hour, but it finds nothing. I thougt that a fresh install with 6.1 would work - but no such luck.
Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
OK... - figured it out. Just changed the value in HKLM/Software/HTC/Biotouch/MediaHubMini to wmplayer.exe instead of AudioManager.exe ... - but I still would like to know, why my audio manager doesn't find anything when searching for songs.
But now I have the problem with Cube / Photos. It points to /Windows/HTCAlbum.exe - I would like to point it at StorageCard/My Pictures - but that doesn't work. Does it have to be an exe-file in order to make it work or what?
If it is the case that it can only point to an exe, which is the case for a lot of registry strings, then check out VJBrisk. It will give you an executable to point the reg string at, and then will just activate the link, which you can copy from the start menu.
Search for vijay555 on google to find his site and the app.
Hey jez
I haven't tested yet - but that looks EXACTLY like the app that can make it work.
Thanx! )
I downloaded Touch Settings. So now I can change the folder without going to registry, but I still need an exe - so VJbrisk should do the trick.
Oh well. It was worth a shot, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
I can create an exe-file, and I can also get it to open my pictures folder via Total Commander, but when I try to open via the cube - I get an error that says something like: The files certificate is not trusted or a component is missing?
Hi folks!
I've just buy an D2 htc and i see a amazing app named hologram (based on the app with wii remotes)
I've tried to install the app but it doesnt work, he say "htcapi.dll impossible to find" or something like that..
I'm really disapointed because i want to show it all around me!!
So somebody have an idea?
the same happens whit my diamond!!
i dont know what to do please if someone can help
When you downloaded it there was a hcapi.dll or something like that in the included.. You need to put it in the /Windows folder.
Then it should work.
But maybe you need some ati 3d drivers to get it smooth..
Or at least this worked for me,
her is the file and the cab
I installed it included Ati 3D drivers and didn't work. Same message like you wrote and file was in windows folder. :-( Thanx for any advice.
what application is this? sounds interesting, mind posting some pictures?
lazylilsnoop said:
what application is this? sounds interesting, mind posting some pictures?
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Have look here:
So finaly it works with cabs from here
prdic said:
So finaly it works with cabs from here
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I can confirm working, thanks! At last, a use for the ati 3d driver I installed some time ago (which I was never convinced speeded anything else up). Lovely prog for showing off your TD2!
Update: It does work, if you don't soft reset. After a reset, the app complains it "can't find PInvoke DLL "HTCAPI" and shuts down again. Looking at the Windows directory with Total Commander, the HTCAPI.DLL file is still there. The only visible difference is its icon, which has become a folder icon rather than a windows system file icon. If you copy the file from the original installation package back to the windows folder, overwriting the other one, the icon becomes a system file one again, and the app launches successfully again. Can anyone explain this?
It's a pity,because it's an impressive little "eye candy" app when it works.
can anyone make the zoombar on the D2 work with this application? Looking great.
can cam we zoom yet ?
Hello together!
After installing TomTom on my HD2 the internal Bluetooth-function doesn´t far as I know it is recommended to rename/delete the following files to fix this issue:
BTTrayCE.exe, BtSdkCE30.dll and BtCoreIf.dll
But in fact I can´t rename/delete any of these files...tried with windows explorer, TotalCommander and the HD2 Explorer (I don´t know if they are in use?! according to the task mangager they aren´t)
So could anybody please upload these 3 files from a working HD2 Device?
I renamed BtSdkCE30.dll and deleted BtCoreIf.dll.
For some reason BtSdkCE30.dll was in use, but I was able to rename it.
As far as I know you leave BTTrayCE.exe the way it is.
Done with Total Commander btw.
Maybe restart your HD2 if you can't even rename them, then try again before doing anything else.
Tomtom doesn't list the software as compatible with the HD2...
So i can imagine none of you did buy it and all use a not compatible cracked version. tttttttttttttttt
So now enjoy the dark side !!!!!!
brooon said:
Hello together!
After installing TomTom on my HD2 the internal Bluetooth-function doesn´t far as I know it is recommended to rename/delete the following files to fix this issue:
BTTrayCE.exe, BtSdkCE30.dll and BtCoreIf.dll
But in fact I can´t rename/delete any of these files...tried with windows explorer, TotalCommander and the HD2 Explorer (I don´t know if they are in use?! according to the task mangager they aren´t)
So could anybody please upload these 3 files from a working HD2 Device?
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this works with almost any problem situation with tomtom...
preferable, install to memorycard on another device, then run tomtom from card without installing it, cause you put all the files on memorycard already... yes i did buy it for my touch pro...
If you are installing with a cab file,
Install in your storage card and hard reset.
Now, don't install again.Copy tomtomnavigator.exe from program folder in storage card and place a shorcut in windows programs folder.
blue8300 said:
Tomtom doesn't list the software as compatible with the HD2...
So i can imagine none of you did buy it and all use a not compatible cracked version. tttttttttttttttt
So now enjoy the dark side !!!!!!
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It's working well on my HD2 without issues.
Hey there!! First, thank you for your answers!
Well, i really don´t want to make a hard reset!! TomTom itself runs very well on the device (and it runs on my device too), my only problem is that the bluetooth will not work as long as these three files have not been deleted or rather been exchanged with the untouched files .
Let me explain that: If files have been deleted, the HD2 will restore them from the rom automaticly after a reboot and everything is fine. Most people who had to handle with the same problem (TomTom vs. Bluetooth) had success with this method, but a few devices deny the access on these files, so they can´t be deleted or renamed. So is mine.
And for this reason I asked for the original files from a working rom! It would make it possible for me to replace my corrupt files...
Has anybody of you guys a few minutes of time an wants to upload the three files please?
It would really make my day!!
brooon said:
Let me explain that: If files have been deleted, the HD2 will restore them from the rom automaticly after a reboot and everything is fine. Most people who had to handle with the same problem (TomTom vs. Bluetooth) had success with this method, but a few devices deny the access on these files, so they can´t be deleted or renamed. So is mine.
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If device deny access to files, they cannot be renamed or deleted, you cannot replace them with other files too... (do you tried Resco Explorer?)
I have made a personalized cab of TomTom Navigator which doesn't install the bluetooth-specific files. If needed I can upload it somewhere and give you the link via PM
to do not open a new post...about tom tom can anyone tell me how to get the "phone code" to provide to tomtom for maps activations? in my artemis was writed in a menu of 6 version...i tryed that too but dont show going mad!!
xardus said:
to do not open a new post...about tom tom can anyone tell me how to get the "phone code" to provide to tomtom for maps activations? in my artemis was writed in a menu of 6 version...i tryed that too but dont show going mad!!
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In TT tap to GPS signal bar and next tap on button with version number
Petulinek said:
In TT tap to GPS signal bar and next tap on button with version number
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i know that...but without a map activated i cant see that only says "ur map isnt activated" and only button i have is for download a voucher....i try with an older version but i cant find tomtom 5 on the web
xardus said:
to do not open a new post...about tom tom can anyone tell me how to get the "phone code" to provide to tomtom for maps activations? in my artemis was writed in a menu of 6 version...i tryed that too but dont show going mad!!
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You mean the device ID?
You can open the ttnavigator.bif with notepad in your PC for the device details.
How I fixed the problem
I had the same problem, so I deleted the three files with resco. Two of the files will "appear" not to be deleted because they are ROM files. The important thing is that you need to have a shortcut to BTTrayCE.exe in \Windows\Startup.
Thanks for the posts!
As I said, it´s not possible to delete the files in my case...thats why i want some original files to exchange them.
...Is nobody out there how wants to upload these three little files for me? ...
I had this, All I did was launch TC, goto \windows do a select bt* delete all files, and it fails to delete most of them, but soon as I did that BT came back to life....
I can't help with the missing files as my device has still to arrive but I read that installing version 7.915.9196 VGA from HTC Iolite works without the bluetooth problem.
hey guys i could really use that bluetooth file.. i sorta messed it up too with the tom tom...
Hey Londontownguy:
Thanks for your suggestion! But as i said above, i really don´t want to hard reset. And the 7.915.9196 VGA from HTC Iolite doesn´t contain the "healthy" files, so an installation without hardreset doesn´t fix the problem.
Now we are two people including phatjesus81...andagain:
...Is nobody out there how wants to upload these three little files?...
i cant start my bluetooth anymore because last week after installing tomtom7 i got the error and baleeted BTTrayCE.exe somewhere , even though it is in my \windows\ folder together with the btcore and btsdkce50 dlls.. cant remove those..
so BBTrayCE.exe is in my windows folder right now , and bluetooth wont start.. does that have anything to do with the other two dll's still being there or am i a booboo?
i mean, i totally removed ttn..
so now i'm totally stuck..
There is nothing wrong with eitheryour HD2 or Facebook; the problem is with a particular tweak that I find irrevocabley pernicious across my phones! It ALWAYS causes my ELF, Diamond, and HD2 to behave erratically and without adding the alleged performance boost everyone is convinced it does!
I have tried it, it caused my album to lose the ability to load Facebook photos, fixed that, recreate the problem and saw the same result, and finally fixed it again!
NOTE:Most of our tweaking apps apply this legacy em3.w tweak mindlessly to our wm6.x systems.
The fix is simple:
After you have applied all your performance tweaks, go into your registry and:
2. Change the DWORD value "CacheSize" to 0
3. Reboot
4. Launch Album, goto Facebook albums, load your favorite one, browse the pics
5. Rejoice!
Go into your registry
Or you just download the hotfix at the official HTC site....
Hi shirreer,
thanks a lot for this, unfortunately this seems not to be the problem I'm facing. This Reg is on 0 already.
I've been using a lot of Manila versions (currently 20142924)
But also 2011 and 2012 had the same issue.
Maybe its the FacebookSDK build in the ROMS I used so far. Dutty once issued an different one, but with this album works, but contacts doesn't any more....
Thanks although.
Oh hey, that works nicely. Guess there is such a thing as too many tweaks. Heh! Don't generally use the feature, but it's nice to have it working anyway.
alexwijn said:
Or you just download the hotfix at the official HTC site....
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Do you know if this hotfix is available somewhere for custom ROMS? Anyone extracted it from the official one?
Edit: I found the files from the hotfix and installed them, no change (
I don't have a Leo, but this fix works for me on my Raphael & Rhodium:
It simply creates a folder called "PINET_ROM" in the root of your device. The FacebookSDK.dll is hard-coded to look for Flash Storage there, but for some reason, the driver that's supposed to create the folder (OEM_FLASHDRV_1.DLL) doesn't mount the drive properly (or something like that). So this should get the online Album working. Also, make sure these registry keys are set so that you see the option to view FB Albums for linked contacts:
(The latter value shouldn't actually be there at all)
The downside here, of course, is that the Facebook Online Album cache is going to take up quite a bit of storage on your device, but for you Leo users, I assume that's not a big deal, right?
Captain_Throwback said:
I don't have a Leo, but this fix works for me on my Raphael & Rhodium:
It simply creates a folder called "PINET_ROM" in the root of your device. The FacebookSDK.dll is hard-coded to look for Flash Storage there, but for some reason, the driver that's supposed to create the folder (OEM_FLASHDRV_1.DLL) doesn't mount the drive properly (or something like that). So this should get the online Album working. Also, make sure these registry keys are set so that you see the option to view FB Albums for linked contacts:
(The latter value shouldn't actually be there at all)
The downside here, of course, is that the Facebook Online Album cache is going to take up quite a bit of storage on your device, but for you Leo users, I assume that's not a big deal, right?
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Hi Captain_Throwback!
I cannot believe it, as my Reg-Key on my TD2 Rom (Yin.09) was anyhow correct, I followed your advice and created the directory via Resco Explorer on my Root of the phone...and it really works....simly as that, just createa dir, I still cannot believe it....
I've the same problem.
But i can't create the directory in the root. It says that's impossible.
I've resco explorer.
Can you help me?
i can't resolve.
help me
I dont seem to have a problem loading any friends albums anywhere, in the app, in the htc albums or where ever.
THE problem i have is, i cant get my own album to load in the fb app normaly .....
I can see my wall and all that, but when i go to my album tab to tag or whatever, in the fb app, it just sits there loading forever.
The only way i can get it to load, is by adding the fb app to rotate i bsb tweaks and rotating the app to landscape and they show. It wont load any thumbnails though.
masdan said:
I've the same problem.
But i can't create the directory in the root. It says that's impossible.
I've resco explorer.
Can you help me?
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You don't have to create the directory. That's what the CAB I linked to does for you. Just install it.
carhigh said:
I dont seem to have a problem loading any friends albums anywhere, in the app, in the htc albums or where ever.
THE problem i have is, i cant get my own album to load in the fb app normaly .....
I can see my wall and all that, but when i go to my album tab to tag or whatever, in the fb app, it just sits there loading forever.
The only way i can get it to load, is by adding the fb app to rotate i bsb tweaks and rotating the app to landscape and they show. It wont load any thumbnails though.
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The Facebook app is an entirely different animal - that's an MS app. You'll have to search around to find fixes for that issue. My response relates only to the Sense online Album integration.
i've tried to install the cab, but appear the message : impossible to install "t-back..."
masdan said:
i've tried to install the cab, but appear the message : impossible to install "t-back..."
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I don't know. That doesn't make any sense. The CAB doesn't even contain any files, so there's no reason it shouldn't install. There's also no reason you shouldn't be able to create a directory. I assume you have an HD2? Can you provide your device ROM info, Manila version, etc? The best to allow people to help is to provide all those details.
Yes I've an HD2.
The rom version is 1.66.408.1
masdan said:
Yes I've an HD2.
The rom version is 1.66.408.1
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If it's not letting you create the folder, that likely means the Flash Drive is actually working, so I don't think you need this fix. Do you not get pictures when you go to Facebook Online Album?
When i go to create the folder, a message appear: impossible to cerate folder, the folder already exists.
When i go on facebook on line album... i see nothing (only the list of my friend)
when i touch on refresh (on a friend's name) appear the message: the customer doesn't have an album to visualize
masdan said:
When i go to create the folder, a message appear: impossible to cerate folder, the folder already exists.
When i go on facebook on line album... i see nothing (only the list of my friend)
when i touch on refresh (on a friend's name) appear the message: the customer doesn't have an album to visualize
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The problem you're describing isn't the problem I was attempting to fix. Did you try the tweak from the first post regarding the CacheSize?
Are you sure the friend you're looking at has Facebook Album pictures? I can get to Online Album 2 different ways - either going through a link Contact's page, or selecting the Facebook Tab in HTC Album. From there, you should see a list of the linked friend's FB Albums. if you're not getting that far, then you have no way of knowing if the picture preview is working or not.
Captain_Throwback said:
The problem you're describing isn't the problem I was attempting to fix. Did you try the tweak from the first post regarding the CacheSize? in what it consists?
Are you sure the friend you're looking at has Facebook Album pictures? YESI can get to Online Album 2 different ways - either going through a link Contact's page, or selecting the Facebook Tab in HTC Album. in both ways I visualize nothing.
From there, you should see a list of the linked friend's FB Albums. if you're not getting that far, then you have no way of knowing if the picture preview is working or not.
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masdan said:
Captain_Throwback said:
The problem you're describing isn't the problem I was attempting to fix. Did you try the tweak from the first post regarding the CacheSize? in what it consists?
Are you sure the friend you're looking at has Facebook Album pictures? YESI can get to Online Album 2 different ways - either going through a link Contact's page, or selecting the Facebook Tab in HTC Album. in both ways I visualize nothing.
From there, you should see a list of the linked friend's FB Albums. if you're not getting that far, then you have no way of knowing if the picture preview is working or not.
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See excerpt from the OP below. Have you tried this?
shirreer said: caused my album to lose the ability to load Facebook photos, fixed that, recreate the problem and saw the same result, and finally fixed it again!
The fix is simple:
After you have applied all your performance tweaks, go into your registry and:
2. Change the DWORD value "CacheSize" to 0
3. Reboot
4. Launch Album, goto Facebook albums, load your favorite one, browse the pics
5. Rejoice!
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sorry i've already tried the tweak in the first post, but nothing, the value of DWORD is already on"0"