Hi all,
Have purchased a German MDA_C and flashed it to the latest dutch WWE rom (1.13). I use the NOID updater and get an error message at 99% of the update.
After this my MDA hangs at the splash screen (but showing updated rom and radio versions).
Doing a lot of soft and hard resets I managed to get by the splash screen 1 time...
Tried a lot of different rom versions but each time I get the same problem
I've read that the SPLASH screen problem is more or less common but I wasn't able to find a solution on the forum.
Now I made one stupid mistake... I did not backup the original rom...
Any suggestions how to get up and running?
Thanks in advance...
The very first boot takes a long time, 15 mins for some! If you're not waiting for around 15 mins ....
Thanks for this valuable information kta.
This time I waited 1 hour after upgrading just to be sure.
same result. flashing stops at 99% of the CE Rom.
Hard reset shows splash screen with version numbers (radio 1.13 rom 1.13 wwe) and then just hangs.
From bad to worse
So I had a MDA_C that did not boot further than the splash screen.
Updated using the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe. Thought I'd give the SD way a try since I already tried about 6 different roms all with the same result.
First I made a backup to SD card of what was in my MDA using romupdate.exe
extracted the file to my HD.
After extracting (and securing the device ID) I tried rebooting my MDA.
Now things got worse!!! instead of the splashscreen I now have the BLACK SCREEN......
Have tried resetting and hard resetting dozens of times (more like a thousand times) and only occasionaly the splash screen comes up. :roll:
But over the last couple of days I only managed to get the bootloader 1 time (and at that time there was no SD card inside) :shock:
this is behaviour I haven't read about on the forum.
Guess I will have to get it serviced.
Is there anyone on the board that has an address in the Netherlands that can flash or repair my mda? Not sure T-Mobile NL services German devices...
Not dead yet?
Here's some more info.
My 'almost dead' Magician is showing signs of life.
I had the BLACK SCREEN.... (first couple of lines of pixels were not black)
After thousands of hard and soft resets (soft resets seemed to have the best results) I managed to get into the bootloader!! Flashed with an older rom and at least I'm getting the splash screen again. (but still getting an error at 99% of update of the CE rom).
I'm updating using the exe in bootloader mode btw....
Since there's always an error at 99% when I use the exe method and the device is not booting I thought about giving the SD method a shot.
My device didn's show the SD option but fortunately tadzio explained about the MBR (didn't even know a SD card had one!!! :lol:
When I decode a nbf file using nbfdec.exe and flashing afterwards I get a message that my ROM is to small.
Size is same as nbf file.
How do I correctly decode a nbf file?
Thanks for the help.
Don't use a nbf, get a dumped or bs rom from the ftp & follow instructions with copying bytes etc.
Ok OLTP I'll skip the nbf decoding route.
Think one of the problems is the way the newer roms are encoded.....
Saw you're using a 1.13 bigstorage rom?
That one is not on the ftp is it?
Modified your own rom image?
Hi BuDDaH,
I downloaded at the Dutch TMO site the shipped-rom, unzipped the exe file & decoded the nk.nbf nbfdec. In this nk.nb1 I altered the usual BS bit patterns and re-encoded the nk.nb1, again with nbfdec, to the nk.nbf. After that it was just running, the extracted, upgrade program & it worked like the usual shipped-rom upgrade. you might have to use the maupgrade_noid version, sometimes twice.
This method is better described in the thread about upgrading to radio 1.13 which you can add along the road as well.
So yes I made it myself, not so fond of using other people's rom unless I have to. Please don't let anyone be offended by this, cause a replaced bit can cause serious harm, like I encountered myself, with my own corrupted rom-dump.
Good luck, M
Just wanted to update you all on the latest status.
I managed to flash a german rom (as I've got a German device) although I always get an error message at 99%.....
Fist it just stuck on the splash screen but this somehow deteriorated. Now I get a black screen covering about 5/6th of the screen. the first 1/6th shows a part of the splash screen. No backlight and it hangs.
No more bootloader so I need to have it serviced (anybody knows what the techies do with such a device?)....
Now the question remains where.
T-Mobile NL refuses to service it since the IMEI is unknown to their system
T-mobile Germany doesn't have a service center but only takes repairs through a T-Punkt shop..
Any ideas?
Latest update...
I sent it in for repair and it turns out that the ROM is damaged and the phone needs a mainboard replacement..... which costs about the same as a new unit...
Anyone got a spare one laying around for me?
So much for my Magician!
Sorry to hear...did you try another SD card?
Yep I did; but unfotunately the situation deteriorated and I'm completely unable to get into bootloader mode.....
Well.. :idea: maybe I must see this as a great opportunity to get wild with a set of scewdrivers
Hey BuddaH,
There enough people interested in the parts here at the forum, so there's a tiny brightside on your adventure :-(, man i do feel sorry for you.
Regards, M
Yup, i need some parts also
BuDDaH said:
Yep I did; but unfotunately the situation deteriorated and I'm completely unable to get into bootloader mode.....
Well.. :idea: maybe I must see this as a great opportunity to get wild with a set of scewdrivers
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You probably ran the battery down. I don't think it charges unless the ROM is working. That is why it is highly recommended that you start with a full charge before commencing a ROM update.
Hi Stevedebbi,
Even in my situation the it still seemed possible to charge the battery (at least the red light went out and the battery got hot).
Sent my device to cause they claimed they reflash...
Got the reply back that they couldn't get it too bootloader mode and were unable to repair. (guess they could not do some JTAG debugging).
I may be able to buy a working device that's damaged on the outside....
Can anybody help me?
I was upgrading with faria's roms.
It all went ok until it reached 99%. after waiting for around 5 minute at that point, it sad that there was a communication error with the phone, and i need to do some recovery actions(remove from the usb, remove the batteries) It said that if i can see 3 bars, then everything is ok.I could see it, so i restarted the upgrade utility. But it did not want to do anything. It said to get a newer version of the upgrade utility. and my phone remained in that 3 color state, having 3 messages on it: IPL 2.16 then on the other corner saying RUU, then in a next row SPL 2.16
Can anybody help me to fix this phone?
Thank you in advance
ghola_2 said:
Can anybody help me?
I was upgrading with faria's roms.
It all went ok until it reached 99%. after waiting for around 5 minute at that point, it sad that there was a communication error with the phone, and i need to do some recovery actions(remove from the usb, remove the batteries) It said that if i can see 3 bars, then everything is ok.I could see it, so i restarted the upgrade utility. But it did not want to do anything. It said to get a newer version of the upgrade utility. and my phone remained in that 3 color state, having 3 messages on it: IPL 2.16 then on the other corner saying RUU, then in a next row SPL 2.16
Can anybody help me to fix this phone?
Thank you in advance
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Mine did something similar - PC Blue-screened about half way through the upgrade and left the Wizard at the Bootloader screen. I tried to re-run the upgrade and it said I needed a different version of the upgrade utility. I just re-installed the WM6 MB version and this worked fine, once it was back up and working I re-ran the Faria upgrade and it worked fine.
I think if you just copy the 'nk.nbf' file from Faria's ROM and use the upgrade utility from the MB version it will work.
ok.. here are the steps.. its very easy.. i had the samething..
your phone is probably CID locked.. so what you need to do is just download the original tmobile ROM.. and connect the phone and install the original ROM.. You didnt birck the phone because you get the bootloader screen.. which means, you can still save the phone..
anyway.. connect the phone via usb and install after you install the original wm5, download the shelltool from here and follow the instructions.. and install the ROM via shelltool.. Then you should be good to go with the new
DR.P'S UNLOCKING THREAD worked wonders for me.
BTW, after following Dr. P's instructions and loading Faria's ROM, my MDA took approx. 13-15 minutes at 99% before I hit the glorious 100%. Like a wise person before me said, patience is a virtue. I waited until the 5 minute mark, got up, used the restroom, grabbed an ice cold Pepsi and then waited some more.
I am a little confused. I have been trying to get WM6 on my T-mobile Wizard and actually got TNT 1.1 loaded and was working fine. I found that I could no longer view my contacts. The page would appear and then as quickly as it appeared it disappeared.
So I figured, I at least got it this far. I will just reload this rom and see if perhaps something did load right. Well after the reload. The phone boots up to the splash screen with IPL\SPL numbers and just sits. NOTHING.
I left it there for like 2 hours and still nothing. But I can still get into the BootLoader.
My questions to you gurus is:
Is the phone fubared?
Can I do some kind of master reset?
Why would it tell me "Invalid Vendor ID" when trying to flash the orginal T-mobile rom?
Are there any tools that can help me out? Paid\free?
Please help!!! Seriously! Please HELP!!!
Very much appreciated.
Drunknasty said:
I am a little confused. I have been trying to get WM6 on my T-mobile Wizard and actually got TNT 1.1 loaded and was working fine. I found that I could no longer view my contacts. The page would appear and then as quickly as it appeared it disappeared.
So I figured, I at least got it this far. I will just reload this rom and see if perhaps something did load right. Well after the reload. The phone boots up to the splash screen with IPL\SPL numbers and just sits. NOTHING.
I left it there for like 2 hours and still nothing. But I can still get into the BootLoader.
My questions to you gurus is:
Is the phone fubared?
Can I do some kind of master reset?
Why would it tell me "Invalid Vendor ID" when trying to flash the orginal T-mobile rom?
Are there any tools that can help me out? Paid\free?
Please help!!! Seriously! Please HELP!!!
Very much appreciated.
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if your device is G3, unlocking is required to flash any rom, before upgrade your device, it is recommended to flash an official WM5.0 rom (in your case T-Mobile rom) with IPL and SPL 2.xx then flash again.
in general there are many probabilities for your issue.
((Where is TNT1.1?? did you mean 1.0?? ))
My Bad meant 1.0
So to get it straight.... I will need to unlock my phone each time?
Oh and to correct myself again, when flashing with the T-mobile ROM it says UPGRADE ONLY. And the read me file says its the wrong RUU. But it is the same file from Tmobile I used when I first got the phone. But I will try again.
Are there any other suggestions?
You need to read the "how to flash" sticky.
I did. I am not any expert or anything but I believe the phone is unlocked already since I once had WM6 on my phone. The real issue I am having is that it wont boot past the splash screen after flashing.
And that is true when re following the steps in guide. After flashing to the button rom it will not boot past the splash screen.
Try another ROM.
Sounds like you need the "Wizard Love" rom. I dont have the link handy but I am sure someone else does.
Drunknasty said:
I did. I am not any expert or anything but I believe the phone is unlocked already since I once had WM6 on my phone. The real issue I am having is that it wont boot past the splash screen after flashing.
And that is true when re following the steps in guide. After flashing to the button rom it will not boot past the splash screen.
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Already got it. Thanks I am trying to load it now. But the only thing is that the last time it failed and I can understand what the error says. I know the number is 300 but can read the language.
But I will let you guys know when this load completes.
Thanks again for all the assistance.
No worky worky. The load completed and then boots the splash screen shows and then stays there.
Any ideas?
Try to remove the battery and let it out for at least half an hour. Then put it back in and see what it does then.
I thought the same thing too. So when it got done last night, out of frustration, I removed the battery and left it there to wait on when I get off work today. I will report back on what happens.
Again I would like to thank you guys for helping me. I really do appreciate it!
STEP 1 install the original manufacturer ROM
T-mobile UK
T-mobile US
Search for the original rom for any other
instructions on how to use the original rom can be found here
Put it in the bootloader mode.. ( three color screens )
hope this helps..
Ok I did that and it gave me ERROR 296: UPGRADE ONLY
Then it tells me that the NBF file cannot be used for my PDA Phone. Please get newer NBF file.
Is there any way I can get the Tmobile splash and IPL\SPL number back to original, it doesnt need to boot all the way into WCE but atleast show the same numbers and splash during boot up?
Or any other way to get this thing to work?
Thanks guys
BTW it is a HTC Wizard from T-mobile.
If you are getting an error 300 you need a newer rom update utility, and regardless if your phone is a G3 or G4 it needs to be unlocked before you flash any rom.. LOAD a OFFICIAL cingular ROM onto your device before going any further, then unlock your phone either via or through some of the tools offered here...
Which one should I down load from Cingular? Even though I have a Tmobile phone?
what ipl and spl are you using and what radio are you using. Just post all the numbers from the bootloader
As soon as I get home, I will post them.
Ipl 1.01
Spl 3.08
Drunknasty said:
Ipl 1.01
Spl 3.08
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uh oh. someone tell me if I'm wrong, but I think this is bad. it's the result of flashing a g4 with g3 or the other way around... keep searching, and good luck.
flash the original t-mobile rom. your phone doesn't appear to be unlocked. good luck
Hello I have a CID locked G4 HTC Wizard(T-Mobile MDA) and am trying to flash faria's new rom to my wizard. When I use the RUU I get an error at 99% and have to reflash the original rom provided by T-Mobile and then when I use shelltool(I installed and also and restarted the device like instructed to do), I get stuck on the boot screen and this is what I get.
IPL: 2.26.0001
SPL: 2.26.0001
GSM: 02.25.11
If anyone has an idea of a way to circumvent this issue, please help me because I really want to install this rom.
Thanks, Dan.
don't flash the rom using RUU method. Sounds like you aren't letting shelltools finish all the way. In shell tools install the two cabs wait a few minutes,restart, flash using shelltools, let it sit for about a half hour if it doesn't give you a end confirmation.
Actually i am installing both cabs provided in the shelltools download and then waiting a few mins and then rebooting the phone and then ran shelltools and waited untill it instructed me to hard reset and and did exactly as it told me to do and even tapped the screen as soon as the phone came back on as faria reccomended. It just seems to get stuck on the initial boot screen where it tells you your ips and spl.
Edit: Just tried again to flash the rom using the shelltools program with no success... I used the readme pdf and did exactly what it said to do and it just wont install. I think I'm just going to wait untill I can shell out the money to have the phone CID unlocked.
Thanks for trying to help me though. I appreciate it.
Are you flashing an official rom everytime before you flash a cooked rom? That's what is recommended. Have you taken out your sdcard when you flash, and turning of any virus scanner and also your radio? These are some suggestions to try. Reason why I said try again people have gotten it to go through on the 3rd or 4th try. Good luck on what you do hate to see you spend 40 dollars on something you can't for free
I tried all of that and nothing works. I have tried flashing farias rom i think over 10 times but i just cant flash it.
do you think there is any way to remove the ipl/spl and extended rom from farias rom so that it is just an OS like NBD 8.0? if thats possible then shelltool should be able to flash it with no problem even on a cid locked device.
my apologies for the bad spelling and punctuation, its 1am. lol
Was changing the ROM on my Kaiser, using JUMPspl as I had got the white screen using Hardspl. During the upgrade got an error at about 18%, went through the recovery procedure only to get back to the Bootloader screen with the screen saying
I think it should say something different here!
At the moment can only get the the tri-colour bootloader screen with usb at the bottom.
Please any help would be much appreaciated.
If you are at the tri-color bootloader screen, reflash a ROM.
that's where the process starts at anyhow,the bootscreen.
But doesn't the SPL have to be either Hardspl or jumpSPL.
I have tried to do the rom update again but sticks on 0% and gives error 262
Alemaker said:
If you are at the tri-color bootloader screen, reflash a ROM.
that's where the process starts at anyhow,the bootscreen.
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Not advisable if he has the default SPL still though which by the number appearing at the tri col screen it appears to be the case.
Try doing a hard reset and see if it boots into the original ROM then at least you will find out if it is bricked or not, however, i'm not sure it will work based on the fact you got part way through in the first place.
Hold down the keys directly next to the Send and End (green and Red) Hold in the stylus and keep them all held untill you get a screen telling you to press the green (send) key.
Tried the hard reset, takes me back into the bootloader. Any other ideas?
Hmm... ok then.... you are pretty much looking at a very expensive paperweight at this moment in time then.
Look at this "may" (i'm not promising anything but it may point you in the right direction) help you out. Let us know how it goes.
cmcmill01 said:
Was changing the ROM on my Kaiser, using JUMPspl as I had got the white screen using Hardspl. During the upgrade got an error at about 18%, went through the recovery procedure only to get back to the Bootloader screen with the screen saying
I think it should say something different here!
At the moment can only get the the tri-colour bootloader screen with usb at the bottom.
Please any help would be much appreaciated.
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Hate to joint the parade, but the exact same thing happened here - 18% now stuck at 1.93.0000
For anyone else reading this BEFORE flashing a new ROM please read, read and read again EVERYTHING related to flashing on this site, wikis and wherever else you can get info.
Another idea for you. Search around here for how to flash from an SD card that may solve the issue out for you. As previously noted though....READ READ READ and be 110% certain you understand what you are doing before you do anything.
details some info for a Wizard, should it be the same for a Kaiser?
Will Mtty get me any further?
MTTY will at least give you a USB connection to the device it is worth a shot given your current situation.
There is hope!
I did a clean reboot of my PC and disabled my antivirus (avast) and was able to sucessfully reflash the new 1.62 rom (released from ATT site today).
Thanks will try the new 1.62 rom.
What commands can you use with MTTY?
tried the At&t rom gives me an error on the vendor id. Will try a HTC rom
I have tried multiple roms and they all give me the same error Error 294:Invalid Vender ID
Any ideas
Am starting to get worried because if the misses finds out that I have bricked the new phone, I am up to my neck i it.
If you are stuck in boot loader & would like some help via MSN Messenger, please PM me or look for me on MSM messenger at [email protected]. I will be available to help later this evening or tomorrow morning.
I have most of the files to fix these issues & can use MSN fileshare folders to help you.
Good chance that you can be up again in a matter of minutes
cmcmill01 said:
I have tried multiple roms and they all give me the same error Error 294:Invalid Vender ID
Any ideas
Am starting to get worried because if the misses finds out that I have bricked the new phone, I am up to my neck i it.
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Invalid Vendor I.D. is cuz it's locked.
Had the exact issue myself and found a ATT ROM that will boot. It saved me bigtime, so I saved it. It's in one of the posts on one of the threads but I have the actual ROM, it'll overide that lock.- PM me if ya need it.
Got the same solution, Holy S**t about to have a heart attack. Tried nearly ever ROM out there, it was the Asia one that got me going.
Lesson learned: make sure you Hardspl after jumpspl.
Thanks for all the help folks
Glad ya got it fixed. One quick question?
Is your original ROM ATT or HTC ?
It is a HTC ROM. Done My Hardspl and got Sleuth v3.0 on it already
Happy days