I am trying to compile a fully working kernel for the new sense ROM, and for some reason I cannot get the Bluetooth working - it doesn't even want to turn on. The problem seams to be related to the source. The source that I am using is Google's 2.6.27 source. If I try to use cyanogen's source, the display does not function. Any ideas?
I just used the official HTC source and everything is working now.
I'm following you on Twitter and after reading this topic the question is automatic: when do you guess to release your new rom? Is going to be for 32A o 32B?
TheMorpheus said:
I'm following you on Twitter and after reading this topic the question is automatic: when do you guess to release your new rom? Is going to be for 32A o 32B?
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It's going to be 32A, and I will release the ROM tonight. I have everything working now. Now I am going to optimize everything.
What about GPS? ^^
hotweiss said:
It's going to be 32A, and I will release the ROM tonight. I have everything working now. Now I am going to optimize everything.
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Yes man, this is awsome...Looking forward to it!!
GyD said:
What about GPS? ^^
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GPS is working with the HTC kernel, as he said above.
Some people have mentioned on other ROMs that the WiFi tethering doesnt work. Have you tested that yet hotweiss?
Also, will wipe be required for v2 to v3?
Rede83 said:
GPS is working with the HTC kernel, as he said above.
Some people have mentioned on other ROMs that the WiFi tethering doesnt work. Have you tested that yet hotweiss?
Also, will wipe be required for v2 to v3?
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The WiFi should be working, as I have successfully compiled it.
I don't know whether we'll need a wipe or not yet. I have been testing after always doing a wipe just so I don't have any confounding issues.
What about word prediction? Flash in browser seems different, couldn't play videos straight from youtube site when using redglass version of sense ROM. None the less, good job and thank you in advance. Like the.fact that your taking your time to test and release something decent. Nice.
I'm most concerned with the sms timestamp issue. There are a bunch of Hero/Sense roms that work great, but that timestamp issue is a dealbreaker every time.
skittleguy said:
I'm most concerned with the sms timestamp issue. There are a bunch of Hero/Sense roms that work great, but that timestamp issue is a dealbreaker every time.
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The timestamp issue still exists. I would use Chomp SMS until the Rogers verion comes out.
jfive74 said:
What about word prediction? Flash in browser seems different, couldn't play videos straight from youtube site when using redglass version of sense ROM. None the less, good job and thank you in advance. Like the.fact that your taking your time to test and release something decent. Nice.
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Haven't had time to play around with the Browser yet...
cant we use timestamp issue fix from before? on hofo rom 1.08 i believe or any other rom?
skittleguy said:
I'm most concerned with the sms timestamp issue. There are a bunch of Hero/Sense roms that work great, but that timestamp issue is a dealbreaker every time.
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While it is certainly a nuisance to us Rogers Magic users, the sms timestamp issue is a small price to pay for a stable SenseUI IMO. This will be my first SenseUI ROM other than MyHero, I'm looking forward to trying it out! Take your time hotweiss, it's better to release a ROM that has most of its kinks worked out rather than rushing and having to constantly re-patch.
If everything is working... If is multilanguage (I really want spanish on it) and if it has predictive dictionary... Then I will definetly download your rom ...
Thanks in advance for everything... =D
I'm waiting anxiously for your "creation". I still have stock rom, bought my Magic 32A almost 3 months ago, but was waiting for the right moment to install a custom rom, wich I think is now Multilanguage for me is also a must, so don't forget the portuguese guys, please. Anyway, thank you very much for your efforts. Best regards.
The only two languages that are available: English and Chinese
hotweiss said:
The only two languages that are available: English and Chinese
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Damn ... Would be possible to add more languages using files from a Hero Rom or another magic rom???
whats the ETA?
according to his twitter: "Everything works now and everything has been added. Now I just need to zipalign and optimize the apk's." - about 1 hour ago
hopefully soon! i would like to try this out.
what is the best,closest to stock wm 6.5 rom with sense 2.5 for RAPH?,(not energy)
Why not Energy?
You can try Captian's roms but you will have to dig to find the appropriate rom. One that has htc messaging.
nah,energy are blue,and the weather animation is dull,and to heavy+no video call,dude i need one aas leo stock rom
Exquisite, untouchable for me.
majorasshole said:
Exquisite, untouchable for me.
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I second that.......
looser9 said:
nah,energy are blue,and the weather animation is dull,and to heavy+no video call,dude i need one aas leo stock rom
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Dull ? Would you like it to be.... sharper ? lol
y? i mean energy are blue, what i am looking for is a rom that is almost like leo stock roms,besides,energy have no video call support, and always have a bug in manila,thats why it is updated almost every month...
looser9 said:
y? i mean energy are blue, what i am looking for is a rom that is almost like leo stock roms,besides,energy have no video call support, and always have a bug in manila,thats why it is updated almost every month...
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Thats so absolutely not true. Have you already tried it? Maybe it might be some bit stuttery, but there is no rom who does this better. Energy updates all roms of all devices. He updates software, and you know when you update software there might be a bug, or a infliction with other software. I can only see it positive that NRG updates it alot. Energy is absolutely the better rom, I think Exquisite is second. But you won't get everything working flawless on the Touch Pro for now. The device simply can't handle so much Eye candy. + I advice you to configure it yourself, that helps alot.
looser9 said:
(post trim)what i am looking for is a rom that is almost like leo stock roms(post trim)
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It sounds like you are ready for an upgrade...
By the way have you tried the XDAndroid project? Keep in mind, it aint for the faint of heart...
Hi guys,
I was wondering if there is any options left to improve sound and camera quality on the Nexus 5? My hearing isn't the greatest but I can hear perfectly fine on my moms cell and other cell phones. If I could get the volume a tad higher on my Nexus 5 that would be great. Also, another problem I am having is I have Rottweiler puppies that I am trying to get pictures of. They don't like to sit still so I am always having to refocus and when I try to refocus the pictures just look like crap. Like the lighting is always messed up and stuff. Is there any way to fix this? I use to use the volume mod and camera mod which seamed to help a bit. However, I do not see any new releases for the newest android build. I had tried installing them a while back and I could not boot so I don't think they are compatible anymore. If someone could offer me some alternatives I would be very appreciative.
I got one more question as well. If I want to fully clean my internal storage before installing a custom rom what is the best way to do so? Is there anyway to remove the folders for installed programs but still keep the files there needed for rooting? I hope that makes sense. After doing a factory reset I still see folders from previously installed programs and apps.
I would seriously consider installing Jishnu's Camera Fix. Make sure to grab Version 1.5. I had similar complaints not too long ago and this mod fixed most of them. Best of all, you don't have to download any new Camera apps, this mod just tweaks pre-existing files.
The download links were removed from that thread for some reason. Here's a download link to the latest version:
Alcolawl said:
I would seriously consider installing Jishnu's Camera Fix. Make sure to grab Version 1.4. I had similar complaints not too long ago and this mod fixed most of them. Best of all, you don't have to download any new Camera apps, this mod just tweaks pre-existing files.
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Thank you for your response. I will definitely give that a shot. It says there is also version 1.5. Do you still recommend installing 1.4?
grimreaper1014 said:
Thank you for your response. I will definitely give that a shot. It says there is also version 1.5. Do you still recommend installing 1.4?
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Nah, that was a typo, my mistake. Version 1.5 is the latest version and I'd definitely recommend it. Check my earlier post, I edited it with a proper download link. Just make sure to flash the zip in recovery and you should be all set!
Alcolawl said:
Nah, that was a typo, my mistake. Version 1.5 is the latest version and I'd definitely recommend it. Check my earlier post, I edited it with a proper download link.
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Cool thanks I just downloaded it. Do you know if it will work with custom ROM's by chance?
grimreaper1014 said:
Cool thanks I just downloaded it. Do you know if it will work with custom ROM's by chance?
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I'm assuming it'll work with any Stock or AOSP based roms. I'm currently running CM11 M9, using the Google Camera app, and it worked beautifully.
Alcolawl said:
I'm assuming it'll work with any Stock or AOSP based roms. I'm currently running CM11 M9, using the Google Camera app, and it worked beautifully.
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Sweet thats exactly what i was getting ready to flash. Thanks again for all your help.
Hiya guys,
I am still having problems with the volume on my phone. In call it is very low! I have never heard it this low. I don't know what the heck happened but it seams like its even lower than normal now. I have tried viper4android but it doesn't seam like its making much of a difference. I'm not sure if it even affects in call volume or not. If any of you guys have any solutions please let me know.
Hi everybody,
A lot of people buy that model because of camera quality, a lot of us like AOSP based roms. But the camera lost quality because of LG framework issue. I tryed i lot of camera programs, but results are worst. Only the apk LG camera for AOSP (for LG2) get very good quality, and i compared to stock LG G3 camera. But that apk not give any settings, also flash setings on CM12 based roms. I am sure it is big issue for all of us. If simebody can recommend some solution, will be great!
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
Hi, same for me. I only hope some dev can give it a try and solve this issue... Fix the G2 apk could be a nice start ! At least fix the settungs like you said.
Btw, give a try to resurrection remix rom, cause the camera quality is very nice. I'm on it since the beginnig and recording is so far better than the others, smooth and fast. It's probably between stock LG camera and XCam
i Think its a Driver Problem
Camera quality cant be solved yet.I read somewhere that devs are trying to improve but i think that quality wont even get close to stock .
Hope for the best
Jishnu's Camera f40
Jishnu's Camera f40 give perfect quality, i compared to stock LG Camera on stock firmware, and no difinerenses. But settings works not properly. And problem with size of camera monitoring on display, but size of pictures are right. I tryed on Resurrection Lollipop v5.2.5 and 5.0.2 Euphoria-OS 1.0. I think some little tuning of mod and we can get best present to ney year.
Rafael Pershing said:
Jishnu's Camera f40 give perfect quality, i compared to stock LG Camera on stock firmware, and no difinerenses. But settings works not properly. And problem with size of camera monitoring on display, but size of pictures are right. I tryed on Resurrection Lollipop v5.2.5 and 5.0.2 Euphoria-OS 1.0. I think some little tuning of mod and we can get best present to ney year.
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i remember his work for G2. i hope someone could pick this up where he leaved!
i think many of us would honor this and donate for a aosp quality cam solution!
Jishnu's Camera the MOD for the Stock anyone has some news about it? for the Lollipop
Maybe it's possible to port the LG framework to aosp or just the libs it require to make the camera works. I remember the folks at miui used to make a ton based on the stock one so all the things works fine. So if we could make a port of cm inside the stock or the other we could make it work.
I am also thought about that. I hope one of developers will give us good solution. I am sure a lot of us will donate for that issue.
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
Rafael Pershing said:
I am also thought about that. I hope one of developers will give us good solution. I will. I am sure a lot of us will donate for that issue.
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
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Count me in
Jishnu's Camera
Very good news guys, Jishnu, one of best masters, port today new mod for Lollipop. I will donate for the motivation. Only the camera issue did me sad in AOSP rom till now.
Can you provide a link to the topic on which you have this information
lars79 said:
Can you provide a link to the topic on which you have this information
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Rafael Pershing said:
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This wouldn't work for me. It mounts and installed into /system/app, but I noticed in Illusion, that folder is filled with folders, unlike in older versions of android. I also tried manually installing the APK into the same folder as the original camera app, removing it and correcting permissions, but no go.
Rafael Pershing said:
Very good news guys, Jishnu, one of best masters, port today new mod for Lollipop. I will donate for the motivation. Only the camera issue did me sad in AOSP rom till now.
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Doesn't work, install is all wrong.
Interesting to see how/if this develops...
He is banned on xda, maybe because he copies others works..
He's porting badly G2 camera, that someone else has already done..
AKDMA said:
This wouldn't work for me. It mounts and installed into /system/app, but I noticed in Illusion, that folder is filled with folders, unlike in older versions of android. I also tried manually installing the APK into the same folder as the original camera app, removing it and correcting permissions, but no go.
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You have to flash it through recovery. That works, but it's not otimized for the QHD screen yet, and it only registers as 8 megapixels
SolsticeZero said:
You have to flash it through recovery. That works, but it's not otimized for the QHD screen yet, and it only registers as 8 megapixels
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That didn't work for me. It simply installs the apk into /system/app, unlike any other application in there. Might just be the ROM I'm on.
AKDMA said:
That didn't work for me. It simply installs the apk into /system/app, unlike any other application in there. Might just be the ROM I'm on.
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Must be. I flashed it on CM12 and it worked fine.
I found this
However I'm just a flash junky and can't be sure I will be able to do this without messing up something, but it seems easy enough for anyone with a little code-knowledge.
So if anyone has any spare time, maybe you can get around to porting this. I for one, would love this on my G2.
Me too, but I think it needs to be incorporated in the ROM you're flashing instead of just flashing a zip through TWRP like you would normally do. I don't know how to do that..
Jishnu Sur porting it but as I know just for AOSP based roms.
it needs framework.jar editing which is different in every AOSP, CM Roms
Well,if somebody could do it for the official CM12.1 nightlies,and update it frequently,it would be awesome.
There is a guide to port the Xperia SystemUI/Lockscreen to CM12.1 too.
Official CM12.1 would be a good core,since it has the biggest probability of working with guides(with the fact that it's framework isn't filled with as much junk as the one in other ROMs).
We have the Xperia Z4 CM12.1 themes,the Xperia Z3+/Z4 Launcher,the Clock Widget,the Media Apps,the Xperia Keyboard. With the SystemUI and Camera,we could have a pretty good Debrand ROM.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Forums Pro.
This would actually be really awesome I'm a huge fan of AOSP roms, but they all lack a good camera app, since we cant port our LG G2 camera to aosp(the one port that currently is ported to aosp has to much bugs), this would be an awesome port/app for aosp roms so pleaserr devs, or anyone who knows how to do port please make it happen....
Thanks in advance
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
JAsko_san said:
This would actually be really awesome I'm a huge fan of AOSP roms, but they all lack a good camera app, since we cant port our LG G2 camera to aosp(the one port that currently is ported to aosp has to much bugs), this would be an awesome port/app for aosp roms so pleaserr devs, or anyone who knows how to do port please make it happen....
Thanks in advance
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Not sure what bugs you have with it. Been using it for months without a single issue. Mind you I dont touch CM roms just AOSP based roms like Slim and DU
out of curiousity, i ported it to my current ROM Dirty Unicorns.v9.5
played with it a little.
Sweep Panorama gives you Error,
Creative Effect not working (you cant click or shoot or record)
FC on Main Camera App, the solution is to Run it via Widget.
i'm just curious inside the original updater script which is to set permission to "display_color_calib" in /system/bin that nowhere to be found in the flashable and i double check my D.U Rom.v9.5 /system/bin its not there too.
my comment
fLipz said:
out of curiousity, i ported it to my current ROM Dirty Unicorns.v9.5
played with it a little.
Sweep Panorama gives you Error,
Creative Effect not working (you cant click or shoot or record)
FC on Main Camera App, the solution is to Run it via Widget.
i'm just curious inside the original updater script which is to set permission to "display_color_calib" in /system/bin that nowhere to be found in the flashable and i double check my D.U Rom.v9.5 /system/bin its not there too.
my comment
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Are the photos out of the app any good?
daviporciuncula said:
Are the photos out of the app any good?
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check my pic attachment (the last pic with Nestle Chuckie and Power Bank)
you decide what's your verdict :silly:
fLipz said:
check my pic attachment (the last pic with Nestle Chuckie and Power Bank)
you decide what's your verdict :silly:
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that image is not good for judging the photo quality...
1. it's too small, and probabbly compressed when uploaded on xda
2. it doesn't have much detail to judge color/sharpness/contrast quality
1. put a full resolution image somewhere and share a link here
2. take a few pictures of several lighting situations inside and outside the house with prefferably more details apart a power bank and nestle chuckie - so people can see how it works in real life... and also put the link to full res pics here...
thanks in advance...
Well,I tried to port the camera to CM12.1 nightly 12.8.2015. .
The thing is that I had to backsmali and smali the classes2.dex file as if it was classes.dex .
Although I was told to use the Backsmali-Smali Manager,I didn't know how to make it even recognize the .dex files,as it would only recognize framework.jar files.
So,I did it with the ApkTool. But I guess it was made for parts of the lower Android OS versions,and after backsmaling,editing,recompiling framework.jar,moving it back into system/framework and fixing permissions,the phone entered a boot loop.
Any suggestion on how to make Smali-Backsmali Manager recognize .dex files?