So today through the adventure of installing/uninstalling different applications i find on here, somehow i ended up with a little battery symbol in my start bar in the place of the clock. I already have the battery life in 2 places so I don't need it again and that clock is the reason i don't wear a watch! Anyone know how i can disable it? I can't find a setting.
Mr. Zach said:
So today through the adventure of installing/uninstalling different applications i find on here, somehow i ended up with a little battery symbol in my start bar in the place of the clock. I already have the battery life in 2 places so I don't need it again and that clock is the reason i don't wear a watch! Anyone know how i can disable it? I can't find a setting.
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HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\ShowTitleBarClock = 1 (Reset)
-----you rock!
I am using the stock AT&T ROM. The battery indicator under Settings/Power just shows a green bar with remaining battery life, but no percentage. Is this how it's supposed to be? Is there a way to get the percentage of battery remaining to show as well?
yo can have percentage of battery on taskbar. Look at this tread:
Thanks for the response. I'm not looking for new icons, though - I just wondered if there was a way to get information about battery percentage (like a registry edit). Do other people's Fuzes show percentage battery remaining under the power setting? I checked my husband's, and his, like mine, does not give this information.
have you found a way into this?
i'm looking for the same thing -- instead of the icon an actual % like 10% etc... but i can't find anything for it.
the url that Majkeljj posted is correct.
i found a post with this picture
and the solution was that mod.
i will try it and see
I was less concerned about changing what it says on the taskbar (I don't want it to look crowded with so much stuff), but hoping I could find a way for it to show the percentage when you actually go into the settings menu. When I go into the settings, there is no percentage there - just the visual representation of how much battery life is left. I still haven't found the answer to this.
Anyone find out if it is possible to add this? I just noticed this tonight. I'm on a custom rom (Da-G 2.02) but I do not have a battery level percentage under Start>Settings>System>Power.
I'd like to replace the stock battery indicator in the status bar with one that would indicate the remaining % of available battery.
I've looked into the Market without finding such simple tool (I'm not looking for any other fancy battery widget/tool).
So far, I found "Battery Notif", an app that does almost what I'm looking for: Battery Notif adds another icon in the tool bar with a battery % indicator but it does not remove the stock battery icon. So I end-up with 2 battery icons in the status bar, one with percentage, one without.
Does anyone know an app that would fit my needs (free preferably), or could create such app?
Altenatively, could anyone tell me how to remove the stock battery indicator because I'd be happy to keep with Battery Notif?
Thanks in advance
PS: I have a rooted HTC Desire with custom ROM 2.1
Would be interesting for me too!!!
There are two such Apps available that both show a figure in percentage in the notification bar which are very good.
1. Battery Alarm
2. Battery Minder.
Both have notifications and both show different types of info in the drop down notification window.
I've installed them both and am currently using the second one Battery Minder.
1. Battery Alarm
2. Battery Minder.
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I've just tried both apps you suggested, but they don't really solve my problem:
1. Battery alarm doesn't seem to show % in the status bar and does not remove the stock alarm indicator from the status bar
2. Battery Minder indicates battery level in % (so does Battery Notif which I'm using) but does not remove the stock battery icon
What I'm really looking for is how to remove the stock battery icon from the status bar (so that I can use a more useful battery indicator such as Battery Notif)
Thank you anyway for your help
Surfinette said:
I've just tried both apps you suggested, but they don't really solve my problem:
1. Battery alarm doesn't seem to show % in the status bar and does not remove the stock alarm indicator from the status bar
2. Battery Minder indicates battery level in % (so does Battery Notif which I'm using) but does not remove the stock battery icon
What I'm really looking for is how to remove the stock battery icon from the status bar (so that I can use a more useful battery indicator such as Battery Notif)
Thank you anyway for your help
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No problem... sorry they weren't suitable.
Strange though that you say Battery Alarm does not show the percentage as on my Galaxy S it did.
Go into spare parts if your rom includes it or download it. In that app, there is an option for displaying battery percentage which will display a number over the stock battery indicator except when it is at 100. I recommend making the color of text white
Sent from my Epic myTouch 3G using XDA app.
twiztid907 said:
Go into spare parts if your rom includes it or download it. In that app, there is an option for displaying battery percentage which will display a number over the stock battery indicator except when it is at 100. I recommend making the color of text white
Sent from my Epic myTouch 3G using XDA app.
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Are you sure, I just can't find it? Can you guide me?
Beards said:
There are two such Apps available that both show a figure in percentage in the notification bar which are very good.
1. Battery Alarm
2. Battery Minder.
Both have notifications and both show different types of info in the drop down notification window.
I've installed them both and am currently using the second one Battery Minder.
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Have you noticed any battery draining after installing them?
Laban said:
Have you noticed any battery draining after installing them?
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With Battery Alarm yes.... but with BatteryMinder no.
Laban said:
Are you sure, I just can't find it? Can you guide me?
Have you noticed any battery draining after installing them?
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Spare parts>general>check battery status display then change battery percentage color to white and reboot
Must be outdated
Sent from my Epic myTouch 3G using XDA app.
twiztid907 said:
Must be outdated
Sent from my Epic myTouch 3G using XDA app.
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I re-downloaded Spare Parts from the market and, similarly, there is no option for this... Did you download from somewhere else?
sblum said:
I re-downloaded Spare Parts from the market and, similarly, there is no option for this... Did you download from somewhere else?
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came in cyanogenmod 5.0.8-DS
twiztid907 said:
came in cyanogenmod 5.0.8-DS
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the spare parts for the custom roms is different than market downloaded as the roms can be customized more etc.
I too am looking for a complete solution for the two conditions from the OP:
I used Battery Indicator Pro while on stock, and now that I am rooted I am looking to remove the stock battery indicator because it doesn't display the same information in the notifications as:
Unplugged since xx:xx Time
Discharging from xx%
**The battery indicator itself does not drain so there is no need to have white text and the battery indicator can change color at customized levels
I am using CM-6 and I know how to enable the battery %. There is an option to disable the clock from being displayed, but I don't know of any way to keep the battery indicator from being displayed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced...
I find that using Battery Indicator Pro actually boggs down the process and drains the battery. Try this next time.
Turn on on the battery indicator and access your OEM task manager and see how long the installed apps take to load.
Next, turn off the battery indicator and do it again and see how long will it take. You will see a definite improvement.
Try this one
If you're rooted - use this - it replaces the battery with circle battery.
If you're unrooted - use the prior post to add a notification bar circle battery icon. Your stock battery will still appear however.
Go to Settings / CyanogenMod settings / User Interface / Status bar --> here enable the battery percentage a make the color WHITE... so you will see it better.
Have Fun
2 more
You can also try out zdbox
It shows exactly what you need.
You can find it here:
If you want to see it on the lock screen, try simply lockscreen:
Hi! I am new to the whole mod and theme idea. Recently, I have been playing around with some files, editing some images to change the way how my phone looks. I am using the circleblue theme to replace the usual battery. However, when I did, it does not show up correctly. Rather, the image remains at a certain number, while the real battery is completely different.
As shown,
I figured that my icon will only move at certain intervals. How can I allow the battery icon to match the real battery percentage? I have all the icon, but the icons will not change. I searched everywhere, but could not find the answer. Maybe because I am unsure of the correct keywords for this.
Thank you!
I just wanted to create this thread to see if other people would like this change or any developers would possibly be able to make it a reality.
Basically I love to get as much battery life as possible as we all know it sucks on the s6 so on every 5.1.1 rom I used I always had power save mode enabled however in 6.0.1 the status bar has changed to grey and personally I do not like this.
Please share your thoughts
billy_hilton said:
I just wanted to create this thread to see if other people would like this change or any developers would possibly be able to make it a reality.
Basically I love to get as much battery life as possible as we all know it sucks on the s6 so on every 5.1.1 rom I used I always had power save mode enabled however in 6.0.1 the status bar has changed to grey and personally I do not like this.
Please share your thoughts
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that is google's move actually. in nexus it changes to orange. maybe they want us to stop using battery saver because it won't save battery a lot and we lose lots of performance. So they change status bar to grey to remind us this is a power saving mode. don't use it always.
we need an optimized software + bigger battery for a better battery life. battery saver won't help a lot.
So I suggest you stop using it. 5% more battery life on power saver won't worth the performance drop
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
billy_hilton said:
I just wanted to create this thread to see if other people would like this change or any developers would possibly be able to make it a reality.
Basically I love to get as much battery life as possible as we all know it sucks on the s6 so on every 5.1.1 rom I used I always had power save mode enabled however in 6.0.1 the status bar has changed to grey and personally I do not like this.
Please share your thoughts
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I've spent the last few days trying to understand why the bar was grey on my stock rooted DPAD ROM. I thought it was because I uninstalled the launcher and about 100 more apps. I reflashed the ROM twice using ODIN, and it was fine at first, then after installing, uninstalling apps and changing the settings it would turn grey. I didn't understand what made it change. This morning I saw that turning on Power Saving was the cause, and then I found your topic. Yes, it's horrible. It's even worse that there's no longer a switch for turning the Back and Recents button LEDs off.
However, if you're rooted and using Xposed, GravityBox will fix it, fortunately. I just tried it, and it gets rid of the grey overlay on the status bar, but there's a minor issue: if you're in an app with a white action bar, the icons and clock won't invert color, so they'll be white on white.
sandulea said:
However, if you're rooted and using Xposed, GravityBox will fix it, fortunately. I just tried it, and it gets rid of the grey overlay on the status bar, but there's a minor issue: if you're in an app with a white action bar, the icons and clock won't invert color, so they'll be white on white.
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can u tell me how you done it i have gravitybox
hi guys
I have successfully updated my phone, yota3 to yota3+. but on e ink screen always show notification bar, it doesn't look god, and when i downloading somethings, it show download icon. it always refresh, always moving. i think that It will waste battery power.
how do i can hide notification bar on eink screen?
Lukhach123 said:
hi guys
I have successfully updated my phone, yota3 to yota3+. but on e ink screen always show notification bar, it doesn't look god, and when i downloading somethings, it show download icon. it always refresh, always moving. i think that It will waste battery power.
how do i can hide notification bar on eink screen?
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That's a widget thing only. Remove it in back-screen-setting.
nnlife82 said:
That's a widget thing only. Remove it in back-screen-setting.
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i want to say , its Status bar ( download icon, wifi, clock, gsm,...) not is widget notification.
I fully second this. Also after like an hour of inactivity, clocks on the EPD stop updating properly. For example its 01:21, but the clocks on my Y3+ (updated from Y3) still show 01:03. Only the clock on the status bar are correct, but first of all, I don't want the status bar on my EPD, and secondly they are too small to consider them convenient at that point anyway.
Would really, really love to hear about solutions to both of those issues :-| The status bar has no reason to exist on the back of the phone. I just wish Y3+ was just a Y2 in regards to the EPD.
workaround for me is to enable the lockscreen with the second screen app but just leave it empty - so I just get a blank white screen with the locked icon and nothing else - most importantly: no statusbar.
most of the apps I use on the e-ink side have fullscreen support, so it doesnt annoy me during actual use.
but yeah, bit of a weird thing to not give us any settings for.
Ye, for me, the "actual use" for a phone with always on screen is seeing a nic clock (and other info) on its back. Thats the most important, seeing clock/weather/notifications/potentially other widget thingies (I inda liked the step countner on the chinese version). But the status bar is something that's not usable "at a glance", its too small for that so it has no place there.
But lately, I'm most annoyed by the clocks not updating properly when the phone is in sleep mode for a few hours, I can't trust the clock anymore, f*ck I hate that about it so much.
LadTy said:
Ye, for me, the "actual use" for a phone with always on screen is seeing a nic clock (and other info) on its back. Thats the most important, seeing clock/weather/notifications/potentially other widget thingies (I inda liked the step countner on the chinese version). But the status bar is something that's not usable "at a glance", its too small for that so it has no place there.
But lately, I'm most annoyed by the clocks not updating properly when the phone is in sleep mode for a few hours, I can't trust the clock anymore, f*ck I hate that about it so much.
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It's a late response, but I'm glad I'm not the only one with the time sync problem. I miss the YotatHub clock and battery widgets :-(
I finally discovered how to fix it:
Go to Settings -> Battery -> Click upper right 3 dots -> Choose 'Battery optimization' -> Choose clock app -> Click 'Don't optimize' -> Click 'Done' and you're done! Now your clock will always update