IE unable to show chinese characters - Non-Touchscreen Windows Mobile Other

Dash don't have CHINA region, I've installed chinese fonts in the system, it's good to display chinese in the system, but IE can't display chinese characters, dose anyone have solutions on this?

IE can only display Chinese encoded in unicode, not GB or BIG5. You need to replace the nls file with a customized one. All other application do not need this.


Change number display

Hello everyone,
i've been testing some roms and i was wondering if it was possible to change the way phone numbers are displayed when i receive a call or sms.
The format is like : (xxx) xxx xxx (which i suppose is the US format)
and i want it like that : xx xx xx xx xx (french format)
thanks a lot
Eh... You just have to set the regional settings to be french...
Not a huge issue but this should definitely be adjusted by MS at some point so that you can display the format as you enter it. The reason this bugs me is because my contact list is pretty international so US region settings mess up the numbers in many cases. My workaround is to set all my regional setting under English (United States) then navigate back to the first tab and swith to English (Australia). This allows me to keep US formatting on everything while changing the phone number format to a generic string
Not sure why MS hasn't allowed custom number formats yet.
btw: does this really belong in upgrading

add dictionary to android keyboard

I have a a big list of the words for my language.
Is there any easy way to create new dictionary for the android keyboard and install it?
I would also be interested in this
I have a huge list of words and I can easily do a parser that'll format them the way the phone wants.
anyone knows how?

Language available when dual booted

Thinking about buying a transformer and dual boot it, here in Norway we have 3 more letters then Uk/US, therefore the keyboard is with a slight different layout. How will this work when it's dual booted, will I still be able to use the Norwegian keyboard as it is intended or will there be some problems regarding the extra letters.
No need to switch
The different languages are supported within Android. No need for dual boot or anything. If you buy it in Norway you'll get a Norwegian Keyboard/Docking station with your device. It is easy to change your language settings and it also support non alphabet ortographies.
Kumabjorn said:
The different languages are supported within Android. No need for dual boot or anything. If you buy it in Norway you'll get a Norwegian Keyboard/Docking station with your device. It is easy to change your language settings and it also support non alphabet ortographies.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm aware of that, I was wondering if it was still available after dualbooting it. But got the answer in another thread so if I understand it correct "local"letters on the keyboard is still available after dualbooting it.
Ahh, you want to run Ubuntu or something like that? Well, once you boot into Android you will have all the regular language options available. I don't run Ubuntu so I can't speak for that, but it would surprise me if it didn't support å.ä and ö. They are just codes in tables.

[Q] Displaying Special Characters and Other Fonts

I'm a college student. My minor is in Biblical languages. This being the case I write and read and study languages that have not been used in a very long time. Koine Greek and Ancient Hebrew are the two languages I am most concerned about getting to work properly on my phone. The problem is that modern Greek and Hebrew have different letters than their ancient counterparts and the ancient characters are not supported by Android (except on a few apps that apparently supply their own fonts).
All these characters are supported natively by Microsoft and Apple and Linux, and I do believe that my friends on the iPhone also have them supported. Does anyone know how I would go about adding support for these characters on my phone, so that I can read them in various apps (email, facebook, twitter, Youversion, etc)
I've heard question like this a couple times, but it was more for adding unsupported languages (German, Croatian etc) but the answer was generally to ask your rom developers to add them. I'm not sure how the lettering is handled on the software level, but there are obviously languages that are very unusual that are supported, so I think it's just a matter of having the developer's add them. And judging from some glimpses at the commits on Github for adding languages it seems a pretty straightforward process. If you're on all stock, them I'm unsure as to how you would implement them
Running the latest Liquid Smooth ROM (although it's getting on my nerves and I am thinking of reverting back to the previous one). I've got the ROM Toolbox app which has a font adding function, which is why I first even thought about posing this question, but it looks like that just adds more fonts to change from the settings for the system font.

Question Samsung keyboard: Remember last language used in password fields

The Samsung keyboard app comes preloaded with the input language of the phone's region (let's say Korean). Of course you can add other input languages and the keyboard app will remember the last language you used for normal text inputs. However, that's not the case for password fields - there, it always defaults to the preloaded language and does not remember your recent language selection (that means you can change the input language in a password field, but next time it will be the preloaded language again).
The only way to change it is to disable the preloaded language (removing it is not possible), then it seems to default to the earliest (not disabled) installed language, and still doesn't remember a different language selection. I don't know if that's just a bug or if there's some hidden setting for this. Since it chooses the earliest installed language, is there a way to change the language list hierarchy somewhere in the settings/properties? That would at least allow me to set the default password field language to the most convenient one, even if it still doesn't remember the last used language.
This issue is not device specific because it affects the Samsung keyboard app (on the recent Android versions) and how it handles password fields. Is there a possible workaround?

