Hey all,
Just an idea. Does anyone out there think that it might be a good idea to start a thread about Exchange and OTA activesync issues? I have fielded a few questions recently and just figured that I would ask. (perhaps not located here in WM6 group but since this is most active I figured I would ask here).
Yes, I think it is a good idea.
Why? What is the problem? I've have used at least 5 different WM6 Roms as well as WM5 cooked versions, all working fine with my TMobile MDA and Push/Activesync and front-end exchange server here.
Personally.... None...
Personally, I have similar setup and no issues with multiple roms as well. I have just been answering a few questions lately from people who have been having issues and rather than have them get off topic in other forums non-related to exchange / active sync issues I figured I would start one.
Ok, I am feeling ya'
Let the questions/issues begin! Will help if I can to answer questions or test.
Real World Problem
Perhaps you will allow me to jump in with a real world problem, then.
I was able to synch with Exchange 2003 SP2 no problem. I essentially have two different scenarios:
1. I have no T-Mobile service at my desk, so I hook up to my XP machine with a USB cable and run AS 4.5. That view puts me on a private network (; the pertinent server configuration is ISA 2006 front end to the network and a WS 2003 running Exchange behind it. The XP machine gets its IP address from DHCP server on the ISA machine, using the ISA address as a gateway for the local network.
2. Away from my desk, I connect via GPRS. The connection is to the ISA server using the public DNS name of mail.<domain>.com. This means a VPN connection.
So after flashing a new ROM, I can no longer synch locally. I get a 85010001 error message, bad HTTP protocol. Not much helpful information out there; I made certain that integrated authentication was not checked on the directory security tab for the IIS folder, and I went through the deletion and recreate of the IIS folders per MS article. Still won't synch up with the same error.
Additional information. RPC over HTTP is set up on the Exchange server via ISA server, and publicly purchased certificate covers the IIS DEFAULT directory. I can do OWA from inside and outside the network, synch via GPRS when I have service but can't when I use a USB connection. I had copied my WM5 settings down before I flashed, and they are set correctly. HOWEVER, when I unlocked the phone before going to WM6, I reloaded 2.26 from T-MOBILE AND THIS PROBLEM SHOWED UP BEFORE WM6! There were no reboots or changes on any of the servers or the XP machine from when it was working to when it wasn't.
Thanks, sorry if this was posted int the wrong place.
Hey rvverito, I'm an Exchange admin myself and would love to help others who had problems setting up the Exchange/OTA Sync. If you're interested in any help or just get stuck on a sticky problem, drop me a PM or email. (Both will be pushed to my device )
Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with ISA, I mainly service SBS servers and a WS 2003 box of my own, but with a hardware firewall. From your post it's not clear exactly what the error message is. WHen it comes to Microsoft 0x850001 is different than 850001, so if you could expand on that, it would be great.
Activesync reports the error
the 85010001 error is a windows dialogue box that comes from Activesync and not to be confused with something in one of the event files. In fact, there are no event postings on either the Exchange nor the XP boxes, and for that matter not on the ISA box, either. The error descriptions indicate a bad HTTP protocol, but I have seen other references to this error where the user wasn't even running Exchange and was trying to synch with some POP3 service. Go figure.
I know that with a certificate, there are some extra considerations, but i seemed to have had it working just fine, now not at all.
I am convinced it has something to do with Exchange and inside the local network. The WM5/6 setting capactiy is simply not rich enough to let me play with some things.
Here is another wierd thing. I am running a Netgear wireless router with WPA-PSK security. I try setting this up as a wi-fi network on my MDA and it comes back unavailable. There is a scanner on the build, and when I turn on SID broadcasting, I can see the network. However, the broadcaster says it is running WEP. If I turn off the SID, the broadcaster says it is open. And of couse, a dozen or so devices including a Nintendo Wii are all affectionately connected to the router.
thanks - L
Hmm, from the sounds of it, you may have to load the certificate onto your device. It is possible that you had it before you started the whole reflashing your phone deal, so it's worth a shot.
Of like mind
that is the conclusion I came to as well. I have been sorting out how to get the cert onto the device.
what troubles me though, is why it works over GPRS.
It could be because you have the certificate for AS/OWA, but not one for connecting to the LAN. I'm not sure what your network topology is like, so I can't really help you in that regard/
one more thing, if you have stupid tmobile proxy enable it will not let you sync with Exchange when its docked with PC, nor your pda will have access to internet. BLAME the t-zone service for blocking inbound traffic over proxy or get your self fully fledge internet for 29.99 or what you can do is disable the proxy when you connect to pc or installed battery status extended and enable option where it disables proxy when wifi is turned on. This will let you sync over wifi however again when docked with PC it can't be synced until you manually turned of proxy. Hope this helps.
wish that were it
but proxy is turned off. thanks.
I have a HTC 8125. Pretty good device for now. I usually log onto my schools internet by opening up the pocket internet explorer and just going to any address. It will then direct me the the campus webpage where I have to enter my username and password.
Is there a way to have that information already preset so I dont have to do that extra step everytime.
When the device goes to sleep after a few mins, it takes a lot for me to do all the steps again. Wish there was a way to have it remember already, unless you cant bypass it because its a kind of authentication or something.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
daddy_yankee1980 said:
I have a HTC 8125. Pretty good device for now. I usually log onto my schools internet by opening up the pocket internet explorer and just going to any address. It will then direct me the the campus webpage where I have to enter my username and password.
Is there a way to have that information already preset so I dont have to do that extra step everytime.
When the device goes to sleep after a few mins, it takes a lot for me to do all the steps again. Wish there was a way to have it remember already, unless you cant bypass it because its a kind of authentication or something.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
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Nope yer stuck, its a session cookie, that once the device goes to sleep, the session is broken and invalidated. Sorry thats not the answer you wanted. you could add your username to the autocomplete which might speed you up some, but I wouldnt add the password.
do VPN software clients exist for WM? Something u could run software wise? i know it would probably use up unnecessary memory, but that might solve the problem...
I'm actually in the same situation you are with internet at my university.
Hey guys,
I'm trying to figure out how to use this nifty little program.
I read up on some other website that this program can let you connect to other wifi networks, even encrypted ones!
Here's the website;
If anyone knows hoe to make it work on my HTC Wizard WM6.1, please let me know.
Cphil1 said:
Hey guys,
I'm trying to figure out how to use this nifty little program.
I read up on some other website that this program can let you connect to other wifi networks, even encrypted ones!
Here's the website;
If anyone knows hoe to make it work on my HTC Wizard WM6.1, please let me know.
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Well, you can do that with the built-in wifiapp.
This is not exactly how things work with this soft. Not directly.
I mean no programm will allow you to get connected right away onto encripted networks.
What mobile sniffer actually does, it allows you to sniff data packets out from encripted networks.
With a significant amount of such data packets, if you are a hacker and have sofwares to read the contents of such packets, you can eventually 'break' the wep key that encripted such network.
I will just remind you that using other people's private wifi network by breaking their encription key is illegal in most countries...
So why?
Hey rir22,
So why is it so commercialized out there? What makes the airscanner so much more appealing than other wifi sniffers?
The way I see it, the whole concept behind this airscanner is that you can sniff out network / wifi packets and eventually connect to the internet via that way...
Or am I completely wrong here???
That's partially correct. With enough captured packets, WEP is easily broken due to Initialisation Vectors (IV) being re-used.
There are only a handful of devices that run WinMo that are supported by Airscanner, you can also look at Handy Sniffer which claims to be able to put an adapter into promiscuous mode. However, what you would essentially want to do is put your card into RFMON, which would allow you to receive all traffic on a given frequency.
You'd be better off getting a Zaurus for such adventures.
So... I have been curious about porting RFMON onto android as well... is there a group working on this I can collaborate with? It will take quite a bit of effort to get the chip to support that mode... I think
I cannot connect my AT&T Fuze to my work wireless network. This network requires the following settings:
Network Authentication: Open
Data Encryption: WEP (key is automatically provided)
Authentication: 802.1x Protected EAP (PEAP)
Inner Authentication: Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP v2)
Problem #1 - When I add the wireless network to the Wi-Fi settings, I select EAP type as "PEAP." I try to press the <Properties> button to set the inner authentication to MSCHAPv2, but receive an error message "Cannot log on to the network. This network requires a personal certificate to positively identify you." However this network does not require personal certificates.
Problem #2 - So I ignore that and press <Finish>. I am prompted for my credentials (username/password/domain). I enter them and press <OK>. No good. I am then repeatedly prompted for my credentials. [UPDATE: I just tried it for the 53rd time and just this once I was able to magically connect.]
I have read through many posts of similar complaints. I disabled server certification validatin by adding the ValidateServerCert value to the HKLM\Comm\EAP\Extension\25 key even though I have successfully installed the appropriate root certificate on the device. I also added the ValidateServerCert value to the \26 key just in case. I also set the wireless power mode to Best Performance.
What makes this particularly annoying is that I configured a coworkers iPhone to connect to the network. It was a giant pain because I had to install some sort of enterprise configuration software on a server and email her a mobile configuration profile from this application. Well the joke is on me because my WM6.1 phone cannot even connect.
Advice on what to do next? Thanks for your assistance.
I have the exact same problem... anybody found some sort of solution?
In case you still have the problem:
Their program helped me overcome my issues with peap. Hope it works for you too
(taken from )
Thanks! Just how i tried - and too workng!
In case you still have the problem:
Their program helped me overcome my issues with peap. Hope it works for you too
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I am the OP. I was looking at SecureW2 as a last resort, as I am generally opposed to installing 3rd party applications to perform what should be core OS functions. Too many potential issues down the road. Fortunately I overcame my problem #2 stated above. On a separate post, somebody captured network traffic and determined that credential request/response was getting out of sync b/c the access point was not allowing enough time to respond. So after entering credentials and checking the "Save" box, I just banged away on the <OK> button as fast as possible. Eventually I connected. At this point the credentials are cached so I immediately connect from then on. I have tried this on two different HTC Fuze devices to my company's 802.1x PEAP MSCHAPv2 wireless network and it works great.
I also verified that since I installed the proper root certificate on my Fuze, I do not need to disable certificate validation by changing the ValidateServerCert registry value.
So the Windows Mobile 6.1 networking has two problems that will hopefully be fixed in a future update to make this easier for everyone.
So all you do is hit the OK button as fast as possible?
just making short login ans password
So all you do is hit the OK button as fast as possible?
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Yes if you are experiencing problem #2 in the original post, repeated login prompts even though you know the credentials are correct.
just making short login ans password
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The length of the username and password do not matter. And most credentials used with corporate networks are subject to complexity rules so cannot be arbitrarily short.
I found another solution, well the It guys from my Uni did.
Apparently you just have to increase the Wifi power setting to max. Otherweise the phone cannot process the peap crypto processes as it is limited by power saving mode.
i have the same problem. i dont understand how you overcame it
as0r: Changing the wifi power setting did not resolve problem #2 described in my original post, repeated login prompts.
jvar11889: How far did you make it, are you experiencing at problem #2 described in my original post, repeated login prompts? Is your required wifi configuration the same (802.1x PEAP MSCHAPv2)? I have succeeded on two different Fuzes, multiple times.
as0r said:
I have the exact same problem... anybody found some sort of solution?
In case you still have the problem:
Their program helped me overcome my issues with peap. Hope it works for you too
(taken from )
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I used this solution and worked for me!
Tried all the other tips mentioned, like for example the "power trick", without any luck!
However i have just flashed my TP from stock norwegian ROM to ROMeOS, dont know if this had any influence, but sercurew2 did the trick!
Its not really a 3rd party software, more like and integration into windows mobile!
Follow the instalations and setup guide from the site!
And Thanks for posting this, i have tried to get it working for more than 2 weeks now
Its not really a 3rd party software, more like and integration into windows mobile!
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I disagree because the release notes clearly list the DLL's installed on your device. There is nothing inherently wrong with 3rd party software; I just like to reduce complexity by only installing additional software when I can't get what I want using the buillt-in features. If this was the only way I could connect to my 802.1x network, I would certainly install it.
I'm glad you are up and running. I have a hard time believing Microsoft is not aware of these problems. If they are serious about WM competing with iPhone and Android, Microsoft needs to jump on top of problems like this.
rlsmith999 said:
I disagree because the release notes clearly list the DLL's installed on your device. There is nothing inherently wrong with 3rd party software; I just like to reduce complexity by only installing additional software when I can't get what I want using the buillt-in features. If this was the only way I could connect to my 802.1x network, I would certainly install it.
I'm glad you are up and running. I have a hard time believing Microsoft is not aware of these problems. If they are serious about WM competing with iPhone and Android, Microsoft needs to jump on top of problems like this.
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I agree with you! MS should do something about this! However, i talked to the EU HTC Support team, and they said a new ROM / Fimrware is due to be released end of February! Maybe there will be some kind of fix to this problem? Have heard that the HTC TP have some kind of problems installing certificates or something like that (havent read this myself, just heared it from someone working in a Cell Phone shop).
Hope you'll post here if you find a better solution!
Good luck!
zemlol said:
I used this solution and worked for me!
Tried all the other tips mentioned, like for example the "power trick", without any luck!
However i have just flashed my TP from stock norwegian ROM to ROMeOS, dont know if this had any influence, but sercurew2 did the trick!
Its not really a 3rd party software, more like and integration into windows mobile!
Follow the instalations and setup guide from the site!
And Thanks for posting this, i have tried to get it working for more than 2 weeks now
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I am glad it helped you, but it stopped working for me a couple of days ago. Would you mind posting your config?
Try and go into the securew2 settings tab !
And check for "prompt for username and password" ?
It switches on and off sometimes!
What config info you want?
hi boys...
i have the same problem... I cant connect to wifi of my university because his used a protocol that not compatible of andoid...
this is the guide of my University for linux sistem...
Sicurezza wireless: WPA e WPA2 Enterprise
Autenticazione: EAP Protetto (PEAP)
Identita anonima : anonymous
Certificato della CA: (Nessuno)
Versione PEAP: Versione 0
Autenticazione interna: MSCHAPv2
utente : il proprio indirizzo di mail studenti (esempio [email protected])
Password: ( la password del servizio wifi inserita in fase di attivazione)
now the problem is that my liquid ask me only password, and only for this not possible to connect.
anyway help me...
Same here
i have the same issue as well. i have tried all kinds of solutions. adding the reg key, securw2, advanced config tool and many more but nothing has worked. i even flashed a new 6.5 rom and that didnt work either. my fellow techs have i-phones and they find this pretty funny so i would love to get it to work. I like htc and dont really want to go to iphone so hopefully someone out there has the solution that works.
Does anyone have the cab file for the HTC Wi-Fi Router app that's installed on most HD2's? I got mine from O2 and they don't include this on their ROM version.
What about that
It's not the one from the Leo, but seems to be interesting too.
Have fun
Seem to have found the files, for them i have the (from the official rom dump)
and mui
now would i be right in just putting these in \windows and creating the reg entry for the icon and a shortcut for start menu and be done
How would i add the entry for the comm manager?
Wireless Router Cab
Change Wi-fi router apn
when I start Wi-fi router, it always use wap apn. Is there any way how to change it to internet apn? Thanks for any help
the cab was upped months ago in dev and hacking.
May well have been l3v35y that upped it
Thanks guys.
I've downloaded it and installed it and it seems to run OK, unfortunately I cannot fully test it at the mo because my data connection is screwed until Monday.
Will let you know if it works OK next week.
Added security
Only thing I dont like about the Wifi Router is the low security on it, I understand WPA2 may demand too much form the phone, but a simple config file in which you could add the MAC adresses allowed to connect to the Router would be great.. anyone know who wrote it? I love the Wifi router feature, but a simple if-not-on-the-MAC-list-no-connection feature would make it a LOT better.
htc hd2 wifi router
can anyone help me find the site in english?
thx, but the most custom roms have a good integrated wifi router
Does this program store any log file information or internet history on the phone itself? I do a lot of sensitive financial transactions on my laptop and want to make sure it's not being stored on the phone as well.