Can Windows Mobile 6 be loaded on the Motorola Q? - General Topics

Hey guys,
Sorry if this was posted somewhere before, but I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out what needs to be done if anything to install the Windows Mobile 6 onto my Motorola Q.
I understand that the original Q may not support WM6 out of the box, and I'm kind of new to hacked/burned ROMs to replace the standard stuff on these phones, however I've managed to pick up 2 different Pre-release versions of WM6, and I attempt to run them, but I get a bad contry code error or that the ROM isn't compatible.
Is there anything I can do as far as using a 'modified' ROM to make this work? I'd like to get WM6 onto this unit if possible.
Thanks in advance,

Do a google search. Really, no one can explain the whole thing in such a way you can fully understand.
Like you forgot to mention what versions of WM6 you got. Where they smartphone or WMPC? Which gadget where they made for? What is the exact error?
Also, I take it that you are in fact new, since this is a generally HTC website.
You could be better served at a Motorola Q forum.


Windows Mobile on the G1?

Trying to hedge my bets here but does anyone think it's possible that a cooked ROM for the G1 will come out to allow it to be reflashed to Windows Mobile 6?
I'm really hoping Android takes off but if I'm locked to Tmobile for another 2 years I may as well have my choice of OS if the first one never takes off.
If a solution is not found for Microsoft Exchange I will have to make one of two choices. One get another phone or Two find a way to switch to Windows Mobile. I love all the features it has now but work requires me to have Exchange.
jcostantino said:
Trying to hedge my bets here but does anyone think it's possible that a cooked ROM for the G1 will come out to allow it to be reflashed to Windows Mobile 6?
I'm really hoping Android takes off but if I'm locked to Tmobile for another 2 years I may as well have my choice of OS if the first one never takes off.
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I think there's a better chance of the open-source Android being ported to Windows Mobile devices than Windows Mobile being ported to the G1. Just a thought, so if you want to stay with WM6 and have Android at some point maybe you should buy a WM phone and hope Android gets ported to it (already available on the Blue Angel and maybe 1 or 2 other devices I believe).
im jw why would u want that tho.. wm isnt doin there job so im gonna go to os android. and wat ever is better i will stick to it and sel the other.. either way im making money
bps725 said:
If a solution is not found for Microsoft Exchange I will have to make one of two choices. One get another phone or Two find a way to switch to Windows Mobile. I love all the features it has now but work requires me to have Exchange.
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You might want to have a look at funambol (, and talk to developers about implementing it for Android (I'm sure someone will). It's a versatile sync solution which already works on a wide range of phones. It might just give the connectivity that you need, including push email.
i dont think its legal to run winmo6 on this phone since htc did not licence it. any workarounds for this issue? can you somehow buy a licence.
fatso485 said:
i dont think its legal to run winmo6 on this phone since htc did not licence it. any workarounds for this issue? can you somehow buy a licence.
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Most cooked winmo roms are not legal in some way, shape, or form...but people do it all the time.
lets dual boot it!
beartard said:
Most cooked winmo roms are not legal in some way, shape, or form...but people do it all the time.
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the laws are meant to be broken..
its illegal to do alot of things:
tearing a tag of your mattress
speeding while driving
invading a country under false pretence
since the phone is based off MSM7201A
i think we might be able to get a touch hd / touch pro /diamond rom converted to the dream
but i don't think that will happen until we get a rom update for the dream
or until tmobile releases the base code behind the dream(may never happen)
linux GPL
android ASL
fyi (android contains some linux)
another question is the radio is the code built into the os or is it separate like
the other(the radio is linux based on the above models) if it is separate then we might have a chance to get a fully funtion dream running wm6.1
not only that but maybe export the radio into the other phone to get tmobile 3g on it
robpet2 said:
the laws are meant to be broken..
its illegal to do alot of things:
tearing a tag of your mattress
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edit: this line below was meant as a comment to the mattress
actual is is only illegal if you are not the end customer
and the only reason why cooking existed is because you (the consumer) can't buy wm6
that is why this stuff is not considered warez
is is a fine red line
why are cooked roms illegal can you explain this.
basically your phone came with a copy of windows included in the price and you replaced it with a tweaked copy. you still paid for the licence
this cant be said about the G1
any body knows how much htc pays MS for the licence. would you say about$8
warwolfx0 said:
another question is the radio is the code built into the os or is it separate like
the other(the radio is linux based on the above models) if it is separate then we might have a chance to get a fully funtion dream running wm6.1
not only that but maybe export the radio into the other phone to get tmobile 3g on it
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Andy Rubin (or at least one of his colleagues) answered this in one keynote; for security purposes, the radio code is separate from the OS. This is so that developers have full access to the OS without wreaking havoc on the network, unintentional or otherwise. This doesn't necessarily mean that extracting the radio or changing the rom will be the exact same as with WM, but there's a good chance it can be done.
fatso485 said:
why are cooked roms illegal can you explain this.
basically your phone came with a copy of windows included in the price and you replaced it with a tweaked copy. you still paid for the licence
this cant be said about the G1
any body knows how much htc pays MS for the licence. would you say about$8
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I know it was an off-topic remark and I apologize. I'll explain myself and let this topic get back on topic.
Say my phone came with WM5 on it. Legally, unless my carrier or the phone's manufacturer gives me a licensed upgrade to WM6, my installing WM6 (or 6.1) on it is illegal.
It's the same thing if I were to install a cooked version of MacOS X on my AMD computer. I can't buy a version of MacOS X for it (since Apple only supports their own Intel hardware). But that wouldn't stop Apple from winning a lawsuit against me if they were to find out I was using it....even if I had purchased a retail copy of MacOS X, just to have the CDs. Just like my cooked WM upgrade, I'm violating the end-user license agreement that's attached to the OS.
Now, that's not really what I meant by "some way, shape, or form." Many cooked ROMs on this site include cracked versions of 3rd party software that are illegal, unethical, and at times pulling money from the pockets of solo developers. Now I come here and though I can't post that cracked software because it would be "warez," I can post a ROM containing it. It's a strange double standard.
Have I used all these things before? Sure. But I think we get carried away with the whole idea here and think everything's perfectly alright. There's also a fine, red line between a real developer anda petty cracker.
I personally hope someone finds a way to port WM to the G1. I am using an unlocked AT&T Tilt for T-Mobile. While I love the phone, it lacks the AWS frequencies required for T-Mobiles 3G.
There are a few things I'm unsure of regarding getting WM to work for this phone however. There will probably need to be some serious tweaking to make everything work properly as the hardware, while similar, isn't exactly the same. The trackball in particular comes to mind. How will that be made to work? The only phones I can think of that implement a trackball are the Sidekicks, and some Blackberry phones (pearl?). Neither use WM so drivers for it might not exist yet on WM. Same goes for the compass.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...while I am hoping for someone to get WM on this phone, I also know it's probably not going to be very easy.
LvDisturbed1 said:
There will probably need to be some serious tweaking to make everything work properly as the hardware, while similar, isn't exactly the same. The trackball in particular comes to mind. How will that be made to work? The only phones I can think of that implement a trackball are the Sidekicks, and some Blackberry phones (pearl?). Neither use WM so drivers for it might not exist yet on WM. Same goes for the compass.
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The HTC Artemis uses a trackball, and the X1 uses a trackpad. Those are the only two I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are others.
beartard said:
I know it was an off-topic remark and I apologize. I'll explain myself and let this topic get back on topic.
Say my phone came with WM5 on it. Legally, unless my carrier or the phone's manufacturer gives me a licensed upgrade to WM6, my installing WM6 (or 6.1) on it is illegal.
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I can relate to this example because I had a Wizard(MDA) originally it ran a WM5, t-mobile did not offer any upgrades to WM6. I installed a cooked WM6 from this site and it ran perfectly.
Also I have spoken to a G1 representative from t-mobile today. I asked; since it is possible for me to test Android on my HTC phone (which was originally a WM phone) and switch it back to WM, is it possible to go from Android to WM with the G1? the G1 technician said that it is possible, althought if there are any hardware issues it could void the warranty also some functions might not work correctly such as the trackball.
with that said i wonder if you still need the $25 plan for the G1 after switching to WM; couldnt you just use the $20 plan just like you would for the kaiser, wing, wizard?
I don't see why the plan would make any difference if WM were installed. It would be just another WM phone. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think T-Mobile does IMEI tracking the same way other carriers do, so they wouldn't really care that you had a G1 without a plan. It's the Android software that tells T-Mobile you need the plan in the first place.
My whole thing is, if you want Windows Mobile, why not get a phone designed for it? Now that I ask that, I'm wondering if tmo has released a WM phone that's 3G capable yet.
beartard said:
My whole thing is, if you want Windows Mobile, why not get a phone designed for it?
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You just dont have the spirit of xda-developers, do you.
Hehe. I get your point. I just wouldn't want an OS that couldn't take full advantage of the hardware.

For those of you who want winmo on your G1 try this.

I looked up an article about a smartphone that runs on both windows mobile and andriod using a special bootloader called U-boot it is an open-source boot loader try getting this on the G1 then try to get windows mobile image or something on the g1 via this bootloader. the phone I am referencing this from is the Compulab exeda their article can be found here:
Use this bootloader then tell me how you will get windows mobile
wattt!!! so basically u saying hey i dnt know if this will work but kill your fone then tell me how it work out. Btw first the bootloader have to be ported to g1 hardware
ya that guy says here do this and let me know if it works . but if im reading this right a dual boot g1?
That's what it seems like. That could mean anything really... but it has an ethernet port! Can we say insta-router/modem? How odd and cool at the same time! But if it's truly a duel mode phone, WM on Android is just a tiny step away But then again... Since the phone itself is entirely different than the G1, how will it be ported? Just a bootloader isn't gonna do it. It will have to be modified completely. It's still better than trying to port from a TyTn or something else. U boot will have to support the G1's hardware or something extremely similar (a least a HTC phone). And the WM image could be gotten from anywhere but preferably from this phone, the exeda (may be the .nbf will leak sometime or it will get a downloadable update for WM).
LOL i meant dual boot as in the "linux" flavor for nokia i was thinking... sorry but as fast as android is advancing im ready to kiss WM goodbye. But sure people will either want to throw WM or possibly a dualboot on there g1's if it is possible
I've used u-boot on many different platforms... You guys have no idea what you're talking about. This isn't something you just "put" onto the G1... it would need to be written(ported) for the G1, bring up all the hardware, initialise RAM, etc... this would replace the SPL, not the OS, so you would also have to find a way to get u-boot to load wince (I've only used u-boot to boot linux, redboot is for wince).... this thread is like all the comments on the google apps store asking app developers to write flash for the browser...
I would love to get something like this, even wondered when they will come out with it. But I do think it will be something that will have to come on the phone, not as a 3rd party app. But I do hope HTC will bring out a hybrid like this. And a Ethernet port. Holy crap, I love that!!
i have a dream...
I have a dream that one day HTC will offer the drivers to the devices they sell.. that would make every developers live easier. If they released the drivers for all the hardware u could run any OS on the dream.
I would acctually pay for that
apatcas said:
I have a dream that one day HTC will offer the drivers to the devices they sell.. that would make every developers live easier. If they released the drivers for all the hardware u could run any OS on the dream.
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The problem is, HTC may or may not have the rights to release the code for those drivers, even if they wanted to. Many drivers come from hardware manufacturers (like Qualcomm, for example) and don't give clients like HTC the rights to distribute them except in binary form.
One day everything will be open-source. One day a carrier who advertises a phone as "open" will actually sell it as open, too.
I had my laptop dual boot with Slax and Win XP for about a week. I can't tell you how much I regret wasting the time to even set that up. Lets say you get the bootloader to work on the G1... Now tell me... what exactly are you going to use to control the capacitive touch screen and why? Can't we all just admit that Windows time is near its end and its only saving grace is to mimic what the open source communities are doing, or Apple if you want to refer to Windows 7... ick i say, ick.
True i am going to hijack this and wonder also why has no one looked into why we are only using 384mhz of the 528mhz that the processor can run at it was in another thread that no one commented on?
sino8r said:
That's what it seems like. That could mean anything really... but it has an ethernet port! Can we say insta-router/modem? How odd and cool at the same time! But if it's truly a duel mode phone, WM on Android is just a tiny step away But then again... Since the phone itself is entirely different than the G1, how will it be ported? Just a bootloader isn't gonna do it. It will have to be modified completely. It's still better than trying to port from a TyTn or something else. U boot will have to support the G1's hardware or something extremely similar (a least a HTC phone). And the WM image could be gotten from anywhere but preferably from this phone, the exeda (may be the .nbf will leak sometime or it will get a downloadable update for WM).
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good news I mentioned that the U-boot bootloader is open source
beartard said:
The problem is, HTC may or may not have the rights to release the code for those drivers, even if they wanted to. Many drivers come from hardware manufacturers (like Qualcomm, for example) and don't give clients like HTC the rights to distribute them except in binary form.
One day everything will be open-source. One day a carrier who advertises a phone as "open" will actually sell it as open, too.
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compulab has already made that dream come true with the exeda
damien667 said:
I've used u-boot on many different platforms... You guys have no idea what you're talking about. This isn't something you just "put" onto the G1... it would need to be written(ported) for the G1, bring up all the hardware, initialise RAM, etc... this would replace the SPL, not the OS, so you would also have to find a way to get u-boot to load wince (I've only used u-boot to boot linux, redboot is for wince).... this thread is like all the comments on the google apps store asking app developers to write flash for the browser...
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can redboot be modified to run windows mobile???
qjsmartphone said:
compulab has already made that dream come true with the exeda
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That's actually pretty slick. I wonder if a version will support tmo-usa's 3G band?

[Q] MK16i Xperia Pro

Yes, there is one post that follows the process that I used for my SK17i Mini Pro a couple months ago.
I'm new to Android. Yup a Noob. I don't mind saying as we all have to start to learn somewhere and somehow.
Long story short. I've damaged my Very well liked SK17i. Physical is what I mean here.
I rooted it according to some instructions along the lines of:
1. upgrade to firmware xxx.
2. grab image xxx. etc.
3. use the tool to root it.
I diverged... I just installed Doomloards Custom Kernel after step 2 or so and installed it as it was already rooted! It has overclocking though I didn't use it and of course it had Boot recovery. Plenty of other useful tools aready in the .img.
I basically want the same thing for my Pro.
My whole purpose of rooting is for the rights root grants, and to use aps2sd. Sufficient for my functions. (CM mod etc, will have to be a lot more stable for me to consider them which is going to be some time down the road for this device.)
I kept everything else stock. I don't do custom roms etc. This is a daily phone and I need it to function and work for communication.
bboof posted something like what I'd prefer to do. I'm waiting for a reply as to whether his kernel will support aps2sd. (I do mean the XDAversion not anything from Android apps store unless there has been something wonderfully new there in the last 2 months since I bought my Mini Pro.)
I was fighting the Internet here and a machine with HDD problems making for a serious dog dog slow experience here. I'm in CHINA. Censorship and random sites blocked for the fun of it.
I have searched and searched. I have broken out my little 10in Computer here cause it's at least not so mind numbingly painfully slow. (haha Now just fighting the internet. At the moment XDA is not blocked! Started out that way earlier? Had to use a proxy.)
I have been at this for several hours. About 7 so far.
I have FOUND no info on a Custom Kernel for the Xperia Pro MK16i? SO other than bboofs, is there none? Yet I've found comments in others that there are? Even that doomlord has made one. I can find no link? I found such a comment in his one step guide and someone said, why? We already have kernels with root available to be flashed to the device? (Please I want this kernel? how to find it?)
I've googled any number of search parameters i could think of. I can't find.
If there's a Doomlord kernel, just like with my SK17i, I would guess specific firmware is needed? Please tell me which and where to get it... Thank you to any and all who can shed some light here. I live in a different time zone and if I can get an answer that enables me to do what I want... I might be able to order this MK16i tomorrow.It seems a great piece of kit with some nice 'upgrades' compared to my SK17i. (It was not available in Oct.)
What I have found so far. CM7 or was it 9? There's a custom kernel that seems to be required to be installed before trying the CM7 ROM.
So anyone with more experience in Android. Can I use that CM7 Kernel for MK16i? What does it support? (I read back with my SK17i some problems with CM and aps2sd. Something about scripts clashing and all that.) I will not install CM Rom. I will keep stock ROM and I am guessing there may be some conflicts? Yes, no? Maybe?
As I'm asking about using custom kernels... WE all know that the Neo and Pro are the same unit. Just like the Mini and Mini pro were. With the physical difference of a keyboard.
Anyone have a clue or has anyone even TRIED! (Someone adventurous perhaps?) the Kernels for the Xperia Neo on the Xperia Pro? I am a noob, and I do use linux 98% of the time. I don't really work in Windows anymore. However, I'm not a coder or script writer. Also Android for lack of a better term has a few mods.
More or less, in Android, from my simple understanding and yes, correct me if I'm totally wrong or even partially, so I can gain understanding, the ROM is basically where all your program functions and such are. SO when we're talking about the keyboard for example. Parameters and such I would guess are in the ROM?
If all else being equal, I should be able to use a Neo Custom Kernel on my SK16i to achieve my simple result? Or do I have it confused?
What I understand is at least with aps2sd, a ramdisk mod is needed? Does the bboof kernel not only offer root but the modded ramdisk to support other features with everything else being stock? (Actually I'm guessing it should because of mods that should still have been made to allow for the recovery. Though everything else is 'stock'. Of course totally not sure or I wouldn't be here asking.)
Anyone know? I'm more or less sitting here spinning my wheels. I want to order the replacement and at the price difference, it seems silly not to buy the MK16i. (However basically want to be 100% certain I can manage my same little basic setup.)
Also, if anyone with more experience has some idea, I'll be happy to use another tool to gain the ability to put aps on my SD card and not take up the limited space on the device. So please recommend a tool that isn't too complicated.
How about link2sd? Does it also require a modded ramdisk space?
I just want to keep it simple. I don't often need so far, any great mods on my devices. Just root so being in CHINA I can actually use the appstore.
My SK17i does work despite the damage. SO I have ROMmanager the back up program. I haven't really used it yet. (Unable to pay for paid version again other limitations of CHINA. Including an inability to pay for VPN at the moment to stop fighting with the internet. Last time to work with my SK17i took me about 5 days! Coz every link to download the files was blocked!! It only took me about 3min following the instructions to actually update firmware. unlock bootloader, add Doomlords custom kernel. ) Hoping I can use Rom Manager to back up just my programs and shift them right over to the MK16i. Can I do that? Anyone with a bit more experience using the program and does this work with the unpaid version?
Hoping to do the same here... if there's no custom kernels or such available. Please tell me. If there are, links where to download etc.
All those who use various ways to put aps on your SDcard please let me know what works well and stable. Also the real way, not like some of the app store aps. I'll make a ext partition, that kind of approach, on my SD card.
THis is likely by far an advance question... what about running debian or some linux image in chroot on Android and obviously an Xperia. In particular the pro but has anyone tried with anything else? I saw a few links about it a few months ago and even someone has an app in appstore supposed to automate it. (Uh not so important as the primary. Getting root in a kernel and aps2sd support.)
Sorry if this post is long. I'm trying to save you guys wondering what I want, and having to ask me more questions.
In case it's important. I am buying a sim unlocked non carrier specific unit. I buy from Expansys. I live in China so buy from HK. Their products are good and stuff not made for CHINA! Which is the absolute must to avoid. Unless you like fiddling and trying to bypass the limitations they put on their products. Android units sold in CHINA of course are locked by carrier. of course remove Android app store!
Not even going into the necessity to have root so I can 'pretend' I'm in some other country to reach apps that google censors from China anyway.
I hope I've been detailed enough and someone can point me in the right direction.
I've got flashtool and other tools from when I did my SK17i back in October. (Fortunately. I dread to think of the internet fight if I had to try to get them all over again. I'll only need the files specific to MK16i and links to them.)
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A

[Q] HTC HD 2 win 7 problems HELP

Hi Guys
sorry if this has been posted before ..
I have successfully loaded win 7 on my hd2 and even managed to get the code to register live ...
everytime i go onto market place and try download something it says
"cant get this information at the moment check again in a little while"
its been saying this all night now and am at my wits end with it
anyone help please
Have you, perchance, checked the HD2-specific section of this forum? You're running a custom build of an OS that's not supposed to have custom builds on hardware that isn't supposed to run the OS, so some problems are expected. This isn't the best place to get them fixed, though - most people on this part of the site have official WP7 devices. Try the HD2 forums, especially the thread for the ROM you're using.
Yes, you should definitely be in the HD2 forums.
Having done a lot with my HD2 before I bought the Lumia, I can tell you that it matters to know what ROM you're using. Are you able to buy apps via Zune or the windowsphone website?
Have you tried a hard reset?
I used the Back to the Future ROM and only had issues with the marketplace once out of about 12 installs. That issue was related to my liveid and not what you're experiencing at all.
Thanks will look into it

[Q] Uber Noob need help with HTC One S bought in Beijing

Hey Guys,
As I mentioned in the title I am an uber noob when it comes to any sort of customization. I am travelling for 8 months, so I decided to pick up the HTC One S (first smart phone) instead of a laptop in Beijing because I thought it would be more useful. However, I'm already experiencing many difficulties.
Everything is in Chinese and I want English apps, but the Chinese app market loaded onto the phone has nothing in English. I have been searching through these forums trying to root my phone and flash a new rom onto it in hopes of accessing Google Play (I might need a VPN, too). However, some of the sites where I need to download software from (mediafire in particular) are inaccessible from where I am. How should I proceed?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! (and please in fairly simple terms for my noobish brain to handle or something I'd be able to search online)
Try to change the language in settings!
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2
Before you try and unlock/root/flash your device, make sure it is an actual HTC One S, not some clone, and make sure you know whether you have an S3 or S4 model.
Graymm said:
Hey Guys,
As I mentioned in the title I am an uber noob when it comes to any sort of customization. I am travelling for 8 months, so I decided to pick up the HTC One S (first smart phone) instead of a laptop in Beijing because I thought it would be more useful. However, I'm already experiencing many difficulties.
Everything is in Chinese and I want English apps, but the Chinese app market loaded onto the phone has nothing in English. I have been searching through these forums trying to root my phone and flash a new rom onto it in hopes of accessing Google Play (I might need a VPN, too). However, some of the sites where I need to download software from (mediafire in particular) are inaccessible from where I am. How should I proceed?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! (and please in fairly simple terms for my noobish brain to handle or something I'd be able to search online)
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Does your phone look like one of these? In that case it does not have much in common with the One S versions in the rest of the world and you should absolutely not flash anything from xda. Even if it looks like the "normal" One S do as Jobo mentioned and pay attention to if it is a Z520e ("S4") or Z560e ("S3") and only flash stuff made specifically for your version. There should be a model number on the box.

