RIL API available? (accessing LAC/CellID) - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro ROM Development

do you have any experience on which ROM the RIL API is available? (which is the API to read LAC,CellID) Officially (other than WM5) WM6 is capable of passing this info to user-programs.. but with ivan v1,v3 new build wm6 ROM, comm mgr pro always shows cellid/lac 0/0.


Best PDA Phone for me?

I have a HTC Wizard and I love the fact that I can extract and rebuild ROM's really easily. However since there is no native Windows Mobile 6 release for it I think it's limits have been reached with two key components - namely the integrated VoIP client and L2TP/IPSec VPN. I have had both of these working but neither with any consistency and it appears it is a lack of driver support on the Wizards side.
The 'leaked' M$ internal testing of WM6 (5.2.318) was the only 'real' version and since then WM6 has progressed quite a lot, but we are still stuck with the original drivers from this release and there are compatibility issues.... HTC isn't going to update any drivers so I think the Wizard is going to have to get replaced by something newer. I would still like the flexibility of building my own ROMs though - I remember having a HP iPAQ 6365 and there was absolutely no way this was possible with this.
What are my best options? It MUST have 802.11G WiFi, stable VoIP & L2TP/IPSec and the ability to create my own ROMs. It must also have a touchscreen (so no smartphones), pull-out keyboard, camera and I would like it to be smaller than the Wizard.
Any ideas?

Universal's RIL under WM6.0 & 6.1

1)any differences in HTC universal's RIL(radion implementation layer), between wm6.0 and wm6.1?
or RIL just remains unchanged in wm6.1?
2)which rom version(both wm6 &6.1) available now is cooked with the best RIL so far?

Call recording: official list of supported models & ROM versions

it seems you only have to download and execute the CAB file linked from the first post of (I've also mirrored it at Way ). That is, you don't need to give a try to the previous methods; you don't need to read the linked (e.g., Touch HD) threads either to learn how to set up the previous hacks, what they do, what their restrictions are etc.
MORE INFO / LINKS on what apps you should use for call recording, the legality issues etc.:
HTC Touch Pro, latest official ROM upgrade (using Vito Touch)
Touch HD (Blackstone) with ROM 1.56.401 WWE (see )
HTC TRINITY, ROM Team CV93+Oggi WM 6.5 OS 21193 (there is a report of the opposite behaviour, though; see )
HTC Artemis: original HTC WM6 WWE ROM + 3.34.90 radio (using Vito Audio Notes 1.37)
HTC Wizard: character’s AMP ( ; tested with Resco, VITO and PMRecorder); WM 6 TNT ROM (tested with Resco)
HTC Vox (s710) WM Standard smartphone running the official, non-cooked ROM update released in January 2008
HTC Kaiser: SimpleOS Xtralite v2.1, HyperDragon 4th Feb, PDA Corner Ultimate v17, v19 & v20, Anryl's 15/3 6.S rom, AthineOS WWE, WM6.5 betas. (HyperDragon and PDA Corner tested with HTC Voice Recorder and VITO Audio Notes as recorders, rest confirmed with VITO Audio Notes). Dutty's WM6.1 WWE (ROM Date: 04/29/08; Radio: is also reported to work with the Registry Edit and Vito AudioNotes.
HTC Universal, [Tomal v8.7] WM6.1 New Build: 21028.1.6.0 ( ) works with one Universal but not on another. The difference seems to be only the rebrander (O2 working / i-mate not working); everything else identical, even the radio ROM version (Also see discussion below).
CDMA Touch Pro: see
HTC Touch Diamond2 (Topaz): 2_Way_Plus_InCall_Recording cab; Rom 1.39.404.1 (47382) NLD; tested with Resco Audio Recorder 4.52.
HTC Universal running Tomal’s 8.5 cooked WM 6.1 ROM ( ) and the original, official ROM.
HTC Hermes WM6.1 Josh Koss Winter Light (and Vito Audio Notes Touch); Josh's V15; 21109-based own ROM (radio and Josh's V15 and CRC's 13.3 with radio versions and (Vito notes). In addition, TAI's v10 with radio; Official Telstra 3.62.305.5 with radio; HTC official with radio; latest Orange SPV3100 WM5 (yes, 5) with radio (all of them tested with Vito 1.37).
Sprint Touch Pro (ROM: 1.03.651.3 Date:09/12/08; Radio: 1.03.15F; Hardware Ver: 0002)
HTC Touch HD with ROM versions 1.14 (e.g. 1.14.401.3 WWE); nevertheless, 1.19 is stated to be working (but still not confirmed 100% in this thread)
Palm Treo Pro
HTC BlueAngel, running WM6.5 build 21189 x5 by sun_dream
(original post follows)
As many of you may already noticed, there are already some reports on getting ICR (call recording) working on some models and ROM versions; for example, Touch HD, Kaiser and Raphael (CDMA-specific thread HERE; reported success with for example the new 5.05 leaked WWE ROM?)
Please post your results (phone model + exact ROM version [preferably with a link to the ROM cooker, if it’s a cooked ROM] + what you installed) in this thread; I’ll try to maintain a full compatibility list based on your input. Make absolute sure you only post anything if you’re 100% certain both parties are recorded and it’s not sound bleeding that makes the other party hearable. (The easiest way of making sure this isn’t the case is either turning down the volume or using a Bluetooth headset – then, the microphone of your handset won’t pick up anything from the other party.)
HTC Wizard: Win6.1 Wizflo Rom
Touch Pro: MightyROM 4.14; official 5.05RUS ROM; official 5.05WWE ROM. Tool: repacked by Monx.; Call record software: Vito Audionotes Touch.
Dash/ Excalibur: Confirmed working on NRG Rose Rom v1.7 and Kavana (using Microsoft Recite and VITO Audio Notes).
UPDATE (03/25/2009): added a two lists listing the mskip hack's proven (in)compatibility. That is, I've separated these entries from the previous ones (still) explaining comaptibility with the older hacks ( etc.)
UPDATE (04/10/2009):: mskip posted the following: "Made a new cab combining my 2 way recording plus the incall enable edit to enable BOTH sides to be recorded clearly from the dialer menu after a call has been established. It does not affect the ability to use a 3rd party app if you want, just gives you extra ease so you dont have to load any new programs up when you are in a call. " The cab is attached at
On my HTC Universal running Tomal 8.5 WM 6.1 (tested with the plain registry import, the original CAB file linked to in the first post of the Kaiser thread and Monx’s repack), it doesn’t work. The second did show up the “Record conversation” menu item while talking; the third didn’t at all. Nevertheless, nothing resulted in recording the other party, other than the sound bleeding from the speaker.
works on Touch Pro
running MightyROM 4.14
Hi Guys, Any ROM I could use to make true 2-way recording to work on the X1 with hands free? Thanks.
Wizard Win6.1 Wizflo Rom
2-Way Recording Registry Edit working on the following phones and Roms:
Kaiser: SimpleOS Xtralite v2.1, HyperDragon 4th Feb, PDA Corner Ultimate v17, v19 & v20, Anryl's 15/3 6.S rom, AthineOS WWE, WM6.5 betas. (HyperDragon and PDA Corner works with HTC Voice Recorder and VITO Audio Notes, rest confirmed with VITO Audio Notes)
Dash/ Excalibur: Confirmed working on NRG Rose Rom v1.7 and Kavana (using Microsoft Recite and VITO Audio Notes).
nick_martin said:
Wizard Win6.1 Wizflo Rom
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Thanks! I give it a try too and report on the success.
Thanks guys! I've edited the first post and put all this info there.
Of course, keep on posting verified(!) info on all these - I'll continue refreshing & updating the list.
Excellent 2 way recording
Device: HTC Touch Pro.
verified ROMs: official 5.05RUS ROM and official 5.05WWE ROM.
Tool: repacked by Monx.
Call record software: Vito Audionotes Touch.
The Registry Edit and Vito AudioNotes is working for me:
HTC Kaiser/ AT&T Tilt
dutty's WM6.1 WWE
ROM Date: 04/29/08
2-Way Recording Registry Edit ( ) works just great with character’s AMP ( ) on the HTC Wizard. Will soon test it on the Universal and the Vox too.
works on kaiser
The Registry Edit cab by MSkip and Vito AudioNotes Touch 0.2 work for me:
HTC Kaiser/ AT&T Tilt
dutty's WM6.1 WWE
ROM Date: 04/29/08
Protocol :
SIM & Security Unlocked
Sound quality is very clear for both parties in a recorded conversation.
Updated the first post; now, I recommend giving a try to 2 Way first. I've also mirrored it to avoid having to wait for Rapidshare / the other service.
How to get the audio on a Bluetooth Device...
Anyone been successful at getting Jawbone to work as a bluetooth audio device (headset) while playing back these recordings?
Has anyone tested this on a Mogul/Titan? I have one and I would LOVE to be able to record calls!!!
rshef said:
Anyone been successful at getting Jawbone to work as a bluetooth audio device (headset) while playing back these recordings?
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You'll need a hack to do this (to reroute the audio output) - see the dedicated threads (and my article in the Wiki).
petermg said:
Has anyone tested this on a Mogul/Titan? I have one and I would LOVE to be able to record calls!!!
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Try out the 2_Way_Recording cab and let us know
Well I installed it. I do not see a program or am I suppose to use notes?
segadc said:
Well I installed it. I do not see a program or am I suppose to use notes?
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If you installed to 2_Way_Recording cab then you need to use a 3rd party program such as Voice Recorder or Vito Audio Notes to record the conversation. Audio Notes is better since you can set it to automatically record all conversations. I think it drains the battery a bit though so I took it off auto and linked it to a hardware button so I can record only the conversations I need to quickly.
Doesn't work on a Sprint TP with a stock rom (11/11/08 - 1.03.651.4).
Just installing the cab doesn't record the other party (faint sound, most likely coming through the mic).
Wavedev.dll seems to be incompatible with this rom - recording of any kind doesn't work.

change Bluetooth stack on cotulla powered device

did anyone successfully install a different bluetooth stack on a cotulla rom ?
i tried bluesoleil (but i only have a pretty old version). i also tried the toshiba stack (also pretty old version, build for 2003).
both work fine on 2003SE - but none of them work on cotulla rom.
anyone successfully did this ? or what about widcomm/broadcom ? what's so special about the magician bluetooth - i've never seen a widcomm version for magician - but for almost every other HTC device.
(i need a better stack than MS - since MS does not support BT LAN access, neither PAN (client))
In reality it's not easy to change BT Stack on Windows Mobile device...
Now my roms are using MS BT Stack...
I have some research and maybe some future versions will have BroadComm stack...but not sure...
Hello Cotulla,
nice to see you're answering about the bluetooth issue ;-)
broadcomm/widcomm stack would be great off course!
... in the meanwhile: as far i know, no broadcomm exists for magician - not even for the old ROMs - i never understood why (different BT hardware i guess ?).
- toshiba and
- bluesoleil exists for the old ROMs
they work - if you disable the microsoft drivers (cause it's not possible that both drivers use the same hardware - i guess).
bluesoleil: comes with a tool to disable the MS stack.
toshiba: you have to do it manually by taking off bticon.dll from HKLM/services.
so i have a question:
"taking off bticon.dll" from HKLM/services" is for 2003SE -> what is to do in WM6 to disable the MS-stack ?
maybe the toshiba/bluesoleil would even work ? did anybody tried before ?
or is this bull**** ? i heard of different "driver-models" between CE 3/4 and CE 5 - so is it even possible to use drivers from CE 3/4 on CE 5 ? i don't know! but i'm sure, you know ! ;-)
thank you cotulla for your great work! i'm wondering how you managed to get that much knowledge about this device! great!

Lotus Easysync / WM 6.1 finally works

previously, there were several issues with Lotus Easysync 4.2.6 to work on more recent WM 6.1 ROMs, especially with more recent HTC Devices like the HD or Diamond Pro. A workaround using Mortscriipt was puslished in this post which solved the problem but involved doing some extra stuff.
Now, a new version of Easysync was released in January - 4.2.7. Also, the IBM release information explicitly states that it was built to cure the "newer HTC Devices" problem (see: There it says:
IBM® Lotus® EasySync® Pro 4.2.7 adds support to the following:
- Federated Calendar support for IBM Lotus Notes® 8.5 or later
- Windows® Mobile 6.5
- New 2009 phones from HTC (High Tech Computer Corporation)
I tried it on my Stock HTC ROM with WM6.1 and it works now. No need for any workarounds with MortScript or the like - just a plain install.
Hope this information is helpful for those who got stuck with Easysync 4.2.6 or did not want to try out the workarounds.

