This is a little side project i created to help the android community with hosting and redistribute android roms.
This site is
I currently an download and uploading the newest roms off these forums and xda developers and
If you would like your rom hosted and i have missed it or would like to host it there to start please email
[email protected] or PM me on the forums and i will figure out a upload method
This site currently has unlimited bandwidth and if any developers are looking for a homepage such as or anything like that fell free email me about that.
Suggested Features
Search by type of Rom-Done
Devolper SubDomains-in the works
General News-Done
Share Social Bookmarks-Done
Post Some More Suggestions
Good Job !!
Thanks i just got it working yesterday and it takes alot of time to upload the rom so its a slow start
liked the site, had a couple of suggestions. would be nice if users had the option to sort the roms by certain criteria such as by date or by which android build the rom is based off of. keep up the good work.
Im slowly working on that i have never used joomla before so im learning about tags and such. Please keep the suggestions comming any comments are welcome
Looks good!
Cyclonezephyrxz7 is starting up a new XDA Marketplace for Android and Windows Mobile devices. Please check out the original thread for more information.
The address for the new marketplace will be
The link to the original thread is:
Hello Everyone over on the ANDROID Forums,
Although I am not the OP of this thread, I am the main developer behind the new XDA-MarketPlace. I am here with a major update.
I haven't been posting much on this thread because I have been mainly working in the Windows Mobile one. Let me fill you in.
The website is quickly nearly completion. I was unable to hit my original goal of the New Year, but I have been doing my best to complete as fast as possible, while maintaining good code.
Many pages of the site are in fact done already. The pages that have yet to be finished are the User and Profile pages. The submission page is being RE-DONE.
Now, I haven't mentioned much of this over here ... but what I do need for YOU is to contact the developers of your programs and tell them to shoot me a PM with their E-Mails, or just telling me that they are interested in being alerted when the site is about to go up. This way, we can start the site with some applications!
Now, I have been feeling really crumby about not having the website out yet. I want you to know I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON THIS AT ALL. It has been taking me a lot of time. BUT I feel like I don't have any push because I have had at most 2 or 3 developers contact me. This website cannot exist with only 3 developers. I do need the member base to start this, so it can start off with a boom.
I ask for all of your support to make a cross-platform marketplace work for the community! I need it now more than ever
If you have comments, PLEASE POST THEM IN THE WINDOWS MOBILE THREAD [see the first post on this thread for a link] SO EVERYTHING CAN BE CENTRALIZED.
Thank You
Hi everyone,
My blog has become partners with several different android developers, and together we have decided to bring a series of giveaways.
Currently Extended Controls is being given away on my blog, all you have to do to win is visit the link below and leave a comment with your favorite features of the app:
any questions feel free to ask !
Edit: currently the app is reddit is fun + widgets:
just wanted to say that i've updated the contest, you can now earn one entry by posting a comment, and one by simply emailing: [email protected] with the subject "entry".
also check back soon, I will be adding another giveaway, this time featuring another app starting tonight !
nice one, still you email posted is unreachable
550 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try
550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or
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I'm not sure why that'd be, I've received other entries..
Also I would like to announce the next giveaway here on xda:
5 Reddit is fun + Widgets
Just providing another update:
Our first giveaway was over, however it lead to some rule changes about giveaways. In order to leave a comment you need a google account, if you don't have one you can still leave a comment as anonymous, however remember to leave your email ! If you don't want to comment you can send an email to [email protected] answering the same question.
currently we have the app Reddit is Fun + Widgets being given away, to enter leave a comment answering what subreddit is going to be your favorite once you get the application.
I think this thread is COMPLETELY off-topic for this forum.
It reeks of advertising your blog, and nothing else.
5hi7h34d said:
I think this thread is COMPLETELY off-topic for this forum.
It reeks of advertising your blog, and nothing else.
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I'm sorry if that's how you feel, I thought I was helping out the community by providing legit access to paid apps and games, which might other wise be stolen. From there people who like the apps will spread word to their friends, generating much more income in theory.
Why don't hold the giveaway here on xda? Seems like you want to generate traffic to your blog and harvest email addresses. You didn't even describe how winners are selected.
I only require emails to contact them if they've won. I don't use the emails for anything else.
Winners are selected at random, I posted that in the initial giveaway and forgot to put it in the second. I use to generate a winner.
As for posting this on XDA, I use the blog because I don't always have apps to giveaway, so in the meantime I update it with other articles. This takes some time and energy on my part as well, corresponding with dozens of developers trying to work out some deal, so yes I do hope it generates traffic.
Your not actually giving them away,people need to win them..the title is misleading.
No, the apps are being given away, there are just limited copies available so it's only fair that the winner is choosen randomly.
Hi I'm posting this to inform xda users I am in the process of creating a website for app reviews for iOS, Android, and WP7. I will also include video reviews on all the apps I write about. There will also be a tutorial page for those platforms for hacks found on this website and sister site iphone-developers. I also want to get affiliated with xda (waiting for approval) to create video tutorials for roots and reviews of custom roms.
The website is once the website goes and up and starts doing good I will transform it into my own url. So when you get the chance to check it out. Right now there is only and introduction page and a test iphone review page. So bookmark it and check it out within the next month.
Nice site and good idea, hope you can keep goind to be a great site someday =]
Hey everyone,
I hope I've posted in the correct forum apologies if I havn't, I am opening a shop soon and I want to host a website, primarily for information purposes to show events newly stocked items etc, money is tight and I can't shell out the £40/50 for hosting at the moment so I'm looking at free alternatives.
I spent 3 hours last night making a page on Wix to finally publish it and have it covered in ads.
Can any one advise me of a good free webhosting site that doesn't have any ads?.
Many thanks