Navigon 6 and Qtek 2020 GPS Problem - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 Windows Mobile 2005 Upgrading

hi, i use a xdaii with an german mobile 5 3.00a and radio 1.08. I want to youse navigon 6 on my pda but it cant find the gps mouse navigon 5 works nice without any problems. is there any fixes for it? i try 4 days to find something but there is nothing. please help

have you paired correctly with your gps?you need to assign an incoming serial port.Mine is serial port 5 and baud rate 38400. (not on navigon but it is common in every software)

yes i try all ports but there is no connection. navigon 5 works without any problem but navigon 6 cant find gps with the same configuration.
thank you for your reply

Hi There
Try to follow the following steps these might help
mine is working
Installing TomTom Navigator
15. Using File Explorer, navigate to the .CAB file you copied to your SD card and install R-Edit
on your Pocket PC. R-Edit can be acquired from
but you can also Google for any other Windows Mobile 5 Registry Editor.
16. Run R-Edit from the Programs Menu.
17. Within R-Edit, navigate to the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings"
18. Within the registry key, delete the DWORD entry marked "Hide"
19. Add a DWORD entry called "Group" and give it a Value of "2"
20. Soft reset your Pocket PC.
21. On your Pocket PC, go to Settings > Connections to ensure that the GPS icon is there.
If it is not then I can only apologise but it may not be possible to get TomTom working with
your GPS device. It is necessary for TomTom to see a specific GPS serial port that can
(as far as I can tell) only be set by this GPS connection program. After you have paired
with your Bluetooth GPS device you could try setting an Outgoing port to COM7: as that is
a default COM port that TomTom Navigator can connect to. Do step 22 then skip to step 26.
22. Turn on your Bluetooth GPS and stick it in a location that it's likely to get a signal.
On your Pocket PC, enable Bluetooth and search for new devices. Establish a bond (pair) with
your GPS device and ensure you check the "Serial Port" option.
23. Go to Settings > Connections > Bluetooth. Create a new Incoming COM Port. I chose COM8 for this.
24. Other guides on the Internet tell you to also create an Outgoing port and setting it
as COM7 but doing this would not work on the PPC that I was using so I had to create the
Outgoing COM port on COM0. Either way you need an Outgoing COM port to be set.
If you can set it as COM7: then you should do so, if not, use COM0:
25. Go to Settings > Connections > GPS. Set the GPS communication port to the same
Outgoing COM port that you set above. For the PPC I was using,
I had to set it as COM0: above so will set it here as COM0: also.
The "Manage GPS Automatically" checkbox should already be checked but if it isn't, check it and OK out.
26. Start up TomTom Navigator using the Programs menu and run through the setup procedure as
normal but select "Other Bluetooth GPS" when asked to select a GPS device.
27. TomTom will ask you to now pair your GPS device with your Pocket PC.
We've already done that so click Continue.
28. You will be given a list of ports that your GPS device is likely to be on.
Remember that this is the Outgoing port that we created earlier in steps 24 and 25.
Basically the COM port you set here must be the same as the one you set in step 24 and 25.
29. Select the relevant COM port and then click Next. You will likely be taken straight
in to the map view and with any luck your Pocket PC and GPS device will start communicating and your Pocket PC will show your position on the map.
30. If you made a mistake in setting the COM port that your GPS device lives on,
simply tap anywhere on the screen. Tap Preferences, tap Next three times until you
see an icon that looks like a satellite labelled GPS status. Tap that icon and then tap configure to change the COM port.

thank you for the instruction. but i cant change something from the settings because they are the same on my device.


Globalsat BT 338 & TomTom 5 Problem & Solution

Hi Guys :lol: :lol:
I have struggled to get my new Globalsat BT 338 Bluetooth GPS unit to work with TomTom 5. However it was working fine with TomTom 3.7, after several support calls to both TomTom and USGlobalsat they both could not provide a solution. But after going through all the GPS setting I could now share the solution;
I found the Globalsat BT-338 was shipped with both WAAS and NMEA PROTOCOL disabled very odd,
SIRF provide a tool called SIRF_Demo that can be downloaded from the Globalsat website below:
To re-enable, the link below explains how
Depending on you PDA, XDA II its usually Com Port 5, (Note: The GPS unit should be pared with your PDA, Outbound COM PORT 5 should be selected)
Once you have done all the above you can now install and configure TomTom 5 as below;
- Run-up TomTom 5
- Tap on the opening screen and select Change Preferences (big spanner)
- Tap the black triangle until it says Preferences 4 of 6
- Select Configure
- Select 'Another cabled NMEA GPS' set the GPS Baud Rate at 38400 and press select
- Select COM Port 5 in the (GPS is Connected to) screen
That’s basically it, I’m now a happy TomTom 5 user,
Happy Cruising 8)
Great post! Thanks so much - got it working for me
Anyone know why Globalsat did this?
Great post! Thanks so much - got it working for me

GPS BT problem, please help!

I am hoping someone can help me through this Smile
I have both TomTom and iguidance on my PPC and both are doing the same thing.
Here are my steps
1) Pair up the device properly, and set an outgoing port to COM8
2) GPS in Control pannel, program set to none, hardware com8, 4800, last page, manage automatically unchecked
3) run program and configure, works fine
4) turn off BT gps, turn back on, run program
5) MS BT application pops up saying my BT GPS receiver wants to connect, should I add it to the list, if I say yes and put in the pass key, nothing will happen, and if I go back into my BT manager, the GPS is gone.
Please help!

Problems connecting to Holux 236Slim with Treo 750 WM 6

I had no problem pairing with my Holux 236slim external GPS but cannot locate the GPS when scanning for it using the Holux GPS View software, nor does MS Livesearch locate the GPS. Livesearch asks for a com port and I've tried them all with no success. Does anyone know which comport the Treo 750 should use? And what about the remote GPS settings which ask for both "program" and "hardware" com ports (which cannot be the same)?
The way that I understand it (from messing around, mostly) is that the "external GPS" program allows "sharing" of the BT signal by multiple programs. Here's what I did.
1) Pair the GPS via Bluetooth.
2) Set the GPS up as a comm port - BT, Settings, COM Ports, New Outgoing Port. I set my GPS up as COM 8, secure.
3) Next, go into the External GPS application. Set up the "Program" port as the port you'd like to scan from the mapping application - I used COM 0. Set up the "Hardware" port to match what you did in step 2 - in my case, COM 8, 4800 baud. Check the box on the "Access" page so you can share the BT GPS signal.
From whatever application you're using (Google Maps, WLS, or other), set up the application to look for the GPS on the "Program" comm port, in my case, COM 0. I've had WLS, GMM, and a program called "Beeline GPS" running all at the same time, sharing the same GPS.
Hope this helps,
Thanks very much for your help!
Your solution worked like a charm -- thanks very much for your help. I used the same settings in External GPS. I'm using with Livesearch maps and that worked fine.
Try "Com 0", thats what I use with Tom Tom!

Can't get Bluetooth PAN WM to WM to work

Hello everybody,
I'm trying to get on the internet with my Axim x51v.
And I'm using my Touch Cruise as BT PAN access point (using the Internet sharing option).
I've installer the widcomm bluetooth stack on my x51v, because the Microsoft stack cannot connect to a PAN.
Settings up the PAN connection works perfectly, the x51v even got his IP from the Cruise his DHCP.
But... when I'm trying to browse to a website, it goes wrong
Internet Explorer on the x51v gives the message: "The page cannot be found. Check the name and try again."
I also installed a network sniffer on the Cruise to check which data is send.
This sniffer views the DHCP request, no problem there.
But when I request a website, there are some ARP requests and responses.
AND... there are to packet who look like DNS requests to me, but there source address is the x51v's MAC address and th destination is the Cruise, and there's never a response.
So... I tried to connect to a website by IP instead of hostname, to check if this is a DNS problem, but without any luck
But there is a difference, the sniffer now only shows the ARP requests and responses and Internet Explorer gives a different message: "The page cannot be displayed or donwloaded because the connection was lost. Check the connection and try again later."
Sorry for the long story... I hope someone can help me with this problem
Or point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance
did you try working with something other than the x51v?
btw, if you want to save yourself the headache, purchase WMWifiRouter..
I also tested this with my PC and Cruise and it worked perfectly. I was able to access the internet through the Cruise.
Forgot to mention that I did try WMWifiRouter, but got the same problem.
Maybe its usefull to know that the x51v is running WM6.1 (from Football) and the Cruise is running the official WM6.1 ROM from HTC.
Maybe someone knows another way to access the internet on the x51v through the Cruise.
I did also try the Wifi to 3G option from WMWifiRouter. At first the connection was to unstable to browse, but this problem seems to be solved by holding the Cruise further away from the x51v . But with a distance of almost 3 meters the connection still isn't stable enough, it reconnect about every minute.
And I think a distance of 3 meters between the two devices is to much.
Would it be possible to share the Cruise his internet connection over USB?
My idea is to do this using this CF USB card for the x51v.
if the polaris can read your device as a regular syncing device (like a pc or so) there's no reason why WMWifirouter won't pass your Polaris' 3G or Wifi connection to USB connection on your x51v.
I found another solution!
I (re)enabled DUN on the Cruise (throught the registry) and let the x51v dail in on the Cruise.
At first it wouldn't work, but after some messing with some settings it finally worked!
Thanks for your replies Nir36.
ahh. congrats. and a good idea it is.
if you don't mind, write the exact steps of what you did so i can put it in the GUIDES thread in the Q&A section.
Ok, here's what I did.
First to Enable DUN, which was removed since the introduction of internet sharing. (On the Cruise)
Import this keys into your registry
"TAPILineName"="Cellular Line"
Kopie all the files from the attached zip file into the \windows directory
Softreset the device
When you turn on bluetooth, the Dialup service will be available
Now we can configure the other device to use this Dialup service.
Using the Microsoft bluetooth stack (did not test this).
Go to Start > Settings > Connections > Bluetooth
Select or add the device with DUN enabled
Check the Dialup service for this device and save the settings
Go to Start > Settings > Connections > Connections
Choose 'Add new modem connection'
Give your connection a name, and select the modem type 'Bluetooth' and choose Next
Select the paired bluetooth you want to use and choose next
Now enter the phone number to dial, dial *99# to use your mobile internet connection and choose next
Now you have to fill in your providers username and password for your mobile internet connection. In my case (Vodafone, The Netherlands) the username and password have to be: vodafone
And Finish the wizard.
Using the WIDCOMM bluetooth stack.
Open the bluetooth manager
Create a new shortcut
Choose 'Connect to Internet via phone' and choose Next
Select your phone model (if listed) and choose Next
Make shure your phone's bluetooth is enable and set discoverable and choose Next
Select your phone, you will automaticly go to the next page
Insert a passkey you want to use to comunicate with your phone and choose Next
Accept the connection on your phone
Check the option 'Use this phone as default connection to the internet', Select 'new connection' and choose Next
Fill in a connection name and the phone number *99# (to use your phone's internet connection). And choose Next
Choose Finish to exit the wizard.
Go to Start > Settings > Connections > Connections
Choose 'Manage existing connections'
Choose Edit
Press Next a few times, until you get the username and password fields
Now you have to fill in your providers username and password for your mobile internet connection. In my case (Vodafone, The Netherlands) the username and password have to be: vodafone
And Finish the wizard.

WWE05ROM64mb tomtom settings help +how can i delete old threads i made?

im using mda compact(htc magician and 05 64mb rom cotulla ) i have tomtom 7 with new maps demo works great ,only problem is can not get tomtom to see my bluetooth gps!
(gps works with a program called sky traq only settings i needed to set up is find bluetooth device and then connects, picks satellites up in a split second )
my question is there a program that will tell me what port my gps device using? is there away maybe with a registry editor to find out what port tomtom 7 is using?and possibly if needed a program to see what com port my bt 541 gps device uses or needs??
bluetooth setting
do i pair(i imagine i need to so i have
secure connection tick or untick?
bt com port?
only have choice com 6 com 7!
what are the recommended settings in external gps ?
program port?
hardware port?
manage gps automatically do i tick or untick? i have tried lots of settings i got as far as seeing no gps device in tomtom but with satellites greyed out like its stuck but i cant remember settings i used
hope some one can help me out ?????thanks for taking the time to read my post

