Database with a difference - General Topics

Hi Folks
What I'm after, and I'll pay if necessary, is a bit of database software for my PPC.
I'm hoping to create a database that would have a variety of information plus at least one image attached, possible more.
This database would consist of technical information and the image would be a pictoral representation of this (such as a picture showing the size of a machine in respect to its capabilities).
As an addition I'd like to be able to list the facts of each of these records in tabular format.
Once I've got a PPC piece of software I can then write up the database in it's PC equvilent.
On the PC I'd probably use MS Access as I have that installed.
Is this too complicated or would you like more information?

What about the WindowsCE version of SQLServer?

Thanks, installing it now Will let you know how it goes...

i work with alot of really big databases (24 million rows in the biggest) in my day job, tired a few PPC versions theres nothing decent that will work with 65k+ rows.
if you do a google on it there is articles and posts on various forums that talk about it.
only thing ill carry on the ppc is summarys of the stuff in the databases incase i need it in meetings and what not.

Thanks for your information. The database would not have more than, ooh, at most, erm, 500 records.
Each record would probably be at most 20 fields per record with at least 1 image with possible more. I am glad in a way that I do not deal with such large databases though My job involves me being outdoors and outside and away from computers


Favorite calculator?

I guess I'm getting older than I realized. When I was in school there were scientific calculators and adding machines... both allowed to do long calculations with reasonable ease but it in different ways. Now there is a third class... pathetically cheap calculators, which unfortunately seems to be the class of calculator that comes on these devices. Maybe I was just somehow never aware of these because.. well they are bad?
All I want is a calculator that when given
replies with the number 4, not 3. If you don't understand why then never mind. I don't need trig. I don't need calculus or hex or lots of memories... I just want it to know that it should divide and multiply before adding and subtracting. This is programatically not even as hard as it first seems... not that it even seems hard, and it allows to do long arithmetic calculations without needing to stop to write stuff down or start over or deal with memories just becuase you ran into a fraction somewhere.
So there seem to be several "scientific" calculators programs out there, does anyone have a favorite?
I don't want alot of screen space wasted with advanced features (although i don't mind them if screen real estate is somehow cleverly managed)... I just want to be able to do basic arithmetic in a reasonable way.
Use 1-calc Bro, It Works Just Like That 2+4/2=4
I found MyCalculator. It is free. It is simple. It does math correctly. It has an unusually easy way of doing memory/recall which is good, because on the downside you must use the memories to operate on the last answer. The keys aren't huge, but still thumbable. There is still room for me to find a more perfect solution, but this one will work quite well for me.
also check out' calculators under Windows Mobile and HP's calculators on Windows Mobile
I use HiCalc. It is not free and it's not cheap, but it is really great calculator if you need something that you can call scientific. In new version you can change between different calculator pages with left/right gestures. You can even see how would your equation look like if it was written on the paper.
If you need something more advanced (like 2D/3D graphing, advanced equations...) you can try SpaceTime.

Advantage Not Fit for Purpose.

Hello, I have lodged a complaint and asked HTC to email me the fact that the X7510 is not fit for purpose.
Let me elaborate. I administer a Microsoft SBS 2003 server. My user/owner of the company asked me to research a mobile device which would synchronise all his Exchange/My Documents items. The HTC X7510 seemed the right choice as it appeared to allow complete synchronisation and had a 16GB storage size. No limitations were mentioned.
I then get the device and find:
1) It cannot synchronise My Documents to the 16GB storage
2) It cannot synchronise his Exchange server mailbox (10GB) 60,000 mail items - crashes
I mean, what's the point? 16GB of what?
Please do not mention 3rd party products as I am interested in an out of the box solution which this HTC is meant to be.
I just though that I would save a few people some time and money by reading this and then they would purchase a laptop.
Probably wouldn't bother with the Shift either if this is what you get.
With respect, an Exchange 2003 mailbox that goes over 2GB is poorly managed and will become corrupted. Microsoft has a utility to specifically deal with and recover Exchange 2003 mailboxes that are over 2 gigs. Get your boss to archive more often!
Addtionally, it is entirely possible to sync almost the entire contents of My Docs, but the question I'd ask is why would you want to?
A business owner would typically have many documents confidential to the business in their My Docs, so it's not a clever idea to sync all that to a portable device. A far better and more elegant solution would be to use SBS's remote workplace and the remote desktop client on the HTC. That way he can even use full apps installed at the office.
Also, I think you may miss the point of the Shift - most people seem to!
DON'T think of it as a phone, or a PDA or a WM device of any kind. It is a UMPC that just happens to have a WM side, so you don't always have to have the whole thing fully booted up. As such, the WM side was NOT intended to be free standing, as on any other WM device, but rather to compliment the functionality of the PC side.
Now some very clever people came up with Shift packs that allow you to "liberate" the WM side, making it far more fully featured, but it still is (in WM terms) a poor cousin to the Athena.
Go get a laptop, you say? Fine, but I suggest first do a needs analysys so you get a device/UMPC/laptop/mainfram/whatever that will actually deliver what you're looking at achieving.
Thanks for your elaborate and Company oriented reply.
My client (actually a friend of mine), I just happen to be an IT consultant, is a lawyer. He needs access to most of his My Documents and also all his emails. Exchange 2003 handles his 9.98 GB mailbox realy well in the office. From his laptop he RDPs over a VPN into the server no bother.
I do not think that a sync schedule which is .5K x 60000 items = 30MB should cause the Advantage a problem. And thats all his mailbox, if I just do 2007 and 2008 then thats 25000 items x 0.5K = 12.5MB.
Also the sync just does not complete - via cable, wireless (pardon the pun) or 3G. Now thats no big deal, just don't sell it as a complete sync solution for MS Exchange.
Also, the country I am in has a maximum ADSL bandwidth of 2MB down 512K up, to which his server is attached via a Cisco router.
RDP from the Advantage is a no because his eyesight is bad.
Thanks again for your constructive reply!
Actually my reply was neither company orientated, nor elaborate. If you wanted elaborate then we can delve into the mysteries of the Jet db technology underpinning Exchange 03, since that will also explain the 2 GB mailbox limit. Instead my reply was technically orientated.
I support amongst other things several Exchange 03 installations. Your friend's mailbox alone is approaching the 16 GB db limit Exchange 03 has (18 to 75 GB on SP2 boxes) and I will categorically state his mailbox is poorly managed.
Remember, WM does NOT sync an entire mailbox, but instead a subset of it. Going by what your client wants no WM device will do the trick. Instead, I suggest using a laptop with offline files and folders enabled. That way he'd have his FULL mailbox and ALL his docs with him.
Tell you one thing, though: the minute I hear my solicitor carries ALL his documents out of the office all the time is the minute I change law firm! The exposure is simply too great.
Iphone 3G, N95 8 GB
Thanks agan for your concise and erudite reply.
I will therefore, after several cooked ROMS and various HTC's, not darken this doorstep again.
I have configured my N95 8GB, and an IPhone 3G to sync this Exchange mailbox succesfully. They do not have the MS Office funtionality my friend requires.
Yes it is SP2 and I will be moving to SBS 2008 as soon as SP1 for SBS 2008 comes out .
The Advantage - It cannot do what it says.
And it costs a bomb.
And you, (well, I'm using you as the corporate HTC/Microsoft Active Sync/Jet Database/etc. figure) still haven't answered why the My Documents folder cannot be sync'd to the 16GB Flash out of the box but rather to the phone memory.
At the end of the day (and especially these credit crunch days) the user wants what the user wants. And what the user wants is a mobile device which has all his documents and all his emails.
The Advantage cannot do that, therefore is not fit for purpose.
"Smart Mobility?"
Office 2007
Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that the users in the office with the SBS 2003 box are running Office 2007.
Thus, were I to use FTGate or MDaemon, or even a local pop account as opposed to Exchange, I could in theory have a local pst (or ost) file up to a size of 20GB.
And so, if I chose an Advantage, with Office 2007 and a local pst file, ActiveSync could not synchronise all of it.
The Advantage is not fit for purpose. Or is it Windows Mobile that is not fit for purpose?
Probably Windows, 27 Microsoft exams have taught me this.
Don't sell something if it can't do what it says on the tin.
I don't want this to degenerate into a my-daddy-is-bigger-than-your-daddy type of argument. Having said that, I disagree with you on several aspects:
1) The .PST file in Outlook 03 and 07 can be configured to be up to 33 TB (yes, Tera Bytes) in size. The 33 TB limit is NOT defined by Microsoft, but instead is a by-product of the Unicode encoding used in the file, just as the previous 2 GB limit was the result of limitations to the ANSI encoding such files used before. But all this ignores actual mailbox limitations brought into play by Exchange 03. The default maximum size for an Exchange 03 mailbox is 2 GB - imposed by Microsoft. You CAN override this by manually editing the value using the ADSIEdit console, but before doing so I suggest first exploring the reasoning behind the 2 GB limit - there's a great deal of sense in that limit.
2) I'd dearly LOVE to know how you managed to sync a 10 GB mailbox onto an 8 GB Nokia! Perhaps Nokia's discovered a new compression algorhythm that the rest of the world doesn't know about!
3) After you read through various MSDN articles on the 2 GB mailbox limit, and several other dealing with the suggested maximum number of items in each mailbox folder, kindly explain how you managed to sync a 10 GB mailbox over the air, given the number of forcefully dropped connections Exchange would do on a mailbox containing 60 000 mail items.
4) On MY x7510 My Docs lives on the 16 GB flash memory. It is a simple adjustment to make and an oversight on your vendor's part for not making it default. Still, with XP or Vista a default setup will not meet your needs, so why do you expect WM at default values to be perfect for YOUR needs?
5) I've never been described as a corporate HTC/Microsoft Active Sync/Jet Database/etc. figure. Actually I work for myself, although on occassion I employ sub-contractors. I do support as well as software development, integrating Exchange, Active Directory and 3rd party SQL databases, so I've learned a fair old bit about Exchange's insides. Please don't view me as advocate for corporateland, because I'm not.
I understand you're frustrated, mate, but I did not cause your frustrations, so please don't vent it on me. Nobody here dislikes you, and we'd all like you to stay. It is just that I (and I suspect a few others) disagree with your points of view. I happen to love my x7510, far more after Cmonex weaved her magic and got us all to the point where we can unlock our devices and flash newer/better ROMs to it. My device does EXACTLY what I need from it, so in several ways I'm very fortunate.
Then again, my needs were very clearly defined before I got the x7510. I need a hardware keyboard and a large screen capable of at least VGA as I do a lot of support via remote desktop. I like the on-board GPS (although it isn't essential to me) and I'm currently working on a method to allow some of my clients to view (at my discretion) where I am when I'm out and about for them.
I have no less than four Exchange installations at my office, but they're all lab networks, mimicking client setups. For my own mail I use Live mail from Microsoft because it is simple, easy and just works.
Please consider what I'm saying here: I believe your friend is trying to work dangerously far outside of accepted good practise. You can criticise me for saying that, but you cannot alter the facts.
If he was my client I'd get him an Acer Aspire One, or the new Asus Eee PC with Bluetooth, and a 3G USB connection. I'd then set the laptop up as essentially a thin client and have him log on to a machine at his office using remote desktop.
The Aspire One is a nice little toy with a far larger screen than any WM device, and is hugely cheaper than the HTC Shift. It would give him all the functionality he seems to be after, without risking any data falling in the wrong hands.
Agree but disagree.
OK, I must admit this user is pushing the boundaries of the meaning if the word "mobility" but if you are going to sell a product that synchronises with Exchange, surely that means all possibilities for Exchange (or a pst for that matter).
It's like buying a car and finding out that it runs for 50 miles and then stops, which is what happens with the Advantage - it says it has synchronised but hasn't, no errors, failures, nothing.
By the way, it seems it is not a limit on the size of the mailbox but the number of items per folder. I have split his years into months in the inbox/sent folders and I am on 2004 already.
Takes a long time for the initial sync, but once it does it, every subsequent sync flies through, even over GPRS as the looking for changes happens pretty much straight away, it's the processing of the emails which takes the time.
I was joking about leaving the XDA forum - at the end of the day it is not HTC but Windows mobile that is at fault and I have had several HTC's, started with a Blue Angel I upgraded to WM 6.
Thanks for taking the time.
Found this elsewhere here on XDA-Devs:
Your friend might have some benefit from using that.
losdelrock said:
OK, I must admit this user is pushing the boundaries of the meaning if the word "mobility" but if you are going to sell a product that synchronises with Exchange, surely that means all possibilities for Exchange (or a pst for that matter).
It's like buying a car and finding out that it runs for 50 miles and then stops, which is what happens with the Advantage - it says it has synchronised but hasn't, no errors, failures, nothing.
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Now I need to disagree there as well: Not all cars are made equal, either.
It seems to me that you're after a car with the looks of a Lamborghini Diablo, F1 racing performance and handling, space for 8 people and a dog, capable of being driven across the Sahara desert and through the Amazon jungle all with the comfort of a large BMW saloon, all while using only a teaspoon of fuel.
Be a pretty excellent vehicle if it actually existed, but we both know it doesn't, and never will. Now does this mean we should start criticising all car manufacturers, or simply accept some trade-offs when selecting our perfect car?
Dear NanoRuler ,
U rocks , i truly respect you because i have seen many people that are extremely difficult to satisfy yet unable to accept that he or she is difficult to be satisfied . I support u , NanoRuler rules
I prefer the Lamborghini Countach LP500s actually.
Hmm, just did a google on HTC X7510 R.R.P. and this came up:,239025953,339285985,00.htm
And so, for that price, or anywhere near what we paid for it, my orginal post on this thread was correct.
A laptop is cheaper and better.
Adrian "Lamborgini Countach LP500s" N****
(Surname blanked as I don't want some wierdo turning up at my doorstep with an LP500s and an HTC X7510 attached who has succesfully synced a 60GB Exchange mailbox)
HTC working as well as can be expected, with 1 years emails on it.
losdelrock said:
A laptop is cheaper and better.
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Laptop and communicator/(mobile computer) - noncomparable models, IMHO... Different sizes, different options...
Why complain
Why did you file a complaint? Lets face it Windows is unstable from the very start. They spent millions developing Vista but nobody wants to use it. If you want something stable, switch to an iphone with an Apple computer.

[Q] WP7: is it productive ?

it is interesting to follow the hype of WP7. i am not a fan of 'early adopter' idea. I am looking for a replacement of my good old HTC touch diamond and still searching some infos regarding WP7 from forums which received several negative feedbacks. I would like to hear from the WP7 power user how i could do the following equivalent tasks in the winmo 6.1 since i use it productively at work and rely heavily on them:
1. Excel Mobile: edit excel file either on the go or on pc to analyse the result graphically and sometimes show it to the client. a sync using mobsync would be done before switching the edit from mobile to pc or vice versa
2. Automatic Call Recorder (ACR): automatically record 2-way call conversation without pressing any button. Useful for recording phone number without taking notes (you could just replay the record many times) or recording directions given by the boss
3. GPS navigation app with offline map and rerouting function: I often lose GSM signal while driving to the clients in remote areas. rerouting is useful if i need to drive to new client which area is unfamiliar and easily to get the wrong turn :-(
4. Sync all outlook + backup SMS data: i am using Activesync for the outlook & PPCPimBackup for the sms. i can get the whole data back from the past to the the latest after the ROM is upgraded e.g. i have 3000+ text messages
5. No data in the cloud - company policy: company data is not allowed to be stored in the cloud whatever the reason. i know it is ridiculous because data could be easily taken if the mobile phone is stolen
6. File explorer: to organise all types of files in the internal storage
nope, wp7 will not fit your needs at all. I would look for a used hd2 if you want newer hardware.
budsant said:
it is interesting to follow the hype of WP7. i am not a fan of 'early adopter' idea. I am looking for a replacement of my good old HTC touch diamond and still searching some infos regarding WP7 from forums which received several negative feedbacks. I would like to hear from the WP7 power user how i could do the following equivalent tasks in the winmo 6.1 since i use it productively at work and rely heavily on them:
1. Excel Mobile: edit excel file either on the go or on pc to analyse the result graphically and sometimes show it to the client. a sync using mobsync would be done before switching the edit from mobile to pc or vice versa
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Has Excel.
2. Automatic Call Recorder (ACR): automatically record 2-way call conversation without pressing any button. Useful for recording phone number without taking notes (you could just replay the record many times) or recording directions given by the boss
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This is potentially illegal.
3. GPS navigation app with offline map and rerouting function: I often lose GSM signal while driving to the clients in remote areas. rerouting is useful if i need to drive to new client which area is unfamiliar and easily to get the wrong turn :-(
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Would have to buy an app for this. Google/Bing Navigation isn't offline. I don't think TeleNav is, either. Personally, I would recommend a dedicated GPS system if this is what you need. Nokia phones come with Offline Map capabilities, and there are some apps (may get released soon) which offer it. But it's not a stock function and don't expect Microsoft to offer such a thing in Bing. These things take up a ton of storage space on you device, as well.
4. Sync all outlook + backup SMS data: i am using Activesync for the outlook & PPCPimBackup for the sms. i can get the whole data back from the past to the the latest after the ROM is upgraded e.g. i have 3000+ text messages
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No ( <- forgot that important 2 letter word unintentionally) Sync via USB to outlook. ActiveSync/DeltaSync keeps everything in Sync, anyways. Dunno why anyone keeps that many texts, but Microsoft will roll out for WP7 which will allow you to do almost all of what MyPhone offered for Windows Mobile - that includes backing up text messages.
5. No data in the cloud - company policy: company data is not allowed to be stored in the cloud whatever the reason. i know it is ridiculous because data could be easily taken if the mobile phone is stolen
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Company data does not get stored in the cloud. It's sync'd via the Exchange server the same way Windows Mobile, iOS, Android, and Blackberries Sync it. Windows Phone 7 supports Exchange Remote Wipe.
Your camera roll gets automatically Sync'd to SkyDrive, but why would you take uber sekret company photos on a smartphone, anyways...
6. File explorer: to organise all types of files in the internal storage
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Don't count on it. The OS organizes things for you into Libraries. This really isn't needed that much. I dunno why people keep asking for it when Microsoft made it pretty clear that it isn't coming. WP7 isn't the only smartphone OS that doesn't have a File Manager in it.
@ Thread Title: Productivity is subjective and depends on what the person does on his/her device. You haven't really give anyone a clue as to what you do on you device, so it's hard to tell if it'll be productive to you. All you've done was put a tacky title on yet another "this is what I want for WP7. Is it there, is it coming, why isn't it there, etc." thread.
That may sound a bit harsh. Not intentionally. But that's basically what it is.
Windows Phone 7 is way more productive than Windows Mobile, generally speaking. Anything except maybe Blackberry OS and Symbian^3 is more productive than Windows Mobile.
N8ter said:
Has Excel.
This is potentially illegal.
Would have to buy an app for this. Google/Bing Navigation isn't offline. I don't think TeleNav is, either. Personally, I would recommend a dedicated GPS system if this is what you need. Nokia phones come with Offline Map capabilities, and there are some apps (may get released soon) which offer it. But it's not a stock function and don't expect Microsoft to offer such a thing in Bing. These things take up a ton of storage space on you device, as well.
Sync via USB to outlook. ActiveSync/DeltaSync keeps everything in Sync, anyways. Dunno why anyone keeps that many texts, but Microsoft will roll out for WP7 which will allow you to do almost all of what MyPhone offered for Windows Mobile - that includes backing up text messages.
Company data does not get stored in the cloud. It's sync'd via the Exchange server the same way Windows Mobile, iOS, Android, and Blackberries Sync it. Windows Phone 7 supports Exchange Remote Wipe.
Your camera roll gets automatically Sync'd to SkyDrive, but why would you take uber sekret company photos on a smartphone, anyways...
Don't count on it. The OS organizes things for you into Libraries. This really isn't needed that much. I dunno why people keep asking for it when Microsoft made it pretty clear that it isn't coming. WP7 isn't the only smartphone OS that doesn't have a File Manager in it.
@ Thread Title: Productivity is subjective and depends on what the person does on his/her device. You haven't really give anyone a clue as to what you do on you device, so it's hard to tell if it'll be productive to you. All you've done was put a tacky title on yet another "this is what I want for WP7. Is it there, is it coming, why isn't it there, etc." thread.
That may sound a bit harsh. Not intentionally. But that's basically what it is.
Windows Phone 7 is way more productive than Windows Mobile, generally speaking. Anything except maybe Blackberry OS and Symbian^3 is more productive than Windows Mobile.
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you spent way too much time on that response to someone who obviously has no intention of getting a wp7 device.
But a great response none the less...
nrfitchett4 said:
you spent way too much time on that response to someone who obviously has no intention of getting a wp7 device.
But a great response none the less...
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Wrong attitude. He wants to know if he can use new OS and do things he needs to do.
doministry said:
Wrong attitude. He wants to know if he can use new OS and do things he needs to do.
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He could have read any of the 400 reviews on this OS in its infancy and figured that out.
cloudy cloudy
@N8ter: thanks for the explanation. WP7 is connection data intensive, it needs a good data plan
@nrfitchett4: wow, i can feel the heat from your replies. calm down... anyway, i think older gadget such ad hd2 is more suitable for me (though i don't like its battery capacity for the huge display). you are right
@All others: any other opinions ?
my opinion: i get the feeling that without a good network coverage & signal the newer OSes (android/wp7/iphone) will reduce its ability to perform even a simple task. we are getting dependent a lot on the cloud
budsant said:
@N8ter: thanks for the explanation. WP7 is connection data intensive, it needs a good data plan
@nrfitchett4: wow, i can feel the heat from your replies. calm down... anyway, i think older gadget such ad hd2 is more suitable for me (though i don't like its battery capacity for the huge display). you are right
@All others: any other opinions ?
my opinion: i get the feeling that without a good network coverage & signal the newer OSes (android/wp7/iphone) will reduce its ability to perform even a simple task. we are getting dependent a lot on the cloud
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Sorry. Not trying to flame, just a lot of hate threads hear lately. Honestly for what you want to do, an hd2 is probably your best. Mature OS with high end device specs. Extended battery is available if you can stand the hump it will add, or carrying a spare battery is what I did with my tp2.
budsant said:
@N8ter: thanks for the explanation. WP7 is connection data intensive, it needs a good data plan
@nrfitchett4: wow, i can feel the heat from your replies. calm down... anyway, i think older gadget such ad hd2 is more suitable for me (though i don't like its battery capacity for the huge display). you are right
@All others: any other opinions ?
my opinion: i get the feeling that without a good network coverage & signal the newer OSes (android/wp7/iphone) will reduce its ability to perform even a simple task. we are getting dependent a lot on the cloud
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I am poweruser of WM considering it's features as top.
And than I bought WP which I use for 3 weeks.
First, it's not true WP7 will not work without data transfer.
Mine works exactly like it should with data off. I mean it requires transfer for the things which need it anyway like email, browser etc.
I don't buy music from the marketplace...
Yes there are some apps which are connection based like translators ect. and I would love to see it offline too.
Now productivity - it's a question of what you really need.
In fact WP7 with Office and OneNote built in is very productive.
I love the platform for it's power and execution.
However I do miss things from WM. Android is unnacceptable UI wise....
So I am staying with WP7 if Microsoft will add more features to it.
If not - it will be tough call.
Now feeling how WP7 works I don't want to step back and everything else FEELS like a step backwards. And I hope I will not be forced to do it.
But my WM6.5 device is still with me ready to come back.
Well Said
doministry said:
I am poweruser of WM considering it's features as top.
And than I bought WP which I use for 3 weeks.
First, it's not true WP7 will not work without data transfer.
Mine works exactly like it should with data off. I mean it requires transfer for the things which need it anyway like email, browser etc.
I don't buy music from the marketplace...
Yes there are some apps which are connection based like translators ect. and I would love to see it offline too.
Now productivity - it's a question of what you really need.
In fact WP7 with Office and OneNote built in is very productive.
I love the platform for it's power and execution.
However I do miss things from WM. Android is unnacceptable UI wise....
So I am staying with WP7 if Microsoft will add more features to it.
If not - it will be tough call.
Now feeling how WP7 works I don't want to step back and everything else FEELS like a step backwards. And I hope I will not be forced to do it.
But my WM6.5 device is still with me ready to come back.
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Well said. I still have my HTC FUZE, in fact the SIM card I used in my new Samsung Focus was the one I used in the FUZE. I can insert it back into the FUZE anytime I want to. But, even though I used WM for years, and tweaked it, customized it, loaded 4 new Radio ROMs and 5 custom ROMs, I am staying with the WP7 phone. For me, it is smoother, faster, and everything is well integrated. I am looking forward to updates and new features, but for now, it is an awesome experience. I now realize that I had loaded up my WM 6.5.5 phone with a lot of crap I never used and don't miss now. OK, I understand that people want the "right" to load their phone up with "Crap" they'll never use, and some "Crap" they will use, and for those, they'll have to wait on WP7 or remain with WM or some other OS, and that's fine. Personally, I would have loved WM still being upgraded on the latest hardware, I would have stayed with that, I think. But having moved to WP7, I won't go back.
nrfitchett4 said:
you spent way too much time on that response to someone who obviously has no intention of getting a wp7 device.
But a great response none the less...
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it was time very well spent. N8ter's post answered my questions without me having to make a new thread.
thebranded said:
it was time very well spent. N8ter's post answered my questions without me having to make a new thread.
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its good to see wm users experiences and questions about a possible up/down grade to wp.
very useful stuff.
Touching on N8ter's point on libraries and file managers... If you think about it, those libraries ARE file managers, and are actually more effective than a file manager would be. The only thing, which will be fixed with W8 and Mango working together, is better SkyDrive integration so you have a much easier way of syncing your files. I mean, I honestly have never used my phone as a flash drive, and the only reason I ever used a file manager in the past was for .cab files... Which we don't need any more.
But, I can't wait for SkyDrive to work as it needs to coming up, I think THAT is my most important feature coming considering I'm a student and would make my life significantly easier. I do see an ability to hook up the phone to a PC in the future and Word automatically recognize your Word files on a WinPhone device though... Not as a mass storage, as an additional "library" for files... If you understand what I mean here.
Libraries aren't a file manager. It isn't a replacement, either. There's no control over a library. It's an automatic classification of media on the device based on the media type. You can't take a private file and put it somewhere on the device where it will not show up in a Library, and that's an issue for some people. If you have any private documents/images/videos on your phone, it's hard to let anyone who thinks the phone looks interesting play with it because all of those files are right there in plain sight in the Hubs, so you have to tell them to go to a Carrier store if they wanna play with one. That's not an issue on i.e. an Android phone because you can hide the file in a nested folder and set it so that the folder's files are not displayed in the Gallery.
Also, the lack of a file manager is keeping things like BT File transfer and File Transfer in IM applications out at the moment, and it make sit ridiculously hard to put files on the device and keep them organized.
One of the best features of Android Office applications is their integrated file manager and Cloud Integration.
SkyDrive will be nice, but without a decent file manager Office will still be worthless to me because there's no way I'm putting all my files on SkyDrive. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I have 5 computers here and do not need Microsoft to hold my files. I like my stuff to be organized, and I don't want everything on the internet... Skydrive also doesn't have the best file type support for Synching...
Do you back up your camera roll to SkyDrive automatically?
N8ter said:
Libraries aren't a file manager. It isn't a replacement, either. There's no control over a library. It's an automatic classification of media on the device based on the media type. You can't take a private file and put it somewhere on the device where it will not show up in a Library, and that's an issue for some people. If you have any private documents/images/videos on your phone, it's hard to let anyone who thinks the phone looks interesting play with it because all of those files are right there in plain sight in the Hubs, so you have to tell them to go to a Carrier store if they wanna play with one. That's not an issue on i.e. an Android phone because you can hide the file in a nested folder and set it so that the folder's files are not displayed in the Gallery.
Also, the lack of a file manager is keeping things like BT File transfer and File Transfer in IM applications out at the moment, and it make sit ridiculously hard to put files on the device and keep them organized.
One of the best features of Android Office applications is their integrated file manager and Cloud Integration.
SkyDrive will be nice, but without a decent file manager Office will still be worthless to me because there's no way I'm putting all my files on SkyDrive. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I have 5 computers here and do not need Microsoft to hold my files. I like my stuff to be organized, and I don't want everything on the internet... Skydrive also doesn't have the best file type support for Synching...
Do you back up your camera roll to SkyDrive automatically?
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Bluetooth transfer isn't implemented because Microsoft hasn't yet, not because of any other reason. You could go to any file, or picture, and select Share, and the option could be there, regardless of library. I mean, by that theory, there shouldn't be any method of sharing then. You do it in text messaging at the moment, and in Who's Near Me, it's just the apps haven't implemented them.
If things on your phone are that important, there is a password option. I personally don't let anybody touch my phone. I think my texts are far more 'secret' than any document I can put on my phone, to be honest, but that's just me. I would though like folders in Office to sort out my documents, this may come with the new integration though. I would also like to option to protect the documents as I do on my computer.
As far as putting files on the device, I'm for the whole "only supported files" allowed deal. But, look back at my post, I would like to see something along the lines of: Plug my phone into the computer, open word, and it's there as an extension. Same with other Microsoft applications. Pictures and Music are already done through Zune.
I think I'm also on a different end of the spectrum than you are. Personally I keep all my files on my home network. I also access it remotely. So, full SkyDrive integration would be amazing in my eyes. I'm already at risk connecting to the internet, pretty sure Microsoft can do a better job than me at protecting my files. I already use SkyDrive on my phone through the mobile site too, it's just a hassle in dropping them into the folder I created on my computer, and then downloading them on my phone. This being done automatically would be amazing.
But as far as using it as a storage device for files the phone has no need for, I don't like that idea personally. You have to remember the types of users that are being marketed here. I think something along what I suggested would be best. Security just needs to be upped a little. Let me password protect certain files and I'm fine.
And no, I don't automatically put them on SkyDrive... I think mainly out of habit. But 99% of my pictures go on Facebook the second I snap them. And I use Photobucket quite often... If my Live friends were large in number I'm pretty sure my SkyDrive would be full of public photos.
From all my research on WP7 and HTC HD7, yes it seems very strenuous to do the things we used could do on other 'smartphones' ... Ever since apple came out with the 'app' world... things are being followed(android, Ms).. But what i think is, that with Win 8 on the Horizon, the app world is here to stay, and it shouldn't be a surprise when it will come to, what you can run on your PC, u can also run it on ur mobile... I don't know if such interface has happened with Apple and the Macs and the pods n phones to do that... Google is doing more with chrome to do that with their android... so, will they still have to sit upon other os's to accomplish this or as I think I've heard they are making their own Os... Future stats shows, Apple is on a downhill trend and Android to follow... In reading in MSN today, Android phones are being introduced with viruses, such as the one that will sit on your phone and send all your data to some phone numbers in china... So Android glory days maybe not so great... As the veterans have stood longer then the newbies...
just a thought

[Q] Office Mobile fully functional?

Hi guys,
I've searched this forum and haven't found an answer to my question, so I'm gonna post it here. (Hopefully I did the search right and didn't commit the felony of a double post. )
I'm planning on buying a new phone, mainly because my old HTC Charmer (WM 6.1) doesn't support SDHC cards and the maximum of 4GB of the cards I can use with it is just not enough any more.
So far, I've read quite some disappointing details about Windows Phone 7:
- No more "free" apps (by which I mean apps programmed by someone and offered somewhere, now it's the same sh** as with an iPhone or an Android phone)
- No direct USB-sync, which means you have to send your private information to the cloud in order to sync
- No "real" support for SD-Cards (and getting more storage space is the whole da** point here, otherwise I'm quite happy with my Charmer)
So, basically I thought about getting a second hand HTC Touch Pro II running WM 6.5 AND supporting NORMAL SDHC cards (meaning ALL cards which comply with the standard, not just the ones "certified by Microsoft").
But there might be one killer feature which could make me, well, not really forget, but maybe turn a blind eye to WP7's SHAMEFUL flaws: The new Microsoft Office Mobile. Often, I have some Excel spreadsheets which I need for work at different places. This is the only reason I have to take a laptop computer with me, apart from that my phone would be fine.
Office Mobile in WM 6.1 (or 6.5) couldn't display / make use of all the features the Desktop-Version offered (like extremely complicated formulae or spreadsheets and of course macros), and, moreover, after having worked on and saved an Office document on a phone, the features would even have been removed from the file in the conversion process, so the file was useless on the desktop as well.
Thus, I'm asking the following questions (which surprisingly haven't been answered on the net so far, or am I just too stupid to google it right?):
- Is the Office in WM 7 fully functional, meaning you can work on Excel sheets with the most complicated formulae and macros, or, asked more simple, can you do everything you can do with the Desktop version on your phone as well?
- If it doesn't offer everything the desktop versions offers, does it at least keep everything that was there in the original file after you change and save it on your phone? I mean, even if I can't use macros on the Windows Phone, it might still be helpful to open an .xls file on the phone, make a few changes (which don't require macros), save the file on the phone and after putting it back on a desktop computer having the file "unharmed" (meaning except for the small change I made on the phone everything else is as it was)?
Hopefully, I made my point clear enough, if not, I'm happy to answer questions on what it is exactly that I want to know. I think many users here already having a Windows phone will have tried working on Office documents on their phones and I hope those will share their experiences with me.
Many thanks for reading my post and even more thanks for answering.
Firstly,in terms of the functionalities of the excel,I don't think WP7 is suitable for you.
Furthermore,personally I prefer USB drag and drop the documents to my device,maybe you can call me old school.I just find the office useless for me since I don't have sharepoint,I don't want create a dropbox account just to upload my file to cloud and download it to my device again and I don't have a data plan.Therefore,until now, I still didn't use the office app once.
In your situation,I think you need an android phone to handle your job this moment,you can just purchase quick office,docs to go,depends on your personal preference.In addition,the only office app available is just microsoft office,no other choices.furthermore,as you said,you want transfer it back to your desktop unharm,therefore it is good to have drag and drop file transfer function rather than rely on dropbox,upload to the cloud and download on your desktop again.
On the other hand,there is no clear information about the mango updates which add more features to the office.So,I'll would suggest you to go with Android or iOS for this moment.
Thank you for the answer.
No more "free" apps (by which I mean apps programmed by someone and offered somewhere, now it's the same sh** as with an iPhone or an Android phone)
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Free, in cost, there are plenty. Free as in not first checked by MS, kinda but no. You can developer unlock your device and sideload apps. However, that being said, MS are pretty good, they're only blocking apps which don't meet quality control standards (which I think is a good thing) or, somewhat contentiously, are "adult". They're not playing the same game as Apple.
I'm confused by you saying Android though. You can easily download and install programs (apk) on your device from any source (you just have to choose that option in the settings).
Office in Mango is improving - specifically:
1. Better support for formulae
2. Skydrive sync
So, yes, formulae can be created and manipulated in Excel, though I wouldn't say it's a replacement for the real Excel. It certainly can't run macros.
Skydrive is still "in the cloud" however, you're automatically registered to the free account by the virtue of having a live id. I still believe we should have USB file transfer but at least this is better than nothing.

[Q] any way to view Sketchup (google) files on Android dev?

I already STFA and did not find what I was looking for. I was wondering if there is an application that will allow viewing of existing Google Sketchup files, editing/creating files - no - not so much, think that would be best done on a full blown desktop, One earlier post was asking about running a fully functional Sketchup, and I tend to agree that it would be too much of a tax on the processor and memory to be feasible for a mobile device. I also found the SketchBook program from AutoDesk which is designed for mobile devices but from what it says it is more like Paint in Microsoft Os's not a CAD type program.
Anybody know if there is anything like that available out there to be able to view Google Sketchup files? Thanks in advance for any information on the subject.
Sorry to wake up an old topic (very old) but I too am looking for such an app.....being a kitchen builder in my spare time I was asked a few times if I had any models on hand to show. And since I do all my sketches in Sketchup, well you guessed it....I can't show them on my tab....
Would be kinda cool to show potential customers how their kitchen might look like if I could just drop existing cabinets in place etc...
If you've already found something would you mind sharing with me? Very much appreciated...

