Msn Bug Discovered - General Topics

Since I was trying what was the best rom for me I discovered a strange bug in msn messenger.
When I sign in to msn nobody online, I sign in to msn on my pc, 6 people online I sign in on my mobile 5 people online and I tried several times every time 1 contact was not displayed and I know he is using trillian as messenger.
Because of having so much trouble while connecting to the internet and bad phone performance I decided to change back to the t-mobile rom which they released a couple months ago, the problems connecting to the internet where resolved, MSN still not working correct. As I may speak for myself I think microsoft isn't what it used to be, so many bugs in their software but no solution they suggest. We do pay a lot of money for the software preinstalled on the phone we use, and do we get service or real support to find a sollution from microsoft or your provider?
No we get to less support or updates instead of xp, after a new install with sp 2 I stil have 69 updates they come up with and after that 69 there severall more. I allready decided to use osx from apple on my pc in the future and if it was possible I would use another os on my phone which is working as it should be and what is worth that money we spend on windows.
I'm very dissapointed in microsoft the last couple of years, why doesn't microsoft support known bugs as other software companies do. For example take an apple, I did not expect that apple should give so much support on their product's and updates? they have update's don't know how many but I do know that it won't exeed more then 5 after a clean install. 69 and counting instead of a good working os with maybe sometime an update? No hard choice for me, but If you don't really have a choice in a case like a mobile phone what was designed for windows it's waste of your money.
I'll never buy a windows powered device in my life again, that's for sure.


I'm through with Samsung and their junk!

For anyone wanting to know if they should by a Galaxy S phone or not here is my 2 cents worth. The phone has decent hardware, except maybe for the GPS. The screen is the best I've ever used.
So much for the good stuff. If you are one of those users who reloads phone ROMs every week then by all means, this is the phone for you. If you are a user who wants to buy a phone that does what it is advertised to do then STAY AWAY FROM THIS ONE!!!
The first requirement for a phone on my list is to be able to syncronize AT LEAST my contact list. If all you use is Google then you are one of the lucky ones. If you want to syncronize with Outlook you will have better luck buying lottery tickets. I've tried to syncronize 2 different Captivate phones with 5 different computers. On 2 of the computers I was ably to get the phone to sync one time on each computer. The rest of the times it ranges from the phone saying it is connected and the computer constantly looking for a connection to the Samsung software not even running. After spending more than 3 hours with Samsung Tech support, both tier 1 and tier 2, the final resolution was this: We are sorry but Samsung does not support Kies and syncronizing in North America! So if I move to say, Vietnam, Samsung will help me but since I live in North America I'm screwed? Are you kidding me? They recommended going to the Android Market and buying software that will let me do what I want. This isn't even an option for me though since I cannot even get the Samsung USB drivers to load. No amount of aftermarket software is going to fix that but obviously Samsung got my money already so it's not their problem anymore.
I guess this is the way the world works anymore. We already got your money so screw you! That's OK. I'll buy many more electronic devices in my life. Many may be good and many may be bad but I do know one thing...none will ever be Samsung again!!!!!
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Every phone has flaws, and the samsung rep gave the best info available. This phone was never advertised to sync to outlook, nor is it possible to sync it with stock. If you want to sync outlook, google for apps to do that. To say that this phone is junk simply because it won't fit your exact needs is just greedy. If you want a phone that is specifically for business out of the box, then get a blackberry. Crying about what your phone cant do is pointless, go google around and fix it rather than complain.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
iRetard said:
Every phone has flaws, and the samsung rep gave the best info available. This phone was never advertised to sync to outlook, nor is it possible to sync it with stock. If you want to sync outlook, google for apps to do that. To say that this phone is junk simply because it won't fit your exact needs is just greedy. If you want a phone that is specifically for business out of the box, then get a blackberry. Crying about what your phone cant do is pointless, go google around and fix it rather than complain.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Yep, winmo or bb. Sell the phone and get a wp7 in a month and a half.
From a phone on an app
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Sour people like this don't know what they have.... go talk to an iphone user with dropped calls and crappy data.... phone is great and works well with exchange. Sure gps could be better but this phone is easily the best phone i have seen and owned.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
I came from an iphone to the captivate. I use this phone for business and it works just fine. I don't rely on my phone for important e-mail, rather I forward from my mail server to my gmail account. It would be foolish for anyone to rely on a phone exclusively for anything of great importance. I took the time to add all of my regular contacts(300+) to my gmail account and eliminated the problem of synchronization with outlook. After the update, my GPS works just fine, but I do have a real gps in my truck if needed. I don't expect my 200.00 phone to replace A real GPS unit(200.00), a real computer(1200.00 give or take) and thousands in software. I only expect it to compliment them and it does this nicely. I enjoy this phone much more than my old iphone or blackberry.
And FWIW, my Samsung BluRay player and TV work great!
I'm just happy that ATT finally got around to offering a high-end Android handset. I waited for so long with my iPhone 3G. I followed press-releases up to the launch of the Galaxy S line, and on launch day went and bought my phone. I also got one for my GF. We both love our phones. Not that they don't have their issues, but I've never had a phone that didn't have some kind of issues.
My GPS works SOMETIMES, which is ok by me as I don't need it all the time, and I can always just look at the maps which are always available if I'm really in a pinch. The only real complaint I have about this phone is the Touchwiz UI. I didn't dump my iPhone to get something thats trying to be an iPhone...but thats ok as ROMs will take care of that!
You can spend your whole life searching for a phone or consumer electronic device that doesn't have problems. They will all encounter issues at one point or another. My next handset will probably be an HTC, but that doesn't mean I'd completely swear off Samsung all together.
Finally, in us coming together and trying to figure out all these problems and ways to improve our phones we are embracing what Android is all about. I like learning about this stuff and trying different things with my phone. If I wanted something that a 3 year old could use, I'd go back to the iPhone.
nooomoto said:
I'm just happy that ATT finally got around to offering a high-end Android handset. I waited for so long with my iPhone 3G. I followed press-releases up to the launch of the Galaxy S line, and on launch day went and bought my phone. I also got one for my GF. We both love our phones. Not that they don't have their issues, but I've never had a phone that didn't have some kind of issues.
My GPS works SOMETIMES, which is ok by me as I don't need it all the time, and I can always just look at the maps which are always available if I'm really in a pinch. The only real complaint I have about this phone is the Touchwiz UI. I didn't dump my iPhone to get something thats trying to be an iPhone...but thats ok as ROMs will take care of that!
You can spend your whole life searching for a phone or consumer electronic device that doesn't have problems. They will all encounter issues at one point or another. My next handset will probably be an HTC, but that doesn't mean I'd completely swear off Samsung all together.
Finally, in us coming together and trying to figure out all these problems and ways to improve our phones we are embracing what Android is all about. I like learning about this stuff and trying different things with my phone. If I wanted something that a 3 year old could use, I'd go back to the iPhone.
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Just wanted to mention that you do not have to root and flash ROMS to get out of TouchWiz UI. You can install another launcher like TouchPro which I use and is the best for customizing away from the iPhone feel if you like.
Love threads like this, especially when it is the OP's first post.
Samsung Homers
Flame all you want but when the ATT rep selling me the phone says it will sync I firmly believe it is my right to expect it to sync. If Samsung isn't going to support my phone why make me waste 3 hours talking to them before they tell me to go away. You are free to do as you please but I am also free to let others know what to expect before they make a purchase. Newbies beware. You would be well advised not to listen to only me or these others who would lead you to belive it is the best phone you can buy.
One thing is for sure. SAMSUNG WILL NOT SUPPORT YOU IF YOU LIVE IN NORTH AMERICA. If you do not believe me then go to Samsungs website and download the Kies app. NOTE: You will have to switch to a region outside of North America to even get to the download. Look through the forums. Other posts will also show this same thing. Once you install Kies, after you finally can find it, then try to go to the Android Market in the app. It will tell you it is not supported in your region. Once you buy this phone you are on your own supporting yourself.
I do think it is funny that you flamers are suggesting if I want a phone that really works I should by WinMo or Blackberry.
Sounds more like it should be " I'm through with AT&T and their crap"
So you listened to an AT&T rep about what a phone could do, the phone didn't do it, so you blame the phone? Why not blame the AT&T rep for lying to you, it's not the phones fault.
I do think it is funny that you flamers are suggesting if I want a phone that really works I should by WinMo or Blackberry.
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All the things you've complained about are fixable, and most all of them with quick app downloads. This will be the same thing for all Android phones, if it's not there, an app is probably made for it anyways. You seem to be too lazy to look for ways to customize your Android phone for what you need, or even research it, so a different phone OS is probably best for you.
I am wondering what phone you will be going to from the captivate.
As i said before, android is for people who like to read manuals, or who know and take the time to program a universal remote. If you don't have patience for that stuff stick with an iphone.
I am loving my captivate with ssh, rdp, vnc, logmein, vpn, keyring, canon printing from my phone... list goes on and on...
These phones are just like blackberries, it is pretty hard to brick them.. so what can't you figure out here, that you would need to call them about?
still easily the best phone i have ever seen or used to date, and after killing the phone all day with 4+ hours of talk, web, twitdroid, weatherbug, facebook, gps, etc.. I still charge at night with about 30% battery life...
I am one happy dood.
I think most of you are being a little harsh with this guy. This guy expects a good experience out of the box and he didn't get it. Whether it was lack of knowledge, something someone told him, whatever. Having been in the technical support business most my life, I expect things to not work as I want even before I get my new phone. I research the issues in the forums expecting to come across them before my new phone is in my hands. It really shouldn't be this way. Perfect example is GPS. This didn't work properly out of the box for MOST people including myself. How can you release anything where a major feature just simply does not work? And on top of that, take over 2 months to come out with an update where no one knows for sure if it was addressed or not? And further, the update fails for most people? And even bricks phones? What happens when an update is forced on you, you are out of warranty and your phone is bricked? This seems like a big problem to me.
I just got my phone and I love it. But I am one that is skeptical on owning another Samsung phone again. My update failed at 100% and I am happy that my phone was not fried. My GPS is now working thank goodness but the failed update has me concerned. What happens when Froyo update comes out? I suspect we will be here again with 1000 threads on how the update fried phones. All issues I blame Samsung, they need to control these updates and take responsibility for failures. Calling ATT for an update failure should automatically send you to Samsung where they need to resolve the issue regardless. If that is a replacing the phone, so be it. ATT and Samsung pointing fingers at each other will not resolve the actual issue or even help to figure out what the issue is. Instead of pointing fingers, technical support should be gathering information and log files, isolate the problem, and come up with a fix. That does not seem to be happening in my opinion.
And on top of all this, there needs to be a supported way to restore the phone back to factory OS regardless of what you do to it. We can do this with our Windows OS! And ODIN does not count. If you flash that to JH6 and try to update, you get 50% failure so that is not a true restore.
I would expect better from a device that is $500+ with no carrier commitment.
well it is easier for a windows device to talk to a windows device.
not so much for linux and windows.
that, not the gps is this phones biggest flaw.(in my opinion)
just hope they got this bug worked out of the tab
keitht said:
Just wanted to mention that you do not have to root and flash ROMS to get out of TouchWiz UI. You can install another launcher like TouchPro which I use and is the best for customizing away from the iPhone feel if you like.
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Yeah I checked out the launchers and decided on ADW Launcher. What a difference!
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catfan said:
for anyone wanting to know if they should by a galaxy s phone or not here is my 2 cents worth. The phone has decent hardware, except maybe for the gps. The screen is the best i've ever used.
So much for the good stuff. If you are one of those users who reloads phone roms every week then by all means, this is the phone for you. If you are a user who wants to buy a phone that does what it is advertised to do then stay away from this one!!!
The first requirement for a phone on my list is to be able to syncronize at least my contact list. If all you use is google then you are one of the lucky ones. If you want to syncronize with outlook you will have better luck buying lottery tickets. I've tried to syncronize 2 different captivate phones with 5 different computers. On 2 of the computers i was ably to get the phone to sync one time on each computer. The rest of the times it ranges from the phone saying it is connected and the computer constantly looking for a connection to the samsung software not even running. After spending more than 3 hours with samsung tech support, both tier 1 and tier 2, the final resolution was this: We are sorry but samsung does not support kies and syncronizing in north america! So if i move to say, vietnam, samsung will help me but since i live in north america i'm screwed? Are you kidding me? They recommended going to the android market and buying software that will let me do what i want. This isn't even an option for me though since i cannot even get the samsung usb drivers to load. No amount of aftermarket software is going to fix that but obviously samsung got my money already so it's not their problem anymore.
I guess this is the way the world works anymore. We already got your money so screw you! That's ok. I'll buy many more electronic devices in my life. Many may be good and many may be bad but i do know one thing...none will ever be samsung again!!!!!
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godbless you my brother
Ok just go die a happy death ,att/sam/craptivate
Oma fuhreekin gawd!! Finally someone who understands how much this phone sucks!! I was under the impression this phone would do EVERYTHING.
Well i don't want to try and sell my phone and buy another phone. Let me start and write a long ass story on how my phone ruined my life.
My life sucks and Im alone and my phone isn't filling that void. So i was sold this phone had many free apps to do whatever i want. So i tried when i bought this phone.
Heres my story about that.
I want my phone to be my bestfriend. So i found this app and it talk back to me when i talk to it. But it only speaks spanish. I've been ok with it for the first 30 days i owned the phone, but now its really starting to piss me off and i can't take it back because i waited til after 30 days. If i wanted a phone that speaks spanish i wouldn't have bought this! I want an English phone. Too late, screw you Samsung!
I don't want to have to use apps to make my phone better. I don't even want to mod it a little. Even if it makes it amazing. I want it to be perfect when its out of the box. And only want to use it. No apps. You know what i mean.
Im impatient because my life sucks and i can't wait for updates.
And btw wtf My PHONE doesn't do all the same things my computer does. I hate this.
And like i said, i was under the impression this phone does everything..
Well. It has yet to tie my fawkin shoes. So fawk this phone!!
Can i get a fistpump!!?!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
jasonyump said:
Oma fuhreekin gawd!! Finally someone who understands how much this phone sucks!! I was under the impression this phone would do EVERYTHING.
Well i don't want to try and sell my phone and buy another phone. Let me start and write a long ass story on how my phone ruined my life.
My life sucks and Im alone and my phone isn't filling that void. So i was sold this phone had many free apps to do whatever i want. So i tried when i bought this phone.
Heres my story about that.
I want my phone to be my bestfriend. So i found this app and it talk back to me when i talk to it. But it only speaks spanish. I've been ok with it for the first 30 days i owned the phone, but now its really starting to piss me off and i can't take it back because i waited til after 30 days. If i wanted a phone that speaks spanish i wouldn't have bought this! I want an English phone. Too late, screw you Samsung!
I don't want to have to use apps to make my phone better. I don't even want to mod it a little. Even if it makes it amazing. I want it to be perfect when its out of the box. And only want to use it. No apps. You know what i mean.
Im impatient because my life sucks and i can't wait for updates.
And btw wtf My PHONE doesn't do all the same things my computer does. I hate this.
And like i said, i was under the impression this phone does everything..
Well. It has yet to tie my fawkin shoes. So fawk this phone!!
Can i get a fistpump!!?!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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.... lol
keitht said:
This guy expects a good experience out of the box and he didn't get it.
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I have never seen a powerful multi-use electronic device that has worked perfectly the way it's wanted right out of the box though. A computer does not come with software and accessories. An ipod has never come full of the music you want. A camera doesn't come with the batteries, cards and lenses.
Accessories and add-ons are always needed to customize a device to one's own use. It requires a lot more set up than out of the box.
I respect when someone does not like or recommend something they've used, tried to get it to work right, and could not get it working. We all know that most major companies have horrible customer service, who don't know what they're talking about. But to hate a device and write about it because it doesn't meet the customized standards you want right of the box?
This is what this forum is for. Troubleshooting and creating, without the need of the large companies telling us what to do. He hasn't asked anyone here if there is a solution to the problem, or tried to get help. Even in this thread someone got help with something they wanted changed. People around here are eager to find solutions to problems we have.
I understand not liking the phone out of the box. But the problem is with not understanding the OS, apps, and also an AT&T rep. It may have needed a little research, but usually any high-end electronic device does. This is like me buying a Canon 1D dslr, and saying that it's crap because it doesn't fit the lenses I already have, and someone said my SD card would fit in it, but it doesn't...

Windows Phone 7 rant

I am a die hard WM user - never used any other OS. Was awaiting WP7 for months!
It is a dumb blonde! Pretty, but useless.
1. Keyboard is good, but no option to longpress for numbers
2. Phone dialler - no option to dial name of contact on phone dialler
3. Can't search calendar for specific appointments
4. Office hub is useless - can't organize in folder, ending up with loooong list of documents.
5. Word mobile is hopeless for formatting compared to WM6.5
6. Adobe PDF documents - can't be organized in folders. Can't even rename files
7. No video calling
8. The stupidest thing: Can't transfer files from PC to phone. What the ^$%^$ !
I have to go to Dropbox every time!
Buy an android phone lol
Stay with a WM 6.5 device. I kept my FUZE but after some time with the Focus would NEVER use it or any other WM device again. I felt a lot like you do at first, but that quickly wore off the more I used WP7. If you already bought it and feel the way you do, sell it and get something else. I used to see a lot of rants like this months ago but see almost no posts like yours recently. I think you should have posted this months ago, you might have found some allies, but not today.
JamesAllen said:
Stay with a WM 6.5 device. I kept my FUZE but after some time with the Focus would NEVER use it or any other WM device again. I felt a lot like you do at first, but that quickly wore off the more I used WP7. If you already bought it and feel the way you do, sell it and get something else. I used to see a lot of rants like this months ago but see almost no posts like yours recently. I think you should have posted this months ago, you might have found some allies, but not today.
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Well said. I was going to say pretty much the same thing. I struggled going from WM to WP at first (I still miss swype dearly) but after a few days of WP7 I could never go back despite some shortcomings.
Goodbye 6.5
The things I thought I could not live without in WM6.5 have turned out to be silly. I don't know why I felt that way. Anyway, many apps I used on 6.5 are now available on WP7, and more coming daily. The news of the potential features in Mango take away many if not most of my concerns.
I think we need to remember that WP7 is very young still, iOS didn't have copy and paste also when it came out... Give it a year or so I'm sure WP7 will be up there.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
My grouse is that WM 6.5 had so many features that have been stripped down to the point that WP7 is inconvenient. Why strip down Office to a bare minimum? Why remove the smart dialler in the phone? Why remove the long press for numbers in the keyboard? Why no USB functionality? Moreover, there are inconsistencies within WP7 itself. Why no voice GPS? E.g., why no search option in calendar? Why no zune support for synching data files? Why no wifi tethering?
I am not comparing WP7 to other OS. I am comparing it with Microsoft's own previous product. 6.5 to 7 is meant to be an upgrade, but it is actually a downgrade.
Why deliver a stripped down product when the previous product (6.5) had all these? And now, they have to catch up with "updates" with all the attendant bad publicity, and poor sales.
They had 3 years to get it right. They had at least 8 months in the beta testing when people clamored for copy-paste.
Stupid clowns.
buskanam said:
My grouse is that WM 6.5 had so many features that have been stripped down to the point that WP7 is inconvenient.
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Why remove the smart dialer in the phone? Why remove the long press for numbers in the keyboard? Why no USB functionality?
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Why no Zune support for synching data files?
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Why no wifi tethering?
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That is a biggie, agreed. And let us not forget custom ring tones (sure you can sideload, but really MS screwed the pooch here).
I am not comparing WP7 to other OS. I am comparing it with Microsoft's own previous product. 6.5 to 7 is meant to be an upgrade, but it is actually a downgrade.
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In some important ways it is a downgrade, in other ways it is an upgrade. All in all WP7 may be better due to newer/faster hardware, yet the FAIL of lackluster Bluetooth integration, no rSAP, no custom ring tones, no way to sync files easily, no wireless tethering, etc, etc and yes etc is really a let down. MS always seem to go three steps forward and two steps back, then perhaps release ONE of the two 'lost' steps like it is a huge improvement and technology advancement. If MS does not get their act together and release what many consider normal features, the Android market will leave MS in the dust.
MS can do much better, so what is keeping them from reaching some simple goals every other major phone OS has been doing for many years (including MS' 6.x)? THAT is the real question.
I think the worst thing is the wifi sleep issue that no one can seem to find a fix for. I bought one a week ago and its been sitting in the box while I use my desire. I just can't use it properly without having the option to leave wifi on
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
CdTDroiD said:
I think the worst thing is the wifi sleep issue that no one can seem to find a fix for. I bought one a week ago and its been sitting in the box while I use my desire. I just can't use it properly without having the option to leave wifi on
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
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I agree 100%. This issue and another big Wi-Fi issue are the bane of my existence on WP7. Anyone have trouble connecting to different Wi-Fi networks? This is by far the biggest nuisance I deal with. What I mean by this is, for example: I am at work all day connected to the office Wi-Fi. I come home and my Quantum refuses to connect to my home network. It tries to connect for about 15 seconds or so, then eventually gives up. The only way to get it behaving properly is to reboot the phone. Turning Wi-Fi off then back on, disassociating with all remembered networks, etc. all do nothing. Don't know if this is unique to me because there is just something specific about the networks I am connecting to that creates "The Perfect Storm" and throws the Wi-Fi off, or if this is a widespread problem. Either way, I can't wait until it is resolved.
lynxinteractive said:
I agree 100%. This issue and another big Wi-Fi issue are the bane of my existence on WP7. Anyone have trouble connecting to different Wi-Fi networks? This is by far the biggest nuisance I deal with. What I mean by this is, for example: I am at work all day connected to the office Wi-Fi. I come home and my Quantum refuses to connect to my home network. It tries to connect for about 15 seconds or so, then eventually gives up. The only way to get it behaving properly is to reboot the phone. Turning Wi-Fi off then back on, disassociating with all remembered networks, etc. all do nothing. Don't know if this is unique to me because there is just something specific about the networks I am connecting to that creates "The Perfect Storm" and throws the Wi-Fi off, or if this is a widespread problem. Either way, I can't wait until it is resolved.
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I don't get this issue at all mate, i pretty much do the same - connect to a network at work, then go home, it automatically connects fine for me at either location. I also connect to Wifi networks at my parents and GF's mum's and it connects flawlessly to either one without any hassle.
Though i must admit, the ability to keep wireless on even when the phone goes to sleep is a must! It will however stay on if you plug the phone into its charger, though not always convenient.
lynxinteractive said:
I agree 100%. This issue and another big Wi-Fi issue are the bane of my existence on WP7. Anyone have trouble connecting to different Wi-Fi networks? This is by far the biggest nuisance I deal with. What I mean by this is, for example: I am at work all day connected to the office Wi-Fi. I come home and my Quantum refuses to connect to my home network. It tries to connect for about 15 seconds or so, then eventually gives up. The only way to get it behaving properly is to reboot the phone. Turning Wi-Fi off then back on, disassociating with all remembered networks, etc. all do nothing. Don't know if this is unique to me because there is just something specific about the networks I am connecting to that creates "The Perfect Storm" and throws the Wi-Fi off, or if this is a widespread problem. Either way, I can't wait until it is resolved.
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I don't get this issue either except on my nook and I think my wireless router @ that location is the issue (pretty sure of it). The WPA only a select few ip addresses on certain mac addresses for some reason so if the address is taken by another device it doesn't connect I thought my router was smart guess I was wrong but once I forget the network and then reapply the security settings it connects, I have no problem with my other router.
After purchasing an Acer Iconia a500 , I realized that it isnt just WP7 users who whine and complain about the latest upgrades , its tech wide ! I mean some of the gripes you have are laudible ,but in the long run 6.5 is done , so if you long for that experience it wont last , sure theres still some people using Windows 98 , XP , but at some point it becomes so outdated it becomes useless, you will find wm 6.5 fits this category , sometimes you have to go back to go forward and that is the case with WP7 !
Trust me the "copy paste" function is useless , I havent even used it yet (or missed not having it) , As I said I have a tablet with Honeycomb on it , its really irratating hearing all the babies crying about updates , the damn OS has been out for a month and these crybabies are whining "it doesnt do this ,it doesnt do that" , the thing is like most devices that are new it will not have certain things right off the bat , yes the device can be rooted a plus , but somethings cant be changed yet , just like the missing api's wp7 , that stuff will come , theres so many talented people in XDA , JUST RELAX AND ENJOY THE RIDE!,
Vintage144 said:
After purchasing an Acer Iconia a500 , I realized that it isnt just WP7 users who whine and complain about the latest upgrades , its tech wide ! I mean some of the gripes you have are laudible ,but in the long run 6.5 is done , so if you long for that experience it wont last , sure theres still some people using Windows 98 , XP , but at some point it becomes so outdated it becomes useless, you will find wm 6.5 fits this category , sometimes you have to go back to go forward and that is the case with WP7 !
Trust me the "copy paste" function is useless , I havent even used it yet (or missed not having it) , As I said I have a tablet with Honeycomb on it , its really irratating hearing all the babies crying about updates , the damn OS has been out for a month and these crybabies are whining "it doesnt do this ,it doesnt do that" , the thing is like most devices that are new it will not have certain things right off the bat , yes the device can be rooted a plus , but somethings cant be changed yet , just like the missing api's wp7 , that stuff will come , theres so many talented people in XDA , JUST RELAX AND ENJOY THE RIDE!,
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Cease with this being reasonable and level-headed immediately! If you continue with this behavior, I will report you to the Mods and request your immediate removal and ban! How can we be expected to have every thread ruined with incessant back and forth bickering, passive aggressive flaming, and pathetic trolling if behavior like yours is allowed to continue on this forum?
ehh this is why i never liked windows 7
CdTDroiD said:
Buy an android phone lol
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how about you post something useful..
This guy has a lot of good points.
is a joke
microsoft word is such a pain to use that formatting within the document is impossible!!
there is no way to save formatting. so If I need to write everything in red. I have to hit format every single time and then select an option. that along with the keyboard taking up the entire length of the document.
adobe reader is the slowest pdf viewer ive ever used!!! and i remember using an 8125 and reading pdfs on it..
The wifi issues are a pain!! they are so the carrier can force us to use there data plan. I want to use WIFI why did i buy the phone with wifi capabilities if it wont even stay on!!
The contacts are again a pain to search through.
there is no way to delete lines within a conversation..
Or Deleting multiple text messages.
Microsoft is really falling short on this one.
Vintage144 said:
After purchasing an Acer Iconia a500 , I realized that it isnt just WP7 users who whine and complain about the latest upgrades , its tech wide ! I mean some of the gripes you have are laudible ,but in the long run 6.5 is done , so if you long for that experience it wont last , sure theres still some people using Windows 98 , XP , but at some point it becomes so outdated it becomes useless, you will find wm 6.5 fits this category , sometimes you have to go back to go forward and that is the case with WP7 !
Trust me the "copy paste" function is useless , I havent even used it yet (or missed not having it) , As I said I have a tablet with Honeycomb on it , its really irratating hearing all the babies crying about updates , the damn OS has been out for a month and these crybabies are whining "it doesnt do this ,it doesnt do that" , the thing is like most devices that are new it will not have certain things right off the bat , yes the device can be rooted a plus , but somethings cant be changed yet , just like the missing api's wp7 , that stuff will come , theres so many talented people in XDA , JUST RELAX AND ENJOY THE RIDE!,
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this has nothing to do with XDA.....
this has to do with Microsoft developing a poor operating software for my 499.99$ phone. This is a rant about the missing features that are obvious to a smart phone and you are saying relaxing dont worry.. this is what i purchased the phone for and it is severely lacking in a lot of areas.
professorwol said:
this has nothing to do with XDA.....
this has to do with Microsoft developing a poor operating software for my 499.99$ phone. This is a rant about the missing features that are obvious to a smart phone and you are saying relaxing dont worry.. this is what i purchased the phone for and it is severely lacking in a lot of areas.
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If you were missinformed of what WP7 was and could do at the time of your purchase, its your own fault... grab your 499.99$ and take it back, problem solved.
professorwol said:
this has nothing to do with XDA.....
this has to do with Microsoft developing a poor operating software for my 499.99$ phone. This is a rant about the missing features that are obvious to a smart phone and you are saying relaxing dont worry.. this is what i purchased the phone for and it is severely lacking in a lot of areas.
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I find it pretty funny people moaning about the lack of features WP7 has and how great Android and IOS are.
I had Android from the very start when hardly anyone knew what it was and i had that brick of a phone (although i quite liked it lol) called the G1.
Android was released on 1.0 software however i thought it was a practical joke no lie the battery would last 5 hours if you was lucky and the phone would heat up like a microwave oven besides the various other bugs etc including freezing up completely. It took Google 5 updates until we got the first named update "Cupcake" 1.5 before android was even half usable and had copy & paste etc. And to be honest it should of started on 1.5 so my G1 only got 1 decent update to 1.6.
Its the same with all the other android phones i have had the SE X10 did go from 1.6 to 2.3 only because legions of p*ssed off people including myself moaned at sony like there was no tomorrow when they said it would only get 2.1 (i think).
Etc Etc the point it Android is way too fragmented and buying a Android phone is like entering a lottery with regards to updates and added features etc.
Same with Apple it took them at least a year to add even copy & paste not too mention all the other stuff that was missing like MMS & Adobe Flash (ah yeah still ain't got that one).
Microsoft have given us a much better OS than both Google or Apple right off the bat and the amount of added features Mango is bringing is pretty amazing adding more stuff than 1 or 2 major android updates and even getting so things in the first year of WP7 that iPhone hasn't got after 5 years.

[Q] Transferring SMS from WinMo 6.5 to Windows Phone 7

I've spent several hours researching this, but I'm having a hard time finding anything in any way recent. Most of what I find suggests looking into using MyPhone, which went black for Windows Mobile 6 months ago.
I need to transfer the texts from my Windows Mobile 6.5 phone to my new Windows Phone 7 handset. I've found how to transfer contacts, etc, but nothing for my texts. The best I've found is to copy the few most important ones to the SIM, but that's maybe 50 messages at best.
It doesn't seem like getting them out of 6.5 is the hard part - getting them into 7 seems to be the catch. Can somebody please tell me that some progress has been made in this area in the past 5 months? I'd even take it to the AT&T store, and let them use their little copy tool, if that's what it takes.
zilog24 said:
I've spent several hours researching this, but I'm having a hard time finding anything in any way recent. Most of what I find suggests looking into using MyPhone, which went black for Windows Mobile 6 months ago.
I need to transfer the texts from my Windows Mobile 6.5 phone to my new Windows Phone 7 handset. I've found how to transfer contacts, etc, but nothing for my texts. The best I've found is to copy the few most important ones to the SIM, but that's maybe 50 messages at best.
It doesn't seem like getting them out of 6.5 is the hard part - getting them into 7 seems to be the catch. Can somebody please tell me that some progress has been made in this area in the past 5 months? I'd even take it to the AT&T store, and let them use their little copy tool, if that's what it takes.
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I am afraid that such a solution, at present, does not exist.
I would be happy to be proved wrong, though.
Well, thanks for confirming what I was afraid of. Oh well. If anybody wants to prove us wrong, I'd be happy for them to do so, too.
microsoft set-up the "sms access api" request as "under review"
maybe in next releases ...

Best W10M version to use with 1020?

Hello, new here. Sorry if this question does not warrant its own thread.
As the WP 8 store will apparently be closing down this coming summer i figured i should get my 1020 to W10M to keep it operational for a while longer(the idea of having to reset the phone after the store closes and not being able to update any of the apps scares the heck out of me).
I know that issues such as the brightness and bluetooth can be fixed via editing the phones registry but things like excessive battery drain worry me, to put it shortly in order to keep the phone as issue free as possible should i go for 1511, 1607, 1703 or 1709?
If anyone has used these devices under the various W10M builds and could give some advice that would be really neat.
Hi, I've been using this phone for over 3 years now and I've tried every W10M that has come out and I can assure you that the best version for our humble 1020's is the W10M anniversary edition (1607), it doesn't have the bluetooth problem, battery doesn't drain fast, overall it's a very stable version. The only issue is screen brightness and the ussual glance screen which can be fixed, but I never use it so it's no big deal for me.
Hi, and what about the camera?
Can you use the 41Mpixel camera with Windows 10 properly? I.e. will you be able to take photos in DNG?
I've had my Nokia 1020 for 5 years, and was running Windows 8.1 until recently when I searched for how to upgrade to Windows 10.
After much searching, I have successfully upgrade to the current 1709, build 10.0.15254.556
I loved the phone but was disappointed at the apps and support disappearing.
Windows 10 has given it a new lease of life, and with a new battery installed, I can get 2 days between charges.
Long live the 1020.
StJohn1980 said:
I've had my Nokia 1020 for 5 years, and was running Windows 8.1 until recently when I searched for how to upgrade to Windows 10.
After much searching, I have successfully upgrade to the current 1709, build 10.0.15254.556
I loved the phone but was disappointed at the apps and support disappearing.
Windows 10 has given it a new lease of life, and with a new battery installed, I can get 2 days between charges.
Long live the 1020.
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when did you updated it? I mean recently in 2019 or before?
I did it in March 2019.
My 1020 was great, but battery life poor, and apps practically non existent.
I didn't want to buy a new phone, so bought a new battery and plunged into the deep end and looked to install Windows 10.
After a few weeks searching for a method, I finally did it. It took a few hours over two evenings to complete.
I haven't looked back. Lots of favourite apps. The phone is stable. I have my 41mp Lumia camera.
StJohn1980 said:
I did it in March 2019.
My 1020 was great, but battery life poor, and apps practically non existent.
I didn't want to buy a new phone, so bought a new battery and plunged into the deep end and looked to install Windows 10.
After a few weeks searching for a method, I finally did it. It took a few hours over two evenings to complete.
I haven't looked back. Lots of favourite apps. The phone is stable. I have my 41mp Lumia camera.
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Do you mind pointing me in the direction of a guide or resources you used to upgrade your phone to that stable version? I looked at Neoloko's guides but all of the links to the ROM are dead there..
I have a new one coming in the mail in the coming week and want to be ready to upgrade it.
ameanie said:
Do you mind pointing me in the direction of a guide or resources you used to upgrade your phone to that stable version? I looked at Neoloko's guides but all of the links to the ROM are dead there..
I have a new one coming in the mail in the coming week and want to be ready to upgrade it.
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I used this guide to update my 1020 to 1607.
And from 1607 used this method to get to 1709. Although i went back to 1607 since the battery life was just horrendous on 1709.
Hope-S said:
I used this guide to update my 1020 to 1607.
And from 1607 used this method to get to 1709. Although i went back to 1607 since the battery life was just horrendous on 1709.
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Thank you for the info! I followed the guide but have hit a roadblock, I'm thinking its because Windows Insider's servers are now down. It just won't let me connect and select a ring or anything.
So I made it all the way through and can't actually update my phone. Honestly the only reason I want to is so I can run a specific W10 instagram app (since I need to be able to run it for my work's sake) and none of the W8 apps seem to work anymore.
I also didn't take down the details for the Lumia 1020, I didn't think about it and it wasnt mentioned in the guide... so my device's registry is stuck on Lumia 930 lol.
I looked around and found some offline windows 10 updates that *might* work but I'm scared because a lot of people report the 1020 performance being really bad on W10 and I'm thinking the version you're on is the best one but I don't know how I can get that exact version installed....
ameanie said:
Thank you for the info! I followed the guide but have hit a roadblock, I'm thinking its because Windows Insider's servers are now down. It just won't let me connect and select a ring or anything.
So I made it all the way through and can't actually update my phone. Honestly the only reason I want to is so I can run a specific W10 instagram app (since I need to be able to run it for my work's sake) and none of the W8 apps seem to work anymore.
I also didn't take down the details for the Lumia 1020, I didn't think about it and it wasnt mentioned in the guide... so my device's registry is stuck on Lumia 930 lol.
I looked around and found some offline windows 10 updates that *might* work but I'm scared because a lot of people report the 1020 performance being really bad on W10 and I'm thinking the version you're on is the best one but I don't know how I can get that exact version installed....
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Just use the W10 update app from the store instead of the insider.
The Lumia 930 registry will update it directly to 1607 and then just do a factory reset and your phone will revert its registry back to its original values.
Once you have done all that install Interop tools like adviced in the latter link and you can fix the bugs with MSN weather app and adjustable brightness.
Hope-S said:
Just use the W10 update app from the store instead of the insider.
The Lumia 930 registry will update it directly to 1607 and then just do a factory reset and your phone will revert its registry back to its original values.
Once you have done all that install Interop tools like adviced in the latter link and you can fix the bugs with MSN weather app and adjustable brightness.
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Thank you for all the info!
So I ended up using the program found at to update, and it's going great. I should've asked prior, but currently my phone is updating to the very last version of 1607 (14393.2551). I hope that one is okay?
It's in the process of installing that update, but wow does the Phone Updater program the admin released works very well.
Is that version that I'm installing okay? Or should I try and rollback to a different version?
Hope-S said:
I used this guide to update my 1020 to 1607.
And from 1607 used this method to get to 1709. Although i went back to 1607 since the battery life was just horrendous on 1709.
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My curiosity is killing me. Were you able to get Microsoft Weather or Sports on 1607? I tried all sorts of gimmicks but I could not get them to work. So I upgraded to 1703.
I actually have two "new" 1020's, one with 1703 and the other with 1709. I haven't noticed a big difference between the two except I hate the way 1709 saves photos. My 1703 phone uses the same folders (Camera Roll, Saved pictures, screenshots, etc) as 1607 and Win 8.1, and I can access my photos by just plugging into a PC. But 1709 has weird folders, and I can't find my pix. I have to send them to Onedrive and download from there.
One thing - I use Shazam a lot with my Win 8.1 phone, and I still do at home on WiFi. Also, 8.1 has an awesome ROKU remote. Kiss both of those goodbye with Win 10. Win 10's song identify apps are either Soundhound or Cortana, neither of which is even remotely as accurate as Shazam.
Bluetooth was restored by setting my Registry keys back to Lumia 1020. When it was set to Lumia 640XL or 950, the Bluetooth only worked with my laptops and our newe HP printer, but none of the cars. That was a deal-breaker until I got it sorted.

Question Has anyone with an unlocked A53 5G (in the US) received the Android 13 update?

Just as the subject mentions. Curious if it's just me?
Nada. No update. And when I mentioned this on their forum, they deleted the post.
I even tried the thing where you remove the SIM and search for updates then. Didn't make any difference.
Searching with Sammoblie and Frija, only the carrier version(A536U) from Xfinity/Comcast has gotten it in the US.
I don't have it either, what bothers me most is that 13 was released for older A phones including lower priced models already. Is it possible that because this is an enterprise phone (at least in the USA) it requires more time for testing?
pj1980 said:
I don't have it either, what bothers me most is that 13 was released for older A phones including lower priced models already. Is it possible that because this is an enterprise phone (at least in the USA) it requires more time for testing?
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What bothers me was how quickly Samsung deleted my post on their forum after I asked about this.
It's been like 6 weeks since the same phone in other countries was given this. It's quite annoying.
snark.shark said:
What bothers me was how quickly Samsung deleted my post on their forum after I asked about this.
It's been like 6 weeks since the same phone in other countries was given this. It's quite annoying.
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Samsung's discussions has a sticky at the top that updates happen whenever (edit: or at least it did before). And that's definitely how it goes for all their devices.
Even Samsung flagships go through silly stuff for updates and Android versions so its not A53 only.
The A53 unlocked has carrier apps on it so its tied to the carrier testing. Why will US carriers release Android 13 for older devices before newer? No idea but that's how their testing is going. They have some reason.
Really, you will get it when you get it. If you just think it won't show up until the year 2721 then it should be easier for you lol.
Its frustrating I know for unlocked to be dependent on carriers. But, waiting, it will at least probably have less bugs so that's fine enough. A buggy device isn't fun at all.
edit: Also A52 appear to be doing better than the A53 in getting Android 13 and listed as Enterprise. So, I don't think Enterprise has anything to do with it.
edit: The end result appears to be what Samsung's sticky said which is updates happen when they happen.
Samsung promised 4 years of updates for this phone so they have about 3 more years to give us android 13.
tmeader said:
Just as the subject mentions. Curious if it's just me?
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3 Days ago, my phone suddenly shut itself off, and then stuck itself in a bootloop and would not boot again. It's a Samsung A53 5G (ATT&T) running android 12 one UI version 4.1 at the time. After booting into safe mode and wiping application config data, it still would not come out of safe mode until I factory reset it and connected it to a wifi network.
Finally after all of this BS, I got it to boot normally, but then, as if by magic, my phone was running Android 13 UI Version 5.0!
So I spent an entire day recovering my bank accounts, cashapp, applications, and various accounts, and chalked this pain in the ass up to the game...
And then this morning, it ****in' happened again.
I'm done with Samsung. This phone has been a $500 piece of **** since day 1. It's not even 3 months old yet. Samsung has gone from the most badass manufacturer of android devices, straight to the bottom of the abyss in terms of quality.
The Bloatware they send with these devices now should be unlawful. The amount of YOUR resources they use to track every single thing you do, every place you go, every dollar you spend is unfathomably creepy and discomforting.
Do yourself a favor and get comfortable with 12. because 13 is an even bigger piece of ****, and in my case, it has totally wrecked my phone twice in 3 days now.
Do yourself an even bigger favor, and throw your samsung into the bottom of the ocean and go buy yourself an IPhone. I'm really sad about the way Samsung has turned out. I'm even more sad about the way Android has gone down the drain. And Google has turned into the world's most powerful creepy stalker with Facebook a close 2nd.
I think if people actually new just how intrusive these tech companies have become, they'd stop using them altogether. There needs to be new and better privacy regulations and trackers and spywares and metadata miners and these 'ad targeting' programs and applications should be illegal.
ImMrMyagiLafAtMe said:
3 Days ago, my phone suddenly shut itself off, and then stuck itself in a bootloop and would not boot again. It's a Samsung A53 5G (ATT&T) running android 12 one UI version 4.1 at the time. After booting into safe mode and wiping application config data, it still would not come out of safe mode until I factory reset it and connected it to a wifi network.
Finally after all of this BS, I got it to boot normally, but then, as if by magic, my phone was running Android 13 UI Version 5.0!
So I spent an entire day recovering my bank accounts, cashapp, applications, and various accounts, and chalked this pain in the ass up to the game...
And then this morning, it ****in' happened again.
I'm done with Samsung. This phone has been a $500 piece of **** since day 1. It's not even 3 months old yet. Samsung has gone from the most badass manufacturer of android devices, straight to the bottom of the abyss in terms of quality.
The Bloatware they send with these devices now should be unlawful. The amount of YOUR resources they use to track every single thing you do, every place you go, every dollar you spend is unfathomably creepy and discomforting.
Do yourself a favor and get comfortable with 12. because 13 is an even bigger piece of ****, and in my case, it has totally wrecked my phone twice in 3 days now.
Do yourself an even bigger favor, and throw your samsung into the bottom of the ocean and go buy yourself an IPhone. I'm really sad about the way Samsung has turned out. I'm even more sad about the way Android has gone down the drain. And Google has turned into the world's most powerful creepy stalker with Facebook a close 2nd.
I think if people actually new just how intrusive these tech companies have become, they'd stop using them altogether. There needs to be new and better privacy regulations and trackers and spywares and metadata miners and these 'ad targeting' programs and applications should be illegal.
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That's not the experience of most people. Since you bring up Apple as if that will help you avoid this when it can happen there too:
Its just a fact of life.
More or less it could be improved or solved by multi-OS versions at the same time (such as dual boot on a computer), slower major OS versions, etc. This is not how Google or Apple thinks though.
To add, you can of course improve loss of data by using system backup and also backing up your stuff separately. Though Android still isn't perfect there.
Of course, if you see an update, avoiding updating for some months might also help though not ideal.
edit: For instance you could have used the Samsung restore which may be presented on first use setup or even manually done in Settings > Accounts and Backups > Restore which will restore much if you used the online backup or backup to sd card. Some apps and data will be missing if apps don't support it, etc. Unfortunately, it seems to only offer one backup at least online so any backup on the account since might have destroyed it.
edit: using that and backing up to sd card includes 10GB of stuff on my phone whereas the online is suggested as 2GB (it backs up files and also eg debug built from source apps). So, if you want the best, it may be what you should do from now on. Then restore it if need be. Still, up to apps to support backup individually. Make sure to run it weekly or something.
Also, I know you're pissed about that. Try not to be pissed with me lol. Thanks.
I'm thinking we're in for weeks, or months, more wait. We haven't even gotten a January Security Update.
Just received the Android 13 (One UI 5.0) update last night on my unlocked phone. Also includes the Jan 2023 security update. Looks like they just made the January cutoff
Hmm I have unlocked a53 on t mobile, I checked for updates today and it said there were none.
I received the update today for Android 13 including dual sim support.
I been checking my A53 unlocked running on Visible every week since Christmas for an update. Today it found the Android 13 UI 5.0 update. downloading it now.
How is the new version? any bugs found?
ok, once my phone updated and rebooted now I am no longer connecting to 5G. I've rebooted a few times and nothing has changed. I'm stuck back on 4G.
tmeader said:
Just received the Android 13 (One UI 5.0) update last night on my unlocked phone. Also includes the Jan 2023 security update. Looks like they just made the January cutoff
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5 days after your post (6 since you got the update), with daily checking, and it's still a No for me.
My A53 arrived this morning and upon turning it on, my device had a lot of firmware updates waiting for me. I just updated to Android 13 not too ago along with January's Security patch.
I happen to live in the US, use T-Mobile, and I'm using the international version with dual SIM support.
snark.shark said:
5 days after your post (6 since you got the update), with daily checking, and it's still a No for me.
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Another 3 days...
Still no Android 13 update.
I may wind up going to the Samsung service location in my area. This is ridiculous.
snark.shark said:
Another 3 days...
Still no Android 13 update.
I may wind up going to the Samsung service location in my area. This is ridiculous.
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They do rollouts on top of things.
You could of course use a sim from a different carrier that has the upgrade available and do it that way. Might just get it immediately or still not. Then switch back. That is a possible workaround.
Of course, if you see a signed image for download for Android 13 for your carrier. That might work too even though it still is a wait for it to show up that way.
I don't know if there's any other way here because of the CSC. It would be interesting to know if a Samsung service shop would do it for you. I can't imagine they would.
Received the update today. Seems to run faster.

