i-mate SP5 Certificate Installer - HTC Tornado

hy , does have someone i-mate SP5m Certificate Installer for my qktek 8310,
i have qtek rom but then i switch on i-mate ROM so when i tried to install certificate throu "p12imprt" i can get whole screen, so i found on forums that i-mate have some problems and i-mate publish they own progrom to install certificate.
so please if someone have that file i'll be very happy
i'm can't configure push mail without that certificate .
Thanks !
[email protected]


SP5 is qtek8310 not SP5m , sorry

plese send me for SP5

Well you better edit your first post.
You asked for an SP5m cert installer
Here's the one for the SP5:-


QTEK 8310 Support

Just got a QTEK 8310. Am now attempting to application unlock it so that I can use Active Sync with our Exchange server (something to do with adding our own certificate to it).
But thought I'd ask ; Is there a QTEK support site, drivers/roms/faqs etc or is this XDA-developer it.
Post here if you found out how to fix the thing with the cert, got the same problem cant sync:/
To application unlock / remove the root certificate on the phone follow instructions here:
I've done this and it works fine.

Extended rom

dear all,
finally i have upgrade my o2 mini wtih
rom: 1.13 wwe
Radio: 1.13
Ext rom: 1.13.wwe
and with bigstorage also.
but miss one thing, smart dialing cab. can anyone help me to post all the cab that i need to installed on my o2 mini. because i lost my Original Extended rom from O2mini.
and also i want to listen music through bluetooth headset (bluetrek G2 1.1)
how can it be done? i have search through the topic about Bluetooth stack but i got confused on the way through. please help me summarise what should i do and need in a simple english.
thank you all.
O2 plus
hi again,
i forget to mentioned o2 plus. i have installed o2 plus on my o2mini which has latest Tmobile rom (upgraded).
it always tells me that this application is only for Xda O2. is there anyway that i can change back from tmobile to o2 without changing back my rom and radio version.
thank you again
There are quite a number of ExtROMs in the ftp. I can't help you with A2DP since I don't use it.
btw can you please help me how to access the ftp for magician i cant connect to ftp. please explain in a simple english
thank you
Click on the wiki link on the upper left corner and it will lead you to the ftp site. Be sure that you are logged on.
Customise Operator
hi again
how to install the auto config operator (asia) on my o2 mini?
i have download the auto config cab file on ftp. after i install all the cab file, it won;t shows up on the auto config list box.
Customise Operator
hi again
how to install the auto config operator (asia) on my o2 mini?
i have download the auto config cab file on ftp. after i install all the cab file, it won;t shows up on the auto config list box.
Did you soft reset your unit?
auto config
yup i already soft reset.
auto config
yup i already soft reset.
Most of the Ext ROM customizations require to be installed in the main RAM.

upgrade auch unter vista moeglich?

SORRY: wrong titel!! translation: upgrade to WM6 using Windows VISTA!!
i am a newbe but i informed me since 1 week and so i want to give WM6 a chance.
i am trying to upgrade my qtek s200(HTC prophet) G4 to WM6 smartv1.3.
first of all i am using the following helps:
i try do us:
to upgrade my mda. but i get always the same error:
by using the readme.txt i can only find the following info: pls restart mda and pc. i did both but i still get this error
i guess its because i use vista and i jump over the step : install active sync 4.5 (this is not possible in vista)
has any one an idea or has someone experience upgrading his htc prophet from WM5 to WM6 on WINDOWS VISTA?
thanks for help!!
P.S.: i tried di kill all process including deactivating firewall and viren scanner. i also tried to close the securite center (is not possible)
nothing helped!
P.P.S.: i searched in google and i found out, that some people have successfully upgraded their mda on vista(but it was an other device)
P.P.P.S.: i also found an RUU on http://205er.de/ppc.htm but he confused me. he uses also a s200 device BUT the RUU is not for s200 (i am guessing, because their is another picture at the upgrade routine )
please yous forums search ... you can found a lot of hits her!!
**** sorry netrunner
if possible delete this thread please!
for everyone who has the same problem..
try this:
but i noticed, that it doesn't work for everyone!
if this happens also to you
FORMAT C: DELETE this **** vista... nothing works anymore on this OS except the graphical stuff

Imate Jamin (SMS backup to PC)

Hello All
i have imate jamin. it work well but i have problem i want to get sms backu my Pc whihc are not in ActiveSyn. If Anyone know it please reply a address of the website or name of the software.

RootCA certificate

I have problem with installing ROOTCA certificate from our company CA.
If I "doubleclick" on certificate in cer format (binary encoded) it is istalled into intermediate.
If I create cab and install it. Certificate is in ROOT (in managing aplication), but if I try to connect to HTTPS it show me warning dialog "The certificate was issued by a company you havenot chosen to trust".
In attachement is the cab. The website is https://exchange.exhost.cz/
At my PC is everything OK in Opera, IE7, FF, Chrome.
I try it on several PPC with WM6.1.
Could anybody help me please?
Libor Soucek
Ive been faffin about with rootcertificates a bit lately.
Have you followed the steps as in this link:
I have create the cab by instruction by instructin on that URI.
Now I have try install iton Glofish M700 with WM6 and the same as enything HTC

