Toggle hands-free profile with Today plug-in - General Topics

At WM2003, it was possible to show on Today screen, a plug-in called 'Profile', which made very accessible to turn on/off the BT hands-free profile.
Do you know which .exe file or something, was involved, so I can try it on WM05?

It would help if you can tell me at least how to identify or locate the files associated with Today plug-ins.
Is there a common place where they are stored?

Let me say its is possible. I forgot the name of it, so just do a search. Its a today plugin

Try phone profiles - for free here


Bluetooth a picture

I've just converted from p900 to my new exciting xda2i, so please for give me.
How do i send a picture via bluetooth, bluetooth is on but when i go to tools it only gives me an option of sending it by email or beam?
hope you can help
if u have bluetooth turned on, open up the file explorer that came on the phone, then locate the picture in there and tap and hold it, it will then come up with some oprion, one of them being "beam file" then tap that, at the totp it will say send via ir and below as it find them a list of bluetooth devicecs will show up
hope this helps
Some pocket PC devices like Blue Angle had the problem that the beam option did not return any BT devices to beam to. BT build 3900 should solve that. Otherwise Resco File Explorer is a good way to do it.

USB storage and Enable advanced network functionality

Hi !
Has someone managed to change the 'Enable advanced network functionality' setting (in USB to PC in the control panel) using either a registry hack or by launching a program ?
I want to create a watch functionality on my PC with skschema to change this setting automatically when I use Softick software. Unfortunately I have seen up to know that a lot of registry variable are changed and that more annoying they seems to be randomly chosen (!)

[2 GUIDES] Auto syncing ActiveSync through bluetooth and BTServices Guide

I've noticed that many people are looking for a solution to automatically sync their devices using ActiveSync bluetooth sync.
for this... you will need 2 tools and one script
1. MortScript -
2. BlueStarter -
3. BTSync script (written by le_cactus) - included in this post (downstairs)
these are the steps you need to follow:
1. install mortscript
2. install bluestarter
3. put the script file in a dir of your choice
4. launch bluestarter
5. set the bluetooth device you want to sync with (all should appear in a dropbox)
6. write the path of the script file (e.g. \\storage card\\BTSync.mscr)
7. go to menu/interval config and choose the way you want to sync..
8. (DONT FORGET THIS STEP) open the script file and change all NIR36-PC to the name of your bluetooth connection, that is to your comp's name.
A few clarifications.
- if you set the interval to "On Power Button Pressed" a BTSync connection will occur EVERY time you wake your device up
- if you set the interval to "Time Interval" it will sync every set amount of time.. and even if you're sleeping and your comp is on it will sync and stay synced.. so it may drain your battery.
- in any case, if your comp is off, it will try to sync but nothing will happen.
if you're looking for a normal BTSync without an interval you can just set one of the hardware buttons to run the .mscr
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This is an old guide i wrote about 10 months ago. might help you out.
After a lot of strugle with using Wireless Headsets, Serial Ports, Activesync over BT and Sideshow... i managed to have them all work.. on VISTA and XP.
So i decided to write a fully detailed tutorial for whoever needs it.
1. Know your Stack.
if your stack is the toshiba one, when you right click on the bt trayicon you should see OPTIONS..
if your stack is the microsoft one, ... well.. you will not see OPTIONS
2. before starting to deal with services i suggest you download one of the stacks below, according to your demand, and install them. also install Windows Mobile Device Center (from now on WMDC).
This is WMDC6.1 x86...
These are both the LATEST versions of both stacks: (up until the day of posting this message of course )
i strongly suggest you keep both files on your comp as a cover for any services one might provide while the other doesn't.
to save you the trouble. (after a correction from Jadel):
MS Stack works with both Activesync AND sideshow.
TOSHIBA Stack is problematic although more userfriendly AND provides some different options which might come handy. i had to go thru a ****load of trouble to sync it with Vista... and syncing it with XP isn't a teaparty either.
3. after finding out which one you have we can begin.
AS - ActiveSync.
this will probably be the most problematic service to have working since a lot of times it DOESNT APPEAR AS A SERVICE. when you try to sync with the comp it tells you you have to pair it.. even tho the device is already paired with the comp.
XP might be more flexible with this but the solution is for both XP and VISTA.
To Async using TOSHIBA Stack do the following:
a. open Control Panel and open the BT Ports editor..
b. add a port and choose it as a Server.. (usually it rounds up to ports 6 or 7 but you may have to try others..)
c. go to WMDC/Connection Settings and mark "Allow connections to one of the following.." and choose the port you created.
d. on your device go to Bluetooth Settings and add a new device... put the desired passkey... and you should see a list of the services the computer provides the PDA.
e. now this is a bit tricky to deal with. sometimes ActiveSync might not appear there. if it doesn't, go to COM Ports (in bluetooth settings on your device) and add the COM port you added on your comp..
go back to Devices and choose your comp and click Refresh. if ActiveSync appears there, mark it. if it doesn't, you should delete your comp from your device and this time add the port BEFORE finding your comp. it that doesn't work, you should follow the links i will provide soon.
f. on your device, open ActiveSync and under Menu choose Connect Via Bluetooth.
To Async using MICROSOFT Stack do the following:
a. open Control Panel and open Bluetooth Devices
b. click Add and add your device. go to Options and mark "Allow Bluetooth devices to find this computer" and "Allow Bluetooth Devices to connec to this computer". you can also mark other options as desired.
c. go to COM ports and add an INCOMING port. it will choose a port for you automatically.
d. go to WMDC/Connection Settings and mark "Allow connections to one of the following.." and choose the port you created.
e. go back to Devices and choose your PDA. choose Properties and go to Services. there you should see all services your PDA provides. one of them should be Active Sync Bluetooth Service. mark it and click OK. your comp and PDA should connect and disconnect a few secs later.
f. on your device, open ActiveSync and under Menu choose Connect Via Bluetooth.
(if these methods don't work you should follow the reference links in the below post).
SP - Serial Port.
some services demand a serial port. for instance, if you're using the Desktop iGO8 and would like to connect a BT GPS receiver to your comp the serial port service must be enabled. i found TOSHIBA's stack to be much more flexible concerning port usage. in Control panel you have a BT Ports icon somewhere.. if you double click on it.. it will let you play with the ports and change them to help you adjust various devices as well as use the ports as Clients or as Servers. this is important for ActiveSync as well (depending on the device).
An example:
Ipaq's Desktop iGO8 supports a Bluetooth GPS receiver. to use it, you have to define a COM port (just as we did for activesync, depending on your stack)...
you will have to define a port for the receiver and make sure the Serial Port service is marked or the program will not identify the PDA. some programs might NOT need this service at all.
(of course, this is only for people who want to use their PDA's GPS receiver. people who have a seperate GPS receiver might get the port number automatically when pairing it with the computer or have to find the correct port themselves (in older receivers).
also, to use the Networking feature you have to use the Serial port service. (i will post links for this as well).
WH - I would prefer leaving this for later as i play with it a little further.
SS - Sideshow. (Vista Users)
i tried using sideshow on 3 different devices. Wizard, Polaris and Titan.
all 3 came out with nothing when i used the TOSHIBA stack. the devices didn't discover the SideShow service even tho it was installed on my comp and my device was paired with the comp.
now if you're using the MICROSOFT stack.. it's a whole different area.
Alright. so a little batch of detailed insturctions about using this:
(during the process make sure your device is DISCOVERABLE)
IMPORTANT! you should make sure the Sideshow software is active on your device while doing this. i tried syncing the service once with it on and once off and it sorta confused me. so we'll just agree on having it ON.
To use sideshow using TOSHIBA Stack do the following:
a. on your device, go to Bluetooth Settings
b. add your device.
c. look for the Sideshow service in the list. if it's there, Mark it, (on your comp) go to control panel, go to sideshow, and you should be able to mark V on the gadgets you'd like to use.
d. if it's not there, you should add a port on both your device and your computer. the ports should match.
e. go back to devices and refresh the Services list.
f. to my knowledge, if it doesn't work up to this point, give it up
To use sideshow using MICROSOFT Stack do the following:
a. open Control Panel and open Bluetooth Devices
b. click Add and add your device. go to Options and mark "Allow Bluetooth devices to find this computer" and "Allow Bluetooth Devices to connect to this computer". you can also mark other options as desired.
c. go to COM ports and add an INCOMING port. it will choose a port for you automatically.
d. go to Devices and choose your PDA. choose Properties and go to Services. there you should see all services your PDA provides. one of them should be Windows Sideshow. mark it and click OK. your comp and PDA should connect and disconnect a few secs later.
e. go to control panel, go to sideshow, and you should be able to mark V on the gadgets you'd like to use.
after syncing the service and choosing the gadgets you'd like to use from Control Panel/Windows Sideshow you can go back to your device and go back to the sideshow software and click Connect....... ................. ........
TP - Technical Port (this concerns only people who use ASUS's GXP Factory PDA so if you're not, just ignore this).
for the GXP to control Wireless devices such as ELTO's waterpipe controller and Applied Materials' connectors you HAVE to have a Technical port enabled as a service. other than Serial port this is the only service the GXP provides, so you won't have much trouble enabling it as it's part of the software.. it will always appear. MAKE SURE you DO NOT create another bluetooth port as it will use it instead of the default one and you will not be able to control ANY of the wireless devices around you.
i will update this post further on with detailed instructions for the use of every service and some howtos.
Hope it helps.
If you found this guide helpful please Donate.. (all donations go to TZABACH Wounded Animal Service)
Reserved for future guides
reserving another one
and another one

No notification when a file is received over bluetooth

Hello, all, I have this strange problem. When I send a file over bluetooth from my PC to my WM device the file is received without any notification or paring request. The same happens when I send a file from SE K850 phone - no pairing prompt, the file is stored in /My documents folder and no notification is shown.
My pocket pc is asus p552w, it is set to receive all incoming beams and is visible for all.
How do I make it ask for pairing?
Thank you.
there should be a security setting in the beam settings to alter ht esettings
as for a mor advanced notification use Obex inbox
Thanks for the advice jayjay,
however Obex inbox did not solve the problem.
And here is something really interesting - this happens only when I am sending image files (.jpg, .bmp, etc..) On other file types the device pops up a propmt for pairing, but for images there is nothing!
Hey, guys, any ideas on this one?
try moBlue 2.1
@nir36 I tried moBliue and ObexInboxEx and they both did not help. When sening pictures from my PC to my PDA there is no notification, for other file types a pairing dialog pops up.
Anyway, I dug up the net and it seems that moBlue and ObexInboxEx actually do not handle these type of transfers. They only handle obex pushes, and this, I thik is some ftp type of transfer which is handled natively by the MS bluetooth stack.
What is strange, though, is that this only happens on pictures! I am thinking that maybe there is some registry setting for this specific file type....

Focus Bluetooth gone

So, I noticed that my Bluetooth no longer works on my Focus.
I have it interloped unlocked and running OS version 7.10.8862.144
I was trying a Bluetooth file transfer program, and it no longer enables. If I toggle it, my phone thinks it's on, but the status bar icon never shows up. It can't see other bluetooth devices and they can't see it.
My guess is that the file transfer program screwed up some settings.
Anyone willing to look for the settings I should have in the registry and possibly the driver names?
What is your Bluetooth file transfer program?
I removed it after it didn't work. The suppose bigger issue is that I tried a few programs, and I don't remember the names.
The ones I remember are as fallows : BT Transfer, DFT BT File Transfer, and Nokia Bluetooth Share.
DFT BT File Transfer for Full Unlock.
Nokia Bluetooth Share must have Nokia drivers on your phone.
Ok, but my issue is that Bluetooth no longer works at all.

