Tornado&PC and USB - HTC Tornado

Battery change off?
How can it be unplug?

Mi a problema?
Latom magyar vagy...
PS: hol vetted a mobilodat?? sp5 vagy qtek8310?

Bocsi h csak most irok...
Megoldast akartam arra h ne tolson a tel. usb sync alatt.
Sp5-om van es a pdaplaza-ba vettem.


Flashing "Wizard" Devices FULL Tutorial in Serbian Language!

Hello everybody,
This is my first post. Some of the people here helped me alot with my device so I decided to give something in return...
THANK YOU :, faria, Dr Puttingham, zoki and others I may forgot to mention!
This version of tutorial is v1 and final - from the collected material on different posts here on xda-developers forum. You may say that this is a "FOR DUMMIES" edition - STEP by STEP.
All the links from the tutorial are connected, and some of them even new ones.
Everything works, just follow tutorial carefully...
Link for tutorial in attachment / Link za uputstvo u prilogu
Pozdrav svima,
Ovo je moj prvi post ovde. Nekolicina ljudi mi je mnogo pomogla da sredim svoj uredjaj, pa ovim putem zelim da im se zahvalim i doprinesem neshto zajednici...
HVALA VAM :, faria, Dr Puttingham, zoki i ostalima koje sam zaboravio da pomenem!
Ovo je prva verzija uputstva i konacna - sastavljena od materijala i uputstva nadjenih na xda-developers forumu. Moze se reci da je ovo verzija "ZA POCETNIKE" - KORAK po KORAK.
Svi linkovi unutar dokumenta su povezani, neki chak i novi dodati.
Sve radi, samo trebate pratiti pazhljivo uputstvo...
Hvala Brate, spasio si me...
nema sta ima nas =)
svaka cast za trud =)
Hvala prijatelju.
imam jedan problem sa Qtek-9100 aj sad da probam da objasnim o cemu se radi, prije nekoliko prilikom punjenja telefon mi je pao i dio koji je unutar mobila ( usb ) slomio se sad telefon radi i kupio sam punjac za bateriju ali interesuje me kako da ubacim bilo koji ROM preko sd kartice??
Unaprijed zahvalan
Druze svaka cast sto pomazes ljudima,inace vidim da je vecina vas upoznata dobro sa uredjajem tj, telefonom ovog tipa i stvarno po meni,....a probao sam sve i svasta i ono sto niko nije hteo...hehhehe...ovo je dosad jos naj zahvalniji uredjaj za licni customizing...i bilo kakve varijacije koje odstupaju od fabrickog...uglavnom puno pozdrava od dzoni2zr iz zrenjanina,samo tako nastavite,ako ikome nesto zatreba neka me slobodno mailuje na [email protected] ili cak neka pozove na 0644737241 bice mi drago ako mogu pomoci..imam na hardu svega i svacega za ovaj phon sto provereno radi
isprobavao licno i bio uporan do bola...romovi<soft i hard spl i ipl itd...itd...tako da budite mi dobri svi
hvala na uputstvu... mozda bismo trebali pokusati napraviti instalacioni paket s lokalizacijum (tastatura sa ČĆŽĐŠi ostali karakteri, MMS/GPRS podesavanja) ya nase prostore... ili cak prevesti windows...
pozzz iz BiH

Problem with the internet connection

Hi guys,
I'm Dutch and I have a Vodafone network. Because there is no Dutch WM6.5 Rom I decided to take a look at [ROM][WWE][04-13-2009][ShEp's Rom Ver 3h][WinMo 6.5][Build 21500V2][TF3D RhodiumV1d].
I have no problem with the language what so ever but the problem Is when the phone is trying to find my internet connection It returns into no results. The automatic configuration tool can't find my connection.
Is there a possibillity to manually type in the settings so my internet connection is running ok. Otherwise I need to go back to a Dutch 6.1 Rom and I'd like the 6.5 Rom.
Thanx In Advance,
havn't tried to play with WM6.5 myself
but with every other wm i've used since pocketpc2002
it's been possbile to manualy enter the apn and other gprs
settings fround on ones network providers support site
in and get it working
if you search in the networking forum you're bound to come across
dutch Vodafone settings
Thanx for the reply
I"ve been checking on the web and I find this article:
This is mail we got from 'Biggy'
It explains the trick to use the Dutch Vodafone GPRS mode.
Unfortunately, it's in Dutch, let us now if you need it translated
----- mail from 'Biggy' ------
eerste optie klikken op modify
dan op new...
naam voor connection : vodafone
modem : cellular line (GPRS)
Baud rate :19200
dan naar Advanced
daar naar use specefic IP address
bovenaan ok klikken
dan naar next
A.P.N. :
klik op finish
en dan op ok
weer terug naar modify bij de eerste optie
daar is de optie vodafone aanwezig
daarop klikken
naar advanced
specific ip terug zetten naar use server-assigned ip
op ok klikken
dan next dan weer finish
dan naar de 2de optie
daar naar new...
voor de connection invullen : vizavi
zelfde verder als eerste optie
het meeste zal er wel al staan zoniet alles precies als boven
dan naar dailing locations
location settings
area code :425
country code :1
dan naar dailing patterns
for local calls : G
For long distance :G
for international : G
dan naar ok
weer terug gaan naar connections en dan bij de eerste optie op connect klikken
gebruikersnaam : vodafone
wachtwoord : vodafone
domain leeg laten
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But the name is Vodafone. And I need a number. But I don't know witch number. Anyone has an idea?
I've got It working and It runs great!
Thanx a lot

[Q] How to make the application to establish GPRS/Edge/3G connection

How is it possible (some script? reg tweak?) to make any application establish data connection on start-up of the app.? Some older apps don't connect automatically and I have to do it by myself before starting them. I know I could keep the connection always on but this would drain my battery - wouldn't it?
Spotty Dots said:
Bok, ispricavam se ako postam na krivoj temi. Citala sam o ovom modelu mobitela i cini mi se da je vecina ljudi zadovoljna, ali nisam do sad primjetila da netko govori o narucivanju s ove stranice
Zanima me ima li netko iskustva s tom stranicom?
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Oko tog shopa nema frke, ali za tu cijenu ga možeš skoro i kod nas kupiti, a iz drugih web dućana cijena mu je oko 900-950 kn...
Sent from my Jiayu S3

[Q] [Help] need some infos about aGPS !!

Hello ,
I have some questions about GPS , i use Bruce CM 10 kang, (07/12/2012)
I want to know , how i can use gps on my sensation without wi-fi or data plan , if i can do it .
I live in Kosovo ( Europe) .
I have set fasterfix to europe , and installed gps status , also i have downloaded map of my country, I have set internal gps on settings.
Thank you,
Best regards
any help , or anything else , please ??!!
artmusliu said:
Hello ,
I have some questions about GPS , i use Bruce CM 10 kang, (24/12/2012)
I want to know , how i can use gps on my sensation without wi-fi or data plan , if i can do it .
I live in Kosovo ( Europe) .
I have set fasterfix to europe , and installed gps status , also i have downloaded map of my country, I have set internal gps on settings.
Thank you,
Best regards
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O Arti mund ta perdoresh GPS pa internet, nuk ka lidhje. GPS nuk ka nevoje per internet. Nese ti deshiron te perdoresh harten e Google Maps, atehere ke nevoje per internet, por nese shkarkon nje program qe permban harte, si psh TomTom, Sygic, etj, nuk ke nevoje per internet.
GPS tregon thjesht vendodhjen tende dhe behet npm satelitit, NUK ka nevoje per internet.
Poshte po te jap linkun per TomTom Europe, keto lloj programesh kane harta te parashkarkuara. Gjithe te mirat!
Pershendetje elvis ,
se pari me vjen mire qe gjej nje shqipetar dhe eshte i gatshem te me ndihmoj ...
Un e kuptoj qe gps mund te funksionoje edhe pa data network , edhe tani google maps ka bere mundesin e downloadimit te hartave per shfrytezim offline , mirepo un kam problem sepse nuk po mund te lokalizohem , dmth te lidhem me ndonje satelit gps pa internet, dmth nuk mund te gjej vetveten pa internet , nuk e di a me kupton , ajo pjesa 'waiting for location ' zgjate pafundsisht..
Sidoqofte faleminderit qe morre mundimin te me shkruash ,nese ke ndonje sygjerim te lutem mos me kurse.
Mbetesh i pershendetur ,
artmusliu said:
Pershendetje elvis ,
se pari me vjen mire qe gjej nje shqipetar dhe eshte i gatshem te me ndihmoj ...
Un e kuptoj qe gps mund te funksionoje edhe pa data network , edhe tani google maps ka bere mundesin e downloadimit te hartave per shfrytezim offline , mirepo un kam problem sepse nuk po mund te lokalizohem , dmth te lidhem me ndonje satelit gps pa internet, dmth nuk mund te gjej vetveten pa internet , nuk e di a me kupton , ajo pjesa 'waiting for location ' zgjate pafundsisht..
Sidoqofte faleminderit qe morre mundimin te me shkruash ,nese ke ndonje sygjerim te lutem mos me kurse.
Mbetesh i pershendetur ,
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Aha, te kuptoj. Atehere ke probleme me GPS. Mund te jete problem software, si psh ROM, firmware, ose dhe hardware(defekt i antenes). Ai lokalizim qe merr kur ke internet nuk eshte GPS por nje lokalizim i perafert npm antenave te rrjetit ose wifi.
Te sugjeroj te besh flash firmware e fundit 3.33 si fillim.
Gjeta dhe nje faqe qe mund te ndihmoje
Po me gps status a funksionon, e gjen vendndodhjen?
Mos harro qe GPS funksionon vtm ne mjediset e jashtme, jo brenda sepse nuk kap satelitet, gjithashtu dhe moti i keq nderhyn.
Une te sugjeroj te provosh nje ROM tjeter, mbase e ka ai fajin. CM 10 eshte akoma eksperimental dhe ka bugs. Provoje ViperS, ate kam dhe GPS funksionon shume mire.
Eshte dhe nje app tjeter gps test qe mund ta provosh. Nese akoma nuk punon kam frike se mund te jete problen hardware
Gjithe te mirat, uroj te kem ndihmuar sadopak.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2
Just a small reminder, this forum is in English.
GPS doesn't need data, but loading a map on most applications do, and so does A-GPS (Assisted-GPS, which uses data to calculate your position).
edit: I've got a fix here :
i patched version 3.1 without ssl
thnx to elvisypi
Ps: elvis me ndihmove shum me linkun qe me orientove , faleminderit shum .
artmusliu said:
edit: I've got a fix here :
i patched version 3.1 without ssl
thnx to elvisypi
Ps: elvis me ndihmove shum me linkun qe me orientove , faleminderit shum .
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Me vjen shume mite qe te ndihmova. Gjithe te mirat
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

Galaxy Note 3 Romanian Thread

Dragi români postaţi aici toate informatiile despre dispozitivul vostu note 3.
Voi incepe eu: am rootat telefonul cu towelroot v3 si merge foarte bine !!
Astept parerile voastre !!
dancapitan7777 said:
Dragi români postaţi aici toate informatiile despre dispozitivul vostu note 3.
Voi incepe eu: am rootat telefonul cu towelroot v3 si merge foarte bine !!
Astept parerile voastre !!
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Regulamentul XDA spune asa:
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English use an online translator, You're free to include your original message in your own language below the English translation.
I simply used chainfire and couldn't care less for Knox. Read this:în-service-și-i-sa-anulat-garanția/
And Pepe is right, we should keep this thread in English.
ROmanian Tread Note3 users
I will 1st write this in english and in the second line in romanian , becouse not all of people from Romania /Bulgaria/Russia etc etc etc knows english and a translator online will only spell some words in a phrase like
Well I got my note3 a few months ago and now I'm facing a big problem , by mistake i insterted a firmware from TSR with Z Nf1 and my phone suddenly got several problems :
1. When I updated with ODIN at hidden menu I received the messagge FAILED
2. The device has restarted but in a few secs showed Sec Wizard Samsung has stoped , press OK/Wait
3. No Sound , Camera stoped, Email stoped , Youtube FC
4. probably when I uograded the firmware also the Protection was enabled
5. I tryied to reinstall several firmwares and did several tryes to have back sounds and other things
6. I instaled CM and almost worked but still no sound etc etc .
ROmanian Transaltion.
Intai voi scrie in engleza apoi in al doilea rand in romana , pentru ca nu tota lumea i Romania/Bulgaria/Rusia sau alte tari stiu engleza si un translator online nu ar face decat sa dea un alt sens cuvintelor intr-o fraza.
Ei bine am un Note3 de cateva luni si am vrut sa fac update da din greseala am instalat un firmware cu TSR si csc ZNF1 si probabil am avut si reactivation lok enabled asa ca in timpul update-ului cu DIN am avut urmatoarele probleme:
1 la meniul HIDDEn am primit FAIL
2. FAra sunet si camera a luat FC youtube si email plus sec wizard
3. Am putut reporni sistemul dar cele de mai sus sau intamplat si cred ca csc era de vina si protectia
4. am reinstalat o gramada de firmware si nimic ... fara sunet si se blocheza.
5. am instalat Cyanogen MOD si am primit urmatoarele avantaje ,pot citi mail , trimite sms .. dar nu pot suna nu pot fi sunat si nici nu am sunet . . Va tin la curent .
THANKS /Multumesc
Have you tried to flash your phone with kies to bring it to original state.
Ai încercat sa rescrii firmwareul cu kies sa aduci telefonul la starea de fabricație.
1. anybody knows if lolipop is out for note 3 in romania?
2.i'm on stock rom rooted 4.4.2 and i want to know how to install twrp with goo manager and if it works and if no, what option do i have to instal custom rec.
E deja versiunea leak , insa sincer dupa 3 sapt de folosinta imi cam merge cam aiurea ,aplicatiile se incarca greu si asa mai departe .Am zis ca astept varianta buna inainte sa dau wipe din nou dar nu ma incanta prea tare ce-am primit in leak .
Note 3 root/custom rom instructions
Hello guys! I made the mistake a couple of month ago and upgraded my note 3 to lollipop and i kinda hate it but as I like to change things I was thinking about messing with rooting/custom roms but it has been a while since I've done this kind of things. (last time on my sony k810i)
Now if you are kind, can you help me a bit with some pointers:
1) How the ensure a safe backup in case I do something wrong (apps, tools etc)
2) How do I root the phone
3) How to install custom rom
4) What custom rom do you recommend (I love doing things in the fastest way possible (calls, messages), I hate lag and too many colors - like every page on settings in lollipop)
If this does not take too much of your time your help will be kindly appreciated. Best of wishes!
Hello , i have a samsung note 3 SM N9006 single sim ,root Custom Recovery installed, software custom note 4 installed , kernel custom mod ,overclock the CPU to 2730 MHz,score antutu benckmark..57k.
Wifi problems. MicroSD also.
I have a Samsung Note 3 SM-N900 with 5.0 Lollipop upgraded to Kies. After the upgrade is no longer working wifi. Pushbutton remains dark green, faded and in-wifi settings remains gray. Also, the microSD card is not accessed, though he has no problem mechanical / electronic. I tried several versions of Odin ROM (I had TGY - Hong Kong, I tried Israel, Russia, but nothing. I did downgrade to 4.4.2, still nothing. Update and with Kies3 5.0. I started wireless network and worked perfectly for several days before the first restart due to battery discharge. After loading wifi is and inoperative. Previously, we managed enabled wifi by canceling power save mode menu hidden wifi * # 0011 #. cards microSD Samsung, 4GB, 8GB can be accessed. I found greater evidence. we have two microSD cards of 32GB, both Kingstone, and none is recognized Note3, although new. I'll look for a card Samsung 128 Gb, hope go.
Does anyone have any solution to these two problems?
Am un Samsung Note 3, SM-N900 cu Lollipop 5.0 upgradat cu Kies. După upgrade nu se mai activează wifi. Butonul de activare rămâne verde închis, decolorat, iar în setări-wifi rămâne gri. De asemenea, cardul microSD nu mai este accesat, deși n-are nici o problemă mecanică / electronică. Am încercat cu Odin câteva variante de ROM ( am avut TGY - Hong Kong, am încercat Israel, Russia, dar nimic. Am făcut și downgrade la 4.4.2, tot nimic. Update iar cu Kies3 la 5.0. Mi-a pornit rețeaua wireless și a funcționat perfect câteva zile, până la primul restart cauzat de descărcarea bateriei. După încărcare wifi este iar nefuncțional. Anterior, am reușit activarea wifi prin anularea power save mode din meniul ascuns wifi *#0011#. Carduri microSD Samsung, de 4Gb, de 8Gb, pot fi accesate. N-am găsit mai mare pentru probă. Am 2 carduri microSD de 32 Gb, ambele Kingstone, și niciunul nu este recunoscut de Note3, deși sunt noi. Voi căuta un card Samsung de 128 Gb, sper să meargă.
Are cineva vreo soluție la aceste 2 probleme?
Mulțam frumos.
oltenasul said:
I have a Samsung Note 3 SM-N900 with 5.0 Lollipop upgraded to Kies. After the upgrade is no longer working wifi. Pushbutton remains dark green, faded and in-wifi settings remains gray. Also, the microSD card is not accessed, though he has no problem mechanical / electronic. I tried several versions of Odin ROM (I had TGY - Hong Kong, I tried Israel, Russia, but nothing. I did downgrade to 4.4.2, still nothing. Update and with Kies3 5.0. I started wireless network and worked perfectly for several days before the first restart due to battery discharge. After loading wifi is and inoperative. Previously, we managed enabled wifi by canceling power save mode menu hidden wifi * # 0011 #. cards microSD Samsung, 4GB, 8GB can be accessed. I found greater evidence. we have two microSD cards of 32GB, both Kingstone, and none is recognized Note3, although new. I'll look for a card Samsung 128 Gb, hope go.
Does anyone have any solution to these two problems?
Am un Samsung Note 3, SM-N900 cu Lollipop 5.0 upgradat cu Kies. După upgrade nu se mai activează wifi. Butonul de activare rămâne verde închis, decolorat, iar în setări-wifi rămâne gri. De asemenea, cardul microSD nu mai este accesat, deși n-are nici o problemă mecanică / electronică. Am încercat cu Odin câteva variante de ROM ( am avut TGY - Hong Kong, am încercat Israel, Russia, dar nimic. Am făcut și downgrade la 4.4.2, tot nimic. Update iar cu Kies3 la 5.0. Mi-a pornit rețeaua wireless și a funcționat perfect câteva zile, până la primul restart cauzat de descărcarea bateriei. După încărcare wifi este iar nefuncțional. Anterior, am reușit activarea wifi prin anularea power save mode din meniul ascuns wifi *#0011#. Carduri microSD Samsung, de 4Gb, de 8Gb, pot fi accesate. N-am găsit mai mare pentru probă. Am 2 carduri microSD de 32 Gb, ambele Kingstone, și niciunul nu este recunoscut de Note3, deși sunt noi. Voi căuta un card Samsung de 128 Gb, sper să meargă.
Are cineva vreo soluție la aceste 2 probleme?
Mulțam frumos.
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UPDATE: Wi-fi work fine WITHOUT SIM inside. When I put that damn DigiMobil SIM, wi-fi on my Samsung SM-N900 will be like above !

