02 PAYG charging more than it should for texts... - General Topics

I am being charged stupid amounts when im texting. I found myself spending £10 in one day and realised i couldn't have been being charged the right amounts! I just sent a text message (which ran into 2 messages) and it charged me 50p!! It is supposed to be 10p a text! I have changed SPB so that it minimises my inbox rather than closing it but still have no idea how to fix this. I phone O2 and they say they can;t do anything because they dont see a difference on their system and say it is prob. a handset problem. I did have similar troubles when on my orange simcard as well
Anyone else experienced this problem / know a way round it? Thanks

Strange :? They seem to be charging the MMS rate of 25p a message

just a thought is the person your are texting on a uk network as i found this out when i sorted my missus out with a 02 sim so she could text her mate in cyprus for free but u have to pay carnt do it on the free texts to overseas networks.

On Tesco sim which is O2 network, you get 3 favorite numbers, can be any mobile or landline. I registered 3 numbers and checked that they were correct, the system read them back to me and all was fine. I made a call to one of the numbers which should cost half price which is 10p per minute, checked my credit and saw that I was charge almost £5 which was the full rate. I rang them and they said it was a system error and although the system read back the numbers to me they werent actually registered. The guy on the phone sorted it but didnt give me any credit to cover the loss. This is a warning to Tesco users, check you are being charged the correct rate. Tesco is the best value at 20p per minute cross networks, but check you are being charged the correct rate for your 3 favorite numbers.

Why didn't they credit you the difference? It wasn't your fault, after all. These damn people :evil:


Bizzare gprs connection and fail 02 XDA IIs

Bizzare gprs connection and fail 02 XDA IIs
Has anyone else had really bad reception for gprs on the XDA IIs ??
Basically mine was working fine for the first 2 weeks of me getting it , now this is what is happening.
9 times out of 10 it won't connect to gprs, when on occasion it does connect you can't do anything i.e browsing web pages always comes up with page not found, email wont connect to server.
I took it upto my local 02 shop and as soon as I walked into the shop it started to work, walked 100 yards down the road it stopped working, went back to the shop it started working, tried this 5 times and at various distances from the shop (even tried in another country) and it doesnt work unless im standing just outside or inside the 02 shop.
According to the ofcom sitefinder there is no mast at the 02 shop location so I trekked off to go and find one and stood right next to it and still no gprs.
Any clues what the heck is going on?
i was unable to send MMS, after a few emails to 02 data support they told me to go to 02 active\tools\connections\ then set it up again for my sim, and it all started working, there was a problem with the gprs setings at there side....
Yeah been there done that im afraid, done soft reset, hard reset, removing sim and wipeing it, trying the sim from my wifes phone (it's grps enabled on her phone)
Def thinks my handset is faulty, trying to get to the right person though who I can talk to so I can send it back (it's past it's 28 days return - so it will have to go back under warranty) is another matter, data support gave me a number to call , but on calling that number you hear as if someone is punching in new numbers and you get re-directed to a voicemail box that is full so you can't leave a message.
Well just got my replacement XDA IIs , yes thats right replacement, 02 couldn't get it fixed within 7 days so they sent me a whole new package, so i've got an extra crade (great for home now), extra battery and all the gubbins , now i've just got to charge it to see if this one works ok
Bastards, in the letter they said it was a replacement phone BUT it's got a scratch on the top left corner which was there on the original phone so I conclude that they havent fixed it or replaced it at all (not fixed because the same fault is there).
The scratch cover both the main face and the section behind, but the EMI (whatever the number is called) is different from what I sent.
So i've had to speak to 02 who are no help because I said I didnt want to wait another 2 weeks to be without a phone and that they should just send me a replacement and I will send back the faulty one...... But oh noooo because I have purchased the phone over 1 month ago, it falls in the manufacturer warranty so it has to be dealt with by the manufacturers repair centre (who have screwed up in the first place). B**lcks i say (well i didnt actually coz im not a rude person).
SO basically there is little point in me trying to argue the toss with 02 , so i've just had to send it back again with a letter and im paying for my line without any use on it
Just wish I had gone with a different service provider now.
I presume that I am stuck with the contract for 12 months as I bought the phone on contract , unless anyone else knows any different ???
Ok after they lost my XDA IIs on the last time i returned it (so 3 weeks without my mobile) so they have exchanged it for a new one (this time without the same scratches - so it must be a different one), but still no GPRS.
I am doing this right aren't I , if I click on the antenna icon i see three things.
O2-UK "turn on flight mode"
goto start/internet explorer, enter www.google.com
Sometimes it connects but says "the page you are looking for cannot be found"
Other times it won't connect to GPRS and says that the modem you have dialed has no responded.
Im pulling my hair out (but luckily i shave it) trying to get this sodding thing to work!!!!!
Im going to stand outside the O2 shop again and see if it works there like the last one did.
Just a though I do have a lot of computer equipment surrounding me, long shot but would magnetic fields be causing a problem?
Hi I al;so had problems with the GPRS "mobile web connection" like you either not connecting or if it did connect i got the error message saying page cant be displayed. BUT mine did work more than 1 /10 times And most of the time either a soft reset or remove and replace the battery fixed it.
One thing on replacements mine was replaced probley every 2/3 weeks due to them being crap, I had 4 replacements and only the last one had the same IMIE number on the phone as the box, the other 3 phones were brand new (well they looked it anyway)
As of the problems they have now changed it for a XDA2i This is not perfect its still needs thoese softresets a few times a day, But in my opinion its far better than the 2s
To be honest with you I bought the phone coz i wanted to treat myself to something that looked flash (i admit it!!!) , but I also use it to remote adminstrate some servers when i'm out and about using vnc but of course if I can't connect to GPRS then i can only do it when im in a wifi hotspot (which in my neck of the woods is not a common occurance).
When i first got the phone it worked flawlessy for about 2 weeks but now even with the new phone nothing!!!!
Just out of interest i often see patches and upgrades in this forum for asian bought xda/ii/IIs etc. but I never see anything for O2 UK, do they not release patches etc???
On the off change i used the rom from http://www.ridersinc.com/dev/store/customer/home.php , it reported to being the same rom as what my XDA IIs is shipped with but i thought i would give it a go anyway, lo and behold i've just been able to connect browse and get my emails via gprs, not sure if this is a one off though so im going to try it a few more times.
Ok been using GPRS all day today now, seems that by reuploading the rom on my-xda.co.uk seemed to do the trick! , have no idea why though as it was/is the same rom as what the phone was shipped with.
anyway hopefully it will stay this way.
Just wish I hadn't sent the cradle and charger that came back with the first return (kept the battery though), second return came just as the phone instead of the whole box

Am I Getting Free Data on O2 UK Service??

I recently switched to O2 (to get a cheap XDA2) on a DATA 5 tarrif, then a couple of days later I upgraded to the Anytime100 tarrif an the Data 5 together; when I go to my unbilled usage on the )2 website it shows I have not used any of my Data allowancewhen I have used about 8 meg!
Why is this?
I'd think it's highly unlikely that you'll be getting a free service.
I think you'll find that their site doesn't always update that quickly - even though some things like texts and calls appear more swiftly.
I find that sometimes my data usage appears within 48hrs, and at other times it never appears online at all (until the final bill).
This tends to be the case with any online monitoring service and is something I've noticed having used both o2 and vodafone's online billing.
So be careful, I've run up huge bills before by relying on the usage information stated on the website.
I *do* appear to be getting free data. I am on the standard 1MB/month thing, and have now had two bills without any GPRS charges on them dispite my having gone way over 1MB. Additionally, the unbilled useage form always says that I have 1MB left (unused) when I dont.
Hope it stays this way - I will be rather peeved (actually I will refuse to pay) if they suddenly lump 3 months GPRS charges onto one bill.
2 bills without any data charges. Thats a good statistic.
In that case I'd say that either your network has really buggered up your billing or you're on a special data tariff.
I had a similar thing about 6 months ago, so I called customer support and they told me that I'd been switched onto a Free DATA tarrif not just free SMS/MMS. So now I use about 25-30mb a month.....y not :?:
So anyway, glad to hear that you're beating the system for now - :lol: - its not like the mobile networks are not totally ripping us off with their prices over here anyway. Just hope it doesn't backfire on you.
Oh just a quick question....when you say you've used 8MB on which gateway is this :?: internet or wap :?:
Hehe I was on O2 for a year and got charged nothing for mobile web gprs, despite regularly going up to 5 or even 10MB a month.
For a few months it was the same with SMS messages. Then O2 decided to send a £110 bill making up for all the months they failed to charge for SMS messages. However the gprs continued to stay free.
I am no longer on O2 now so I wont be paying them any more! Although the service im personally getting from Orange is much better than I got with O2, theyre charging my gprs correctly... ah well :roll:
I've just got a bill from O2 for minutes they apparently 'forgot' to charge me for, covering August, September, October and November, despite having received and paid itemised bills, they've now decided to charge me for another 300 minutes.
Since we're trading stories about o2.....they sent the debt collectors after me for the sum of.....wait for it.........10quid.....when it turned out they owed me 50quid. :lol:

02 Courtesy Message

ok friday i recieved this text message from 02
02 Courtesy:We have not charged you for data calls otside your bundle since Nov 04 ,You wont have to pay for those but normal charges will recommence 1 May.
has anyone else recieved this ?
i had noticed i hadnt been charged but i do have a small amout of data transfer on my bundle but hey u do abuse stuff if its free dont you.
i tried using the gprs monitor but in my reconin i used like my whole bundle recieving the email headers from 10 messages (bundle is 500k)
Yeah i got the same message... I suspect that O2 (again) have screwed up their billing and rather than retrospectively charging us are just writing it off... Not that i've checked my bills or anything!
Roll on june, then i'm leaving o2 for good.
I got the same message. Wondered when they were gonna work it out, I have not paid for ought since November, including some fairly extensive GPRS sessions in Austria, Germany, Holland and the US which I have never been charged for.
Stopped using it entirely now, too damned expensive ;-)
Funny enough,
Every bill I get I can't see any data charges.
Does that mean data is free up until they find out?
you may now start getting charged, so I would monitor useage if I were you

£1170 pounds bill from o2

hi all just got my monthly bill from o2 today and the cheeky buggers have charged me over a grand for gprs . the funny thing is i dont even use the gprs on my xda2i . so first port of call was to call them and ask what do they think they r playing at . i stated to them i dont even use my gprs on my phone and never have . anyway after talking to 1 of there so called managers he said that the only thing it could be is that someone has hacked into my phone and used my gprs or my gprs is broke on my phone and somehow it has been sending and reciving data . anyway i said to them so what do i do as i am not going to pay this bill of over a grand not a chance . anyway he said i had to put it in wrighting to them stating what happend and send a copy of the bill also . and he also said to cancal my direct debit so i have . the cheek of them the guy said a thousand pound was a lot of gprs data and i said maybe it is a lot of data but it has nothing to do with me . so i have just typed up a 2 page letter to them and it will be in the post first thing in the morning . i will tell u how i get on in the near future when they get back to me . anyway direct debit cancled . o2 bunch of fools why o why did i go back to this company . i have had nothing but trouble with them . just thought i would share my thoughts with all of u
Wow. What rate have they supposedly charged you at? Is it physically possible to have used that much data?
£1120 lets say at £3 p/m is 350 meg or 10 meg a day. Hmmmmm.
But lets say it's £1 a meg for big contract customers, 30 meg a day? They've gotta be kidding!
Never heard of anyone 'hacking' gprs unless they have cloned your sim in which case Jupiter ( as was the o2 billing system) would have picked up 2 handsets on the network at the same time and flagged it.
maybe u r right i am not sure . either way i dont use the gprs . on my phone and never have i use the wireless while sitting about the house ats it . still i cant wait to see what o2 have to say . coz at the end of the day i am not going to pay this bill not a chance . if ppl cant hack into My phone then the gprs must be broke or something . god i am scared to use my phone as i dont no what else they think they can bi l me for ... still life goes on eh
are you sure the charge is for gprs and not actually for dial up WAP access?
my charmer for some reason, decided to connect to the net overnight (while i was asleep) via dial up WAP even though i have a permanent and unlimited GPRS access.
i noticed this immeadiately in the morning, checked my account online and saw the £37 plus vat charges applied for WAP, called them up and had WAP disabled and the charges refunded.
the most common reason for this to happen is your email/IM or some other prog you have installed set to automatically connect to the net.
on my charmer i suspect it was actually pocket weather doing the deed.
i have applied my own back up fix "just in case" and have taken out of the dial up settings all the "9"'s and replaced them with "x"'s so it cannot dial up at all but if i should need to, i can quickly undo this fix to connect
fluffcat1 said:
Wow. What rate have they supposedly charged you at? Is it physically possible to have used that much data?
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When they incorrectly charged me for two days data in March (thanks O2!!) it came to £117*.
Of course they don't do refunds, but credits, which means they still want you to pay the incorrect bill, to be credited later. Fools.
Can't wait until T-Mobile brings out the Hermes, then I'm gone from O2 forever.
(*I stream radio a lot, and use push email a lot, and download from RSS feeds a lot.)
According to my online bill i'm still not getting charged for GPRS access.
fluffcat1 said:
Wow. What rate have they supposedly charged you at? Is it physically possible to have used that much data?
£1120 lets say at £3 p/m is 350 meg or 10 meg a day. Hmmmmm.
But lets say it's £1 a meg for big contract customers, 30 meg a day? They've gotta be kidding!
Never heard of anyone 'hacking' gprs unless they have cloned your sim in which case Jupiter ( as was the o2 billing system) would have picked up 2 handsets on the network at the same time and flagged it.
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I'm not actually suprised. When my corporate 9100 arrived at the beginning of using it I fortunately loaded the gprs monitor.
Our exchange support team had set the push mail up a bit heavily. In addition to email it tuned out they were pushing 700kb an hour to my phone regardless of my receiving any mail.
Until i started to read the gprs report i was running between 11-16mb a day (approx 700kb an hour background). Once I realised what it was doing I turned push off and had it running autosync every 10 mins 0700-2200 with every hour overnight (approx 40kb per hour background).
It may be corporate money, but until they sort it out 10 minute sync is good enough as at least I can control it.
Data dropped to 800k-2mb per day... much more sensible.
Its a bit like those pesky joke sms msgs, you don't know you've been charged until the end of them month.
Agree with u on 02 incompetence. They could not tell me which speed/size of SD cards are compatible with my EXec. Asked me to phone Sandisk!! Incompetence exemplified - after I held on for over an hour for technical support. Plus voicemail is not time stamped, u can't tell when they r left nor can u repeat a current msg without getting to the end of all the new messages first!!
belfast-biker said:
When they incorrectly charged me for two days data in March (thanks O2!!) it came to £117*.
Of course they don't do refunds, but credits, which means they still want you to pay the incorrect bill, to be credited later. Fools.
Can't wait until T-Mobile brings out the Hermes, then I'm gone from O2 forever.
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O2 strike again. Didn't pay last months bill (my fault) of £120, and this months bill with those arrears, is £407. ON a basic rental of £35 and not going over miutes or texts.
£120 arrears (fair enough)
£35 rental
£80 data (jesus, and this is with push email turned off)
And the rest? They now want me to pay out the remainder of my contract, presumably because of my non payment last month? I don't know. They didn't say. But they do say in the email:
"The balance on your account shows that you do not owe us any money." and;
"You will see that your first bill contains two line rental charges, one for your first month and the second for the next month (in advance). "
Which is... bizarre. Total fools.
Anyhow, could not wait any longer with that level of sheer stupidity, so I've just gone and sorted myself out with the monthly £7.50/50minutes contract with T-Mobile, to wihch I'll add the £7.50 webnwalk unlimited data bundle.
tmobile web'n'walk is an invention of genius
£7.50 a month, as much data as you can possibly get out of it provided it's not p2p or streaming video
makes push email unnecessary when you can set your email to check every couple of minutes
agentp said:
tmobile web'n'walk is an invention of genius
£7.50 a month, as much data as you can possibly get out of it provided it's not p2p or streaming video
makes push email unnecessary when you can set your email to check every couple of minutes
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I thought that too, but push email gives you OTA syncing of your calendar, contacts and tasks too...

XT926 in Europe

I want to update everyone on here since I had a difficult time finding the legit info I needed about traveling abroad with my xt926.
Germany (Munich)
Purchased a sim card at a small local shop that sold sims, tobacco, watches, sodas, etc.. It was through "Lebara" and included 500 minutes and 1gb data for 20 euro. This included 10euro activation, but that was applied to my Lebara account (so 30 euro total). I got around 6-7mbps while in Munich. Just inserted card and everything worked (after the clerk activated it).
Austria (Salzburg)
Same story, but the clerk didn't speak English so I had to activate the sim card online and it sent me a text message with activation number. After that I had to call the number on the card and "top up" with the given pin code. As I type I'm getting around 1.5mbps. --small edit: clerk only sold me a standard top-up so I was paying per MB and burned through it pretty quickly, make sure you ask for a package deal as paying per MB is ridiculous.
The only difference in Austria is that I had to manually add the APN. In Germany no APN was required.
Both places are operating on H+ (hspa I think)
So, have no fear when traveling with your xt926. All is well and working properly (voice, data, text)
I went with another Lebara sim card here, but didn't realize that the guy at the shop in the train station sold me a data only top-up pin code (10 euro for 1gb). It was not really a problem tho as I didn't need to make any calls. Data speeds here were only clocking around .8 megabits. It was still plenty to get me around.
The only problem that I had on this trip was battery life. Turns out there's a battery drain from the modem fast dormancy service due to network conflicts. I downloaded a service killer (I have root access.) At first I thought my battery was going quick due to heavy GPS usage, but after turning off that service my battery life was back to normal.
Hopefully this helps someone out!
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using XDA Free mobile app

