BT25 Stylish Necklace Headset ... Can I get it to work? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 Accessories

Answer: NO
Ok I've done everything 10 times over, got it to bond, but there's no way the XDAII is sending a call over to it either bonded as a headset or as hands free. Have successfully bonded the PC and a Rikaline GPS using Towas Patch .... so what am I doing wrong ... or am I to wait to the next version of the patch that will include Headset handling (the blanked out pic)?
Anyone else got the BT25 working - the box says it works with the XDAII .... I feel a bit stupid sitting here with a headset on that doesn't work!

Are you enabling "bluetooth headset mode" on the main Today screen, it is easily overlooked.

Yes done that one to bits. Even did I hard reset last night to see if basic Mobile 2003 (with nothing added or taken away) would do it. It didn't so I did a restore.
I suppose the headset could be faulty, but bearing in mind the problems that are most of us are having in one form or another with BT, I guess it probably aint! It also does bond as either a headset or a handsfree (I was reading on here there is a difference). I'm puzzled, coz it should be working!!!

Did you try to bond the headset without towas patch, also when the xda2 finds the headset does it announce that the device supports headset profile? The only other thing I can think of is to check that bluetooth is on rather than in discover mode. The bluetooth stack ont eh xda2 sucks big time, but it wont be long before they release the solution so hopefully we should be able to use it as it as designed to be used, I could never understand the logic of releasing hardware capable of so much then using brain damaged software to cripple it.

Ok - swapped out the set at my supplier today and still no change. It bonds and asks for the BT access code which I enter correctly and it appears in the BT bonded list with the GPS and PC. It still doesn't pass over calls, even if I try a manual intervention by pressing on of the keys on the headset as instructed. I've ticked the headset and tried headset mode bonding and handsfree bonding. I've also tried bonding from the discoverable mode in the on mode.
I've also tried a complete hard reset last night and then bonded with the same result.
Think I've exhausted this one and am going to wait for the 02 Rom upgrade (or is that really a Microsoft one)?!

Stop -press ... it just seems to have started working in headsetmode ... not handsfree .... I am trying to work out why ..... this has been 3 days of trying!!! Maybe the original headset really was the problem


JABRA Oddities

Ok, I have a BT200 that is working very quirkly with my i-mate. Sometimes the phone transfers the call to the headset, sometimes it doesn't. After deleting and recreating the bond, it works, but not for long. Anyone have one of these setup and working properly? Is there a trick to it?
Also, does anyone know if other headset drivers exist that may work on the i-mate that would allow you to hear all audio (not just phone) through a bluetooth earpiece?
Figured it out?
Ok, I've finally pinpointed that it works fine until I turn off the jabra headset, then when I turn it back on, I have to go through the entire thing again of re-creating the bond, etc..
Anyone know how to avoid having to recreate this everytime I turn the headset on or off?
I don't now ... but i have also jaba 200 and the MDA II is must arrive...
well please chip us informed
I have the same combination and have also observed the same hassles.
It seems to work when I turn the BT headset function on the MDA off and on also. Thsi seems to result in a rebond.
Exact Steps
If you could post the exact order of the steps you take to turn on / off the headset, I'd appreciate it. Right now, I'm doing the following:
1. Finish BT Headset Call.
2. Disable Bluetooth Headset Mode on Phone.
3. Disable Bluetooth on the phone.
4. Hold button on JABRA to turn it off.
Then, attempting to...
1. Hold button on JABRA to turn it on.
2. Enable Bluetooth on the phone (Set to "On" or "Discoverable")
3. Enable Bluetooth Headset Mode on phone.
4. Attempt to make call.
So if you could posts steps like that, i'd appreciate it. Also, do you set your bluetooth to "On" or "Discoverable"? Do you ever turn off the Bluetooth Radio completely?
Yup me an all. I too have the Jabra BT200 and have the same problem. Providing you don't switch off the headset or go out of range your ok, but for instance when you leave the headset in the car and take the XDA2 with you you have to create a new bond to use it again. AHHHHHHHHH!!!
Shame cos so much else has been sorted on it.....and more. What a piece of kit!!
OK, so here is the sequence, which seems to work (for me).
1) I set everything up as per instruction. creating the bond between the Jabra and the MDA II.
2) Before (or after) I turn off the Jabra I disable the BT-Headset on the Today-screen.
3) Then I turn the Jabra on again and wait several seconds before enabling the BT Headset on the MDA II.
This seems to work most of the time, though the hint regarding going out of distance might explain the instabilities I have still observed. In any case, using the BT-Headset ON/Off on the Today-screen seems to resync things most of the time and get the Jabra up and running again.
Hope this helps and always open for new ideas
I have been a bit impatient after turning the BT headset on. I'll try it and let you guys know.
I may have been a bit optomistic. :roll:
Today I observed that sometimes the Headset reacts very late. Consequently you miss half of the call. Seems to be an XDA problem.
As for my XDA II with Sony Ericsson HBH-65, after creating the bond, before i turn off the BT headset, i turn off BT profile and BT on my PDA, then turn off the Headset.
If i want to turn on the headset, i activate BT on my PDA, then BT profile, the the headset. Sometimes in teh day headset seem to lose the bond and cannot use the BT to call or whatever. I tried turning on/off BT on my PDA, did not work. Turn on/off headset, it worked. So for me most of the time is my headset causing the problems
i am having the same problem with the new moto bluetooth headset although i have experienced no problemzs with the se hbh-30 bluetooth headset....i can turn off and transfer calls without any impact on teh bonding
Jabra problems
I've had similar problems on a boring old Nokia 6310 with my BT200. In the end, all I could do was find the 'automaticly reconnect' option on the Nokia. during calls, the link is allways fine, but between calls, when I guess one end or the other goes to sleep, the link will drop out, and then instantly reconnect. This happens around 2 or 3 times an hour.
Is there a 'automaticly reconnect' option on your XDA?
All the best
OK, I finally sacked my Jabra 200, because of its instability. What use is a headset, that doesn't repond when a call comes in? :evil:
I bought a B-Speech from B-Data yesterday and it seems to be working much better :lol: .
Nokia HS-3w headset with XDA II
Well! I am using the Nokia HS-3W Bluetooth Headset with my XDA II . I can pair up two devices and use it for only ten minutes :twisted: . After that, the headset will off(goes to sleep) . I Have to turn on the headset every ten minutes. I ask the dealer about the problem. They told me this headset work fine with Nokia's phone. They told me , there is three color on the light. Red light will flash when you turn off the headset. Green Light will flash when you turn on the headset up to ten minutes, if cann't find the phone devices , it will goes off.White light will flash, when the headset connected to the phone. When I turn on the headset, I just can see the green light only.But, if someone call me or I make a call ,the white light will flash.After the that the headset will flash the green light again for about ten minutes and goes off. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks!
@[email protected]
Hi, I will like to ask how your headset B-Speech is working.
It works 100%?
I have a jabra 250 with the same problems as BT200
Please let me know
The B-Speech Headset is working OK, however it doesn't solve the problems with the Microsoft BT-stack.
Some observations, probably also applicable to the Jabra:
:?: When you go out of range with the headset, it will probably not reconnect automatically (but how do you know)
:x On an incoming call, the XDA may be very slow in activating the headset, so you might miss the call (seems to be tied into what the XDA s/w is just doing at the time
When you turn the Headset off, make sure to turn it off on the Today screen first. And when you turn them on, make sure to wait about 2 sec. after you turn the headset on before turning it on on the Today screen.
:idea: What seems to work best, is turning that Headset off and then on again on the Today screen. It usually comes back after that.
Mind you, it isn't the headset thats causing these problems. Its just that Microsoft botched the Bluetooth stack - probably the programmers had blue teeth from all the wine they were drinking!
I've found the out of range issue to be mute on my jabra 200. The only time the bond is broken is when the headset has been turned off. Or sometimes when it has been on charge.....
Strange........I use the Jabra BT 250 with the MDA II and have non of these reconnection problems. I f I turn it on and place a call (or receive) it reacts immediately.
However, I cannot use the advanced Headset Profile features of the Jabra with the MDA, but this is not the fault of the Jabra........
Could the people who are having problems and the people who are not having problems with their Jabra BT200's please post their version numbers of the Jabra BT200. You can find the version number on the boom going to the microphone. It will be 2 numbers and a letter, like 48A or something like that. I'm testing a theory that I think will help identify why some people work and some don't.
Ok, the number on my Jabra Bt 250 is 44B.

Bluetooth headsets - sequence of operation

I decided to open a new thread although there were several threads on the use of bluetooth headsets. My intent is to explore whether there is a particular sequence that we need to follow when operating the XDAII and BT headset. I am using a Ericsson HBH-65.
First observation:
I notice that I need to end all calls via the bluetooth headset rather than from the XDAII. If I end a call using the XDAII (ie depressing the red button), for subsequent calls whether incoming or outcoming, I cannot use the headset. There is no connection between the 2. I seem to be able to simulate this almost 99% of the time.
Second observation:
I normally switch off my BT headset overnight for charging purposes etc. At the same time I deactivate the BT settings on my XDAII.
The next morning, I would activate the BT settings, BT profiles and then switch on my headset.
I notice that for the first call I made/receive the next day, I will have problems using the headset. I am not quite sure whether it is the case that I need to switch on my BT headset first and then the XDAII BT settings and BT profiles. I say this as to resolve the problem, I seemingly need to deactivate/activate the BT profile settings before it works and then for subsequent calls I would have no problems using the headset. This needs further testing to test my hypothesis.
Anyone notice anything different on their part.
Same issues
I have had the HBH-65 and have noticed the same issues. I have also had an Logitech and did not have any problems with that.. I am guessing the issue is with the firmware on the HBH-65.
I use Bluetake GII with my xda2. No sequence, no problems. I never even think about switching it on or off. Works in any sequence. Nice looking too! :wink:
I have a Jabra 250, and I do not have to follow any ritual to have it to work fine
I have a Logitech Bluetooth headset with my Qtek 2020 (rom 1.60.21), and it works like crap.
First of all, the headset wont turn on/off sometimes.
Second - if its turned on, and the qtek has been turned off, i need to reconnect it, to switch automatticly when recieving a call.
Thirdly - both speak and hear is very poor quality/fare away (very silent) even though ive turned the volume to maxx.
BT Headset - Works Flawlessly
I have a Sony Ericsson HBH-30 headset and I never give the slightest thought to sequences or procedures. I can turn the headset on and off, the profile on and off, even the BT stack on and off - without ever having to re-bond or anything else.
Now if I could just voice-dial a call with the bloody thing I would be truly happy indeed.
Same problems but getting it figured out
I have the HBH-65 and it seems to work fine now that I've hopefully figured it out. I do a few things. First, I leave the Bluetooth on, on my i-Mate. Second, once it's in range I've noticed it takes about a minute for it to link up. When it links it either makes a single beep (if I just turned on the Headset) or a quiet click if it was already on. I doesn't work ALL of the time, but the more I use it the better it gets. I really expected it to be a little easier.
I have the HBH-200 with call display...which the salesman assured me that it would work with my XDA 2! Call display does not work, and if I end a call on the O2 the headset will hang. Other than that it's great!
I Have a XDAII and a HBH-35
They key to it seems to be not to turn anything off ! it's really frustrating when you think it's all linked up and then get in the car only to recieve a call and not be able to answer it with the headset.
If I have turned the headset off it's a right pain to bond again, red, green lights, funny beeps it's very confusing !
Once it's bonded it's great ! I am amazed with the call quality.
I have an Sony Ericsson HBH 35, I have no problem w3ith the bluetooth pick up call are end calls.
I can even transfer call from my bluetooth to the handaset and by reverse pick up call on my handset and then transfer the call back to the headset all I have to do his to hold the button on the headset fro a few second and the call transfer from the handaset to the bluetooth headset no problem.
Great piece of headset I would really reccomended it to anyone.
The rom on my XDA II is still the version 1.05
Cheers Gigino
Do you ever turn your headset off or disable bluetooth?
I don't have any problems when it's bonded. Just problems if I turn the headset off to save battery
I only turn the headset off at night when I charge it. I use to swwitch off the headset but not anymore becauswe if it is on it use very very little power so it last all day with no problem.
The bluetooth on the XDA II I have never turn it off since I bought it 5 month ago the bluetooth headset on the XdA II is always on.
I've try it switch it of and then on the bletooth and the bluetooh heaset on the XDA II but when I turn it on and turn the headset on it all works fine.
They is no issue on the headset I've tryed every diffrent combinetion the is and the headset works fine.
I have never needed to rebond the headset with the XDA II.
The only thing I have not try is if I can receive a second caller.
Mean trying to switch between 2 caller when I have the chance I will try it.

Problems with Plantronics M3000 and QTEK 2020

I have bought a Plantronics M3000 bluetooth headset for my QTEK 2020. I have no problems pairing, calling and answering. However the headset just shuts off after a few minutes of conversation. It doesn't just cut the conversation but shuts off. I can make multiple short calls but nothing longer than 3/4 minutes. It works, however, without problems on my wife's Ericsson T68. Anyone can help ? Thanks.
I have the MDA2 (same as QTek2020) and a Plantronics M3000 and It's been working just fine.
The problem you describe it's very weird since you mentioned that the headset works fine with your wife's mobile, and that makes me think that your QTek has some sort of problem with the Bluetooth stack or hardware.
It may be well worth to try (if possible) another headset just to make sure that is not the M3000 fault.
Do you see any type of error or message on the screen at the time of disconnection?
Does it always cut the conversation at the exact same moment?
Does the problem match the time the QTek takes to power save?
Any other clues?
I did not have the occasion to test another BT headset on the Qtek. When it shuts down there isn't any message displayed.
I have no problems with the BT stack (with the Pocket Bluetooth Tools patch) when using it with a BT GPS (Emtac) receiver, it works for hours.
However, your suggestion that it might happen when the Qtek goes in energy saving mode is interesting. I will check that tomorrow.
I'll post the result.
I seem to have a similar poblem after installing pocket bluetooth tools!.
I use a Jabra BT 250..and I noticed that the headset just mutes during the call..
I am generally used to switching off the display of the XDA after placing the call to power save ...
So I discovered that the headset would mute whenever i switch off the xda after making the call (which it never did prior to installing PBT)!
any thoughts on that?
maybe it has to do with the auto switch off plugin?
Actually I just experienced that too...
If I place (or answer a call) the next time I try to use the phone via the BT headset I notice the BT headset was turned off... Yeah, it could be related to the Powersave feature on the today plugin that PBT installs as a plugin... :roll:
Need to investigate...
Best regards,
Both my bt headsets have stopped working since installing pocket bluetooth tools latest version, I have reverted back to version 1005 and everything is fine. I have a sony-ericsson EBH-65 and a skypower clip on headset.
my platronics does the same also its annoying you cant even transfer the call back to the device you have to hand up turn off bt and then turn it abck on and headset mode back on it also does the same on my pc
when im on msn using it as a headset it just d/c and i have to turn it off and turn it back on again
dont see what the problem is
btw the range on the xda2 and platronics is amazing i had it on my bedrooms desk and i went outside it passed through the living room wall and the patio window and i was stood 5m down my garden im sure it would of been over 10m and it was still working if i kept still when i moved it went crackly but ah well lol
just hope someone sorts the prob out
I was having the same problem with the M3000. I just had confirmation from Plantronics that this problem is a bug in the product that occurs with the XDA II. I am currently in the process of returning the product.
Same problem M3000 doesn't work. Give up now before too much frustration makes you feel ill.
Try the Hello 2 headset. Work with my Aussie XDA2 and is very small and lightweight. Even had a neck chain to carry it around like a USB drive.

Parrot CK3000 BT car kit for XDA2

Just letting people know that the Parrot CK3000 car kit works great with my XDA2. It only uses "headset" mode, so functionality is limited, but it routes the calls through the car speakers and mutes the stereo, so that's all you can really ask.
On my Alfa, I couldn't use the standard ISO connectors, as the car has a separate amplifier in the boot, but chopping the ISO connectors off and connecting the wires separately to the "telephone in" connectors on the back of the radio worked just fine. I can even adjust the volume of the phone call via the steering wheel audio controls!
There's a reassuring "beep" when I turn on the ignition to let youknow tha the devices have bonded and every few days, something goes skewey on the PDA and I have to do a soft-reset to make the bluetooth bond work again, but otherwise, it works fine.
I've put an icon on my PDA for the warm-reset, so that I can do it easily in the car if I realise that it hasn't bonded automatically.
The only real glitch I've found is that if you get to your destination whilst still on the phone, I can't find any way to transfer the call back to the handset without terminating the call - any help on that would be gratefully appreciated.
Good to hear it works, I have a CK3300 with the BT GPS Functionality on route for review.
In asnwer to your question, to hand over the BT headset call to the phone just tap the 'Headphone' Icon on the status bar of the XDA.
Funnily enough, I was just outside in the car experimenting when you replied.
Sure enough, if you tap the headphone icon on the PDA, the call is successfully transferred back to the PDA and you can carry on the call directly on the PDA.
If you then press the green button on the car kit, the call will also transfer back to the car kit again.
But - Here's my last issue - If you get into the car with a call already in progress on the PDA and then turn on the car ignition, the car kit beeps to confirm that it has bonded, but I can't find any way to actually transfer the open call to the car kit....
Finally - I've come to the XDA forum for a break from! I usually spend my evenings on your site. Tonight, for the first time in weeks, I thought that I'd go and seek other company. Who should be the first to reply to my post here but you!
You're going to tell me now that you also drive an Alfa and that you too frequent the site as well aren't you!!!
Cheers Darren.
Ah well you see we obviously share a passion for gadgets but not Alfa's, current car is an X-Type shortly to be replaced by a Discovery and yes I spend time at both of their owners ites as well (Note to self, need to get out more!).
I think I'm correct in saying that you can't hand over an active call to a BT Handsfree be it headset or car-kit, I suspect this is a limitation of the XDA's BT Stack (thanks Microsoft NOT!)
I shall leave you in peace now, you've probably had enough of my ramblings back at home base ;')
Is this the same kit:
There is also an upgrade but it doesn't say what you get for your £45.
Any ideas?
alfiejts said:
But - Here's my last issue - If you get into the car with a call already in progress on the PDA and then turn on the car ignition, the car kit beeps to confirm that it has bonded, but I can't find any way to actually transfer the open call to the car kit....
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Hit the green button on the carkit, that should do it.
If not, install the XDA2 Bluetooth tool, and retry...
Nope - Green button is documented as being the way to do this for most phones, but it doesn't work with my XDA2....
I did try to install Bluetooth tools ut then couldn't get the devide to pair with the Parrott at all, so I hastily removed them.....
I'll think that I'll live with as it is, now that everything else is stable and works OK....

Parrot CK3300 BT car Kit

I have tried searching the forums and can't find much Info.
Is anybody here using the above system for telephony & GPS; If so how do they intergrate/do they work well on the XDA II (I have ROM Version 1.72 with Radio1.17)
I Know about the headset profile probs not giving full functionality of the Handsfree use of the car kit but this doesn't bother me to much as long as I can Make and receive calls.
Thanks in anticipation!
I was going to get a CK3100, but heard so many problems regarding build quality, and lack of support, I got a HCB 30 instead.
It did not help when I tried to e-mail parrot for advice and 3 different e-mail adresses bounced back.
Works Perfect!
Just had the CK3300 installed today and it works perfectly - I Knew some of the functions didn't work because the XDA2 only supports headset profile but once you have transferred your contacts to the kit via bluetooth it works well.
Also the GPS works well with CoPilot 5 live; it picked up the signal straight away ; well pleased with this set up!!
same to me have the ck3300 tested with qtek2020 - works fine. problems with 9090 but after bluetooth update now it works fine. No tests with S100 at this time.
tested GPS with destinator 3 and map&guide fleet navigator and mobileobjects fleet management system.
don't use bluetooth tools after Rom 1.66 :!: CK3x00 didn't work aber installation of this
Set up
Just had the CK3300 installed today and it works perfectly - I Knew some of the functions didn't work because the XDA2 only supports headset profile but once you have transferred your contacts to the kit via bluetooth it works well.
Also the GPS works well with CoPilot 5 live; it picked up the signal straight away ; well pleased with this set up!!
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Any tips on setting up the CK3300 with my XDA2?
Just had the car kit fitted - i need both nav and handsfree functions - but i am not sure that i have got the phone and ck3300 to bond properly. So everything is 'greyed out' on the parrot.
Using ROM 1.72.00WWE (1.72.181) and radio 1.17.00
Thanks for any help received.
If everything is greyed out then it isn't bonded properly!
Step 1
Delete the pairings you have from XDA2 and car Kit;
Step 2
On the car kit turn the control knob untill settings appear- then scroll to 'Advanced Settings' - 'pairing a telephone' - 'windows CE device'
Step 3
Now search for devices using your XDA2 and the car kit should be shown.
Step 4
Enter passcode 1234 and accept headset and serial profiles when shown.
to access your phonebook you need to transfere the contacts via bluetooth to the car kit.
Hope this helps
XDA2 CK3300
Managed to get the GPS set up (fiddling with COM ports - even imbeciles strike lucky sometimes)
Some items are now in black. However, I am not sure that I have done it right as I cannot get it to use my phone to make calls or receive them. Which is exactly why I bought it in the first place.
So, please (please please) can you tell me how to exchange my phonebook?
I am going to sit in the car right now and have a go at your bonding advice...maybe all will become clear (but that is not often my experience!)
Thanks again for your help.
You need to bond the phones in the manner I described or it will not work ; this is clearly ststed in the Parrot instructions and on their website.
(I have noticed a strong correlation between people who do not read instructions and complain things do not work!!) - Joke
You also need to make sure your headset profile is active on the XDA 2 for it to work. Again reading the instructions for the phonebook - you tap and hold a contact on the XDA2 and select 'beam contact' - 'via bluetooth' the bluetooth search then comes up and the car kit will be found you then 'tap to send'
Now i have the opposite problem!
Believe it or not, I have now got the XDA2 and the CK3300 bonding automatically so I can make and receive calls whilst driving. It works pretty well (occasionally makes an awful noise, but only occasionally). I am impressed.
However, once I had done that, the GPS is undetectable. I have tried all sorts of combinations. I have checked the instructions - and selected the long code (ends in 9600) but I am not certain that I am using the right com port. I have tried most of them without success.
Oddly, this is the one thing that WAS working before I got the car kit to work (for calls). Somehow, either I have lost the right settings OR the XDA2 won't do both (although I read somewhere that it would) OR my ROM needs updating (uh?)
Please help.
BTW, I am due a phone upgrade - I love the xda2 but would consider getting another phone if necessary, if anyone can recommend one that is fully CK3300 and TomTom compatible.
I don't use Tom Tom myself but from reading these forums I think you need to install the patch on their website to allow Tom Tom to use the correct Port .
Your Car Kit also needs it's software updating if it makes a noise like you say. On the Car Kit go to > settings-advanced settings-information and you will find the software version (sounds like 4.03) if it makes a noise. The latest on the Parrot website is 4.10b and this will fix the noise issue.
If you need help installing this let me know.
The best Phone is surprisingly the Old Fashioned Nokia 6310i - it has a good bluetooth stack and uses the handsfree profile rather than the headset so contacts sync automatically but if you require live traffic info best stick with what you got as the Nokia will not pair with the XDAII and the car kit at same time.
Which COM port?
For the moment, I have a temporary solution.
However, I have updated the TomTom Navigator software and the GPS, but still don't know which port the GPS in the CK3300 should be connected to.
Any ideas?
And, thanks Nikpro for the excellent help so far - you are a true altruist and a star!
The outbound port on the xdaII is port 5 by default
On XDAII go to Settings - System tab - Bluetooth settings and make sure you check the tick box for outbound COM port.
There is also a chance you have deleted your serial port profile so tap on the bluetooth icon in the Today Screen and go to bonded devices. Select the CK3300 and delete partnership (do not delete pairing from car kit end!)
Then search for new devices from the XDAII and the CK3300 will again come up; create a new partenship and everything should be good.
Still having problems
Oddly, I still cannot use the GPS on the CK3300.
I am using my old TomTom at the moment for GPS and the CK3300 for headset - which works fine, but I wanted the CK3300 to do both.
When I try and reset the GPS to the (series of numbers ending in 9600) as stated in the info and the instructions (Nikpro, take note - I have read them - but your comment made me laugh), the TomTom just 'freezes'. Wait - and wait - and wait - and when it reincarnates itself, no GPS at all.
I am using the 1.72.00WWE rom and radio 1.17.00
I think that I have tried every permutation for the COM port.
Has anyone any ideas? Please?
When you initially pair your XDA to the car kit do you get a message about serial connection show on the screen? The problem must be with the tom tom software as with copilot and mapopolis it works fine? or the way you are pairing the two!
What software version is the car kit? PLEASE DESCRIBE HOW YOU ARE PAIRING THE DEVICES??
Hi all, 1st post and all that.
Have you tried falshing the parrot with the newest rom, mine picked up enough to make and recieve call, but i flashed my xdaII with 2.02.T1WWE this morning and it works even better.
Hope you get a result
nikpro said:
I don't use Tom Tom myself but from reading these forums I think you need to install the patch on their website to allow Tom Tom to use the correct Port .
Your Car Kit also needs it's software updating if it makes a noise like you say. On the Car Kit go to > settings-advanced settings-information and you will find the software version (sounds like 4.03) if it makes a noise. The latest on the Parrot website is 4.10b and this will fix the noise issue.
If you need help installing this let me know.
The best Phone is surprisingly the Old Fashioned Nokia 6310i - it has a good bluetooth stack and uses the handsfree profile rather than the headset so contacts sync automatically but if you require live traffic info best stick with what you got as the Nokia will not pair with the XDAII and the car kit at same time.
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Use Bluetooth tools
and edit the registry under hkey local machine, builtin, BTIBserial, rename BTIBserial.dll into BTIOBserial.dll
and go Start, Settings, System, Bluetooth settings and check both inbound and outbound.
Delete ALL paired devices, reboot, and re pair them.
You will now have an option for two serial ports, one for each device.
This is the only way to do it if you have two devices that need a serial port. If you have a third, you are SOL.
Normally, the stupid programmers who made the MS BT program, made it so it only had one dynamic port for BT. Some people would experience having to reboot before switching BT devices, most would have to re pair every dam time.
The new 2005 does not have this problem but it has other bugs.
They smart people at MS changed the databases so Mapopolis and other third party programs can not read the contacts or have other bugs with them. Plus the 2005 version here limits your memory.
The 2.02 - 2.06 will NOT work with Hands Free and most car kits need it and if you have caller ID via BT, you are SOL too.
The 2.20 is a stable and a good OS and the Hands free works much better. The down side is, when I get a call on the call waiting, even if I did not answer, it would disconnect the BT headset and no sound through the phone too. I would have to, click on Tools, Hands Free off, tools Hands
Free on before it would work. I have lost many clients this way.
I decided to disable call waiting in the phone settings and it only has a few bugs now like I have to turn off and then back on the BT headset after ever call or it would revert to Headset mode.
The caller ID will not display if the call is in the history of my BT headset or if it is in my contacts database.
I mention my BT headset because it is like a car system when used in Hands free mode.
Good luck, let me know if you have any trouble now.
Parrot 3100 with XDA II
I have just put in a Parrot 3100 and it works fine as a handsfree phone.
is there any way when I am not in the car though to use my Jabra 250v headset without rebonding and selecting it as the preferred headset device?
I can't seem to switch between the Parrot and the Jabra when the other one is not in use without repairing.
Thanks for any advice
Try turning of one and turning on the other and soft reset..
Ok, I have just spent my entire weekend trying to get my Qtek 9090 to communicate to my newly installed Parrot CK3300 (with GPS). I have read the manual about 3 times from beginning to end, know the whole website by hard (ugly site BTW), and have tried about everything in configuring, but with no success so far.
Initially I had the 2 devices paired to each other, but after I installed Tom Tom 3, it is impossible for me to get them to pair again. Nevertheless, the 2 devices "see" each other (when asked in "Linked devices"), but they can not get to communicate. From all the stuff I have read on forums and sites, it seems that I need to upgrade my Bluetooth version, but I have no idea how and where to start this procedure.
Can anyone help me out here ?
Any tips are welcome !

