how XDA II does use memory i.e. ..... - General Topics

from your experience .... (as I do not have XDA II) I am curious whether you can make memory allocation in such a way that you have for storage 32MB and for programs 96MB and on the reverse side ... 96MB for memory for storage and only 32MB apps running ???
it is known tome limitation on previous model XDA I when after making an upgrade up to 128MB only 64MB could be used for apps and the remaining half is proprietary storage but not for ... running apps
regards, monika


...ABOUT RAM IN 2005...

i have two questions about ram in 2005
in 2005 version ram is used to run program ,so 128MB ram is all to program run.but i found one picture that 96 MB is given to program ,and another 32MB is given to some storage .
according to the first question,sms is stored in ram or rom?and what about the other installed program?
First Answer:
There are some versions of the XDA II rom modified by Buzz_Lightyear that convert a portion of the RAM on the device into additional storage memory. They loose the advantage of persistant storage, but gain additional space. Since I have yet to find an app for the device that really needs 128MB of run-time memory (Most I have managed to get my device up to is 80MB) this isn't too bad a trade-off (In my opinion).
Second Answer:
SMS, e-mails, contacts, and installed programs are stored in ROM (Or on the ramdisk if you have allocated part of the RAM as such.
Hope this helps!
Robert Harrold
Nice to find you here, nomad.... I am finding 1.6c with 96mb Ram vision.
Ram On WM 2005
Hello All , I've managed to install the "WM2k5_1.60c.00WWE_XDA2_HIMALAYA" Rom on my Xda II (previous O/S was 2003 se)
As I've been browsing the forum it seems that most have apprx 32mb of storage space available but on mine i see only 14.54 and after unlocking Extended Rom I can see many files in there from (what I imagine to be) left over by my previous WM 2003 se . My question is . . . Why was this not deleted and added to the storage memory when i upgraded to WM 2005 and can anyone please explain to me how to go about adding/merging it with my Storage .
Any help would be much appreciated , Thank You
I've got the same issue, after installing WM2005 1.60c I only have 14.54 MB of storage memory. Any chance of increasing this as my ActiveSync file sync seems to be greater than 14.54MB and ActiveSync is giving me errors that I have run out of space
Ram On WM 2005
"I've got the same issue, after installing WM2005 1.60c I only have 14.54 MB of storage memory. Any chance of increasing this as my ActiveSync file sync seems to be greater than 14.54MB and ActiveSync is giving me errors that I have run out of space"
Hello Hmerali , The problem was solved by using the Hima_DOC_Tool_1.0
It will increase the Storage partition to 31MB.
Many Thanks To Buzz & His M8s for this and the WM 2005 , Good Work !!
thanks for that ... by the way does anyone get 'critical errors' when syncing with ActiveSync that says that sync has to start from scracth.
This casues my email sync settings to be reset.
Hello Again Hmerali .
I've been using ActiveSync Ver 4 and haven't had to many Problems .
There is a tool that will auto reboot the ActiveSync app instead of you having to reboot the computer over & over again incase of any error while syncing.
Regards Sean

How to free PROGRAM MEMORY in wm5

I had a friend who had this problem.I wonder who can help?With my O2 wizard i used to be running short of rom space ie storage memory as it had only 32mb left at factory default settings. My friend is running short of Program ram space.
She is using eten m600+ that had 180mb storage for user and only 30mb program memory for user left at time of factory default settings.(when Bought from the shop)
original specs state 256mb rom and 64 mb ram.
after installing many programs the ppc still had about 125mb(excessive and redundant for running programs) left in storage and only 10 mb left in program memory.
Problem is certain programs like mapking, imap, agenda fusion(3000 contacts) consumes about 10 mb of program memory to run. then there is insufficient program memory to run a 2nd program at the same time.
If only we can shift like in my case 10 to 20mb from storage memory to program memory the the etenm600+ ppc would be wonderful.
She has also a miotech A700 with about almost the same programs installed.The miotech factory default program memory is also left with 30mb when purchased. HOWEVER with almost the same programs installed the program memory left is about 25mb.THERFORE on miotech there is no problems to run multiple programs concurrently.
1.What cause the difference in usage of the program memory?
2.What to do to ensure that the program memory is not used up during installation of programs?
3.Are we able to see the Program memory to identify which of our programs are occupying the space?
4.Can we do anything eg to shift the programs that occupy the space in program memory to storage memory or storage card( like the way we are able to shift certain programs from storage memory to storage card by shifting the programs from the Program files in Main Memory to Program files in storage card therby freeing the storage memory)
Any insight into this would be much appreciated. At this point manufacturers had yet to increase ram ie program memory from 64mb up to 128 or 256mb as had been done for storage memory ie rom in the case of eten600+ had been increased to 256mb from 128mb(Eten m600/o2 or dopod products)
With my O2 wizard i used to be running short of rom space ie storage memory as it had only 32mb at factory default settings
Ok, here is the memory explanation:
As you may or may not (I am not quite certain from your post) know on WM5 devices like the Wizard storage memory is ROM, or more precisely flash (NAND if you want to get technical).
Program memory is RAM (I think it's SRAM not sure).
Since these are two physically different types of memory there is no way what so ever to use one in place of the other. So no borrowing storage memory to run programs.
Even if it was somehow possible (which it's not) to use flash to run programs it would bring your device to a halt as its read / write speeds are much to slow.
On WM5 systems RAM (program memory) is used just like on PC exclusively for running programs. It can not be used for storage so there is no danger of it being wasted during installation.
I don't have an explanation regarding the ETEN vs MIO issue, but keep the following in mind:
1) 64MB is in reality reported as about 55MB (binary count difference), 10 - 15 of that is reserved by the system and as much as 5 more may be taken up by resident apps / services depending on the device and the provider.
2) Same program may use up different amounts of RAM under different circumstances and may have memory leaks which means the memory it uses grows over time even if you do not input more data.
Also check out this neat app. Its a really great tool if you want to see whats going on on your device.

What is Ramdisk, pagepool and program memory?

Hi. I'm very new to windows mobile 2005, and am very confused as to what Ramdisk, pagepool and program memory is. I understand that on top of all that, there is still extended ROM? I'm familiar with extROM from my wm2003SE time, but the persistent storage part of wm2005 has really made me jumbled up. Can someone help shed some light on this please? Thank you.
in 2005 all ram is for applications like on a pc
in 2003 ram is deviced between storage and application ram
ramdisk is using application ram as storage because himalaya's dont have much flash
in 2005 storage is flash
page pool is technical terms for how memory is used
basicly it means that if you let memory be used in larger blocks
it's faster but they use more mem
Thanks for the reply Rudegar. Are there any versions of WM5 now that allows the use of the full 128 MB of RAM that the Himalaya has? I've used C Shekhar's version that makes use of only 64 MB of RAM, and I find that I'm running out of space when installing certain applications that need to be installed on the main device instead of on Storage Card.
if no ramdisk is used all 128MB is application mem
if as it sounds like all 128MB was set to ramdisk for storage
is what you want then no applications would be able to run
at all
best bet is getting a larger ramdisk but some applications may not work if the ramdisk is too big
Thanks Rudegar. So, if I equate it to a computer, Ramdisk is the C drive where the operating system (and any other programs that is cooked in the ROM to be installed) are installed in, am I right?
Or is it the other way round, where Ramdisk is the memory that is used when an application starts up?
Is there a wiki page about this, that explains what ramdisk, pagepool and program memory?
Thanks again for all the replies!
Confusing indeed. Anyway, a RAMDisk is like a disk drive in your PC that you can store stuff in it. It look like a disk, although it is actually using your PC's RAM to store information. Rebooting/power-off your PC will erase everything in the RAMDisk.
So, from what I can understand, part of the Himalaya's RAM is used to make RAMDisk, which you can use to store files, install programs, etc, like the disk drive on your PC. While `Program memory` is like the RAM of your PC where software store their stuff temporary. Since both of this `RAMDisk` and `Program memory` uses the same physical memory, their size is inversely proportional to each other (eg large RAMDisk means small Program memory).
As for Page Pool.. this is a bit weird. From what it seems, this page pool is more like swap file to me (eg the virtual memory of Windows). From other pages, it seems that PagePool+RAMDisk = 64MB.
ram used to be controled by a slider in mem settings to deside what was used as you use pc ram and what was used for "hardisk"
real 2005 devices use flash storage for the "harddisk" part
and all their memory is like pc ram
non nativ 2005 devices like himalaya
dont have much storage so peopled made a program which would
use the memory as a "harddisk"
this mean that there is less memory "pc ram"
when ramdisk is used
here is some info about what a ramdisk is
Is there any version of win2005 without ramdisk and bigger pagepool like 40mb or something like that. Or is it possible to make windows like that because I have big memory card and don't need the ramdisk and don't use it?

will i get any more storage?

rom version 5.04.09.wwe wm2005
I have at the moment 42.92mb storage and 77.11mb in program these are both total values.
Would it be possible for me to get any more storage or do i have the max ?
Also in hardware my ram size is 96mb but in memory my ram disk is 32.96mb, are these the sane thing or different?
Which device are you using?

I am confused by the term "program memory" and "storage memory"

XDA Zest is supposed to have 128mb SDRAM and 256MB Rom. However my XDA Zest displays that it has 89.74 MB program memory and 77.58 storage memory in total. I am so confused.
The 128 and 256 are the total amounts available. The rom takes up a lot of the storage memory, and the basic system and background processes consume a lot of the ram. Some ram is also lost to the pagepool depending on how big it is.

