Emergency call faeture question - General Questions and Answers

I searched and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, but here's some background:
-My wife and I have a one year old that likes to hold phones, slam them on tables, toss them, etc.
-My phone recently cracked and we don't want hers to do the same.
-We have some old spare phones of various makes and models.
What I am wondering is, I know when you boot up a disconnected phone in the US, it can still make emergency calls and obviously I don't want my toddler bothering EMS. Do you know of a way to root/jailbreak (we have both androids and iPhones available for this) and completely remove the emergency call function? Or, simply, do you know if airplane mode supercedes emergency call? I don't really want to test call my local EMS. His face lights up (pun not intended, but we'll go with it) when he can make the screen come on, but he is surprisingly good at messing with settings unintentionally. He frequently puts my mother-in-law's iPhone on do not disturb, which is why I'm not certain I want to bank on airplane mode, if there's a more sure option.

You can use Package Disabler or a adb edit to disable emergency mode.
A phone isn't suitable playtoy for a 1yo Get them a interactive childproof toy that lights up.


Need a solution for a quadriplegic to make his own calls.

The chair of my company is paralyzed from the neck down though has enough limited mobility with his arms to manage his wheelchair yoke and an oversized trackball for his computer. Whether in the office, home or wherever, he relies on either his secretary or his handler to call someone for him. He'd like to call people himself with a cell phone that someone leaves on a desk or a table for him without further assistance and wants me to make it happen so I turn to you for ideas (and maybe a registry tweak).
I set him up a few years ago with voice recognition software on his computer and that has worked out very well so I'm thinking MSVC. But the first and hopefully easiest obstacle is how to get the phone, a Touch Pro or Diamond specifically, to default to speakerphone. An earpiece is not the best option because that requires someone to put it on him (and take it off if it's wired) and the battery eventually dies. Any way to do that?
The next hurdle is how to get the phone to initiate whatever command that is the equivalent of pressing the button on an earpiece that triggers MSVC, hangs up and answers incoming calls ideally with the screen off so that the battery doesn't die too quickly or so that the phone doesn't need to be plugged in. So, again, can move his forearm and *maybe* be able to have enough coordination to hit the circular button hard enough to use that though he has no muscle control in his fingers so the pressure would rely on the natural stiffness of his fingers (he uses his thumb to click the large trackball buttons). On the other hand, I could map all the buttons surrounding the circle to do the same thing perhaps. But it would be fantastic if he could trigger the phone by shaking it a little to, again, do the same thing that would be done by pressing a bluetooth earpiece's button.
So, 1) how can I get a WinMo phone always to default to speaker and 2) can he take advantage of the accelerometer of the Touch Pro (or Diamond, whichever) to map a soft jiggle (the phone would otherwise be stationary on a flat surface or fully off) to trigger MSVC? I guess he doesn't need to be able to hang up and incoming calls could be set to automatically answer so if those two functions are out of reach that's not a dealbreaker. And leaving the phone on in order to take advantage of the screen for touching, though less desirable, is also an option as his handler can plug the phone in. Or do any other approaches come to mind?
I grately appreciate it.
Thought I'd take a shot at a possibility. Since you have his PC voice enabled, what about using something like Pocket Controller? I don't know if it can be voice controlled, but it might be worth exploring something like that.
it might be a drain on the battery but maybe something like having a script that runs msvc once a minute so if he need to call someone just wait and then say what he needs to say. or get him an oqo with data and set him up on skype and use dragon speaking software
get a bluetooth for car like : http://direct.motorola.com/ens/carkits/learn-IHF1000.html
install Cyberon Voice Commander on your phone for voice dial. you can answer and dial with one button and voice cammand.
Hmm.. how about windows Vista's built-in voice recognition software? although it takes little time, I did manage to make it do everything I wanted to do without my touching anything.
How about using My Mobiler to control it from his pc
Sorry to post such an unconstructive reply, but what use is a touch-heavy-reliant phone like Diamond or same-thing-but-with-HW-keyboard like Touch Pro to a quadriplegic?
In my humble opinion you should get a BT handsfree with a proper full-time-phone like Nokia or Sony ericsson.
Again sorry for actually not helping much with your problem. But still, my opinion stays the same as mentioned above. Both the telephones are more reliable on functional hands then others.
Wow these are all very good and equally appreciated suggestions! Feels like I've got enough to start googling and hopefully help this guy out. I am truly grateful for the time you all took to respond. I'll post if I have success or problems...
You people are fantastic.

The HTC competition

Hi all there!
I would like to present U idea that starts in HTC competiotion about new (realistic) functions for smartphones.
First: What is NFC? - wiki helps here
Second: How to use it?
There are 2 popular ways to secure phone with Android on board:
Pattern and Password - both of them are uncomfortable, so most of of users don't use any of them, and I am sure no one likes them.
What if phone was able to recognize "the owner of hand" which hold it?
It could be reached by using NFC chip placed under the hand watch or bracelet or anything U wear on your wrist OR under the skin - more futuristic version .
After "lighting up"phone would scan for NFC chip then:
Will unlock if it finds it
Will do moves defined by user, for example:
stay locked
go to "public mode" - hiding personal data and other things defined by owner
start silent alarm - turn on tracking - send emails with position - without informing the person who hold the phone
The main thing is that all stay invisible for everybody around - NFC is so small that it could be hide and phone should not inform about identification process.
Also if it becomes more popular it could be defined "users" of phone - by the NFC identification - just like on PC, so your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids could use your phone (or tablet)
If this idea sounds interesting for U, then please like and comment this YouTube vid and help it win
Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction!
But it's quite nice though. It will make phones little bit more secure. But there is always the bug's in the software that makes our life harder.
Frankly i don't use such codes etc. Have bad expirience with them. There is always chance you put the right code or pattern and it still stays locked. Soon or later that scenario can occur.
And if i wanna hide something, definitely wouldn't let it float in phone like a duck in open season that's for sure

[Q] question and suggestion about toddler/butt-dialing 911.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S2. It recently was warrantied with an identical unit -- the previous one was rooted and ROMed; this one is stock ICS.
Like most android phones, when any form of screen lock is enabled, my phone presents an "Emergency Call" option there on the lock screen. I realize this is present by law, bla bla bla..... I also have read through around 2-dozen threads on the subject... This is apparently a hot topic, please excuse this addition to the discussion.
While I have never butt-dialed 911, I have a very tenacious toddler who had developed the super power of finding my hidden phone (regardless of where it is), who then proceeds to fiddle with it until 911 is called. This has now happened on several occasions. I am unable to find any way to disable the call 911 feature when the phone is locked. Reading today, it was suggested that ~20% of all 911 calls in US and Canada are accidentally dialed from the "Emergency Call" button from the locked screen.
It would seem my only options are to leave my phone unlocked, allowing my kids to screw everything up, or lock the phone, allowing my toddler to place emergency calls.
Today a third option occurred to me. If there was an app that provided a Second Lock Screen, I could leave my phone 'unlocked', never revealing the dreaded Emergency Call button. The phone could be configured to have NO LOCK, or just SWIPE, but then the second lock screen would pop up, offering the standard security options, but with no possibility of placing an emergency call. I would hope for an option that required either no extra actions/swipes, or only one to access the locked phone.
This would be different from the plethora of app locks that are readily available -- I do NOT want to have to unlock individual apps.
Is anyone familiar with an app that would provide this functionality, or of another work-around that would allow me to secure my phone without the 911 hassles? If I need to place an emergency call, I would simply dial it manually, and if there is no SIM card, the emergency call functions remain present, which sounds like a good idea to me.
As a final thought, I do not remember having this problem with my previously ROMed phone. I can't recollect if it had the same emergency call options from the locked screen.
Thank you!

Emergency call from your phone...

First I want to tell you, that I'm from Poland, so You will propably find large numbers of errors in this.
Please, imagine this situation written below:
One day Jaccob was on city centre with their friend. There were no signs of such an accident. Suddenly one of his friends fell to the ground. He hit hardly head and not only lost unconscious, but he stopped to breath. Jacob was panicked. He was remembering sth from first aid course lessons from his school, but he have trouble to do anything. He decided to call emergency - and what? He took his phone and was trying to call, but when he touched the telephone app, the phone freezed, and few seconds later he saw the booting screen. And second was passing. In about a 3 minutes he was able to do call. For luck, someone else called emergency earlier and friend of Jacob was saved by paramedics.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's only a story, not true at all, but some day it can happen.
It's my big petition for all developers of phones and systems: Together - let's create a special mode, to able turn on the phone and make emergency call in shortest time.
For example: a special key sequence that will trigger emergency call menu on any phone and a special menu item in Recovery.
Sorry for my bad English. I believe that You will understand me.
The problem is that special mode or not the phone software has to be operating properly for the phone to make any sort of call - if it fails and has to restart when you want to make a call then you have to wait until the restart is completed - end of story (especially for friend of Jacob)..
Many modern phones already allow an emergency call to a pre-progammed number even if the phone is locked just by holding down a single key.
Jaccob could also have a heart attack when he's trying to make the call - or get hit by lightening - or fall into a sink hole.
Even a "dumb" phone can potentially fail.
What if Jaccob had been playing Angry Birds all day and drained his battery and found out his phone had no charge when he went to place a call ?
What if he dropped the phone and it broke or fell in a puddle ?
My phone reboots in less than 1 minute, it can make an emergency call from the lock screen, and I have never had it freeze. I don't think this is an issue. It's possible, sure (I've had other Android devices freeze - so I'm sure a phone could, too).
I'm not sure how much faster it could really be, even with some kind of stripped-down OS. Android is such a light system already. And who would develop and make sure this emergency OS worked for all phones, and make them compatible with so many ? How would the phone know to trigger it ?
Lots of modern phones don't even have full key-pads any more. The fastest way for me to get to the dialer would be to just hit the wake button and tap the "emergency call" button on the screen. Even if I had to unlock it, I would just put in my pattern and tap once the "phone" app's button. I tried it and even with having to close out of an app I had open, it took me five seconds to do all of that.
Other people have different phones, but all Android phones are fairly similar in those functions from what I know. I think they've done all they can to make it fast and easy to make a phone call in an emergency.
Heck, what if Jaccob was born in the 1920s and he didn't have a cell phone at all ? When I was a kid, cell-phones weren't yet completely common - we had to run inside to make an emergency call, or to the nearest open business or even pay-phone. It's great that cell-phones can connect people in times of need, and I think it's good to see how much they already do even if they're not infallible.
Honestly, in the situation described the "solution" for any day and age would be better CPR and emergency aid classes (although Hollywood movies are doing a decent job with this - they're not always right in their techniques, but people have saved lives because they imitated what they knew from watching CPR performed in countless films). You can't always rely on technology or someone coming to save you. What if they were somewhere with no phone reception to even make an emergency call ? Yes, the technology should be as reliable as possible and make emergency functions accessible, but there is only so much you can do. Electronic devices can and do fail. Systems crash, batteries die.
it already exists, its called 999. but if your phone is switched off or out of battery well then your out of luck. It would be easier to convice everyone to carry a back-up phone than do this kind of mod

Do Not Disturb Whitelist, Gear S3

Hello, I've looked but can't seem to find this anywhere else but surely I'm not the only one looking for this feature?!
As a medical student I usually have my phone and watch in silent/do not disturb mode when studying/clinic/hospital etc. However I need some way for my wife to get a hold of me if something is emergent/urgent. I was hoping there would be a way to set the "do not disturb" function to block all but whatever app is on a whitelist and then have a messaging app that we only use for emergent/urgent situations on that list.
I think I figured out how to do this for the phone (Samsung Galaxy S9+) but I generally leave it in my bag/desk and just wear my watch. However even if the phone is in DND all the notifications still go to the watch unless it is also in DND... so if I could figure out how to get the S3 to only vibrate/sound to one messaging app (without going into the notification settings and turning all off and then all back on etc. each time) that would be ideal.
Does that make sense? Thoughts/suggestions???

