Software Development [KERNEL] FYT 7862 and 8581 kernel MD-EDITION with FMC - FYT Android Head Units

Hi community
I'm happy to introduce Kernel MD-EDITION for FYT 7862 units.
This firmware is built into the latest kernel released on 2022-12-09.
Internal mods:
Improved SPRD parameters to use more GPU to render instead of consuming CPU for these tasks.
Added detailed memory support for units with 8Gb of ram (Original kernel takes config from 6Gb section to be applied to 8Gb units), specially the kernel panic limit has been adjusted.
Improved memory handler for 6Gb RAM units and 8Gb RAM units (Below 6Gb the memory handler has not been improved)
Includes "su" machanism always disabled (commanded by the provided Fyt Control Center application).
Removed "Google Digital Wellbeing" application.
The firmware is provided with an application named "Fyt Management Center" which exists in both User or Platform builds. The version provided with firmware is obviously the Platfom build, the application is flashed as a system-app automatically after firmware install.
What can you do with Firmware MD-EDITION coupled with FYT Management Center Platform app ?
You can do FYTBACKUPS (OEM application backups) on the fly, delivered in ZIP format the you can use any app (i.e. Amaze or CX File explorer or SYU Filemanager) to send the backup to an USB pendrive or your google drive account, this is at your choice.
You can do Backups of your /data/{data,app} folders and, as for the FYTBACKUP, you can download it to an USB pendrive or store it wherever you want.
You can change the font scale factor (useful as most of the new chinese modified don't provide access to Font section).
You can handle FYT Launchers, add, backup, remove, on the fly whitout using the lsec flash procedure.
You can handle OEM apps, backup, replace, on the fly whitout using the lsec flash procedure.
Special handler for file "pwctl_config.xml" stored in /oem/app, this file contains all the applications that chinese developpers consider that they should start when BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast is sent by the system (i.e. some TEYES apps, and other chinese apps), now, if you install an application that has (in the app manifest) the "RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" permission, the package name of your app will be automatically whitelisted in this file, allowing the app to obey to the BOOT_COMPLETED system broadcast.
You can Enable and Disable Root Schema. When enabled, Fyt Management Center puts "supersu app" in the system as an User apk and installs it silently, then reboot the system automatically to enable root privileges, when you disable Root Schema, the opposite happens, supersu.apk is removed silently and the Fyt Management Center app reboots the system automatically to disable the root schema.
You can set autolaunch applications at system boot time (whatever app installed in the system) you can also chose to autostart every selected app in background.
You can access embeeded Bluetooth settings. (latest chinese modified doesn't include the Bluetooth menu anymore).
You can lock the system (i.e. you leave your car in the mechanic and don't want to leave open access to your device)
You can set day or night UI system mode
You can enable / disable NOKILL function (only available in MD-EDITION WITH MAINSERVICE)
I require your attention for the following:​
You MUST uninstall (il already installed) FYT Management center user edition before flashing the Firmare MD-EDITION (as it comes with a different version intended to run as system user)
From 2023-04-01, Kernel MD-EDITION (not FMC updates) will be released
based on Kernel 2023-02-27 with the latest lsec6315update file.
You WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ROLLBACK to kernels released before November 2023.
Not suitable for TEYES units (FYT=95)
Not compatible with UDT software
Not compatible with ROOTED WITH MAGISK Kernels
From 2023-01-27, MD-EDITION will be shipped in 2 flavours:
Original and with a custom "" apk to avoid killing apps before going into sleep mode.
This behaviour also maintain accessibility apps running and does not allow accessibility setting going OFF. will be always delivered without custom
If you already use another custom file, you should use the "NO_MAINSERVICE" flavour.
I can't be taken as responsible for any damage caused to your unit, you're supposed to know how to flash a FYT 7862 based unit and I'll not talk about "how to flash a 7862 FYT unit or woh to flash my original kernel back" here.​
By installing Firmware MD-EDITION with FMC embedded app, You will NOT loose any of your third party installed apks, apk updates, settings and data.
You should have a copy of your, your AllAppUpdate.bin and your config.txt in case you want to roolback your installation (even if the AllAppUpdate apps and config.txt will not be modified in the MD-EDITION installation.
The installation procedure is like any normal kernel upgrade (FAT32 USB Pendrive, firmware in root of USB and plug it to unit, that's all).
This firmware and the FYT Management Center App are both based on mutual trust, the FYT Management Center App is a system app using System as user to perform the embeeded tasks (services / activities)
Obviously the source code isn't available in Github or other public places, but you can use apktool to backsmali and analyse the app, even I encourage you to do that if you think (or doubt) about the app doing "tricks" that aren't meant to be done.
At first boot, when opening the App and only if internet is reachable from your headunit you'll be asked for registration, with email, first and last name, and a password, this will automatically register you in my fytfactory website as a user (more advantages to come in the near future), then after registration you can use the app.
In the second boot, the app will check your system for previously installed apks that may have "RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" permission in their manifest, and will auto whitelist that apks in the "pwctl_conf.xml" file to be sure that your apps will receive the BOOT_COMPLETED and act normally without chinese restrictions. This second boot may bring your unit slow for a couple os seconds (in 6Gb or 8Gb units) or a minute or two (in 4Gb or less RAM units) while whitelisting your applications. Anyway every process running by FYT Management Center will be notified to you by a colored Toast message.
Fellows, I whish that you will enjoy the firmware as I enjoyed the creation and test period.
The firmware is available as BETA eve if it's stable (tested in me 4 different FYT units with 2, 4, 6 and 8Gb of ram)
New updates will come alive with time, you will be notified by email (that's also why the App requires registration).
If you enjoy the firmware with the FYT Management Center App, just think about how many cofees, coca cola and other stuff I drunk not to mention the white nights passed behind the screen surrounded by a bunch of FYT 7862 units to test the Kernel and the FYT Management Center App, you can be generous and donate for a single cofee, of course this is NOT MANDATORY at all.
IMPORTANT: I seek every file on the kernel to find out some eventually functions/programs sending our data to chinese servers and I didn't find anything, it seems to be safe at kernel level, but I'm concerned about apks inside AllAppUpdate, but AllAppUpdate is out of my firmware's scope.
You can read more about the firmware and download it in my FYTFACTORY website: Fyt Management Center MD-EDITION
FYT Management Center App is available in English, French, German and Russian, other languages to be added in the near future.
If you have ideas to be implemented they are welcome.
Sorry for the lack of screenshots/images here, you'll find them in FYTFACTORY.
FYT one day, FYT everydays !
If anyone needs a language that is not included in FMC, you can get the attached strings.xml and provide it back translated in your language named as the following pattern: "strings-xx.xml" where "xx" is the ISO code of your country.
DONATIONS: (Pay me a coffee ?, a beer ?, a McDonnalds ?, other thing ? encourage me ?, all types are welcome !, anyway MD-EDITION remains FREE !)​​BTC: 3AhqT2LmE6Z9NsDNL3UEV4757mX5M7kFXL​PAYPAL: [email protected]​BOOSTY:
N'joy fellows .
Cheers from France

Many thanks to:
@3PI for his friendly words, he inspired me to begin translation in my second mother language "The SPANISH"
@Gscipione for confirming compatibility with DSP39 sound processor
@Ken.Y|Taiwan for the Taiwan translation
@fabiodedo for the Italian translation
@muzoss for the German translation
@muzoss again for his job includig FMC into the system partition for a (maybe) new version of MD-EDITION
@Trayal for the lock/unlock system feature idea.
@surfer63 for his tips
@marchnz for reporting issues (bugs)
@DexterMorganNL for reporting that Lock Device doesn't work without root schema enabled
@marjanoos for the Polish translation
@LLIyT_HuK for some tips to be implemented
@badwhip for testing MD-EDITION in ATOTO S8 unit !
@Ushas for his Idea of "Colored Themes" for FMC application and help with Russian language
As of 2022-02-05 I registered more than a hundred MD-EDITION with FMC downloads (I can't be sure how many are installed and FMC does not track anything as promissed).
I want to thank all the users who trusted me, but also especially those who made a donation, it's very encouraging when you receive donations from people you don't know, it motivates me to do more best for you all, a thousand thanks to all of you my friends

ATENTION !​If you flash a file named "AllAppUpdate.bin" in a device with MD-EDITION Kernel, you must include the latest FMC_UPDATE file beside the AllAppUpdate.bin, as flashing AllAppUpdate.bin without FMC_UPDATE will remove FMC from the MD-EDITION Kernel, so you can download it and uncompress the ZIP in your USB root folder together with your AllAppUpdate.bin
​Pay attention to the following terms:​
MD-EDITION-UPDATE = Means reflashing the entire firmware MD-EDITION wich includes the latest FMC app (and custom app in his "WITH_MAINSERVICE" flavour).
FMC-UPDATE = Means reflashing ONLY the FMC app (available in FMC UPDATES folder).
Use ONLY if you have previously flashed the MD-EDITION kernel.
In both cases You will NOT loose your 3rd party installed apks, settings and data.
New kernel from May 15th, 2023
Kernel level: (seems to be) Fixed: GNSS drivers becomes unstable after receiving a bluetooth call
Added: Application Settings -> Run previously started applications on wake-up (disabled by default)
Added: Norwegian language
Fixed Bug: updated lsec6315update file to new version 8
For those who feel stronger than the T800 fighting against the T100 (liquid metal) and with BIG bowling ones, I released a version with a slight mod in the create /data{data, app} option, now the includes its own lsec6315update, lsec_updatesh/ and updatecfg.txt with twipe_cache, so in theory, you can unzip that in your FAT32 formatted usb key and restore your apps and settings, i repeat "IN THEORY" as honnestly I don't have time right now to test.
So if you think that you can beat SKYNET and screw up all there robots to prevent humanity extintion, try this one and if you win de battle, please keep us in touch, we will be alive at least.
Added option to restore in flash mode (WIP)
Removed "Manage OEM Apps" option until logic is finished
Fixed bug: FMC crashes in some headunits due to a null GetSupportActionBar
Kernel level: Disabled YLOG by default, can be enabled again in Engineer mode settings
FMC: Added Engineer mode settings link
FMC: Reorganized Settings page
Fixed April 1st release bug: Now provided with the new updater (lsec6315update)
Added feature to unlock unit by secret code (see Settings page)
Kernel update: 2023-02-17
Patch to apply PIP show in Russian or Ukrainian language improved
Added Spanish language
Removed eventual Magisk compatibility (does not work as expected)
TYPE: FMC-UPDATE (not mandatory)
Fixed : Sometimes, Enble Root schema fails
Added : Function to request a new validation code
Added Portuguese language
Added Dutch language
Added Chinese language
Fixed bug: Unit does not unlock when (some) authorized BT devices connected
Added Ukrainian language
Added Local PIP workaround to Ukraine
New feature: Change application theme
Removed red colors
New feature: Lock FMC by password (See application settings)
Added email validation to allow register of FMC
WARNING: After update, you will be asked for registration again, use a VALID email account because you will receive an email containing a "6 digit code" needed to finish validation.
This has been implemented due to multiple fake emails (i.e. the last one was '[email protected]'), this software is free or donnationware at your discretion, all that I ask is to get VALID email accounts, why ?, well, to keep you in touch if I decice to make new FYT software, that's all
Added new MAINSERVICE: Now, "" can read external assets (no more need to decompile, modify and recompile to add player apps)
Added new settings: Auto handler for audio player apps (only for version WITH_MAINSERVICE or @seb21 mod), this funtionnality checks for audio players in your unit and add them to the external player_app.txt file.
Fixed bug: When installing application, whitelisting was not systematically done (when app requires BOOT_COMPLETED permission)
Fixed bug: MD-EDITION MAINSERVICE ( randomly starts
Fixed: Can't get Administration rights when trying to lock screen (need root schema to be enabled)
Fixed: Russian translation
Added Italian translation
Added: Unlock unit by BT device connection.
Fixed: Lock screen doesn't work ?: Instructions are provided when clicking on the button.
Fixed: Annoying Toast "Developer.... ....update.notification" message when install / uninstall apk
Added: Open Android settings option to menu
Added NOKILL workaround on settings, ONLY available with Kernel MD-EDITION WITH MAINSERVICE
Added option to enable/disable system ui night mode
Added condition: If MD-EDITION runs in Russian System Language, locale will be automatically changed to 'en_US' to allow showing PIP (seems to be a chinese trick in some apps / launchers ?)
Modify MD-EDITION delivery mode, now using two flavours named "NO_MAINSERVICE" and "WITH_MAINSERVICE"
"WITH_MAINSERVER" flashes the Firmware MD-EDITION and latest FMC app but also replaces your existing with one modified to NO_KILL your apps/services when going into sleep mode
"NO_MAINSERVICE" do not overwrite anything, just flashes the Firmware MD-EDITION and latest FMC app.
FPC updates will never contain any modified
"NO_MAINSERVICE" is fully compatible with @seb21 Modded and his Mod Config App.
Fixed a bug with autostart apks.
Added NO_KILL workaround as follows: FMC detects ACCOFF intent and takes a snapshot of running aplications, to restore them on HU wakeup
Added settings activity (in the three dots menu)
New feature: lock/unlock the system, it's available only if you register your device, you can lock the system so nobody can handle its contents, USB disabled, navigation bar disabled, reboot in locked mode if not previously unlocked. (@Trayal idea)
Deleted Digital Wellbeing from Firmware MD-EDITION, added feature to FMC to remove "Digital Wellbeing" silently, this app (Google) plays with Accessibility services in the background, now if you install an aplication that requires Accessibility Services, you grant manually the permission and it will remain both after reboot or after unsleep.

Start at boot - works (like the built in FYT app application) however apps remain killed after sleep resume do not start = Solved in Firmware MD-EDITION "WITH_MAINSERVICE".zip
Accessibility permissions - still get turned off after sleep = Solved in Firmware MD-EDITION "WITH_MAINSERVICE".zip
Start minimized - not working = Has been removed, added new option go to Home launcher after autostart applications
Voice apps: It starts giving a command and after 0.5 secs it dies (never finish the command) = Solved in Firmware MD-EDITION "WITH_MAINSERVICE".zip
Lock screen feature does not work due to already existing google accounts before FMC asks to be a device admin app: I'm searching to figure out this issue. = Fixed, now app shows instructions to user.
Annoying Toast message: Developer..... ....update.notification channel..... : This I found the issue, I'm testing it before next release. = Fixed
PIP not working as espected in Ukraine (problems with Yandex navigator login) WIP. = Fixed
Unable to receive calls via sim card. WIP
Device automatically unlocks itself when there is a Bluetooth connection with the mobile phone
Fix the pip-window when the Russian language is on
from adb this is done with the "setprop persist.sys.locale en-US" command, editing the files does not help, but it works through adb.
on/off black theme. From adb command on "adb shell settings put secure ui_night_mode 2" and reboot. Off "adb shell settings put secure ui_night_mode 1" and reboot.
change mic gain in FMC instead doing it in texteditor
Save / export / import FMC parameters from / to GDrive or Yandex or FytFactory Server, or simply export / export them in ZIP file WIP (only backup working as of 2022-03-10)
Add Portuguese language (pt)
Add Dutch language (nl)
Add Chinese language (zh)
Add Spanish language (es)
Add Ukrainian language (uk)
Add Polish language (pl)

Thanks for your work Mario.
I have the initial MD Edition 1.0 running at the moment.
Does this release have a version number?
I'll update to this in the morning.

Great work! I will certainly test it out. Either tomorrow or in 1½ week (need my car for a holiday. Not going to do that during my holiday)
By the way: I thought your FYT Management Center App was also available in Dutch

j0hn83 said:
Thanks for your work Mario.
I have the initial MD Edition 1.0 running at the moment.
Does this release have a version number?
I'll update to this in the morning.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1.0 while in BETA, once the fnal version released, oly FMC updates will be released, if I discover new kernel enhancements I'll provide a new kernel release with another version (i.e. 1.1)

surfer63 said:
I thought your FYT Management Center App was also available in Dutch
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Will do it for you @surfer63

mariodantas said:
Will do it for you @surfer63
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't need Dutch as I have my unit set to English (as the Dutch FYT part is simply incomprehensible), but I made a joke as I thought you simply forgot to mention it was also translated to Dutch.
But I now checked (decompiled) fmc and I see that, next to the mentioned languages, it is translated in Dutch and Danish and Italian (although my Italian is extremely limited) and perhaps other languages as well, but I didn't check those other languages as I have to use Google translate in that case. Did you use some Google auto-translate in your project?

surfer63 said:
Did you use some Google auto-translate in your project?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No auto-translate, but I use google translator from French to other languages in strings.xml

mariodantas said:
Improved SPRD parameters to use more GPU to render instead of consuming CPU for these tasks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you mean that in this case you used the setting "force GPU rendering" or did you do something else? (If you used the second and it is your "secret" optimization, you do not need to mention it, just that you do it differently)
Did you see/time improvements in performance?
And when using GPU instead of CPU, did you notice the GPU getting (critically) hotter especially on longer drives using navigation with constant rendering?

I have a 2000×1200 9" unit, I assume the download works on both 1280x720 and 2000x1200 ?

surfer63 said:
"force GPU rendering"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's it, enabled by default in MD-EDITION no more, no less, no other tweaks !
For the memory management (improves for 6Gb and add dedicated handler for 8Gb), the tweak is in one of the XML files in System partition

Merci, j'ai hâte de tester
Mod translation: Thanks, I can't wait to try it

kommando said:
have a 2000×1200 9" unit, I assume the download works on both 1280x720 and 2000x1200 ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes of course !

mariodantas said:
Yes of course !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Perfect !!

Hi Mario,
I receive the following message after installing from USB and a second restart:
[Incompatible Firmware
This Firmware is not MD Edition.]
Unit is UIS7862 FYT type 116. NOR MCU.

Did you download it from my GDrive ?, uncompress in a FAT32 USB pendrive ?, did you se the FYT big message at the end of flasling process ?
In the USB pendrive you should have the following tree:

marchnz said:
Hi Mario,
I receive the following message after installing from USB and a second restart:
[Incompatible Firmware
This Firmware is not MD Edition.]
Unit is UIS7862 FYT type 116. NOR MCU.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And you mention second restart. Did you register after the first start and opening of fmc?
I assume in that case it is a bug.

Fantastic work here, I will check it out when I have the time.
Also: you mentioned that you re-added bluetooth back to, which is great and something I was missing. I wanted to ask if it is at all possible to add back lockscreen functionality? I'd like to be able to lock/unlock the system in some cases, for example when my car is in the service center. I'm mystified as to why they removed this functionality...


[APP][2.2+] LBE Security Master 5.1.4722

For those who use this app, and like it more than the official lite English version.
Attached is the latest (beta) Chinese version Google English translated and repacked+signed.
All rights/Credits to creator at:
For older versions check this thread.
Or check market.
I have experienced issues with apps's functionality if it's not installed from clean slate. Even when using backup/restore functionality of LBE or TitaniumBackup.
I strongly recommend uninstalling previous versions before upgrading and to reconfigure the app from scratch.
10/11/2013 - The community here updated the translations for LBE_Security_5.1.4722
31/07/2013 - LBE 5.0.3720
16/07/2013 - LBE 5.0.3674 - Thanks to @sorg
28/06/2013 - LBE v5.0.3555 - A more Humanoid translation thanks to VicePoint can be found here.
23/05/2013 - LBE v4.6.3005
28/04/2013 - LBE v4.6.2925
26/04/2013 - LBE v4.6.2924
19/04/2013 - LBE v4.5.2917
06/02/2013 - LBE v4.4.2868
25/01/2013 - LBE v4.4.2829
24/01/2013 - LBE v4.4.2828
19/01/2013 - LBE v4.4.2803 - A release with multiple translations for English, French & German. Look here.
Newer modifications were added and attached here by Pax_fr.
14/01/2013 - LBE v4.4.2803 - here
14/12/2012 - LBE v4.3.2738 - here
16/11/2012 - LBE v4.2.2548 - Manual Translation - here
Should be fixing the Android 4.2 issues that reported in previous version.
14/11/2012 - LBE v4.2.2546 - Manual Translation - Here
21/09/2012 - Newer release from LBE - v4.1.2224 - Here
7/9/2012: A new version is out - v4.1.2175
Until we'd get to human translate the changes I'm posting the translations by Google Translate.
Update (21/09): Human/Manual translation version thanks to cdljl2005
Here's the change log (thanks to Google translate):
1 redesigned clean and simple style UI
2 new program lock function, face recognition
3. The new LBE task manager, at any interface can be a key to exhale, convenient
4 New switched vibration and missed reminders
5 Enhanced system-level call blocking feature, support for CDMA network phones, and HTC series mobile phone
6 new strange call delay of three seconds ringing function (This feature is dependent on system-level calls blocking)
7 spam messages and telephone notification, a separate notification bar message, you can just click once to enter the harassment intercept interface
8 Task Manager with HTC 4.0 phone compatibility
9. Significantly optimize memory usage, reduced to LBE 4.0 version level
10. Repair the charging time remaining prompts
11 to increase the depth of the SD card cleanup options
12. Repair Most common LBE Security Master 4.0 bug fixes some bug causes the program to crash
** Thanks to cdljl2005, we now have a manual translation for v4.0.1894.
If you like it give him a thanks too.
25/7/2012 - update translation to v4.0.1894 (Google translated)
4.0.1894 update logs
Active defense Added support for Android 4.1.1
The new revision of the main interface, more comfortable, more easy to use
The harassment blocking features full support for dual card dual standby type. You can set a different intercept for each SIM card mode and IP dialing mode
New design of software architecture, the memory footprint is reduced by 40%, half and even less of the same kind of security software
New depth of scanning capabilities, can help you to accurately scan the SD card in the garbage
Fixed clean up the desktop process error on Android 4.0 and 4.1 mobile phones
New notification bar shortcuts, so you do not need to enter the the LBE security master to complete the most common operations
Synchronization software uninstall feature new uninstall the software clean up the residual files of SD card
Traffic statistics to support the night half-price mode, you are free to set the half-period
Virus killing function supports background scanning, to avoid the depth of killing screen lock failure
Harassment intercept support dual card models include: the MOTO full range of dual-card models, HTCG + W card models, MTK full range of dual card models, ZTE U960, etc.
23/5/2012 - update translation to v3.7.2164 (seems lke there's a hardcoded chinese text in power saving screen, around the power scheme... )
Active defense:
0, fixes some versions prompted to restart the upgrade several times
A fix on some machines, the main anti-occasional failed to load;
2, FMR-compatible memory clean-up, hot restart and other software., Active defense can be automatically restored after a system crash;
To streamline the logging algorithm, the same event will not be multiple entry log;
Power-saving mode:
1, reconstruction of the power-saving optimization features: a variety of modes, charging tips, taskbar power icon (optional);
2, the power to show the accuracy on some devices;
3, repair N930 battery display inaccurate;
4, fix the first to enter the power saving mode, custom mode displays an error;
5, modify the name and description of the mode;
6, improved battery power for algorithms;
Flow correction:
Fix a bug, resulting in an automatic flow correction will be performed after each reboot;
Anti-theft features:
Two unlock failure complicated by the front camera camera sent to the safety of mobile phones
This feature requires ANDROID 2.3, and the phone has a front camera
Repair and the MIUI 2.3 backup and restore compatibility issues.
11/05/2012 - update translation to v3.6.2039
The new flow auto-correction function, support automatic and manual correction mode; automatic correction of repair traffic occasionally lead to software crashes, and flow calibration time interval too short;
Automatically upgrade the support to upgrade the anti-theft module;
Fix the problem of anti-theft module messages intercepted by the security master;
Anti-theft module:
A backup contact data is no longer the backup picture and other data, to prevent the backup failed because the data is too large lead
When the backup, positioning operation is executed, it will automatically open the network connection and GPS
The interface-digit password prompt, to prevent excessive password median
4 anti-theft login page to join the forgotten password option
29/04/2012 - update translation to v3.5.1999
a new anti-theft module
Enhanced the compatibility of the active defense
New anti-theft module, anti-theft module is an independent security master module, with the following features:
Automatic notification when the SIM card replacement security number phone positioning: Get cell phone current location data destruction: destruction of the address book, SMS, data, and clean up the SD card, to prevent the loss of privacy data backup: backup data to the cloud server, to prevent key card replacements notice: loss of data lock the phone: to prevent others from using your phone rings alarm: the maximum volume alarm sound to help retrieve the phone virtual Warning: send a custom warning message to your phone
Anti-theft module is tightly integrated with the LBE security master, support ROOT installation mode in the active defense to open the case, the LBE anti-theft module. LBE anti-theft module in this mode will be installed as a system component that can not be easily removed, even if the phone is clear the data, or restore factory settings, anti-theft module can still take effect.
19/04/2012 - update to v3.4.1974
enhance the compatibility of the active defense
- Repair the compatibility problems of the previous versions of the firmware of a small part of active defense
- Repair the failure of some of the Android 2.1 or Android 2.0 phone in the open active defense, the Task Manager
- Repair the in MIUI on the automatic update fails
- Improve the same part of the proactive defense without the phone features of the tablet device compatibility issues
- Repair of active defense compatibility issues with some of CyanogenMod ROM
- Added by default some of the core of the system component from the Kai housekeeper whitelist, to prevent the user inadvertently prohibit its start automatically lead to the abnormal working of the system (including: the MOTO phone can not connect to the PC, some ringtones error)
- New anti-virus log function, you can viewed in the interface of the virus killing virus scanning history
11/04/2012 - update to v3.3.1946
Change log is huge, read here
29/02/2012 - update to v3.2.1749
One fixes a large number of bug cause crash
Firewall support Samsung I9008 and I9108
3 virus database upgrade to the latest version of February 24, 2011 (20110224.d)
New Kung Fu Panda virus detection
5 fixes the Kung Fu Panda virus infection on the phone security master black screen no response
20/02/2012 - v3.2.1741 google translated (file named by author as 3.2.r741)
Bug fixes
Firewall support 9008 9108
Virus database upgrade to the latest version of the February 20
18/02/2012 - Fixed FCs on scan due to translation.
Changelog here:
Google translated version:
Terrible translation, did you edit the text yourself?
SWADED said:
Terrible translation, did you edit the text yourself?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Read OP again. Clearly states how translated.
Sent from my HD2
zagzag99 said:
Read OP again. Clearly states how translated.
Sent from my HD2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Read comment again. Clearly states edit instead of translated.
But let me make it even clearer: Did you just copy paste what you saw in Google translate or did you edit the text after letting Google **** it up?
Don't get me wrong I appreciate the effort but you could make the translation so much better by just using common sense.
I'm willing to translate it for you, if you can send me the text file or whatever.
SWADED said:
Read comment again. Clearly states edit instead of translated.
But let me make it even clearer: Did you just copy paste what you saw in Google translate or did you edit the text after letting Google **** it up?
Don't get me wrong I appreciate the effort but you could make the translation so much better by just using common sense.
I'm willing to translate it for you, if you can send me the text file or whatever.
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meant Google translated. Not manual edit apart from some special chars.
Have no time to translate manually. There are many strings. If you want you can extract strings yourself with apktool.
Or I can attach later if you want.
Sent from my HD2
Hi zagzag
I don't seem able to find the download link to 3.1.1549 version on Since this version is recommended I would like to give it a try. Any chance you can attach it to the op please? Thanks in advance.
It's where the android button is.
CSharpHeaven said:
Hi zagzag
I don't seem able to find the download link to 3.1.1549 version on Since this version is recommended I would like to give it a try. Any chance you can attach it to the op please? Thanks in advance.
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night_stalker_z said:
It's where the android button is.
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Thank you for the link. Unfortunately, this one is in chinese language. I'll wait for the English version.
By the way, a general comment about the LBE's saga...
I think the efforts to improve the application should be seen as a positive thing. I've got a feeling I can trust the LBE's developer(s). A bit unfortunate no one in the development team is fluent in English. Kaspersky security software product is developed in Russia, so the location of the developer/vendor means nothing really.
Still on the matter... There are more people in the UK in prisons than the hackers in China who are after my credit cards. That doesn't make all British people criminals.
Updated OP with newer version.
zagzag99 said:
Updated OP with newer version.
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Thank you.
Here is my very quick feedback...
The number of new features are very impressive.
Everything is configurable to your liking.
I have monitored the two main processes using OSMonitor app and couldn't detect anything suspicious. Since I disabled all reporting services I did not notice LBE making network connections.
After install I restarted the phone, it was an requirement.
I have checked the applications that would connect to the internet to pull adverts and as far as I could tell LBE was blocking them successfully.
The process usage has always been impressive in version 2 and I can say the same thing about 3 now. Please note; I use my phone extensively everyday and I use upto three batteries. I can easily tell if my battery usage has noticeably changed. Each battery gives me 6-9:30 hours of continuous use.
The interface looks really good and very distinguish from the rest.
Being still in alpha obviously, the interface requires a lot of attentions. For instance, going back to the app list of Active Defense from individual app setup screen does not maintain the application position. Things become bad when the system apps being shown.
It looks like the trusted app view is gone, which is a step backward in terms of usability.
Ok, I need to submit this now as my bus stop is next. Overall I'm very pleased with LBE so far. Thank you guys.
thanks for this!
Just a quick update...
I'm still alive after installing the latest build but unfortunately it was unstable -- reverted to version 2.x now.
Just a suggestion, if I may. Due to the number of new features I can tell how the team/dev are/is busy. However, it would be a good plan to fix version 2.x issues first. I just reverted to a version that I knew is not stable. For one, I have to keep my eyes on the settings to make sure they are not changed inappropriately. Thank you.
Thanks, best program I have installed. Just brilliant
So what's the difference between "LBE Security Manager" and "LBE Privacy Guard", if I may ask?
trollsperm said:
So what's the difference between "LBE Security Manager" and "LBE Privacy Guard", if I may ask?
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It is the same only the version posted here is the newest beta, translated by the OP.
Not a big fan of it being able to do things that cost me money. Why is that permission there now?
Sandpapers said:
Not a big fan of it being able to do things that cost me money. Why is that permission there now?
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That's how the permission is called but the feature behind it is that lbe can track your data plan costs and limit apps using data when you reach your limit.
This is good for those that don't have flat rate unlimited data plans.
Sent from my NexusHD2
New release 3.2.1650
Again, just google translated.
Check OP for link.
Change Log:
The LBE security master 3.2 full version (3.2.1650) is officially released! Increase the depth of clean-up of SD card, IP dialing
Virus killing] new ROOT mention the right type of software alarm
The virus killing anti-virus interface, you can view the details of each virus, including: the name of the virus, the risk of specific acts
Open the antivirus engine and virus database of killing the virus automatic update feature
[Interface] New security master password protection feature to prevent users without permission to modify the security master set
[Interface] support the flow of floating window click on the penetration function (need to lock the flow of floating window location)
Call firewall new system-level calls firewall, a significant reduction in call blocking time, the loud cry of resolve to intercept (system-level calls firewall needs to open the active defense capabilities to meet the call blocking mode is set to hang up when best)
Phone call firewall intercept model to add only accept contact with the White List number model
Call Firewall support calls attribution to feature HTC Sense 3.0 lock screen display (requires first set of calls attribution to the window position to lock)
[Coming call firewall support MMS block and recovery
Call firewall, support IP dialing, you can choose to automatically add all the numbers to IP prefixes, the only other provinces, the only foreign city numbers automatically add IP prefix
Call firewall attribution to the database is updated to the January version
[System] new deep cleaning function of the SD card, you can manually clean up the SD card on a variety of software cache
Android 4.0] to repair the Android 4.0 system, occasional failure of network access control
[Performance] fix bugs, and after two weeks of internal testing to ensure the stability of the 3.2 version from 3.0 since

[FAQ] Android related terms and abbreviations

I'm making this "DICTIONARY" for android abbreviations & terminology and also about Moto G
use this if Moto G is your first android,if you are new at XDA or if you have any doubt
Thanks to @kloud_ and @appdroid for making other guides that i gonna merge and adapt with this one
Ctrl+F is your new best friend,use it
ADK: Android Development Kit, What people use to develop anything for the Android such as APPs and ROM's
adb: Android Debug Bridge, a command-line debugging application included with the SDK. It provides tools to browse the device, copy tools on the device, & forward ports for debugging. If you are developing in Eclipse using the ADT Plugin, adb is integrated into your development environment.
Android Unveiled on 5 November 2007, Android is a mobile operating system running on the Linux kernel developed by Google.
AOSP: Android Open System Project, usually you will see this term when referring to a program or ROM. This will mean that the program or ROM was taken from Google & does not contain any modifications done by the phone Manufacturer or the phone service provider. This is Android the way Google intended.
ART - successor of Dalvik, a virtual machine (VM) that’s part of the Android OS. ART is faster than Dalvik and saves more energy
Baseband or Radio: In communications & signal processing, the baseband describes signals & systems whose range of the frequencies measured from close to 0 hertz to a cut-off frequency, a maximum bandwidth or highest signal frequency; it is sometimes used to describe frequencies starting close to zero
Binary - (sometimes called bin's) a group of executable files.
Bloatware:unnecessary features that are not used by end users and come with the phone (like Samsung touchwiz or other APPs) (luckly Moto G is almost a pure/stock android)
BootLoader: In literal terms, boot loader is code that is executed before any Operating System starts to run. The concept of boot loaders is universal to virtually all Operating systems that includes operating systems on your PC, laptop, Smartphone, & other such devices. Boot loaders basically package the instructions to boot operating system kernel & most of them also have their own debugging or modification environment. As the boot-loader kicks off before any piece of software on your device, it makes it extremely processor specific & every motherboard has its own bootloader.
Boot Loader(Unlocked): A locked or unlocked boot loader is what gives you access to “root.” “Root” is another big word in the Android community. If you “root” a device, it means you have “super user” access or “administrator” access to the operating system that runs on your phone. Root access of your Android device gives you the ability to flash ROMs. Alert:unlocking your Moto G boot-loader will void your warranty
Boot Loop: Simply means something is preventing the phone from completing it's boot cycle & is stuck between the boot animation & the unlock screen, creating a looped animation. This is often fixed by either reloading a NAndroid, or Reflashing a ROM from the xRecovery/ClockworkMod Recovery/Flashtool.
Brick or Bricked: Jargon for a completely unrecoverable device, (no more than a brick or paperweight)
Bug or Software Bug: An Error or flaw in software that produces a failure or unexpected/unwanted result. Typically created from incorrect code, this is why some ROMs are better & smoother running than others because developers have taken the time to input "perfect" code (read put in a lot of hours & hard work)
Busybox: A single multicall binary that packages the functionality of most widely used standard Unix tools, BusyBox provides a fairly complete environment for any small or embedded system.
CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.
COMPCACHE: (compressed caching) is, in short, virtual swap, setting aside a certain percentage (usually 25%) of your RAM as 'compressed' swap. Compcache compresses the data that would normally go to swap, then moves it back into RAM, and reverses the process when moving it out of the 'compressed' swap. However, this is a classic space-time tradeoff. You effectively get more RAM from the compression, but it is slower than 'normal' RAM due to the CPU time required to compress and decompress the swapped pages.
ClockworkMod - CWR - CWM: A recovery program that is often used to apply updates, ROMs, or create a back up or restore a backup file
Dalvik: An open source, register-based virtual machine (VM) that’s part of the Android OS. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format & relies on the Linux kernel for additional functionality like threading & low-level memory management. The virtual machine is register-based, and it can run classes compiled by a Java language compiler that have been transformed into its native format using the included "dx" tool.
Dalvik Cache: A program cache area for the program Dalvik. Dalvik is a java based virtual machine that is the basis for running your programs (the ones that have the .apk extension). In order to make access times faster (because there's not JIT (just in time) compiler installed by default), the dalvik-cache is the result of dalvik doing a optimization of the running program. It's similar to the prefetch files in Windows.
DDMS: Dalvik Debug Monitor Service, a GUI debugging application included with the SDK. It provides screen capture, log dump, and process examination capabilities. If you are developing in Eclipse using the ADT Plugin, DDMS is integrated into your development environment.
Deep Sleep: A state when the CPU is off, display dark, device is waiting for external input.
De-odex: Apk files have respective odexes that devs use to supposedly save space. Deodexing means you convert it back to a .dex file & put it back inside the apk. This allows you to easily replace files (not having to worry about odexes), but the main point was to deodex services.jar so that you can change all text to different colors (such as the clock color to white) & to deodex services.jar, you need to deodex everything.
Dev. or Developer: An individual that creates, or alters a file in such a manner as to advance the program
Drawable: A compiled visual resource that can be used as a background, title, or other part of the screen. A drawable is typically loaded into another UI element, for example as a background image. A drawable is not able to receive events, but does assign various other properties such as "state" and scheduling, to enable subclasses such as animation objects or image libraries. Many drawable objects are loaded from drawable resource files — xml or bitmap files that describe the image. Drawable resources are compiled into subclasses of For more information about drawables and other resources.
Execute - To "run" or "start" a binary
Fastboot: Protocol used to update the flash file system in Android devices from a host over USB. It allows flashing of unsigned partition images.
Flash - Flashing : The process of applying a firmware image (or ROM) to a device. It generally entails a very specific order of steps. Failing to complete any one of these steps properly may result in soft/hard) bricking
Flash Memory: a program technology that can be electrically erased & reprogrammed
FOTA - "Firmware over the air" this normally refers to ROM's but can refer to radio firmware (see OTA)
Kernel: The main component of Android operating system.
It is a bridge between applications & the actual data processing done at the hardware level.
The kernel's responsibilities include managing the system's resources (the communication between hardware & software components).
[Usually as a basic component of an operating system, a kernel can provide the lowest-level abstraction layer for the resources
(especially processors & I/O devices) that application software must control to perform its function.
It typically makes these facilities available to application processes through inter-process communication mechanisms & system calls.
Operating system tasks are done differently by different kernels, depending on their design & implementation.]
Governor - A system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop bellow the (just as easily configurable) minimum frequency.
Jelly Bean - JB - Android from 4.1 to 4.3
JDK - "Java Development Kit" an SDK for the java platform. It is needed to run the Android SDK.
JRE - "Java Runtime Environment" a collection of binarys and files to allow java software to execute.
KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.
Kit Kat - KK - Android 4.4 the newest android available (supported by Moto G)
Library's/Libs - a set of instructions for applications to use to function. A functioning camera lib would allow the camera to be used.
Logcat :A debugging tool built into Android devices that displays system logs as they occur. See Logcat.
Manifest File: An XML file that each application must define, to describe the application's package name, version, components (activities, intent filters, services), imported libraries, and describes the various activities, and so on. See The AndroidManifest.xml File for complete information.
Nine-patch / 9-patch / Ninepatch image
A re-sizeable bitmap resource that can be used for backgrounds or other images on the device.
Nandroid or Nandroid Backup: A file typically created in the custom recovery program, such as xRecovery, that is a carbon copy of whatever state your phone is in before a drastic change is made. The file then can be moved onto or off of the SD card for later use in case something should go wrong in the ROM or Update, or a Boot Loop occurs
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer, the people who actually put together electronic hardware. Also refers to any equipment original to the phone, or produced by the company for the phone
OpenGL ES: Android provides OpenGL ES libraries that you can use for fast, complex 3D images. It is harder to use than a Canvas object, but better for 3D objects. The android.opengl and javax.microedition.khronos.opengles packages expose OpenGL ES functionality.
Open-Source - (not to be confused with free) A piece of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.
OS: Operating system, I.E. Windows Vista, LINUX or MAC or Android
OTA: Over-the-Air; method T-Mobile, & some other phone companies, uses to update Android phones. The new versions of Android are developed by Google & then released to OEM's, Sony Ericsson in our case. The OEM then writes drivers that enable the new software to work on the phone's hardware. They also develop any specialized UI (user interface), like Timescape & Mediascape, or other software they want to include. Once this is complete, they turn it over to the cell phone company, (e.g.)Tmobile, who then have to do the final checks to make sure the update works, & then distributes it over there data network using their cell transmitters.
Overclocking (OC): Speeding up the CPU past the factory presets to achieve a faster & more responsive device (prolonged run can be injurious to your device, so be careful.)
RAM- Could be one of three meanings: 1. Memory for the CPU to process processes. 2. Random Access Memory, a place where information can be used, executed from, modified, or deleted
Recovery - Its a dedicated Android partition, that has Recovery console installed. This is invisible during normal operation of the android device.
ROM: Read Only Memory, a program used to make changes to anything from the look of the home screen to icons to custom boot animation
Root: Common word associated with giving a user "super user" access to their phones programming & other various aspects that would normally not be possible, also known as "Jailbroken" for iPhone's, "Administrator Rights" in Windows OS.
Shell or SSH: The shell is the layer of programming that understands & executes the commands a user enters. In some systems, the shell is called a command interpreter. A shell usually implies an interface with a command syntax (think of the DOS operating system & its "C:>" prompts & user commands such as "dir" & "edit"). secure shell or ssh is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices
SQLite: An embedded relational database management system contained in a relatively small (~275 kB) C programming library. It is multitasking concerning reads. Writes can be done only one-at-a-time. It is a popular choice for local/client storage on web browsers. It has many bindings to programming languages. It is arguably the most widely used database engine, as it is used today by several widespread browsers, operating systems, embedded systems among others
Stock Android : Simply means an unaltered state, such as when you first purchase your phone fromVerizon/Your Service Provider or when you repair your phone using PC Companion or SE Update Service(SEUS)
SU: "Super user", or root permissions
Superuser: A program, which gives unlimited access privileges to perform any or all operations on the operating system.
SWAP: is, in short, virtual RAM. With swap, a small portion of the hard drive is set aside and used like RAM. The computer will attempt to keep as much information as possible in RAM until the RAM is full. At that point, the computer will begin moving inactive blocks of memory (called pages) to the hard disk, freeing up RAM for active processes. If one of the pages on the hard disk needs to be accessed again, it will be moved back into RAM, and a different inactive page in RAM will be moved onto the hard disk ('swapped'). The trade off is disks and SD cards are considerably slower than physical RAM, so when something needs to be swapped, there is a noticeable performance hit.
Unlike traditional swap, Android's Memory Manager kills inactive processes to free up memory. Android signals to the process, then the process will usually write out a small bit of specific information about its state (for example, Google Maps may write out the map view coordinates; Browser might write the URL of the page being viewed) and then the process exits. When you next access that application, it is restarted: the application is loaded from storage, and retrieves the state information that it saved when it last closed. In some applications, this makes it seem as if the application never closed at all. This is not much different from traditional swap, except that Android apps are specially programed to write out very specific information, making Android's Memory Manager more efficient that swap.
Theme: A set of icons, backgrounds & app trays that change the aesthetics of the overall look of the Android & its applications. It has a set of properties (text size, background color, and so on) bundled together to define various default display settings. Android provides a few standard themes, listed in (starting with "Theme_").
TUN/TAP: Refers to a network TUNnel, operates within layer 3 packets, or ip packets. Packets sent by a system via a TUN/TAP device are delivered to a user-space program that attaches itself to the device. A user space program may also pass packets into a TUN/TAP device. In this case TUN/TAP device delivers (or "injects") these packets to the operating system's network stack thus emulating their reception from an external source.
Underclocking(UC): Slowing down the CPU mainly to limit battery usage
Undervolting(UV): Basically keeping the clock speed same (or overclocking it) & reduce the voltage at each cpu cycle.
xRecovery: A recovery program based on the ClockworkMod Recovery sources used to apply updates, ROMs, or create a back up or restore a backup file
Wipe - to clean your device memory,recommended before flashing
File Types:
.dex: Compiled Android application code file. Android programs are compiled into .dex (Dalvik Executable) files, which are in turn zipped into a single .apk file on the device. .dex files can be created by automatically translating compiled applications written in the Java programming language.
.sbf: Summation Briefcase File
.apk or APK's: An .apk file extension denotes an Android Package (APK) file, an .apk file can be opened & inspected using common archive tools. Each Android application is compiled and packaged in a single file that includes all of the application's code (.dex files), resources, assets, and manifest file. The application package file can have any name but must use the .apk extension. For example: myExampleAppname.apk. For convenience, an application package file is often referred to as an ".apk".
.tar: Similar to a zip file(derived from tape archive), a tar file archives multiple files into one file
.tgz: TGZ files (gnu-zipped .tar file) are commonly used as install packages for Slackware Linux.
Will add latter some MOTOROLA MOTO G especific terms here
If you doubt is not about general android,but about Moto G,
--Check this FAQ made by @matmutant
Frequently Asked Questions -Motorola Moto G
--Also check this Resource Guide made by @Perseus71
Welcome to your Motorola Moto G
Help improving this topic,quote me and give your suggestion
thanks for a still unknown ADM for sticking this thread
if i helped you with this post,just hit the thanks button,
This thread looks nice and useful, but make sure not to duplicate things from my FAQ or @Perseus71 guide that would be useless and confusing
Yes sir, I'm taking this care and wanna make this thread useful
if you know any thread that i should include in this topic or have any tip,just let me know
My Thread has a list of terms similarly in the first post. But this list seems more specific to Moto G.
Either way there seems to be some terms that are missing here but are present in mine.
Would you be kind enough to merge the differences so I will link to yours and get rid of mine ?
@Perseus71 Just realized I missed some terms, thanks for noticing, will merge them and also include new terms such as "ART" "KK "JB" "google now"
That would be a nice idea, and then rename this thread to something like "Android related terms and abbreviations" because it's neither a FAQ, nor a Guide
72off said:
@Perseus71 Just realized I missed some terms, thanks for noticing, will merge them and also include new terms such as "ART" "KK "JB" "google now"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
matmutant said:
That would be a nice idea, and then rename this thread to something like "Android related terms and abbreviations" because it's neither a FAQ, nor a Guide
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Click to collapse
+1 all round.
@72off please let me know when you are done.
@Perseus71 @matmutant
Updates on 15/01 = new terms added
Binary - (sometimes called bin's) a group of executable files.
CDMA/GSM - A type of network communication between phones and carriers. GSM phones normally are included with SIM Cards that authorize them onto the network. CDMA have this authorization built in and do not need a sim card.
Execute - To "run" or "start" a binary
FOTA - "Firmware over the air" this normally refers to ROM's but can refer to radio firmware (see OTA)
Governor - A system embedded into the kernel to automatically change the current working CPU frequency depending on the workload. It would only go up to what it is overclocked (or underclocked) to, this is called the maximum frequency. It would not drop bellow the (just as easily configurable) minimum frequency.
JDK - "Java Development Kit" an SDK for the java platform. It is needed to run the Android SDK.
JRE - "Java Runtime Environment" a collection of binarys and files to allow java software to execute.
KANG - The process of creating a code based of someone else's code.
Library's/Libs - a set of instructions for applications to use to function. A functioning camera lib would allow the camera to be used.
Open-Source - (not to be confused with free) A piece of software that is free to edit, use, distribute and share with no charge.
RAM - Could be one of three meanings: 1. Memory for the CPU to process processes. 2. Random Access Memory, a place where information can be used, executed from, modified, or deleted
Recovery - Its a dedicated Android partition, that has Recovery console installed. This is invisible during normal operation of the android device.
Wipe - to clean your device memory,recommended before flashing
Jelly Bean - JB - Android from 4.1 to 4.3
Kit Kat - KK - Android 4.4 the newest android available (supported by Moto G)
ART - successor of Dalvik, a virtual machine (VM) that’s part of the Android OS. ART is faster than Dalvik and saves more energy
Right now 18/01 ordering by alphabetic order [completed]
Reference Links
It might be nice to add in some reference links for many of the terms to the official android pages.
.DEX -
Dalvaik -
Logcat -
Other suggestions
At the end of the Dalvaik section you might add a sentence that says "see ART".
Maybe a mention about XPosed framework since it is very prevalent now.
In the definition of ROM it might be nice to explain a ROM image.
This is something I cannot find: What exactly does AOSPA(+) mean? Alternative?
Kernel is alphabetically in the wrong position in the list.
Explanation for the term MOD / Modification.
Add cool Android KitKat and Jelly Bean history link
:good: Thanks for the nice list.
OTG missing?
AS this thread is always under development,i'm glad for the suggestions to make this a better thread
DigitalSnow said:
It might be nice to add in some reference links for many of the terms to the official android pages.
.DEX -
Dalvaik -
Logcat -
[ ^ Perfect]
Other suggestions
At the end of the Dalvaik section you might add a sentence that says "see ART" [good idea]
Maybe a mention about XPosed framewor since it is very prevalent now. [will be done]
In the definition of ROM it might be nice toexplain a ROM image [ok]
This is something I cannot find: What exactly does AOSPA(+) mean? Alternative? [ I thinck so since it's mostly related do paranoid android rom]
Kernel is alphabetically in the wrong position in the list.[Yeah,kernel is drunk,gonna slap him on the face and move to his place]
Explanation for the term MOD / Modification.
Add cool Android KitKat and Jelly Bean history link [wrong link]
:good: Thanks for the nice list.
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OTG missing?
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Click to collapse
how could i forget? will be added. thanks
Nice info.I will add it into my bookmark. :good:
Great post thank you.
I suggest, the add of GPE definition : "Google Play Edition". Especially in the case of Moto G
Was not so obvious to me until I google it.
Another term that might be good to add is AWS since it is a unique factor between Moto G models.
AWS: Advanced Wireless Services in terms of the Moto G is the 3G UHF Frequency of 1700 MHz - 2100 MHz "T-Mobile"

[APP][6.0+][UPDATED] FrontFlash Notification v2.5 (20190424)

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
What is this?
Basically by installing this application, as soon as you receive a notification there is a flash as your phone starts blinking for the LED notification.
It can be useful to anyone that has a device without the LED notification, but instead have a flash next to the selfie camera.
It also extends the concept of notification to the unread badges received from the applications (ex. the "Facebook like"). So, when an unread badge pops up, in the same way as a "normal" notification the flash starts blinking and you will be notified of what's going on.
Various settings are also available to better configure the application to suit your needs.
It works on all devices equipped with a front flash, regardless of whether or not they have the hardware LED notification. (read also the Hardware limitations section for more details)​
Main features
customizable activation based on the current display status and audio mode
pocket mode and recovery options
Samsung AOD support
single or double blink
optional custom delay for the first blink
use also the rear flash when the device is upside down
additional flashing loop with customizable frequency
three different gestures to dismiss the flashing loop
customizable exclusions for the incoming call, the missing call and the text messages
customizable exclusions for all the installed user applications
flash notifications for the unread badges received from compatible applications and customizable by app exclusions (only on Samsung devices with TouchWiz based ROM)
suspend on low battery
suspend during a customizable time slot
integration with the Android "Do not disturb" settings
custom quick setting tile in the quick settings panel to easily turn on/off the service (only on Android 7.x+ devices)
custom shortcut pressing the application icon to easily turn on/off the service (only on supported launchers and on Android 7.1.1+ devices)
built-in black list to avoid the flash for useless, fake or annoying notifications from some applications
optimized for memory usage
battery-friendly (usually takes up 2% in each 24 hour period)
dark theme
RTL support for Arabic languages
no ADS
no ROOT ACCESS needed to work
and more...
Arabic (Egyptian) @yshalsager
Arabic (Syrian) @mozzafar alali
Croatian @dugi9991
Czech @novas78
French @Primokorn
German @supergrobi94 / @Oswald Boelcke
Greek kynigosg
Polish @emcom
Portuguese (Brazilian) @Taivotat2 / @justjr
Russian @gaich
Simplified Chinese @ContactFront
Slovak @kubalav
Spanish @JHAM2005
Turkish @Fatih Fırıncı
Ukrainian @Alexiy_ua
Vietnamese @tphg
This application is not ad-supported and can not collect and transmit any sort of privacy sensitive information.
This application can not collect, store or publish any user information.
This application can not use any data connection, detect your location or access your contacts. It also can not read any sensitive information stored on your device. This guarantees maximum security for your data and your privacy.​
This application does not need any special permissions except for the one to bind the Android notification listener service. [android.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE]
This is the only authorization required to properly interact with your incoming notifications (you will be asked about it explicitly when it is run for the first time).
Devices with Camera Hardware level: LIMITED (partial Camera2 API support)
On some devices the manufacturer implemented only partially the Android Camera2 API; this means limited hardware access to the camera for the developers. In this case the only way to let this application properly take control of the front flash is to use the old Android API and that's why you may also have to authorize the application to use the hardware camera. [android.permission.CAMERA]
With the first run and only if the application detects this limitation, as per the above case you will be asked explicitly to grant full camera access permission (even if the application should only use the front flash, the flash is strictly part of the hardware camera).
You must agree with providing access to your device camera, file system and audio recording for the application to function. This access is limited to user only. None of the data present in your device can be shared with me or any other person.
Keep in mind that if you deny any of these permissions the application will not work!
If you know how Android works and the meaning of application permissions, you can easily verify by yourself all the above statements.
So please, avoid claiming that we are a bunch of criminals here just to steal your data with this application... in doing that, you would be such an IDIOT!​
Hardware limitations
Lately several devices (mainly, but not only, running Android 8.x) are equipped with front flash with custom hardware that developers can not have access to. Furthermore, with the introduction of the new firmware based on Android 8.x, Samsung has inexplicably inhibited the use of front flash to developers on a wide range of devices.
Strangely enough, the front camera of your device may not be equipped with a "real" front flash for this application. When it "asks" through the Android API to your front camera some information about its front flash, the answer may be "no front flash available". There is no workaround this!
This is a software/hardware limitation imposed by the manufacturer (don't ask me why) and at the moment unfortunately there's nothing I can do. I understand your amazement, but if you experience this kind of issue at 99% of the time that's the reason why this application may not work and could report the non-availability of a front flash despite your eyes seeing a front flash.
Mainly only the branded (stock) camera application can handle this kind of front flash, using owned and reserved API.
Try it by yourself to install (from the app Store) an alternative camera application. Then shoot a front selfie and check if the front flash can turn on... or use any other application you expect to use the front flash (usually Instagram and Snapchat fail as well) and then let me know the results.
In addition, you can also try to install Device Info HW and then select the "Camera" tab and check all detailed information about the front camera of your device.
Finally, let me remind you that this app can't take control over the brightness, the color and the speed (On-Off phase) of a flash; unfortunately it isn't a LED... no way for the developers to handle these features.
All of them are strictly related to the hardware and its manufacturer and therefore vary from model to model.​
Main functioning
As you can imagine, this application must be able to take control of the front flash of your device to work properly. In an Android phone this can only happen in one way: through the front camera as the flash is strictly connected to it.
The developers in fact through dedicated instructions, can turn it on and off at will. But it always has a connection to the camera and not directly to the flash itself.
To handle all the incoming notifications, an Android service will run in background on your device.
These are the main functioning at the root of this application.​
If you installed any startup manager application (such as Startup Manager, Autorun Manager, AutoStart Manager, Advanced Task Manager, BootManager, etc) or any battery manager/optimizer application (such as Greenify, Doze, Brevent, Hibernator, App Freezer, etc) pay attention to avoid killing the running "Flash notification service" otherwise this application will not work!
I also want to draw your attention to the importance of the Android wakelocks in the lifecycle of this application (if you don't know what wakelocks are, disregard the sentance below).
If your device is running an application that detects and blocks wakelocks (such as Wakelock Detector, WakeBlock, No Wakelock, Wake Lock - PowerManager, etc), keep in mind that the main features of this application will not work as you expect. So add it to the white list if any, or if you are interested in using this application in any way avoid blocking the wakelocks.
In other words, because of unreasonable battery optimizations implemented by some brands but not only, you have to be careful not to put this application in hibernation without realizing it or maybe killing or blocking the background service without noticing it. These are the most common causes of the main problems you may experience!
Please verify the impact over this application by any system tools / Magisk - Xposed modules which you heavily rely on (especially if your device is ROOTED).
So, double check your system settings before reporting any issues, thanks.​
Battery consumption
It isn't strictly related to the application itself. What drains the battery is the flash not the background service in charge of managing your incoming notifications, I can't do more in terms of optimization.
Battery consumption mainly depends on how long you will let the flashing loop run before you dismiss it (the shorter it is the better for your battery) and also on how many notifications you receive a day.​
Issues & Known bugs
with the introduction of the new firmware based on Android 8.x, Samsung has inexplicably inhibited the use of front flash to developers on a wide range of devices, so this application stop working!!
System requirements
Android 6.x Marshmallow or later
a device with front camera and front flash (read also the Hardware limitations section for more details)
five minutes of your free-time and a little piece of your brain (just in case)
you do not need ROOT ACCESS for this application to work
Installation instructions
Just download the apk and open it as a normal application.​
This application is available on the Google Play Store.
In order to keep in touch with the latest updates, I suggest you uninstall any previous version you downloaded here from XDA and then install the official version of the Play Store.
Get FrontFlash Notification​
Credits / Thanks to
thanks to @supergrobi94 for the graphic support
thanks to @Alexiy_ua, @ContactFront, @dugi9991, @emcom, @Fatih Fırıncı, @gaich, @JHAM2005, @justjr, @kubalav, kynigosg, @mozzafar alali, @novas78, @Oswald Boelcke, @Primokorn, @supergrobi94, @Taivotat2, @tphg, @yshalsager for the translations
Your donations are welcomed and appreciated, press the thanks button instead of saying it.
FrontFlash Notification
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 2.5
Stable Release Date: 2019-04-24
Created: 2018-01-13
Last Updated: 2019-04-24
2.5 (current release)
migration to native Android Pie 9 (API 28)
updated internal black-list for the auto-excluded applications
minor bug fixes
2.4.9 (stable)
minor bug fixes
2.4.7 (stable)
under the hood fixes and optimizations
2.4.5 (stable)
minor bug fixes
2.4.2 (stable)
fixed the custom shortcut icon issue on Android 7.1.x devices
minor bug fixes
2.4.1 (stable)
migration to native Android Oreo 8.1 (API 27)
added the option to delay the first blink
added a custom shortcut pressing the application icon to easily turn on/off the service only on supported launchers and on Android 7.1.1+ devices
added the Simplified Chinese translation
added the Greek translation
added the Ukrainian translation
updated all translations
updated internal black-list for the auto-excluded applications
lots of under the hood fixes and optimizations
2.3.3 (stable)
Android 8.x users may experience general malfunctions
added the sub-option to keep screen on if the "Turn display on" option when a notification occurs is selected
added the Slovak translation
added the Turkish translation
added the Vietnamese translation
updated the Czech and Russian translations
stability improvement
minor bug fixes
2.3 (stable)
This update will reset all user preferences to default at first run!
fixed the pocket mode issue
fixed the time slot suspension issue
added a custom quick setting tile on the quick settings panel to easily turn on/off the service only on Android 7.x+ devices
major code rewrite for the graphical user interface (flash notifications settings)
updated internal black-list for the auto-excluded applications
minor bug fixes and various adjustments
2.2.7 (stable)
fixed the pocket mode issue on some devices
fixed the time slot suspension issue on Android 8.x devices
fixed the incoming call flash notification issue
fixed the consecutive notifications issue
renewed badge notification service for Samsung devices (some tests may be needed)
minor bug fixes and various adjustments
2.2.5 (stable)
fixed the issue of annoying blinks while the device is in use (user present/screen on) in some particular conditions or by specific applications
fixed the issue of the suddenly stop working blink loop
battery life improved
new max limit for the blink loop duration
new increase values for the blink loop frequency
minor bug fixes and various adjustments
2.2.1 (stable)
fixed the service force close issue on Android 6.0 devices
minor adjustments
2.2 (stable)
minor bug fixes
2.1.6 (stable)
minor bug fixes
translation update for some languages
2.1.4 (stable)
minor bug fixes
2.1 (stable)
main code reengineering
stability and compatibility improvement
removed the flashing loop duration setting, from now is always unlimited
better performance
2.0 (stable)
code optimization
stability improvement
1.9.5 (stable)
code optimization
minor bug fixes
unlimited duration for the flashing loop
1.9.4 (stable)
added the Portuguese (Brazilian) translation
added the Arabic (Egyptian) translation
added the French translation
added the Czech translation
added the Croatian translation
added the Russian translation
added the Arabic (Syrian) translation
new range values for the duration and the frequency of the flashing loop
1.9.2 (stable)
added the option to force the English language
fixed the Samsung Email application issue
stability improvement
added the light sensor management (if present) for the flash type auto-adjustment (single/double)
added the option to use the rear flash when device is turn upside down
added RTL support for Arabic languages
1.9 (stable)
fixed the service force close issue and runtime exception on some Motorola devices
minor bug fixes
added the Spanish translation
1.8.3 (stable)
official Play Store release
minor bug fixes in the notifications detection engine
added compatibility to Android 8.0 Oreo (API 26)
added the Polish translation
1.7 (stable)
extended support to both Camera and Camera2 API to properly detect and manage the front flash also on devices with limited access to the camera (e.g. new Samsung device series)
fixed the issue with Gmail notifications on Android 6.0 devices
fixed the missing installed applications issue in the excluded applications list
fixed the wrong low battery detection issue on some devices
added a "select/unselect all" toggle switch in the excluded applications list
integration with the current Android "Do not disturb" settings as an additional way to disable the service in certain situations
minor fixes and code optimizations
updated internal black list for the auto-excluded applications
some GUI improvements and adjustments
new dark theme
new application icon
some corrections to writing errors
added the German translation
1.6 (stable)
added the option to choose a custom time slot for the service suspension (tap on time slot)
minor fixes
1.5 (stable)
added Samsung AOD detection and support
added the option to choose which applications exclude from the unread badges notification (tap on See list)
added the option to choose a custom sound for the unread badges notification (tap on Set sound)
improved both memory and cpu consumption
1.4 (release)
added the accelerometer sensor management and the relative “by shake” option
fixed the issue with duplicate items between the unread badges notification and the "normal" notification from the same application
new GUI
added the Italian translation
1.3 (beta 2)
added compatibility to Android 7.1.1 Nougat (API 25)
added the option to choose which applications exclude from flash notification (black list)
added the unread badges detection and the relative flash notification for all supported applications (only on Samsung devices with TW rom)
lots of under the hood fixes and optimizations
1.2 (beta 1)
added the proximity sensor option and its management
added the notifications badge count over the application icon in the app drawer and its relative option (only on supported device: Asus, Huawei, LG, HTC, Oppo, Samsung, Sony, Xiaomi, ZTE)
fine tuning in the notifications detection engine to avoid fake flash notifications from system and user applications
performance improvements
1.1 (alpha)
added the option to enable a blinking loop for all the incoming notifications
added the low battery status detection and the relative service suspension option
added an option to suspend the service during a specific time slot
bug fixes
initial release
Please write in this thread any suggestions or bugs you come to know to help me make this application better and better.
What's coming next
All translations are created by community volunteers and open for contribution. If you want this application in your language and you are interested in cooperate, please send me a PM.
Hardware limitations
Lately several devices (mainly, but not only, running Android 8.x) are equipped with front flash with custom hardware that developers can not have access to. Furthermore, with the introduction of the new firmware based on Android 8.x, Samsung has inexplicably inhibited the use of front flash to developers on a wide range of devices.
Strangely enough, the front camera of your device may not be equipped with a "real" front flash for this application. When it "asks" through the Android API to your front camera some information about its front flash, the answer may be "no front flash available". There is no workaround this!
This is a software/hardware limitation imposed by the manufacturer (don't ask me why) and at the moment unfortunately there's nothing I can do. I understand your amazement, but if you experience this kind of issue at 99% of the time that's the reason why this application may not work and could report the non-availability of a front flash despite your eyes seeing a front flash.
Mainly only the branded (stock) camera application can handle this kind of front flash, using owned and reserved API.
Try it by yourself to install (from the app Store) an alternative camera application. Then shoot a front selfie and check if the front flash can turn on... or use any other application you expect to use the front flash (usually Instagram and Snapchat fail as well) and then let me know the results.
In addition, you can also try to install Device Info HW and then select the "Camera" tab and check all detailed information about the front camera of your device.
Finally, let me remind you that this app can't take control over the brightness, the color and the speed (On-Off phase) of a flash; unfortunately it isn't a LED... no way for the developers to handle these features.
All of them are strictly related to the hardware and its manufacturer and therefore vary from model to model.
Main functioning
As you can imagine, this application must be able to take control of the front flash of your device to work properly. In an Android phone this can only happen in one way: through the front camera as the flash is strictly connected to it.
The developers in fact through dedicated instructions, can turn it on and off at will. But it always has a connection to the camera and not directly to the flash itself.
To handle all the incoming notifications, an Android service will run in background on your device.
These are the main functioning at the root of this application.
Common issues & Troubleshooting
If you installed any startup manager application (such as Startup Manager, Autorun Manager, AutoStart Manager, Advanced Task Manager, BootManager, etc) or any battery manager/optimizer application (such as Greenify, Doze, Brevent, Hibernator, App Freezer, etc) pay attention to avoid killing the running "Flash notification service" otherwise this application will not work!
I also want to draw your attention to the importance of the Android wakelocks in the lifecycle of this application (if you don't know what wakelocks are, disregard the sentance below).
If your device is running an application that detects and blocks wakelocks (such as Wakelock Detector, WakeBlock, No Wakelock, Wake Lock - PowerManager, etc), keep in mind that the main features of this application will not work as you expect. So add it to the white list if any, or if you are interested in using this application in any way avoid blocking the wakelocks.
In other words, because of unreasonable battery optimizations implemented by some brands but not only, you have to be careful not to put this application in hibernation without realizing it or maybe killing or blocking the background service without noticing it. These are the most common causes of the main problems you may experience!
Please verify the impact over this application by any system tools / Magisk - Xposed modules which you heavily rely on (especially if your device is ROOTED).
So, double check your system settings before reporting any issues, thanks.
Battery consumption
It isn't strictly related to the application itself. What drains the battery is the flash not the background service in charge of managing your incoming notifications, I can't do more in terms of optimization.
Battery consumption mainly depends on how long you will let the flashing loop run before you dismiss it (the shorter it is the better for your battery) and also on how many notifications you receive a day.
Hope I have been helpful in understanding.
Thank you nice work
I will add Arabic language
Can't enable the front flash.. Its not enabling.. Greyed out.. I have j7 pro.. Ty..
The app doesn't know I have Front Flash (J7 2016)
Sent from my j7xelte using XDA Labs
ickoslash said:
Can't enable the front flash.. Its not enabling.. Greyed out.. I have j7 pro.. Ty..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh... this sounds strange! Be more specific please.
Which android version?
Which label is displayed at the left of the greyed switch?
Did the app ask for "Notification access permission" at first run?
Open Options --> Lock screen and security --> Other security settings and check manually the notification access permission (if it's disabled, activate it now) and let me know.
Arnaud Créative Studios said:
The app doesn't know I have Front Flash (J7 2016)
Sent from my j7xelte using XDA Labs
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You mean did you received the "Front flash not present, service disabled" message?
spacejam said:
You mean did you received the "Front flash not present, service disabled" message?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my j7xelte using XDA Labs
spacejam said:
Oh... this sounds strange! Be more specific please.
Which android version?
Which label is displayed at the left of the greyed switch?
Did the app ask for "Notification access permission" at first run?
Open Options --> Lock screen and security --> Other security settings and check manually the notification access permission (if it's disabled, activate it now) and let me know.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Got error message front flash not present.. Already enabled it in notifications under lock screen and security.. My phone's j7 pro.. So technically it's nougat..
Arnaud Créative Studios said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
SM-J710F model right?
Chipset Exynos or Snapdragon?
Stock ROM, Custom TWLauncher rom, AOSP rom... or what?
(I'm sorry for so many questions, but the more I know and the more it becomes easy to solve the problem, I hope)
ickoslash said:
Got error message front flash not present...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
SM-J730G model right?
Seems like something go wrong during the front flash detection phase.
This app uses the standard Android Camera2 API to get access to the flash.
So, is something strictly related to your device model and Samsung hardware/firmware.
Maybe is the Exynos chipset variant... not so easy to investigate but I will try.
spacejam said:
SM-J710F model right?
Chipset Exynos or Snapdragon?
Stock ROM, Custom TWLauncher rom, AOSP rom... or what?
(I'm sorry for so many questions, but the more I know and the more it becomes easy to solve the problem, I hope)
SM-J730G model right?
Seems like something go wrong during the front flash detection phase.
This app uses the standard Android Camera2 API to get access to the flash.
So, is something strictly related to your device model and Samsung hardware/firmware.
Maybe is the Exynos chipset variant... not so easy to investigate but I will try.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yep.. Exynos chipset.. It would be awesome if you could fix it dude.. Tnx a lot for making this app.. Will wait for the update.. :fingers-crossed:
spacejam said:
SM-J710F model right?
Chipset Exynos or Snapdragon?
Stock ROM, Custom TWLauncher rom, AOSP rom... or what?
(I'm sorry for so many questions, but the more I know and the more it becomes easy to solve the problem, I hope)
SM-J730G model right?
Seems like something go wrong during the front flash detection phase.
This app uses the standard Android Camera2 API to get access to the flash.
So, is something strictly related to your device model and Samsung hardware/firmware.
Maybe is the Exynos chipset variant... not so easy to investigate but I will try.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
SM-J710FN,Exynos,Stock TW Nougat Rom with Stock Launcher
Sent from my j7xelte using XDA Labs
FrontFlash Notification
Issues & known bugs:
on some Exynos chipset based devices, take control over the front flash fails. Check yours by yourself and let me know. (I'm working to understand how to fix it)
Thank you for this app, I will try it.
Works great on my Moto Z2 Play. Even dual flash works too. Awesome work !
This will be very useful on my Honor 7 since the notification LED is so small it's almost invisible.
Haven't been able to get it to work yet though.
First issue I got was that the service was running but not enabled. I figured out it was due to the "suspend on low battery" setting even though my battery was at 80%.
I unticked that and now the service is running and enabled.
I'm trying to get a notification when receiving an e-mail(gmail) but nothing is happening. Gmail is not in the possible exclusion list at all, maybe that has something to do with it?
Edit: It works for other apps like the calendar app.
Thanks for the work so far.
FrontFlash Notification
Just an update for Exynos chipset based device users... the front flash detection issue is not related to the chipset.
For some strange reasons (don't ask me why), on the new devices series (Exynos of course), Samsung has implemented only partially the Camera2 API for the developers. Hardware level: LIMITED (partial Camera2 support)
This is why at the time been my app can't use the front flash on your device.
In the next few days I'm going to produce a new 1.7 version, where if Camera2 fails the app takes control over the camera and his front flash using the old Android API.
Based on the first tests, fortunatelly this seems to fix the problem.
Keep in touch

[APP][Android 4.4+][iOS 9.0+] XVacuum Firmware (Xiaomi Vacuum - Roborock v1/v2/v3)

XVacuum Firmware
Flashing firmwares and sound packages from your smartphone (Android and iOS)
Roborock v1/v2(S50/51/55), T6, S6, 1S, T7, Q7 are supported.​
The first and second generations have common language packs. The third (T6, S6, 1S) has its own packs.
(only pkg is supported, neither 7z, nor zip, nor rar but only pkg in the unarchived view; as for sound packages, be aware that wav-files in an archive isn't a pkg-package). These packages should be opened only from the internal storage (/sdcard). It will better if you place packages into root folder. Also avoid any special characters in file names, as the robot isn't able to download such files.
Firmwares and sound packages must be placed in Documents folder of the application by iTunes (Shared Files section), iTools, iFunbox or other similar applications. (only pkg is supported, neither 7z, nor zip, nor rar but only pkg in the unarchived view; as for sound packages, be aware that wav-files in an archive isn't a pkg-package). Also avoid any special characters in file names, as the robot isn't able to download such files.
At the moment, there are two ways (see below):
Without Wi-Fi reset of the robot (you need to get the token by any available ways).
With Wi-Fi reset (the application will get the token by itself)
The instruction without Wi-Fi reset (you need to get the token by any available ways):
Launch the application.
Click the menu and then Settings.
Fill the IP and token of the robot.
Click the "Save" button.
The application will ask you to restart the application for applying the settings, kill the application:
Android: double click to "Back" button or click "Exit" from the menu.
iOS: double click to "Home" button and swipe up the application to kill it.
Launch my program again. The program is written for "blondies": there is almost no way to make mistakes. It consists of two buttons (firmware and sound), and that's all. An "About" menu is also available should you want to know more about me and contribute to the project.
The buttons will be inactive until the program has established connection with the robot and received a status.
As soon as the status have arrived, the buttons become active and you can start flashing the robot.
Choose a firmware or sound package.
Notice the log under the buttons and rejoice at the quick and easy flashing.
If you got an error:
"timeout: Could not connect to the vacuum, handshake is timeout", it means that you filled the invalid IP of the robot.
"timeout: Call to the vacuum timed out" after 50 tries to get the status, it means that you filled the invalid token.
"timeout: Call to the vacuum timed out" after 50 tries of flashing a firmware, it means that your cleaner doesn't support local updates (it was blocked 4004 and higher for the first generation, 1910 and higher for the second generation, the third generation was blocked always). The first and second generation can be reseted to the factory firmware if it is below 4004 for the first generation, below 1910 for the second generation.
The instruction with Wi-Fi reset (the application will get the token by itself):
You need to reset the Wi-Fi settings of the robot to use this program (you will need to add the robot to MiHome again after all processing is complete).
For the first version: press the "Home" and "Power" buttons simultaneously within 3 seconds.
For the second version: press the "Spot Clean" and "Home" buttons within 3 seconds.
Your robot should say that Wi-Fi is reset and a new access point should appear in your smartphone. Connect to it.
Disable your mobile internet because some phones ignore Wi-Fi unless it provides an internet connection.
Launch my program. The program is written for "blondies": there is almost no way to make mistakes. It consists of two buttons (firmware and sound), and that's all. An "About" menu is also available should you want to know more about me and contribute to the project.
The buttons will be inactive until the program has established connection with the robot and received a token and status.
As soon as the token and status have arrived, the buttons become active and you can start flashing the robot.
Choose a firmware or sound package.
Notice the log under the buttons and rejoice at the quick and easy flashing.
After all processing is complete, you will need to add the robot to the MiHome.
Due to the built-in file manager, Play Protect considers the application potentially dangerous and doesn't allow most users to install it. To install the application anyway:
1. Open "Play Market".
2. Tap on "Play Protect" in the menu.
3. Disable the "Check security risks" option during the installation of the application.
Download the application: View attachment XVacuum Firmware 4.1.0 - Andoid (unpack it before using)
Developer: .//Hack
Minimal version of Android: 4.4
Download the application: View attachment XVacuum Firmware 4.1.0 - iOS (unpack it before using)
Developer: .//Hack
Minimal version of iOS: 9.0
If you don't have JailBreak use Cydia Impactor.
If you have wav-files and want to make a pkg file, just use my program wav2pkg (Windows) - below.
Do you want to thank the developer financially?
Tinkoff card: 5536 9137 9197 1969
Sberbank card: 2202 2007 1004 4098
Kykyryza card: 2 9603257 90117
Ozon card: 2 2302318 050546
PayPal: [email protected] (EUR, USD, RUR)
Yandex.Money (YooMoney): 41001365201505
- WME: E266145873860
- WMZ: Z130755667036
- WMR: R830172982278
04.01.2022 (4.1.0)
The application works better with the third generation (1S, T6, S6, T7, S5 Max and etc.)
Updated the bank accounts.
iOS8 is out of date now to support the maximum version range (9.0-15.2).
Small fixes.
18.01.2020 (4.0.0)
The application tries to reconnect in any way possible in a case when the connection is lost.
If regional lock is activated the application tries to disable it few times. On failure, it displays an error to the log.
Fixed working after waking up from sleeping on iOS. Previously, you need to restart the application.
Requests to a vacuum work faster now.
Many small fixes
21.09.2019 (3.3.0)
The path to the selected file is displayed in the log
08.09.2019 (3.2.0)
The information about the vacuum is got in the background mode
Small fixes
25.08.2019 (3.1.2)
Added information about a vacuum to the log (Model, Firmware and IP)
Disabling the regional lock to have able to flash a firmware without the regional lock
Small fixes
24.07.2019 (3.0.1)
Small bug fixes
Added information about support for Roborock v3 (T6, S6, 1S)
09.06.2019 (3.0.0)
You can flash the robot without Wi-Fi reset (the IP and token must be filled in the setting from the menu, after saving, the setting you need to restart the application).
Logs are extended. It will show more information in case of unexpected errors.
Now, the bank details can be copied by the click on the neded line.
In case of success flashing, a window with information about me will be shown.
31.03.2019 (2.2.0)
Fixed the log block collapse.
Small fixes: mainly for iOS.
25.03.2019 (2.1.1)
Small fixes and iOS version.
14.01.2019 (2.1.0)
The code is significantly refactored and compressed.
14.01.2019 (2.0.0)
Now the application has a built-in file manager. You can select only pkg (many people tried to flash everything except pkg, not understanding what they did wrong). The "Back" button closes the file manager but does not move up one level. I'll add it in next versions.
Added new bank details to the "About" window.
13.01.2019 (1.0.2)
Now the socket closes together with the application. You won't get the error EADDRINUSE (Address already in use) when you restart the application.
12.01.2019 (1.0.1)
The window "About" can be closed with the "Back" button.
The menu can be closed with the "Back" button.
The application is now compressed at less than 1MB.
Added the current version to the "About" window.
Minimal version of Android is 4.4 (most likely the log block will be collapsed on Android 4-5, so you can see one line only).
9.01.2019 (1.0.0)
The first released version.
Known issues bind failed: EADDRINUSE (Address already in use): or similar errors with "Address already in use" can occur if other programs use the 8080 and 8081 ports. If you cannot identify such a program, just close all programs and restart XVacuum Firmware.
If your phone has gone to the sleep, most likely the phone will stop accepting connections. The robot will return an error, since it won't be able to download the firmware;
The "Back" button closes the file manager but does not move up one level.
[Android]A file can be chosen from the internal storage (/sdcard) only
wav2pkg​The program converts wav-files to pkg-package and backward (Windows)​
Unpack the program to the root of any disk (advanced users: the path must not contain any spaces or non-Latin symbols). For example: C:\wav2pkg
The instruction to make pkg-package:
Place all folders with wav-files to the "voicepacks" folder. The folders must contain only Latin symbols, digits and/or underscores. You can place any number of folders. The program converts them into separate pkg files. The path must be, for example, C:\wav2pkg\voicepacks\english\*.wav
Launch wav2pkg.bat from the wav2pkg folder
The program will start displaying information about the progress of the conversion.
Produced packages will be placed into the "voicepacks" folder and carry the names of the folders that they were converted from.
You don't need to remove pkg-files before the next launch of the program.
The instruction to extract wav-files from pkg-package:
Place all pkg-files to the "pkgs" folder. The packages must contain only Latin symbols, digits and/or underscores. You can place any number of packages. The program extracts them into separate folders. The path must be, for example, C:\wav2pkg\pkgs\english.pkg
Launch wav2pkg.bat from the wav2pkg folder
The program will start displaying information about the progress of the conversion.
Produced wav-files will be placed into folders which carry the names of the packages that they were extracted from and they will be placed into the "pkgs" folder.
You don't need to remove folders before the next launch of the program.
Download: View attachment
Russian community of flashing of this vacuum robot
Does no one need this? Or maybe did I place the thread in the wrong forum's section? Because the thread in the russian community is very hot. The application was downloaded more than 4000 500 000 times.
Could you please explain for what I need this? I have this s50 robot, but I don't know the exact purpose of this topic. I have eu version and english voices. There is some modifications or funny voices?
.//Hack said:
Does no one need this? Or maybe did I place the thread in the wrong forum's section? Because the thread in the russian community is very hot. The application was downloaded more than 4000 times.
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Thank you now have ssh access. Looking for some language packs now : )
Work perfectly on Gen1 !
I flashed this french sound pack
(thank Pierre in comment: link)
Thanks buddy!!! Finally found a thread in English that covers firmware flashing.
I have the Gen 2 (s50) international version and want to flash to China version in order to connect to China server.
Where do I find the latest China version firmware for s50?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does anyone have all the instruction lines for sound pack? I am making a pkg for dutch. I have the instruction lines for error 1-19. But I still need to have english instructions for some commands. I hope someone can help me. Otherwise how can i extraxt a pkg, so I can see what wav files are inside the pkg?
Thank you.
Dutch voice pack/Nederlandse stem
I made a dutch voice pack/Nederlandse stem voor Mi Robot Vacuum/Roborock.
I used the list with the sound instructions from here:
Thank you for this great apk to transfer the pkg to the vacuum cleaner.
I updated the application. I have added support of iOS
Any lockout for flashing s6 FW to T6 machine? Plz
mikaelivalbo said:
Any lockout for flashing s6 FW to T6 machine? Plz
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Sorry, 1S, t6 / s6 have different encryption keys. At the moment, nobody knows them.
Thanks for the app, but I'm waiting for it to be compatible with vacuum 1s. I try this but can't send voices (the token captures ok).
I read in last post I read that isn't posible
When somebody get access to the filesystem of the vacuum and find the encryption keys We'll can make voice and firmware packs for the vacuum. Now we can flash original packs only.
.//Hack said:
When somebody get access to the filesystem of the vacuum and find the encryption keys We'll can make voice and firmware packs for the vacuum. Now we can flash original packs only.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you! we will wait.
Please link to XVacuum Firmware 3.0.0.apk
Ubimo said:
Please link to XVacuum Firmware 3.0.0.apk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sure, I'm going to update. Maybe today or tomorrow.
Ubimo said:
Please link to XVacuum Firmware 3.0.0.apk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The application is updated (3.0.1)

General General FYT based Spreadtrum uis7862(s) (unisoc ums512) & uis8581a (sc9863) - Q&A, Mods, tips, firmware

Last revised: 07 June 2023 (reason: added info for the uis8581a)
This thread tries to be a "one fits all" thread about FYT based Spreadtrum Unisoc uis7862(s) (Unisoc ums512) and uis8581a (sc9863) head units and its software, modded or not. The first few posts will be "collection" posts for all kind of info but will also link to other useful information that might be added later or in other threads.
Part of the tips, mods, etcetera are also valid for FYT based sc9853i head units, and even for the older PX5 and Sofia-3GR.
DISCLAIMER: Every action you do on your unit is on your own responsibility. I will help where I can (and probably a lot of other users as well), but I am never responsible.
This thread is meant for:
Discussing firmwares (see post #2), modded firmwares, mods and rooting (not advised).
Tips, tricks, mods to improve the general usability of your unit.
Try to solve design errors/flaws where we expect that these Chinese resellers/suppliers will not do it.
This thread is NOT meant for:
buyers advice (is this one better than that one?)
4G providers, DAB+ modules or DAB+ software (see here for DAB-Z by @realzoulou), Navradio+ (see NavRadio+ ported to UIS7862-FYT devices by @KoTiX2 , sub-woofers, OEM cameras, OBD devices, TPMS or other peripheral devices.
ABSOLUTELY NOT for posts about "what is/are your favorite app(s)?"
Questions about repairs, warranty and the like. That is between you and the reseller. Questions about interchangeabilty of hardware are OK.
Always first check the offical websites (if any) of the resellers in case of technical questions. Also: First contact your reseller in case of hardware issues or (not working) accessories.
General unit information
To start with: the uis7862 and uis7862 are 100% identical and compatible. The 7862s is just the same CPU but slightly faster.
CPU uis7862 64bit 8-core (2x ARM Cortex-A75 @ 1.8 GHz, 6x ARM Cortex-A55 @ 1.8 GHz)
CPU uis7862s 64bit 8-core (2x ARM Cortex-A75 @ 2.0 GHz, 6x ARM Cortex-A55 @ 2.0 GHz)
CPU uis8581a 64bit 8-core (4x ARM Cortex-A55 @ 1.6 GHz, 4x ARM Cortex-A55 @ 1.2 GHz)
CPU: uis7862 (ums512) versus the new uis7862s (ums512). Specs/Benchmarks/Info. (Also allows you to compare with other CPUs).
CPU: uis8581a (ums sc9863) versus the uis7862. Specs/Benchmarks/Info. (Also allows you to compare with other CPUs).
Android version: Android 10 (API/SDK 29); Fake Android 11 & 12 (still API/SDK 29). (Android level is a simple property. Always check at the API/SDK version)
Producer: FYT
WiFi: 2.4GHz and 5GHz. This 5GHz is really a benefit. Not only because of its faster 5GHz speed, but also because the 2.4GHz and BT negatively influcence each other dropping perfomance sometimes to 10% of "real" 2.4GHz. (Valid for all models without 5GHz, FYT or not).
Bluetooth: V5.1
Firmware always comes with an update/flash binary, a kernel zip, an application layer bin and a few config and additional files/scripts.
The kernel, which contains the basic Android layer with drivers and kernel modules is inside the for a uis7862, and inside the for a uis8581a.
The update/flash binary is the lsec6315update for the uis7862, and the lsec6316update for the uis8581a. Those lsec update/flash binaries check for the right hardware and the right kernel zip. For example: You can't flash the kernel zip from a 782(s) CPU onto a uis8581a.
The application layer is the AllAppUpdate.bin. It is 100% compatible over the uis7862(s) and uis8581a. Note that FYT is bad in multi-resolution. Although the application layer should be compatible, they make differences for all resolutions to 1280x720 and those for 2000x1200. Also the Tesla units get apks with other resolutions and an extra aircondition apk. Funtionally they are 100% identical.
Atoto, Ebilaen, Eki, Farcar, Funrover, Idoing, Isudar, Joying (only uis7862), Junsun, Mekede, NaviFly, Sinosmart, T'eyes (only uis7862), Winca, Zhan. There are more resellers, but not all of their models might be FYTs. Same for some resellers in this list.
A few remarks about which CPU to choose (my vision).
The UIS8581a is in general 15~20% slower than the "standard" uis7862, which is again about 5~10% slower than the "new" uis7862s.
What will you notice in real life: Almost nothing!
When to chose a uis7862(s)? If you have a 2000x1200 resolution screen, I would go for the 7862 or the 7862s. Bigger screens require faster CPUs. The 8581a is strong enough to "power" such a screen, but here you might notice the difference when fast screen rendering is required. This is not for video, but in case of navigation apps that need to calculate long routes or calculate/redraw every split-second for example, but nowadays with OpenGL rendering in those apps it might not be an issue at all.
If you compare the uis8581a with the previous intel airmont sc9853i, which FYT no longer makes, the uis8581a is again ~20% faster than the sc9853i. I never had the idea that my previous sc9853i was slow, on the contrary.
Go for 4GB memory or more. 3GB might be enough for a "light user", but you might experience delays in starting new apps as other apps first need to be stopped/swapped out.
Note that these units still come with EMMC flash memory, like in cheap phones, instead of the (much) faster UFS (in better phones). So loading apps from storage will not be much faster on a 8581a versus a uis7862(s).
Q&A - Questions & Answers
Q1: I already see uis7862(s)/8581a units having Android 11 and even Android 12, what about it?
These Android 11 & 12 versions are fake! The Android version is still Android 10 (API/SDK 29), but the Android version as displayed is a simple property which you can set to Android 11 (or 12 or 31 or 227). The API/SDK versions determines the real Android version. Don't believe statements like "we updated ...". Always look at the API/SDK version. If it says API/SDK 29 it is is Android 10. Real Android 11 is API/SDK 30.
Q2: What are the several passwords on these uis7862 FYT units?
Factory menu / Developer options: 3368
Backlight Current Adjustment: 5768
Door lock interference: 0000
To change home launcher: 8086
Developer password: 7788, or tap 7 times on "About".
Q3: Are all these (uis7862(s) and uis8581a) units compatible? Is all (uis7862(s) and 8581a) firmware compatible?
See also above under "General unit information".
The uis7862(s) units based on FYT are all hardware and software compatible. Also the uis8581a units based on FYT are all hardware and software compatible. Differences in audio chip, radio chip with or without RDS, DSP chip (DSP 14-band (low end) or DSP 32-band or not at all) are supported by the software. There are minor differences in MCU and firmware, which need to be taken into account when flashing firmwares,and sometimes also for flashing mods. This is all based on the so called reseller id.
Firmware always comes with a kernel (uis7862(s) ->; uis8581a -> and the application layer AllAppUpdate.bin. The kernels are only compatible for that CPU. The application layer is compatible for the usi8581a and the uis7862(s)
Q4: How compatible are FYT units over the years (uis7862 (ums512) vs uis8581a (sc9863) vs sc9853i vs sc7731 (uis8141e) vs PX5 vs Sofia3GR)?
When it comes to firmware you really have to look at the CPU and reseller id (see below). Part of the "user apks" are quite exchangeable. When it comes to settings, behaviour, tips & tricks, etcetera, these units are mostly compatible over the entire range through the years and almost all settings are the same when it comes to (uis7862(ums512), sc9863a(ums8581a), sc9853i, px5, sofia3gr). So please take a look at Q&A, tips, info Roll-up (Joying) FYT SC9853i before asking questions.
Q5: What is an MCU? What does it do?
MCU stands for MicroController Unit (in this case). The MCU is a "CPU" itself with embedded (flashable) firmware that functions as interface and "translation" layer between the Android software and the hardware layer (Radio chip, Amp chip, DSP chips, etcetera).
The MCU has some I/O lines to the hardware of the unit. A number of digital IN lines (ACC, headlights, reverse, parking brake) and digital OUT (antenna power, amplifier power) and a few analog IN lines (steering wheel 1 and 2). This overview is not complete.
So actually your unit comes with the Android firmware (Android itself and the additional FYT unit programs) and with the MCU firmware. That MCU firmware is not always packaged with new firmware updates. Note that all these Chinese units use this MCU firmware instead of using Google Androids Automotive System.
Q6: Can I flash firmware from another FYT uis7862 (or uis8581a) supplier to my FYT uis7862 unit (or 8581a)?
NOT directly, but with some tweaks: Yes. Read post #2 carefully and especially section VIII. Note that you cannot flash a uis7862 kernel to a ui8581a and vice versa.
Q7: Can I flash the MCU firmware from another FYT uis7862/uis8581a to my uis78962/uis8581a unit?
NO. I repeat: No. If you really, really, really, really know what your doing then to some extend: Yes. Otherwise: Don't even think about it.
Q8: How do I unpack/repack this AllAppUpdate.bin?
See post #2 section II. (AllAppUpdate.bin).
Q9: What is an AHD camera?
AHD stands for "Analog High Definition". It has nothing to do with your screen resolution itself, but it is for your camera (1280x720 and 1920x1080). It requires it's own micro-processor for decoding in the unit. AHD cameras are therefore only supported on units that specifically mention this. You can however connect a "low res" DVR camera (720x576 or 720x480) to an AHD unit.
Q10: Can I mod my unit? Are there custom firmwares available?
Yes, you can mod your unit to some extent. See the posts about the AllAppUpdate.bin and 7862lsec scripts. There are no custom firmwares available. There are modded firmwares available. These contain some tweaks, minor layout changes and sometimes solve bugs, but are actually still the exact same firmware.
Q11: Can I root my unit?
Yes, you can. There are at least 3 possible ways to do this, but I don't recommend rooting. Not because rooting is tricky, or making your unit unstable, but rooting brings nothing. It only makes your unit less safe as malware, etcetera have a much better chance to attack than on a non-rooted unit. You can mod some things easily yourself without (!) root. When rooting Google voice feedback is crippled as media channel 4 is somehow "blocked". Viper audio doesn't work properly and brings nothing extra on these DSP units. Anyway: Google for yourself if you still want to root your unit as it is possible if your really want it.
Q12: How do I disable the internal microphone when using an external microphone?
See this post. Note that there is a difference for units after approximately August 2022 (Pro models) and units before that time.
Q13: I flashed a firmware from another unit and now I have a big yellow bar with red text "ui and mcu does not match". What can I do?
To start with: I know it should be "ui and mcu do not match", but that "does" is CHenglish. The reason for this is that the is different for the several resellers and you used an AllAppUpdate.bin from another reseller. You now have several options here:
You still have the original firmware and can extract the from it (or you know it from the top of your head).
You have no clue about this and you don't have the original firmware anymore.
In case of (1), you could:
use the script Change Fytmanufacturer (bullet #3) that directly updates this inside the fyt.prop on your unit.
open the AllAppUpdate.bin (next post, topic II) and change the and repack it again and flash that AllAppUpdate.bin
Or simply flash the oroginal firmware, get the and start all over again.
In case of (2) you have to flash the entire original firmware again ór use the script (link added later) to update the fyt.prop directly and try a number of ids until you have the correct one (There are not so many).
Q14: I want to replace my boot animation and/or boot logo. How do I do that?
uis7862: Copy the lsec6315update binary and your and/or your LOGO.bmp onto a clean USB-stick and connect it to your unit. It will only flash your bootanimation and your boot logo.
uis8581a: Copy the lsec6316update binary and your and/or your LOGO.bmp onto a clean USB-stick and connect it to your unit. It will only flash your bootanimation and your boot logo.
Q15: When my unit (cold) boots, the radio is always started. Can I prevent this from happening?
You can't stop this. Not on a Joying and not on any other unit. And note that the radio app is actually only an interface that forwards commands to and receives data from the radio chip via the MCU. It is not an active app like your mediaplayer that does everything in Android.
When the unit boots, the hardware is up and running long before Android is. That means that the radio chip and amplifier are already working before Android has even booted. That is why you hear the radio. And that is why every manufacturer starts the radio app on boot: to enable you to mute the radio channel from the app.
The radio is never switched off as it cannot be switched off. It is only muted.
Q16: Do I have a FYT unit or not?
Use my HWGet_Info.apk. It will immediately show a lot of FYT properties (if it is a FYT) and give a zip with a lot more info as well.
Q17: If I want to create my own scripts then which binary do I need and which script should I create?
BinaryUnitScriptlsec6315updateuis7862 (ums512)7862lsec.shlsec6316updatesc9863a (uis8581a)8581lsec.shlsec6521updatesc9853ilsec.shlsec6523updatesc7731 (uis8141e)
You can make "Universal scripts" by simply using all binaries and create/duplicate all scripts and copy them onto one USB-stick (or inside a dowloadable zip). The unit will automatically select the correct binary and accompanying script.
The binaries and scripts are "incompatible" on other units.
Q18: My GPS reception is bad. What can I do?
If your car already had GPS, buy a "Fakra C Adapter Plug to SMA Male GPS" adapter (example) and use your cars GPS antenna (mostly on the top of the roof). 99% sure it is better than those cheapest possible GPS antennas you get with these units.
Buy a better GPS antenna. On Aliexpress you can buy a 32 dB or 38 dB antenna from 6-26 euros that are much better. Secondly: the standard GPS antennas come with long cables that loose signal.
The standard antenna: First check whether your SMA connector is firmly connected. Mostly it requires a little more force to fix than your fingers will yield.
The standard antenna: Check for a broken cable. Is it nicely curved or does it somewhere has a sharp bend.
Do not put it under large metal plates or metal reinforcement beams under your dashboard. Mostly it functions just fine below your dashboard, but not if you put it directly under a big metal beam/bar.
Place the antenna itself horizontally to give it the best "view".
Q19: All my apps are killed when my unit goes into deep sleep. Can I prevent this? Or: How can I always start the XYZ apk when I start my car?
First of all read bullet #8 from my other "info" thread, but do NOT use solution 2, made for a sc9853i, for your uis7862.
In the Settings apk, go to "User" -> "Application Settings". In that menu you can autostart applications on cold boot or coming from (deep) sleep mode.
Use FYTstarter from @bambapin.
Q20: I use Total Commander, FileXplorer or any other advanced file manager but can't write to my external USB-stick or SD-card. Why?
You do need the documentsui.apk for it (deprecated as of Android 12). For whatever reason FYT doesn't compile it into their firmware. This DocumentsUI for Android 10 will help you. Install it, open it once and afterwards your filemanager will use it once to request access to (the root of) the USB-stick. When using another USB-stick (having another internal ID), you will have to give access to that USB stick as well. Same when you have formatted your USB-stick.
Q21: I have a unit without active cooling (a fan) but still would like to cool my unit as it gets really hot and starts to throttle down giving terrible performance (and reduced life span). How can I add a cooling fan?
You can buy a 12V PC-fan. Select a slowly spinning, ball bearing fan to make it as silent as possible. Connect it to the 12V AMP wires. From the Settings -> Sound, you can enable/disable the AMP. In this case that will start or stop the fan.
Q22: I use a non-FYT Launcher (Nova, WebGuru, Agama, etcetera), but recently it always switches back to a FYT launcher or another after sleep / reboot / other actions.
Go to: Settings - Device - Applications: Disable the Digital Wellbeing App
Q23: I need a SIM/Carrier to work with my FYT unit and my provider
make a text file named "IMEI0" (no extension)
edit it to put in two IMEI values that are valid and compatible with your provider. (one for each SIM slot)
copy to USB stick and plug it into your unit
Your unit will (should) show a notification "imei changed".
After reboot your unit should have the new IMEI in the settings. (thanks to @j-5)
Q24: How do I enable splitscreen on these units?
See post #1394 for an explanation with screenshots.
Q25: How do I change the ringtone (and/or thereby lower it in volume) on these 7862(s) and uis8581a (sc9863) units?
See post #1951 on how to do this. (This is an absolute shameless copy of a 4pda post by tyuktha and Monkey_D_Luffy. All credits go to them.)
Q26: How do I make a screenshot (instead of a reflecting, not so good and not always sharp, smartphone photo).
Drag down the status bar at the top of your screen.
Drag it a second time further down.
In the top right you will find a scissors icon.
This scissors icon can be used to make a screenshot.
Your screenshot will be saved in "Pictures/screenshots" on your internal memory.
(End of Q&A - Questions & Answers)
FYT Settings explained
Thanks to @hanichl for first write-up.
Thanks to @mastrv for corrections and further additions.
Thanks to @leo06 for corrections on GPS mix Setting/explanation.
Thanks to @daviddosa for further additions.
Note that these are FYT Settings, which means it doesn't matter whether you have a Mekede, Joying, T'eyes or any other FYT unit. Note also that many settings are the same whether you are on a FYT uis7862, uis8514a, sc9853i, PX5 or Sofia 3GR, althought the number of settings have increased in newer models.
T'eyes also has a site with instruction videos, which are still 90% up-to-date. See here.
Joying now also wrote an online manual on the JOYING FACTORY SETTING USER MANUAL and the JOYING STEREO SETTING USER MANUAL.
Wlan (same as stock Android)
Data Usage (same as stock Android)
SIM Info (same as stock Android)
More (same as stock Android under Advanced Networking)
Mobile Network
Hotspot & Tethering
Airplane Mode
DEVICE​- Display
Brightness Level ( brightness for day and night mode )
Wallpaper ( change wallpaper )
Auto Blackscreen ( black the screen after xx seconds/minutes )
Displayed NET Switch ( shows the connection speed in upper taskbar )
- Sound​
Keypad Tone ( On/Off: emits tone when pressing a key )
LOUDNESS ( Not entirely clear, but most proabably the same Loudness setting as on a HiFi installation before DSP was introduced, or for units without DSP )
AMP ON/OFF ( switching amplifier mode ). Note: In case your unit has a cooling fan installed, the setting AMP ON/OFF is also there to switch the fan On or Off on older units (brand units: before approximately July 2022; for brandless units you never know)
Power Conditioning ( absolute output volume from 0 to 60, all other audio settings are relative; if you think your audio is already too loud at position 5 (or so), you can decrease the absolute volume output here which means that Volume 5 is now lower )
Subwoofer ( set subwoofer volumes )
Equalizer ( set sound frequencies with equalizer )
Speed Compensated Volume ( set sound volume depending on the actual speed )
- GPS​( set / shows GPS modes GPS / GLONASS; mode 1 -> GPS only; mode 2: GPS + GLONASS )​- Apps​( show / remove installed apps; same as stock Android )​- USB Video Output Setting​( Some resellers sell external USB-connected DVD-players. This settings allows you to correct over/under scanning )​- USB Device Start​( None / Carlink - application to start when USB device is connected )​
Press any key to start ( When you long-press the "Off" button on the top-left button array of your unit, your screen will switch off (but your unit does not go into deep-sleep). When you set this setting to ON, your unit will switch on again when pressing any button of your unit)
Brake wire for video in motion (Strange Chinese translation: (Dis)Allow display of video during driving . It means when handbrake is not used.)
Auto-start Navigation ( auto start navigation > needs Navi app to be set accordingly )
OSD Time ( on / off in notification bar)
Mirror view on reverse image ( if backup reverse cam is installed, and the video is 180 degree turned, this will switch to normal mode )
Mute audio when reversing ( decrease sound level if in reverse gear, does not completely mute )
Sound reduction when reversing ( reduces the sound when car is in reverse gear (driving backwards). Only works when previous Setting switched to ON )
Backlight control ( switches the leds behind the (soft-)buttons On/Off : or by switching on/off headlights, or based on time )
Default volume switch ( When your unit starts, do you always want to have the same default volume to start with )
Default boot volume ( sound volume which is preset on boot process; only works if previous setting switched to ON )
GPS Mix ( ON = Will reduce/mute media/radio when "speaking" navigation instruction; OFF = media will not be reduced/muted when navigation app issues instruction ). Some other translations than English mention this as "audio mix between navigation and media". Note also that most modern navigation apps have a setting themselves to mute or even shortly pause the media player when issueing a navigation instruction.
Sound mixing scale ( Set volume of background audio when "navigation speaks" (for example: Volume currently 10 so navigation uses 10, background music uses volume set here ). Only works if "GPS mix" setting (one above) is set to ON.
Lantern settings ( set the colour palette for the hardware buttons LED )
Steering wheel setting ( Configure the steering wheel buttons; only for non-Canbus systems. Canbus systems are hard-coded )
Navi app ( app to start when NAVI Button is pressed AND to auto-start navigation ... see 3rd point ..
Map Data Copy ( Old setting for iGo to copy maps from internal memory to SD-card, so that it doesn't get deleted on a new firmware install )
FACTORY​(requires password/pincode 3368)
Touch check
Original Car Agreement ( These settings are mostly controlled by the CANbus. The number of options can vary per CANbus type and can also work or not work per CANbus type. The number of options will be very limited without a CANbus. )
External Temperature ( shows external temperature in notification bar when CANbus is present)
Automatic start and stop ( ?? )
Radar Display ON/OFF ( When car is put in reverse gear, it will show the reverse camera or an image with edges of your parking sensors (if you have them))
Reverse Parking Line ( In case of a reverse camera show the parking lines )
Static Track ( Shows static reverse parking lines in case you don't want or have the "curving" parking lines )
Reversing track reversal ( If your reverse camera's left/right postion is reversed )
Max Reversing Angle (Change how far the parking lines curve. This to adjust it correctly to your camer/car)
Door ON/OFF ( shows if a door is open )
Drivers Door position ( left / right drivers position )
Rear Door Exchange ( Similar to Drivers door position, but for back doors )
A/C Information ON/OFF ( Shows changes if you change AirConditioning temperature/ blower speed/ etcetera )
Car Audio Type ( AUX / IPOD-TV )
Reversal Previous And Next ( This reverses your CANbus steering wheel next/previous behavior (Spotyfy is known for this) )
Reversal Volume ( Reverses the Volume +/Volume - in case your CANbus steering wheel volume keys/arrows work the other way round )
Protocol Print ( When on, this displays the CANBUS messages overlayed on the screen )
Temperature unit switch ( Celsius/ Fahrenheit )
CAN box upgrade (updates software in CANbus decoder; Be careful: this can soft-brick your decoder)
Car Model ( define the canbox manufacturer, params )
Back MIC switch -> When set to "On" the internal microphone is switched on, but only new M6 pro hardware. When set to "Off" the internal microphone is switched off. Use this "Off" setting when you have an external microphone connected. Do not use both microphones at the same time as it will only give you worse microphone performance. If you have an old(er) firmware and not the new M6 pro, you need to use this trick as described by Vitaly (@gordgelin ).
Antenna normally on ( In case you have an electrically retracting / extending antenna. This will extend the Antenna when ACC switched on . OR some cars need constant 12V on the Antenna )
HD reversing video format (Try this in case you have an AHD camera on a non AHD unit, or the other way round).
Boot Screen logo
Set Screen
Touch Screen Calibration
Panel Key Learning
Front View
Cancel the reverse into the front view (If you have back and front camera, it will switch to front camera when "leaving" the reverse gear)
MCU Panel Key (Set buttons like Band/Radio, Phone, Music) on the side of the screen to On/Off.
Unknown sources ( allow apps to be installed from unknown sources )
Door lock interference
Reverse power supply (Be careful !: Switch functionality of Cont and ACC inside radio)
Volume balance settings
MCU upgrade (Only upgrade the MCU firmware; Be very carefull to ONLY use the firmware for your type of unit)
Backlight current adjustment (Set display brightness but be carefull. It can blacken your screen entirely. There is no safe low position. passwd: 5768)
Home Launcher Selection (Option to chose one of installed FTY launchers. passwd: 8086)
USB Error detection
USB protocol selection
A key to export ( exports Settings to /mnt/sdcard/SettingsConfig as json file, but how to import this )
Single 360
DVD Update
TV Type
Video Output Settings
Sleep mode Setting (Switch off head unit or switch to deep sleep, when ACC is turned off)
360 switch
Backup Test
Plug In Serial Device Setting
Location (same as stock Android)
Security (same as stock Android)
Language And Input (same as stock Android)
Google Settings (same as stock Android)
Backup And Reset (same as stock Android)
Account (same as stock Android)
Delay Power Off When ACC Off (After ACC of the delay time to put unit in sleep or off: OFF / 3 sec / 10 sec / 3 min)
Application Setting ( which applications you want to auto-start when you start your car and unit )
Date And Time
Developer Options
About Device
Device Info
(End of FYT Settings explained)
Mods, useful software, tweaks for your system, etcetera.
Some will be added later
Backup the firmware of your unit (see post #4). Useful if you do not have a firmware yet for your unit.
Disable or (re-)enable the mediaplayer at startup/wakeup (bullet #2).
Change Fytmanufacturer script to correct the fytmanufacturer id after a flash with another resellers AllAppUpdate.bin bullet #3).
DocumentsUI for Android 10. Without it you can't write to an external USB drive with other file managers. That is because the documentsUI is missing. Install it, open it once and afterwards your file managers can use it to get access.
Android Shortcut Settings: This program by Mario Dantas gives you access to some hidden settings in the (FYT) head units.
Mario Dantas (@mariodantas ) created/build the website "uis7862 FYT Factory":
A great and very extensive collection of launchers for FYT models and also a collection of (un)rooted kernels for your unit. (Read post #2 section III "The" for more info on kernels and how universal they are.)
He now also created a new firmware (MD-edition) that after flashing gives you some very handy and essentials options for on-the-fly rooting and root access for selected apps, starting apps from boot, make firmware backups, save your /data/data partition, etc.
@seb21 made a modded combination of the com_syu_ms.apk and a Config.apk. This combi allows you to change the "hard-coded" steering wheel buttons in case you have/use a CANbus and add "no kill" functionality. See Modded
getinfo script. This is in fact an extension of my HWGetInfo.apk, but as an lsec script. It gives more info than the HWGetInfo.apk as it runs as a flashable script thereby having full access to the system.
Disable airconditions app on Tesla style uis7862/8581a units.
Last revised: 28 May 2023.
More about Firmware(s)​This post is valid for FYT uis7862(s) (ums512) and uis8581a (sc9863) units running Android 10 or fake Android 11 or 12.
Contents of a firmware zip:
Note that the firmwares for the uis7862 and the uis8581a only differ on the flashing binary and the kernel zip. Configuration files are the same. Some resellers deliver a firmware that contain two kernel zips and two flashing binaries, as the flashing binary will only work on the hardware it is intended for flashing the correct kernel zip.
Kernel: the kernel zip for the uis7862(s). the kernel zip for the uis8581a.
The or zip file contains all "standard" Android software, drivers and apks. It also contains the the boot.img; the system/vendor/oem partitions and a few other things. This for the uis7862 "should" be interchangeable between all 800x480, 1024x600 and 1280x720 models. The same for the for the uis8581a. Special resolutions come with specific lcdconfig.txt files.
The binaries that do the flashing of the firmware:
lsec6315update for the uis7862(s)
lsec6316update for the uis8581a.
These are the binaries that do the flashing of the firmware, optionally install a boot image or boot animation, optionally run scrips from the lsec_update folder after the flashing process itself has finished. These binaries can also be used to only flash a boot image, boot animation, or run scripts.
AllAppUpdate.bin: Special zip file that contains all FYT apps (This can be (un)packed with any (un)zipper, but I prefer 7-zip). This file also contains special files with reseller specific configs. This one is only interchangeable between the same reseller-id, unless you change that reseller-id or use the scripts from post #3, bullet #4.
config.txt: file comparible to the build.prop which can contain additional properties.
oem: (OPTIONAL, DEPRECATED) Folder containing some additional apps. These are not automatically installed, but can be found in folder OEM in your internal memory (internal SC card called USB). Do not confuse this with the oem partition where the AllAppUpdate.bin will be installed to. I use this folder upon flashing to add some of my preferred apps that I want to have available, but not directly installed. Note: Nowadays the preferred location for these kind of apps is in the vital-app folder inside the AllAppUpdate.bin.
updatecfg.txt: Contains instructions for the flashing process
Stm32ud.bin: (OPTIONAL) binary to flash the MCU
GD32_E230_64K_Flash.Hex: (OPTIONAL) the hex file that contains the MCU firmware itself. These are very limited cross-compatible. do not flash these if your do not know exactly what you are doing.
I. (Factory) Firmwares
Mekede Software Download Previous: Mekede Support site
T'eyes: CC3 | SPRO | CC2+ | General/All
Sinosmart (approx. April 2023)
(Please share official (!) download links for other resellers so I can add them here).
* Modded Firmwares:
Mario Dantas' modded firmware (MD-Edition). (This is an optimized kernel, not a complete firmware.)
See for compatibility between firmwares the below header "Compatibility between firmwares".
Some commands that can be put inside updatecfg.txt
twipe_all # Wipe entire system
twipe_data # Will wipe data partition (but not /sdcard, internal memory). Wiping the /data partition will wipe all config, all 3rd party apps and updates of system apps. This is the same as a "reset to factory defaults"
twipe_cache # Will wipe the cache of the apps thereby removing the temporary files that are stored for those programs.
twipe_sd # Will wipe internal memory /sdcard (but not the data partition)
dellapp # Remove all 3rd party apps
make_updates # Make an upgrade U-disk boot file
test # test unit and firmware before flash
Some properties that can be put inside config.txt. Say you live in Brazil and you want your locale settings immediately on Brazil, you can add that. As a second example we take a "Tesla style" unit which is actually a rotated horizontal unit. You see that we specify 0 from the rotation. This is because android is normally for portrait like screens. Our landscape models have a value ro.sf.swrotation=90 decrees as they are actually 90 degrees rotated. A Tesla style unit therefore is again 0 degrees and sometimes 180 degrees.
ro.product.locale = pt_BR
Or you want to improve the microphone function a little, you can add or modify the following lines:
If you decide to download a 4pda Russian modded firmware, make sure you remove the settings from this config.txt file that makes this a Russian firmware (unless you are Russian, but in that case you probably would not be here).
28-05-2023: I added two scripts in post #3 under bullet #4 to let you flash any AllAppUpdate.bin to your uis7862(s) or uis8581a unit.
II. AllAppUpdate.bin
The AllAppUpdate.bin is actually a password protected zip archive. You can use any zip, but preferably 7-zip for your platform (Linux, MacOS, windows) to create, modify or extract it.
Specifications: zip format, non-compressed (store), password 048a02243bb74474b25233bda3cd02f8
Unzip is simple: you only need to specifiy the password.
When (re)creating a new AllAppUpdate.bin, make sure you follow the specifications.
Inside this AllAppUpdate.bin you will find all FYT based apks and libraries and next to that also two other files: fyt.prop and skipkillapp.prop.
The fyt.prop is identical to the build.prop but gives the option to add extra properties or replace/modify properties in the build.prop. And the fyt.prop contains the<xy> and the ro.fyt.uiid=<z>. This is in 90% the only distinction between the several firmwares.
The skipkillapp.prop contains apps (package names) with values from -15 to 15.
When going into "deep sleep" the packages not mentioned in this list will be killed. Applications in this list with positive values will absolutely be killed (unstable otherwise??). The ones with higher values first. The ones with values 1 and 0 as last, where the app with value 0 will be the last killed before going into deep sleep.
The apps with negative values are considered system apps and will not be killed. In this case the most negative number (-15) has the highest priority. My assumption (not tested, not verified) is that negative numbers approaching 0 might be killed if the system needs the memory?
So in other words: If you do not want that some of your apps are killed, you can add them to this "skipkillapp.prop" by their package name. Say you use @realzoulou's DAB-Z app, you would add a line for DAB-Z (com.zoulou.dab). Or for example if you are a Tasker user, which is normally killed as well:
com.zoulou.dab = -10 = -10
(I would suggest not using values like -15, -14, -13 to make sure you do not really interfere with the real system apps).
And then you need to add this file (again) to your own AllAppUpdate.bin
NOTE: In the previous version for the sc98531 you had the Allapp.pkg. You could put one or a few apks in there and it would simply only install/overwrite the apks inside that Allapp.pkg. The AllAppUpdate.bin will always completely erase the FYT apks on the oem partition. This means that you either need a full AllAppUpdate.bin with your (modded) FYT apk(s), or (advised) use the script approach to only add/overwrite/remove one or a few FYT (modded) apk(s).
NOTE 2: In the "main server" apk, there is now inside assets/property an new file called unkill_app.txt. I "think" that file now contains the apps that should not be killed upon going into sleep mode. I still don't have my unit and I am actually not interested at all in "unkilling" apps, but it might be useful to test with this file.
III. The or
Again: the is the kernel for the uis7862. The is the kernel for the uis8581a.
(Inside also "III-a. More details about the files inside the and how to decompress and unpack/"open" them" and "III-b. Recompress uncompressed images from the to squashfs format for small (!) and easy access. (Not for flashing.)")
The contains the "standard" Android software for this unit. This is more or less what every "plain vanilla" Android 10 release will contain, with hardware drivers and kernel modules, but without additional apks (Compare it with standard Android where Samsung adds a lot of Samsung apps). This is the "base" firmware as you download it from the Android website and compile it.
Note: Mentioning that this is "standard" Android is actually wrong. FYT modified the USB and bluetooth stack. In effect: they crippled it to only allow the USB and BT devices that they consider "allowed".
Note 2: They also added drivers to this "plain Vanilla" Android to support their own hardware, mostly through the MCU.
This is theoretically identical for all FYT uis7862 units and can therefore be used on all FYT uis7862 units. This is theoretically identical for all FYT uis8581a units. (DISCLAIMER: Experimenting with this falls under your own responsibility).
You can unzip the or and replace the boot.img (and root it) or modify the install script in "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script", and then rezip it.
All the other files in the zip are system signed files, which means that you can further unpack them, but not modifiy and recreate as you will never get the signing certificates from FYT.
Other files inside the zip are mostly used to create and install the necessary partitions where the system software and Android software is installed to.
III-a. More details about the files inside the and how to decompress and unpack/"open" them
You will find for example the system*, vendor* and other "pairs of three" files. Next to these files you will see a number of bin files including the u-boot files, which are the bootloaders. You can consider these u-boot files like the BIOS on older, or UEFI on newer pcs.
As example we look at the, system.patch.dat and system.transfer.list files. This set actually contains the system partition. The is a brotli compressed image. The patch files can contain patches and is implemented after the system.dat (but on our firmwares always empty). The transfer.list contains the "blocks" on how the system partition should be created.
Let's unpack such a set of files.
First we need to "brotli decompress" the (note that this binary doesn't show output and takes quite long).
brotli -vd -o
Now we need sdat2img to convert our created "sparse data image"(1) into a "disk image file"(2) being system.img. Note that sdat2img is a python script, so we need python as well (standard on linux, unix and MacOs).
Code: system.transfer.list system.img
On linux/MacOS we can now easily "mount" this system.img image file and check the contents:
mkdir system
sudo mount -o loop system.img system
ls -Rl system
(1) sparse image: To make the images smaller, and to reduce transfer time, Android generates system.img, vendor.img and other img partitions in sparse format. The image is split into chunks of multiples of 4096 bytes. Any chunks that contain no useful data are marked as "Don't care" and no data is sent.
(2) disk image file: A disk image (file) is a type of file that contains an exact copy of a certain disk or partition. On Android (and linux) these are mostly ext4 partitions/disks but can also be Fat32/squashfs (compressed, often used in older Androids)/DMG (MacOS, also for installers)/NTFS, etcetera.
III-b. Recompress uncompressed images from the to squashfs format for small (!) and easy access. (Not for flashing.)
So you have your brotli compressed system image ( of approximately 500MB, which you can't use at all in this state.
And you have uncompressed it to a system.img of 1.3GB (see previous section), which you need to "mount loop" to view it contents.
Can I do this differently?
Yes, you can with squashfs (explained for linux and/or MacOS), for which you first have to install the squashfs tools.
Mount your system.img like mentioned above and then create a squashfs image.
sudo mount -o loop system.img system
sudo mksquashfs system system.img.sqsh
sudo umount system
Now you have a squashfs compressed system image of about 550-600 MB instead on an uncompressed system.img of about 1.3GB.
To examine its contents you mount it like
sudo mount -o loop system.img.sqsh system
IV. Some info on partitions
This info is referring to the partitions being created from within the and Note that T'eyes does it slightly different.
Starting with Android 10, Google introduced "dynamic partitions". Below a quote directly taken from the Dynamic partitions page.
Dynamic partitions are a userspace partitioning system for Android. Using this partitioning system, you can create, resize, or destroy partitions during over-the-air (OTA) updates. With dynamic partitions, vendors no longer have to worry about the individual sizes of partitions such as system, vendor, and product. Instead, the device allocates a super partition, and sub-partitions can be sized dynamically within it. Individual partition images no longer have to leave empty space for future OTAs. Instead, the remaining free space in super is available for all dynamic partitions.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Apart from the /oem partition and a few others, the /system, /vendor and /product partition are read-only. In earlier FYTs, you could use the lsec script to make them read-write and then modifiy content, add/remove files/apks, etcetera from these partitions. The big disadvantage for modders with these new dynamic partitions is that you can't make them read-write anymore.
V. The lsec_updatesh folder, lsec6315update/lsec6316update binary and script (and what about "universal" scripts)
The flashing process consists of a number of steps:
flashing the core/kernel software ( for uis7862(s) and for the uis8581a)
flashing the unit applicable apps and libraries plus initial properties (AllAppUpdate.bin)
scripts that do "post flash" activities.
The "flashing" executable/binary also starting the scripts, is the lsec6315update file on a uis7862(s) and lsec6316update file on a uis8581a.
A USB-stick used to execute a script on a uis7862(s) or a uis8581a should contain:
lsec6315update (uis7862(s))
lsec_update/ (uis7862(s))
lsec6316update (uis8581a)
lsec_update/ (uis8581a)
"stuff that needs to be copied/moved/installed"
Practical applications:
Making patches, an alternative to creating the AllAppUpdate.bin file by simply specifying an apk (or so) in your script.
Delete unnecessary files or applications (who uses the calculator app?), or overwite/change files like the fyt.prop, config.txt or others.
Set properties that normally require root/admin rights.
Create a nearly flashable backup using this script (to be added) by creating backups of your FYT apps and config files and immediately zip them to an AllAppUpdate.bin and add some more necessary files.
Creating backups of your partitions using the dd command. This can be handy on a device for which you do not have a firmware yet as backup.
Rooting your unit, also if you do not have a firmware from your supplier.
Make a "modded" ROM by simply doing all kind of modifications after the "normal" firmware flash using the script on a uis7862 or use the script on a uis8581a. Note: 99.9% of the time these scripts are identical as you work on the application layer.
Flash a new config.txt to your unit: Simply copy your modified config.txt and the lsec6315update or lsec6316update binary onto a clean USB-stick.
For more info on writing scripts, see below.
Creating your own lsec script to copy/replace a modified FYT apk.
If you want to create your own script to flash a modified FYT apk to your unit to replace an existing FYT apk, you can use the following steps.
Below is described for a uis7862 (ums512) and for a uis8581 (sc9863a). These units are compatible.
On your USB-stick you need to have the following files.
lsec6315update (binary)
lsec6316update (binary)
lsec_updatesh (folder) (shell script) (shell script)
OEM_APP (folder)
190000000_to_be_replaced (folder of the apk)
190000000_to_be_replaced.apk (some apk we want to replace)
Inside folder "lsec_updatesh" you have to create two shell scripts (on Windows NOT with notepad, but a good ascii editor).
The binary "lsec6315update" and shell script "" are for a uis7862.
The binary "lsec6316update" and shell script "" are for a uis8581.
(You can do the same for two other type of FYT units: the "lsec6521update" and "" for a sc9853i. And the "lsec6523update" and "" script for a 7731. Note that these two units are also compatible. I have created scripts (for other purposes) that contain 4 binaries and 3 scripts, as the script is the same for the sc9853i and the 7731).
Note that for replacing FYT apks, the script and the script can be identical as they use the same firmware when it comes to AllAppUpdate.bin.
Let's say we have an apk called 190000000_to_be_replaced.apk.
The following is for ALL 7862 and 8581 FYT units, but not T'eyes units. Those T'eyes guys do it differently (and let you pay for a lot of things).
On ALL the other non-T'eyes FYT units, the apks are installed in folder "/oem/app" inside their own folder "190000000_to_be_replaced". In that folder we then copy the "190000000_to_be_replaced.apk".
We use the following template for our script.
#Remove the current app data/program cache/cache. This is only necessary for some applications, but it never harms
rm -rf /data/dalvik-cache/profiles/190000000_to_be_replaced
rm -rf /data/data/190000000_to_be_replaced
rm -rf /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/*190000000_to_be_replaced*
# Copying file to /oem/app
cp -r /storage/sdcard1/OEM_APP/* /oem/app/
# Updating folder/file access rights
chown -R 0.0 /oem/app/190000000_to_be_replaced
chmod 755 /oem/app/190000000_to_be_replaced
chmod 644 /oem/app/190000000_to_be_replaced/190000000_to_be_replaced.apk
If your script needs to do other things you can take a look at some of the scripts in my github repository.
See this post #228 for more info about the "The lsec_updatesh folder and script" as it was used on the SC9853i (and now again on the sc7731 (uis8141e).
VI. Compatibilty between uis7862 (ums512) Firmwares
As mentioned under the relevant topics above:
The should be identical between all uis7862(s_ units. The same is valid for the for usi8581a units. Of course newer releases can contain updates, etcetera.
The AllAppUpdate.bin is application wise compatible between same aspect-ratio compatible screens like 800x480, 1024x600, 1280x720. The great separator here is the property. If you flash an AllAppUpdate.bin from a Mekede firmware (with id=1 or id=116) to a Joying (with id=43 and lately also id=1) or vice versa, you might get a perfectly working unit, but a big yellow bar in the top of your screen mentioning that the MCU is incompatible. However, due to real differences in MCU firmware (which is in general not compatible), you might also encounter serious issues. Not because the software is incompatible, but because it behaves differently on another MCU.
The optional MCU firmware. This is definitely NOT compatible!
So what can you do when seeing upgrades from other suppliers?
You could take the (of for a usi8581a) if it "seems" to be (far) more up-to-date than your currently installed system (/system, /vendor, /product). You can copy it to a clean USB-stick and copy the lsec6315update binary onto the USB-stick and flash it to your unit. In case of doubt, always ask
If it contains a (much) newer AllAppUpdate.bin, you could unzip it, find the fyt.prop and update the id to the id in your original firmware/fyt.prop and repack the AllAppUpdate.bin. Then you copy to a USB-stick:
the just (re)created AllAppUpdate.bin.
an "update.cfg" containing "twipe_all (preferred) or "twipe_data".
the original or a modified "config.txt" onto it.
the lsec6315update onto it (or the lsec6316update for a usi8581a).
In case of questions, always ask.
Another option will be described here, but not ready yet
Some remarks about current "seemingly different" FYT units.
The uis7862 (ums512) versus the sc9863a (uis8581a) : These units are compatible on AllAppUpdate.bin, but note the That is also of importance here. They are NOT compatible on kernel/core level so you can't flash the (uis7862) or (uis8581a) to each other. However, with above mentioned measures you could flash a newer AllUpdate.bin from a uis7862 onto a uis8581a, or vice versa.
The sc9853i versus the sc7731 (uis8141e): Also these units are compatible on AllAppUpdate.bin, but note the That is also of importance here. They are NOT compatible on kernel/core level so you can't flash the (sc9853i) or (sc7731) to each other. However, with above mentioned measures you could flash a newer AllUpdate.bin from a sc9853i onto a sc7731, or vice versa.
VII. FYT firmware types over the different CPU configurations
To be written.
VIII. Flashing a Full firmware, an AllAppUpdate.bin or a new system/kernel/core from another reseller
To start with: If you do not have a T'eyes unit, do not flash T'eyes firmware. T'eyes uses all kind of paid extensions, which you can only activate by paying and registering your T'eyes' unit id (which you do not have of course because you do not have a T'eyes). Next to that: If you do not use their extensions, the "normal" programs like Google Voice/Assistant can be blocked.
Before flashing:
First heck the FYT reseller id of your firmware. Install a good file manager like Total Commander. Go to /oem/app. In that folder you will find a file fyt.prop (In Total Commander, right-click the file, "Open As" -> Text".
Inside this file you will find a line with, where the number is the id of the reseller id of your unit (43 is Joying). Write down that number!
Inside this file you will find a line with ro.fyt.uiid=<x>. Write down that number as well!
Another option to get all this info is running my HWGet_Info.apk on your unit which will immediately show some FYT properties and give a zip with a lot of info. This zip file is completely anonymous and does not contain any user data!
Inside that same folder /oem/app you will find the file config.txt. Copy it to a USB-stick and save it carefully. In case you still have the original firmware of your supplier, you can find inside that zip/rar file the same config.txt. Make sure your have the config.txt belonging to your unit!
If you copy a firmware from another reseller, or a modded AllAppUpdate.bin, this config.txt may have more or optimized options. Some options from the config.txt from your unit must be copied into the config.txt of this new firmware before flashing.
The options that need to be copied from YOUR config.txt into the new config.txt:
Find the line ro.sf.swrotation=xy (values 0, 90, 180, 270) . Use the value from YOUR firmware in the config.txt for this new firmware.
find the line with sys.fyt.bluetooth_type=x. The value is normally 0 or 1, but can sometimes even have other values. Use the value from YOUR config.txt for this new firmware.
What option to flash do I have:
There are 3 options to flash:
Full firmware
System/kernel/core only: this is only the
Application software: this is only the AllAppUpdate.bin (plus some additional files).
Actually you have a few more options:
You can flash a new and/or boot logo to your unit by copying the lsec6315update binary and your and/or your LOGO.bmp onto a clean USB-stick (This does not work on Teyes units unless you use the Vincent Vega mods from @gordgelin).
You can flash a new config.txt to your unit by only copying that config.txt and the lsec6315update binary onto a clean USB-stick.
Create the USB-stick for flashing:
For a System/kernel/core only flash, copy the lsec6315update and the to a clean fat32 USB-stick. Connect it to your unit and flash it.
For an Application software flash, copy the lsec6315update, AllAppUpdate.bin, updatecfg.txt and config.txt to a clean fat32 USB-stick. Connect it to your unit and flash it. Note the above mentioned fyt.prop and config.txt
For a Full firmware, copy the lsec6315update,, AllAppUpdate.bin, updatecfg.txt and config.txt to a clean fat32 USB-stick. Connect it to your unit and flash it. Note the above mentioned fyt.prop and config.txt
During flashing, let the software do its job and don't start playing with buttons, knobs, air conditioning, etcetera. After reboot wait 3-8 minutes more for some post-flash steps.
IX. If everything goes wrong and your unit ends up in a boot loop or doesn't get past the boot logo.
- Download a fresh firmware from your reseller.
- Unzip it to an SD-card/USB-stick (as normal)
1) Simple solution: Put the USB-stick/SD-card in your unit and wait till it reboots and starts the flashing.
2) More complex softbrick:
Put the USB-stick/SD-card in your unit
"push" the Reset (RST) with a paperclip or something like that.
When the boot logo appears, reset the unit again. Now the flashing process should start.
3) Most complex softbrick:
Put the USB-stick/SD-card in your unit
"push" the Reset (RST) with a paperclip or something like that.
When the boot logo appears, reset the unit again. Now the flashing process should start.
Sometimes you need to reset up to 3x times.
If after 3 times resetting the flashing still doesn't start, your recovery partition is damaged.
(or use your self created backup using the script from post #4)
Mods and Tweaks​
1. disable or (re-)enable the mediaplayer at startup/wakeup.​FYT mimics the behaviour of many builtin car units that it continues with the player or radio or BT connected phone player, that was active during "switch off". These 2 scripts can disable that behaviour (I want silence when I start my car) or enable it again (default FYT behaviour). This is a shameless copy of @gordgelin scripts with a slight modification where @gordgelin adds the command at the 16th line whereas most standard firmwares have max 8 lines or so. My script simply adds the line to 4th line of config.txt. Works on uis7862 (ums512), sc9863a (uis8581a) and sc9853i (could easily be ported to other FYT units as well).
2. Script to correct the fytmanufacturer id in the fyt.prop​In case you get a big yellow bar with red letters in the top of screen saying "UI and MCU does not match", your fytmanufacturer id ( XY) is incorrect.. (See also Q13/A in post 1 and section II. and vI. in post 2.
If you still know the original id, you can use this script to correct that entry again without completely reflashing your unit.
Read the README.txt carefully !!
You can download this script: ChangeFytmanufacturer
3. Script to correct the screen orientation of your unit.​Probably you are here because you did not read the Forum well enough (especially "VIII. Flashing a Full firmware, an AllAppUpdate.bin or a new system/kernel/core from another reseller" in post #2 and flashed a firmware to your FYT with a different screen orientation.
What does this script do?
It can set the correct orientation for your screen. This is set by a property called "ro.sf.swrotation=xy", where xy is a value of 0, 90, 180 or 270 . Use the value from YOUR ORIGINAL firmware in the config.txt.
You will find a config.txt with this script that contains the default value for most units being ro.sf.swrotation=90
In case you have no longer your original firmware you simply need to experiment with the above values until you have the right one.
You can download this script: ro.sf.swrotation
4. Two scripts to flash any FYT AllAppUpdate.bin to your unit.​
EDIT: Some of the new Mekede M6Pro models and comparables from other resellers come with an lcdconfig for their 2000x1200 K screens. My scripts below do not take those files into account. I "think" that when you encounter an lcdconfig on the new downloaded firmware, you have to remove it and stick to the one installed on your unit.
What do these scripts do and how to use them
These scripts are for both the uis7862 (ums512) and for the UIS8581a (sc9863a).
The AllAppUpdate.bin, that contains the FYT application layer, is for both CPUs the same.
The scripts make a copy of your current config and use that to flash your unit using that config of your unit.
Some information to start with
FYT units do have an MCU and based on the type of manufacturer you can have a different MCU firmware. This MCU firmware is totally different from the normal downloadable firmware that you can get for your unit having new functionality, bugfixes, etcetera..
The Android layer is universal on FYTs but works slighly different for different MCUs.
How this Android layer should act on the underlaying MCU is determined by a property called which can have several values.
A second and third property are the:
sys.fyt.bluetooth_type property which is normally 0 or 1, but on the new M6Pro/M6Plus models anything up to 7
ro.sf.swrotation. This property defines the screen orientation and is in 95% of the cases 90 (degrees), for Joyings often 270 and for Tesla screens (0 or 180).
These properties are in the fyt.prop file and in the config.txt file. These files are copied from your unit onto the usb-stick by the pre-flash script.
Steps to perform
Take a clean FAT32 formatted USB-stick (or a (micro-)SD-card in some USB reader/writer).
Copy the contents inside the "pre-flash" folder onto the USB-stick (not the pre-flash folder with contents, but the contents inside the pre-flash folder).
Insert it into your unit, let it reboot and go into recovery mode, and wait until the green message tells you that you can remove it again.
Delete the "lsec_updatesh" folder including contents on your USB-stick !
Make sure to keep the "myconfiguration" folder and check its contents: It must contain a config.txt and a fyt.prop. If correct: copy this myconfiguration also to a save place. You never know when you need a backup. If the folder does not contain those files or one of them, then don't continue but ask in the forum.
Copy the AllAppUpdate.bin that you downloaded somewhere onto the USB-stick.
Also flashing the or
UIS7862: If you want to flash the kernel as well, copy the onto the USB-stick.
UIS8581a: If you want to flash the kernel as well, copy the onto the USB-stick.
Now copy the contents of the "flash" folder onto the USB-stick.
Check your "lsec_updatesh" folder. Do you now also have a "lsec_updatesh (1)" folder, or inside the "lsec_updatesh" folder something like a "7862 (1).sh"? It means that you did not delete the "lsec_updatesh" folder on the USB-stick, or that your file manager does not overwrite on copying. In this case: Redo step 4.
Copy (not move) the config.txt inside the "myconfiguration" folder into the root of the USB-stick.
You can now flash your unit using this USB-stick.
If you are thinking of using this in combination with @mariodantas' kernel, you need to know what you do. Mario's kernel comes with its own scripts and fmc app. Of course you can combine this if you know what you do, but do not simply copy everything on top of each other on this USB-stick. Please keep it separate.
You can also combine it with PeaceOS, but also in this case @LLIyT_HuK's version comes with it's own scripts. So know what you do.
The flashing script uses "twipe_data" in its "updatecfg.txt". This will clear your settings and all 3rd party apps which you downloaded from the Play Store or sideloaded from other locations. You can disable that by putting a # in front of the twipe_data line, but that is your own responsibility.
Most newer firmwares nowadays come with an lsec script and a fyt_build.prop. This fyt_build.prop comes with a fake property to set Android to 11 or 12. I refuse to go with that absolutely incorrect and despicable behavior and I will not copy it.
Once you have made your pre-flash copy of your config, you can also use the flash script to copy any modified fyt.prop or config.txt to your unit without using an AllAppUpdate.bin.
You can download both scripts in one zip:
Backup the application data of your uis78672 (ums512) unit (or your sc9863a (uis8581a) unit).​
This is especially useful if you do not have an official firmware from your supplier yet. The kernel/cores are universal on these FYT uis7862/uis8581a units, but the AppUpdate is not.
This works on both the uis7862 and the uis8581a. I don't have this ui8581a unit but it is actually the same for these two types of FYT units.
It will actually also make a backup of your sc9853i unit, but there it requires some extra follow up steps. Next to that: There are already many firmwares that can simply be downloaded.
This script will create a directly flashable backup!
appBackup script
Unzip the contents of this zip onto a clean usb-stick.
Insert it into your unit and let it reboot.
It will make a backup of the specific firmware part into folder BACKUP onto the USB-stick (which should therefore have >1GB free space).
When it is done, you will have four (4) files in this BACKUP folder: AllAppUpdate.bin, config.txt, lsec6315update or lsec6316update, and updatecfg.txt
If you copy these four files to a clean usb-disk and also copy an (for uis7862) or a (for a uis8581), you can always restore your unit to its factory settings.
Restore option I:
For a uis7862: Copy the AllAppUpdate.bin, config.txt, lsec6315update, updatecfg.txt from the BACKUP folder onto a clean USB-stick. Insert that one in your unit and let it flash your unit.
For a uis8581: Copy the AllAppUpdate.bin, config.txt, lsec6316update, updatecfg.txt from the BACKUP folder onto a clean USB-stick. Insert that one in your unit and let it flash your unit.
Restore option II:
In case option I still gives you an unstable system, you need to do a complete flash. For that you also need to flash a new kernel/core.
Download the universal kernel/core for uis7862 (current version: 07 December 2021). (For uis8581 download yourself)
Unzip it to the same USB-stick which you used in "option I". This means that this content will be added to the USB-stick. It will not replace the content.
Insert that one in your unit and let it flash your unit.
Awesome, thanks very much, this is a great write-up already!
Better explanation I've seen
I updated the 2nd and 3rd post with some info and added some scripts.
I wonder now what is the use of the extra 2GB RAM in some units if the chips can only "see" 6GB MAX.
@surfer63 Thanks for all of your work! This is great!
Maybe now I can downgrade carlink or figure out a way to change the resolution because with the latest Joying update Carlink 2.0 is HUGE with android auto, it's stuck in 480p and I have the 1920 x 1200 screen.
j-5 said:
I wonder now what is the use of the extra 2GB RAM in some units if the chips can only "see" 6GB MAX.
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The 6GB is indeed a setting also in the specsheet. I never understood that with 64bit chips. I know that the theoretical 16.8 million terabytes can't be used as we are currently limited to 8 terabytes due to cache and bus limits, but these units should easily address 8-16GB. I assume it was simply a builtin limit as they are actually for light embedded devices. How will you ever put so much memory in a phone, unit or even pc.
The 7862C is the latest version. Maybe that one is now limited to 8GB instead of 6GB
I updated post 2 (More about Firmware(s) and added a paragraph VIII: Flashing a Full firmware, an AllAppUpdate.bin or a new system/kernel/core from another reseller
In case of unclarities let me know.
barnesk9 said:
Maybe now I can downgrade carlink or figure out a way to change the resolution because with the latest Joying update Carlink 2.0 is HUGE with android auto, it's stuck in 480p and I have the 1920 x 1200 screen.
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I haven't looked at the carlink app (why use Android auto if you have a full fledged unit in your car), but this sounds like they forgot to pack the hdpi resources into the app.
(Or they think: Which ***** uses Android Auto on one of these great full fledged 1900x1200 units? We will not even add the hdpi resources for such a unit . Using Android Auto in such a unit is like building a very old fm/am radio into a very expensive Tesla, Mercedes Maybach, BMW, etcetera)
surfer63 said:
I haven't looked at the carlink app (why use Android auto if you have a full fledged unit in your car), but this sounds like they forgot to pack the hdpi resources into the app.
(Or they think: Which ***** uses Android Auto on one of these great full fledged 1900x1200 units? We will not even add the hdpi resources for such a unit . Using Android Auto in such a unit is like building a very old fm/am radio into a very expensive Tesla, Mercedes Maybach, BMW, etcetera)
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Wouldn't the resources be on the phone running Android Auto, not on the head unit running the receiver app. Said app would have to report the display resolution to accurately present the projection from the phone. And the main reason people would use Android Auto is because the interface is designed for safe use while driving and "glanceability" which the tablet layouts for apps like Maps and YouTube Music just don't provide. (The AA apps could do a helluva lot better, mind you)
Another reason might be they just think it looks pretty
Or perhaps they like to continue their music in their headphones once they've parked up and want minimal interruption in the soundtrack to their life, which is there to keep the demons and intrusive thoughts at bay. Maybe they have tinnitus like Baby Driver... My point is you never know with people.
DreadfulDrummer said:
Wouldn't the resources be on the phone running Android Auto, not on the head unit running the receiver app. Said app would have to report the display resolution to accurately present the projection from the phone.
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I like your comments
Coming back to the above: The previous version displayed correctly.
And having AA perform so badly would immediately have resulted in a storm of AA bugs.
I therefore think it is the carlink 2 app. Somehow it is not reporting something correctly. And I agree with you: it is more logical to expect it doesn't report correctly to AA then that it's hdpi/xhdpi/xxhdpi resources are missing.
surfer63 said:
I like your comments
Coming back to the above: The previous version displayed correctly.
And having AA perform so badly would immediately have resulted in a storm of AA bugs.
I therefore think it is the carlink 2 app. Somehow it is not reporting something correctly. And I agree with you: it is more logical to expect it doesn't report correctly to AA then that it's hdpi/xhdpi/xxhdpi resources are missing.
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Hey man,
I'm just making my way through the OP. Loving all the info (even if it is a bit of an overload of such you always provide, my dude) particularly the link to Mekede's firmwares. I've had no luck getting the seller to cooperate and send me even the currently installed firmware on my unit. However, I have a K200S, for which there doesn't seem to be any firmware. The page advertises a K-series unit up top, with the knobs below the capacitive buttons either side, but there appears to be no downloads for these units. It seems the M200S runs identical software but I don't want to flash the wrong stuff and gimp my knobs
All I'm really looking to do for the moment is change sys.fyt.bluetooth_type
Can this be done without the firmware?
DreadfulDrummer said:
Hey man,
I'm just making my way through the OP. Loving all the info (even if it is a bit of an overload of such you always provide, my dude) particularly the link to Mekede's firmwares. I've had no luck getting the seller to cooperate and send me even the currently installed firmware on my unit. However, I have a K200S, for which there doesn't seem to be any firmware. The page advertises a K-series unit up top, with the knobs below the capacitive buttons either side, but there appears to be no downloads for these units. It seems the M200S runs identical software but I don't want to flash the wrong stuff and gimp my knobs
All I'm really looking to do for the moment is change sys.fyt.bluetooth_type
Can this be done without the firmware?
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I've just seen your instructions on where config.txt is located on the device
I'd always thought it had to be extracted from the firmware! So a simple script could be made to change that 1 to a 0, right?
Any help achieving that would be appreciated, if I could be pointed in the right direction (never made such a script before)
Thanks again, @surfer63
Alright, last one, I swear!
Flash a new config.txt to your unit: Simply copy your modified config.txt and the lsec7862update binary onto a clean USB-stick.
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You can flash a new config.txt to your unit by only copying that config.txt and the lsec6315update binary onto a clean USB-stick.
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The "flashing" executable/binary also starting the scripts, is the lsec6315update file on a uis7862
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My unit is uis8581a2h10. Do I need a different binary?
I've found your which contains three different binaries and three different scripts, one of which is so I'm guessing I could use that.
Is /storage/sdcard1 in that script referencing the USB drive on which the modified config.txt and binary would be placed or should I modify that?
Sorry for all the questions (but hey, that's why we're all here, right?)
Also, I'm in New Zealand so apologies if you wake up in the morning inundated with DumbandDummer replied/mentioned/quoted you notifications. I'm trying!
Thanks again
DreadfulDrummer said:
Is /storage/sdcard1 in that script referencing the USB drive on which the modified config.txt and binary would be placed or should I modify that?
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That was a very short brain disfunction.
You can flash a new config.txt to your unit by only copying that config.txt and, in your case, the lsec6316update binary onto a clean USB-stick. That is enough.
See my newly added Q17 in the post #1 Q&A about the binaries and scripts. And I mentioned flashing the config.txt in post #2 VIII.
surfer63 said:
That was a very short brain disfunction.
You can flash a new config.txt to your unit by only copying that config.txt and, in your case, the lsec6316update binary onto a clean USB-stick. That is enough.
See my newly added Q17 in the post #1 Q&A about the binaries and scripts. And I mentioned flashing the config.txt in post #2 VIII.
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D'oh! Completely missed that handy table in Q17. Good stuff; well organized. I just got excited and tripped up on all the new incoming knowledge.
So only the lsec6316update and config.txt? No need for
DreadfulDrummer said:
D'oh! Completely missed that handy table in Q17. Good stuff; well organized. I just got excited and tripped up on all the new incoming knowledge.
So only the lsec6316update and config.txt? No need for
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And I added that table this morning after your question I had already posted it somewhere else but couldn't remember where (I guess I post too much).

