My son just bought an open box S21+ and it is the U version but we live in Canada. I know you could flash the W firmware on other U devices in the past.
Is it possible to do this still on the S21+?
Yes its still possible.
It's so smart!
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Hi stringman666, just to be sure, i have a G996W phone. Is it possible to flash a G996U firmware? No brick? Thanks in advance!
Yes G996W and G996U are interchangeable.
You´re right. I had flashed a G996U1 stock rom without problem. Thanks for your help!
Hi Guys,
I've bought a Galaxy S6 (SM-G920i) on B&H unlocked, and it comes with an Australian firmware (SPARK) 5.1.1.
I've downloaded an unbranded firmware from sam, but I can't installed. It has failed before instalation begins.
Has this firmware (SPARK) any kind of lock that can't allow me to install an unbranded firmware? I want to stay with the phone stock and with an unbranded version of 6.0.1.
If anyone can give me a clue, I'll really appreciate it!
PwOn said:
Hi Guys,
I've bought a Galaxy S6 (SM-G920i) on B&H unlocked, and it comes with an Australian firmware (SPARK) 5.1.1.
I've downloaded an unbranded firmware from sam, but I can't installed. It has failed before instalation begins.
Has this firmware (SPARK) any kind of lock that can't allow me to install an unbranded firmware? I want to stay with the phone stock and with an unbranded version of 6.0.1.
If anyone can give me a clue, I'll really appreciate it!
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check your csc, it may need to be changed if spark has not as yet released a 6.0.1 upgrade.
Cosmic Blue said:
check your csc, it may need to be changed if spark has not as yet released a 6.0.1 upgrade.
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Thanks for your reply Cosmic! I'm trying to push the firmware via Odin. I think CSC should not a problem at this point. I can't understand why I can't flash an stock firmware via Odin. I'm starting to think that it has any kind of lock.
Anyone had the same experience than me?
Thanks in advance,
Hey everyone,
I picked up an S7 SM-G930L yesterday which has come with a lot of bloat.
I'm hoping I can just flash over it with the SM-G930F international firmware. Does anyone know if this is possible?
I tried searching for an answer in other threads, but couldn't find anything which said it would be possible. There's a bit on the US variants of the S7, but I found little about the G930L.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
bickas said:
Hey everyone,
I picked up an S7 SM-G930L yesterday which has come with a lot of bloat.
I'm hoping I can just flash over it with the SM-G930F international firmware. Does anyone know if this is possible?
I tried searching for an answer in other threads, but couldn't find anything which said it would be possible. There's a bit on the US variants of the S7, but I found little about the G930L.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
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I'm pretty sure that if you are planning on using Odin to Flash a different Firmware it's going to fail... That's based on my experience trying to Flash Tmo Firmware on a Canadian Note device (accidentally by the way) - But it definitely failed..... You may have better luck with the S7 - But I wouldn't count on it.
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
No man. It won't work. Just use a custom firmware and by the way, g930l has an unlocked bootloader.
shaggyskunk said:
I'm pretty sure that if you are planning on using Odin to Flash a different Firmware it's going to fail... That's based on my experience trying to Flash Tmo Firmware on a Canadian Note device (accidentally by the way) - But it definitely failed..... You may have better luck with the S7 - But I wouldn't count on it.
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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hey man it works on all snapdragon variants so why doesnt it work with exynos?
muneebrocks said:
hey man it works on all snapdragon variants so why doesnt it work with exynos?
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I have tried mine bro. It just don't work. Odin keeps on failing.
Thanks for the replies.
However, I actually noticed on the back of the phone that the model is SM-G930S, despite the firmware being SM-G930L under the settings.
Seems like the shop I bought it from (refurbished) have reflashed it. I may actually give it a go and try the G930F firmware.
Does anyone know if I try another firmware if it will brick/cause an issue with the phone? E.g. will it wipe/reset the phone, or require me to reflash the original?
Also got smg930l phone. Please let me now if you find any solutions. Sms on this is really sucks.
Hey fella's, and ladies. I just got my G955F, bought inside of the US off of the same person I usually go through. Turns out It's a UK model that came with Vodafone bloatware and shows 4G instead of LTE (even though it IS LTE). Is there a US variant? And if so can I flash the phone with any G955F variant software using odin? So I guess I'm asking, what is the best, and purest firmware if I am in the US. I have T-Mobile and I'm in Cali. Thanks ahead. (Sorry, but I posted this in the S8 section originally, like a dumb-dumb)
Also, could I flash with G955U unlocked firmware?
Here you can download the US ROM and use Odin to flash - these are official ROM's so Knox will not be tripped
You CANNOT flash a G955U rom to a G955F device
It will definately soft brick or even hard brick your device
You can flash this rom ( )
No bloatware, multilang and fast updates.
meddylad said:
Here you can download the US ROM and use Odin to flash - these are official ROM's so Knox will not be tripped
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If you don't know what you talking about, then say nothing!
You CAN'T flash G955U FW to a G955F
Do you know the difference between the G955U & G955F?
If you did, than you would have known the answer!!!
cc: @AlanRinzl3r
Read the post moron
He has a G955F phone with a UK ROM on it... he wants a US ROM so the link takes him to the US ROMS for a G995F phone
I didnt answer the last bit about the G955U as I only just saw that - and just to clarfiy the G955U is the Snapdragon version so no, a Exynos ROM will not work
t-shock said:
You CANNOT flash a G955U rom to a G955F device
It will definately soft brick or even hard brick your device
You can flash this rom ( )
No bloatware, multilang and fast updates.
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This will be great if I can't find a US variant.
meddylad said:
Read the post moron
He has a G955F phone with a UK ROM on it... he wants a US ROM so the link takes him to the US ROMS for a G995F phone
I didnt answer the last bit about the G955U as I only just saw that - and just to clarfiy the G955U is the Snapdragon version so no, a Exynos ROM will not work
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Got it. Couldn't find any US firmware on that page. Part of my question about the US firmware, or multilang firmware comes from the fact that Walmart sells G955F's. I would imagine whatever firmware is on there would be what I would want. Just don't know what that is.
-Thanks for all the replies so far. If I can't figure out what firmware comes on the US Walmart G955F phone, I suppose I will go with the variant listed above.
-Also, will VoLTE work on the multilang rom? Or is there a rom that works with T-Mobile and VoLTE? And if anyone is wondering, I wanted to Exynos variant, that's why I didn't buy G955U.
meddylad said:
Read the post moron
He has a G955F phone with a UK ROM on it... he wants a US ROM so the link takes him to the US ROMS for a G995F phone
I didnt answer the last bit about the G955U as I only just saw that - and just to clarfiy the G955U is the Snapdragon version so no, a Exynos ROM will not work
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Look who's talking, MORON!
There is NO US-Firmware for the G955F-model!
t-shock said:
You CANNOT flash a G955U rom to a G955F device
It will definately soft brick or even hard brick your device
You can flash this rom ( )
No bloatware, multilang and fast updates.
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Well, I went ahead and used this firmware. Really like it, no problems at all and its exactly what you said it would be (hopefully its got great support as well). Appreciate the direction. Thank you.
If anyone finds out what comes on the US released (Walmart) G955F, I would really like to know. I've been searching and searching, and can't seem to figure it out.
AlanRinzl3r said:
Well, I went ahead and used this firmware. Really like it, no problems at all and its exactly what you said it would be (hopefully its got great support as well). Appreciate the direction. Thank you.
If anyone finds out what comes on the US released (Walmart) G955F, I would really like to know. I've been searching and searching, and can't seem to figure it out.
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No problem. Im sure that you will like it even more
If you can, please share a pic from the device info to see which CSC do you have
Hi guys, I've just got a G955F as an upgrade from Vodafone UK with lots of their bloatware. Can I flash any other firmware over it without tripping Knox or invalidating the warranty? I'm in the UK btw.
Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
Hi guys.
I need some help regarding my s6.
I have a turkish s6 g920fq model phone and i want to flash i dian region firmware on it.
Is it possible
Does this have any effect on phone.
I am not concerned with warranty
Below i have attached sc of about device section
I think this is your answer.
Albert_joh said:
I think this is your answer.
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Thx bro got answer.
It should work.
But has anyone tried it.
Thx for answer.
Did anyone got success with this type of change??
I am from Latvia, but flashed stock ROM which ''is'' meant for Poland...Everything works great...It shows LTE+ instead 4G but ye... xD
I am on 955F. But latest update is available for my phone via over the air is version R16NW.G955FXXU4CRI5
Also i live in Canada and my phone is sim unlocked and using telus. Is this why I havnt recieved the newest update? Can i cross flash new G955F firmware using odin?
Can anyone answer me please?
Please guys. Can i cross flash any G955F firmware? Some one has to know lol
Did you try to download the newest firmware via Just tap your SM-G955XXX model and download the firmware, then flash it via ODIN.
But my question is can i flash any g955f firmware from any region?
jimrfraser said:
But my question is can i flash any g955f firmware from any region?
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I have the same question here lol
Yup thanks to OEMDROID developer. Took his personal time to help me. So yes we can. Lots of guides. Im on Germany latest firmware now
jimrfraser said:
Yup thanks to OEMDROID developer. Took his personal time to help me. So yes we can. Lots of guides. Im on Germany latest firmware now
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Could you share the process with me?
and the thread died...