[Q] I broke my SoundSettings and default notification sound, need help - General Questions and Answers

Hi, I'm on Android 8.1.0 Oreo, and I need some help:
The problem
I tried to use an old WAV file as my custom default notification sound. Problem is I think the format was so old (it was from a 1994 game. 22.1 khz 179 kbit/s) the system wouldn't support it maybe because It never played well but rather sorta glitched, and after some coming and going setting it and replacing it the default notification sound went silent and my Sound Settings simply won't open anymore, it just crashes every time.
The problem, besides not being able to access my Sound Settings, is that now my default notification sfx is missing. So I had to manually set something on an app-by-app basis, with the problem that Google's SMS application will only let you assign custom sfx going contact by contact which is basically impossible.
I plugged the thing into Android Studio and got some logs.
The logs
At the end of the post you can see the logcat log, the parts I considered relevant. Confirming my suspicions, in line 7 (couldn't enable line numbers in bbcode, sorry) you can see some method IsWAVADPCMFile (ADPCM is a WAV format) clearly not recognizing the format, then failing to recognize media content and below the Java VM shutting down.
Below that you can see an exception with com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity.
It all closes down several lines later (not shown) with a 1462 7380 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{8256fb7 u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings}
The damn thing just crashes, not even the popup saying "Unfortunately X stopped working..." (I think there's a name for that in Android).
So what do I need
I need some way to set the default ringtone without going through SoundSettings (since I broke it). This should both give me back a default notification sound and allow me to open SoundSettings.
I tried deleting the offending file, replacing it with a compliant WAV with the exact same name and the error persists, that's why I think the ringtone gets copied somewhere else and it's no longer looking for it in the Notifications folder. I'm a daily Linux user so I thought it would be some configuration file but apparently not. I found there is something called MediaStore, some sort of SQLite where these references go.
I work professionally as a developer (not Android, though), so I'm not afraid of getting my hands a little dirty; the only thing I don't wanna do is a factory reset.
I don't think this is particularly a device problem but an Android problem, but in case it's of any use, the phone is a Blackberry keyone.
Thanks in advance.
08-27 22:12:12.182 1462 4930 E ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: not whiteListedcom.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity/27
08-27 22:12:12.186 1462 4930 I ActivityManager: screenStatusRequestTag =0
08-27 22:12:12.216 19057 24325 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.qti.smq.qualcommFeedback.provider
08-27 22:12:12.346 1462 4930 E UserRestrictionsUtils: Unknown restriction: null
08-27 22:12:12.386 19057 19057 D SoundSettings: NO dashboard tiles for SoundSettings
08-27 22:12:12.460 595 595 E tokenserviced: Token tcl_debug.tkn not found
08-27 22:12:12.465 849 6033 E MM_OSAL : IsWAVADPCMFile: Error unknown format tag 2
08-27 22:12:12.466 849 6033 E MM_OSAL : IsWAVADPCMFile: Error unknown format tag 2
08-27 22:12:12.467 849 6033 W MediaExtractor: FAILED to autodetect media content.
08-27 22:12:12.468 852 852 E MediaExtractor: Trace connect 0x0 0xdf39a3c0
08-27 22:12:12.469 19057 19057 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
--------- beginning of crash
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.android.settings, PID: 19057
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$SoundSettingsActivity}: java.lang.RuntimeException: setDataSource failed: status = 0x80000000
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2821)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2899)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap11(Unknown Source:0)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1625)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6558)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:469)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:826)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: setDataSource failed: status = 0x80000000
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(Native Method)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(MediaMetadataRetriever.java:139)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.media.MediaMetadataRetriever.setDataSource(MediaMetadataRetriever.java:183)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.media.Ringtone.getTitle(Ringtone.java:284)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.notification.RingtonePreferenceControllerBase.updateState(RingtonePreferenceControllerBase.java:60)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.updatePreferenceStates(DashboardFragment.java:282)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.dashboard.DashboardFragment.onCreate(DashboardFragment.java:96)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.notification.SoundSettings.onCreate(SoundSettings.java:84)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Fragment.performCreate(Fragment.java:2489)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:1237)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.addAddedFragments(FragmentManager.java:2406)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.executeOpsTogether(FragmentManager.java:2185)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.removeRedundantOperationsAndExecute(FragmentManager.java:2141)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.execPendingActions(FragmentManager.java:2042)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.FragmentManagerImpl.executePendingTransactions(FragmentManager.java:799)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.switchToFragment(SettingsActivity.java:869)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.launchSettingFragment(SettingsActivity.java:515)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.SettingsActivity.onCreate(SettingsActivity.java:406)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:7256)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:7247)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1215)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2774)
08-27 22:12:12.472 19057 19057 E AndroidRuntime: ... 9 more

Well this went nowhere. Does anybody know how to reset the default notification ringtone in Oreo without using Settings or doing a factory reset?


[Q] Problem with Camera on Sensation

I am having a problem with my sensation. Two days ago it the camera app stopped opening. It will try to open (see a picture of a camera) and then it kicks me right back to the home screen. I am not getting any force close message at all. I have tried a soft and hard factory reset with no luck. Also tried going back to stock unrooted rom and then back again to a rooted rom both times using superwipe. I am out of options at this point so I am turning to the community for help
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Jwatt0918 said:
I am having a problem with my sensation. Two days ago it the camera app stopped opening. It will try to open (see a picture of a camera) and then it kicks me right back to the home screen. I am not getting any force close message at all. I have tried a soft and hard factory reset with no luck. Also tried going back to stock unrooted rom and then back again to a rooted rom both times using superwipe. I am out of options at this point so I am turning to the community for help
Does anyone have any suggestions?
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You say you went back to stock.
Did it work in stock?
Thank you very much for answering. No it did not work in stock. It is not working in any of the roms. The front camera (mirror) and the flashlight apps work but both the camera and camcorder apps close as soon as they are opened.
Jwatt0918 said:
Thank you very much for answering. No it did not work in stock. It is not working in any of the roms. The front camera (mirror) and the flashlight apps work but both the camera and camcorder apps close as soon as they are opened.
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Click to collapse
I would try another completely different ROM,just to be sure.
If it doesn't work,it may well be an hardware problem.
Log cat
Here is the logcat file hopefully someone can look through and narrow down the issue. I did some google searches and came up with a few similar problems. No solutions though. Thanks for help.
12-12 16:26:46.934 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onStart() - start
12-12 16:26:46.934 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onStart() - end
12-12 16:26:46.934 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onResume() - start
12-12 16:26:46.934 W/HTCCamera( 1181): !!!! @@@@ broadcastStopVoiceRecording() - start
12-12 16:26:46.934 W/HTCCamera( 1181): !!!! @@@@ broadcastStopVoiceRecording() - end
12-12 16:26:46.934 D/SensorService( 440): enable: get sensor name = MPL accel
12-12 16:26:46.934 D/Sensors ( 440): handle : 4 en: 1, v07-Correct timerirq initial delay setting
12-12 16:26:46.934 D/Sensors ( 440): mEnabled = 0x10
12-12 16:26:46.974 I/ ( 440): mpu3050_resume: Resuming to 0070
12-12 16:26:46.974 D/SensorService( 440): pid=1181, uid=10079
12-12 16:26:46.974 W/HTCCamera( 1181): OnResume - reset UI, immediately set mMainLayout invisible
12-12 16:26:46.974 W/########## HtcSettingsReceiver ##########( 1181): 2011-12-12 04:26:46 979(ms) onReceive-start
12-12 16:26:46.974 W/HTCCamera( 1181): Block Capture UI - onResume(), and unblock after start preview
12-12 16:26:46.974 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onResume() - mFocusingState = NO_FOCUSING
12-12 16:26:46.974 W/HTCCamera( 1181): keyguard is not shown !!!!!
12-12 16:26:46.974 W/HTCCamera( 1181): OnResume - set mWaitResetSettings to true
12-12 16:26:46.984 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onResume() - end
12-12 16:26:47.054 W/HTCCamera( 1181): $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ surfaceCreated [email protected]
12-12 16:26:47.054 W/HTCCamera( 1181): $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ surfaceCreated $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ start preview
12-12 16:26:47.054 W/CameraThread( 1181): CameraHandler Message - START_PREVIEW start mode0
12-12 16:26:47.054 D/CameraService( 124): CameraService::connect E (pid 1181, id 0), max 2
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/CameraService( 124): cameraId:0
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/CameraService( 124): 2D mode only
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): openCameraHardware: call createInstance cameraId 0
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): createInstance: E
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): QualcommCameraHardware constructor E
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): 2D mode only
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): QualcommCameraHardware constructor EX
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): createInstance: created hardware=0x34180
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/mm-camera( 124): set sensor selection :0
12-12 16:26:47.054 D/mm-camera( 124): mm_camera_init, open FD: -1
12-12 16:26:47.054 E/mm-camera( 124): mm_camera_init: controlFd is invalid No such file or directory FD: -1
12-12 16:26:47.054 E/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): startCamera: mm_camera_init failed:
12-12 16:26:47.054 E/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): createInstance: startCamera failed!
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): ~QualcommCameraHardware E tid 525
12-12 16:26:47.054 I/QualcommCameraHardware3D( 124): ~QualcommCameraHardware X
12-12 16:26:47.054 E/CameraService( 124): Fail to open camera hardware (id=0)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): open camera failed
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): java.lang.RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at android.hardware.Camera.native_setup(Native Method)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at android.hardware.Camera.<init>(Camera.java:265)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at android.hardware.Camera.open(Camera.java:226)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at com.android.camera.CameraThread.startPreview(CameraThread.java:2253)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at com.android.camera.CameraThread$MainHandler.handleMessage(CameraThread.java:617)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:150)
12-12 16:26:47.064 E/CameraThread( 1181): at com.android.camera.CameraThread.run(CameraThread.java:3104)
12-12 16:26:47.064 W/CameraThread( 1181): CameraHandler Message - START_PREVIEW end
12-12 16:26:47.064 W/HTCCamera( 1181): $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ surfaceChanged $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ w=540 h=960
12-12 16:26:47.074 D/InputManagerService( 440): Starting input on non-focused client [email protected] (uid=10079 pid=1181)
12-12 16:26:47.074 D/SensorService( 440): enable: get sensor name = MPL accel
12-12 16:26:47.074 D/Sensors ( 440): handle : 4 en: 1, v07-Correct timerirq initial delay setting
12-12 16:26:47.074 D/InputManagerService( 440): Client not active, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected]
12-12 16:26:47.084 D/SensorService( 440): pid=440, uid=1000
12-12 16:26:47.084 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onPause() - start
12-12 16:26:47.084 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onPause() - mIsUIReady = false
12-12 16:26:47.084 D/EventManager( 1181): Event 'CameraActivity.Pausing' is raising
12-12 16:26:47.084 D/EventManager( 1181): Event 'CameraActivity.Pausing' is raised
12-12 16:26:47.084 W/HTCCamera( 1181): $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ surfaceDestroyed $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
12-12 16:26:47.084 W/########## HtcSettingsReceiver ##########( 1181): 2011-12-12 04:26:47 095(ms) onReceive-start
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onPause() - mFocusingState = NO_FOCUSING
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): OnPause - set mWaitResetSettings to false
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): releaseFaceDetection()
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onPause mIdle is false
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/CameraThread( 1181): CameraHandler Message - CLOSE_CAMERA start mMode=0
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/CameraThread( 1181): mCameraDevice == null in close_camera
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/CameraThread( 1181): CameraHandler Message - CLOSE_CAMERA end
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): OnPause - Freeze UI !!!
12-12 16:26:47.104 D/SensorService( 440): disable: get sensor name = MPL accel
12-12 16:26:47.104 D/SensorService( 440): pid=1181, uid=10079
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): doOnPause() - start
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): OnPause - hide UI, set mMainLayout invisible
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): doOnPause() - end
12-12 16:26:47.104 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onPause() - end
12-12 16:26:47.114 D/SensorService( 440): disable: get sensor name = MPL accel
12-12 16:26:47.114 D/Sensors ( 440): handle : 4 en: 0, v07-Correct timerirq initial delay setting
12-12 16:26:47.114 W/MPL-sup ( 440): MLGetAKMComassStatus, gAKMCompassStatus = 0
12-12 16:26:47.114 D/Sensors ( 440): mEnabled = 0x0
12-12 16:26:47.114 I/ ( 440): mpu3050_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
12-12 16:26:47.114 I/ ( 440): mpu3050_suspend: Will resume next to 0070
12-12 16:26:47.144 D/SensorService( 440): pid=440, uid=1000
12-12 16:26:47.154 D/PowerManagerService( 440): New lightsensor value:10, lcdValue:75
12-12 16:26:47.154 D/SurfaceFlinger( 440): [DISP] purgatorizeLayer_l 0x86ff90 5
12-12 16:26:47.154 D/PowerManagerService( 440): lightSensorChangedLocked, buttonValue >= 0, mPowerState = 3
12-12 16:26:47.164 I/ActivityManager( 440): Displayed com.android.camera/.CameraEntry: +299ms
12-12 16:26:47.164 D/SurfaceFlinger( 440): [DISP] remove 0x86ff90 2
12-12 16:26:47.174 D/dalvikvm( 1757): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 372K, 43% free 3899K/6791K, external 0K/512K, paused 39ms
12-12 16:26:47.174 D/SurfaceFlinger( 440): [DISP] purgatorizeLayer_l 0x452258 4
12-12 16:26:47.174 I/dalvikvm-heap( 1757): Grow heap (frag case) to 6.091MB for 26944-byte allocation
12-12 16:26:47.174 W/dalvikvm( 595): disableGcForExternalAlloc: false
12-12 16:26:47.184 I/CarouselTimeLog( 595): onStart() finish: 1323728807191
12-12 16:26:47.184 D/CarouselDummyActivity( 595): CarouselDummyActivity.onResume: tab_allapps
12-12 16:26:47.204 D/SurfaceFlinger( 440): [DISP] remove 0x452258 2
12-12 16:26:47.204 D/Wallpaper( 595): pauseWallpaper: false
12-12 16:26:47.214 D/dalvikvm( 1757): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 16K, 43% free 3909K/6855K, external 0K/512K, paused 34ms
12-12 16:26:47.224 D/InputManagerService( 440): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected]
12-12 16:26:47.294 D/PowerManagerService( 440): New lightsensor value:10, lcdValue:75
12-12 16:26:47.294 D/PowerManagerService( 440): lightSensorChangedLocked, buttonValue >= 0, mPowerState = 3
12-12 16:26:47.294 D/lights ( 440): [ATS][enable_auto][complete]
12-12 16:26:47.314 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onStop() - start
12-12 16:26:47.314 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onStop() - end
12-12 16:26:47.314 W/HTCCamera( 1181): onDestroy() - start
12-12 16:26:47.314 W/CameraThread( 1181): CameraHandler Message - QUIT_CAMERA_THREAD start
12-12 16:26:47.324 W/CameraThread( 1181): mCameraDevice == null in close_camera
12-12 16:26:47.324 W/CameraThread( 1181): CameraHandler Message - QUIT_CAMERA_THREAD end
Jwatt0918 said:
Here is the logcat file hopefully someone can look through and narrow down the issue. I did some google searches and came up with a few similar problems. No solutions though. Thanks for help.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm not sure which ROM or kernel you are using,but this should be posted on their thread,so that the DEV can see it.
They will be able to read this better.
Have you news. I have the same problem and have yet to find any solution. If you have one I'd be grateful for it.
I had some problems with the camera in a similar situation previously, and I found that clearing the camera's app data through the "Apps" menu had fixed it. I'm not sure if it would help in this case, but it's always worth trying.
I have this problem also. I have wiped data, cache, dalvik, and reloaded several different roms. I tried Ordoid, Elegante, Coredroid roms for Sense 3.6 and 4.0 but my camera will not start. Could it be a firmware issue.
turn off the face recognition if you use OrDriod 8.x.x
I got it to work by using coredroid. It work when I updated back to a sense 4 Rom and I disabled face recognition. A day later it stopped again. Any thoughts?
Sent from my Sensation 4G using xda premium
Try with a 3rd party camera app to discard solutions
Sent from my Sensation using XDA
With others camera it is a force close
Sent from my Sensation 4G using xda premium
If you are HTC Dev unlocked, you need to flash boot.img separately before flashing the ROM.
Also, if that fails firmware re-install & clean ROM re-install.
This should fix it if it is a software problem.
Also, never use titanium backup for restoring system app data.
I unlocked and rooted way before HTC dev. Im still gonna give it a try.
Sent from my Sensation 4G using xda premium
no go after updating firmware....
CAMERA FIX: Clean the first camera ribbon cable connection
This is hardware problem, just clean the first camera
ribbon cable connection!
It worked for me.

[Q]Transformer keeps waking up

My transformer keeps waking up. About once every minute the screen will turn on and show the lock-screen, until it times out and the screen turns off again.
I tried restarting and had a look at running apps but didn't see anything suspicious.
My transformer isn't rooted. So I'm running stock ICS with the latest updates.
Any ideas?
Interesting that you post this...it happened to me once yesterday!
Swyped from my Nexus Uno
Doesn't anybody know how to fix this?
I'd rather not do a hard-reset but it seems like the only option left for me at this point...
me too
Mine started doing this when I updated to
For me it started a few days after the (WW) update, I think...
It is same here.
After update to Only in dock. Without dock, this never happen.
Here is log from another user from another forum:
D/WindowManager( 166): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) layoutdir=0 sw800dp w1280dp h752dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/v} mLidOpen:-1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:2
D/AlarmManager( 166): Triggered Alarm 4144aa18 RTC_WAKEUP IntentSender{41804ce8: PendingIntentRecord{419ae270 com.tabletapps.wallpapers broadcastIntent}}
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen Bright {false -> true}
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen turned on mScreenOffTime=1117631ms Battery<C,V>: <35,7>
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=2
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: sending ordered bcast for ACTION_SCREEN_ON
I/WindowManager( 166): Lock screen displayed!
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
I/alogcat (20906): new intent: android.intent.action.MAIN
D/alogcat (20906): stopping ...
D/alogcat (20906): canceling periodic saves
D/alogcat (20906): stopped
D/alogcat (20906): starting ...
V/alogcat (20906): resumed
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1204K, 16% free 7160K/8519K, paused 2ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 462K, 17% free 7115K/8519K, paused 2ms+2ms
D/SurfaceFlinger( 88): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x583958
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 83K, 13% free 7435K/8519K, paused 2ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 130K, 10% free 7706K/8519K, paused 3ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 216K, 8% free 7888K/8519K, paused 2ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 245K, 6% free 8038K/8519K, paused 2ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 445K, 7% free 8026K/8583K, paused 2ms+7ms
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/AlarmManager( 166): Added alarm Alarm{419f6e40 type 0 com.tabletapps.wallpapers} type:RTC_WAKEUP when: At 22.3.12 21:23
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'AdControllerWakeLock' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen Bright {true -> false}
D/Ethernet( 166): Connect is not possible because : ETHERNET not ENABLE,
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=0
I/power ( 166): *** set_screen_state 0
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::enable(int32_t, int)
V/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 0
E/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 0
V/ ( 166): sensor state change what=4
V/ ( 166): void set_power_states(int, bool)
V/ ( 166): enabled_sensors: 0 dmp_started: 1
V/ ( 166): Stopping DMP
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
D/SurfaceFlinger( 88): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x583958
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_suspend: Will resume next to 0070
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 66
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen turned off mScreenOnTime=5286ms Battery<C,V>: <35,7>
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
D/dalvikvm( 166): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1136K, 22% free 17763K/22727K, paused 82ms
V/alogcat (20906): save instance
V/alogcat (20906): paused
V/TransportControlView( 166): Create TCV [email protected]
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: sending ordered bcast for ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
D/EthernetService( 166): stopPolling
D/Ethernet( 166): Screen Off
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=0
D/dalvikvm( 5588): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2094K, 39% free 17346K/28295K, paused 2ms+9ms
D/BatteryService( 166): level:34 scale:100 status:4 health:2 present:true dock_status:1 dock_level:0 dock_ac_online:false voltage: 7 temperature: 255 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:false icon:17302840 invalid charger:0
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
I/power ( 166): *** set_screen_state 1
D/AlarmManager( 166): Triggered Alarm 419f6e40 RTC_WAKEUP IntentSender{413f93a0: PendingIntentRecord{419ae270 com.tabletapps.wallpapers broadcastIntent}}
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen Bright {false -> true}
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen turned on mScreenOffTime=9727ms Battery<C,V>: <34,7>
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=2
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::enable(int32_t, int)
V/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 1
E/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 1
V/ ( 166): sensor state change what=4
V/ ( 166): void set_power_states(int, bool)
V/ ( 166): enabled_sensors: 16 dmp_started: 0
V/ ( 166): Starting DMP
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_resume: Resuming to 0070
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 200
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): set fifo rate: 39 200000000
I/MPL-fifo( 166): Actual ODR: 25000 mHz
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 66
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): set fifo rate: 13 66667000
I/MPL-fifo( 166): Actual ODR: 25000 mHz
I/WindowManager( 166): Lock screen displayed!
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
D/WindowManager( 166): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) layoutdir=0 sw800dp w1280dp h752dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/v} mLidOpen:-1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:2
I/alogcat (20906): new intent: android.intent.action.MAIN
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: sending ordered bcast for ACTION_SCREEN_ON
D/alogcat (20906): stopping ...
D/alogcat (20906): canceling periodic saves
D/alogcat (20906): stopped
D/alogcat (20906): starting ...
V/alogcat (20906): resumed
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1244K, 16% free 7275K/8583K, paused 2ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 581K, 18% free 7114K/8583K, paused 1ms+2ms
D/SurfaceFlinger( 88): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x583958
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 80K, 14% free 7442K/8583K, paused 3ms+5ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 113K, 10% free 7739K/8583K, paused 2ms+5ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 251K, 8% free 7905K/8583K, paused 2ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 244K, 7% free 8051K/8583K, paused 2ms+2ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 451K, 7% free 8020K/8583K, paused 1ms+5ms
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/Ethernet( 166): Connect is not possible because : ETHERNET not ENABLE,
D/AlarmManager( 166): Added alarm Alarm{419341d8 type 0 com.tabletapps.wallpapers} type:RTC_WAKEUP when: At 22.3.12 21:23
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'AdControllerWakeLock' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen Bright {true -> false}
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=0
I/power ( 166): *** set_screen_state 0
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::enable(int32_t, int)
V/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 0
E/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 0
V/ ( 166): sensor state change what=4
V/ ( 166): void set_power_states(int, bool)
V/ ( 166): enabled_sensors: 0 dmp_started: 1
V/ ( 166): Stopping DMP
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
D/SurfaceFlinger( 88): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x583958
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_suspend: Will resume next to 0070
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 66
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen turned off mScreenOnTime=5283ms Battery<C,V>: <34,7>
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
V/TransportControlView( 166): Create TCV [email protected]
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: sending ordered bcast for ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
V/alogcat (20906): save instance
V/alogcat (20906): paused
D/EthernetService( 166): stopPolling
D/Ethernet( 166): Screen Off
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=0
D/TaskWidgetDataUtils(20018): In trigger refresh list utils
D/TaskWidgetDataUtils(20018): getWidgetData()
D/AlarmManager( 166): Triggered Alarm 419341d8 RTC_WAKEUP IntentSender{415b2b60: PendingIntentRecord{419ae270 com.tabletapps.wallpapers broadcastIntent}}
I/power ( 166): *** set_screen_state 1
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::enable(int32_t, int)
V/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 1
E/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 1
V/ ( 166): sensor state change what=4
V/ ( 166): void set_power_states(int, bool)
V/ ( 166): enabled_sensors: 16 dmp_started: 0
V/ ( 166): Starting DMP
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen Bright {false -> true}
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen turned on mScreenOffTime=9741ms Battery<C,V>: <34,7>
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=2
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_resume: Resuming to 0070
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 200
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): set fifo rate: 39 200000000
I/MPL-fifo( 166): Actual ODR: 25000 mHz
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 66
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): set fifo rate: 13 66667000
I/MPL-fifo( 166): Actual ODR: 25000 mHz
D/WindowManager( 166): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) layoutdir=0 sw800dp w1280dp h752dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/v} mLidOpen:-1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:2
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: sending ordered bcast for ACTION_SCREEN_ON
I/WindowManager( 166): Lock screen displayed!
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
I/alogcat (20906): new intent: android.intent.action.MAIN
D/alogcat (20906): stopping ...
D/alogcat (20906): canceling periodic saves
D/alogcat (20906): stopped
D/alogcat (20906): starting ...
V/alogcat (20906): resumed
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1247K, 15% free 7356K/8647K, paused 1ms+4ms
D/SurfaceFlinger( 88): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x583958
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 580K, 17% free 7223K/8647K, paused 1ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 97K, 13% free 7551K/8647K, paused 2ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 167K, 11% free 7780K/8647K, paused 2ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 227K, 9% free 7948K/8647K, paused 1ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 310K, 8% free 8025K/8647K, paused 1ms+3ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 473K, 9% free 7945K/8647K, paused 1ms+7ms
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/AlarmManager( 166): Added alarm Alarm{41b76e60 type 0 com.tabletapps.wallpapers} type:RTC_WAKEUP when: At 22.3.12 21:24
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'AdControllerWakeLock' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen Bright {true -> false}
D/Ethernet( 166): Connect is not possible because : ETHERNET not ENABLE,
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=0
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
I/power ( 166): *** set_screen_state 0
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::enable(int32_t, int)
V/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 0
E/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 0
V/ ( 166): sensor state change what=4
V/ ( 166): void set_power_states(int, bool)
V/ ( 166): enabled_sensors: 0 dmp_started: 1
V/ ( 166): Stopping DMP
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
D/SurfaceFlinger( 88): About to give-up screen, flinger = 0x583958
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_suspend: Will resume next to 0070
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 66
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen turned off mScreenOnTime=5288ms Battery<C,V>: <34,7>
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
V/TransportControlView( 166): Create TCV [email protected]
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: sending ordered bcast for ACTION_SCREEN_OFF
V/alogcat (20906): save instance
V/alogcat (20906): paused
D/EthernetService( 166): stopPolling
D/Ethernet( 166): Screen Off
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=0
I/power ( 166): *** set_screen_state 1
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::enable(int32_t, int)
V/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 1
E/ ( 166): handle : 4 en: 1
V/ ( 166): sensor state change what=4
V/ ( 166): void set_power_states(int, bool)
V/ ( 166): enabled_sensors: 16 dmp_started: 0
V/ ( 166): Starting DMP
D/AlarmManager( 166): Triggered Alarm 41b76e60 RTC_WAKEUP IntentSender{412e2dd0: PendingIntentRecord{419ae270 com.tabletapps.wallpapers broadcastIntent}}
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen Bright {false -> true}
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Screen turned on mScreenOffTime=9725ms Battery<C,V>: <34,7>
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Acquire UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=2
I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu:( 166): inv_mpu_resume: Resuming to 0070
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 200
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): set fifo rate: 39 200000000
I/MPL-fifo( 166): Actual ODR: 25000 mHz
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::setDelay(int32_t, int64_t)
E/ ( 166): setDelay handle: 4 rate 66
V/ ( 166): virtual int MPLSensor::update_delay()
V/ ( 166): set fifo rate: 13 66667000
I/MPL-fifo( 166): Actual ODR: 25000 mHz
D/WindowManager( 166): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) layoutdir=0 sw800dp w1280dp h752dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/v} mLidOpen:-1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:2
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: sending ordered bcast for ACTION_SCREEN_ON
I/WindowManager( 166): Lock screen displayed!
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=1
I/alogcat (20906): new intent: android.intent.action.MAIN
D/alogcat (20906): stopping ...
D/alogcat (20906): canceling periodic saves
D/alogcat (20906): stopped
D/alogcat (20906): starting ...
V/alogcat (20906): resumed
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1226K, 17% free 7259K/8647K, paused 1ms+4ms
D/SurfaceFlinger( 88): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x583958
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 470K, 17% free 7229K/8647K, paused 2ms+2ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 55K, 13% free 7586K/8647K, paused 2ms+5ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 144K, 10% free 7834K/8647K, paused 3ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 256K, 8% free 7979K/8647K, paused 2ms+4ms
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 271K, 7% free 8096K/8647K, paused 2ms+3ms
D/OpenGLRenderer( 166): Flushing caches (mode 0)
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'keyguard' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
I/TabletStatusBar( 361): DISABLE_CLOCK: no
V/TabletStatusBar( 361): setLightsOn(true)
D/dalvikvm(20906): GC_CONCURRENT freed 499K, 8% free 8034K/8647K, paused 2ms+7ms
I/TextType( 465): TextType = 0x0
W/InputManagerService( 166): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected]
W/IInputConnectionWrapper(20906): beginBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection
W/IInputConnectionWrapper(20906): endBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection
W/IInputConnectionWrapper(20906): beginBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection
W/IInputConnectionWrapper(20906): endBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/AlarmManager( 166): Added alarm Alarm{41a6bd00 type 0 com.tabletapps.wallpapers} type:RTC_WAKEUP when: At 22.3.12 21:34
D/Ethernet( 166): Connect is not possible because : ETHERNET not ENABLE,
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: 'AdControllerWakeLock' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
D/PowerManagerService( 166): @PowerManagement: Release UWL 'sleep_broadcast' flags [partial] refcount=0
D/FlexLabs(20141): Widget count: 1
V/ ( 166): void cb_onMotion(uint16_t)
Same here; mine is docked and next to my desk at work with wifi on.
i thought it was the "disconnect network during sleep" battery saving option (mine is checked); unchecking it doesn't seem to stop the device from waking up though.
found this in another forum, hopefully it helps!
I can't even believe all this bs...
Ok, so i cannot even believe I am posting this - I have a tf101 docked, with the same issue - (very latest).
Anyone know the fix?
/between this, the RR's, and the stupid unfixable SOD, i'm about ready to chuck this pos out the window.
Wakelock to fix SOD
Auto-Airplane mode to (probably) fix wakeup issues. (or just turn on airplane mode)
Both are apps in market.
If A-A doesn't fix, then an app/widget is triggering the problem.
This is a problem with the last update from ASUS, you can try the methods above, deal with it, or flash a custom kernel.

need support with a logcat. would appreciate any insight

I am on Paranoid Android 1.9.2 (JB) with default kernel and settings.
Of course, my device is Nexus S with amoled.
Overnight, I observed that the system is waking up quite often. battery usage screenshot, logcat, wakelock are attached.
Checking the logcat, I could only find below every 30 minutes or so popping up regularly. Since, looking into Android logcat is something new to me, I would like support of the experienced with some time to spare and kind heart to care.
[ 08-02 03:31:22.062 267: 596 E/NotificationService ]
An error occurred profiling the notification.
at com.android.server.NotificationManagerService.enqueueNotificationInternal(NotificationManagerService.java:1147)
at com.android.server.NotificationManagerService.enqueueNotificationWithTag(NotificationManagerService.java:983)
at android.app.INotificationManager$Stub.onTransact(INotificationManager.java:129)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:367)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
[ 08-02 03:31:22.082 267: 284 E/NotificationService ]
An error occurred profiling the notification.
at com.android.server.NotificationManagerService.enqueueNotificationInternal(NotificationManagerService.java:1147)
at com.android.server.am.ServiceRecord$1.run(ServiceRecord.java:368)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:615)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AThread.run(ActivityManagerService.java:1431)

FC on game with xbox controller

So I was trying to assign functions to xbox360 controller in "Critical Strike Portable"(awesome game), but every time I plug the controller in, the game FCs Just thought I'd ask if anybody knew of any possible work arounds. I am using the dock, usb hub, mouse, keyboard and the xbox controller, but have tried it with just the controller as well. Works great with GTA3. Rom and Kernel version in the picture. Big Thanks to anyone who can help
<Logcat> controller plugged in>reset log>start app>FC>pause
12-12 00:29:59.997 D/AlarmManager(13097): Added alarm Alarm{415b93d8 type 0 android} type:RTC_WAKEUP when: At 12/12/12 1:00 AM repeatInterval: 0h:30m:0.0s
12-12 00:29:59.997 D/AlarmManager(13097): Triggered Alarm 415b93d8 RTC_WAKEUP IntentSender{419b3028: PendingIntentRecord{415cdb30 android broadcastIntent}}
12-12 00:30:00.077 D/PowerManagerService(13097): @PowerManagement: 'KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG' releaseWakeLock when screen locked
12-12 00:30:02.557 I/ActivityManager(13097): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.anddoes.launcher/.Launcher u=0} from pid 13097
12-12 00:30:02.627 D/dalvikvm(13097): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1110K, 21% free 15592K/19591K, paused 46ms, total 50ms
12-12 00:30:02.637 D/WindowManager(13097): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) sw901dp w1442dp h853dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger qwerty/v/v dpad/v} mLidState:1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:1
12-12 00:30:05.157 I/ActivityManager(13097): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 pkg=com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable cmp=com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity bnds=[594,109][722,237] u=0} from pid 18061
12-12 00:30:05.197 I/ActivityManager(13097): Start proc com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable for activity com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerProxyActivity: pid=28038 uid=10073 gids={3003, 1015, 1006, 1028}
12-12 00:30:05.207 D/WindowManager(13097): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) sw901dp w1442dp h853dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger qwerty/v/v dpad/v} mLidState:1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:1
12-12 00:30:05.307 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 93K, 8% free 7608K/8199K, paused 12ms+13ms, total 43ms
12-12 00:30:05.317 I/ActivityManager(13097): START {flg=0x10000 cmp=com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity u=0} from pid 28038
12-12 00:30:05.327 D/WindowManager(13097): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) sw901dp w1442dp h853dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger qwerty/v/v dpad/v} mLidState:1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:1
12-12 00:30:05.357 D/dalvikvm(28038): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/lib/libmono.so 0x414024f0
12-12 00:30:05.357 D/dalvikvm(28038): Added shared lib /data/data/com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/lib/libmono.so 0x414024f0
12-12 00:30:05.537 D/proxy (28038): Added shared lib /assets/libs/armeabi-vfp/libmono.so 0x581c7f4c
12-12 00:30:05.537 D/proxy (28038): No JNI_OnLoad found in /assets/libs/armeabi-vfp/libmono.so 0x581c7f4c
12-12 00:30:05.537 D/dalvikvm(28038): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/lib/libunity.so 0x414024f0
12-12 00:30:05.537 D/dalvikvm(28038): Added shared lib /data/data/com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/lib/libunity.so 0x414024f0
12-12 00:30:05.867 D/proxy (28038): Added shared lib /assets/libs/armeabi-vfp/libunity.so 0x581e2f9c
12-12 00:30:05.897 V/Sensors (13097): setDelay - sensor Accelerometer (handle 4), rate 66 ms (15.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:05.897 V/Sensors (13097): setDelay - sensor Accelerometer (handle 4), rate 20 ms (50.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:05.897 V/Sensors (13097): set fifo rate - divider : 3, delay : 20 ms (50.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:05.897 I/MPL-fifo(13097): Actual ODR: 50000 mHz
12-12 00:30:05.897 E/Sensors (13097): enable - sensor MagneticField (handle 5) dis -> en
12-12 00:30:05.897 V/Sensors (13097): enabled_sensors: 48 dmp_started: 1
12-12 00:30:05.897 W/Sensors (13097): Cannot disable 9 axis sensor fusion - already disabled
12-12 00:30:05.897 I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu13097): inv_mpu_suspend(,,,,7fff) -> 0000
12-12 00:30:05.897 V/Sensors (13097): calling inv_set_mpu_sensors(0003ff)
12-12 00:30:05.897 V/Sensors (13097): Starting DMP
12-12 00:30:05.897 I/Sensors (13097): Enabled 9 axis sensor fusion
12-12 00:30:06.137 I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu13097): inv_mpu_resume(,,,,03ff) -> 03ff
12-12 00:30:06.137 V/Sensors (13097): setDelay - sensor MagneticField (handle 5), rate 200 ms (5.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:06.137 V/Sensors (13097): setDelay - sensor MagneticField (handle 5), rate 20 ms (50.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:06.637 D/dalvikvm(13097): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
12-12 00:30:06.697 D/dalvikvm(13097): GC_EXPLICIT freed 610K, 21% free 15571K/19591K, paused 2ms+4ms, total 62ms
12-12 00:30:06.927 D/libEGL (28038): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so
12-12 00:30:06.937 E/ (28038): file /data/data/com.nvidia.NvCPLSvc/files/driverlist.txt: not found!
12-12 00:30:06.937 I/ (28038): Attempting to load EGL implementation /system/lib//egl/libEGL_tegra_impl
12-12 00:30:06.947 I/ (28038): Loaded EGL implementation /system/lib//egl/libEGL_tegra_impl
12-12 00:30:06.957 D/libEGL (28038): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so
12-12 00:30:06.957 D/libEGL (28038): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so
12-12 00:30:06.967 D/Unity (28038): Creating OpenGL ES 1.x context (RGB16 565 16/0)
12-12 00:30:06.977 D/NvOsDebugPrintf(28038): Library for API 1 exposes function not wrapped: glPointSizePointerOES
12-12 00:30:06.987 I/ (28038): Loading GLESv1_CM implementation /system/lib//egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra_impl
12-12 00:30:07.017 I/ActivityManager(13097): Displayed com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity: +1s686ms (total +1s830ms)
12-12 00:30:09.407 I/PocketChange(28038): Using default properties, no overrides found
12-12 00:30:09.427 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 330K, 10% free 7724K/8519K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 14ms
12-12 00:30:09.517 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 215K, 8% free 8059K/8711K, paused 11ms+12ms, total 42ms
12-12 00:30:09.537 E/Unity (28038): Unable to find __Internal
12-12 00:30:09.547 I/Unity (28038): External Call: if(typeof(kongregateUnitySupport) != 'undefined'){ kongregateUnitySupport.initAPI('Loader', 'OnKongregateAPILoaded');};
12-12 00:30:09.547 I/Unity (28038):
12-12 00:30:09.547 I/Unity (28038): (Filename: ./Runtime/ExportGenerated/AndroidManaged/UnityEngineApplication.cpp Line: 318)
12-12 00:30:09.547 I/Unity (28038):
12-12 00:30:09.557 I/Prime31 (28038): FacebookPlugin constructor running. Creating Handler. Current thread: GLThread 535
12-12 00:30:09.567 I/Prime31 (28038): initializing Facebook object with appId: 283447048434567
12-12 00:30:09.757 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 624K, 13% free 7850K/8967K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 19ms
12-12 00:30:10.057 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 380K, 12% free 7916K/8967K, paused 11ms+12ms, total 41ms
12-12 00:30:10.447 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 285K, 11% free 8051K/8967K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 19ms
12-12 00:30:13.507 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 242K, 11% free 8018K/8967K, paused 14ms, total 14ms
12-12 00:30:13.507 I/dalvikvm-heap(28038): Grow heap (frag case) to 8.976MB for 734485-byte allocation
12-12 00:30:13.537 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 11% free 8735K/9735K, paused 24ms, total 24ms
12-12 00:30:13.567 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 5K, 11% free 8732K/9735K, paused 11ms+11ms, total 34ms
12-12 00:30:13.827 I/Sensors (13097): **** No Motion ****
12-12 00:30:14.537 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1101K, 17% free 8120K/9735K, paused 15ms+2ms, total 53ms
12-12 00:30:14.837 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 352K, 16% free 8213K/9735K, paused 12ms+12ms, total 47ms
12-12 00:30:14.937 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 339K, 15% free 8317K/9735K, paused 12ms+1ms, total 38ms
12-12 00:30:15.057 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 285K, 14% free 8454K/9735K, paused 13ms+13ms, total 72ms
12-12 00:30:17.567 D/webviewglue(28038): nativeDestroy view: 0x60d85de0
12-12 00:30:17.997 D/dalvikvm(28038): GC_CONCURRENT freed 418K, 13% free 8524K/9735K, paused 13ms+10ms, total 51ms
12-12 00:30:25.377 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Application is not responding: AppWindowToken{41b189e0 token=Token{41462168 ActivityRecord{416f7fa8 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity}}} - Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}. It has been 5005.0ms since event, 5004.7ms since wait started. Reason: Waiting because the focused window has not finished processing the input events that were previously delivered to it.
12-12 00:30:25.397 I/WindowManager(13097): Input event dispatching timed out sending to com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity
12-12 00:30:25.447 I/Process (13097): Sending signal. PID: 28038 SIG: 3
12-12 00:30:25.447 I/dalvikvm(28038): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
12-12 00:30:25.487 I/dalvikvm(28038): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
12-12 00:30:25.487 I/Process (13097): Sending signal. PID: 13097 SIG: 3
12-12 00:30:25.487 I/dalvikvm(13097): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
12-12 00:30:25.617 D/BluetoothDunNative.cpp(13097): [Monitor] Receive message timeout
12-12 00:30:25.707 E/Sensors (13097): poll() failed (Interrupted system call)
12-12 00:30:25.717 I/DunMonitor(13097): Receive the event:null
12-12 00:30:25.717 I/Process (13097): Sending signal. PID: 13371 SIG: 3
12-12 00:30:25.717 I/dalvikvm(13371): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
12-12 00:30:25.727 I/dalvikvm(13097): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
12-12 00:30:25.727 I/Process (13097): Sending signal. PID: 13363 SIG: 3
12-12 00:30:25.727 I/dalvikvm(13363): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
12-12 00:30:25.757 I/dalvikvm(13363): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
12-12 00:30:25.757 I/Process (13097): Sending signal. PID: 13282 SIG: 3
12-12 00:30:25.757 I/dalvikvm(13282): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
12-12 00:30:25.767 I/dalvikvm(13371): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
12-12 00:30:25.797 I/dalvikvm(13282): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
12-12 00:30:25.957 D/dalvikvm(13097): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
12-12 00:30:26.047 D/dalvikvm(13097): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1477K, 19% free 15951K/19591K, paused 6ms+6ms, total 94ms
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): ANR in com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable (com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity)
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): Reason: keyDispatchingTimedOut
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): Load: 0.59 / 0.56 / 0.37
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): CPU usage from 7007ms to 0ms ago:
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 40% 28038/com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable: 28% user + 11% kernel / faults: 201 minor
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 15% 13097/system_server: 6.2% user + 9.4% kernel / faults: 263 minor
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 7.8% 120/surfaceflinger: 3.8% user + 3.9% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 7.4% 12951/mediaserver: 6.5% user + 0.8% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.5% 25843/kworker/u:0: 0% user + 1.5% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.8% 26638/kworker/0:1: 0% user + 0.8% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.7% 21693/irq/210-host_sp: 0% user + 0.7% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.5% 21706/irq/214-host_sp: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.4% 78/kinteractiveup: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.2% 13282/com.android.systemui: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 1 minor
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.2% 21715/irq/218-host_sp: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.1% 94/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 0.1% 26595/kworker/u:1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 30% TOTAL: 19% user + 11% kernel + 0% iowait
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): CPU usage from 619ms to 1147ms later:
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 35% 28038/com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable: 32% user + 3.7% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 32% 28052/UnityMain: 28% user + 3.7% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.8% 28038/Mars.CSPortable: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.8% 28053/er$SensorThread: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.8% 28054/FMODAudioDevice: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 17% 13097/system_server: 3.8% user + 13% kernel / faults: 3 minor
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 7.6% 13109/SensorService: 1.9% user + 5.7% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 3.8% 13164/InputDispatcher: 0% user + 3.8% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.9% 13159/er$SensorThread: 0% user + 1.9% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.9% 13165/InputReader: 0% user + 1.9% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 7.5% 12951/mediaserver: 7.5% user + 0% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 5.6% 13124/AudioOut_2: 5.6% user + 0% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 5.6% 120/surfaceflinger: 1.8% user + 3.7% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.8% 327/SurfaceFlinger: 0% user + 1.8% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.8% 369/EventThread: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.8% 371/Binder_1: 1.8% user + 0% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.2% 78/kinteractiveup: 0% user + 1.2% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.4% 21693/irq/210-host_sp: 0% user + 1.4% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.4% 26595/kworker/u:1: 0% user + 1.4% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 1.4% 26638/kworker/0:1: 0% user + 1.4% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.607 E/ActivityManager(13097): 16% TOTAL: 10% user + 6.1% kernel
12-12 00:30:26.617 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Window 'Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}' spent 6821.2ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(action=7, deviceId=25, source=0x00002002)
12-12 00:30:26.617 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Window 'Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}' spent 6811.1ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(action=7, deviceId=25, source=0x00002002)
12-12 00:30:26.617 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Window 'Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}' spent 6774.9ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(action=7, deviceId=25, source=0x00002002)
12-12 00:30:26.617 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Window 'Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}' spent 6767.2ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(action=7, deviceId=25, source=0x00002002)
12-12 00:30:26.617 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Window 'Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}' spent 6751.1ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(action=7, deviceId=25, source=0x00002002)
12-12 00:30:26.617 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Window 'Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}' spent 6620.1ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(action=7, deviceId=25, source=0x00002002)
12-12 00:30:26.617 I/InputDispatcher(13097): Window 'Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=false}' spent 6558.9ms processing the last input event: MotionEvent(action=7, deviceId=25, source=0x00002002)
12-12 00:30:30.877 W/ActivityManager(13097): Force finishing activity com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity
12-12 00:30:30.927 I/ActivityManager(13097): Killing ProcessRecord{418ddad8 28038:com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/u0a73}: user's request
12-12 00:30:30.967 V/Sensors (13097): setDelay - sensor Accelerometer (handle 4), rate 66 ms (15.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:30.967 I/WindowState(13097): WIN DEATH: Window{418f18e0 SurfaceView paused=false}
12-12 00:30:30.967 I/ActivityManager(13097): Process com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable (pid 28038) has died.
12-12 00:30:30.977 W/InputDispatcher(13097): channel '4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
12-12 00:30:30.977 E/InputDispatcher(13097): channel '4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
12-12 00:30:30.977 W/InputDispatcher(13097): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity (server)'
12-12 00:30:30.977 E/Sensors (13097): enable - sensor MagneticField (handle 5) en -> dis
12-12 00:30:30.977 V/Sensors (13097): enabled_sensors: 16 dmp_started: 1
12-12 00:30:30.977 I/WindowState(13097): WIN DEATH: Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=true}
12-12 00:30:30.977 I/WindowManager(13097): WINDOW DIED Window{4179f620 com.StudioOnMars.CSPortable/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity paused=true}
12-12 00:30:30.987 I/Sensors (13097): Disabled 9 axis sensor fusion
12-12 00:30:30.987 D/WindowManager(13097): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) sw901dp w1442dp h853dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger qwerty/v/v dpad/v} mLidState:1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:1
12-12 00:30:31.037 W/InputMethodManagerService(13097): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 28038 uid 10073
12-12 00:30:31.057 I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu13097): inv_mpu_suspend(,,,,7fff) -> 0000
12-12 00:30:31.057 V/Sensors (13097): calling inv_set_mpu_sensors(000070)
12-12 00:30:31.057 I/MPL-fifo(13097): Actual ODR: 50000 mHz
12-12 00:30:31.057 V/Sensors (13097): Calibration file successfully stored
12-12 00:30:31.057 V/Sensors (13097): Starting DMP
12-12 00:30:31.057 E/ (13097): /home/mcaramello/Software/MPL/branch-CAN-4.1.0/mlsdk/mltools/batch/mlsdk-rel-android-src-CONFIDENTIAL/mldmp/mlsupervisor_9axis.c|inv_enable_9x_fusion_legacy|299 returning 1
12-12 00:30:31.057 E/Sensors (13097): Error while trying to enable 9 axis sensor fusion : 1
12-12 00:30:31.057 I/MPL-mldl_cfg_mpu13097): inv_mpu_resume(,,,,0070) -> 0070
12-12 00:30:31.057 V/Sensors (13097): set fifo rate - divider : 13, delay : 66 ms (15.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:31.057 I/MPL-fifo(13097): Actual ODR: 25000 mHz
12-12 00:30:31.057 V/Sensors (13097): setDelay - sensor MagneticField (handle 5), rate 20 ms (50.00 Hz)
12-12 00:30:31.177 D/LowBatteryService(27601): onReceive:Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) }
12-12 00:30:31.177 D/LowBatteryService(27601): mAcOnline = true, mDeviceBatteryLevel = 100, mDockBatteryLevel = 0, mDockBatteryStatus = 0
12-12 00:30:31.177 D/LowBatteryService(27601): Charging, no need to apply config
12-12 00:30:31.177 D/LowBatteryService(27601): Battery level is good, no need to apply low battery config.
12-12 00:30:31.177 D/DockManagerService(27601): Display mobile dock notificaiton, level:100 status:4
12-12 00:30:31.177 D/DockManagerService(27601): mLastAcOnline:true mAcOnline:true
12-12 00:30:36.067 I/ActivityManager(13097): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 pkg=com.nolanlawson.logcat cmp=com.nolanlawson.logcat/.LogcatActivity bnds=[996,109][1124,237] u=0} from pid 18061
12-12 00:30:36.087 D/WindowManager(13097): adjustConfigurationLw, config:{1.0 0mcc0mnc (no locale) sw901dp w1442dp h853dp xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger qwerty/v/v dpad/v} mLidState:1 mHasDockFeature:true mHasHallSensorFeature:true config.hardKeyboardHidden:1
12-12 00:30:36.107 V/TabletStatusBar(13282): setLightsOn(true)

Apps keep blinking/pausing/refreshing

I'm having a strange problem here on my Nexus 4. Lately, a problem has come up that seems to be affecting pretty much any app that I happen to be running. The apps just seem to get interrupted in some way for a split second. This manifests itself in different ways depending on what app I'm running, some more annoying than others. And this seems to happen every couple of minutes, so its very frequent.
Chrome scrolls back to the top of whatever page I'm currently reading and resets to the default zoom level.
The browser in RedditIsFun does the same thing.
Gmail just flashes white for a moment.
Youtube flashes black for a split second and pauses the video.
Netflix flashes black for a split second and pauses the video.
Mxplayer flashes black for a split second and then continues playing a video.
It seems to be affecting other apps too, but these are the ones I use the most, so I have noticed it a lot.
Last night I finally upgraded from JellyBean to KitKat, hoping that might resolve the problem, but it didn't help.
I checked my logcat files after the problems were happening, and I filtered them to just display information about the app I was running.
Here is the log info for netflix, during which the problem occurred multiple times.
01-15 00:44:05.262 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.UIWebViewActivity bnds=[6,486][154,660]} from pid 1267
01-15 00:44:05.362 I/ActivityManager(637): Start proc com.netflix.mediaclient for activity com.netflix.mediaclient/.UIWebViewActivity: pid=25960 uid=10076 gids={50076, 3002, 3003}
01-15 00:44:07.605 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x4000000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.home.HomeActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:45:38.442 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.MovieDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:45:50.064 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.MovieDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:46:17.033 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.MovieDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:47:58.982 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.MovieDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:49:50.291 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.search.SearchActivity} from pid 25960
01-15 00:50:19.562 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.MovieDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:50:38.782 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.MovieDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:50:56.992 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.search.SearchActivity} from pid 25960
01-15 00:51:08.114 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.MovieDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:51:23.720 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.search.SearchActivity} from pid 25960
01-15 00:51:39.307 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.search.SearchQueryDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:51:47.656 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.ShowDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:52:01.661 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.search.SearchActivity} from pid 25960
01-15 00:52:15.455 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.details.ShowDetailsActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:53:38.314 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:53:38.784 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +404ms due to Window{424dcb48 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 00:54:33.763 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +315ms due to Window{428887e8 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.details.ShowDetailsActivity}
01-15 00:55:01.412 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:55:01.793 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +360ms due to Window{42181748 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 00:55:31.114 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.search.SearchActivity} from pid 25960
01-15 00:55:51.556 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 00:55:51.936 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +333ms due to Window{423ac418 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:01:25.182 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +133ms due to Window{423ac418 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:01:27.615 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 01:01:27.995 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +359ms due to Window{41fc2fb8 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:11:26.003 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +54ms due to Window{41fc2fb8 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:11:26.594 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +350ms due to Window{422c9448 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.details.ShowDetailsActivity}
01-15 01:11:28.356 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 01:11:28.736 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +362ms due to Window{422e9460 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:35:06.729 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 01:35:06.839 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:35:07.100 E/NetflixTransport-JNI(25960): Java_com_netflix_mediaclient_javabridge_transport_NativeTransport_native_1setVOapi systemAndroid set VO API
01-15 01:35:07.100 E/NetflixTransport-JNI(25960): Custom params sw analytics params set
01-15 01:35:07.130 I/ActivityManager(637): Displayed com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity: +381ms
01-15 01:35:07.130 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +356ms due to Window{42181748 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:41:27.275 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:41:27.305 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +76ms due to Window{42181748 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:41:27.375 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:41:27.896 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +332ms due to Window{4244b4c0 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.details.ShowDetailsActivity}
01-15 01:41:27.936 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:44:49.331 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 01:44:49.441 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:44:49.681 E/NetflixTransport-JNI(25960): Java_com_netflix_mediaclient_javabridge_transport_NativeTransport_native_1setVOapi systemAndroid set VO API
01-15 01:44:49.681 E/NetflixTransport-JNI(25960): Custom params sw analytics params set
01-15 01:44:49.721 I/ActivityManager(637): Displayed com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity: +382ms
01-15 01:44:49.721 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +364ms due to Window{422e9460 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:46:14.662 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:46:44.784 W/PackageManager(637): Unknown permission com.amazon.permission.SET_FLAG_NOSOFTKEYS in package com.netflix.mediaclient
01-15 01:48:50.488 I/ActivityManager(637): START u0 {flg=0x20000 cmp=com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity (has extras)} from pid 25960
01-15 01:48:50.598 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:48:50.849 E/NetflixTransport-JNI(25960): Java_com_netflix_mediaclient_javabridge_transport_NativeTransport_native_1setVOapi systemAndroid set VO API
01-15 01:48:50.849 E/NetflixTransport-JNI(25960): Custom params sw analytics params set
01-15 01:48:50.879 I/ActivityManager(637): Displayed com.netflix.mediaclient/.ui.player.PlayerActivity: +378ms (total +2m43s171ms)
01-15 01:48:50.879 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +361ms due to Window{421856c8 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:51:27.946 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:51:27.956 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +50ms due to Window{421856c8 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.player.PlayerActivity}
01-15 01:51:28.016 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-15 01:51:28.537 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +332ms due to Window{422c3d20 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.details.ShowDetailsActivity}
01-15 01:51:28.547 I/MediaFocusControl(637): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
I checked over the logs for several other apps like Youtube and Chrome, and I see the common thing between them is the following line:
01-15 01:51:28.537 I/WindowManager(637): Screen frozen for +332ms due to Window{422c3d20 u0 com.netflix.mediaclient/com.netflix.mediaclient.ui.details.ShowDetailsActivity}
Everytime my screen freezes up, this line is there saying that the screen was indeed frozen.
What could be causing this??
Try a factory reset
Sent from my GT-I9070 using Tapatalk
PradeepMurugan said:
Try a factory reset
Sent from my GT-I9070 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Will this unroot my phone?
Zarxrax said:
Will this unroot my phone?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Factory reset will delete the supersu app but not the binaries, so after factory reset just install supersu app that's enough
Sent from my GT-I9070 using Tapatalk
This worked. Everything is working correctly now.
Well, the problem seems to have started up again. I happened to notice it a few days ago, then rebooted and everything was back to normal. Now today it has started happening again and a reboot didn't fix it.
I'm not sure what could be going on here.
Several months later, I'm still struggling with this. Someone had suggested wiping the caches in the clockwork mod boot screen, which doesn't really seem to be any more effective than rebooting.
Sometimes the problem does not occur for several hours or days after I reboot. Sometimes it starts happening immediately after I reboot. I was thinking perhaps some app I have installed is causing it, but I have not been able to isolate anything in particular.
Does anyone out there have any other ideas? This is really diving me crazy. This page refreshed 3 times while I was writing this post.

