Question Camera auto focus - Google Pixel 6a

Does anyone have an issue where the auto focus is very slow and sometimes settle out of focus?
Seems to be more of a problem in low light.


stock video camera vs lgcamcorder on Note

I've been trying to get better performance out of the stock video camera and here are my observations.
Stock video camera
Pretty good at default settings but cannot seem to set focus point manually
Cannot do macro video because of this
Very smooth recording, no dropped frames
Video looks brighter than stock camera
Can set focus point by touching a point on the screen
Problem is the focus hunting doesn't stop, it focuses nice and sharp, and then drops the focus and keeps repeating this cycle endlessly.
Jerky, seems to halt for 2 seconds every so often
Does anyone know if the stock video camera can do macro video at all? How do we get it to work?
I had problems with LGCAMERA for my past phones. Though it has many options, there were times after having recorded a video, it would just not save the file and I was very frustrated by this as I lost some important videos!
yes, it looks good, but the focus hunting just never stops! Anyone had any luck with it?
I use lgcamera and set the focus mode to macro and have no problems with focus hunting.

[Q] Camera focus issues

Just got a used Razr HD Maxx, 4.4.2. Everything is fine except that I have a couple of camera issues:
1. Taking pictures: when the camera is focusing, I hear a click noise from the camera. Is this normal?
2. Taking video in low light: the camera does not focus. Before I click the record button, the camera finds focus just fine. As soon as I click the video record button, the focus immediately changes and becomes blurry. I cannot change focus once recording starts.
Has anyone experienced these issues? Thanks!

lag on front camera

did anyone noticed that`s the front camera with (no effect)is too laggy specially in low light?
if i change the effect like( vignette )the camera begain very smothly
is that`s a softwear of a hardware issue?
That's normal. In low light the shutter speed goes down to low values e.g. 1/15 to have the exposure right, which means that you'll see stutering (1/15 = 15 fps). With the effects enabled, the picture becomes darker. Technically, the issue is with the effects, not the normal mode.

Camera slow focus and shutter speed.

do you guys find the camera abit slow on focusing and when we press shoot the shutter will also slow? im not able to take my 1 YO son's photo without blurry face. :crying:
Occasionally in dodgy lighting (especially indoors). I get the sharpening image message.

S8+ 4k Video Camera Lag / Stuttering

I noticed that 4k video has alot of Stuttering. I am recording directly to the phones memory, and it happens if recording handheld or even on a stabilizer. Is anyone else having similar issues or know a fix?
Here is a sample video recording:
If you go to camera settings and turn off stabilization it will be fine. Ois will still work this just turns off eis.
Eis uses a lot of cpu power and thus the stuttering. Known issue. Hopefully there will be a fix
Seansmit17 said:
If you go to camera settings and turn off stabilization it will be fine. Ois will still work this just turns off eis.
Eis uses a lot of cpu power and thus the stuttering. Known issue. Hopefully there will be a fix
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, didn't think a feature would make it not work well. I think it would be better if they disabled it by default since it causes issues in 4k. But this will work for now.
Same issue
I have the same issue but it lags then speeds up, I looked for a shutter setting in my camera, but there isn't one. Has there been a fix for this yet?
This has happened on any Android phone that I have used since the Note 4. I have the phone set to record to the SD card (A fast SD card capable of 100mb/s). Image stabilization and auto focus are turned off. I begin recording and everything is starts out smooth for a few seconds. Then a slight pause. The footage then speeds up to compensate. At first I thought this was merely a playback issue. I exported the video to my PC and the same lag is apparent. I hate to say this, but I have never had this issue on iPhones.

