[SHARED] e/OS/Pocophone F1 - Xiaomi Poco F1 Guides, News, & Discussion

Great Security Rom Google free with VPN ..........Android Q or R
Info: https://doc.e.foundation/devices/beryllium
Download: https://images.ecloud.global/dev/beryllium/
Boot in Recovery
Format Data
Flash latest Vendor
Flash e/OS
Latest Sivercore Kernel works Fine


[ HOW TO FLASH AOSP 8.1 - Phh-Treble ] _ [ ON TECLAST TAB M20_4G (M3K1) ] _MT6797D_

*[Requirements: Your device MUST be Project Treble compatible (M20 supports Treble Project,A only x64)
Your device MUST have an unlockable bootloader
Your device LAUNCHED with Android 8.0 +(was made Project Treble compatible by the manufacturer)
Your device is free of any heavy modifications such as the Xposed Framework, SuperSU, or Magisk(You can re-install after)]
__First than all,we need the right drivers on pc... Turn OFF any antivirus...
1) disable Driver Signature enforcement on Windows 10- https://www.howtogeek.com/167723/ho...8.1-so-that-you-can-install-unsigned-drivers/
2)MTK_USB_All : https://mega.nz/#!JvY2SB5K!h8l34d1n3QxRxaLZ36pZMMCP4gE56vcCN6Etg6VGF8I
*Universal MTK CPU Drivers: https://mega.nz/#!R6xnzYJb!R9POyi7nBAxA7dpXlqCLw7aXvtFWbNFNyGzdwOTET2o (7z)
3)Windows10 VCOM drivers : https://mega.nz/#!9z5lWQpb!YheGLaes0mFACq8pwjWVjZV-JEMTuXDu-LB8MrQ2cAo
_[how to use VCOM drivers: https://forum.xda-developers.com/elephone-m2/help/windows-10-mtk-vcom-usb-drivers-32-64-t3267033 ]
4) Google USB Drivers: https://mega.nz/#!1uYDACob!RszDuYFxGUIrPjayhExK2KgzmnsBUQjSZDK2sRZSxF4
*[for fastboot you will need: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588979
_minimal adb & fastboot : https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790
_How to Use ADB or Fastboot From Any Directory: https://www.xda-developers.com/adb-fastboot-any-directory-windows-linux/ ]
*Οptionally: [Or you can use this great tool for all..This is for xiaomi but can Install all MTK+VCOM drivers + driver signature disable etc..Just,follow the instructions]
*Source: https://xiaomi-miui.gr/community/index.php/Thread/23910-Αυτοματοποιημένη-εγκατάσταση-drivers-για-κινητά-Xiaomi-σε-όλα-τα-Windows-x64-x86/?pageNo=1
_[Unlock Bootloader]_
_Now you must unlock bootloader : Turn ON "oem unlock" on the developer options - usb debugging On...
Connect your tablet to your PC via USB, and launch an ADB terminal - cmd ...
_type: "adb devices" > "adb reboot bootloader" > "fastboot devices " - Once your device is in Fastboot Mode, type into ADB terminal : "fastboot oem unlock" ..
Press the Volume Up key to confirm & your bootloader will be unlocked (this will also perform a factory reset on your device)
_Also,turn your device in fastboot mode again & type : "fastboot erase system" (all data etc, will delete)
Now, turn your device OFF...Install SPFT on pc: https://spflashtool.com/ (this only needs for twrp method)
[ * Via TWRP ]
Install this version TWRP : https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=77079814&postcount=332 [*this is for chuwi hi9 air but works in M20_4G{same hardware} and flash TWRP 3.2.2-0 via SPFT....(anyone who wants can flash it and through fastboot,just follow the instructions there) BUT! don't reboot device on System ! .Just turn off your device temporarily)
__*all thanks there to @Alberto96 for TWRP 3.2.2-0 !
_*("It’s possible that dm-verity is preventing your device from booting with the GSI. In that case, please go ahead and flash Magisk and then see if it boots.
that is required for various devices sometimes) - Read here In "Troubleshooting Tips" : https://www.xda-developers.com/flash-generic-system-image-project-treble-device/
_Magisk: https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk
*(better leave the device encrypted...Device can be decrypted, but maybe not start in some cases ! but whoever wants can be try)
_Installation Rom via twrp_ [the recommended way is through fastboot!]
_Reboot on Recovery > From TWRP > type cancel > swipe to allow modifications > wipe > swipe to factory reset / advanced wipe > system - cache - data - dalvik / Reboot Recovery !....
_Now Install rom on pc : system.img for A-only ARM64 devices with GApps and SU : (newer releases there!)
_Or: system.img for A-only ARM64 devices vanilla :
*Source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...-development/experimental-phh-treble-t3709659
_Or Aosp 9 treble phh : https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...vice-development/aosp-9-0-phh-treble-t3831915
Decompress it with 7z ,connect device-pc & send .img on device and flash it on "System Image" Partition ...When Installation finish,wipe ONLY cache + dalvik & reboot system...The device takes several minutes to start,needs patience(If it is enough minutes on a black screen you can use the start button)
__ 7z: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
* For decryption:
(any one who wants to decrypt his device,can in this way:
*Source: https://www.cyanogenmods.org/downloads/disable-force-encryption-twrp-flashable-zip-treble/
_Or: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/universal-dm-verity-forceencrypt-t3817389 ): Recommended: BUT! you must read in OP there how to...
(you have to flashing one of these and magisk at the end)
_*[You can't decrypt your existing data "PERMANENTLY" If flashing only this...The Flashing "DM-Verity-ForceEncrypt" can only be done when you format data.
(Just, flash the zip in twrp before flashing Magisk-mandatory requirement or else the zip won't work)
....Format Data will format your internal Storage! This step is needed to use encryption on your internal storage]
_*[Some devices may fail due to dm-verity check. To fix, you can install Magisk to disable dm-verity / read for Universal DM-Verity from link above]
Magisk Installation:General "Info-Quide"-Magisk in Recovery etc: https://topjohnwu.github.io/Magisk/install.html#magisk-in-recovery
_ΗOW TO FLASH AOSP Phh Treble 8.1 or 9 VIA FASTBOOT_ [Recommended]
1) Unlock bootloader : enable "oem unlock" in developer option & usb debugging on...
_Reboot on bootloader : from cmd type : "fastboot oem unlock" > Press the Volume Up key to confirm & your bootloader will be unlocked
_Reboot on bootloader again and type : "fastboot erase system"
2) Flash gsi rom : open a command and type : "fastboot -u flash system name_of_system.img"
_Once it has completed, reboot your device either manually via power key or by entering > "fastboot reboot".
_*(with these commant : "fastboot erase system" - "fastboot -w"
everything on the device is deleted!)
__*[General Information GSI__ It's good to read: Flashing GSIs Requirements_]
__ https://www.xda-developers.com/flash-generic-system-image-project-treble-device/
[ Ready-made files Stock Rom M20_4G (M3K1) that will help users to Restore or Root ]
_Stock Rom -Android8.0-V1.04_google_play_(M20_4G M3K1) : https://mega.nz/#!InwhkKSY!X2nLf2t1Ai7RDr6pnmYg9m01-sESMRGDrvqbndlYhog (playstore Included)
* https://naijarom.com/teclast-m20-4g-m3k1 (stock rom + tutorial)
_vendor .img : https://mega.nz/#!F2YQAY7b!-xacb26Ll2To3m4LIPy9anzzBWG5YTxOLL93HNatyqY [M20_4G M3K1- V1.04_20180814]
_boot.img : https://mega.nz/#!EywBiCxQ!Im2pGWyj6mhFl1ABtqQiTV8Qvwc_Xvax7Vhnuya_1w0
_patched_boot.img : For rooted your STOCK device in very easy way with magisk : https://mega.nz/#!5zhCyKqY!EkVDajKy-p4EpJOYfR4nE-4tGuOUVWzRMbNshHMA2kk
(M20_4G M3K1- V1.04_20180814)
_IMPORTANT: you can use "patched_boot" OR "boot.img" only for this build !
__(M20_4G M3K1- V1.04_20180814)__
__Required : unlocked bootloader !
__Latest Magisk Manager (from link above)
Simply,In stock device M20_4G M3K1 boot your Android device into fastboot mode ,connect your phone to the PC,open a command line & type : "fastboot flash boot patched_boot.img" / "fastboot reboot"
after your device boots, open magisk manager and confirm that the installation was done!
*[optionally]:_ device certification after boot: Install device ID app from playstore : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.evozi.deviceid
_wipe playstore cache
_open Device ID app & copy GSF (Google service framework)
_ Go to : https://www.google.com/android/uncertified/ > paste GSF ....Reboot your device
__READ & THIS for more Info about playstore certificate & how to fix: https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-fix-device-not-certified-by-google-error/
*[maybe the device cannot pass safetynet,regardless of whether it is hidden in magisk and whether it is certified or not,one doesn't exclude the other]
Info - SafetyPatcher module : https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/module-safetypatcher-t3809879
MagiskHide troubleshooting quide: https://www.didgeridoohan.com/magisk/HomePage
[ __* M20 4G(M3K7) - M20 4G(M3K7)_Android 8.0_V1.01_SZ.rar Stock Rom (Global firmware v1.01 with Google Play)
AFH : https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=6006931924117939713
__* Teclast M20 4G (M3K7) TWRP : AFH : https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=6006931924117938571
__* Firmware for Chinese Area v1.01 (without Google Play) AFH : https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=6006931924117939717 ]
[_Info for android9 Phh-Treble : https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...vice-development/aosp-9-0-phh-treble-t3831915
_Info for android10 Quack Phh-Treble : https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...aosp-10-0-quack-phh-treble-t3992559?nocache=1
_ Very Ιmportant: Before installation "GSI phhusson 9 or 10",read carefully for "Bugs/Issues" in GitHub & "treble_experimentations_issues" thread,with users feedback,Logs & informations for our devices & generally for MTK devices with same hardware ,cpu/gpu etc here : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/issues?page=1&q=is:issue+ispen
**I want to thank ! :
@ georgekaggelaris for xiaomi driver tool _ xdi 1.0.3
@ Alberto96 for TWRP 3.2.2-0
@ phhusson for great work in AOSP 8.1 & 9 treble rom
@ topjohnwu for magisk
@ skeleton1911 for VCOM drivers tutorial
@ Snoop05 for 15 seconds adb Installer
_ please be kind with everyone _
**_IMPORTANT : If someone user does not know how to restore his device in factory condition,better to stay away!! All this contain great risk for the device!
I have no responsibility for what each one does on his device ! Please use with extreme caution!
sry for english
_Screenshots : https://postimg.cc/gallery/176fg6i4e/
_Screenshots Teclast M20_4G treble AOSP 9 Phh : https://postimg.cc/gallery/dxx0ck3i/
_ https://postimg.cc/gallery/e1yplflq/
(For M3K4 model and AOSP 9.0 you can see post #22 : https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80068658&postcount=22 )
new release v28 sec patch 5-2-2019
Today I got the new release v28 / update aosp 8.1 treble phh with sec patch 5-2-2019
For more Info etc : https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...-development/experimental-phh-treble-t3709659
AOSP treble 9 phh - M20_4G
Today I tried and AOSP Treble 9 phh..Device works well,but there still some bugs!
decrypted device on AOSP treble phh 9 : https://postimg.cc/gallery/2aw12ydoe/
_Source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...vice-development/aosp-9-0-phh-treble-t3831915
device with decryption on aosp treble 8.1 phh
Device can be decrypted even with this recovery as you can see on screenshots : https://postimg.cc/gallery/e1yplflq/
Just, > format data > Reboot on Recovery > flash: https://mega.nz/#!snwgXQZL!2mdUdmsZMWX2XpQkMbJKn9jETsMReHpoDLhOe1rxG8g > flash magisk 18.1 : https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445 > wipe cache + dalvik & reboot ...
M20_4G aosp treble phh 8.1 SIM cards +4G etc...
Yes 4G ,SIM cards etc works normally without problem
(wifi ,Bluetooth, data ,camera ,videos, SD, adb-mtp all working)
New release v29 (aosp 8.1) 6-3-2019
source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...-development/experimental-phh-treble-t3709659
(Launcher in 8.1 : https://github.com/amirzaidi/launcher3/releases
+ https://mega.nz/#!9nZUHCrJ!BqOy0Y0tYZ6mF2FpR7mkfEO151_8H8oib1b160X30UM
Or : https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/app-lineageos-15-trebuchet-laucher-rom-t3667436 )
AOSP 8.1 v30 released : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/releases/tag/v30
source : https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...-development/experimental-phh-treble-t3709659
AOSP 9.0 v112 released : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/releases/tag/v112
source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...vice-development/aosp-9-0-phh-treble-t3831915
both works for M20_4G
daitalos said:
AOSP 8.1 v30 released : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/releases/tag/v30
source : https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...-development/experimental-phh-treble-t3709659
AOSP 9.0 v112 released : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/releases/tag/v112
source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/pr...vice-development/aosp-9-0-phh-treble-t3831915
both works for M20_4G
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Just wondering does this toturial also works on M20-4g(M3K4)? It's the 4gb memory version
jefferyli said:
Just wondering does this toturial also works on M20-4g(M3K4)? It's the 4gb memory version
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I'm not very sure but normally yes...
I have try only in M3K1 but Is the same device generally (MT6797D 64 gb Internal 4gb ram android 8 + playstore)
better try via fastboot
the decision is yours
daitalos said:
I'm not very sure but normally yes...
I have try only in M3K1 but Is the same device generally (MT6797D 64 gb Internal 4gb ram android 8 + playstore)
better try via fastboot
the decision is yours
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Did you try to install it on the M3K4 device? Was it successfull?
In terms of stability do you recommend AOSP 8.1 over AOSP 9.0?
flotux said:
Did you try to install it on the M3K4 device? Was it successfull?
In terms of stability do you recommend AOSP 8.1 over AOSP 9.0?
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aosp 8.1 was more stable,but after the latest update (build v112) aosp 9 works very well
we are expecting and new update of aosp 9 these days....So,if you want to install it is better to wait for the newest build I think ...
LOL... There is new build aosp 9 V113 : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/releases/tag/v113
aosp 8.1 build V31 : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/releases/tag/v31
daitalos said:
aosp 8.1 was more stable,but after the latest update (build v112) aosp 9 works very well
we are expecting and new update of aosp 9 these days....So,if you want to install it is better to wait for the newest build I think ...
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@daitalos: Thanks for your answer. That fits well as my Teclast M20 4G is still somewhere between China and Europe.
flotux said:
Did you try to install it on the M3K4 device? Was it successfull?
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No, sorry, didn't have time recently... Causing I'm using Mac, and I have to install windows first. But I will try it in two weeks
What is better about this ROM than the Stock ROM?
Held der Arbeit said:
What is better about this ROM than the Stock ROM?
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....this depends on what custom rom you are talking about & your device model - stock rom
some advantages of aosp phh 8.1 (or 9) from teclast M20_4G stock rom
stock rom on M20_4G is android oreo 8 - without updates & support anymore
this aosp phh is oreo 8.1 (or newer-latest android pie9)
security : stock firmware has sec patch 2018 - this 8.1 (or pie9) gets monthly updates (bug fixes + sec patch 2019)
features : this aosp phh is pure stock android
& more like as : root access,better performance,battery management etc...
sry for english
I flashed AOSP 9.0 v113 and Magisk 19.1, but titanium Backup does not get root access.
Edit: It worked with Magisk 18.1
Held der Arbeit said:
I flashed AOSP 9.0 v113 and Magisk 19.1, but titanium Backup does not get root access.
Edit: It worked with Magisk 18.1
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If you want you can add the device here,so that other users with M20_4G can see that the device is compatible.You can be the first one to test it and report
(Unfortunately, I no longer have the device)
Latest release - AOSP 9.0 v114 : https://github.com/phhusson/treble_experimentations/releases/tag/v114
I flashed the system-arm64-aonly-gapps-su.img but now the tablet only boots in TWRP.
Held der Arbeit said:
I flashed the system-arm64-aonly-gapps-su.img but now the tablet only boots in TWRP.
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Try to flash vendor .img or flashing from the beginning via fastboot (recommended way)

Android One ROM For Xiaomi Redmi 3S & Prime [Ported ROM]

ROM Information--------------------------
Based On : MI A2
Android Version : Android 9.0
Download Android One : https://mega.nz/#!WHoT1CKb!v90Xe7Vd6-nGKucYgu7o3lPbTWPuDVKj6L5gosL2CRs
Bug Report : https://t.me/whatsnew_official
Android One Stock UI
Android 9.0
Gapps Included
What's Working:--------------------------
Reading Mode
And All Other ...
Camera , No Fingerprint
What's New(Rvbanna420)
Reza & Jayant222 (My Team )
dotOS For Vendor & Kernel
Speedo.thc For Base System
Shivvvvvv For Hotspot
Installation -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Backup All Data
2. Wipe Delvick/Data/System/Vendor/Cache (Use Orange Fox Recovery)
3. Install ROM & Reboot
If Not Booting 5 Mins Den Reboot To Recovery Flash This ROM Again Without Wiping Anything
Kernel Source : https://github.com/dotOS-Devices/kernel_xiaomi_land
Thanks for the rom, I will try later
Could you share steps how to build your image?

[SHARED] Lineage 18.1- Android 11 - UNOFFICIAL -Tiffany

LineageOS 18.1 -UNOFFICIAL - Android 11
• Device: tiffany
First time installation:
- Backup efs,persist,modem partition
- Download ROM from below
- Download Magisk for Android 11 (optionally)
- Reboot to recovery
- Format data (if encrypted)
- Wipe system, vendor, cache, dalvik, data
- Flash ROM zip and magisk (optional)
- Flash latest miui firmware
- Flash latest Modem
- Reboot
I am not create or modify this ROM . I just share for Mi5x Users .

[ROM][Huawei][11] LeaOS-PHH - AOSP for Huawei device

Official AOSP for Huawei (prague, mediapad, warsaw, rhone) - LeaOS-PHH
LeaOS is a project which based on AOSP with phhusson's Treble GSI patches. I have added my personnals patches for Huawei devices : Encryption, Signal Strengh, Speed Boot, Assisted GPS, NFC, Media App, Default Sound, MediaScanner fixes etc..) and some eremitein patch
Changelog :
LeaOS-PHH Jun 2022 version
Fix MiraCast / Wifi-Display crash
Pass SafetyNet (Basic + CTS) without Pixel 5 Spoof
Add dynamic root
Add option in TrebleApp to collect adb log and create txt file in sdcard
Add support of with this patch (8-Huawei-PRA-FixPreav-A-v1.0-signed.zip)
LeaOS-PHH May 2022 version
Initial build from PHH AOSP A11-r48 (October)
Add support of data encryption
Add NFC Quick Setting (NFC by default are disabled)
Add Android SPL (Nov, Dec 2021, Jan, Feb, March 2022)
Add Default sound (ringtones, alarm and notification)
Add Huawei bootanimation (no sound)
Add support of multi-user
Pass SafetyNet (enable in TrebleApps setting)
Add several new functions in TrebleApps (dumlog, restartui, run on boot) by eremitein
Fix Signal strenght indicator (and icon)
Fix Media App permission
Fix MediaScanner crash
Fix Slow-Boot
Pre-requisite :
You must have TWRP installed, use this one (make sure to have the unofficial Android 11 one ! ). To install follow this guide "How to unlock Huawei P8 ligt 2017 (en).pdf" or french version "How to unlock Huawei P8 ligt 2017 (fr).pdf"
Installation (crypt or uncrypt)
Download file : "LeaOS-PHH-20220616-iceows-pra.7z" and extract img file
boot to TWRP
Wipe internal storage, format data
flash this file 1-Huawei-DataPrep-DeCrypt-A-v1.0-signed.zip to disable storage encryption or this file 1-Huawei-DataPrep-Crypt-A-v1.0-signed.zip to enable it. This zip change fstab file, wipe data partition and recreate subfolder /data/user*, /data/system* and /data/vendor*)
Wipe system, cache, dalvik/art cache
reboot to bootloader
run: fastboot flash system <drag system.img here>
(optional) flash Siberia kernel : fastboot flash kernel <drag Siberia.img here>
reboot to TWRP
resize system
flash this file 2-Huawei-system-UnCrypt-v1.3-signed.zip to not-allow data encryption or this file 2-Huawei-system-Crypt-v1.3-signed.zip to allow it
(optional only PRA) flash AGPS patch : 7-AGPS-FIX-AltairVendor-v3.6-signed.zip
reboot to System and set up the phone with aosp first start assistant. You can also add most user
(optional) reboot to TWRP to install now Google Apps : Google Apps Lite ([RECOVERY]LiteGapps_arm64_11.0_v2.6_official.zip)
Enjoy !!!
Update (crypt or uncrypt)
Download file : "LeaOS-PHH-20220616-iceows-pra.7z" and extract img file
boot to TWRP
Wipe system, cache, dalvik/art cache
reboot to bootloader
run: fastboot flash system <drag system.img here>
(optional) flash Siberia kernel : fastboot flash kernel <drag Siberia.img here>
reboot to TWRP
resize system
flash this file 2-Huawei-system-UnCrypt-v1.3-signed.zip to not-allow data encryption or this file 2-Huawei-system-Crypt-v1.3-signed.zip to allow it
(optional) flash AGPS patch, Google Apps :
1 - Google Apps lite (LiteGapps_Core_arm64_11.0_v2.5_official.zip)
2 - Enable AGPS (2 - AGPS-FIX-AltairVendor-v3.3-signed.zip)
reboot to System
Enjoy !!!
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: Android 11
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.4.x : stock 4.4.26 or Siberia_4.4.302-1.1.zip (this kernel not pass safetynet)
ROM Firmware Required: EMUI 8
Based On: PHH AOSP
And all the others who tested my patches and helped me improve this ROM
Support Group
Does syberia kernel work on any hi6250 device? Or it is only for pra?
Btw thanks for the rom...hope volte will work on this
I tried on my p10 lite using the uncrypt and it booted fine but I couldn't install or update apps. I tried to clear storage on play store and download manager it didn't work. When I went back to leaOS I tried this 1.3 version of the uncrypt and the same thing happened so it might be from that.
I tried both LiteGapps and OpenGapps.
Thank you for your dedication! Can this ROM use magisk24? If not, is there any Android 10 or higher ROM that can use magisk24 for hi6250?
Can I make calls normally after flashing the Siberia kernel? I want to use magisk24 on this ROM, how can I do it?
UselessShane said:
Does syberia kernel work on any hi6250 device? Or it is only for pra?
Btw thanks for the rom...hope volte will work on this
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Siberia work on :
[KERNEL][EMUI 8][P8 lite 2017] Siberia kernel
SIBERIA KERNEL Disclaimer: Use this kernel at your own risk. Flashing it may brick your device. I'm not responsible for any software/hardware and any kind of damages/losses. NOTE : Use only on EMUI8 base(stock or custom) kernel works on all...
zuldorak said:
I tried on my p10 lite using the uncrypt and it booted fine but I couldn't install or update apps. I tried to clear storage on play store and download manager it didn't work. When I went back to leaOS I tried this 1.3 version of the uncrypt and the same thing happened so it might be from that.
I tried both LiteGapps and OpenGapps.
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Use Only LiteGapps.
To install : GO to TWRP, flash 1.3 version of disk-uncrypt and after flash LiteGApps recovery version. Reboot
ZXGUi said:
Thank you for your dedication! Can this ROM use magisk24? If not, is there any Android 10 or higher ROM that can use magisk24 for hi6250?
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I haven't tested on my AOSP ROM. Magisk 24 runs on the Lineage version of LeaOS. Use the canary version
ZXGUi said:
Can I make calls normally after flashing the Siberia kernel? I want to use magisk24 on this ROM, how can I do it?
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Yes on version support by Siberia
If you have dual-sim phone, flash correct EMUI update for dual-sim
AltairFR said:
Siberia work on :
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also was-lx1a (my p10 lite 4gb ram)
AltairFR said:
Use Only LiteGapps.
To install : GO to TWRP, flash 1.3 version of disk-uncrypt and after flash LiteGApps recovery version. Reboot
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I followed every step in the guide and it didn't work but I got it working by installing your leaOS and then this rom again.
Stock Rom -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) - It didn't work can't install or update apps from store
Stock Rom -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) -> LeaOS -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) - Everything works
I installed magisk and securize phh to pass safetynet.
Everything is working now, great work!
zuldorak said:
I followed every step in the guide and it didn't work but I got it working by installing your leaOS and then this rom again.
Stock Rom -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) - It didn't work can't install or update apps from store
Stock Rom -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) -> LeaOS -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) - Everything works
I installed magisk and securize phh to pass safetynet.
Everything is working now, great work!
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OK.. Thanks...I will do a test. I just updated my pr to version
amonpaike said:
also was-lx1a (my p10 lite 4gb ram)
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zuldorak said:
I followed every step in the guide and it didn't work but I got it working by installing your leaOS and then this rom again.
Stock Rom -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) - It didn't work can't install or update apps from store
Stock Rom -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) -> LeaOS -> LeaOS-PHH (AOSP) - Everything works
I installed magisk and securize phh to pass safetynet.
Everything is working now, great work!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have correct the problem, for the moment just format data before flash img
Thanks! Having an alternate OS to choose from is just what I was hoping for! Appreciate all the work you put in Can't wait to test this
AltairFR said:
Non-Official AOSP for Huawei (prague, mediapad, warsaw, rhone) - LeaOS-PHH
LeaOS is a project which based on AOSP with phhusson's Treble GSI patches. I have added my personnals patches for Huawei devices : Encryption, Signal Strengh, Speed Boot, Assisted GPS, NFC, Media App, Default Sound, MediaScanner fixes etc..) and some eremitein patch
Changelog :
LeaOS-PHH May 2022 version
Initial build from PHH AOSP A11-r48 (October)
Add support of data encryption
Add NFC Quick Setting (NFC by default are disabled)
Add Android SPL (Nov, Dec 2021, Jan, Feb, March 2022)
Add Default sound (ringtones, alarm and notification)
Add Huawei bootanimation (no sound)
Add support of multi-user
Pass SafetyNet
Fix Signal strenght indicator (and icon)
Fix Media App permission
Fix MediaScanner crash
Fix Slow-Boot
Pre-requisite :
You must have TWRP installed, use this one (make sure to have the unofficial Android 11 one ! ). To install follow this guide "How to unlock Huawei P8 ligt 2017 (en).pdf" or french version "How to unlock Huawei P8 ligt 2017 (fr).pdf"
Installation (crypt or uncrypt)
Download file : "LeaOS-PHH-20220610-iceows-pra.7z" and extract img file
boot to TWRP
Wipe internal storage, format data
flash this file 1-Huawei-DataPrep-UnCrypt-A-v1.0-signed.zip to disable storage encryption or this file 1-Huawei-DataPrep-Crypt-A-v1.0-signed.zip to enable it. This zip change fstab file, wipe data partition and recreate subfolder /data/user*, /data/system* and /data/vendor*)
Wipe system, cache, dalvik/art cache
reboot to bootloader
run: fastboot flash system <drag system.img here>
(optional) flash Siberia kernel : fastboot flash kernel <drag Siberia.img here>
reboot to TWRP
resize system
flash this file 2-Huawei-system-UnCrypt-v1.3-signed.zip to not-allow data encryption or this file 2-Huawei-system-Crypt-v1.3-signed.zip to allow it
(optional) flash AGPS patch : 2 - AGPS-FIX-AltairVendor-v3.3-signed.zip
reboot to System and set up the phone with Lineage first start assistant. You can also add most user
(optional) reboot to TWRP to install now Google Apps : Google Apps Lite (LiteGapps_Core_arm64_11.0_v2.5_official.zip)
Enjoy !!!
Update (crypt or uncrypt)
Download file : "LeaOS-PHH-20220610-iceows-pra.7z" and extract img file
boot to TWRP
Wipe system, cache, dalvik/art cache
reboot to bootloader
run: fastboot flash system <drag system.img here>
(optional) flash Siberia kernel : fastboot flash kernel <drag Siberia.img here>
reboot to TWRP
resize system
flash this file 2-Huawei-system-UnCrypt-v1.3-signed.zip to not-allow data encryption or this file 2-Huawei-system-Crypt-v1.3-signed.zip to allow it
(optional) flash AGPS patch, Google Apps :
1 - Google Apps lite (LiteGapps_Core_arm64_11.0_v2.5_official.zip)
2 - Enable AGPS (2 - AGPS-FIX-AltairVendor-v3.3-signed.zip)
reboot to System
Enjoy !!!
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: Android 11
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.4.x (stock 4.4.26 or Siberia_4.4.302-1.1.zip)
ROM Firmware Required: EMUI 8
Based On: PHH AOSP
Andy Yan
And all the others who tested my patches and helped me improve this ROM
Support Group
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Hey, can you fix wireless screen cast because if want to enable screen mirriroring on any tvs etc. , my huawei pra lx 1 do a soft reboot. Then it didn't connect :-(
MinhniNG said:
Hey, can you fix wireless screen cast because if want to enable screen mirriroring on any tvs etc. , my huawei pra lx 1 do a soft reboot. Then it didn't connect :-(
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Hard job, I will try to backport from LeaOS Lineage Version
Hi, I've been using this rom for some days and everything's working fine no reboots or anything I also find it faster than your other LeaOS.
This is just minor stuff but is it possible to add the styles option on the Display settings? I find the style option on phh customization a bit lacking and it doesn't work well. also the huawei animation on boot is faster than usual.
Like I said its minor visual stuff, everything working so far I love how fast this rom is, amazing job!
MinhniNG said:
Hey, can you fix wireless screen cast because if want to enable screen mirriroring on any tvs etc. , my huawei pra lx 1 do a soft reboot. Then it didn't connect :-(
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Fix, please download Jun version
Why am I getting this error??....
I appricciate your work on the phone oficcialy dead from some time but I'd like to point you on sometihing:
I'm normal guy and I'm not flashing phone on regular basis every day. I do it when I need this, every few monts or years and I've done it few times. What really annoyes me is the fact that your guide for installation is unclear because I'm always following steps VERY CAREFULLY and if installation is unsucessfull after few tries, it's of course because I'm missing something here... Sorry but I already wasted 6 hours of my day off trying to install your rom using your guide so I really appriciate answer for my question: why am I getting this error ???

[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][12.1][Mido] VoltageOS 1.6 [AOSP] (Updated: 21-June-2022)[Vanilla]

VoltageOS 12.1 for Redmi Note 4 (Mido)
Greetings, interested users! You have reached the gateway of a simplistic, no frills pure AOSP experience that will not let you down in getting through every day uninterrupted by inconveniences, with just the right dab of customizations. Be it requiring safetynet for banking or payment apps to receiving the latest security patches from Google as soon as they're released, we've got you covered. It doesn't end there. Sit back, relax and let the system theme your device according to your preferences with Monet support. Step in and begin your journey with Voltage OS.
Latest Security Patches
Google Monet
Github: https://github.com/VoltageOS
Website: https://voltage-os.sourceforge.io
Almost everything
its a vanilla build, so gapps need to be flashed seperate
You tell me
click here to download
Installation Guide
Clean flash recommended
Always make a backup, be safe.
NikGapps Basic recommended for better experience.
- Clean flash recommended
1. Download the proper flashable ZIP for your device
2. Boot into Twrp/Ofox recovery
3. Flash the rom zip
4. Flash Gapps (optional)
5. Format data (will wipe your userdata)
6. Reboot to System
- Update / Dirty Flash
1. Download the proper flashable ZIP for your device
2. Reboot to Recovery
3. Flash ROM
4. Wipe Cache
5. Reboot to System
ROM Source: https://github.com/VoltageOS
Kernel Source: https://github.com/zeelog/android_kernel_xiaomi_mido

