Question Teyes internal microphone isn't working well on CC2P teyes - FYT Android Head Units

My teyes CC2P internal microphone sound is terrible. I consulted and advised to replace it with an external microphone. I purchased one with the adapter connecting to the a socket, connected the external microphone and still had terrible microphone quality.
I then contacted teyes and was told that I have to remove the internal microphone by desoldering it from the printed circuit board. This sounds difficult but it wasn't. on the left side of the device looking it from the back, there is a cover. Once you remove the cover you have a PCB and the top of it has a tiny microphone soldered to it. very easily you can solder it out and then the external microphone works just great.
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DIY handsfree convertion

I converted the original handsfree with SonyEricsson Mic & Sony MDR-E888 earphones since I got X01HT last year, it also working fine with my new P3600i
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can you give us some details, as I am looking to do the same
L - Left speaker +
LG - Left speaker ground
S - Talk switch
M+ - Mic +
M- - Mic ground
RG - Right ground
R - Right speaker
can you please post a full picture of the board, both sides?
Thanks in advance

Diamond FM Radio without headphones.

I am using the USB hub adaptor that came with my Diamond. The one with the two headphone connectors on the side.
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Plugged in a short 3.5mm male/male stereo cable.
Connected the other end of the 3.5mm cable to the audio input of my Kodak W1020 10" wi-fi picture frame. Now I have FM music with the pictures along with the music off my PC. Nothing like a little Steve Miller Band and pics. Oh yah forgot to add the picture frame will pull pictures off Facebook and other feeds along with RSS feeds so you have more to look at than just candid photos of yourself.

Pinout for the camera?

I smashed the camera in my fuze as mentioned in this thread:
Instead of replacing the camera module, I was thinking of sticking a laser in there. Don't laugh, I'm serious! Anyways, I'll run a couple of wires from the battery terminals for powering it, but it'd be nice to know what all of the pins on the camera connector did so at some point I could write an app utilizing at least one of the pins on the connector to turn my laser on/off. Does anyone here know, or have a datasheet? Here's a pic of it:
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Anybody? I'm sure someone's gotta know the details of the camera. Who made it, etc.
In the service manual there is no info of this.
I hope you will be able to find it.

Solder antenna to motherboard

I was replacing the digitizer on my M2 aqua and broke off the antenna connector on the main board. It breaks off so easily I didn't even knew until I tried to put it back on.
Would it work if I solder a wire directly on the spot where the connector used to be ?
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It will work well if you just connect the wire to that spot in the main board.. it Happened to me once and it's working now without any problem.
Dear Juicee91, i was replacing the digitazer of m2 too... and i broke off a litle piece just near from the plastic cover of the frontal camera. It's the same as you? the antenna conector? Could you tell me if you can repair that issue and how? Thanks

About the nfc antenna of OnePlus 7 pro

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As the picture shown, I made it to peel off the sticker of the backpiece and all functions works perfect, however, if I want to let the lifting front lens visible, I have to remove the upper cover which contains nfc parts, is there any method to remove the nfc and stick to the contact point ?
A nfc antenna is just a coil, you could use any off of another device. Or make your own.
Did you figure out what to do with the NFC antenna? i want to do a transparent/naked look on my 7t pro and i really need the NFC to continue working. any ideas ?
maybe un-glue the antenna and solder the contacts to be able to move it lower somewhere?
is there anything else important on that plastic backpiece?

