Moto 5g ace_kiev_lineage18.1_/data/media not found - Moto G 5G Questions & Answers

ok ive yet to have to ask any ? on xda yet cause i feel like i dont know jack lol
BUT i do need help wile trying to remember linuix commands for adb shell and trying to replace boot ans learned the mv file file2 overwrite/rename (i must say i find sort of retarted,but i dont do this for a living) and relized i had remount system as rw i exit shell heres the super mistake please help b4 i have to restart from stock
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb remount
Using overlayfs for /vendor
Now reboot your device for settings to take effect
remount succeeded
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb reboot
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb devices
List of devices attached
ZY22CCHMQT recovery
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb shell
kiev:/ # cd system/media
cd system/media
/system/bin/sh: cd: /system/media: No such file or directory
2|kiev:/ # cd /system
cd /system
kiev:/system # cd /media
cd /media
/system/bin/sh: cd: /media: No such file or directory
2|kiev:/system # cd media
cd media
/system/bin/sh: cd: /system/media: No such file or directory

On stock, it is located at /system/product/media


How to get APPS back into system/apps/

I updated my rom and there are some omitted apps that I would like to get back into system/apps/ for example VoiceDialer.apk, but I cannot seem to get them back on. I am using Fresh Rom 0.4 and the phone is obviously rooted. maybe I am doing something wrong in adb shell but I keep getting one of 2 different erors. Either permission denied or adb not found. Thank you in advance for your help.
flaav8r said:
I updated my rom and there are some omitted apps that I would like to get back into system/apps/ for example VoiceDialer.apk, but I cannot seem to get them back on. I am using Fresh Rom 0.4 and the phone is obviously rooted. maybe I am doing something wrong in adb shell but I keep getting one of 2 different erors. Either permission denied or adb not found. Thank you in advance for your help.
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1) Permission denied - make sure that when you do an adb shell, you're root (have the # prompt) and make sure you've mounted /system as rw (adb remount)
2) adb not found - make sure there's only one adb.exe on your computer and that it's the one from the SDK and that the SDK's /tools directory is in your path (to be safe, you can always just run adb from that directory)
jmanley69 said:
1) Permission denied - make sure that when you do an adb shell, you're root (have the # prompt) and make sure you've mounted /system as rw (adb remount)
2) adb not found - make sure there's only one adb.exe on your computer and that it's the one from the SDK and that the SDK's /tools directory is in your path (to be safe, you can always just run adb from that directory)
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1. the procedure I used is this: from the cmd prompt in the androidsdk/tools/ directory:
adb shell
$ su
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# cd /system/app
# adb push VoiceDialer.apk system/app
but its a no go. Can't understand why.
BTW, I have the VoiceDialer.apk file in the androidsdk/tools folder just to make the push easier.
Ok, here is a screen shot from my command prompt window. I know someone knows what the hell I'm doing wrong. Just wanna get the damn voice dialer back on my phone. Please help, thank you.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Barry>cd \
C:\>cd androidsdk\tools\
C:\AndroidSDK\tools>adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
$ su
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# adb push VoiceDialer.apk /system/app/
adb push VoiceDialer.apk /system/app/
adb: not found
you cant do adb push while in shell ($ or #). Exit out and just try tying the adb push
goku14238 said:
you cant do adb push while in shell ($ or #). Exit out and just try tying the adb push
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When I do that I get permission denied or something to that effect.
Yeah there's a post about this in the Fresh thread.
The most straightforward way is this:
Reboot to the recovery partition.
adb shell into the phone.
Issue the following command to mount the system partition:
mount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
Type exit to exit the shell.
Then do:
adb push c:\directory-with-the-apks /system/app
jonnythan said:
Yeah there's a post about this in the Fresh thread.
The most straightforward way is this:
Reboot to the recovery partition.
adb shell into the phone.
Issue the following command to mount the system partition:
mount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
Type exit to exit the shell.
Then do:
adb push c:\directory-with-the-apks /system/app
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Thank-you, I will give it a try.

Change the boot sound w/o re-flash the ROM for G7

It's my fault to have post this message here.
It's for G7, but I think it is also OK for Incredible.
1. Prepare a short mp3 and name it android_audio.mp3
2. Put the mp3 under the adb folder
3. Save the following code as !bootaudio.bat (I use this name)
4. Turn your phone into ADB debugging mode
5. run !bootaudio.bat
6. Reboot your phone and have fun!
This should work on almost all G7
Tips: During the boot animation, the volume would change twice. So I suggest insert 1 second before the audio for escaping from the volume changing side-effect.
adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
adb shell rm /data/local/android_audio.mp3
adb push android_audio.mp3 /data/local/
adb shell rm /system/customize/resource/android_audio.mp3
adb shell ln -s /data/local/android_audio.mp3 /system/customize/resource/android_audio.mp3
adb shell ls -l --color=never /data/local
adb shell ls -l --color=never /system/customize/resource/
adb pull /system/customize/CID/default.xml
Script description:
Mount the system path to enable writing access.
Remove the original boot sound if it exists.
Push your mp3 into the data/local, where the is.
Make a link to data/local/android_audio.mp3
List the two affected pathes for you to confirm the result
Pull the default.xml out from the phone, if you find it not work after reboot, you can check the xml to see what the actural fullpath it is using. And manually change the script to try again.
My current boot sound is attached to the thread.
Sent from your mom's phone

[Q] adb push- why am I getting permission denied?

phone: LG esteem ms910
Rooted: Yes
I'm trying to adb push a .apk file into my phones /system/app folder. These are the steps I am taking in trying to do this, but I am getting a permission denied response at the "adb push" part. Oh and my phone is under the "internet connection" setting. The other two (mass storage, charge only) wont let my phone enter debugging mode.
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
adb push C:\Myfile.apk /system/app
Also when I enter the "mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system" command, It pops up twice but without the # symbol, not sure if there is an error there but it ends up looking like this:
C:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tool>adb shell
$ su
# mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
# exit
$ exit
I think you would want it to be on charge only, as the other options are utilizing the USB while charge only does not. That is how my setup functions... I did have the permission denied error before when I was using Ubuntu 10.04. Are you sure you have an up to date version of JDK? And the USB rules?
your command should be
adb push C:\Myfile.apk /system/app/myfile.apk
you have also to run adb as root or enable rw for /system/app
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system
chmod 777 /system/app
adb push C:\Myfile.apk /system/app/myfile.apk
should do the job
@imheroldman- I tried leaving it on charge only, but the devices wasnt found when I ran the adb devices command, and yes the JDK is the latest.
@djodjoni -Hey I tried your suggestions and it worked.
Thanks to the both of you for helping.
FWIW, I got permission denied errors when I tried to push busybox via adb. I just downloaded a busybox .zip and flashed it via TWRP, it seems to have worked, and the busybox app recognizes it as installed.
I can't use adb push. It says Read Only file system when I try to push things to /sdcard. Don't know why
kavinzhao said:
I can't use adb push. It says Read Only file system when I try to push things to /sdcard. Don't know why
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Use this:
[path] > adb shell
# mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
# chmod 777 /sdcard
# exit
[path] > adb push [file path on your PC] /sdcard
ИΘΘK¡€ said:
Use this:
[path] > adb shell
# mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
# chmod 777 /sdcard
# exit
[path] > adb push [file path on your PC] /sdcard
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Thanks. I was using the recovery to receive before this. I think that should save me some time.
hello, I am having same problem, can you please help me out?
[email protected]_himaulatt:/data/local # adb push C:\firewater /data/local/temp
adb push C:\firewater /data/local/temp
error: device not found
1|[email protected]_himaulatt:/data/local # adb push C:\firewater /data/local/
adb push C:\firewater /data/local/
error: device not found
1|[email protected]_himaulatt:/data/local # adb push C:\firewater /data/l
adb push C:\firewater /data/l
error: device not found
1|[email protected]_himaulatt:/data/local # adb push C:\firewater /data/
adb push C:\firewater /data/
error: device not found
1|[email protected]_himaulatt:/data/local # cd ..
cd ..
[email protected]_himaulatt:/data # cd ..
cd ..
[email protected]_himaulatt:/ # exit
[email protected]_himaulatt:/ $ exit
C:\Users\Winpc\Downloads\fastboot-win>adb push C:\firewater /data/local/temp
failed to copy 'C:\firewater' to '/data/local/temp/firewater': Permission denied
C:\Users\Winpc\Downloads\fastboot-win>adb wait-for-devices push firewater /data/local/temp
failed to copy 'firewater' to '/data/local/temp/firewater': Permission denied
C:\Users\Winpc\Downloads\fastboot-win>adb shell
[email protected]_himaulatt:/ $ su
[email protected]_himaulatt:/ # mount -o rw,remount rootfs/
mount -o rw,remount rootfs/
Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
1|[email protected]_himaulatt:/ # mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
mount -o rw,remount rootfs /
[email protected]_himaulatt:/ # chmod 777 /sdcard
chmod 777 /sdcard
[email protected]_himaulatt:/ # exit
[email protected]_himaulatt:/ $ adb push C:\firewater /data/
adb push C:\firewater /data/
error: device not found
1|[email protected]_himaulatt:/ $ exit
C:\Users\Winpc\Downloads\fastboot-win>adb wait-for-devices push firewater /data/local/temp
failed to copy 'firewater' to '/data/local/temp/firewater': Permission denied
Make sure you have phone detected and correct drivers and adb installed.
Once ADB is functioning properly, then let's PUSH files!
First let's make sure adb is running and make sure adb see's the phone. Please run these commands:
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb devices
The output after devices will be a serial number, if this looks good, move on. First you need to make
sure the apk you want to push is in the same directory as adb.exe
once you have moved the apk to the adb.exe directory, then run the following:
[FONT=Verdana]adb remount
adb push myfile.apk /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/myfile.apk
adb reboot[/FONT]
adb remount mounts the phone as read write so you can write thru adb, it will be automatically unmounted when phone disconnected or rebooted
assuming your APK you want moved is called "myfile.apk"
adb push file_myfile.apk /system/app/ this command moves the "myfile.apk" (the apk you want moved) to the /system/app/ directory on your phone
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/myfile.apk this command sets the correct file permissions for APKs
adb reboot this reboots the phone so that the new apk can be detected
Good luck
phone is rooted;
android 5.0 ;
adb start-server is OK;
adb devices is OK;
adb root is adbd is already running as root;
system and system/app are "chomd is 777 ";
I want to "adb push myfile /system/app/ "
Question: Permission denied .
- -
adb remount is Permission denied too.
"adb push ./build.gradle /storage/sdcard0/ " is OK.
opalescent said:
phone is rooted;
android 5.0 ;
adb start-server is OK;
adb devices is OK;
adb root is adbd is already running as root;
system and system/app are "chomd is 777 ";
I want to "adb push myfile /system/app/ "
Question: Permission denied .
- -
adb remount is Permission denied too.
"adb push ./build.gradle /storage/sdcard0/ " is OK.
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sounds like you possibly do not have proper permission for the user you are logged into your computers operating system with. make sure you have the proper permissions and rights to access the folders you are trying to access. For a quick fix you can try loging into the system using the root user or administrator of the system that you are using and then try the adb commands. and you can just do a quick su switch from the Computer OS's konsole/terminal.
XeoNoX said:
First you need to make sure the apk you want to push is in the same directory as adb.exe
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OMG thanks, mine wasn't working because something as simple as that!

[Q] ADB Push multiple files (of same type) to /sdcard

I have some files that I want to push inside the /sdcard.They are all of the same type (.img).Here is what I am experiencing:
adb push *.img /sdcard
returns the adb command help... doesn't work obviously
If I put all the files inside a folder (eg. img):
adb push C:\Nexus/img /sdcard/
it starts copying all the contents of the img folder to /sdcard (adb ls /sdcard/ confirms so)
now if I want to remove those files from /sdcard, since they happen to have the same extension:
adb shell rm /sdcard/*.img
and all these image files (.img) are removed - the wildcard now is working.
Now is this normal behaviour or am I missing something? I mean is it that ADB command does not support wildcards?
If so copying the contents of a folder is it the only way to mass copy from PC to the phone?
Thank you.
Yea i believe it will only push or pull a full folder or a specific file.. but thats the beauty of it.. dump all the files you want in a folder and push it right where you want them
Based on my very limited experience, wildcards are not supported by push/pull commands, but you can pass along anything you want through "adb shell" and wildcards will be processed as expected.
-- Sent from my TouchPad using Communities
Yes I 've searched a lot myself and seems the only way is the "copy to folder" trick.Thanks for your input.
*Puzzled why they didn't include that option inside the command*
Can I change permissions of several Files that I have pushed into a system folder ??
DJLamontagneIII said:
Yea i believe it will only push or pull a full folder or a specific file.. but thats the beauty of it.. dump all the files you want in a folder and push it right where you want them
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:good:Information shared on this thread is useful to me..
I come to understand that I can push multiple files to /system/<directory> using following command
Can I do this:
Copy all file to a folder and then copied the whole folder to adb.exe directory. sy my Folder name is "MoveAll" in C:\<adb directory)
adb push MoveAll system/app (got root access and remount rw to do this)
adb push MoveAll system/lib
Now my question is that can I change the file permissions as well in on shot ???
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk (if all files that i copied are .apk files)
adb shell chmod 644 /system/lib/*.so (if all files that i copied are .so files)
................................will it work ???
A little help on this would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance !!! :good:
VioletR said:
:good:Information shared on this thread is useful to me..
I come to understand that I can push multiple files to /system/<directory> using following command
Can I do this:
Copy all file to a folder and then copied the whole folder to adb.exe directory. sy my Folder name is "MoveAll" in C:\<adb directory)
adb push MoveAll system/app (got root access and remount rw to do this)
adb push MoveAll system/lib
Now my question is that can I change the file permissions as well in on shot ???
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk (if all files that i copied are .apk files)
adb shell chmod 644 /system/lib/*.so (if all files that i copied are .so files)
................................will it work ???
A little help on this would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance !!! :good:
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What operating system do you use on your computer?
I test with:
adb push *.img /sdcard
adb push C:\Nexus/img /sdcard/
adb shell rm /sdcard/*.img
But They do not work. Can you help me???
kid1519 said:
I test with:
adb push *.img /sdcard
adb push C:\Nexus/img /sdcard/
adb shell rm /sdcard/*.img
But They do not work. Can you help me???
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Wildcards (*.fileExtension) do not work with adb or so it seems.You could always use the "copy to folder" trick though.
Put all your images in a folder - I assume you have windows.So:
all images to C:\Images
then open adb and:
adb push C:\Images/ /sdcard/Images/
the above command will copy all the contents of the C:\Images folder (so practically all your images in there) to the /sdcard/Images folder (could be any folder you prefer).
TR-909 said:
Wildcards (*.fileExtension) do not work with adb or so it seems.You could always use the "copy to folder" trick though.
Put all your images in a folder - I assume you have windows.So:
all images to C:\Images
then open adb and:
adb push C:\Images/ /sdcard/Images/
the above command will copy all the contents of the C:\Images folder (so practically all your images in there) to the /sdcard/Images folder (could be any folder you prefer).
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thanks. :X
Now, i can push. ok.
adb shell chmod
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can you show me.
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/mxtech.videoplayer.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/mxtech.videoplayer.odex
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/nct.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/nct.odex
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/notepad.color.note.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/notepad.color.note.odex
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Quickofficev5.7.327.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Quickofficev5.7.327.odex
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Screenshot.ER.PROv2.4.3.2.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/Screenshot.ER.PROv2.4.3.2.odex
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/viber.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/viber.odex
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/vietmobitv.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/vietmobitv.odex
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/youtube.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/youtube.odex
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adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.apk
adb shell chmod 644 /system/app/*.odex
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kid1519 said:
thanks. :X
Now, i can push. ok.
can you show me.
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Well I am not familiar with multiple permission changes through adb or even shell.Maybe some other more experienced member could help.Or maybe better make a post of your own exclusively for that.

[Q] Help! Problem with Tablet Olidata WB7-l

Hi! I'm a noob user, with a weird tablet.
The brand is Olidata (Chile), and the model is Wb7-l. The first problem was that the tipycal: many worng pattern attempts. I though about the usual: hard reset, but this weird tablet doesn't have one!So I tried all button combinations to enter th the hard reset menu, but was unuseful.
Then, I found a post, it said that with a program I could put anoter ROM (PhoenixSuite), and with the ADB Drivers. I could put another ROM, but the touch system doesn't work. Then I searched a second and a Third ROM, but was the same. Then, I remembered that the chip was a A13, and I found another post, where a user said that with a script you could fix that problem. I use the script and... it died :crying: . After that, i tried to connect it to the computer again, but I couldn't.
THEN, i read the script. Now, i'm really really afraid, because maybe the Tablet is dead.
Here's the script:
(I open it with notepad)
@ECHO off
echo Remount
adb remount
adb shell cd /
echo Mount root
adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t ext4 /dev/root /
echo Make dir bootfs
adb shell mkdir bootfs
echo Mount bootfs
adb shell mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /bootfs
echo Copy script.bin
adb push "script.bin" /bootfs/script.bin
echo Copy script0.bin
adb push "script.bin" /bootfs/script0.bin
echo Copy zet6221.ko to /system/vendor
adb push "zet6221.ko" /system/vendor/zet6221.ko
adb shell chmod 644 /system/vendor/zet6221.ko
echo Copy zet6221_ts.idc to /system/usr/idc
adb push "zet6221_ts.idc" /system/usr/idc/zet6221_ts.idc
adb shell chmod 644 /system/usr/idc/zet6221_ts.idc
echo Copy
adb push "" /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 755 /system/bin/
echo Copy
adb push "" /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 755 /system/bin/
adb shell reboot
How can I undo what I did? What's the right ROM? (The other one was one called F1(A13)-20121129.1.1.1- )
Please, please help
(Sorry for my weird english, I know just a bit )

