Hi everyone,
I just received this headunit from joying that's running Intel sc9853i chipset with 4gb of ram and android 8.
In order to get it I had to email joying directly at
[email protected]
I have to say this is the best unit I've ever used. And I have used a LOT of headunits including px3, Px5, PX6, ownice, and even most recently another tesla style headunit using rock chip.
The hardware is solid and clearly high quality.
The software is not bloated like all the other headunits. Google Hotword works out of the box. Same with google maps, calls and bluetooth connections. .
The steering wheel keys are detected immediately and it even gives the steering wheel code right at the top of the app which allows for multiple different options for app launches including google voice.
The unit auto sleeps and wakes from sleep immediately with no issues.
4G works right out of the box with tmobile us sim card.
The instructions come with the actual password for the factory settings screens and developer options screen which allows you to change the boot logo.
Audio is...pretty good. It's definitely better than other units I've used and the equalizer allows for changes that I can hear. I'm no audiophile but even I can tell that the audio quality is much better than headunits mentioned above.
I can honestly say I love that all of the bugs and problems with past headunits seem to be resolved for me in this unit.
If I could make any changes it would be with the hardware where the screen interfaces with the headunit. Because it's an auto-rotating headunit (which is more gimmicky than anything honestly) the screen itself is flush and not very adjustable up and down..this means I have to have the whole unit moved forward to mount in my dash as my car has an angled dashboard. Not a big deal by any means but a minor annoyance.
I hope this helps anyone looking to buy these units.
Let me know if you have questions!
Great to see Joying is releasing new units with motorized rotation.
I am a bit sad that the ratio is 16:9 instead of a more usable 16:10.
I am very sad that it's using the Unisoc / Speadtrum / Intel Airmont SC9853i (released Q2 2017) instead of the Tiger T618 or T710 from 2019.
Also, a new unit released with Android 8.1.. Really!? Android 11 beta has already been released.
I know Joying more of an assembler and not really a manufacturer and has little to no access to the source code of the software / firmware their products run. One would hope that they could "encourage" their supplier of coreboards (the pre-built board with processor / firmware) they all use to produce something more modern.
I am in the market for a new stereo for my car and purchased a Joying unit years ago. It's too slow for me now and I want to upgrade, but buying 4 year old product for top dollar is not something I am likely to do.
Did your unit come with the DSP chip for proper EQ adjustment? Many of the assemblers do not include the DSP chip to cut down on costs.
For those that aren't interested in the rotation perhaps this is a better unit for you: Joying 10.1" 1280x800 no rotation
How much did you pay for it?
And is it 1-DIN or 2-DIN size?
I am in the process of buying a 13-inch rotating headunit and it's either going to be this Joying unit or some other Chinese unit.
The Joying has the latest Intel CPU, SPDIF out but is Android 8 and 2-DIN.
The other one has the PX6, no SPDIF out, but has Android 9 and is 1-DIN, which I prefer because it will allow me to fit it an inch higher in the dashboard.
What do you notice more in real life, the Intel CPU vs. the PX6 or Android 9 vs. 8?
skewty said:
Did your unit come with the DSP chip for proper EQ adjustment? Many of the assemblers do not include the DSP chip to cut down on costs.
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Yes dsp chip. But as I understand it dsp is a pretty deep field in which I don't know very much. I don't know if this answers your question but I am able to change eq settings for individual speakers at I think 11 channels..let me know if there's some way I can answer your question better than that.
Flavio said:
How much did you pay for it?
And is it 1-DIN or 2-DIN size?
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499 USD
Flavio said:
I am in the process of buying a 13-inch rotating headunit and it's either going to be this Joying unit or some other Chinese unit.
The Joying has the latest Intel CPU, SPDIF out but is Android 8 and 2-DIN.
The other one has the PX6, no SPDIF out, but has Android 9 and is 1-DIN, which I prefer because it will allow me to fit it an inch higher in the dashboard.
What do you notice more in real life, the Intel CPU vs. the PX6 or Android 9 vs. 8?
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100% the joying intel cpu is waaaay faster and has much fewer bugs than the PX6.
skewty said:
Great to see Joying is releasing new units with motorized rotation.
I am a bit sad that the ratio is 16:9 instead of a more usable 16:10.
I am very sad that it's using the Unisoc / Speadtrum / Intel Airmont SC9853i (released Q2 2017) instead of the Tiger T618 or T710 from 2019.
Also, a new unit released with Android 8.1.. Really!? Android 11 beta has already been released.
I know Joying more of an assembler and not really a manufacturer and has little to no access to the source code of the software / firmware their products run. One would hope that they could "encourage" their supplier of coreboards (the pre-built board with processor / firmware) they all use to produce something more modern.
I am in the market for a new stereo for my car and purchased a Joying unit years ago. It's too slow for me now and I want to upgrade, but buying 4 year old product for top dollar is not something I am likely to do.
Did your unit come with the DSP chip for proper EQ adjustment? Many of the assemblers do not include the DSP chip to cut down on costs.
For those that aren't interested in the rotation perhaps this is a better unit for you: Joying 10.1" 1280x800 no rotation
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I'm currently working on video reviews of this unit. Thus far I've gotten the unboxing and install videos done, hoping to have reviews out in the next week or two; they take a surprisingly long time to shoot and edit.
Install: (This unit turns out to be too big for my car's dashboard and no head units really fit well in the car because of the deep recessed design.)
Just confirmed with Joying, they have now implemented the 13.3inch head unit with Android 10. Can purchase it through
Thank me guys, I ordered one this morning and talked the price down from $500.
The new unit has the UIS7862 CPU by the way.
Now I need to find a suitable Canbus cable for my 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander. Any suggestions are welcome. I am in the Netherlands by the way.
Flavio said:
Thank me guys, I ordered one this morning and talked the price down from $500.
The new unit has the UIS7862 CPU by the way.
Now I need to find a suitable Canbus cable for my 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander. Any suggestions are welcome. I am in the Netherlands by the way.
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How much did you pay? was it the 13.3inch display with android 10?
I am getting the 13.3-inch Android 10 version and I paid EUR 425.00 including shipping to the Netherlands.
I finally installed the headunit today in my 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV with the OEM Rockford Fosgate amplifier.
I used this cable:
But I can't get any sound.
I think it might have something to do with the Canbus type setting in the hidden settings menu, but I have no idea which one to select.
Also should I set the option for External Amplifier on or off?
I've read elsewhere they chose Singapore in the canbus settings and it worked
That's a pretty massive screen. Are you able to turn the brightness down enough at night so that you aren't blinded?
Flavio said:
I finally installed the headunit today in my 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV with the OEM Rockford Fosgate amplifier.
I used this cable:
But I can't get any sound.
I think it might have something to do with the Canbus type setting in the hidden settings menu, but I have no idea which one to select.
Also should I set the option for External Amplifier on or off?
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External on - I would think (if you have the Rockford amp)
Did your original have GPS ,?
The black box part of your cable has to be correct, you most likely have the wrong one and the amp is not being turned on.
The Mitsubishi units are a pain from what I've read
Possibly aerpro Mito-02 cable or CHMB4C patch cable
Check which is suitable for the outlander
Contact joying ? You might need the canbus cable. Definitely on older cars
I gave up tryi9ng to get the adapter cable working with the OEM Rockford Fosgate amplifier. The manufacturer wanted me to send it back for reprogramming without any assurance that it would work after that.
I have now fitted an Awave DSP-6 DSP amplifier that gets the signal from the headunit through optical out. I have fitted a 3-way set in the front doors and on the dash.
So yesterday was actually the first day I could use the Joying headunit.
It is still buggy with various apps repeatedly closing and several time the stock launcher refuses to show the app drawer. I have installed Nova Launcher.
One thing I can't figure out is the split screen function. With such a large display this would be very convenient. What am I doing wrong?
Flavio said:
One thing I can't figure out is the split screen function. With such a large display this would be very convenient. What am I doing wrong?
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You don't tell us what you already tried. Always do that first! I am now risking to spend my precious time on something you already tried.
Also: All the default Joying (FYT) apps like music, radio, video, settings, etc. do NOT function in split screen as those stupid apps don't support it. Their screen layout is still based on android 1.6 and has never been changed. Therefore they can't use the multi-window feature of Android 7+.
Anyway: If you have two apps started, like your nav app and your (non-FYT/Joying) media player, you go to the rectangle in the top-right of your notification bar. If you tap it, you see the active and last used apps.
Tap & hold your desired app. On both left and right side of the screen you will see two grey areas (after 1-2 seconds). Draw the app to either the left or right area. Then select the other app for your splitscreen display.
Alternatively: If you use the touch-assistant (the little white dot normally in the top-left), you can tap it. One of the options is to start split-screen as well.
This has also been described in #19 of my SC9853i Q&A thread.
Obviously as a long time XDA member I tried this already...
I just got word from Joying that the split screen function is not supported on this Joying model.
Flavio said:
I just got word from Joying that the split screen function is not supported on this Joying model.
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Indeed . You have a screen the size of a cinema screen and you can't use split screen. Unbelievable.
And they really show a split-screen on their website !!!
I would really request (part of) my money back
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Edit: They show an apple iphone screen via Carplay. What a frauds!
Split Screen issue solved. I am using this app for it:
Split Screen Shortcut - Apps on Google Play
Add shortcuts to trigger Android's split-screen mode.
The long press activation does not work, but the floating button does.
Hello all,
I have an Atoto S8 which is a FYT based Android head unit.
MCU Version:
2021.04.26 13:48:17 YUF_53_L6315_G32P64F64_Ver: 1.0
CPU: UIS7862 Octa-core
I was wondering if anyone knows of or has an .apk of an FM radio app compatible with the FYT head units? I tried every app around and none of them work. The Navradio developer is still porting his app to this platform, so I was wondering if there's something else I might try meanwhile.
There are re-skins, but AFAIK the radio bits are part of the proprietary MCU
But if I got an .apk from a Joying head unit, it might work no?
I'm not so sure about that.
I think you would have to do some hand editing of some files at the very least. (To put in your fyt build number)
There is more info on it at the other forum.
I looked into it for a second weeks ago, but then I bought Poweramp and haven't really used anything else.
I agree that the fm radio all looks like crap though on my Mekede
Poweramp works with online radio?
Gaugamela said:
Poweramp works with online radio?
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What was the result when tried
Gaugamela said:
Poweramp works with online radio?
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Apparently it does. That's not what I meant, though.
I procured some 15-30 gigabytes of songs from different playlists from another source.
(I have to be vague because of forum rules)
Anything else I want, such as podcasts, I just stream via Bluetooth.
Gaugamela said:
But if I got an .apk from a Joying head unit, it might work no?
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If your Atoto S8 is indeed a FYT unit, it might work.
What you carefully need to look at is the name of the apk. It has to be exactly the same as the one on your Atoto unit including installed libraries.
And then you need to write the corresponding file and use the corresponding lsec6316update binary
and off course: make a backup of your current one.
I'm working on porting NavRadio+ to FYT units.
This last weekend, after 2 months of tries, i was finally able to get sound out of my app.
I already have control of the radio commands and infos so it's just a matter of put things together in the right way and iron out all bugs. Then i could release a first FYT version probably in the first days/weeks of the new year
KoTiX2 said:
I'm working on porting NavRadio+ to FYT units.
This last weekend, after 2 months of tries, i was finally able to get sound out of my app.
I already have control of the radio commands and infos so it's just a matter of put things together in the right way and iron out all bugs. Then i could release a first FYT version probably in the first days/weeks of the new year
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I did not know you were working on this.
Please take a look at this github from lbdroid. It contains a lot of useful "reverse engineerng" information for the MCUradio for the FYT. It is still from the Sofia3GR but as far as I know hardly anything changed.
surfer63 said:
I did not know you were working on this.
Please take a look at this github from lbdroid. It contains a lot of useful "reverse engineerng" information for the MCUradio for the FYT. It is still from the Sofia3GR but as far as I know hardly anything changed.
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The original fyt radio app now contain code for all the platforms and each platform use different approaches. The hard part was to understand which part of code is used by each platform and how.
Sofia units control radio and audio through MCU.
UIS7862 use the native jni libs to control the radio and audio is started by MCU.
Right now I'm working only on more recent UIS7862 units, i don't think I'll adapt it to Sofia or other older units.
I know that units with canbus use another APK too (com.syu.carradio) but it's not totally clear to me what it does exactly. Can somebody explain me it?
To make my app to work, because of the native libs, is mandatory to install in OEM folder a copy of NavRadio apk (not necessarily the full apk, even a fake app with same package name is enough to set NavRadio as system app).
To do this i have 2 ways:
- directly from NavRadio for rooted units with some root commands
- downloading a zip update package to flash manually the APK in OEM folder
If you guys have other/better ways to do this, please tell me, I'm new to these kind of units..
KoTiX2 said:
I know that units with canbus use another APK too (com.syu.carradio) but it's not totally clear to me what it does exactly. Can somebody explain me it?
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I did "some" checking on this app a couple of years ago as I had a Skoda with Canbus. The standard radio in the Skodas (and I assume in all VAG concern cars) are partly controlled by the CANbus. The Skodas use an extension on the standard CANbus commands to switch on/off the radio in the cars when ACC is switched on/off. This is NOT a direct wired coupling of power, but really a digital on/off signal from the CANbus.
My Skoda had a simple Swing radio (hence another Android unit), but other Skodas had the MIB1 Amundsen/Columbus unit (navi/media/phone/radio/tmc and car menu). The car menu inside the radio is also controlled by the CANbus. My guess at that time (not having a MIB1 amundsen/columbus unit) was that that was also "streamed" through the carradio app.
Note: I am only sure for the on/off, the rest is an educated guess. And I assume other cars with CANbus displaying/changing "stuff" via the radio, instead of dedicated hardware buttons, do the same.
Maybe other users having a VAG (Audi/VW/Skoda/Seat) car with previously an MIB1 (or MIB2, but why replace that one?) unit and now an Android unit might have more info.
Please share.
And another question: RDS-AF on all FYT units is incorrectly implemented and already since early 2016.
Does your app has a properly working RDS-AF?
If I drive in the Netherlands from North to South (or the other way round ), I sometimes go through 7 (!) frequency regions depending on the station, but at least through 4.
Working RDS-AF functionality would really be THE reason to switch to it.
Edit: I know it works for Topway and the like, but I want to know whether it also works for FYT.
surfer63 said:
And another question: RDS-AF on all FYT units is incorrectrly implemented and already since early 2016.
Does your app has a properly working RDS-AF?
If I drive in the Netherlands from North to South (or the other way round ), I sometimes go through 7 (!) frequency regions depending on the station, but at least through 4.
Working RDS-AF functionality would really be THE reason to switch to it.
Edit: I know it works for Topway and the like, but I want to know whether it also works for FYT.
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Normally AF is handled directly by radio chip. I still haven't investigated how it work on fyts.
My app can only enable/disable AF and on some units you can set the sensitivity of reception.
On MTC units that also receive the radio station ID (PI code) i added a function to merge the alternative frequencies in the same station preset in an array so that you can easily switch between them sliding up/down on the screen.
I can see in the logs that also fyt units receive the pi code but only at native libraries level (c++), i cannot handle it in java.
I know that we can change sensitivity and read the signal strength so probably something is possible to improve AF.
We'll see...
KoTiX2 said:
Normally AF is handled directly by radio chip. I still haven't investigated how it work on fyts.
My app can only enable/disable AF and on some units you can set the sensitivity of reception.
On MTC units that also receive the radio station ID (PI code) i added a function to merge the alternative frequencies in the same station preset in an array so that you can easily switch between them sliding up/down on the screen.
I can see in the logs that also fyt units receive the pi code but only at native libraries level (c++), i cannot handle it in java.
I know that we can change sensitivity and read the signal strength so probably something is possible to improve AF.
We'll see...
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How is reading signal strength achievable?
Would be great to see real signal strength in app.
KoTiX2 said:
Normally AF is handled directly by radio chip. I still haven't investigated how it work on fyts.
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A lot of Philips TEF6686 radio chips are used and RDS is part of the chip. Some of the cheaper units use a TEF6851 which does not have RDS. Or the budget STMicroelectronics TDA7786x which does not have RDS either.
But it is still the software that "should know" how to retrieve and use the RDS info and in this case specifically the RDS-AF. The FYT software is not doing that correct.
That's why I switched in my other "deceased" car to a DAB+ module using @realzoulou's DAB-Z which uses proper "service following" (as RDS-AF is called in the DAB+ world).
That was a great solution, but I still prefer not to have extra hardware connected when it is not necessary.
surfer63 said:
A lot of Philips TEF6686 radio chips are used and RDS is part of the chip. Some of the cheaper units use a TEF6851 which does not have RDS. Or the budget STMicroelectronics TDA7786x which does not have RDS either.
But it is still the software that "should know" how to retrieve and use the RDS info and in this case specifically the RDS-AF. The FYT software is not doing that correct.
That's why I switched in my other "deceased" car to a DAB+ module using @realzoulou's DAB-Z which uses proper "service following" (as RDS-AF is called in the DAB+ world).
That was a great solution, but I still prefer not to have extra hardware connected when it is not necessary.
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I looked a bit at the logs during RDS-AF and it definitely is working wrong:
AF should search for an alternative frequency of the same station (identified by the pi-code), but somehow,after a while, if the signal strength is ok it switch to a station with a different pi-code.
All this seem to be controlled by the native library but i have no idea how to modify a c++ lib (maybe a revers engineering?)
Maybe I'll find some other way to handle AF using the logs but i can't promise anything right now.
KoTiX2 said:
I looked a bit at the logs during RDS-AF and it definitely is working wrong:
AF should search for an alternative frequency of the same station (identified by the pi-code), but somehow,after a while, if the signal strength is ok it switch to a station with a different pi-code.
All this seem to be controlled by the native library but i have no idea how to modify a c++ lib (maybe a revers engineering?)
Maybe I'll find some other way to handle AF using the logs but i can't promise anything right now.
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I now think it even works differently for the standard FYT radio. My experience so far is only on Sofia 3GR (2 models), a PX5 and a sc9853i, no experience with the uis7862. Hopefully the uis7862 will arrive this week.
The RDS-AF only works for memorized stations. If I want to follow one station, for example NPO 2 FM, through the Netherlands, I need to add 4 frequencies (or more) and memorize these as presets.
It seems the radio app/mcu does not interpret the RDS-AF signal itself, but it seems to check (part of) the RDS data it has for a certain station, with RDS-data from other memorized stations. If part of it is equal (which part? only the station name itself?) with that other station (which you have to have memorized, otherwise it can't compare) and that station is stronger, it will switch to that station. If it can't find a stations from its memorized stations it seems to just select the strongest "whatever" station. This means that I have to blindly save 4 "NPO 2 FM" stations in the presets. And this for some other preferred stations as well. And of course: 1 frequency is what you can easily hear and set, but the other frequencies you have to google or so, because at the moment of adding it to a preset, you don't not have (sufficient) reception for that station.
"Real" RDS-AF should check the alternate frequencies inside the signal. Not do a "does some of the data look like a station I already have in memory".
I am a "restless" listener and listen to multiple stations. I switch when there is talking I don't like, a song I don't like, etcetera. I can't even memorize my five preferred stations in 18 presets.
In the Netherlands we have another deal breaker: FM frequencies are sold every five years and anyone can pay to it. It really means multiple different frequencies, whereas in some countries you only have one frequency for a station through the entire country, like in some countries in Azia.
surfer63 said:
I now think it even works differently for the standard FYT radio. My experience so far is only on Sofia 3GR (2 models), a PX5 and a sc9853i, no experience with the uis7862. Hopefully the uis7862 will arrive this week.
The RDS-AF only works for memorized stations. If I want to follow one station, for example NPO 2 FM, through the Netherlands, I need to add 4 frequencies (or more) and memorize these as presets.
It seems the radio app/mcu does not interpret the RDS-AF signal itself, but it seems to check (part of) the RDS data it has for a certain station, with RDS-data from other memorized stations. If part of it is equal (which part? only the station name itself?) with that other station (which you have to have memorized, otherwise it can't compare) and that station is stronger, it will switch to that station. If it can't find a stations from its memorized stations it seems to just select the strongest "whatever" station. This means that I have to blindly save 4 "NPO 2 FM" stations in the presets. And this for some other preferred stations as well. And of course: 1 frequency is what you can easily hear and set, but the other frequencies you have to google or so, because at the moment of adding it to a preset, you don't not have (sufficient) reception for that station.
"Real" RDS-AF should check the alternate frequencies inside the signal. Not do a "does some of the data look like a station I already have in memory".
I am a "restless" listener and listen to multiple stations. I switch when there is talking I don't like, a song I don't like, etcetera. I can't even memorize my five preferred stations in 18 presets.
In the Netherlands we have another deal breaker: FM frequencies are sold every five years and anyone can pay to it. It really means multiple different frequencies, whereas in some countries you only have one frequency for a station through the entire country, like in some countries in Azia.
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I believe that standard radio receivers have a double tuner to handle the AF: one that keep the station tuned and one that scan all the frequencies to find the better one with same pi-code.
On MTC devices even if it's not perfect, it work correctly, the station is kept while the second tuner scan silently all frequencies until a new one is found.
On the FYT device i can hear changing frequency continuously until a stronger one is set.
I don't know yet if it try to tune the preset ones or try to find some other but anyway it's definitively not working correctly.
I'll dedicate more time to it after the first release of NavRadio app.
Right now on my app work like original app (so it doesn't work).
Looking for some info as I got a new head unit from a friend and was looking at how to identify the specific model number and features and update firmware.
HWget info has manufacter as 116 boardtype F, platform 6315
it has a sticker that says 9inch/836/4g/6+128/720/B1/CP
I know it is a 9inch 4g capable, 6gb/128rom, 720 screen with built in carplay
I don't know what the 836 and B1 mean.
Some additional questions beyond simply identifying this:
EQ says "surround sound has been closed" when you select the surround tab
Can you get carwebguru to recognize the BT player?
How to tell if this can support 360?"
can 360 be added (am conformable with soldering on the mainboard)
carlink 2.0 does not connect to phone
what is "plug in serial device setting? Has options "accelerator / accelerator3b / kq TPMS / serial plugin 360"
I thank you in advance.
Post android system information directly from Android, including MCU version
it's a Navifly 7862
jdoe6783 said:
it's a Navifly 7862
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No such thing
marchnz said:
No such thing
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Click to collapse yes it is.
jdoe6783 said: yes it is.
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They are made up brand names. The are sellers of various factories.
marchnz said:
They are made up brand names. The are sellers of various factories.
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Ok well that's what pops up when I copied and pasted the information you gave into Google. You can't say something isn't real when I show you proof contrary. Also if you can give more info like an MCU number instead of the vague HWinfo results people can actually help you pinpoint a specific model instead of "supposedly fake" head units.
gossipninja said:
Looking for some info as I got a new head unit from a friend and was looking at how to identify the specific model number and features and update firmware.
HWget info has manufacter as 116 boardtype F, platform 6315
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Manufacturer ID =116 already limits it to Mekede/NaviFly, Prelincar, Hencheng, Yiling, Hopod, prelincar, coho (and a few more) where some of them use the "YIN" identifier in the firmware. So you could use a Mekede firmware which is still regularly updated (latest update firmware 23 September 2022)
jdoe6783 said:
Also if you can give more info like an MCU number instead of the vague HWinfo results ...
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What do you mean with the MCU number? The MCU in all the 7862/8514a FYTs is identical. The MCU firmware inside that identical MCU might be slightly different dependent on the hardware, and that is determined exactly by the manufacturer id (displayed by the "vague HWInfo" , which lists much more info inside the zip, when that zip would have been shared).
Anyway, OP can flash a Mekede firmware with manufacture id 116, or a Joying with id 43 where he needs to update the AllAppUpdate.bin to put in the right manufacturer id (and/or bluetooth id). You can get that info all from the files.
The model number is completely irrelevant for a firmware flash. 9" 10" only differ in having 360 camera software or not.
Only difference make the Tesla style units as they use a different screen rotation and slightly differently built android apks.
I updated using medeke firmware to latest and eq surround sound is fixed, as is carlink.
Still no idea if carweb guru can be used for BT audio control (as I do like the look of some of the themes)
360 cannot be added internally since the IC is not sold independant the unit. maybe I'll find a donor unit someday.
Still no 100% sure on the "plug in serial device setting" but I'd imagine that is used for teyes front radar, or some other accessories. I have seen some 360 boxes that have an RX line to an android head unit so maybe that is what "serial plugin 360" is? which would let me add 360 without the IC, since the box would have it.
Appreciate the feedback.
surfer63 said:
Manufacturer ID =116 already limits it to Mekede/NaviFly, Prelincar, Hencheng, Yiling, Hopod, prelincar, coho (and a few more) where some of them use the "YIN" identifier in the firmware. So you could use a Mekede firmware which is still regularly updated (latest update firmware 23 September 2022)
What do you mean with the MCU number? The MCU in all the 7862/8514a FYTs is identical. The MCU firmware inside that identical MCU might be slightly different dependent on the hardware, and that is determined exactly by the manufacturer id (displayed by the "vague HWInfo" , which lists much more info inside the zip, when that zip would have been shared).
Anyway, OP can flash a Mekede firmware with manufacture id 116, or a Joying with id 43 where he needs to update the AllAppUpdate.bin to put in the right manufacturer id (and/or bluetooth id). You can get that info all from the files.
The model number is completely irrelevant for a firmware flash. 9" 10" only differ in having 360 camera software or not.
Only difference make the Tesla style units as they use a different screen rotation and slightly differently built android apks.
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Hey there, @surfer63 !
I just purchased this 2k resolution 8GB RAM and 128GB ROM model from “Nevegetor”. The unit seems to be a newer style with a nicer, fuller screen and such. My question is - can I flash a Mekede firmware, as the UI that comes from this distributor is a bit bland? The unit should arrive in January. I am also going to need to figure out his to use my OEM camera in my 2018 Hybrid RAV 4.
Title says it all. I want to build an app that can read and write the pins that the MCU has access to, for example steering wheel, antenna power, etc.
Anyone know how the stock apks do that?
Is the unit an FYT, post Android system information including MCU version
cryptyk said:
Title says it all. I want to build an app that can read and write the pins that the MCU has access to, for example steering wheel, antenna power, etc.
Anyone know how the stock apks do that?
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@marchnz is completely right: What type of unit are we talking about?
Your request is like: "I have a car. Which wires do I have to connect to a radio I bought".
If it is a FYT unit, you need to decompile the 190000000_com.syu.canbus.apk. That one contains per CANbus decoder the necessary commands.
This is a teyes cc3.
I was expecting that ST (the SOC manufacturer) or FYT used the standard Android library for connecting to the GPIO pins, or provided a library of their own. I didn't suspect that each brand would create their own unique hardware library for something as fundamental as GPIO access.
I tried the standard Android libraries and GetGpioList() doesn't return the pins.
Was hoping someone else had already gone through the effort to decompile this part and see how it works. All good if not; I can definitely do it.
@surfer63 thanks for the lead, but the canbus implementation is done with 3 dedicated bxCAN networks on the SOC which are separate from the GPIO controller.
Thanks for the notes all. I'll just start digging in and let y'all know what I find.
cryptyk said:
This is a teyes cc3.
I was expecting that ST (the SOC manufacturer) or FYT used the standard Android library for connecting to the GPIO pins, or provided a library of their own. I didn't suspect that each brand would create their own unique hardware library for something as fundamental as GPIO access.
I tried the standard Android libraries and GetGpioList() doesn't return the pins.
Was hoping someone else had already gone through the effort to decompile this part and see how it works. All good if not; I can definitely do it.
@surfer63 thanks for the lead, but the canbus implementation is done with 3 dedicated bxCAN networks on the SOC which are separate from the GPIO controller.
Thanks for the notes all. I'll just start digging in and let y'all know what I find.
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Try this repo:
By now very old but it might still contain some useful info.
surfer63 said:
Try this repo:
By now very old but it might still contain some useful info.
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Very very nice! This is a huge headstart. Thank you!