First of all, sorry for my english. I know thats not so good, but I think you can understand it
In this guide I'll teach how to install almost any TTS language (non-robotic) so your device can read things in your native language without problems.
1) Plug your device on computer and create a folder named VocalizerEx
2) Download and install on your device the attached APK
3) Visit this website and download your language. It will be better if you download Premium High
3) Rename that file adding .zip at the end and open it
4) Extract all files and folders of the zip to this folder (created on Step 1)
(Now you can unplug your device)
5) On your device, go to Settings > Language and Input > Text-to-speech output and then select VocalizerEx TTS
Done, now your device speaks your language !
Please, hit THANKS if it helped you
Thx a lot ! works fine with igo primo
Sorry, but it didn't work on AOSB KitKat.
I have several folder (dun, eng, frf, ged, ...) in the ExtSdCard\VocalizerEx folder, installed the APK.
I can select VocalizerEx TTS in the text output, but in the settings the language selection is disabled.
So, I tried to change the Voice data folder in the settings to the folder I put the voices in. Still, it didn't work, even after selecting another engine and back to reinitialize the VocalizerEx TTS engine.
Can anyone help me with this?
Edit: Got it working, somehow the appplication doesn't look for the correct folder, despite the possibility to put the voice data on SD card.
Now I have to get iGo with Dutch TTS voice going with this - strange thing is that iGo ONLY works when the Google TTS engine with English language is selected... If not, there is no way to select a TTS voice in iGo.
how do we let the program speak the text? i want it to read my smses and caller id. but i dont know how to do.
ps. i installed the apk, formed the folder , and extracted the zip file (premium voices) into it.
rsb007 said:
In this guide I'll teach how to install almost any TTS language (non-robotic) so your device can read things in your native language without problems.
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Thank you for this.
The link for languages is corrupt, exist other one?
you're a life saver, thank you
Nice thread, it solved my problem with TTS with tasker ans the command "say".
Nice job
Hi my bro,
Is it possible to add voices of several country ?
Awesome, it works nicely, can't believe I only found this now... the voices are great quality, can't understand why aren't more people using this. :good:
mlmoracle said:
Hi my bro,
Is it possible to add voices of several country ?
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I have tested multiple languages at the same time and it seems to work ok.
Tony il Capo said:
Awesome, it works nicely, can't believe I only found this now... the voices are great quality, can't understand why aren't more people using this.
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I agree, these voices are great! I've been looking for tts this good for months and just randomly found this thread. Works perfect on LOS 14.1. Just wanted to share some findings for future readers. You can hear samples of these voices here:
After finding that page, I noticed that some of the better english voices (e.g. english-uk malcolm and oliver) weren't available at the vocalizer-nvda site originally mentioned. As discussed here:, those voices are found elsewhere and need a more recent version of the apk. In that thread, they provide a link to a zip that contains the more recent apk and a few additional files needed here:
Once you extract the zip and install the apk, create a "VocalizerEx2" dir in your main user dir (should be /storage/emulated/0) and copy the "languages/common" dir from the zip to that dir. You can then download the newer voices from here: Choose your language and hit apply as not all the voices they have are in the list first shown.
Download the voices you want and as with the original instructions, add a .zip extension to the downloaded file(s), extract, and copy the contents into the VocalizerEx2 dir you created. You can have multiple voices in that dir that you select by changing the language within the android tts settings for the "VocalizerEx2 TTS" engine.
Also, just as a final note, there is an app called "Vocalizer TTS Voice (English)" in the play store that provides/uses the same voices but is a different app and not what you want.
Thanks for the info.
btw, you don't need to add zip extension to the files if you use 7zip, a free and open source archiver/extractor. With the 'shell context menu' option enabled you can extract many files (that are actually some kind of archive), then just right click >7z >extract/open archive
I have tried everything mentioned here but it's still not working for me.
My device is a car head unit with android 7.1.1.
I installed vocalizerex (tried both 1 and 2) and created the folder VocalizerEx in /storage/emulated/0 with the downloaded voice inside this folder.
I can see the tts engine in settings but there is also another engine preinstalled (pico tts). If I select vocalizerex and go into its settings I can see and select my voice but it's never working. Also if I exit and enter the tts settings again the selected engine is always the pico tts.
Could it be a permissions issue and how could it be fixed on an unrooted device?
koroji said:
I have tried everything mentioned here but it's still not working for me.
My device is a car head unit with android 7.1.1.
I installed vocalizerex (tried both 1 and 2) and created the folder VocalizerEx in /storage/emulated/0 with the downloaded voice inside this folder.
I can see the tts engine in settings but there is also another engine preinstalled (pico tts). If I select vocalizerex and go into its settings I can see and select my voice but it's never working. Also if I exit and enter the tts settings again the selected engine is always the pico tts.
Could it be a permissions issue and how could it be fixed on an unrooted device?
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Have you changed the actual location of "VocalizerEx" folder in application settings ?
If no, change it in application settings to the actual location of the folder (for example, "/storage/emulated/0/VocalizerEx. exit settings and enter again, you should see your language as supported and listening to voice sample may work after that.
If you put the folder on sd card, maybe you have to grant application access to sd card, as I don't have android 7, you could probably find how to do it easily.
leech4 said:
Have you changed the actual location of "VocalizerEx" folder in application settings ?
If no, change it in application settings to the actual location of the folder (for example, "/storage/emulated/0/VocalizerEx. exit settings and enter again, you should see your language as supported and listening to voice sample may work after that.
If you put the folder on sd card, maybe you have to grant application access to sd card, as I don't have android 7, you could probably find how to do it easily.
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The settings were correct. I am able to see and select the voice I put in /storage/emulated/0/VocalizerEx.
The problem is it's never working and if I get in the settings again, the selected engine is not the vocalizerex but the pico tts.
It's like that it's never activated.
koroji said:
The settings were correct. I am able to see and select the voice I put in /storage/emulated/0/VocalizerEx.
The problem is it's never working and if I get in the settings again, the selected engine is not the vocalizerex but the pico tts.
It's like that it's never activated.
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The engine is failing to initialize, either because it may require a reboot just after changing the default TTS engine, but I guess that it would be painful to try it several times (or at least once) in a car head unit, or it did'nt found required drivers/interface in the device.
For example, I still have a galaxy s3 with a custom stock ROM in which, SamsungTTS.apk was removed, every attemp to set a TTS engine failed till I grabbed the apk from another ROM and installed it as a regular application, after what, every TTS engine worked flawlessly.
BTW, did your unit came with the car or was it an aftermarket one ? Some after market units have their rom set to read only, not allowing to change any of default system settings or using any other preinstalled application, it may sound weird but I had seen such (faulty ?) units.
As a last attemp, you could probably "root" the unit, backup the system before doing anything in case something goes wrong, then force remove pico tts engine so the system will be "forced" to deal with the new voice engine. This is only a suggestion, if you are not familiar with such process, I highly recommend you to read througly the appropriate information available for your device before making any pricey mistake.
leech4 said:
The engine is failing to initialize, either because it may require a reboot just after changing the default TTS engine, but I guess that it would be painful to try it several times (or at least once) in a car head unit, or it did'nt found required drivers/interface in the device.
For example, I still have a galaxy s3 with a custom stock ROM in which, SamsungTTS.apk was removed, every attemp to set a TTS engine failed till I grabbed the apk from another ROM and installed it as a regular application, after what, every TTS engine worked flawlessly.
BTW, did your unit came with the car or was it an aftermarket one ? Some after market units have their rom set to read only, not allowing to change any of default system settings or using any other preinstalled application, it may sound weird but I had seen such (faulty ?) units.
As a last attemp, you could probably "root" the unit, backup the system before doing anything in case something goes wrong, then force remove pico tts engine so the system will be "forced" to deal with the new voice engine. This is only a suggestion, if you are not familiar with such process, I highly recommend you to read througly the appropriate information available for your device before making any pricey mistake.
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My unit is an aftermarket one. I'm not familiar with rooting android devices so I wan t try anything that could mess it up.
Is there any way to install an apk like you did, that would include the required drivers for the tts?
The pico tts is working so I think the reason might be a permissions issue. Could I change somehow this behaviour without rooting my device?
koroji said:
My unit is an aftermarket one. I'm not familiar with rooting android devices so I wan t try anything that could mess it up.
Is there any way to install an apk like you did, that would include the required drivers for the tts?
The pico tts is working so I think the reason might be a permissions issue. Could I change somehow this behaviour without rooting my device?
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Generally, aftermarket means poor if no software support, they manage to get the latest android along with a series of production and stop at that step, they also may relase a poorly designed firmware that has an unsolved bug. If an official firmware update doesn't solve the issue for you, you should try the following suggestion, it does'nt require root, but it may require an extensive search without guarantee to find something suitable, here's how to proceed:
- As your unit is an aftermarket one, it is certainly a single SoC (System on Chip), usually a Rockchip RK31xx but it may be anything else. If you cannot open the unit to see the chip without messing it up, I suggest you to find a way to identify it exactly. Either looking with your reseller, or by seeing at the site where you could find firmware update. The filename of the update file may also give you the answer or a manufacturer code for the chip which you have to identify. Needless to say that the shortest path is to go straight and open carefully the unit, which may require to teardown a "warranty void" label, it's up to you.
- Find a phone that uses the exact Chip as your device (it may be any chinese cheap phone), IT HAS TO BE THE EXACT CHIP. No prefixe nor suffixe, not even a letter in difference, otherwise it may not work. Try googling "[YOUR CHIP NAME] based phones / devices"
- Look for a ROM / Official Firmware for that particular phone (or any other similar chip device if no success).
- Find a way to extract system apk's (it may be painful...) and try to identify any application related to tts, you can proceed by elimination. Usually TTS works fine with phones as it is more likely to be used in comparison to android based computers (TV boxes, gps, car units).
- Install what you extracted in your car unit and proceed with the VocalizerEx steps above.
For your second question, to change permissions (I guess file permissions) you have either to root you device or use ADB with usb connection to a laptop, with appropriate USB drivers required for your device (the chip...once again) and some technical stuff that includes CHMOD command I'm not familiar with ... you may find help around in xda.
- Good luck :fingers-crossed:
no Hindi or Tamil, why?
Link to zip is broken
xdan8r said:
... As discussed here: ..., those voices are found elsewhere and need a more recent version of the apk. In that thread, they provide a link to a zip that contains the more recent apk and a few additional files needed here: LINK IS BROKEN
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Unfortunetly, this link is no longer working.
xdan8r said:
Once you extract the zip and install the apk, create a "VocalizerEx2" dir in your main user dir (should be /storage/emulated/0) and copy the "languages/common" dir from the zip to that dir.
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I tried to search for "VocalizerEx2" and found some hits, but in all these zip-files, there is no folder "languages/common". And it seems, without this content, it will not work. I have downloaded some voices as described and I can choose VocalizerEx2 as TTS-Engine (I checked the correct path), and I can also select my downloaded voices, but there is no noise if I press the button for Example-Voice. Is it possible to renew the link to that zip with the additional content please?
Hey Guys -
I hope I've got this in the correct category. If not, please let me know or move...
I love Tasker! I consider myself an intermediate user as I'm no expert, but have made many scripts to automate various tasks - many of them in great detail. There's one that I'm trying to create which I need your assistance with and/or suggestions for the best method, please...
I already have a Profile set up so that when I enter my car the following happens:
- Bluetooth is enabled
- My phone connects to my car's bluetooth
- My morning radio show starts to play in Poweramp
This is great, but I'm having to manually download and copy the MP3 to my phone daily. The functionality I want to add is:
- Every x hours / minutes, my phone connects to an FTP server
- It checks a specific folder for an MP3 file (See Note below)
- If it exists, it downloads & deletes it. If not there, it disconnects and stops the task
- Once downloaded, it moves it to a specified folder located off the root
- The next time I get in my car, I want it to start playing the new file instead of the last one played if possible. I don't care if Poweramp is used as long as it has resume support if there's no new file
Here's a catch - I'll have to use wildcards for both the folder and file name as both have the date of broadcast in their name. Fortunatly, there are other parts of their name which do not change. One option is that I can use wildcards on my FTP server so that each day's folder (+ files) download to a specific folder on the FTP site. This way, I could have the task check for any folder + files to download and not have to be more specific. Also, the only reason I have the "delete" option in there is so that once it downloads, it doesn't try to download it again on the next run.
So what do you suggest? I just bought and downloaded the Tasker plugin "SSHFTPDownUploader," so am going to play with it. If you have any other ideas - even those which may not use Tasker, let me know.
bzowk said:
Hey Guys -
I hope I've got this in the correct category. If not, please let me know or move...
I love Tasker! I consider myself an intermediate user as I'm no expert, but have made many scripts to automate various tasks - many of them in great detail. There's one that I'm trying to create which I need your assistance with and/or suggestions for the best method, please...
I already have a Profile set up so that when I enter my car the following happens:
- Bluetooth is enabled
- My phone connects to my car's bluetooth
- My morning radio show starts to play in Poweramp
This is great, but I'm having to manually download and copy the MP3 to my phone daily. The functionality I want to add is:
- Every x hours / minutes, my phone connects to an FTP server
- It checks a specific folder for an MP3 file (See Note below)
- If it exists, it downloads & deletes it. If not there, it disconnects and stops the task
- Once downloaded, it moves it to a specified folder located off the root
- The next time I get in my car, I want it to start playing the new file instead of the last one played if possible. I don't care if Poweramp is used as long as it has resume support if there's no new file
Here's a catch - I'll have to use wildcards for both the folder and file name as both have the date of broadcast in their name. Fortunatly, there are other parts of their name which do not change. One option is that I can use wildcards on my FTP server so that each day's folder (+ files) download to a specific folder on the FTP site. This way, I could have the task check for any folder + files to download and not have to be more specific. Also, the only reason I have the "delete" option in there is so that once it downloads, it doesn't try to download it again on the next run.
So what do you suggest? I just bought and downloaded the Tasker plugin "SSHFTPDownUploader," so am going to play with it. If you have any other ideas - even those which may not use Tasker, let me know.
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How does tasker know when you get info your car?
Sent from Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
Google announced that Android Wear is now compatible with the iPhone 5 or later running at least iOS 8.2 limited only to two android wear devices. but it turns out that it's compatible with all android smart watches after following these steps in the video, enjoy
How to video :
WiFi Sync is not available when connected to an iOS device.
The toggle is even hidden on the watch after you pair it to an iPhone.
There is some settings missing with the iOS, but I'm sure in the future they will be available it's just a matter of time... I'm excited that a $50 smart watch or others are compatible with Apple devices and competing with the more expensive Apple Watch which is good for us the consumers
When I connected to my second watch, the first one disappeared, there is no dropdown to select which watch to do settings like in Android's version.
It's only me or it's the iOS version limitation?
I'm running it on iphone 5s, iOS 8.4.1
I have also heard that the Android wear is working with iOS. Do you have any list of Android wear, which are working with iOS? I think it is a great news of iPhone users. Now they have a lot of options.
Rickyzx said:
I have also heard that the Android wear is working with iOS. Do you have any list of Android wear, which are working with iOS? I think it is a great news of iPhone users. Now they have a lot of options.
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LG G Watch, G Watch R, Moto 360 and Samsung Gear Live. Also Samsung’s Project Orbis will also work with iPhone devices and the Moto 360 2015 as well.
Thought I would try to pair with my iPhone 4s, but alas it doesn't work. Why, why, why?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Many smart watches now can connect with Android phone or iPhone.
Like DM08, i95, OUKITEL A28, ect in tinydeal all can be used with Android / IOS.
Is there any way of running custom watch faces that require Facer or WatchMaker with an iPhone?
leveragefx said:
Is there any way of running custom watch faces that require Facer or WatchMaker with an iPhone?
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Not at this time.
WatchMaker and Facer - it is possible with iOS
rjohnstone said:
Not at this time.
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About WatchMaker and Facer.
There's a way to install faces for Facer - no problem. And you don't need an Android device with paired wear.
Using ADB you can install Facer on you wear and then just copy needed files from .face zip archive, and it works. Unfortunately, it doesn't work properly with Huawei watch (and it's not mentioned that Facer is compatible with it). So, it works, but the faces are small and not positioned correctly on the watch.
More details here: <----->
Oops. I'm not allowed to post URLs here before 10 posts (I'm new on xda). So, you can google it by "HOW TO: Install custom watch faces on Moto 360 using Facer"
The question is about WatchMaker.
Same way I found its folder ("BeautifulWatches") on my wear file system, but I didn't succeed in guessing where and in what format to copy .watch (or unpacked) file
Any ideas about the way WatchMaker stores the faces on the wear? Can somebody check BeautifulWatches content on his watch with several installed WatchMaker faces and post the file structure here?
Is there a Cydia tweak or something that allows more functions? Now that iOS official supports Android Wear and there's a iOS 9 JB...
Hi All,
Thanks to everyone who has suggested various methods it did help in more than one way to setup watchmaker on my Huawei Watch connected to Iphone 5s (unfortunately i have not been able to get any of the methods listed here to work but i believe that's due to an error on my end)
Thanks you so much jeffrey.goines you inspired me to search for the options within the BeautiulWatches folder thank you so much
Applications used:
1) WatchMaker - on the watch
2) ES file Explorer - on the watch
Now the steps below:
Installing ES File Explorer on your Watch
1) Download ES File Explorer apk to your PC
2) Use ADB Install command on the terminal to install the ES File explorer to your watch (the phone version of the apk works like a charm on the watch too)
3) This will install ES file explorer on your watch and you see a success on the terminal screen
Installing WatchMaker on your watch
1) Download WatchMaker or WatchMaker premium apk to your PC
2) Append a .Zip to the end the filename (Eg. WatchMaker.apk to
3) Extract the file to a folder on your desktop
4) Open the folder inside you would see another 4 folders (assets, lib, META-INF, res)
5) Open the folder named res
6) Within res you get mutiple folders again scroll down to a folder named raw
7) inside the raw folder you would see 2 files, we are interested in the file named "android_wear_micro_apk.apk". this is the apk that you would install on your watch
8) Use ADB install command on your terminal to get the android_wear_micro_apk.apk isntalled on your watch
9) This will install WatchMaker on your wear and you would be able to see the default watchmaker faces.
Preparing the watchface
1) Download a watchface file of your choice from facerepo or any where else
2) You should get a zip (Eg.
3) Extract the content of the zip file to a folder (Eg. demowatchface)
4) Open the folder and you would see the below contents
i) fonts
ii) images
iii) scripts
iv) preview.jpg
v) preview_dim.jpg
vi) watch.xml
5) rename preview.jpg to u1.jpg
6) rename watch.xml to u1.xml
7) create a new folder preview_dim
8) move preview_dim.jpg to preview_dim folder
9) rename preview_dim.jpg to u1.jpg
10) now zip everything back up to get a zip file with all the contents (Eg.
Transferring the watchface to your wear
1) Open terminal and use the adb push command
adb push "path the zip file you created in step 10 above" /sdcard/
2) This will send the file to the sdcard folder on your wear
Installing the Watchface to watchmaker on your wear Final Step
1) Open ES file explorer on your watch
2) by default you should be in the sdcard folder
3) you should be able to see the watchface zip file you just transferred at the bottom (eg.
4) click on the zip file, it'll open the zip and below you would see an extract button, click on extract
5) it will extract the files to a folder within the sdcard folder on your wear with same name as of the zip file (Eg. demowatchface)
6)Open the folder you just created (eg. demowatchface)
7) Inside the folder copy or cut the file u1.jpg and move/paste it to folder named BeautifulWatches/preview_mini (please note the folder BeautifulWatches already exists inside thesdcard folder on yiur wear if you have WatchMaker installed on you wear)
8) go back to the watchface folder (step 6) (eg demowatchface)
9) copy or cut the file u1.xml and move/paste it to folder named BeautifulWatches/watches
10) go back to the watchface folder (step 6) (eg demowatchface)
11) Copy or cut all the remaining folders and move/paste it inside BeautifulWatches folder
12) If prompted to cancel overwrite please select overwrite
13) That's it your are done.......
14) Just go to change watch face option on your watch select watchmaker from the options an set your favourite watch face
Enjoy watchface of your choice without using an android phone
Apologies if i have had any typos above.... please feel free to reach out to me in case of any queries.....
The above approach is tested and working
Notification time
Hi, i ditched apple watch for Huawei, and put aside Pebble time too.
Is there anyway to see what time the emails or text msgs arrived on the android wear for ios?
Thats one of the few things missing for ios users..
inwisso said:
Google announced that Android Wear is now compatible with the iPhone 5 or later running at least iOS 8.2 limited only to two android wear devices. but it turns out that it's compatible with all android smart watches after following these steps in the video, enjoy
That is awesome. Could this also be a possibility vice versa? iOS on Wear devices?
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Hi Guys, I wanna ask if whatsapps notification works on android wear when pair to a iphone?
japonesque said:
Hi Guys, I wanna ask if whatsapps notification works on android wear when pair to a iphone?
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Android Wear now works with IOS
Hey mate, thanks a lot for the video link, it will surely help me to know all about Android wear. I was really glad to now about news that I got here..
I'd like to be able to setup a one way sync from my QNAP NAS to the SD card on the Joying head unit. The idea is that as new music is added to the NAS, I can sync the new files to the SD card in the head unit.
The Qsync Pro app installed from Play Store no problems. I can find and connect to the NAS. The NAS device shows me the folders that have been 'allowed' for Qsync.
The local device shows no files or folders. When I create a new folder pair, I can see the SD Card and navigate to the music folder. When I select it though, Qsync Pro pops up a message (see attached) with a four step process to grant permission to use it as a mobile folder. There is a button to click through to "Settings". I'm guessing that is the standard Android settings function which maybe isn't accessible in the Joying firmware?
I feel like I've clicked every menu and sub menu in the Joying settings app but can't find anything that looks like the prompt in the Qsync app. I can't see anywhere in the File Manager app that allows me to set permissions on the SD card/folders. The Qsync app has permissions to "Storage".
Any pointers would be much appreciated! Thanks
Sar6e said:
I'd like to be able to setup a one way sync from my QNAP NAS to the SD card on the Joying head unit. The idea is that as new music is added to the NAS, I can sync the new files to the SD card in the head unit.
The Qsync Pro app installed from Play Store no problems. I can find and connect to the NAS. The NAS device shows me the folders that have been 'allowed' for Qsync.
The local device shows no files or folders. When I create a new folder pair, I can see the SD Card and navigate to the music folder. When I select it though, Qsync Pro pops up a message (see attached) with a four step process to grant permission to use it as a mobile folder. There is a button to click through to "Settings". I'm guessing that is the standard Android settings function which maybe isn't accessible in the Joying firmware?
I feel like I've clicked every menu and sub menu in the Joying settings app but can't find anything that looks like the prompt in the Qsync app. I can't see anywhere in the File Manager app that allows me to set permissions on the SD card/folders. The Qsync app has permissions to "Storage".
Any pointers would be much appreciated! Thanks
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Please try to install a file manager like total commander or another advanced file manager. This is a task where you need a file manager, but the builtin filemanager does not have the required functionality. When the QNap app requires this access, a file manager should "step in" to enable this.
surfer63 said:
Please try to install a file manager like total commander or another advanced file manager. This is a task where you need a file manager, but the builtin filemanager does not have the required functionality. When the QNap app requires this access, a file manager should "step in" to enable this.
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Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'll give that a go.
So I reside in India and have recently bought a Bravia which runs on Android 11.
But the problem is that it has no built-in default file manager app
Like when I install PPSSPP v1.13.1, the emulator wants me to choose a directory and that's where I'm stuck.
Same goes for Lemuroid emulator. (Latest from F-Droid)
To simplify, if I want to manage storage I use FX File Manager but can't access to Android/Data or Android/Obb folder and there's no default or stock file manager app to grant the access from.
Any solution??
mix explorer works perfectly
ichyb3ll said:
So I reside in India and have recently bought a Bravia which runs on Android 11.
But the problem is that it has no built-in default file manager app
Like when I install PPSSPP v1.13.1, the emulator wants me to choose a directory and that's where I'm stuck.
Same goes for Lemuroid emulator. (Latest from F-Droid)
To simplify, if I want to manage storage I use FX File Manager but can't access to Android/Data or Android/Obb folder and there's no default or stock file manager app to grant the access from.
Any solution??
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I am facing issue on my tcl Google TV. Can you find solution
mix explorer works perfectly
its like you dont want to read the solution
PuckBass said:
mix explorer works perfectly
its like you dont want to read the solution
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I have also tried the mix explorer. But it has the same issue.
When i connect my mobile to google tv via usb,it soesnt show my mobile content on tv
I have the same problem . PPSSPP displays a message that it cannot use the file management application. PPSSPP does not allow you to open and view directories. PPSSPP cannot see the ISO files already uploaded to the disk.
Same issue with Chromecast with Google TV after updated to Android 12 - it has no default file manager so there is no way to grant permission to access Android/data!
seriosuly people the solution keep being posted and you guys chose to ignore it ...
and people need to stop with the updates to android 12 broke something.
IT DID NOT! = open source file explorer that does EVERYTHING !
PuckBass said:
seriosuly people the solution keep being posted and you guys chose to ignore it ...
and people need to stop with the updates to android 12 broke something.
IT DID NOT! = open source file explorer that does EVERYTHING !
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I have the same problem on my Chromecast with Google TV (HD) with Android 12. The application (John Data Sync for John GBC/GBA emulator) needs access to the emulators folder but when i tap the assign button (to search for it) it does not open any file manager and shows this error: "You don't have an app that can do this".
I've tried multiple file managers, including Mixplorer, but it can't open any of them. I suspect the problem is that the OS doesn't have any file manager setted as default. It doesn't open any chooser and I have no idea how to set it. Maybe from adb?
I don't think it's a permission problem since the file managers do have access to the data folders when i open them. The problem is the other apps can't "launch" or even find them.
Any ideas? Thanks
i have to do the same with psppp & no problem.
PuckBass said:
i have to do the same with psppp & no problem.
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Are you doing this specifically on Chromecast with Google TV 4k? Because as others are saying "default file selector" is not present on that device, therefore loophole to enable access doesn't work.
I'm sure there are other Google TV devices out there and OEMs might have added some flavour to them. allowing this.
I've attach photo as proof that MiXplorer doesn't work on CCWGT
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Kewzyx said:
I have the same problem on my Chromecast with Google TV (HD) with Android 12. The application (John Data Sync for John GBC/GBA emulator) needs access to the emulators folder but when i tap the assign button (to search for it) it does not open any file manager and shows this error: "You don't have an app that can do this".
I've tried multiple file managers, including Mixplorer, but it can't open any of them. I suspect the problem is that the OS doesn't have any file manager setted as default. It doesn't open any chooser and I have no idea how to set it. Maybe from adb?
I don't think it's a permission problem since the file managers do have access to the data folders when i open them. The problem is the other apps can't "launch" or even find them.
Any ideas? Thanks
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LTgoodevil said:
Are you doing this specifically on Chromecast with Google TV 4k? Because as others are saying "default file selector" is not present on that device, therefore loophole to enable access doesn't work.
I'm sure there are other Google TV devices out there and OEMs might have added some flavour to them. allowing this.
I've attach photo as proof that MiXplorer doesn't work on CCWGT
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Indeed, the way Google manages storage on newer android versions, particularly 12 and 13, does make things like this more difficult if not impossible. Even before then, in Android 11 there had been an increasing dependency on native file manager components, and to your points this may vary depending on how the OEM handles things so there is not always a clean line between Android versions. In newer versions, if people disable their native file manager they may then have problems with other file managers such as MiXplorer or even core functions of the OS. It stands to reason that if the native file manager was removed there would be similar problems, and it seems as if this is the situation some of you are in. Unfortunately the workarounds which grant access to various storage locations in third-party file managers (the creation of document providers) requires those native components. Those who can add document providers but still have issues accessing locations could then try the workarounds which you may have already heard in the MiX thread.
Disclaimer: although I maintain the MiXplorer FAQ I am not here to advertise it, just doing some cross pollinating between threads since there is common interest between those who want more access on their Google devices and those who use MiXplorer.
PuckBass said:
seriosuly people the solution keep being posted and you guys chose to ignore it ...
and people need to stop with the updates to android 12 broke something.
IT DID NOT! = open source file explorer that does EVERYTHING !
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With all due respect, in addition to sharing inaccurate information about expectations in new versions of android on Google TV devices (and the subsequent need for native file explorer components) you have also falsely stated that MiXplorer is open source. As explained in various supporting resources for MiXplorer it is closed source.
As to not updating to android 12 or 13, for the time being that's what I'm doing but not everybody has a choice and at a certain point it does become beneficial to upgrade the OS for security and compatibility reasons. It is understandable and reasonable that people would find this problematic and seek workarounds.
Disclaimer: although I maintain the MiXplorer FAQ I do not represent the app or the developer nor do I have any elevated standing here at XDA, so just as a person I say: someone who is telling others to read posted solutions should do better at reading information themselves so as not to spread inaccurate misinformation.
IronTechmonkey said:
Unfortunately the workarounds which grant access to various storage locations in third-party file managers (the creation of document providers) requires those native components. Those who can add document providers but still have issues accessing locations could then try the workarounds which you may have already heard in the MiX thread.
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I wasn't sure from your post if things should work with workaround without native file manager or not so I tried on my CCWGTV.
Sadly it doesn't work - executing document provider step from both workarounds results in "You don't have app that can do this"
LTgoodevil said:
I wasn't sure from your post if things should work with workaround without native file manager or not so I tried on my CCWGTV.
Sadly it doesn't work - executing document provider step from both workarounds results in "You don't have app that can do this"
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My post was intended to share that even in file managers with advanced capabilities it may not be possible to work around the absence of a native file manager. The workarounds were provided for those who are able to create a document provider but then cannot access the location (in MiXplorer). If you cannot even create the document provider then you may be stuck... as you and others have found out. I've never heard of a workaround for this and would imagine that any workaround would involve some system tweaks. This certainly does not mean they don't exist, which is why I posted here so if anyone shares a solution here I could share it in the MiX thread. Maybe there is some other thread or Forum where people are hacking away at this.
IronTechmonkey said:
My post was intended to share that even in file managers with advanced capabilities it may not be possible to work around the absence of a native file manager. The workarounds were provided for those who are able to create a document provider but then cannot access the location (in MiXplorer). If you cannot even create the document provider then you may be stuck... as you and others have found out. I've never heard of a workaround for this and would imagine that any workaround would involve some system tweaks. This certainly does not mean they don't exist, which is why I posted here so if anyone shares a solution here I could share it in the MiX thread. Maybe there is some other thread or Forum where people are hacking away at this.
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I'm having the same issue on Chromecast 4. Have you found any workaround to access Android/data folder? I've tried to install File application from other device. It's installed and when I try to access Android/data now it shows the popup with question which app to use and there's this File application is listed. But when I select it, it doesn't start the application at all and I can't select the right directory.
PetrozPL said:
I'm having the same issue on Chromecast 4. Have you found any workaround to access Android/data folder? I've tried to install File application from other device. It's installed and when I try to access Android/data now it shows the popup with question which app to use and there's this File application is listed. But when I select it, it doesn't start the application at all and I can't select the right directory.
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I popped in here after hearing about this in the MiXplorer thread. but I'm not in position to need or be able to test any workarounds on my rooted moto devices nor have I heard of any workarounds.
ichyb3ll said:
So I reside in India and have recently bought a Bravia which runs on Android 11.
But the problem is that it has no built-in default file manager app
Like when I install PPSSPP v1.13.1, the emulator wants me to choose a directory and that's where I'm stuck.
Same goes for Lemuroid emulator. (Latest from F-Droid)
To simplify, if I want to manage storage I use FX File Manager but can't access to Android/Data or Android/Obb folder and there's no default or stock file manager app to grant the access from.
Any solution??
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if you just want to access the files or install apks, you can use ADB or terminal emulator to manage the files as an alternative.
I'm having the same issue as well. It won't let me choose a custom folder for storing PSP files. Tried different things but nothing worked.