Broken Library Dependencies - Android Builders Collective

Multiple errors on build: X module depends on Y library
Anyone have a good hack for dealing with broken library dependencies? Sure, you can go one by one to line them out, but seems like it'd be easier to put and ignore statement somewhere so you're not prompted each time a broken library is found on build.
Separate, but related, why would folks put source out there with so many of these issues? Is it just considered part of the build process that you have to deal with this sort of thing?


[Q] Android JNI problem. Bad build tools?

Hello, XDA. This is my first post.
Before I start out looking like I'm helpless, and keeping with the mindset that I don't expect something for nothing, I've spent the time to write up newbie-friendly guides:
(edit: Apparently, I have to make eight posts before I can post external links) I will probably accumulate eight posts in this thread, and will edit this at that point.)
Adding OpenVPN and liblzo to the AOSP source tree and compiling a kernel to support it. Includes instructions for patching OpenSSL1.0.0a to enable engine support.
Wrangling with USB permissions
Making a custom boot animation from an animated gif
If it would be better to have the content located on the forum somewhere, tell me where it ought to go.
My problem:
I am trying to roll my own ROM from AOSP (Gingerbread 2.3.4). I have been successfully building images and even kernels for the Nexus S for several weeks now. Recently, I broke something.
I've beat my head against this for three days now. I think I read the entire internet before posting here. I think there is a problem with my build tools, but I don't know where I should be looking for it, or how to test it. The problem is not in the AOSP source tree. I know this because I checked out a clean copy of it, followed Google's instructions, and I get the same result. I get the same result in both the emulator, and on the Nexus S.
When I launch the browser, this is the output from logcat:
(edit: Wow... the parser that tells me I can't post URLs is so aggressive, that I can't paste my logcat output either... I have base64 encoded it instead.)
At first, I thought maybe it was some setting specific to the browser. But then I tried another application that also calls native libraries (CSIPSimple). Whenever CSIP tries to load native libraries, I see something like this:
Are there any veteran android devs that can point me in the correct general direction? I don't need to have my hand held, but having never written any app more complex than HelloWorld, I'm not sure where to begin debugging.
edit: As long as I'm thwarting the parser with Base64, here are the external links I am not supposed to be able to post. I hope it helps someone. Figuring all that out was a lot of work.
Thanks in advance for any help you are willing to give.

[Q] Problem with merging DEX files

I am currently trying to speed up the ProGuard process for projects using large libraries, such as scala-library.
I have made some solid progess, however, one thing stile evades me.
Here is the scenario I have so far and what is (not) working:
[WORKS] If the application hasn't been built already, ProGuard is ran over everything
[WORKS] If the app has been build already, but some new classes/methods from the big library have been used that havent been used before, run ProGuard over everything but with extra keep options
[FAILS] If the app has been built already, but the new version does not use any other classes than the ones that are already kept by ProGuard
Compile the source
Dex compiled classes
Merge the new, partial dex (app.dex) with current dex used in apk (classes.dex)
Package APK
The error I get using logcat is that the class MainActivity does not exist. The copy of my question (including the logcat log) can be found here.
Please help me, XDA. You're my only hope.
OK, this can be closed now, I figured it out. The answer is on StackOverflow

[Q] Unknown library

I'm trying to work through a hardware detection problem running an app (Osmos, purchased in the Humble bundle for Android). It seems that maybe there's something weird about how my Chinese tablet reports its multitouch or something, I figured I'd just hack the apk to remove the multitouch check and be done with it.
The problem is that the error string isn't in the application itself, it's part of a support library and occurs during initialisation, there's no obvious call to the library to ask for multitouch though I'm sure something flags it as required somewhere along the line but probably in one of a couple of parameter values that are long, undocumented integers.
The support library is called and appears in the apk's lib directory when decompiled (apktool, dex2jar, JD are the tools I'm using). There's almost no information about it on the net, only a reference on a pirate site about patching it to remove a check for screen size (similar to what I want to do).
Has anyone heard of this library? Can provide any information on it?

Porting Chromium to Windows RT

So, I've been at this for about 48 hours now (not continuously, but closer than you might think) and I figured I should take a break from modifying project files and puzzling over alignment issues to discuss the project, share some of the problems I've been having and ask if anybody can help, and so on.
The general idea is "Chromium build for Windows (on x86/x64) and build on ARM (for Linux), so there must be a way to build it for Windows on ARM". For the most part, that even looks like it's true. Probably at least 80% of 654 Visual Studio projects (no, that's not a joke) either build just fine with only minor amounts of work, or are things that we don't actually need (I'll try building the test suites... once everything else builds!!)
Areas that have given me problems (caution: some chance of brief rants ahead):
v8. Less than you might think, though. Setting the flags for Arm seems to have been enough.
Sandbox. There's a fair bit of thunking coded in assembly going on in the sandbox for x86. Not sure what's up with it (I don't know exactly how the Chromium sandbox works) but it'll have to come out or be replaced. The Linux (including ARM) sandbox seems to be SELinux-based, which doesn't help at all.
Native Client (NaCl). I think all the assembly is in test code, though, so I may just boldly #ifdef if all away.
libjpg-turbo (libjpg). Piles of carefully optimized assembly... for x86 and x64. There is a set of ARM assembly (for Linux) that Visual Studio won't compile, but something else might... or I may tweak until it works. Of course, I could also just accept the speed hit and use the version of libjpg implemented in nice, portable C.
Anything where the developers tried to use some SSE to speed things up. I may be able to replace it with NEON code, or I may just remove it and hope **** doesn't break. We'll see.
Inline assembly in general. Even when it's ARM assembly, Visual Studio / CL.exe don't want anything to do with it (__asm is apparently now an invalid keyword). I suspect I'll have to just pull the assembly out into stand-alone functions in their own files, then compile them to object files and link them back in later. If I can figure out the best way to do this (for example, I'll want to inline the asm functions) then it shouldn't impact performance. Seriously though, I kind of hate inline assembly. I can read assembly just fine, but I'm usually staring at it in a debugger or disassembly tool, not in the middle of source code I'm trying to build...
Everywhere that the current state of the CPU is cared about (exception and crash handlers, in particular) because the CONTEXT structure is, of course, CPU-specific. They're pretty easy to get past, though.
Low-level functions, like MemoryBarrier. Fortunately, it's implemented in ntdll.h... but as a macro, which breaks at least half the places it's referenced. Solution: where it breaks things, undefine the macro and just have it be an inline function that does what the macro did.
Running out of memory. Not even joking... well, OK, a little bit. I've got 32GB; I won't actually run out. Both Visual Studio and cl.exe do at times, though!. Task Manager says VS is currently using 1,928 MB, and before I restarted it, it broke 2.5GB private working set. Pretty good for a program that for some reason is still 32-bit...
Goddamn compiler flags. Seriously, every single project (I mentioned there are over 600, right?) has its LIBPATHs hardcoded to point at x86. Several projects have /D:_X86_ or similar (that's supposed to be set by the build tools, not the user, you idiots...) which plays merry hell with the #ifdef guards. Everything has /SAFESEH specified, not in the actual property table where the IDE could have removed it (unneeded and invlaid on ARM) but in the "extra stuff we'll pass on the build command line" field, which means every single .EXE/.DLL project must be modified or the linker will fail.
My current biggest goal is the JPG library; nobody wants to use a browser without it. After that, I'll tackle the sandbox, leaving NaCl for last... well, last before whatever else crops up.
Anyhow, thoughts/comments/advice are welcome... in the mean time, I'm going to go eat something (for the first time in ~22 hours) and then get some sleep.
Kudos for having the patience to look though this monster.
It's my understanding that NaCl is still a pretty niche thing at the moment. Is it possible to easily either disable it or completely hack it out, or do other more critical parts of Chromium now depend on it?
I don't think anything truly depends on it. I'll look in the VS dependency hierarchy and see how many things list it, and how awful it would be to remove them.. after I get the other stuff working. I may pass on the sandbox as well, if possible; it makes the security guy in me cringe something awful, but as they say, shipping is a feature..
Please make that happen !
Working on it! I've gotten over half of the projects to build and link, but some other stuff is adamantly refusing to work. I'm beginning to suspect I'll need to work from the other direction - rather than starting at the bottom and building all the dependencies, then combining them into browser components, and then eventually combining all the components into a complete piece of software, I may have to work from the top, removing components until the whole thing builds (at which point it will likely be useless, or all-but) and then seeing what I can add back in. I thought it would be faster to just assume everything can be made to work and only exclude something if it proved intractable, but at this point I've got a ton of very small components and almost no ability to combine them.
It would also help if VS was better at managing such truly immense tasks. For example, I have no simple graph of what all is and is not building, so I'm being forced to manually map that onto the VS dependency tree and see what is blocking a given component from building successfully, and how much is dependent upon it, one erroring project at a time (and there are a *lot* of erroring projects - my last attempt to build any substantial part of the system saw 50 of 400 projects fail).
GoodDayToDie said:
Working on it! I've gotten over half of the projects to build and link, but some other stuff is adamantly refusing to work. I'm beginning to suspect I'll need to work from the other direction - rather than starting at the bottom and building all the dependencies, then combining them into browser components, and then eventually combining all the components into a complete piece of software, I may have to work from the top, removing components until the whole thing builds (at which point it will likely be useless, or all-but) and then seeing what I can add back in. I thought it would be faster to just assume everything can be made to work and only exclude something if it proved intractable, but at this point I've got a ton of very small components and almost no ability to combine them.
It would also help if VS was better at managing such truly immense tasks. For example, I have no simple graph of what all is and is not building, so I'm being forced to manually map that onto the VS dependency tree and see what is blocking a given component from building successfully, and how much is dependent upon it, one erroring project at a time (and there are a *lot* of erroring projects - my last attempt to build any substantial part of the system saw 50 of 400 projects fail).
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I thinkt tht is a mutch better taktic and mutch less frustrading.
I would love to see just a minimal version of it. After that all the small componens can follow.
50 of 400 is pretty good i think. Better then i expected
Bear in mind that the entire thing is 650 projects. If 50 fail at that level, many of the higher-level ones (dependent upon the lower-level) will fail too. I'll see what I can do. I may or may not be able to get v8 actually working (without it, the JS speed will be very bad, think IE8 at best) and I may have to fall back to the legacy libjpeg (which will cut JPEG render speeds by at least a factor of 2). Skia (2D drawing library used by Chrome) has a bunch of assembly optimizations that I need to get it to use the Arm version of instead. There's a couple of total hacks with the library files I've had to pull, which may or may not result in a working final build. We'll see.
GoodDayToDie said:
Bear in mind that the entire thing is 650 projects. If 50 fail at that level, many of the higher-level ones (dependent upon the lower-level) will fail too. I'll see what I can do. I may or may not be able to get v8 actually working (without it, the JS speed will be very bad, think IE8 at best) and I may have to fall back to the legacy libjpeg (which will cut JPEG render speeds by at least a factor of 2). Skia (2D drawing library used by Chrome) has a bunch of assembly optimizations that I need to get it to use the Arm version of instead. There's a couple of total hacks with the library files I've had to pull, which may or may not result in a working final build. We'll see.
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the v8 engine ( used in nodejs ) has been ported to ARM :
I still can't link : htt p://ww
perhaps it will help you
Edit : oups, I just see that another great user of this forum made the port of nodejs to RT
Yep... but they did it without v8. That's not an encouraging result, but I feel like I'm so close...
Is there a GitHub repo so we can help or track the progress of the project ?
Sorry, not at present. There probably should be. The sheer size of the codebase is incredible (about 2.4GB) and having some way to share it practically would be good.
Also, I suspect this would go a lot faster if I don't have to repeat the work of others. I know that there's a working Webkit DLL out there, for example (though with several features, including the V8 JS engine, missing) and if I could get my hands on that it would drastically reduce the number of additional components I need to build. Currently I'm working on the sandbux, but expect that I will need to rip the whole thing out and basically have the browser run as though it was always passed the --no-sandbox parameter, at least for the first build. Too damn much assembly.
This wouldn't have any impact on this project, would it?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda-developers app, complete with annoying signatures.
It probably means that NaCl on Windows RT will be possible in the future. At present, I'm cutting it out of the build - too much x86-specific stuff there to port it over myself, and it owuldn't be able to run x86-compiled NaCl code anyhow.
You might have bit off more than you could chew. It'd better if you put your current progress under version control on some public site so that other people may be able to help you.
It's a big and complex project. You are taking a lot of time, and understandably so. But just open up to other people and you could get this done faster.
Yeah, this is probably true. My life also got unexpectedly *busy* in the last week; a couple weeks ago I had many times as much free time as I do now, and so porting has slowed down.
My upload speed would take ages (literally probably at least a day of solid activity; it's embarassingly slow) to push the full source anywhere, but I may make the effort anyhow. I'll have to post it somewhere for GPL compliance in any case...
You may upload only the diff files, they'll probably be smaller then the whole distribution.
Not to pour cold water on you however, IE10 is already faster than the latest Chrome build in Windows Phone, Windows 8.
I don't see the point of this.
I have personally jumped from IE8 > FF > Chrome and finally back to IE10 over the years depends on its usability, smoothness, speed, etc
Speed isn't the only reason to use a browser. I actually prefer IE myself, but there are some things that other browsers do better than it (in the case of Chrome, parts of HTML5, the syncing across Google services, etc.) Also, Chrome gets updated far more often than IE; IE9 was equal with Chrome on speed at its release, and was far behind by the time IE10 came out.
The reason for this project, though, is a mixture of interest in what it takes, and a desire to benefit the community. Microsoft has deeped that only software which they have blessed may run on the Windows RT desktop. I disagree, and have chosen (among several other things) to port a web browser because I feel that it's important for users to have choice.
LastBattle said:
Not to pour cold water on you however, IE10 is already faster than the latest Chrome build in Windows Phone, Windows 8.
I don't see the point of this.
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Some websites do not get along with the trident rendering engine. Some webdevs are so "Oh f*** IE I don't care" and block access to features just because it is IE. I have experienced this first hand on IE10 on my surface where it tells me to come back when I have a decent browser, only to not have the choice to do that.
This really isn't the webdevs fault either, for years IE was the scum of the internet, only recently has IE caught up to the rest of the browsers (and in my opinion exceeded some) but the years of IE being bad have left a lot of disjointed webdevs who won't even consider giving the latest IE a chance.

Radio hardware?

Has anyone played with the Si4709 chip in a SPH-L900?
I've read plenty of stuff saying that the us variants don't have the hardware, but I thought I'd check for myself.
I built a kernel with support for the chip (using ashton seo of samsung's driver) and loaded up the module.
The driver is only documented in the code comments, so I tried Spirit just to see if it'd pick up on it, but Spirit reboots the phone when started. Sooo... I tried just turning on the chip in FM receive mode, which didn't result in a reboot.
I went over to sysfs and poked through the related twiddles (which there are a bunch of) and didn't come up with anything useful (most things were full of zeroes).
Anyone have any experience with it? Anyone have some sample code that works with the Si4709?
I guess it could be that the phone really doesn't have the hardware, but I'm not sure how to tell at this point.
The Spirit author (who presumably knows all about this stuff) does say in his Spirit thread that this phone lacks hardware, so maybe I should defer to that wisdom, unless someone has an idea as to how we can verify that the hardware is or is not there.
Edit: Here is a kernel with si47xx support if anyone wants to have a go. It's built as a module, so modprobe Si4709_driver to load 'er up.
The phone doesn't have the chip, you're wasting your time here.
Link doesn't let me access the files

