Exsist rom desktop experience similiar samsung Dex for asus rog phone 5?!
is it possible to root Memo Pad 10 FHD?
Its a x86 tablet with intel z2650 cpu.
Does somone have tried it?
Please, can someone help to do this?
Razr I hast x86 cpu.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 too.
No news?
No one could help?
No idea?
But why?
Same situation with samsung galaxy tab 3.
I guess the razr i and lenovo k900 also uses intel soc and have root access
Have a look at this.
I made it possible.
But is a german forum.
Next i will translate it to english.
As the topic said above I have a problem with my ASUS Zenpad 7.0 (Z370CG)
I just buy Zenpad 7.0 2 days ago, But I can't Install Asus PC Link from google play store in my Zenpad 7.0
The page said Your device is not capaitbility with this application.Because of No carrier.
How can I fix this problem.
Btw, 1 more question, Can my Zenpad 7.0 update to Marshmallow ?
Haruka Akane
I installed pixel rom for note 5 to my s6 device
however wifi does't work
anyone know how to fix it ?!?
Dear all, I have an dead screen Note 5 (T Mobile version).
Is there any Custom ROM version which is already rooted and USB Debugging Enabled? I want to flash it to my Note 5 and use it for personal purpose (such as using it as a IP Camera).
Anyone can help me?
Hey Guy
I want to ask why there is no android 10 Pixel experience or lineage os for my Samsung Galaxy j5 prime (G570F) because my device is slow when i install android 10 with One UI 2 RadicalQuack ROM
Please answer me quickly