Question Joying touch panel replacement - FYT Android Head Units

I have a JY-UQS04N4G and want to retrofit this stereo in my car.
It have a GT911 6-pin touch with standart pinout.
But when I has bought replacement 6-pin GT911 touch panel (without side buttons), it not works with stereo.
Original touch in System Info recognized as goodix 911_1060 (e04fbeaa)E:0
New touch recognized as goodix (0)E:0
And no reaction in calibration or test menus.
How i can solve this problem? Maybe someone can help. Thanks.

What does reseller suggest. I wouldn't bet on anyone here knowing or caring to post


How to change S710 numeric keyboard?

My s710 keyboard is in bad shape. What I`m saying is that all the grey shinny color in the "end" and "answer" buttons is gone, and also these keys are broken near the light sensor (the part of the button, transparent, on top of the sensors that connects this buttons). So the buttons are now independent, if you know what I mean.
I am planning to buy this keyboard (the one for spv e650 because I like it more) and install it myself:
But the part is that I don`t know how, any ideas or tuts on how to replace my numeric keyboard?
I found the service manual, I`ll try to follow the indications there.
Wait! I bought the exact same keypad and you can't install it .. Its not the same as the one you have .. The e650 keys misses some small flips that will bound the keys to the pcb.. And then theres another problem.. The Keypad and the keypad pcb is connected with somekind of glue and its extremely difficult to do this yourself.. Believe me i have tried it and i gave up.. I ended up buying a device with broken screen and replaced the screen on that device with my own lcd instead as that is much easier..
Thanks for the reply! So I`d better go to a htc authorized service.

Touch Screen Panel /monitor input to Galaxy S

I have RCA connections in my CAR touch screen panel and can view the screen from galaxy s i9000. But is there a way by which i can transmit the input from my touch screen Car nav panel to android phone?
I think is not possible, there are people working on otg usb but i don't know if will work for that
but, i think it's possible.
cause i connected a Bluetooth mouse and working perfectly.

Pc Keyboard & Mouse

Hey guys, do you know that you can attach Computer's keyboard and mouse on your broken touch panel phone if your phone supports OTG.
And till the replacement of demaged touch display panel you can still use your phone.

Options to mirror unit screen?

Hi Everyone
I need to mirror my Dasaita-PX5 Android8 screen to an external screen (only the video, no need for touch on the 2nd screen)
The idea is to have a second screen closer to the windshield / driver's line of sight. The second screen can be any HDMI screen, or another android device.
Anybody know of a good app to mirror screen? I was thinking of using a chromecast and "cast" the main screen but not so sure about delays / refresh rate. Also I understand PX5 has HDMI support, but I am not sure if the board provides the physical port.
Ideas? recommendations?

Question Remap TEYES T-Pro Steering wheel buttons

Hey guys. About a year ago I installed a Teyes T-Pro in my '14 Focus ST, and while its better than the ST1 radio I had with a 4" screen, I hate this thing. An entire 1 inch vertical segment of the screen does not work, the screen does not turn on when the ambient temp is below 50 degrees F (until it heats itself up, takes like 25+ min in winter), subwoofer pre out doesn't work, and many many more stupid issues.
The reason I'm posting, though, is I would like to remap one of the steering wheel keys. The built in app to do this, of course, does nothing. Apps like button remapper also do nothing, probably bc the buttons function over CAN-Bus. When I press the microphone button on my steering wheel it opens an app called "car-info" which also does almost nothing. I am wondering if there is a way to have another app (google assistant) open right after this "Car-info" app opens. Also, if anyone has any experience with the T-Pro any input would be very appreciated. TEYES Tech support never responded to my multiple messages, of course, and I can't seem to find a head unit that sucks less and I don't want to roll the dice on another Teyes product.
Any input would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks a ton
Anyone got anything?
perrymike15 said:
Anyone got anything?
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Click to collapse
Contact TEYESAustralia, Hopefully they can give you a solution
What kind of car do you have (year, make, model, etc)?
Did you install the T-Pro yourself?
Do you have schematics for your car? If so, how do your steering wheel buttons connect to the old head unit?
Can you tell from the schematics if the buttons are resistive or not? Only resistive buttons can be remapped.
If your SWC are resistive, then you should be able to directly connect those buttons to the T-Pro inputs...I believe they are labelled key1 and key2. If the SWC are not resistive, I don't believe there is anything you can do about remapping them.

