[HOW-TO] Install LineageOS 18.1 on the Google Pixel 3a XL (bonito) w/ Google Apps and Magisk (root) - Google Pixel 3a XL Guides, News, & Discussion

I've been trying to find a good phone for my wife that is officially supported by LineageOS and settled on the Pixel 3a. If you're thinking of purchasing this device, make sure the listing says that it has an UNLOCKED BOOTLOADER. Just "unlocked" doesn't cut it, you'll probably get a phone that works on any carrier but won't allow an OEM unlock. Third time is the charm, we finally ordered from eBay; the listing said unlocked bootloader, and it was.
I had some trouble getting started so hopefully this will help others. This guide will probably work on the Google Pixel 3a (sargo, not XL), and possibly other Pixel devices as well assuming you adjust your release version appropriate to your model.
Note that TWRP doesn't work well (or at all), and don't even try because the Pixel 3 and newer are slot A/B devices so LineageOS uses their own recovery to manage switching between boot slot A/B during update. (Of course, if you do get TWRP working, then I do prefer it so let me know how!)
Enable developer mode
OEM Unlock: method 1, method 2
Unlock the bootloader:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flashing unlock
Install the latest android platform tools for fastboot and adb:
Install the official Android 11:
Agree to terms and conditions
Download the latest v11 zip (RQ3A.211001.001, Oct 2021)
Unzip and run:
Windows: flash-all.bat
Linux: ./flash-all.sh
Repeat #3 above if necessary
Download and transfer LineageOS 18.1:
Download the latest recovery .img to your desk
Download the latest .zip to your desk
Install the recovery image:
fastboot flash boot_a lineage-18.1-20211023-recovery-bonito.img
fastboot flash boot_b lineage-18.1-20211023-recovery-bonito.img # (might not need this one)
Reboot to recovery (may need to power off first)
From the Phone: In recovery it should show the LineageOS icon:
Advanced->Enable ADB (may not be necessary)
Apply Update
Apply from ADB
From your desk:
adb sideload lineage-18.1-20211023-nightly-bonito-signed.zip
If you get errors like error: protocol fault (no status) then your version of adb is too old.
It should say Total xfer: 1.00x but the official LineageOS installation docs say that it might hang at 47% and that is ok because it is done transferring to the phone at that point.
From your phone:
If you want the Google Apps add-on on your device, you must follow this step before booting into LineageOS for the first time!
If so, then tap Apply Update->Apply from ADB and follow Google Apps .zip install notes below in #7.3
If not, then tap the left return arrow and then tap "reboot now"
Optional ZIPs:
If you are already in recovery, go to step #7.2. Otherwise, get into recovery. If you already booted into LineageOS, then I find it easiest to reboot into recovery by enabling "Advanced Restart" :
Systems->Advanced->Gestures->Power->Advanced restart
Then hold down the power button and select Power->Reboot->Recovery
To install zips:
First mount /mnt/system: Adbanced->Mount/Unmount System
This is necessary because the Pixel is a A/B boot slot device and not all .zip's will know how to mount.
Use adb sideload <filename.zip> as in #6.4 above (but with the .zip you want!)
You may be prompted on your phone to install even though the signature is untrusted.
Download the latest Google Apps for arm64. (Do this before booting LineageOS for the first time!)
Most people recommend MindTheGapps,however:
Because the Pixel is a A/B boot slot device, MindTheGapps doesn't know how to mount /mnt/system so it fails.
This is probably a bug in MindTheGapps, if you find a way to fix it let me know.
Others like OpenGApps.
I installed this one, but for some reason it didn't work the first time. It did the second! Maybe I missed something.
Well Play Store is hanging, so trying MindThe Gapps
Root your device with Magisk:
Download the latest Magisk APK:
Note that the .apk is also a .zip, so rename it if you must (but I didn't need to).
Enable adb
Install the apk:
adb install Magisk-v23.0.apk
LineageOS recovery doesn't like to install multiple zips at once. If you get the error adb: sideload connection failed: closed then click the left back arrow, then again folow steps from 6.4
Try factory reset if you have boot issues the first time

In Step 5, sub-step 3 you typed "Download the latest v11 zip (SP1A.210812.015, Oct 2021)". The latest Android 11 image for bonito is "RQ3A.211001.001, Oct 2021". The image you reference is the new Android 12 image for bonito.

Thanks for catching my copy-paste bug! I've updated the article.


[GUIDE] Install Magisk with proper support for OTA updates

* I'm not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in the products you find here before flashing it!
* YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
* Your warranty could be void if you tamper with any part of your device / software.
* Same statement for XDA.
Here's an alternative method to install Magisk that support OTA updates (copied from the Mi A1 forum and expanded )
You need a PC with Android platform tools (they exist also for MacOS and Linux). When using Windows, you should also install MiFlash tool to get the required drivers to recognize the device.
First thing to do: unlock the bootloader (if you didn't already do this, obviously). Smartphones with Android One are much easier to unlock compared to other Xiaomi phones with MIUI (where you have to ask for authorization and wait for weeks).
CAUTION: when you unlock the bootloader, the phone will reset, erasing all your saved data. Backup your data before unlocking.
1. Go to Settings > System > About phone > and tap many times on "Build number" until you unlock "Developer options" (on Andoird 9 "About phone" is right at the top of the Settings app).​2. Go back to the previous page (i.e. Settings > System), where you can find now "Developer options". Go there and enable the "OEM unlocking" option (and it's better to never disable this).​3. Now you can shutdown your phone, then turn it on while holding the "Volume down" button pressed. Release it when you see the Fastboot screen You can also use the command "adb reboot-bootloader" if you already connected the phone to the PC.​4. Now connect the phone with your PC via USB cable, open an administrative command prompt, move to the directory where the Android platform tools are placed and unlock the bootloader with the following command:
fastboot oem unlock
The phone will reboot, erasing all the data.​
Now you unlocked your phone's bootloader and can continue to the next section.
5. Download and install on the smartphone the latest version of Magisk Manager's apk available.
You need the smartphone to be connected to the internet, because Magisk won't install and won't work properly without a connection.​
6. Now you can easily download an already patched boot.img from the following list and jump straight to point 10 of this guide, or you can continue to the next point and learn to patch yourself an original boot.img
If you choose the short way, be sure that you select the patched_boot.img with the same "Build number" currently installed on your phone (see point 1 of this guide), and don't flash the file directly on the phone memory, because Magisk will not work properly (do exactly what this guide says, and you will not find problems, hopefully).
For our convenience, extract the patched_boot.img file in the same directory where Android platform tools are located.
patched_boot (2018 July update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
patched_boot (2018 August update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
patched_boot (2018 September update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
patched_boot (2018 October update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
patched_boot (2018 November 1st update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
patched_boot (2018 November 2nd update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
patched_boot (2018 December upgrade to Android 9.0 Pie) - patched with Magisk 18.0
patched_boot (2019 January update) - patched with Magisk 18.0
In case you erroneously flash those patched files directly on the phone, flash back the original boot.img via fastboot and follow the guide:
original boot.img (2018 July update) - taken from fastboot ROM
original boot.img (2018 August update) - taken from OTA update
original boot.img (2018 September update) - taken from OTA update
original boot.img (2018 October update) - taken from OTA update
original boot.img (2018 November 1st update) - taken from OTA update
original boot.img (2018 November 2nd update) - taken from OTA update
original boot.img (2018 December upgrade to Android 9.0 Pie) - taken from fastboot ROM
original boot.img (2019 January update) - taken from fastboot ROM
7. You need the original boot.img to patch. You can find it inside the official fastboot ROM zip for daisy. Check that the downloaded ROM version is the same as the "Build number" currently installed on your phone (see point 1 of this guide). If the versions are different, update (or downgrade if possible) your phone to that version. You can also download original boot.img elsewhere (for example at the point 6 of this guide), but always pick the same "Build number" of your phone.
After you get the boot.img, copy it to the phone memory (via USB or microSD, or download directly from the phone browser, as you prefer).​
8. Open the Magisk Manager app installed previously, it will ask if you want to install Magisk. Accept by tapping on "Install" > "Patch Boot Image File" and select the boot.img file that you get on the point 7 of this guide.​
9. Wait until the process completes (about 1 minute), then tap on "Close". Now in the phone memory, inside the Download directory, you should have a patched_boot.img file. Copy that file to the PC, inside the same folder where the Android platform tools are located, for our convenience.​
10. Reboot the phone in fastboot mode (as already explained in point 3 of this guide), open an administrative command prompt, move to the Android platform tools directory and then write the following command:
fastboot boot patched_boot.img
If everything works the phone should boot normally. Open Magisk Manager and it should ask to install Magisk, if not you must tap on the "Install" button. Then choose "Install" > "Direct Install (Recommended)" to install Magisk on the phone, and reboot when finished.​
11. Last step to stay safe when a new OTA update arrives: go to "Settings" > "System" > "Developer options" > and disable "Automatic system updates". From now on, you should check manually if a new OTA update is available.​
Now the installation is finished, you can use Magisk Manager to install modules and manage root permissions.
UPDATE 9 February 2019 It seems that with the latest Magisk (v18.1) and Magisk Manager (v7.0.0) the following procedure is working fine again. I didn't test it personally, but some users gave positive feedback.
WARNING! January 2019 Since the arrival of Android 9 Pie, the OTA update with Magisk as described in the following section, doesn't seem to work anymore. It could work, but you could also get a bootloop with the risk of losing your data.
Before upgrading from Android 8 to 9, or doing an OTA update after Android 9 you should:
- backup your data;
- remove any lockscreen password or fingerprint;
- uninstall totally Magisk and reboot.
If after doing this you get a bootloop, you could try to manually flash the vanilla boot.img via fastboot on the current slot (the same version as the last installed OTA). If you managed to fix the bootloop you can then install Magisk anew, from step 5 of this guide.
If the phone wants your PIN or password to proceed after the OTA update or after fixing the bootloop, and your PINs or passwords doesn't work, then you could have to reset the phone (or erasing the data partition, that should be the same thing), losing all your data.
Last chance if everything fails, you can flash the latest fastboot ROM from the official Xiaomi site and the phone will be working again.
IMPORTANT: OTA updates will work only if all the partitions on the smartphone are untouched. Magisk Manager can restore the original boot.img following this section of the guide, but if you tampered directly with the system partition (e.g. manually editing build.prop) or other partitions, OTA will refuse to install.
You can try to fix OTA updates without the need to flash the whole original fastboot ROM, by flashing only the tampered partitions (usually only "system") with the corresponding img file found inside the fastboot ROM zip. Check the "Troubleshooting" section of this guide for details.
12. When you know that a new OTA update is available and you want to install it, open Magisk Manager, and tap on "Uninstall" > "Restore Images" but very important: absolutely don't reboot the phone now!
Important note: Magisk Manager will restore the boot.img that was found on the phone while installing Magisk. If the boot.img was already non-vanilla (for example you flashed the boot.img with TWRP before installing Magisk), Magisk Manager will backup that modified version of boot.img, and when restored the OTA will not work, as that's not a vanilla boot.img.​
13. Close Magisk Manager and go to "Settings" > "System" > "System update" and install the OTA update. After the update is downloaded, a two-stages update will begin.​
14. When both stages of the update process completed, it will ask to restart: DON'T DO IT!. Open Magisk Manager again and tap on "Install" > "Install" > "Install to Inactive Slot (After OTA)" and after that you can tap on "Reboot".​
After the reboot you will have the updated Android version with Magisk already working.
Thanks to user @jashancheema for the Mi A1 guide and a bigger thanks to @topjohnwu for the OTA part and above all for developing Magisk.
WARNING: before attempting any of the following operations, you must disable any screen lock, PIN or password, because you risk to not get back your data (encryption issues). It is recommended to take a backup, too (as every time a custom modding is involved).
You can get errors when installing OTA updates if you didn't follow meticulously the guide.
Check this list to try to find where the problem lies:
- when a new version is found, the updater will check if all the partitions on the device are untouched. If there is a partition that has been modified, the OTA updater will not proceed with the installation;​- typically, the two partitions commonly modified by user modding are the boot partition (that's where Magisk and TWRP are installed) and the system partition (when you change a config file, add or remove a system app, etc.);​- a system partition modified only by using Magisk modules is effectively untouched, because Magisk register all changes to /system in a file in the /data partition and then trick Android to believe those changes are really applied to /system;​- boot partition instead is really modified, but if you install Magisk following this guide, Magisk will save a copy of the untouched boot partition, and restoring it before applying OTA update will make the update work.​
Now, if you didn't follow this guide to install Magisk and you installed it in other ways, Magisk could alert you that he cannot restore the original boot.img (the boot partition) when you try to apply the OTA update.
To fix this, you can flash directly the vanilla (original, unmodified, untouched) boot.img taken from the point 6 of this guide, using those commands:
fastboot getvar current-slot
fastboot flash boot_? boot.img
the first command will tell you what is the current slot in use (a or b), the second command will flash the original boot into the phone, but you have to change the "?" in the command with a or b (i.e. the current slot that the first command provided).
Remember that the boot.img file version must correspond to the Android build version currently running in your phone.
If the OTA update will still refuse to apply, probably you changed something directly in the /system partition (for example you changed something in the build.prop without using a Magisk module to do this).
In this case you have to flash the original system.img in the phone with those commands:
fastboot getvar current-slot
fastboot flash system_? system.img
and as before, the first command will tell you the right slot to use instead of the "?" in the second command.
Here you can find the system.img extracted from the OTA updates zip (along with every other .img file inside that): (August 2018) OTA update dump as .img files (September 2018) OTA update dump as .img files (October 2018) OTA update dump as .img files (November 2018) full fastboot ROM (November 2018) OTA update dump as .img files
If you want to obtain the system.img by yourself, you can find it inside the fastboot images but usually they are not updated monthly like OTA updates. But you can extract the system.img directly from the OTA update zips found in this thread (as I did above with my dumps), using the Python scripts found here.
To make the Python scripts work in Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives, you have to download both "extract_android_ota_payload.py" and "update_metadata_pb2.py", give them execution property and then install the package "python-protobuf". After this you can give this command to unpack the payload.bin file (that you must extract from the OTA update zip):
./extract_android_ota_payload.py /path/to/payload.bin
This will extract in the current directory all the .img files inside payload.bin, including the system.img
I don't know how to proceed in Windows, probably you only need to install the latest Python2 release and the script will work.​
As the last resort, you can flash directly with MiFlash the latest fastboot image available (even if older than your current version). Use the "flash_all.bat" script but before take a backup of your data, because the phone will be fully reset.
If you don't want to take the risk of not doing a backup, use the script "flash_all_except_storage.bat" when flashing, so you will keep all your data, but be warned that sometimes you will not be able to access the data anymore, because of encryption problems.
Right after the flash, you can start following the guide from point 5 or 6.
It should not be a problem downgrading the build version via fastboot, as long as the Android main version remain the same (Oreo 8.1 at the moment).
Thx, nice work :good:
Thanks to the OP. Great post! Totally noob friendly guide. Nice work.
It should also work on mi a2, thanks!
Lione2 said:
It should also work on mi a2, thanks!
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Sure, but you can't use the posted patched_boot.img, because they're designed for Mi A2 Lite (daisy) and not for Mi A2 (jasmine).
EDIT: I posted the patched and original boot files for Mi A2 jasmine in the second post. I don't know if I can make a thread in the Mi A2 forum section with an adapted copy of my guide, there are already two guides there (even if not polished like this) and I don't want to create more confusion with a third guide about the same argument...
i've installed magisk from previous guide - what steps should I take to apply OTA update? - 12 to 14?
Now magisk informs me that there is 17.1 version - how to update it?
krzygaj said:
i've installed magisk from previous guide - what steps should I take to apply OTA update? - 12 to 14?
Now magisk informs me that there is 17.1 version - how to update it?
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If you flashed directly the patched_boot.img via fastboot in both slots A and B as the other guide said previously, you must flash the original boot.img to both slots, then start the guide from point 10.
BubuXP said:
If you flashed directly the patched_boot.img via fastboot in both slots A and B as the other guide said previously, you must flash the original boot.img to both slots, then start the guide from point 10.
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I did as you wrote but still can't install August update - is there any log?
- extracted boot.img from rom: http://en.miui.com/download-354.html
- did fastboot flash boot_a boot.img and fastboot flash boot_b boot.img and rebooted
- next rebooted and did fastboot boot patched_boot.img with patched_boot (July update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
later did steps in guide - but when i do system update it stops on first stage
Any ideas?
krzygaj said:
I did as you wrote but still can't install August update - is there any log?
- extracted boot.img from rom: http://en.miui.com/download-354.html
- did fastboot flash boot_a boot.img and fastboot flash boot_b boot.img and rebooted
- next rebooted and did fastboot boot patched_boot.img with patched_boot (July update) - patched with Magisk 17.1
later did steps in guide - but when i do system update it stops on first stage
Any ideas?
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You tampered the system partition? Try flashing also the system.img in that case.
Another case could be that you made an OTA update from the June build to July: in this case the partitions on the other slot (probably only the boot partition) where lost when overwrited with fastboot (and cannot be restored, as we don't have any June build ROM or OTA).
If everything fails, do a full fastboot flash with MiFlash tool, but using the flash_all_except_storage.bat script, that should keep your data intact, restore all partitions (A and B) to stock versions and you can then apply OTA (before or after installing Magisk, but I suggest after installing Magisk so you can test if the guide works fine).
BubuXP said:
If everything fails, do a full fastboot flash with MiFlash tool, but using the flash_all_except_storage.bat script, that should keep your data intact, restore all partitions (A and B) to stock versions and you can then apply OTA (before or after installing Magisk).
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Thanks above worked :good:
Hope the next update will go smoothly

When booting comes a warning message because of the unlocked boot loader. How can I disable this message?
PC295 said:
When booting comes a warning message because of the unlocked boot loader. How can I disable this message?
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you can't turn that off with open bootloader
Guys, after i have unlocked bootloader i cannot charge my phone when is off because he go on when I insert the plug, it's normal?
proton242 said:
Guys, after i have unlocked bootloader i cannot charge my phone when is off because he go on when I insert the plug, it's normal?
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ConradB said:
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ConradB you have some suggestion? Thank you
proton242 said:
ConradB you have some suggestion? Thank you
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Same problem on mine, I don't know if it's a ROM bug or it's caused by unlocked bootloader or Magisk.
The only solution at the moment is charging while the phone is switched on.
BubuXP said:
Same problem on mine, I don't know if it's a ROM bug or it's caused by unlocked bootloader or Magisk.
The only solution at the moment is charging while the phone is switched on.
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Ciao BubuXP, provando a rimuovere Magisk (lasciando il bootloader sbloccato) tutto torna alla normalità, cosa dici, crea casino quando patcha il boot.img?

[Guide][Root Magisk Only][OTA Compatible] Moto G6 Play

* Warranty is void
* I'm not responsible for any damage to your phone in mistaking anything specified here
* This guide requires intermediate knowledge
I'm posting this guide because I haven't found any special thread about it, and had to search multiple threads and websites to get a conclusion in how to root Magisk only (without flashing TWRP or any other custom recovery). Focused in not decrypting the phone, or modify any system partition for a full OTA compatibility.
* ADB/Fastboot & Motorola USB drivers installed - (PC)
* Unlocked bootloader - (Phone)
* Stock rom - (Phone)
* Magisk Manager (latest stable version installed on your phone)
* TWRP (compatible to the Moto G6 Play model) - please refer to this thread for more details. ***(Of course, you won't flash it!)
1. Reboot to bootloader
2. Boot into downloaded TWRP using Fastboot code:
fastboot boot twrp_downloaded.img
(on TWRP ignore any password by canceling)
3. Backup stock boot image using:
adb pull /dev/block/platform/soc/7824900.sdhci/by-name/boot stockboot.img
4. Reboot system using ADB code:
adb reboot system
5. After rebooted, copy backed up stockboot.img to the phone internal memory
6. Install and open Magisk Manager, click [Instal] > [Install] > [Select and Patch a File] and select stockboot.img on internal memory.
7. After boot image patched, copy magisk_patched.img from phone Download folder to PC
8. Reboot to bootloader and flash magisk_patched.img to phone using Fastboot code:
fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img
9. After done, reboot system using fastboot code:
fastboot reboot
10. All done! Open Magisk Manager and check root! For future OTA updates already rooted with Magisk, I recommend this post: https:// www. the custom droid .com/install-ota-update-rooted-android-device-guide/ - (remove spaces )
I've noticed that Moto G6 simply forces reboot system before update the device, if we go to restore images in Magisk to try it out tutorial post from 10., it'll simply be removed after that.
Even doing so and going ahead to update the device losing Magisk, and still have to back up once more the new updated boot image and patch it on Magisk following my guide above, I got a bootloop patching the newest OTA with Magisk 20.0 (latest).
After almost losing indefinitely root access, I got it done, downgrading Magisk to 19.3.
For doing so, download Magisk 19.3 zip file from GitHub repository and copy it to the SD Card, boot up into TWRP using fastboot (without flashing) then proceed as read-only, after that, install Magisk 19.3 zip file to patch the OTA updated boot image, then it's done. Root it's working properly without updating Magisk.
I don't know exactly why the latest Magisk it is breaking the OTA updated boot image... Whatever, it's a good approach to get root access back after the recent OTA!
I still need to check if this workaround will be working on new OTA's. That's it.
After recent update - January 2020, my rooting workaround supporting OTA is working properly as followed solution on UPDATE 1, above.
I didn't test using latest Magisk 20.3 apk due the bootloop when patching boot image in Magisk 20. Don't know if that bug has been fixed...
Updating Magisk after successfully rooted using solution above will not result in a bootloop, but I do recommend downgrade Magisk when new OTA is released.
Hello, thank you for this guide. I'm having trouble with the last step, as I also am having a bootloop with the boot image patched with the latest Magisk. Would you care to elaborate on how do I install Magisk 19.3? Since I boot TWRP, but cant find the Downloads folder from the phone, where I put the Magisk-v19.3.zip file. Cheers!
gabardal said:
Hello, thank you for this guide. I'm having trouble with the last step, as I also am having a bootloop with the boot image patched with the latest Magisk. Would you care to elaborate on how do I install Magisk 19.3? Since I boot TWRP, but cant find the Downloads folder from the phone, where I put the Magisk-v19.3.zip file. Cheers!
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First, if you have the actual boot backup, you'll need to flash it to fix bootloop.
Remember to boot into TWRP (without flashing) to flash it.
* Follow the samples above for the codes if necessary.
After fixing bootloop all you'll need to do is download the Magisk-v19.3.zip from “Magisk GitHub releases” and place it on the external sd card.
Then boot into TWRP (always without flashing) and flash the zip file using TWRP. (Remember to flash to boot image).
It'll simply patch your boot, after that, reboot, if successfully booted go check Magisk.

Help! How do i install a custom ROM the proper way and Root the device aftwerwards?

Hi, I am new to custom ROM's and Rooting my device. And i hope you can help me with my Problem. I have a OnePlus A6003
What i tried so far:
Before i tried installing CustomROM's my device was on OOS 10.3.0
Then i needed to use the "twrp-3.3.1-16-enchilada-Q-mauronofrio.img" to get into TWRP
in TWRP i followed the Instructions from the LinageOS site:
Now tap Wipe.
Now tap Format Data and continue with the formatting process. This will remove encryption and delete all files stored in the internal storage.
Return to the previous menu and tap Advanced Wipe, then select the System partition and then Swipe to Wipe.
Sideload the LineageOS .zip package:
On the device, select “Advanced”, “ADB Sideload”, then swipe to begin sideload.
On the host machine, sideload the package using: adb sideload filename.zip
(Optionally): If you want to install any additional add-ons, run adb reboot sideload, then adb sideload filename.zip those packages in sequence.
Note: If you want Google Apps on your device, you must follow this step before booting into LineageOS for the first time!
(Optional): Root your device by installing LineageOS’ AddonSU, (use the arm64 package) or by using any other method you prefer.
Once you have installed everything successfully, run ‘adb reboot’.
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I was sure this wasn't the right way cause after i rebooted the device i couldn't get to LinageOS.
After that i could get the "twrp-installer-3.3.1-2-enchilada.zip" (The official version from the TWRP site to work)
Flashed LinageOS the proper way (that's what i thought, lol) through install in TWRP
after that i had the same problem i could boot one time into LinageOS and that was it.
Current State of the Phone:
Bootloader unlocked (check)
Recovery Mode starts LinageOS Recovery
Fastboot is working fine
TWRP is not installed
What i am basically trying to do is:
Install a Privacy Focused ROM (open for Suggestions but i think LinageOS is good)
Root with Magisk
Flash NanoDroid Packages
Flash AFWall+
Flash AdAway
Some questions that i have
Do i need the customized TWRP because my phone did originally run OOS 10.3.0?
Whats the proper way to install a ROM on this device and Root it afterwards with Magisk?

UPDATING Pixel 5 Factory Image & Re-Rooting

Why This Thread?
I have seen several questions on the process for updating a rooted Pixel 5, since the existing guides only explain the unlock and initial rooting, I thought I'd throw together a quick HOW TO on UPDATING and Re-Rooting for anyone who might still be uncertain about "update" procedures, I've followed thie below method twice now with no issues at all,> None of my data was lost and I kept my EX kernel!.
If You Want To Unlock Your Bootloader and Root Your Pixel 5:
This guide takes you step by step through bootloader unlock, using magic to patch the boot image and get your device rooted.
If You're Already Unlocked & Rooted, and Want To Update The Factory Image And Re-Root:
If you're already rooted and want to update to the next factory image, just follow the standard update factory image routine for the Pixel series of devices, then following the below:
After extracting the primary factory zip, and the secondary zip that is created from the first extraction (all done within the platform tools folder with the fastboot app)
Edit the FLASH-ALL file.... keep the -w for a clean install that wipes everything, or remove the -w to keep your data.
This will install the latest factory image and remove root.
Now, follow these steps here, they're perfect. (these are the same instructions for unlocking bootloader, and initial install of Magisk listed above)
If you were previously rooted, and just updating the next factory image, you can skip the entire sections on installing and hiding Magisk manager in the above instructions, (these settings remained in Magisk Manager when I did this).
And you're done!
* * * MagiskHide Props Config IS NO LONGER WORKING * * *
Please follow THIS LINK for the Universal Safetynet Fix that replaces the MagiskHide Props Config process.
If you know an easier, shorter, more efficient, or UPDATED method, please share it and I'll make the necessary corrections/adjustments
My method is updating via the OTA packages. Similar to using the factory image but no editing of files.
Download the factory image for your current software version.
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Extract the boot.img from #1
Download the factory image of the version you're updating to.
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Download the OTA image for the version you're updating to.
Full OTA Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Turn off magisk modules
Apply the boot.img from step #2 (I save this from my previous update so I can skip steps 1 & 2 above.)
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot "path to boot.img"
fastboot reboot (this is a sanity check to make sure things are normal. The phone should be normal and without root. It can be skipped if you wish, simply use the fastboot menu on the phone and boot to recovery skipping steps 4 & 5.)
Sanity check phone
adb reboot recovery
Once in recovery hold the power button and click volume up
Use the volume keys to highlight "Apply update from ADB"
Click the power button.
On your computer run: adb sideload "path to #4" and wait for it to finish. You'll get status on the adb command and on the phone.
Once finished restart the phone and let it finish the update.
Your phone is now updated but without root.
Extract boot.img from #3 above.
Copy it to the phone
Open magisk manager and patch the boot.img you just copied
Copy the patched boot.img file created by magisk manager back to your computer
Apply this file using fastboot
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot "path to patched boot.img"
fastboot reboot
Turn on your magisk modules and test
You can now delete 1, 3, & 4. I save #12 for the next update. This eliminates the need for 1 & 2.
You should now have an updated rooted device.
l7777 said:
My method is updating via the OTA packages. Similar to using the factory image but no editing of files.
Download the factory image for your current software version.
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Extract the boot.img from #1
Download the factory image of the version you're updating to.
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Download the OTA image for the version you're updating to.
Full OTA Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Apply the boot.img from step #2 (I save this from my previous update so I can skip steps 1 & 2 above.)
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot "path to boot.img"
fastboot reboot (this is a sanity check to make sure things are normal. The phone should be normal and without root. It can be skipped if you wish, simply use the fastboot menu on the phone and boot to recovery skipping steps 4 & 5.)
Sanity check phone
adb reboot recovery
Once in recovery hold the power button and click volume up
Use the volume keys to highlight "Apply update from ADB"
Click the power button.
On your computer run: adb sideload "path to #3" and wait for it to finish. You'll get status on the adb command and on the phone.
Once finished restart the phone and let it finish the update.
Your phone is now updated but without root.
Extract boot.img from #2 above.
Copy it to the phone
Open magisk manager and patch the boot.img you just copied
Copy the patched boot.img file created by magisk manager back to your computer
Apply this file using fastboot
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash "path to patched boot.img"
fastboot reboot
You can now delete 1, 3, & 4. I save #12 for the next update. This eliminates the need for 1 & 2.
You should now have an updated rooted device.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you. Well-written, just a few minor corrections.
Download the factory image for your current software version.
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Extract the boot.img from #1
Download the factory image of the version you're updating to.
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Download the OTA image for the version you're updating to.
Full OTA Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Apply the boot.img from step #2 (I save this from my previous update so I can skip steps 1 & 2 above.)
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot "path to boot.img"
fastboot reboot (this is a sanity check to make sure things are normal. The phone should be normal and without root. It can be skipped if you wish, simply use the fastboot menu on the phone and boot to recovery skipping steps 4 & 5.)
Sanity check phone
adb reboot recovery
Once in recovery hold the power button and click volume up
Use the volume keys to highlight "Apply update from ADB"
Click the power button.
On your computer run: adb sideload "path to #4" and wait for it to finish. You'll get status on the adb command and on the phone.
Once finished restart the phone and let it finish the update.
Your phone is now updated but without root.
Extract boot.img from #2 above.
Copy it to the phone
Open magisk manager and patch the boot.img you just copied
Copy the patched boot.img file created by magisk manager back to your computer
Apply this file using fastboot
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash boot "path to patched boot.img"
fastboot reboot
You can now delete 1, 3, & 4. I save #12 for the next update. This eliminates the need for 1 & 2.
You should now have an updated rooted device.
zeepzorp said:
Thank you. Well-written, just a few minor corrections.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, updated the original.
Thanks for the instructions. I was able to re-root the device, but I couldn't pass SafetyNet Attestation.
My P5 has updated to: 11.0.0 (RQ1A.210105.003, Jan 2021)
I used MagiskHide Props Config (updated) method. which is:
#1 (edit device fingerprint)
#f (Pick a certified finger print)
#7 (google)
#20 (pixel 3a)
#3 (Android version 11)
#y (restart)
The devices rebooted but still, no SafetyNet pass.
hamooz92 said:
Thanks for the instructions. I was able to re-root the device, but I couldn't pass SafetyNet Attestation.
My P5 has updated to: 11.0.0 (RQ1A.210105.003, Jan 2021)
I used MagiskHide Props Config (updated) method. which is:
#1 (edit device fingerprint)
#f (Pick a certified finger print)
#7 (google)
#20 (pixel 3a)
#3 (Android version 11)
#y (restart)
The devices rebooted but still, no SafetyNet pass.
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Click to collapse
Altering the model prop doesn't work for safety net any longer. There is a safetynet-fix magisk module you can use.
l7777 said:
Altering the model prop doesn't work for safety net any longer. There is a safetynet-fix magisk module you can use.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have also flashed Universal SafetyNet Fix but no luck
hamooz92 said:
I have also flashed Universal SafetyNet Fix but no luck
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I just flashed the safety net fix myself and it worked like a charm.
I also left the magisk config prop module installed (just because)
Are all your other Magisk settings in order (magisk hide, checking all the boxes under GooglePlay , etc.)?
l7777 said:
Download the factory image for your current software version.
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
current build number is RD1A.200810.021.A1
zeepzorp said:
Download the OTA image for the version you're updating to.
Full OTA Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
one the ota site there's only one "EU carrier" images different than the current one: RD1A.201105.003.B1 (NOV 2020). should i use this one or can i also use the this one f.e. RQ2A.210305.006 (nothing specified)
You may find my video helpfu too but it more pertains to installing the DP1 for Android 12, but the update process is practically the same.. For rooting Android 12, it seems we need to disable verity/verification of boot images, otherwise flashing a modified boot img will just boot immediately to fastboot again.
narf0815 said:
current build number is RD1A.200810.021.A1
one the ota site there's only one "EU carrier" images different than the current one: RD1A.201105.003.B1 (NOV 2020). should i use this one or can i also use the this one f.e. RQ2A.210305.006 (nothing specified)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In your case yes I'd probably use RQ2A.210305.006.
zeepzorp said:
Thank you. Well-written, just a few minor corrections.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
l7777 said:
Thanks, updated the original.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you, l7777 and zeepzorp. This is also the way I would have done it. Out of curiosity and to reduce manual steps in between, would it work to restore the original boot.img to unroot and then use the normal OTA updates inside Android? Without a spare phone or a TWRP backup I hesitate to try this.
Also, when following the manual update steps, is it safe to skip versions in between, e.g. update directly from January to March versions? In my past 10 years of manually updating ROMs I have never used any OTA update functionality from inside Android and I noticed that the OTA update process, which was performed in mid January 2021 when unpacking the phone, updated the ROM in the following order, each separated by reboots in between:
Shipped version: 11.0.0 (RD1A.200810.021.A1, Oct 2020, EU carriers)
1st OTA update: 11.0.0 (RQ1A.201205.011, Dec 2020, All carriers except AT&T and Verizon)
2nd OTA update and at that time current version: 11.0.0 (RQ1A.210105.003, Jan 2021)
Why did it not skip the version in between and directly update to the January version?
dhrv said:
Thank you, l7777 and zeepzorp. This is also the way I would have done it. Out of curiosity and to reduce manual steps in between, would it work to restore the original boot.img to unroot and then use the normal OTA updates inside Android? Without a spare phone or a TWRP backup I hesitate to try this.
Also, when following the manual update steps, is it safe to skip versions in between, e.g. update directly from January to March versions? In my past 10 years of manually updating ROMs I have never used any OTA update functionality from inside Android and I noticed that the OTA update process, which was performed in mid January 2021 when unpacking the phone, updated the ROM in the following order, each separated by reboots in between:
Shipped version: 11.0.0 (RD1A.200810.021.A1, Oct 2020, EU carriers)
1st OTA update: 11.0.0 (RQ1A.201205.011, Dec 2020, All carriers except AT&T and Verizon)
2nd OTA update and at that time current version: 11.0.0 (RQ1A.210105.003, Jan 2021)
Why did it not skip the version in between and directly update to the January version?
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Click to collapse
As far as skipping monthly updates, I only update every other month (unless there's a massive update for security) and I've had zero issues. Just updated to March from January, no problems.
I'm having a hard time understanding your instructions. I apologize in advance but, could I get a more detailed list of instructions?
philharmon said:
I'm having a hard time understanding your instructions. I apologize in advance but, could I get a more detailed list of instructions?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Follow these instructions, they're pretty much step for step.
They're included in my OP (hyperlinked) as well.
If you have a specific question, just ask!
Az Biker said:
Follow these instructions, they're pretty much step for step.
They're included in my OP (hyperlinked) as well.
If you have a specific question, just ask!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Be warned, nothing after step 20 in that guide is valid any longer. Passing safetynet requires a different magisk module.
GitHub - kdrag0n/safetynet-fix: Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk - GitHub - kdrag0n/safetynet-fix: Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
l7777 said:
Be warned, nothing after step 20 in that guide is valid any longer. Passing safetynet requires a different magisk module.
GitHub - kdrag0n/safetynet-fix: Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk - GitHub - kdrag0n/safetynet-fix: Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Which is why the following warning has been written in the OP since Feb 2021:
* * * MagiskHide Props Config IS NO LONGER WORKING * * *
Please follow THIS LINK for the Universal Safetynet Fix that replaces the MagiskHide Props Config process.
Has anyone tried the Pixel update and software repair tool
Google Pixel - Update and Software Repair
to go from Android 10 to 11?
Then modify the boot image with Magisk and fastbooting that?
Az Biker said:
Which is why the following warning has been written in the OP since Feb 2021:
* * * MagiskHide Props Config IS NO LONGER WORKING * * *
Please follow THIS LINK for the Universal Safetynet Fix that replaces the MagiskHide Props Config process.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That assumes that people read the OP.
biTToe said:
Has anyone tried the Pixel update and software repair tool
Google Pixel - Update and Software Repair
to go from Android 10 to 11?
Then modify the boot image with Magisk and fastbooting that?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It will almost certainly perform a factory reset in the process.
Just sharing how I do it in case someone is interested in a shorter path:
1. Download the new full factory image
2. Extract the file. Then extract boot.img from the image zip file within.
3. Copy boot.img to your pixel 5
4. Patch it with magisk
5. Move back the patched file, rename it to boot.img
6. Update the original zip file titled image-redfin-r*.zip with the new boot.img file (override the older one)
7. Edit flash-all file by removing -w so it won't wipe your device clean
8. Flash with flash-all
No need to unroot and reroot.

[ROM][13][OFFICIAL][redfin][arm64] crDroid v9 for Google Pixel 5

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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
*** Disclaimer
I am not responsible for any damage you made to your device
You have been warned
crDroid is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device also attempting to bringing many of the best features existent today
Flashing Instructions:
Recovery (Download from here)
(OPTIONAL)GApps (Download from here)
First time installation:
Make sure you are running Android 13 firmware
Flash vendor_boot.img and boot.img to install crDroid recovery using fastboot
Reboot to recovery
Press "Apply update"
Press "Apply from ADB"
adb sideload
on your PC to flash the crDroid zip
Update installation:
Can be done via OTA using the built in updater in Settings
ROM: https://github.com/crdroidandroid
Kernel: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_kernel_google_redbull
ROM https://crdroid.net/redfin
Changelog: https://crdroid.net/redfin/9#changelog
Known issues:
You tell me
Visit official website @ crDroid.net
Support chat on Telegram
crDroid Community Telegram
crDroid Updates Channel
Donate to help our team pay server costs
Please note that this ROM is 64 bit only!
Like the Pixel 7 you cannot install legacy 32 bit applications. For most people this is fine, and brings several benefits. However, if you require older 32 bit applications (like Flappy Bird) please do not install this ROM.
For more information, read this Android Developers Blog post: https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2022/10/64-bit-only-devices.html
Thanks, I've been waiting for this version.
I tried this ROM and had some problems installing it to make Magisk work and also the Google Apps.
The exact problems are in the body text of the spoiler.
Spoiler: My problems with the installation of the ROM
I tried this ROM on my p5 and had some trouble getting it to work with Magisk and Gapps.
Previously I was on the Evolution ROM (https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...lution-x-7-2-unbound-tp1a-221005-002.4501629/) before I made the switch to CRDOID.
The aforementioned ROM is at the November 2022 security patch level with Android 13, and CRDROID with build date 2022-12-25 is based on the December 2022 security patch level.
The info is important because I could not boot the patched boot.img with Magisk with the November patch level. It just got stuck at the google logo.
After my phone was at the December level, I was able to flash the patched boot image with Magisk, as well as the vendor_boot image without the phone getting stuck in the google logo. Because if it's stuck in the google logo, you can't even boot into recovery to install the ROM.
And the patched boot image with Magisk is needed immediately, because without it I could flash the Mind The Gapps, but after booting into the Android OS they were not findable. Only with the patched boot image were the Google Apps available in the Android OS after flashing of mind the gapps. Other Gapps variations like LiteGapps, NikGapps or BiTGApps didn't install in the first place.
To identify that Magisk was present in the boot image, I had to manually install the Magisk app and in it I could see that the boot image was patched. As well as the Google Apps.
In the next step, I was able to log into the Play Store, but then I got a persistent message that I was offline in the Play Store and could not use it.
To fix this, I booted back into recovery, did a factory reset, and after booting, the Google installation setup came up, which I did, and then I could use the Play Store.
In the next step I wanted to install Magisk modules, installed a few, like the Universal Safetynet Patch and LSPOSED via Zygisk and restarted the phone.
After restarting, the phone ran for a minute and crashed completely. This happened until I removed all Magisk modules (disabling them also crashed the phone). As soon as a magisk module is installed and activated on reboot, the phone crashes after a minute. So far I have no idea what the problem is, so I currently have no modules installed and the phone works.
What I noticed is that the app com.android.hbmsvmanager drains some battery even with the ROM. In the Evolution ROM I had accordingly provided a tutorial on how to disable the app to kill the battery guzzler.
[ROM][13][UNOFFICIAL][redfin] Evolution-X | 7.3-Vengeance |TD1A.221105.001
I am not affiliated with the official Evolution-X team. link to kernel source: https://github.com/HubertVonJass/vendor_google_redfin_13 my other repos for the device and vendor are there as well. downloads...
If you still want to install the ROM on your phone after reading the Wall of Text, and you are coming from another ROM, follow these steps.
ROM Issues with this appraoch: You can't use magisk modules. If you use them the phone crashes unless you removed all of the installed modules.
Patch the boot image from the first post with magisk. Without magisk, you can install the Google Apps, but you will not be able to see them in the Android OS and thus will not be able to use them.
If you don't want Google Apps or magisk, you can skip this step.
In short, install the Magisk App, copy the file boot.img on your phone via usb cable. In magisk click on install, select a file -> choose the boot.img. Afterwards copy the patched magisk image from your Downloads Folder to your PC.
Check your Android security patch status in the current ROM. It is necessary that you have the same patch level as the current build version of CRDROID (Build 2022-12-25 = December 2022 Security Patch).
To do this, open the Settings app. Under Phone -> Android Version -> Security Patch Level.
So when there are future ROM updates from CRDROID, make sure you patch your device to the same security level (easiest to install the Google Factory Image for the patch level) and then install the CRDROID ROM.
If you don't want to use magisk or Google Apps you can skip this step.
Backup your data from the phone (if you have root, use Swift Backup to backup all app data). The best way is to copy your data to your PC.
Backup all folders and files in the first step, but leave out the Android folder for now, as the copy process will be interrupted when copying the Android folder. Then, in the backup directory, create the Android folder and the data, media and obb folders inside it.
You should be able to copy the media and obb folders to your PC without any problems. For the data folder, I recommend skipping any folders that contain android or google as these are the problematic folders. You can then backup these folders once you have backed up the rest. For the problematic folders, I would recommend ignoring them, but if you still need them, copy them over one by one."
If you don't have a backup and want to start from scratch, you can skip this step. But you will lose all your data if you haven't backed it up to a cloud service or somewhere else, so be warned.
If the device is based on the security level like CRDROID or you don't need magisk and Google Apps, you can skip this step.
If your device is not based on the security level of the CRDROID version, you will have to update your phone to that version first.
Download the Google Stock ROM, based on the security state:
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
13.0.0 (TQ1A.221205.011, Dec 2022) for CRDROID Build 2022-12-25.
Download the current adb tools for your PC OS:
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
Extract the downloaded Factory image zip file. Copy all the adb tools files for your OS inside the extracted folder.
Boot your phone into fastboot. Reboot your phone and then hold power + volume down while the phone reboots. Connect your phone to your PC while it is in fastboot mode.
Execute the flash-all.bat / flash-all.sh (regarding your PC OS). With this the entire phone gets updated to the needed security patch and all your data on the phone got wiped.
Installation​After all the prerequisites are done, we come to the ROM installation.
Download all the files from the first post [(if you don't already have them) vendor_boot image, Rom zip file and mind the gapps for Android 13 in arm64]. Move them all to the folder where the adb files are already located.
Move the patched magisk boot image to this folder
Reboot your phone to fastboot mode, connect your phone to your pc while it is in fastboot mode.
execute the following commands
fastboot flash boot <magisk_boot image name> --slot all
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img --slot all
After both files got installed on your phone navigate the fastboot menu with the volume keys to the point recovery and click the power button to navigate into it.
In recovery mode go to "factory reset" -> "Format data/factory reset" after the click the entire phone data got wiped.
In recovery mode go to Apply Update -> "Apply from ADB"
On your PC execute the following Commands:
adb sideload <crDroidAndroid-13.0 zip file>
After an succesfully ROM installation reboot the phone into ANDROID OS.
Go trough the First setup and skip most of the parts.
Reboot your phone again into recovery mode. You can hold the power button -> Restart -> Recovery to go into it.
In Recovery mode go to Apply Update -> "Apply from ADB"
Connect your phone to your PC and execute the command:
adb sideload <MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64 zip file>
Afterwards reboot phone again into Android OS and validate that the play Store Icon is available and reboot again into recovery mode. if not install the magisk app https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/ and check if magisk is installed. if it is installed on your phone and the mind the gapps installation was successfull, I don't know why it didn't worked.
Inside the recovery mode go to factory reset and execute again an data Format
Afterwards restart phone again and now you should be able to execute the google install setup. Go trough all steps.
Afterwards install the magisk app and validate that it is installed and check if the play store is working.
After the Installation​
Copy your backupped files from your PC and reinstall all the needed apps or use swift backup (when you have an swift backup backup) to restore all the needed apps.
You can try to install magisk modules and hope that your phone won't crash after you rebooted it.
Raz0Rfail said:
I tried this ROM and had some problems installing it to make Magisk work and also the Google Apps.
The exact problems are in the body text of the spoiler.
Spoiler: My problems with the installation of the ROM
I tried this ROM on my p5 and had some trouble getting it to work with Magisk and Gapps.
Previously I was on the Evolution ROM (https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...lution-x-7-2-unbound-tp1a-221005-002.4501629/) before I made the switch to CRDOID.
The aforementioned ROM is at the November 2022 security patch level with Android 13, and CRDROID with build date 2022-12-25 is based on the December 2022 security patch level.
The info is important because I could not boot the patched boot.img with Magisk with the November patch level. It just got stuck at the google logo.
After my phone was at the December level, I was able to flash the patched boot image with Magisk, as well as the vendor_boot image without the phone getting stuck in the google logo. Because if it's stuck in the google logo, you can't even boot into recovery to install the ROM.
And the patched boot image with Magisk is needed immediately, because without it I could flash the Mind The Gapps, but after booting into the Android OS they were not findable. Only with the patched boot image were the Google Apps available in the Android OS after flashing of mind the gapps. Other Gapps variations like LiteGapps, NikGapps or BiTGApps didn't install in the first place.
To identify that Magisk was present in the boot image, I had to manually install the Magisk app and in it I could see that the boot image was patched. As well as the Google Apps.
In the next step, I was able to log into the Play Store, but then I got a persistent message that I was offline in the Play Store and could not use it.
To fix this, I booted back into recovery, did a factory reset, and after booting, the Google installation setup came up, which I did, and then I could use the Play Store.
In the next step I wanted to install Magisk modules, installed a few, like the Universal Safetynet Patch and LSPOSED via Zygisk and restarted the phone.
After restarting, the phone ran for a minute and crashed completely. This happened until I removed all Magisk modules (disabling them also crashed the phone). As soon as a magisk module is installed and activated on reboot, the phone crashes after a minute. So far I have no idea what the problem is, so I currently have no modules installed and the phone works.
What I noticed is that the app com.android.hbmsvmanager drains some battery even with the ROM. In the Evolution ROM I had accordingly provided a tutorial on how to disable the app to kill the battery guzzler.
[ROM][13][UNOFFICIAL][redfin] Evolution-X | 7.3-Vengeance |TD1A.221105.001
I am not affiliated with the official Evolution-X team. link to kernel source: https://github.com/HubertVonJass/vendor_google_redfin_13 my other repos for the device and vendor are there as well. downloads...
If you still want to install the ROM on your phone after reading the Wall of Text, and you are coming from another ROM, follow these steps.
ROM Issues with this appraoch: You can't use magisk modules. If you use them the phone crashes unless you removed all of the installed modules.
Patch the boot image from the first post with magisk. Without magisk, you can install the Google Apps, but you will not be able to see them in the Android OS and thus will not be able to use them.
If you don't want Google Apps or magisk, you can skip this step.
In short, install the Magisk App, copy the file boot.img on your phone via usb cable. In magisk click on install, select a file -> choose the boot.img. Afterwards copy the patched magisk image from your Downloads Folder to your PC.
Check your Android security patch status in the current ROM. It is necessary that you have the same patch level as the current build version of CRDROID (Build 2022-12-25 = December 2022 Security Patch).
To do this, open the Settings app. Under Phone -> Android Version -> Security Patch Level.
So when there are future ROM updates from CRDROID, make sure you patch your device to the same security level (easiest to install the Google Factory Image for the patch level) and then install the CRDROID ROM.
If you don't want to use magisk or Google Apps you can skip this step.
Backup your data from the phone (if you have root, use Swift Backup to backup all app data). The best way is to copy your data to your PC.
Backup all folders and files in the first step, but leave out the Android folder for now, as the copy process will be interrupted when copying the Android folder. Then, in the backup directory, create the Android folder and the data, media and obb folders inside it.
You should be able to copy the media and obb folders to your PC without any problems. For the data folder, I recommend skipping any folders that contain android or google as these are the problematic folders. You can then backup these folders once you have backed up the rest. For the problematic folders, I would recommend ignoring them, but if you still need them, copy them over one by one."
If you don't have a backup and want to start from scratch, you can skip this step. But you will lose all your data if you haven't backed it up to a cloud service or somewhere else, so be warned.
If the device is based on the security level like CRDROID or you don't need magisk and Google Apps, you can skip this step.
If your device is not based on the security level of the CRDROID version, you will have to update your phone to that version first.
Download the Google Stock ROM, based on the security state:
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
13.0.0 (TQ1A.221205.011, Dec 2022) for CRDROID Build 2022-12-25.
Download the current adb tools for your PC OS:
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
Extract the downloaded Factory image zip file. Copy all the adb tools files for your OS inside the extracted folder.
Boot your phone into fastboot. Reboot your phone and then hold power + volume down while the phone reboots. Connect your phone to your PC while it is in fastboot mode.
Execute the flash-all.bat / flash-all.sh (regarding your PC OS). With this the entire phone gets updated to the needed security patch and all your data on the phone got wiped.
Installation​After all the prerequisites are done, we come to the ROM installation.
Download all the files from the first post [(if you don't already have them) vendor_boot image, Rom zip file and mind the gapps for Android 13 in arm64]. Move them all to the folder where the adb files are already located.
Move the patched magisk boot image to this folder
Reboot your phone to fastboot mode, connect your phone to your pc while it is in fastboot mode.
execute the following commands
fastboot flash boot <magisk_boot image name> --slot all
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img --slot all
After both files got installed on your phone navigate the fastboot menu with the volume keys to the point recovery and click the power button to navigate into it.
In recovery mode go to "factory reset" -> "Format data/factory reset" after the click the entire phone data got wiped.
In recovery mode go to Apply Update -> "Apply from ADB"
On your PC execute the following Commands:
adb sideload <crDroidAndroid-13.0 zip file>
After an succesfully ROM installation reboot the phone into ANDROID OS.
Go trough the First setup and skip most of the parts.
Reboot your phone again into recovery mode. You can hold the power button -> Restart -> Recovery to go into it.
In Recovery mode go to Apply Update -> "Apply from ADB"
Connect your phone to your PC and execute the command:
adb sideload <MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64 zip file>
Afterwards reboot phone again into Android OS and validate that the play Store Icon is available and reboot again into recovery mode. if not install the magisk app https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/ and check if magisk is installed. if it is installed on your phone and the mind the gapps installation was successfull, I don't know why it didn't worked.
Inside the recovery mode go to factory reset and execute again an data Format
Afterwards restart phone again and now you should be able to execute the google install setup. Go trough all steps.
Afterwards install the magisk app and validate that it is installed and check if the play store is working.
After the Installation​
Copy your backupped files from your PC and reinstall all the needed apps or use swift backup (when you have an swift backup backup) to restore all the needed apps.
You can try to install magisk modules and hope that your phone won't crash after you rebooted it.
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Thanks for the info. Was about to make a jump tonight, guess i need to postphone since this my only device.
saxmydix,​This is my only Device as well. But with enough time and a good backup and you are good to go .
Raz0Rfail said:
saxmydix,​This is my only Device as well. But with enough time and a good backup and you are good to go .
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I need to use root and the modules tho. You think this related to 64 bit only ?
saxmydix said:
I need to use root and the modules tho. You think this related to 64 bit only ?
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I think I found the reason why my phone crashed after installing Magisk modules.
I installed the "Magisk bootloop protector" module and installed it directly into the boot image. After re-flashing the patched boot image with Magisk and installing all the other modules I used before and skipping the bootloop protector module, the phone has not crashed in the last few hours.
I also installed 5 lsposed modules and so far the phone works without crashing.
I have tested it out after I wrote the long wall of text at 03:39 am.
Raz0Rfail said:
I tried this ROM and had some problems installing it to make Magisk work and also the Google Apps.
The exact problems are in the body text of the spoiler.
Spoiler: My problems with the installation of the ROM
I tried this ROM on my p5 and had some trouble getting it to work with Magisk and Gapps.
Previously I was on the Evolution ROM (https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...lution-x-7-2-unbound-tp1a-221005-002.4501629/) before I made the switch to CRDOID.
The aforementioned ROM is at the November 2022 security patch level with Android 13, and CRDROID with build date 2022-12-25 is based on the December 2022 security patch level.
The info is important because I could not boot the patched boot.img with Magisk with the November patch level. It just got stuck at the google logo.
After my phone was at the December level, I was able to flash the patched boot image with Magisk, as well as the vendor_boot image without the phone getting stuck in the google logo. Because if it's stuck in the google logo, you can't even boot into recovery to install the ROM.
And the patched boot image with Magisk is needed immediately, because without it I could flash the Mind The Gapps, but after booting into the Android OS they were not findable. Only with the patched boot image were the Google Apps available in the Android OS after flashing of mind the gapps. Other Gapps variations like LiteGapps, NikGapps or BiTGApps didn't install in the first place.
To identify that Magisk was present in the boot image, I had to manually install the Magisk app and in it I could see that the boot image was patched. As well as the Google Apps.
In the next step, I was able to log into the Play Store, but then I got a persistent message that I was offline in the Play Store and could not use it.
To fix this, I booted back into recovery, did a factory reset, and after booting, the Google installation setup came up, which I did, and then I could use the Play Store.
In the next step I wanted to install Magisk modules, installed a few, like the Universal Safetynet Patch and LSPOSED via Zygisk and restarted the phone.
After restarting, the phone ran for a minute and crashed completely. This happened until I removed all Magisk modules (disabling them also crashed the phone). As soon as a magisk module is installed and activated on reboot, the phone crashes after a minute. So far I have no idea what the problem is, so I currently have no modules installed and the phone works.
What I noticed is that the app com.android.hbmsvmanager drains some battery even with the ROM. In the Evolution ROM I had accordingly provided a tutorial on how to disable the app to kill the battery guzzler.
[ROM][13][UNOFFICIAL][redfin] Evolution-X | 7.3-Vengeance |TD1A.221105.001
I am not affiliated with the official Evolution-X team. link to kernel source: https://github.com/HubertVonJass/vendor_google_redfin_13 my other repos for the device and vendor are there as well. downloads...
If you still want to install the ROM on your phone after reading the Wall of Text, and you are coming from another ROM, follow these steps.
ROM Issues with this appraoch: You can't use magisk modules. If you use them the phone crashes unless you removed all of the installed modules.
Patch the boot image from the first post with magisk. Without magisk, you can install the Google Apps, but you will not be able to see them in the Android OS and thus will not be able to use them.
If you don't want Google Apps or magisk, you can skip this step.
In short, install the Magisk App, copy the file boot.img on your phone via usb cable. In magisk click on install, select a file -> choose the boot.img. Afterwards copy the patched magisk image from your Downloads Folder to your PC.
Check your Android security patch status in the current ROM. It is necessary that you have the same patch level as the current build version of CRDROID (Build 2022-12-25 = December 2022 Security Patch).
To do this, open the Settings app. Under Phone -> Android Version -> Security Patch Level.
So when there are future ROM updates from CRDROID, make sure you patch your device to the same security level (easiest to install the Google Factory Image for the patch level) and then install the CRDROID ROM.
If you don't want to use magisk or Google Apps you can skip this step.
Backup your data from the phone (if you have root, use Swift Backup to backup all app data). The best way is to copy your data to your PC.
Backup all folders and files in the first step, but leave out the Android folder for now, as the copy process will be interrupted when copying the Android folder. Then, in the backup directory, create the Android folder and the data, media and obb folders inside it.
You should be able to copy the media and obb folders to your PC without any problems. For the data folder, I recommend skipping any folders that contain android or google as these are the problematic folders. You can then backup these folders once you have backed up the rest. For the problematic folders, I would recommend ignoring them, but if you still need them, copy them over one by one."
If you don't have a backup and want to start from scratch, you can skip this step. But you will lose all your data if you haven't backed it up to a cloud service or somewhere else, so be warned.
If the device is based on the security level like CRDROID or you don't need magisk and Google Apps, you can skip this step.
If your device is not based on the security level of the CRDROID version, you will have to update your phone to that version first.
Download the Google Stock ROM, based on the security state:
Factory Images for Nexus and Pixel Devices | Google Play services | Google for Developers
13.0.0 (TQ1A.221205.011, Dec 2022) for CRDROID Build 2022-12-25.
Download the current adb tools for your PC OS:
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
Extract the downloaded Factory image zip file. Copy all the adb tools files for your OS inside the extracted folder.
Boot your phone into fastboot. Reboot your phone and then hold power + volume down while the phone reboots. Connect your phone to your PC while it is in fastboot mode.
Execute the flash-all.bat / flash-all.sh (regarding your PC OS). With this the entire phone gets updated to the needed security patch and all your data on the phone got wiped.
Installation​After all the prerequisites are done, we come to the ROM installation.
Download all the files from the first post [(if you don't already have them) vendor_boot image, Rom zip file and mind the gapps for Android 13 in arm64]. Move them all to the folder where the adb files are already located.
Move the patched magisk boot image to this folder
Reboot your phone to fastboot mode, connect your phone to your pc while it is in fastboot mode.
execute the following commands
fastboot flash boot <magisk_boot image name> --slot all
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img --slot all
After both files got installed on your phone navigate the fastboot menu with the volume keys to the point recovery and click the power button to navigate into it.
In recovery mode go to "factory reset" -> "Format data/factory reset" after the click the entire phone data got wiped.
In recovery mode go to Apply Update -> "Apply from ADB"
On your PC execute the following Commands:
adb sideload <crDroidAndroid-13.0 zip file>
After an succesfully ROM installation reboot the phone into ANDROID OS.
Go trough the First setup and skip most of the parts.
Reboot your phone again into recovery mode. You can hold the power button -> Restart -> Recovery to go into it.
In Recovery mode go to Apply Update -> "Apply from ADB"
Connect your phone to your PC and execute the command:
adb sideload <MindTheGapps-13.0.0-arm64 zip file>
Afterwards reboot phone again into Android OS and validate that the play Store Icon is available and reboot again into recovery mode. if not install the magisk app https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/ and check if magisk is installed. if it is installed on your phone and the mind the gapps installation was successfull, I don't know why it didn't worked.
Inside the recovery mode go to factory reset and execute again an data Format
Afterwards restart phone again and now you should be able to execute the google install setup. Go trough all steps.
Afterwards install the magisk app and validate that it is installed and check if the play store is working.
After the Installation​
Copy your backupped files from your PC and reinstall all the needed apps or use swift backup (when you have an swift backup backup) to restore all the needed apps.
You can try to install magisk modules and hope that your phone won't crash after you rebooted it.
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wow Thank you for the detail.
Now I got to know why lineage OS shows play store offline when I install it.
I may try it after a few later.
Ian getting this error every time I try to install could help me and tell what ism doing wrong I can install the boot but the vendor boot fails and side loading the rim fails ism on stable 13
hunfatal said:
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And thank you for all the work on V7 and V8
mike9976 said:
Ian getting this error every time I try to install could help me and tell what ism doing wrong I can install the boot but the vendor boot fails and side loading the rim fails ism on stable 13
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Check if the adb Version matches this version or higher:
execute in command line: adb.exe version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 33.0.3-8952118
If it's lower download the latest adb tools.
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
Secondary check if you have adb drivers installed for google devices. If you haven't install them before you need them to install.
If you don't know if there are installed download this:
extract the usb_driver folder from it and on the .inf file do an rightclick and click on install. Afterwards reconnect your phone while it is in fastboot mode.
Raz0Rfail said:
Check if the adb Version matches this version or higher:
execute in command line: adb.exe version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 33.0.3-8952118
If it's lower download the latest adb tools.
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
Secondary check if you have adb drivers installed for google devices. If you haven't install them before you need them to install.
If you don't know if there are installed download this:
extract the usb_driver folder from it and on the .inf file do an rightclick and click on install. Afterwards reconnect your phone while it is in fastboot mode.
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Thx I'll try that
I'll keep an eye on it but so far I didn't managed to install both root and gapp. Still a huge thanks to @00p513 and @Raz0Rfail for providing and experience/method sharing!
Looking forward to giving this a go!
eSIM is not working for me also I can't install gapps. I installed the magisk boot.img and also magisk app, flashed the image 2 times and also factory reseted a few times. tried different combinations - not working.
OttoUsualConsumer said:
eSIM is not working for me also I can't install gapps. I installed the magisk boot.img and also magisk app, flashed the image 2 times and also factory reseted a few times. tried different combinations - not working.
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I can't say something regarding eSIM as I don't use it.
hmm did it say in magisk app that magisk is installed not the app?
If not flash the boot partition with the magisk_patched img file.
If you did it already. I recomend an dirty flash of the Rom in the recovery. reboot the phone into Android OS. Go back to the recovery and install magisk the gapps again.
If it didn't helped, do an factory reset and do the entire Installation process again as I described.
Hello all. I am aware of the eSIM and Google Apps issues and will investigate why MindTheGapps is failing to install. As far as I can tell, the lack of eSIM is due to Google Play Services not being present, however I have been unable to get an eSIM until today.
If I install the eSIM on the previous ROM, and then enable DSDS in the phone developer menu, it sometimes works, however this is a far from perfect solution.
I will keep everyone posted in this forum and the support chat on Telegram (the pizza cafe)

