Black HBO Max video display (tablet landscape mode) and for *some* other video apps (Galaxy S6 Lite) - General Questions and Answers

I'm looking at a strange problem that arose suddenly -- I'm not sure when since I had not run any of the affected apps on the tablet recently. When I run HBO Max -- which of course switches to landscape mode before actually running a video -- I end up only with a black screen overlaid with the stop/start/forward/back controls, etc. The horizontal (selection) part of the app is fine. I have tried obvious things like changing settings, wiping data, uninstalling and reinstalling. At some point this was all working such fine.
However, this is not the only app behaving in a similar manner. Both Sling and Criterion are doing much the same on this Samsung Galaxy S6 Lite. In their cases, I do get the video on portrait mode, and lose it in landscape mode. On Sling, I DO see the video in landscape mode momentarily when I select forward or back, or while seeking.
A lot of other apps like YouTube, Pluto, and a whole bunch of others are displaying fine in landscape mode. My guess is that this has something to do with DRM for the premium apps, yet Sling and Criterion *are* displaying video OK in portrait mode. Only HBO Max is totally useless since it has no portrait mode display that I'm aware of.
Any ideas? A factory reset of the tablet is really out of the question. Thanks.


[Q] CM7/Gingerbread & Youtube Auto Screen Orientation Issue

Hey guys, finally got CM7 onto my HTC Vision/T-Mobile G2. Loving it.
However there's one small thing that's been bugging the snot out of me.
I turned off Auto Orientation since I like using my phone while I'm lying down in bed (so I'm usually turned to the side). I'm not a fan of Accelerometers on phones in general. Youtube obeyed the Auto Orientation of Froyo, but Youtube in Gingerbread doesn't. This ONLY happens while playing a video. The Youtube application itself (browsing my subscriptions, searching for videos, etc) works fine, but once I get it playing a video, the phone tries to be "helpful" and play in widescreen/sideways mode whenever I move it around.
The only way I can force it to be the orientation I want is either by pulling out the hardware keyboard (which keeps it in permanent landscape mode) or by double tapping the video (which forces it to go into portrait/landscape mode).
Any way to turn off Youtube's auto orientation change in Gingerbread? I tried using Smart Rotator to force Youtube to listen but it doesn't work.
I tried a bunch of apps from the market but I can't seem to turn it off either. I was so excited to see disabling rotation built into 2.3 with CM7 too.
I'm running CM7 on Droid Incredible.

[Q] Wallpaper display problem

I'm using the latest stock rom and am perplexed. My wallpaper displays strangely in landscape mode. I see 75% of it and the rest of the screen is black.
All apps display properly, the portrait mode looks fine. The lock screen is affected in the same way.
In the wallpaper selection sizing screen an odd size frame is active. The inactive sizing frames that show 'under' are the correct ones I think.
Anyone have any ideas on how to return the display sizing to normal (without a "nuke & pave")?
All apps display properly and no problem in portrait mode.
After watching a couple of videos the problem has sorted itself out.
Strange, the video app (MX Video Player) must have tickled it back somehow.
Go figure.
Thanks to all who checked out this post.
OK, still have the problem, after a reboot. It's the YouTube app that fixes it.
Go figure.
My work-around is to use the Asus 'My Wallpaper' Live Wallpaper and set it to one picture/static.
(I really don't want to nuke & pave and am hoping the next update will fix it for good)
Ive had same problem.
Its caused by appkiller or startup manager.
One system app should not be stoped, dont know wich one.
Good luck!

rotating video

I am using several apps where video's are posted like news videos. For instance NOS is a populair newsfeed app with videos in it. When viewing those videos they are played normal with the Samsung s6 Edge portraid stand. This is only a small part of the screen while the videos can be played on a pc for instalnce full screen.
So i turn the phone landscape and assume the the video will go landscape and full screen to but that isn;t the case it has never done that. The video keeps playing a small part of the screen.
The setting in Android is to turn the screen when the phone is turned so when holding the phone landscape the screen is also landscape. When i choose the camera and set it oin video that videoscreen is landscape so that is working good, but not within apps.
Does anyone now how to solve this..?
corneke said:
I am using several apps where video's are posted like news videos. For instance NOS is a populair newsfeed app with videos in it. When viewing those videos they are played normal with the Samsung s6 Edge portraid stand. This is only a small part of the screen while the videos can be played on a pc for instalnce full screen.
So i turn the phone landscape and assume the the video will go landscape and full screen to but that isn;t the case it has never done that. The video keeps playing a small part of the screen.
The setting in Android is to turn the screen when the phone is turned so when holding the phone landscape the screen is also landscape. When i choose the camera and set it oin video that videoscreen is landscape so that is working good, but not within apps.
Does anyone now how to solve this..?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Videos that play in apps will only play the way the app wants them too. Some apps simply don't allow video rotation.
Ok thx. I had to know that myself....

Am I missing the setting? Why aren't apps stretching to the camera hole?

Almost no app I have stretches over to the camera hole. It's like I have "hide camera hole" selected in settings (it's not). I've also forced full screen every app in Settings, which doesn't work either. I only had the Note 10+ for a week and sent it back as garbage, but I do remember apps using the whole screen to the camera hole. I also have a OnePlus 7 Pro with the same size screen and every app works natively without stretching or zooming.
I think it's BS that Samsung is forcing apps to hide the camera hole unless we go to extremes like using ADB commands to use apps like "Immersive Mode Manager" or having to root our devices to achieve something that's native on other devices. The whole point of having a large screen is to be able to use the whole screen real-estate. Not be deliberately restricted.
Is there an ADB command I can use to at least get my browser to go completely full screen past the camera hole?
***Edit to add*** I'm talking about landscape mode, not portrait. Turning "hide camera hole" on or off only affects apps in portrait mode. I'm trying to get apps to stretch through the camera in landscape mode. Which was possible on the Note 10+, so far not possible on the 20 Ultra.
Updated the OP to see if there is an ADB command that I can use to at least get my browser to go completely full screen past the camera hole?
Also, I added this to the OP, but I'm talking about landscape mode, not portrait. Turning "hide camera hole" on or off only affects apps in portrait mode. I'm trying to get apps to stretch through the camera in landscape mode. Which was possible on the Note 10+, so far not possible on the 20 Ultra.

Question Anyone else have Problems with Auto-rotate on video content?

Received my Pro 7 just over a week ago. However some video content won't display in landscape mode. I first noticed the issue when playing youtube videos from the links in the Google news feed screen. If i turn the embedded video to landscape, it just throws a wobbler and goes black. Then I noticed it on 2 of my CCTV apps. Reolink and Camhi. Again if i switch the live feed, or the recorded clips into landscape, they go crazy. Reolink disconnects the camera feed and reverts back to portrait, and the Camhi just switches back to portrait. Very strange. Ive not found anything online that seems to cover this issues, so was wondering how others get on.

